Fitness classes that can rock your body

Posted: June 16, 2012 at 12:11 pm

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If the thought of another grueling boot camp class has you yawning and dragging your feet, why not try a workout that makes fitness feel like a party?

Whether you like to dance, spin or just channel your inner rock god or goddess, there's a class out there that will fit the bill, and still burn fat and build muscle.

The L.A. Times scoured Los Angeles gyms to come up with three total-body workout classes that bring the music and fun from the clubs into the studio. Think of these as alcohol-free happy hours or your time to release stress while keeping your fitness goals on track.

Prices vary, depending on whether you belong to the gym where the class is offered or buy packages of classes. Some sites offer discounts for the first class. Single classes cost around $20 to $25.

Buti Yoga

(Multiple locations. Classes can be found at

Buti Yoga, developed by yoga and fitness expert Bizzie Gold, is a sexy hybrid of Miami Booty Dance, yoga and CrossFit-type plyometric moves (explosive moves to build power).

Set to loud Afro-Brazilian funk, hip-hop and reggae music, Buti's intense 60- to 90-minute workouts will have you swiveling your hips during warrior one pose and shaking your bum during deep prayer squats.

The suggestive moves are enough to make some first-timers blush or giggle, but Gold believes that Buti's sexy stance is good at building self-esteem and body awareness.

Buti (pronounced booty, not beauty) also amps up the calorie burn. Plank jumping jacks, squats and mountain climbers keep your heart rate elevated between longer poses or vinyasa. And many classic static yoga moves, such as triangle pose, have been transformed into dynamic exercises to help participants stay in a cardio zone.

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Fitness classes that can rock your body

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Written by simmons |

June 16th, 2012 at 12:11 pm

Posted in Financial

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