Best Outdoor Yoga Classes In Los Angeles

Posted: February 5, 2013 at 1:47 pm

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Grand Parks Performance Lawn (Between Grand Ave. and Hill St.) Los Angeles, CA. 90037 (213) 972-8080

Do you work amidst the towering high rises in the urban jungle we call Downtown Los Angeles? Every Wednesday and Fridays from now through March 8 at 12:15 to 1 p.m., head out to enjoy free yoga sessions in the new Grand Park. This vibrant urban oasis is a fantastic place to commune to get your ohm on, with sweeping views extending from the Music Center to City Hall. Mats are available if you forget to bring your own.


Marine St & Waters Edge Santa Monica, CA. 90405 (310) 826-6958

There is something incredibly healing when you can practice yoga near water and connect with the soothing surroundings. Brad leads yoga classes every weekend from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the waters edge by lifeguard station No. 29 for a minimum donation of $10. Bring a large towel, mat, sunscreen and be prepared to get your zen on! Many students gush about watching the waves crash as they are in down dog, gazing upside-down at the ocean. Sounds relaxing, right? If you come to a Sunday class, walk to the Farmers Market on Main Street and Ocean Park after class for some healthy noshing. For more details about Brad and class updates, check out his Facebook page.


4101 Admiralty Way Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 (805) 283-9642

Ever wonder what it would be like to be a fish out of water, attempting the perfect warrior pose? At this innovative concept, the ocean is your yoga studio. YOGAqua merges yoga with the sport of SUP (stand-up paddle) Boarding. Students experience all the benefits of yoga with the added challenge to the core for stability, while practicing under the rays of the sun in the picturesque, calm water in Marina Del Rey. YOGAqua founder Sarah Tiefenthaler says, We live in an amazing city, where we can go surfing in the morning, hiking in the afternoon, yoga at any of the various studios available to us, but what about combining those elements into one? Get outside, soak up the sun, laugh in the water, and practice your yoga!

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Best Outdoor Yoga Classes In Los Angeles

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Written by simmons |

February 5th, 2013 at 1:47 pm

Posted in Financial

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