Anti-ageing face yoga

Posted: January 19, 2013 at 5:52 pm

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Now, Im all for trying new forms of yoga, whether thats anti-gravity yoga in a suspended hammock, Bikram, tantrum, hell, even laughter yoga. But face yoga? Isnt that taking things a step too far?

Yet Gwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham are said to be fans. And if it keeps them looking fresh-faced and peachy, then Im willing to try it.

After all, it makes sense. Both classical and contemporary forms of yoga stretch and relax the limbs, torso and back, while the face tends to get forgotten about. There are 43 muscles in the face, only some of which are used on a daily basis. But just as under-used triceps leave us with bingo wings, weak facial muscles can cause frown lines and store built-up tension.

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So thats why British yoga expert Danielle Collins created the skin firming technique in 2005, by devising 18 facial moves designed to strengthen the facial muscles and smooth fine lines.

Think of it as a form of natural Botox. But instead of having toxins injected into your face, youre giving yourself an anti-aging facelift through self-massage and manipulation.

One of Danielles protgs, Julia Anastasiou, a holistic therapist and consultant facialist who specialises in yoga and meditation, teaches me the moves.

The owl exercises the forehead and smoothes horizontal lines by challenging the muscles above your brows, explains Julia.

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Copying Julia, I curl my forefingers and thumbs in to two C shapes, resting my forefingers above my eyebrows and thumbs on my cheekbone, as if adjusting a snorkelling mask. Then I press gently and raise my eyebrows while smoothing my fingers down over my forehead for two seconds, which I repeat three times.

See more here:
Anti-ageing face yoga

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Written by simmons |

January 19th, 2013 at 5:52 pm

Posted in Financial

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