Andy Murray huge fan of Hotpod yoga

Posted: February 5, 2013 at 1:47 pm

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London, Feb 5 (ANI): A new, pop-up hot yoga studio that travels around offices offering quick classes during workers' lunchbreaks.

Devotees claim hot yoga - the exercise is performed at a high temperature - can calm the mind, help stretching and ease physical woes.

Its celebrity fans include Andy Murray and Lady Gaga, the Daily Mail reported.

Heating the studio to the required temperature often means going to a specialist gym but these new portable "hotpods" aim to change that.

Resembling giant inverted bouncy castles, they are plugged into the mains, then inflated and heated to 38C.

An instructor uses the space - specially designed with curved walls and muted colours to be relaxing - to guide a class of up to 20 people through an intense hour of yoga.

Once the lesson is over, the studio is deflated and folded away.

Hotpod yoga was launched in three London locations last month, and is now expanding nationwide.

"We wanted to focus on people who are busy and have little time to exercise," former strategy consultant Max Henderson, who set up the company with a childhood friend, yoga teacher Nick Higgins said.

He said that hotpod Yoga is perfect for corporate businesses because yoga is great for de-stressing as well as being a strenuous workout, burning up to 700 calories in an hour. (ANI)

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Andy Murray huge fan of Hotpod yoga

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Written by simmons |

February 5th, 2013 at 1:47 pm

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