6 Yoga Poses to Attract a Mate – Video

Posted: February 28, 2013 at 3:54 am

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6 Yoga Poses to Attract a Mate
6 Yoga Poses for Love -- Get in touch with your inner animalistic yogic self. Attract Love Necklace was provided by - http://www.energymuse.com. "To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance." - Oscar Wilde Cat Pose - Feels wonderful for your spine, and just looks pretty sexy. Cat pose is very rejuvenating, and helps to relieve stress. It massages the abdominal organs, and stretches the spine, and whole upper back area. In this pose, with every inhale, you curve your spine down, lifting your head up. As you exhale, you draw your chest and belly in. You repeat this movement a few times. This increases flexibility of the spine, keeping it strong and lengthened. Camel Pose - Is an intense back bend that stretches the groin and stimulates and increases muscular flexibility of the spine. The camel is a strong animal. It represents the ability to accomplish and to go through life #39;s challenges with ease. If you feel disconnected from the world, family or relationships or are struggling with forgiveness, practicing camel pose can help you express your feelings and find compassion towards others. This pose is quite advanced, but well worth the benefits. It aims at opening up the chest, promoting lymph drainage. It opens up the heart chakra, which is associated with love and inner emotions. Downward Dog - Creates great sensations within the body. From your toes up to your hips, and down to your fingertips. As you go deeper in the pose, you neutralize the spine, then bring it ...

By: LexiYoga

6 Yoga Poses to Attract a Mate - Video

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Written by simmons |

February 28th, 2013 at 3:54 am

Posted in Financial

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