Zerner talks nutrition during Ladies Luncheon

Posted: February 26, 2014 at 2:48 pm

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DUNCAN When it comes to living a healthier lifestyle, dietitian Meridan Zerner said a few small changes could make all the difference for the long term.

Zerner, who is employed by the Cooper Clinic in Dallas, Texas, was the guest speaker Tuesday for the Duncan Regional Hospital Health Foundations annual Ladies Luncheon at the Simmons Center. About 270 people were in attendance.

I feel so honored and privileged, Zerner said prior to the program. Any opportunity I get to share healthy living, I find it invaluable.

Earlier in the day, Zerner led a Pilates class of about 25 people at the Simmons Center.

For Zerner, that class was only the first move toward healthier living. She said, aside from exercise, nutrition plays a sizable role.

During the Ladies Luncheon, she talked about the importance of proper nutrition, including proper portion sizes. She said, nutrition makes up one-third of a healthy lifestyle. The other two-thirds includes exercise and sleep/stress management.

Zerner recommended eating smaller meals throughout the day, which would equate to about five meals, instead of one or two larger meals. Much of the food people should be eating should be fruits and vegetables.

Eat more color, more plant-based foods, she said.

She also spoke about the benefit of carbohydrates, which are detrimental to the brain, nervous system and muscles.

She said the benefit of carbohydrates and proteins are lost when people eat too many at once, instead of sticking to portion sizes.

Read more:
Zerner talks nutrition during Ladies Luncheon

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Written by simmons |

February 26th, 2014 at 2:48 pm

Posted in Excercise

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