This woman’s excercise review will make you wheeze laughing –

Posted: February 19, 2017 at 10:51 pm

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Trying to tone up and get fit is always a challenge.

Many of us promise ourselves every Monday to start the diet and vigorous gym routine to no avail.

Sometimes, the pressure we put on ourselves to stay dedicated can leave us slightly disappointed when we don't achieve the results we set out to get, leaving us beating ourselves up needlessly.

One way many of us decide to lose a few pounds is by using an exerciseDVD as it's cheap and you can work away from the comfort of your own home - the dream.

Antonella The Uncensored Reviewer did just that and the results are simply hilarious.

Reviewing Charlotte Crosby's 3 minute Belly Blitz, Antonella told followers of her predicament in being absolutely 'knackered' after the workout.

Her honest account and slightly er, coloured language will surely have you CRY laughing.

See the original post:

This woman's excercise review will make you wheeze laughing -

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Written by grays |

February 19th, 2017 at 10:51 pm

Posted in Excercise

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