NYC Medical Reserve Corps “Staten Island Yankee Stadium” Excercise

Posted: April 11, 2013 at 5:57 am

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Sports, Baseball

We will be setting up at the Staten Island Yankee Stadium right near the Ferry and the incident will be a Subway accident (right below the stadium). We will be looking for the volunteers to show upto play patients.Registration Information:Registration will begin at 5:00pm and a light dinner will be provided laterin theevening.To find the most convenient travel for you go to: would appreciate if you can make every effort to attend.If you have any additional questions or comments, feel free tocontactus at: look forward to seeing you there!Betty DugganNYC MRC Program Manager&Haddie LizasuainNYC MRC Coordinator MRC "Staten Island Yankee Stadium" Excercise 0.00

Who will be cheering on the Atlanta Falcons from the sidelines this coming season? That was determined Wednesday night as the 2013 Atlanta Falcons cheerleaders were picked.

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NYC Medical Reserve Corps "Staten Island Yankee Stadium" Excercise

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Written by simmons |

April 11th, 2013 at 5:57 am

Posted in Excercise

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