From the comments: Readers react to Saginaw County judge being ‘fed up’ with recent shootings of unintended targets

Posted: June 20, 2012 at 11:22 pm

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Since on Tuesday reported the lengthy sentence that Saginaw County Circuit Judge Darnell Jackson handed down to Donte R. Houston for second-degree murder of an unintended 70-year-old woman target and the judge's comments that he's fed up with the recent wave of violence in Saginaw, including similar incidents involving children, more than 30 comments have rolled in. While some readers applauded Jackson's words and sentence, others claimed it still wouldn't send the right message and wanted more, including the death penalty. Read some of those comments below and then join the discussion here.

Reader sillyday wrote:

Pack 'em in like sardines who cares. They have no remorse EVER. And those that don't cooperate throw them in jail, too. They're just as much part of the problem.

Commenter coolrunnings11 added:

Nice to see a judge exemplify the feelings of a community. I pray that this guy doesn't call the ACLU and go after the judge for using his personal feelings/emotions to sentence people.

Way to go judge.

Commenter wtph brought in the death penalty argument:

In all honesty, even the longer prison sentence makes zero sense to me. This thug KILLED an innocent person. Tell me why he deserves to keep living?

We keep slapping these people on the wrist (and by 'slapping these people on the wrist,' I mean feeding them, housing them in air-conditioned cells with excercise equipment, entertainment, etc.) only to let them get out early for good behavior. Does the victim get any benefits for 'good behavior?' No, because she is dead.

Bring back the death penalty and the streets of Saginaw, Flint and Detroit will become much safer, much quicker.

See original here:
From the comments: Readers react to Saginaw County judge being 'fed up' with recent shootings of unintended targets

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Written by simmons |

June 20th, 2012 at 11:22 pm

Posted in Excercise

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