Father of aerobics speaks tonight at Simmons Center

Posted: February 26, 2014 at 2:48 pm

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DUNCAN Dr. Kenneth Coopers name may not known everywhere, but most folks have heard of the excercise phenomenon he created -- aerobics.

Cooper, the founder of aerobics, will speak to Duncan area residents at 7 p.m. today at the Simmons Center Theatre. Coopers program is titled Exercise Is Medicine. Coopers visit is part of the Duncan Regional Hospitals Health Week.

More than 40 years have passed since Cooper released his book Aerobics, which was aimed at encouraging people to exercise. There is no charge for Coopers talk, which will focus on revolutionizing health and fitness.

He is the creator of aerobics; he will talk about how you need to take care of yourself, Cyndi Crook, Duncan Regional Hospital Health Foundation director, said.

Crook said Cooper is well-known in his field and around the world. The Cooper Clinic, which has been a fixture in Dallas for the last 45 years, focuses on helping people prevent disease and promote healthy lifestyles.

For the DRH Health Foundation, the Cooper Clinics goals fall in line with those of the Health Foundation.

The goal of the hospital and the foundation is to provide information on how to have a healthy life, Crook said. He will provide some great information.

Cooper isnt the only attraction for this years Health Week. The week officially kicked off with the annual Give It a Tri Triathlon on Sunday.

At 8 a.m. today, Meridan Zerner, registered dietitian for the Cooper Clinic, will teach beginner Pilates. Zerner will also be the guest speaker for the ninth annual Ladies Luncheon, which will be from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Simmons Center.

For information about Health Week, call the DRH Health Foundation at 580-251-8211.

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Father of aerobics speaks tonight at Simmons Center

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Written by simmons |

February 26th, 2014 at 2:48 pm

Posted in Excercise

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