Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Emergency Excercise –

Posted: July 1, 2017 at 5:44 am

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MORGAN COUNTY, Ala. - Today FEMA announced whether or not Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant passed its emergency exercise. The drill was held on Wednesday and it involved several local and state agencies. "What this drill is for is to test offsite and the onsite coordination for a possible release of radiation from a nuclear power plant," FEMA Branch Chief Randy Hecht said.

TVA wants to make sure everyone is safe in case of an emergency, which is why they prepare with rigorous emergency exercises. "The simulation held this week involved there being an incident at the plant. A simulated release was given, so there was evacuations to be coordinated, sheltering, communication, and traffic management,"Hecht said.

Hecht said Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant passed with flying colors. FEMA evaluates drill every two years, but Hecht said local responders conduct drills every year. "They have done an excellent job taking care of the community and working together as a unit,"Hecht said.

The rest is here:

Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Emergency Excercise -

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Written by grays |

July 1st, 2017 at 5:44 am

Posted in Excercise

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