About.com Exercise – Exercise – Get weight loss advice, cardio and …

Posted: November 5, 2013 at 1:44 am

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Monday November 4, 2013

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about how our bodies change as we age. Being 26 is just so hard.

Wait, what I meant to say is that pretending to be 26 is hard.

Anyway, we all know we're going to get older no matter how many wrinkle creams they create and, working with the variety of clients I do gives me unique insight into the aging process. Sometimes? It kind of sucks. However, nothing really takes the place of actually experiencing these changes - Less energy, less time, more fatigue, more aches and pains and slower recovery times. During my conversation with my friend, there were a lot of, "I used to's" and "I never had to worry about's" sprinkled throughout.

We also talked about how our workouts have evolved over the years, becoming shorter, less bouncy and at times, more mindful.

Change is always going to happen and, many times, it's a good thing, a process where we learn more about what our minds and bodies need. Thinking about your own history, how have your workouts changed over the years? Do those changes have to do with how your body has changed or from changes in your lifestyle or circumstances?

Vote in this week's poll and leave a comment telling us how your workouts have changed.

Thursday October 31, 2013

Every year, my husband and I agree that we won't buy any candy that we actually like. That means we can't have Butterfingers or Snickers. Or Whoppers. Or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Or...well, I could go on.

Every year, guess what we buy? "Oh, just one bag of Butterfingers/Snickers/Whoppers/Reese's Peanut Butter Cups won't matter, right? It's the fun size! That's like, no calories, right?"

See the original post:
About.com Exercise - Exercise - Get weight loss advice, cardio and ...

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Written by simmons |

November 5th, 2013 at 1:44 am

Posted in Excercise

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