Eckhart Tolle Now | Learn More

Posted: May 18, 2016 at 11:16 am

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EckhartTolleTV is an Internet subscription service that uses technology to bring the teachings of Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng to the world. Each month brings us a new issue (similar to a magazine subscription) containing teachings from both Eckhart and Kim, and released on the first of the month. Each issue features an exclusive new 60-90 minute talk delivered by Eckhart, a live meditation by Eckhart, and Eckhart answering questions from members. Each issue also includes exclusive content from Kim Eng, in the form of answers to questions and guided practices that complement the teachings of Eckhart Tolle.

Among the various forms of content described above, your subscription allows you to access the material in a manner that fits your lifestyle. As Eckhart Tolle TV is delivered via the Internet, you can view the content online at your convenience. You can also download the content, including the talks, live meditations, Q&A videos, and material from Kim. The downloads provide the ultimate in flexibility, as you can use the downloaded files to create your own customized CD or DVD, or take the teachings with you on your smart phone or other mobile device.

Each month, Eckhart delivers a live meditation. This meditation is streamed to your computer, as it happens, through the Internet. It occurs one Sunday a month, at 1:00pm Pacific Time. The meditation itself lasts between 30 and 45 minutes and is a wonderful way to reconnect with Eckhart's teachings and the peaceful state that is found in the Now.

At the core of Eckhart Tolle TV is Eckhart's "Private Seminar." This talk is a new and original teaching by Eckhart and lasts 60-90 minutes. Some previous issues have been titled "The Manifestation Question," "The Mountain and the Valley," "Living From the Depths of Presence,," "Meditation," "Eckhart on Emerson," and "The Tao Te Ching."

Kim Eng is a regular contributor to Eckhart Tolle TV. Kim has designed her own teaching modality, which is aimed at the transformation of consciousness through the integration of spirit, mind, and body. Kim also answers questions from the Eckhart Tolle TV Community. Through Kims contributions to each issue and through her Presence through Movement teachings, she helps us to connect to presence as we move through the forms of everyday life.

The online community is a peer-based group that connects through the Internet. This community brings together people from all over the world (over 130 countries). In this forum, people have the ability to discuss the teachings and post new and relevant topics for exchange and reflection.

The topics within the forum cover many areas from support for the teachings of Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng to more light natured discussions about life and experiences. Some say that this forum has helped them evolve from an egoic state of living to a more peaceful and present state of being.

You have an opportunity to see Eckhart at the recording sessions we hold during the year to film the content that is on Eckhart Tolle TV. This is done before an intimate studio audience, and is only open to those that are members of Eckhart Tolle TV. The recording is typically done over two days and takes place in a theatre/studio environment.

More here:
Eckhart Tolle Now | Learn More

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Written by simmons |

May 18th, 2016 at 11:16 am

Posted in Eckhart Tolle

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