Fitness: Why theres no such thing as a bad workout – will do wonders – Express

Posted: July 6, 2022 at 1:47 am

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The fitness industry can be a challenge for anyone, whether it's gym-barrasment or not quite hitting a personal best, its easy to look negatively upon a workout from time to time. But experts have reassured that there is no such thing as a "bad workout".

Sweatband personal trainer Ruth Stone, explained: "Simply showing up and getting any safe workout done whatever the effort level, duration, or variety has incredible benefits for both personal fitness and mental wellness.

"From the perspective of mental health, completing a workout can alleviate stress, increase the brains sensitivity to serotonin and produce endorphins which are well established as positive mood enhancers."

She continued: "Physically speaking, completing your allotted training session will do wonders for long-term goals ranging from weight loss, muscle gain, bone health, and overall energy levels.

"There is no such thing as a bad workout just bad practices and bad perceptions."

Sweatband's fitness experts listed the unsung benefactors of exercise, no matter a person's experience level.

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Exercise of virtually any kind will do wonders for stress management and elimination.

The experts explained: "Endorphins are the brains "feel good" neurotransmitters and are boosted into overdrive during exercise helping to improve mood and turn your frown upside down after a heavy day at work.

"Aside from the endorphin high, you also benefit greatly from stress management specifically."

It does this by using physical exercise to imitate the bodys fight or flight response, helping the body perfect its unified response to external stress factors.

This leads to amazing benefits for the digestive, cardiovascular and immune system against adverse stress responses.

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The experts identified a "common theme" with the unseen benefits of exercise is the intrinsic value to mental faculties across the board, both long term and short term.

Numerous studies cite that regular exercise can even protect against adverse neurological conditions in later life, namely dementia.

This is due to exercise acting as a catalyst for brain cell growth and survival aerobic exercise in particular.

Even three moderate sessions of 20 minutes a week can do wonders for brain cell cultivation.

"From a less medical position, there is little better at improving mental resilience than adhering to a training schedule and pushing your limits," the experts added.

"The physical stress of exercise and the bodys mental response to handling this enables transferable resilience to be built up and applied to other aspects of our lives.

"Stressful day? You can get through it. A hard deadline fast approaching? Youve got this."

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Exercise forces the body to work harder than usual, which in turn increases the demand on the heart to pump the oxygenated blood throughout our body at higher frequencies (an increased heart rate).

The experts said: "Our heart, after all, is a muscle like any other in our body, and with any muscle in the human body, the more you train it, the more efficient it becomes.

"Therefore, the fitter you become the lower your heart rate will become under exercise conditions, and the heart becomes sufficiently trained and primed for any future stressors."

They explained: "The cardiovascular benefits from just showing up and training are immense".

"From lowering blood pressure to improving blood flow and lowering cholesterol to improving your workout efficiency overall."

Ruth also encouraged people to "forget the negative nay-saying and focus on the fact that exercise of any kind will produce net benefits to you on levels beyond what you see listed on Instagram and TikTok".

Read this article:
Fitness: Why theres no such thing as a bad workout - will do wonders - Express

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Written by admin |

July 6th, 2022 at 1:47 am

Posted in Diet and Exercise

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