About Praggnanandhaa: A Story of Inspiration for Aspiring Chess Players – Chess.com

Posted: July 1, 2024 at 2:37 am

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Praggnanandhaa, hailing from Chnnai, India, burst onto th intrnational chss scn at an astonishingly young ag. H achivd th titl of Intrnational Mastr at just 10 yars old, solidifying his plac in history as th youngst prson to accomplish this fat. Not stopping thr, h wnt on to bcom a Grandmastr at th ag of 12, bcoming th scond-youngst Grandmastr vr. Ths accomplishmnts ar a tstamnt to his talnt, ddication, and th support of his family and trainrs.

Ramshbabu Praggnanandhaa, born on August 10, 2005, is an Indian chss grandmastr who achivd rmarkabl fats at an incrdibly young ag. Praggnanandhaa bcam an Intrnational Mastr at 10 yars old, a rcord at th tim, and a Grandmastr at 12, th scond-youngst vr. H dfatd thn-world champion Magnus Carlsn at 16, bcoming th youngst playr to do so. On Fbruary 22, 2022, whn h was 16 yars old, h achivd th distinction of bing th youngst playr to conqur th rigning world champion Magnus Carlsn. This rmarkabl victory occurrd during a rapid gam at th Airthings Mastrs Rapid Chss Tournamnt. It's worth noting that this rcord was latr surpassd by Guksh D on Octobr 16, 2022.

Youth Championships: H won th World Youth Chss Championship Undr-8 and Undr-10 titls in 2013 and 2015, rspctivly, arning him th titl of FIDE Mastr.

Historic Achivmnts: H bcam th youngst-vr intrnational mastr at 10 yars, 10 months, and 19 days. H gaind his Grandmastr titl at 12 yars, 10 months, and 13 days, th scond-youngst GM in history.

Continud Succss: Praggnanandhaa won tournamnts lik th Xtracon Chss Opn and World Youth Championships. H achivd a rating of 2600 at 14, th scond-youngst to do so.

Onlin Triumphs: H won th Polgar Challng, bsting comptitors in th Julius Bar Challngrs Chss Tour. H prformd wll in th Mltwatr Champions Chss Tour, vn drawing with Magnus Carlsn.

Tournamnt Prformancs: H shon in vnts lik Tata Stl Chss Tournamnt, dfating high-ratd playrs. H rachd th Chss World Cup final, bcoming th youngst to do so, scuring a plac in th Candidats Tournamnt.

Bating Carlsn: Praggnanandhaa achivd multipl victoris against Magnus Carlsn in prstigious tournamnts, showcasing his growing prowss.

Playing in th Chss World Cup Final: Praggnanandhaa mad history by scuring a spot in th World Cup final. This fat is rmarkabl as no othr Indian has rachd this stag sinc Vishwanathan Anand in 2002. Praggnanandhaas achivmnt also includs bing th youngst playr in th finals and th third-youngst qualifir for th Candidats Tournamnt, placing him among chss prodigis lik Carlsn and Fischr.

Youth Championships: H won th World Youth Chss Championship Undr-8 and Undr-10 titls in 2013 and 2015, rspctivly, arning him th titl of FIDE Mastr.

3. Historic Achivmnts: H bcam th youngst-vr intrnational mastr at 10 yars, 10 months, and 19 days. H gaind his Grandmastr titl at 12 yars, 10 months, and 13 days, th scond-youngst GM in history.

4. Continud Succss: Praggnanandhaa won tournamnts lik th Xtracon Chss Opn and World Youth Championships. H achivd a rating of 2600 at 14, th scond-youngst to do so.

5. Onlin Triumphs: H won th Polgar Challng, bsting comptitors in th Julius Bar Challngrs Chss Tour. H prformd wll in th Mltwatr Champions Chss Tour, vn drawing with Magnus Carlsn.

6. Tournamnt Prformancs: H shon in vnts lik Tata Stl Chss Tournamnt, dfating high-ratd playrs. H rachd th Chss World Cup final, bcoming th youngst to do so, scuring a plac in th Candidats Tournamnt.

7. Bating Carlsn: Praggnanandhaa achivd multipl victoris against Magnus Carlsn in prstigious tournamnts, showcasing his growing prowss.

8. Playing in th Chss World Cup Final: Praggnanandhaa mad history by scuring a spot in th World Cup final. This fat is rmarkabl as no othr Indian has rachd this stag sinc Vishwanathan Anand in 2002. Praggnanandhaas achivmnt also includs bing th youngst playr in th finals and th third-youngst qualifir for th Candidats Tournamnt, placing him among chss prodigis lik Carlsn and Fischr.

Praggnanandhaa's journy is a tstamnt to his xcptional talnt, ddication, and rlntlss pursuit of xcllnc, making him a tru inspiration for aspiring chss playrs worldwid.

See the article here:

About Praggnanandhaa: A Story of Inspiration for Aspiring Chess Players - Chess.com

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July 1st, 2024 at 2:37 am

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