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Archive for the ‘Zen Buddhism’ Category

Make Buddhism Incusive of your Black Heritage: by Anthony “Amp” Elmore – Video

Posted: February 17, 2015 at 8:48 pm

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Make Buddhism Incusive of your Black Heritage: by Anthony "Amp" Elmore
Anthony "Amp" Elmore lives in Memphis, Tennessee. He is President and founder of the "Proud Black Buddhist World Association. Elmore begin studying Zen Buddhism via his study of old Japanese...

By: Anthony Elmore

Continued here:
Make Buddhism Incusive of your Black Heritage: by Anthony "Amp" Elmore - Video

Written by simmons

February 17th, 2015 at 8:48 pm

Posted in Zen Buddhism

Spirituality & Practice : Map: Zen Buddhism

Posted: February 6, 2015 at 8:49 am

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adopt a beginner's mind that is open to new experiences give yourself completely to whatever you are doing in the present moment experience the balm of stillness and a calm mind through meditation explore how your mind works and discover your Buddha-nature enjoy the challenges of koans and teaching stories of the Zen masters let go of unhelpful things, ideas, and habits cultivate single-minded attention and avoid distractions cherish "not knowing" and acknowledge the mysteries of life accept the transitory nature and fragility of life be a peaceful presence in service to the world move beyond an "us" versus "them" dualism to an affirmation of oneness experience the beauty of the Zen arts of flower arrangement, the tea ceremony, haiku, calligraphy, and martial arts

Other videos (pop-up)

Introduction to Zen Meditation: The Still Point

What is Nirvana? Thich Nhat Hanh

Feature Films


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Spirituality & Practice : Map: Zen Buddhism

Written by simmons

February 6th, 2015 at 8:49 am

Posted in Zen Buddhism

Conference highlights women, money and spirit

Posted: January 30, 2015 at 10:51 am

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The idea that people can have a spiritual relationship with money may seem counterintuitive to some, but not to Kate Levinson. For me, having a spiritual relationship with money means recognizing that I am part of larger wholemy local and the global communitiesand that I can relate to money, and use my money, in ways that include compassion, gratitude, [and] connection, said Ms. Levinson, who is organizing an upcoming conference in San Rafael called Women, Money and Spirit. Balancing the two can be tricky enoughbut for women, grappling with the relationship poses an even weightier problem. The womens movement has won critical rights in past decades, including the right to even open a bank account without a husbands approval. But, Ms. Levinson said, money often makes women uncomfortable. Women often have a hard time putting themselves into the financial equation, be it asking for raises or buying something for themselves rather than for a friend or family member. We tend not to feel entitled. Ms. Levinson, who co-owns Point Reyes Books with her husband Steve Costa, has literally written a book to help women foster healthier relationships with money, and offers regular workshops based on its themes. The spiritual aspect of the equation is a bit newer to her, she said, but she emphasized that spirit is a broad term meant to reflect a recognition of something beyond ourselves and encompass a multitude of spiritual and cultural traditions. The conference will feature speakers from a range of disciplines: investing, herbal medicine, money coaching, nonprofits, Zen Buddhism and the Dominican Sisters, who vow to live in poverty. There are no experts advising us on the right way to handle money[Its] a diverse group of women who have given much thought to money in their lives and their communities, sharing what they know to be true for them. The Women, Money and Spirit Conference takes place on Feb. 7 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Dominican University. For more information or and to register, visit

Excerpt from:
Conference highlights women, money and spirit

Written by simmons

January 30th, 2015 at 10:51 am

Posted in Zen Buddhism

Zen Buddhism Meditate Music – Video

Posted: January 23, 2015 at 12:50 am

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Zen Buddhism Meditate Music
Zen Buddhism Meditate Music Binaural Beats Brain Waves Isochronic Tones Brain Wave Entrainment 2014 Binaural Beats Brainwave Entrainment Released on: 2011-...

By: Various Artists - Topic

See the rest here:
Zen Buddhism Meditate Music - Video

Written by simmons

January 23rd, 2015 at 12:50 am

Posted in Zen Buddhism

Zen Buddhism Project STA 2015 – Video

Posted: January 13, 2015 at 9:47 am

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Zen Buddhism Project STA 2015

By: Kelly Carlson

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Zen Buddhism Project STA 2015 - Video

Written by simmons

January 13th, 2015 at 9:47 am

Posted in Zen Buddhism

Terrorists usher in the end of satire

Posted: January 11, 2015 at 10:51 pm

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Dear Terrorists:

OK, you win. We surrender.

Never thought Id say that, but then, I never thought Id see gunmen burst into the offices of a satirical magazine as happened last Wednesday in Paris. Never thought Id see 12 people killed most were employees, two were police officers because a magazine published provocative cartoons mocking extremist Islam.

Here in the United States, as in France, as in pretty much every free place on the globe, weve cherished this crazy idea that people should be free to say whatever they darn well please. We have particularly believed in the power of humor, not simply as a means of expression, but as a way of puncturing the powerful and pricking the pretentious, of defying those who seek to make us fear.

But the bloodshed at Charlie Hebdo magazine forces us to realize the error of our ways. So I am here to announce that you have achieved your goal. From this moment on, no one on the planet the entire planet, do you hear? will ever, ever, ever again make fun of you. This is The End of Satire.

So youll hear no more cracks about Osama bin Gotten.

No one will ever again say youre full of Shiite.

And you wont have to hear anyone sing, Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran to the tune of an old Beach Boys song.

I even hear Jon Stewart is quitting The Daily Show to host a program on The Food Network, specializing in New Jersey cuisine. Mad magazine is going out of business and its famed mascot, the infidel Alfred E. Neuman, just became the latest journalist beheaded by the Islamic State. Bill Maher is teaching religious studies in Mississippi, Lewis Black is practicing Zen Buddhism and Stephen Colbert now claims Stephen Colbert was nothing more than a character he played.

You know, this isnt easy for us. In America, we have a tradition, stretching from Mark Twain to Will Rogers, to Dick Gregory to Norman Lear to the aforementioned Jon Stewart, of using humor to make trenchant political points. Probably, the French have a similar tradition.

Read more from the original source:
Terrorists usher in the end of satire

Written by simmons

January 11th, 2015 at 10:51 pm

Posted in Zen Buddhism

KYOTO – Abode of Shinto and Zen Buddhism – Video

Posted: December 31, 2014 at 4:51 am

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KYOTO - Abode of Shinto and Zen Buddhism
Clips of diferent temples in Kyoto and Nara shot during December 2014 trip to Japan. Music by Stephen Anderson.

By: Sights and Sounds

Read more here:
KYOTO - Abode of Shinto and Zen Buddhism - Video

Written by simmons

December 31st, 2014 at 4:51 am

Posted in Zen Buddhism

Zen as Buddhism – Buddha’s World – Katinka Hesselink

Posted: at 4:51 am

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Katinka Hesselink 2006

Zen has become famous in the west for it's short stories, it's koan's, it's tea ceremony and it's calm way of life. Zen has come to stand for a particular mindset, a certain aesthetic as for instance the CSS Zen Garden, which has nothing to do with Buddhism exemplifies. Zen as in Zen Buddhism on the other hand, has been relatively neglected. The more informed may know that zazen (sitting meditation) has something to do with it. And yes, koan's do come into the story somewhere. But Zen is short of Zen Buddhism. What does all of the above have to do with Buddhism, other than the fact that meditation plays a dominant part in all of Western Buddhism?

Zen's has a reputation of being anti-tradition, but it does in fact have a lot to do with the Buddhist tradition. Historically Zen (Chinese Chan) came out of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism. This shows in the practice of Zen Buddhists. They, like all Mahayana Buddhists, give a central role to the Bodhisattva Vow. This is the vow that means the practitioner will postpone enlightenment until all sentient beings are enlightened or saved as well.

To be an actual Zen Buddhist, one has to take refuge in the Three Jewels, like any other Buddhist. This means formally declaring to take refuge in Buddha (teacher and lineage),Dharma (teachings) and sangha (the community of Buddhist monks or more widely: the community of Buddhists).

Then there are the Ten Grave Precepts:

These can be taken literally, and should be taken literally (at first). Later they should also be realized on a deeper level. There is self elevation in cloths, speech etc. There is also self-elevation as subtle pride.

Enlightenment is reached by meditation. And the famous insight, so hard to actually realize, is that one merely has to discover one's own enlightenment or one's own Buddha-mind. Sure, the end is relatively well known, but the way there is not just about meditation. Sure, meditation is said to help you overcome greed, anger, fear and the difference between self and other. Still, we usually need a grounding in what that means on a practical level, even before those are actually starting to disappear. That grounding is in the Bodhisattva Vow, the three jewels and the 10 grave precepts.

Excerpt from:
Zen as Buddhism - Buddha's World - Katinka Hesselink

Written by simmons

December 31st, 2014 at 4:51 am

Posted in Zen Buddhism

781014 1 Zen Buddhism Dharma 5 – Video

Posted: December 27, 2014 at 5:52 am

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781014 1 Zen Buddhism Dharma 5
A video.

By: Early teachings of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

781014 1 Zen Buddhism Dharma 5 - Video

Written by simmons

December 27th, 2014 at 5:52 am

Posted in Zen Buddhism

781014 1 Zen Buddhism Dharma 3 – Video

Posted: December 26, 2014 at 4:48 am

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781014 1 Zen Buddhism Dharma 3
A video.

By: Early teachings of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Read the original post:
781014 1 Zen Buddhism Dharma 3 - Video

Written by simmons

December 26th, 2014 at 4:48 am

Posted in Zen Buddhism

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