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Archive for the ‘Yoga’ Category

Yoga | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing

Posted: November 27, 2018 at 9:43 am

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What is yoga?

Yoga is a spiritual tradition that began in India about 5,000 years ago. Historically its practices have been adopted by such religions as Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. However, the practice of yoga is compatible with any religion, as well as atheism.

The word yoga means union in Sanskrit. Many of the yoga traditions believe that the practices of yoga lead to union of a person with his or her true nature, or with God or the universe (however one wishes to conceptualize it). How this is interpreted and the means employed to get there differ in the various yoga traditions.

Patanjali, author of the classic yoga text, the Yoga Sutra, defined yoga as the quieting of the fluctuations of the mind. From a yogic perspective, the mind, and its ceaseless internal monologue, is the source of suffering. The various yoga practices serve to calm the mind. From a wellspring of relaxed concentration-the hallmark of yoga-comes inner peace, heightened creativity, and awareness of our essential nature.

Excerpt from:
Yoga | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing

Written by admin

November 27th, 2018 at 9:43 am

Posted in Yoga

58 Fun and Easy Yoga Poses for Kids (Printable Poster)

Posted: November 17, 2018 at 7:44 pm

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Boat Pose:Boat, Ship, Canoe, Kayak(Balance on your buttocks with your legs up. Then rock in the water like a boat.)

Bow Pose:Fish, Whale, Basket, Sleigh, Angelfish, Nest, Bow(Lie on your tummy, bend your knees, lift your chest, reach your arms back towards your toes, and hold onto your feet.)

Bridge Pose:Bridge, Boardwalk, Ramp, Overpass, Whale(Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Rest your arms down alongside your body, tuck your chin into your chest, and lift up your buttocks and back to create a bridge.)

Childs Pose:Mouse, Mole, Urchin, Rabbit, Rock, Snail, Hedgehog, Seed, Ladybird, Turtle, Hippo, Curling Leaf, Cloud(Sit on your heels, slowly bring your forehead down to rest in front of your knees, rest your arms down alongside your body, and take a few deep breaths.)

Downhill Skier:Downhill Skier(Stand tall in Mountain Pose with your feet hip-width apart and then bend your knees. Rest your elbows slightly above your knees, clasp your hands together, keep a straight spine, and look forward, pretending you are skiing down the mountain.)

Mountain Pose:Mountain, Cactus, Helicopter (swinging arms), Bird (flapping arms), Penguin(Stand tall with legs hip-width apart, feet facing forward, and straighten your arms alongside your body.)

Read more from the original source:
58 Fun and Easy Yoga Poses for Kids (Printable Poster)

Written by admin

November 17th, 2018 at 7:44 pm

Posted in Yoga

Using Yoga and Tai Chi Chuan to Tune Into Your Body and …

Posted: at 7:44 pm

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Mindfulness isnt just about the mind. Its a holistic approach to living that addresses the entire person. As we learn to monitor and direct the activities of our minds through meditation, its helpful to bring that same kind of conscious, compassionate awareness to our entire bodies. Yoga teachers frequently remind students to listen to your bodies, and with good reason. Scientific and medical studies have shown that physical ailments and pain can have their root causes in emotional traumas, stress and other nonphysiological causes.

I have come to believe that the purely physical realm of illnessthe part you can diagnose with laboratory testsis only part of the equation, the physician Lissa Rankin, M.D., has written.

Tuning in to our bodies is the first step in learning to take better care of them through proper exercise, diet and other vital lifestyle choices. Fortunately, the same Eastern spiritual traditions that have brought meditation to the West have also brought mindful forms of physical exercise such as yoga and Tai Chi Chuan, both of which have become very popular in America and Europe over the past few decades.

WesternersAmericans, in particulartend to think of physical exercise in terms of competitive sports. And while tennis, soccer, baseball, football, etc. all provide a great cardiovascular workout and can improve muscle tone, theyre basically outward-directed activities. The whole point is to beat your opponent, which means youre essentially reinforcing and acting out the same aggressive, competitive tensions you face in the workplace and other potentially stressful life situations. One might argue that competitive sports are a nonharmful way to work out these aggressionsleaving aside sports injuries for the moment. But youre not really learning much about yourself that wayabout why, for example, you feel so aggressive in the first place.

Yoga, in contrast, is an inward-directed form of exercise. Its noncompetitiveintegrating rather than polarizing. Theres no us vs. them. Theres just you and a burgeoning sense of your connection to all of life around you. The word yoga has its origin in a Sanskrit term meaning to yokethat is, to realize and actualize a connection between the individual self and the universe. And while Tai Chi Chuan has its origins in the martial arts, it too is often taught as a form of noncompetitive meditation in motion in the West. Both yoga and Tai Chi Chuan can teach you a lot about how your consciousness exists in relation to your body.

Stone carvings found in Indias Indus Valley and dating from around 3,000 B.C. depict human figures in what appear to be yoga postures. So the modern practice of yoga may go back that far, if not further. The first historic written record of yoga is a mention in the Hindu scriptures known as the Vedas, which date from around 2,500 B.C. Yoga is a comprehensive spiritual system aimed at the attainment of enlightenment. Asanasthe familiar physical postures of hatha yogarepresent only one branch of the overall yogic system.

Yoga first came to the West when the Indian master Swami Vivekananda toured Europe and the United States in the 1890s. Many yoga and spiritual teachers from India followed in the late-19th and early 20th centuries, including Paramahansa Yogananda, founder of todays Self Realization Fellowship. Yoga got a big boost in the West with the consciousness-expansion movement of the late 1960s. Another revered Indian yogi, Swami Satchidananda, was chosen to open the Woodstock rock festival in 1969.

Yogas next major upsurge in popularity came in the 1980s as its physical health benefits became better known. In 2001, there were approximately four million people practicing yoga in the United States. By 2011, that number had grown to about 20 million.

But as Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health founder Amrit Desai once said, Yoga is very popular today. But whats popular today isnt really yoga.

Meaning that the commercialization of yoga in the capitalist West has slightly warped peoples perceptions of it. The promise that doing yoga will give you tight buns and a hot little body is used to sell designer-brand yoga wear and a host of yoga-centric consumer goods. You can find fitness-oriented exercise forms that have yoga-sounding names, or that combine a few yoga asanas with more strenuous activities. These will certainly help you develop your physique. But youre not likely to develop much mindfulness that way.

So if mindfulness is your goal, youre better off sticking to one of the more traditional yoga modalities. Youll still tone and tighten your body, but youll also cultivate a beautifuland happiermind. Most yoga styles taught in America can be practiced without having to buy into a spiritual belief system and will still benefit both body and mind. While you can get the basics from books and videos, its best to learn from a certified yoga teacher, who can make sure youre aligning your body properly, obtaining maximum benefit from the asanas and, very importantly, avoiding injury. You may have to try a few different yoga studios to find one that feels right for you. Fortunately, there are many across the U.S.

While instruction styles differ, yoga classes typically begin with some kind of activity that focuses and centers the mind. Often this is done by chanting the Sanskrit syllable om. But if that seems too religious, you can find teachers and classes that use other centering exercises. Fitness centers and gyms are good places to look.

After this initial exercise, the teacher will lead the class through a series of asanas designed to work each part of the body systematicallystretching the muscles and ligaments, aligning the spine and working to keep it flexible, limbering up the joints and improving blood circulation. There are classes for every level of experience, from beginners to advanced. The class atmosphere is noncompetitive. If you find an asana too strenuous or demanding, you can simply come out of the posture. Try to avoid comparing yourself with other students in the class or trying to compete with them. Again, yoga isnt a sport. This is a different kind of exercise.

Youll also want to maintain an inward focus. This is the mindful part of yoga. Pay careful attention to how each asana makes you feel, both physically and emotionally. The teacher may remind students to focus on their breath to help with this. This is another way of meditatingone where you dont have to remain sitting on a cushion. Gradually you should feel yourself becoming more relaxed and tranquil, which is perhaps the main reason why yoga has skyrocketed in popularity over the past 20 years.

Toward the end of the class, the teacher will have students lie flat on their backs in savasana, or corpse pose. From there, they will be led in a progressive relaxation exercise, focusing in turn on each part of the body, from the feet to the crown of the head, and relaxing each part totally. After this, you will leave the class feeling refreshed and far less stressed than when you first walked in.

Yoga Journal magazine has listed 38 different health benefits to be derived from yoga. These include helping regulate blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels and the adrenal glands; boosting the immune system; improving balance; maintaining the nervous system; strengthening the spine and relieving pain. Yoga can also improve digestion and help you sleep better, and it has proven effective in combating depression. But perhaps the most important item on the magazines list is Number 12: Yoga makes you happier.

Mindfulness, a very simple form of meditation, has been proven to increase calm, reduce depression and help combat anxiety associated with our increasingly frantic existence. In this special guide, the technique is explained in clear, everyday language, with additional information on its spiritual roots and present-day application. Buy a copy today.

Using Yoga and Tai Chi Chuan to Tune Into Your Body and ...

Written by admin

November 17th, 2018 at 7:44 pm

Posted in Yoga

Home – Yoga to the People

Posted: November 8, 2018 at 3:41 pm

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Power Vinyasa Flow

Our power vinyasa flow classes are inspired by Bryan Kest, a profoundteacher who has found the balance between effort, awareness and breath. The emphasis is on you, not on any particular teacher.

Power Vinyasa classes are vigorous, yet accessible. They utilize fluid transitions from pose to pose, seamlessly linking body, breath, and movement. These classes are not heated.

Power Vinyasa classes are donation based!

A donation is the sacred act of giving. There is a suggested donation of $10 a class. Suggested donation means that if you can put $10 in the box, please do. If you are not in a position to do so, contribute what you can. Nobody will be keeping track of individual donations. The $10 dollar donation is not meant as a bottom or a top limit if you are in a position to donate more, it will help support your yoga community. Available at St Marks, UWS, Brooklyn, San Francisco,Berkeley, and Tempe AZ

Go here to see the original:
Home - Yoga to the People

Written by admin

November 8th, 2018 at 3:41 pm

Posted in Yoga

Ahh-mazing Yoga

Posted: October 30, 2018 at 9:47 pm

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We offer a variety of traditional yoga classes including

Hatha, Vinyasa, Anuttara Raja, Hatha to Anuttara Raja,

Hatha to Yoga Nidra, and Restorative

Please check out our full schedule and pricing

by clicking on the menu items above.

While you are here, please don't forget to peruse our Ahh-mazing Boutique where we offer unique Yoga clothing, Yoga mats,

Solar Recover products, incense, sage, jewelry and other

Ahh-mazing items.

Our Shala is located in the Ahh-mazing Yoga Shala is located in the beautiful

Lakeside Town Shops on the corner of Stirling Road and University Drive.

This lakeside outdoor mall includes a Target store and a wide range of

other shops, eateries & services.

We occupy the space next to Geronimo's Grill on the Stirling Road side of the shopping center.

We have plenty of free parking.

Ahh-mazing Yoga Shala manifested as a result of meditating daily on the sacred sound of Ahh as inspired by author, Dr. Wayne Dyer. The yoga lineage of the founders is based on the teachings of the Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Pantanjali, the physical practices as described by Yogiraj Krishnamacharya andYogiraj Bishnu Goshe and the spiritual path to Self-Realization as promulgated by Lahiri Mahasaya Baba, Sri Swami Yukteswar Giri and Sri Swamiji Paramahansa Yogananda.

Look for announcements about our upcoming workshops and Teacher Training!

See original here:
Ahh-mazing Yoga

Written by admin

October 30th, 2018 at 9:47 pm

Posted in Yoga

What is Yoga? | Yoga Alliance

Posted: at 9:47 pm

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Answering the question, What is Yoga? is challenging and is the subject of extensive academic and philosophical study. As the largest nonprofit supporting yoga, we offer this brief introduction to Yoga, along with perspectives from leading scholars and yogis, to help answer this question.

Yoga was developed up to 5,000 years ago in India as a comprehensive system for wellbeing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. While Yoga is often equated with Hatha Yoga, the well-known system of postures and breathing techniques, Hatha Yoga is only a part of the overall discipline of Yoga. Today, many millions of people use various aspects of Yoga to help raise their quality of life in such diverse areas as fitness, stress relief, wellness, vitality, mental clarity, healing, peace of mind and spiritual growth.

Yoga is a system, not of beliefs, but of techniques and guidance for enriched living. Among Yogas many source texts, the two best known are the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita. Both explain the nature ofand obstacles tohigher awareness and fulfillment, as well as a variety of methods for attaining those goals.

As in any field, some aspects of Yoga are too subtle to be learned from books or lectures; they must be acquired through experience. Hence Yogas time-honored emphasis on the student-teacher relationship, in which the teacher helps the student develop a practice that brings deeper understanding through personal experience.

Since the individual experience of Yoga is quite personal and may differ for each practitioner, there are a wide variety of approaches to its practice. Yoga has in recent times branched out in many new directions, some of which are quite different from its traditional emphases. All approaches to Yoga, however, are intended to promote some aspect(s) of wellbeing.

As a result, todays practitioners have more options than ever as they seek to gain the most from the vibrant, ever-expanding field of Yoga.

Through this resource center, we will share a variety of perspectives to answer the question, What is Yoga?

Read more here:
What is Yoga? | Yoga Alliance

Written by admin

October 30th, 2018 at 9:47 pm

Posted in Yoga

What is Yoga | Everything About Yoga

Posted: at 9:47 pm

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What is Yoga?

Yoga is quickly becoming one of the most popular, if not the most popular, workout regime among those who are looking to gain flexibility, strength and even lose weight. It can be done from the privacy of your home or in a classroom. Yoga is great for reducing stress and allowing for greater relaxation. Once you get into Yoga though, you learn that it is so much more than just a way to workout and keep in shape. It is a philosophy, a passion and a way of life for many of those involved in Yoga. While you may be getting into yoga for the exercise, you may soon find yourself wrapped in the philosophy and spirituality that Yoga brings a long with it.

Yoga today has become increasingly popular, not so much for the spiritual benefits as for the physical advantages. You can take a yoga class at your local gym, a yoga studio or from the privacy of your own home through a personal instructor or yoga dvd. From popular musicians embracing Yoga to magazines filled with yoga ads, you simply cannot get away from Yoga and the influence it has had physically and mentally for a lot of people.

Yoga can do a lot for the human body, although it won't cure every ailment. Yoga can be worked into virtually any lifestyle or schedule. Yoga has been proven to increase health and body awareness allowing yoga participants to better control their bodies. From flexibility increases to better body alignment, Yoga can help with a variety of ailments.

There are many more physical and mental benefits, but these are the major ones. Those who suffer from certain conditions can also benefit from yoga. Women who are pregnant or who are planning on becoming pregnant can benefit greatly from yoga.

In order to get started, you need to first find a place to practice. You have a few decisions to make first: 1). Do you want to practice in Private or Public and 2). What is your yoga budget. Both of these questions will determine where you should practice yoga.

There are a few basic things you will need for yoga and depending on where you practice, you may not need all of these things. This will seem foreign to you at first, but after awhile, you will start to gain a preference for certain mats, clothing and gear just like you do for other daily activities.

Picking a yoga mat can be very simple, you just have to narrow down your choices. If you are not over 6 feet, then a standard 68" mat will work find. They range in thickness, so if you have joint problems or feel that you need extra cushioning, pick up a thick yoga mat. Starting out, you don't need anything super fancy or expensive. The gym of class you workout in may provide mats for you, but it is recommended that you pick up your own for sanitary reasons.

Yoga towels are important to have because you will get sweaty and perspire while doing yoga. Your towel can be used to wipe the sweat from your body as well as the sweat on your mat. If your mat gets wet, it can be very slippery so keeping a towel handy is a good idea. wiping your mat down after yoga is also important for sanitary purposes.

Yoga Props are fantastic for beginners and are highly recommended. Props can help a beginning yoga student who is not flexible enough yet or to ensure that you have proper body alignment. Some styles of yoga also require the use of props so if you are starting out, it doesn't hurt to ask. The following is a list of common yoga props that you may see or need:

These guidelines are mostly for those who are taking a yoga class, at home practice does not require as much etiquette because you will be doing all of your yoga solo.

For the most part, each class will be structured this way, but may vary depending on the type/style of yoga you have chosen. Keep in mind that your first few sessions may cause your body to become sore or stiff. This is normal and will subside if you continue your classes. If you feel your flexibility is not where it should be, you may consider stretching at home to loosen up before class.

Read more here:
What is Yoga | Everything About Yoga

Written by admin

October 30th, 2018 at 9:47 pm

Posted in Yoga

Discover Yoga Videos And Articles To Deepen Your Practice

Posted: at 9:47 pm

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Yoga International invites you to be powerful and present as you grow your yoga practice with in-depth videos and articles. You can quickly download and view our inspirational and educational yoga videos online. We make it easy to explore yoga on your computer, phone, tablet or TV. As a member, youll have access to classes with skilled instructors and the latest approaches to practice. We also provide interesting, scientifically sound resources on an array of topics, such as yoga therapy, yoga lifestyles, and instruction. Our community is where you belong whether you are seeking an athletic challenge, steady progress, or restorative techniques. With Yoga International as your online yoga partner, you will be able to view practice techniques and quick tutorials geared to a variety of levels. Read an inspiring article or move through an energizing, half-hour Vinyasa class. Practice according to your schedule, and strengthen your physical, spiritual and mental self with Yoga International.

What could be better than joining a community that educates and motivates? When you sign up for a free, 30-day trial membership, youll gain access to engaging classes in your preferred length and style, led by your choice of instructor. Connect with gentle, flowing, dynamic, or challenging classes. Also take advantage of a full library of online yoga articles, covering topics such as alignment and anatomy. Youll have the opportunity to participate in fun yoga sessions wherever you are or attend live events that delve into the depth of the discipline. Enhance your understanding of yoga through digital conferences organized by leaders in the yoga community. We would love if you started or refreshed a yoga lifestyle with us. Revitalize your mind, body, and practice by exploring our membership resources or enrolling in a trial membership now!

Here is the original post:
Discover Yoga Videos And Articles To Deepen Your Practice

Written by admin

October 30th, 2018 at 9:47 pm

Posted in Yoga

Yoga 4 All Bodies – Iyengar Yoga in Reston, VA

Posted: October 8, 2018 at 6:48 am

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All Levels Yoga

Starts: 5:45 pm

Ends: October 4, 2018 - 6:45 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194-5629, United States

All Levels Iyengar Yoga. Appropirate for students who are familiar with the Iyengar Yoga Fundamentals.

Level 2 Yoga

Starts: 7:15 pm

Ends: October 4, 2018 - 8:30 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194-5629, United States

Level 2. For students who are familiar with the Iyengar Yoga Fundamentals, have practiced in the Iyengar tradition before and/or are working with preparation for and headstand and shoulderstand.

Beginners Iyengar Yoga @ River Bend GCC

Starts: 9:00 am

Ends: October 5, 2018 - 10:00 am

For members of River Bend Golf and Country Club. Come take care of your body and up your tennis, golf, swimming, and general fitness and well-being!

All Levels Yoga

Starts: 11:45 am

Ends: October 5, 2018 - 12:45 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies, 12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194, USA

All Levels Yoga

Starts: 9:45 am

Ends: October 6, 2018 - 10:45 am

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies, 12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194, USA

All Levels Yoga

Starts: 11:00 am

Ends: October 6, 2018 - 12:00 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194-5629, United States





All Levels Yoga

Starts: 5:45 pm

Ends: October 11, 2018 - 6:45 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194-5629, United States

All Levels Iyengar Yoga. Appropirate for students who are familiar with the Iyengar Yoga Fundamentals.

Level 2 Yoga

Starts: 7:15 pm

Ends: October 11, 2018 - 8:30 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194-5629, United States

Level 2. For students who are familiar with the Iyengar Yoga Fundamentals, have practiced in the Iyengar tradition before and/or are working with preparation for and headstand and shoulderstand.

Beginners Iyengar Yoga @ River Bend GCC

Starts: 9:00 am

Ends: October 12, 2018 - 10:00 am

For members of River Bend Golf and Country Club. Come take care of your body and up your tennis, golf, swimming, and general fitness and well-being!

All Levels Yoga

Starts: 11:45 am

Ends: October 12, 2018 - 12:45 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies, 12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194, USA

All Levels Yoga

Starts: 9:45 am

Ends: October 13, 2018 - 10:45 am

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies, 12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194, USA

All Levels Yoga

Starts: 11:00 am

Ends: October 13, 2018 - 12:00 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194-5629, United States

Special Guest Teacher Workshop: Juliana Teaches the Vayus

Starts: 4:00 pm

Ends: October 14, 2018 - 6:00 pm




All Levels Yoga

Starts: 5:45 pm

Ends: October 18, 2018 - 6:45 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194-5629, United States

All Levels Iyengar Yoga. Appropirate for students who are familiar with the Iyengar Yoga Fundamentals.

Level 2 Yoga

Starts: 7:15 pm

Ends: October 18, 2018 - 8:30 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194-5629, United States

Level 2. For students who are familiar with the Iyengar Yoga Fundamentals, have practiced in the Iyengar tradition before and/or are working with preparation for and headstand and shoulderstand.

Beginners Iyengar Yoga @ River Bend GCC

Starts: 9:00 am

Ends: October 19, 2018 - 10:00 am

For members of River Bend Golf and Country Club. Come take care of your body and up your tennis, golf, swimming, and general fitness and well-being!

All Levels Yoga

Starts: 11:45 am

Ends: October 19, 2018 - 12:45 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies, 12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194, USA

All Levels Yoga

Starts: 9:45 am

Ends: October 20, 2018 - 10:45 am

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies, 12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194, USA

All Levels Yoga

Starts: 11:00 am

Ends: October 20, 2018 - 12:00 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194-5629, United States





All Levels Yoga

Starts: 5:45 pm

Ends: October 25, 2018 - 6:45 pm

Location: Yoga 4 All Bodies12021 Creekbend Dr, Reston, VA 20194-5629, United States

All Levels Iyengar Yoga. Appropirate for students who are familiar with the Iyengar Yoga Fundamentals.

Originally posted here:
Yoga 4 All Bodies - Iyengar Yoga in Reston, VA

Written by admin

October 8th, 2018 at 6:48 am

Posted in Yoga

Yoga –

Posted: October 7, 2018 at 1:44 am

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What is yoga?

Yoga, which means "union," is a 5,000-year-old system of principles and practices originating in India. Yoga incorporates nutrition guidelines, ethics, exercise, and meditation with the intention of bringing together the mind, body, and spirit.

Most types of yoga practiced in the United States focus on movement and breathing, and do not require a total lifestyle change. More thana hundredvariations of yoga are practiced in the United States some slow and gentle and others active and fast-moving.

One of the most frequently practiced types of yoga is called hatha yoga, which uses physical poses and breathing techniques to increase strength, flexibility, and well-being.

Research in breast cancer patients has shown that yoga may be able to help:

A yoga session can last from 20 minutes to an hour and can bedone alone at home or in a class setting with an instructor. During your yoga session you will:

In the United States, a yoga instructor has the option to train for 2 or more years or to be certified after only taking a weekend-long course. As a result, there is a wide gap in experience from teacher to teacher. Inexperienced teachers can increase the risk for student injuries, so it's important to find a seasoned instructor. Ask your doctor for recommendations on yoga instructors who have worked with breast cancer patients. Another way to find an experienced instructor is to check with an organization requiring at least 200 hours of training to gain certification as a yoga instructor.

The Yoga Alliance sets guidelines for teacher training and registers yoga schools according to these standards. The Yoga Alliance website offers a searchable U.S. database of qualified teachers and schools.

For more information about finding a qualified complementary medicine practitioner, see our Finding a Complementary Medicine Practitioner section.

Here are questions to ask a potential yoga instructor:

In studies ofwomen with breast cancer, yoga has been shown toreduce fatigue and improvequality of sleep, physical vitality, and overall quality of life.

At the 2003 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), results were reported from a yoga study involving 126 women recently diagnosed with Stage I or II breast cancer. The women were about to receive chemotherapy or hormonal therapy.Some of the women were assigned to yoga classes over a 3-month period. The women taking yoga had a 12% improvement in fatigue, physical functioning, and quality of life compared with those in the program who did not take the yoga classes.

In 2006, results of a yoga study were reported from an M.D. Anderson Cancer Center study. The study followed 61 women receiving 6 weeks of radiation treatment for breast cancer. Half the women took a yoga class twice a week; the other half did not. Compared with the women who did not take yoga, the women in the yoga group reported having more energy and less daytime sleepiness, better physical functioning, and better overall quality of life.

Likeall practices, yoga comes with some risks:

Back to Types of Complementary Techniques

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Yoga -

Written by admin

October 7th, 2018 at 1:44 am

Posted in Yoga

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