Archive for the ‘Vegan’ Category
Brokkoli-Kse-Suppe – vegan, vegetarisch – Video
Posted: January 13, 2015 at 9:51 am
Brokkoli-Kse-Suppe - vegan, vegetarisch
Kstliche schnelle Brokkoli-Kse-Suppe im Multi-Mixer zubereitet (mit Untertitel - fr Menschen mit Hrbehinderung)
Mike WolfSee the article here:
Brokkoli-Kse-Suppe - vegan, vegetarisch - Video
Ofenkartoffeln mit Dip / Gefllte Zucchini mit Tofu-Creme / Vegan / Vegetarisch – Video
Posted: at 9:51 am
Ofenkartoffeln mit Dip / Gefllte Zucchini mit Tofu-Creme / Vegan / Vegetarisch
Das Rezept fr Folge 1, viel Spa beim Ausprobieren! 400g Kartoffeln 200g Quarkersatz 200g Sojajoghurt 1 Gurke 1 Paprika verschied. Gewrze 1 Zucchini 1...
Carmen kochtSee original here:
Ofenkartoffeln mit Dip / Gefllte Zucchini mit Tofu-Creme / Vegan / Vegetarisch - Video
Cannabis Coconut Oil & Magical Miracle Fudge (Vegan): Cooking with Marijuana #27 – Video
Posted: at 9:51 am
Cannabis Coconut Oil Magical Miracle Fudge (Vegan): Cooking with Marijuana #27
Cannabis is infused into coconut oil and then used to make Magical Miracle Fudge in this deliciously simple Vegan recipe on Cooking with Marijuana. Get the marijuana oil /cannabutter cooking...
RuffHouse StudiosLink:
Cannabis Coconut Oil & Magical Miracle Fudge (Vegan): Cooking with Marijuana #27 - Video
What i ate for dinner on a vegan diet – Naturallyvegan011VLOG – Video
Posted: at 9:51 am
What i ate for dinner on a vegan diet - Naturallyvegan011VLOG
Last video: "How to make delicious kale smoothie" Hi everyone! We filmed this video back in December and it was the first time we vlogged. SO sorry...
Naturallyvegan011Excerpt from:
What i ate for dinner on a vegan diet - Naturallyvegan011VLOG - Video
Posted: at 9:51 am
Evernew TI Dx alcohol stove.
Eye on HealthView post:
High Carb Vegan – Does one size fit all? – Video
Posted: at 9:51 am
High Carb Vegan - Does one size fit all?
Many people seem to think their way of doing a high carb vegan lifestyle is the one for all. Maybe not.
Jack AlbrittonSee the article here:
High Carb Vegan - Does one size fit all? - Video
[Cooking Monday #63] Avocado-Hirse-Tatar *vegan* schnell – einfach – lecker – Video
Posted: at 9:51 am
[Cooking Monday #63] Avocado-Hirse-Tatar *vegan* schnell - einfach - lecker
Dieses leckere und schnelle Gericht habe ich aus "so geht vegan" Mit einfachen und gnstigen Zutaten etwas schnelles zaubern? leicht gemacht. Viel Spa beim nachkochen- und mampfen =) ...
Bewegtes KristinchenRead the rest here:
[Cooking Monday #63] Avocado-Hirse-Tatar *vegan* schnell - einfach - lecker - Video
Vegan groups attack Ont. dairy farmer on Twitter
Posted: at 9:51 am
LONDON, Ont. -- Andrew Campbell started the new year by sharing the day-to-day events on his Middlesex, Ont., dairy farm with his 13,000 followers on Twitter.
Then the hijackers moved in.
Outraged at Campbell's project to share the positive news from his agricultural operation and teach what life is like in agriculture, vegan groups from around the globe and individuals opposed to the livestock industry moved to swamp his Twitter postings that used the hashtag "#Farm365."
(For those not familiar with Twitter, hashtags are keywords preceded by # in Twitter messages, allowing people to easily search a topic or follow a particular issue.)
Along with Twitter messages decrying the use of animals for food, there was a steady stream of photos of dead livestock and animals being put down.
In some postings, farmers were called murderers for sending animals to slaughter and rapists for having their livestock artificially inseminated.
Many suggested it was immoral for farmers to use "non-human animals."
Farmers and supporters of Campbell fired back on Twitter, defending agricultural practices and the compassion of producers.
Campbell said he was surprised by both the extent of the global attacks and the reaction from producers in other countries who took to Twitter to post photos from their own farm operations.
"What we have seen is there are activists concerned about animal care and thousands of farmers who are concerned about animal care. There is just maybe a little bit of a gap there," Campbell said Monday.
See the original post:
Vegan groups attack Ont. dairy farmer on Twitter
Vegan groups launch Twitter attack on Ont. dairy farmer
Posted: at 9:50 am
LONDON, Ont. -- Andrew Campbell started the new year by sharing the day-to-day events on his Middlesex, Ont., dairy farm with his 13,000 followers on Twitter.
Then the hijackers moved in.
Outraged at Campbell's project to share the positive news from his agricultural operation and teach what life is like in agriculture, vegan groups from around the globe and individuals opposed to the livestock industry moved to swamp his tweets that used the hashtag #Farm365.
Along with tweets decrying the use of animals for food, there was a steady stream of photos of dead livestock and animals being put down.
In some postings, farmers were called murderers for sending animals to slaughter and rapists for having their livestock artificially inseminated.
Many suggested it was immoral for farmers to use "non-human animals."
Farmers and supporters of Campbell fired back on Twitter, defending agricultural practices and the compassion of producers.
See more here:
Vegan groups launch Twitter attack on Ont. dairy farmer
Update on Vegan Global 24 hour run, Injury, and FaceBook Page – Video
Posted: January 11, 2015 at 10:53 pm
Update on Vegan Global 24 hour run, Injury, and FaceBook Page
Running injury slowly came back... 3 months until the 24 hour run! I need to get better now!
Ariel Ann FruityRunnerSee original here:
Update on Vegan Global 24 hour run, Injury, and FaceBook Page - Video