Archive for the ‘Transhumanism’ Category
"The challenges and opportunities of religious transhumanism" by Carl Youngblood – Video
Posted: April 28, 2015 at 8:42 pm
"The challenges and opportunities of religious transhumanism" by Carl Youngblood
At the 2015 Conference of the Mormon Transhumanist Association, held 3 Apr 2015 at the Salt Lake City Public Library, speakers addressed the themes of Mormonism, Transhumanism and ...
Mormon Transhumanist AssociationExcerpt from:
"The challenges and opportunities of religious transhumanism" by Carl Youngblood - Video
Incinerate creation-Transhumanism – Video
Posted: at 8:42 pm
Incinerate creation-Transhumanism
4/25/15 smiling moose with liquified guts and putrid pile.
Left3332rotRead the original here:
Incinerate creation-Transhumanism - Video
"The Urgent Need for Christian Transhumanism" by Micah Redding – Video
Posted: at 8:42 pm
"The Urgent Need for Christian Transhumanism" by Micah Redding
At the 2015 Conference of the Mormon Transhumanist Association, held 3 Apr 2015 at the Salt Lake City Public Library, speakers addressed the themes of Mormonism, Transhumanism and ...
Mormon Transhumanist AssociationFollow this link:
"The Urgent Need for Christian Transhumanism" by Micah Redding - Video
Transhumanism Meaning – Video
Posted: April 23, 2015 at 6:47 pm
Transhumanism Meaning
Video shows what transhumanism means. a philosophy favouring the use of science and technology, especially neurotechnology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology, to overcome human limitations...
SDictionaryTransHumanism Secret Video – Video
Posted: at 4:48 am
TransHumanism Secret Video
Demon Head on some kind of Animal. Seems like Middle Eastern Language. Demon spirit inhabiting this empty vessel of a body. The resemblance of the Egyptian Sphinx?
380strokerOriginal post:
TransHumanism Secret Video - Video
What Transhumanism means to you and Technological enhancement wishes response 8 – Video
Posted: April 22, 2015 at 8:47 am
What Transhumanism means to you and Technological enhancement wishes response 8
Katherine FoxGo here to see the original:
What Transhumanism means to you and Technological enhancement wishes response 8 - Video
What Transhumanism means to you and Technological enhancement wishes response 12 – Video
Posted: at 8:47 am
What Transhumanism means to you and Technological enhancement wishes response 12
Katherine FoxRead the rest here:
What Transhumanism means to you and Technological enhancement wishes response 12 - Video
What Transhumanism means to you and Technological enhancement wishes response 13 – Video
Posted: at 8:47 am
What Transhumanism means to you and Technological enhancement wishes response 13
Katherine FoxSee more here:
What Transhumanism means to you and Technological enhancement wishes response 13 - Video
Transhumanism and Genetic Manipulation (Lifting the Curtain: Lesson 8) – Video
Posted: at 8:47 am
Transhumanism and Genetic Manipulation (Lifting the Curtain: Lesson 8)
Mankind is on a quest to achieve eternal life apart from Christ. We must not submit to the lie that says we can improve on God #39;s design for the human body! Discover how close we are to...
Thom HoffRead the original:
Transhumanism and Genetic Manipulation (Lifting the Curtain: Lesson 8) - Video
Different forms of Transhumanism – Video
Posted: April 21, 2015 at 4:47 pm
Different forms of Transhumanism
Robot, Cyborg, or Super Human which will you choose to be?
HardKore5250Go here to read the rest:
Different forms of Transhumanism - Video