Archive for the ‘Spiritual Evolutionary Training’ Category
Somatic Spiritual (Evolutionary) Practice — The Big …
Posted: September 11, 2019 at 2:46 am
Hanna Somatic Education is a highly accessible doorway to spiritual practice. It provides means for integrating and transcending psycho-physical (somatic) limitations and instant feedback as to the success of the practice.
It's primary technique, "Pandiculation", puts principles into operation that apply equally well to subtler and "inner" aspects of the human being, i.e., the emotions and thinking mind, and the mind of subtle intuition -- the emotional and mental psychic fields -- as they do to the "outer" physiological body/organism. So, I refer to the grand process of human evolutionary transformation as, The Big Pandiculation.
This essay explains how this is so, and also identifies the advantage and limitation of Hanna somatic education as an element of spiritual practice.An entire human life may be summarized as moving from one state and degree of contraction to another -- with varying degrees of habituation.
Spiritual practice may be summarized as "increasing involvement with and increasing transcendence of" the conditions of life -- increasing involution and increasing evolution -- awakening to what we are constantly doing and being. I suggest that one of the most powerful means of spiritual practice is pandiculation -- applied not only at the sensory-motor level, as in Hanna somatic education, but also at emotional, mental, and intuitive levels. I call this, The Big Pandiculation. Correspondences with Kinetic Mirroring and Means-Whereby (explained here) also apply to those other levels. For non-participants in Hanna somatic education, I explain the term, "Pandiculation", here.
Spiritual practice has two aspects:
The first category is that of loss; the second category is that of limited development.
I know that's a lot, and I'll clarify, as needed, below.
For students of Ken Wilber, let me say that these two aspects of spiritual practice correspond to what he characterized as "state pathologies" and "stage pathologies" -- where a state is analogous to "weather" and a stage is analogous to "climate". All problems from category (1.) stem from functional impairments that occur within a given stage of development (broken personal integrity); all problems from category (2.) stem from functional deficiencies that occur because the person needs to mature to his/her next-higher stage of development.
That said, what is the role of somatic education? To answer that rhetorical question, I should first define my terms.
SOMATIC EDUCATIONThe term, "somatic" (derived from the ancient Greek word, "soma") refers to the experience of our faculties -- awareness and control -- from within -- autonomy, self-regulation, freedom and responsibility. The term, "education" (derived from Latin "e ducare") refers to the drawing out and making functional an individual's latent faculties so that they come alive.
In this day, both words, "somatic" and "education", are abused and misused in popular parlance. "Somatic" is used to refer to the flesh-body or to cells of the body (as opposed to the mind), so that the word, psychosomatic is not recognized as the redundancy that it is. (Remember, "soma" includes both bodily (or incarnated) existence and awareness, from within, of ourselves and our faculties.) Likewise, education is used to refer to mental learning of more and more things -- facts and rules, without the recognition that such mental learning relies upon a more basic learning -- the learning of how to pay attention and to exercise intention in action (to get specifically intended results). These abuses of words point to the degeneration (category 1.) and unevolved stage (category 2.) of our human culture.
So, we have to rehabilitate these words and their meanings for this essay to be meaningful. If you accept that rehabilitation, read on.
Somatic education does two major general things: it awakens perception (sensory awareness) and it awakens self-control (and by extension, control of things and others).
Understanding that point is "huge", since it is the basis of entire human lives. Somatic education increases the effects of ones actions upon oneself and others. It frees (and in effect, causes) one to be more aware of what one tends be, and, as habitual functional patterns are set free, to be more intensely "what's left" -- in effect, a surfacing (like the body of an iceberg as the top melts) of unconscious/subconscious habitual material.
The enterprise of spiritual practice appears in many forms in human culture -- everything from nature-spirit worship to organized religion to self-transcending practices.
For the purpose of this writing, I especially mean self-awakening and self-transcending practices.
At this point, we have to rehabilitate another slippery word: transcendence.
People commonly use the term to mean "being above" and dissociating from some kind of experience -- not experiencing it anymore. That's a formula for neurosis, pathology and breakdown; it's not transcendence.
The proper understanding of the term is "being inclusive of and more than" some kind of experience -- experiencing it consciously, with understanding, with mastery. This understanding goes along with Einstein's declaration that "It is impossible to solve a problem from within the frame of reference within which it was created." To solve a problem, we must first have mastered and transcended its original frame of reference.
This kind of mastery involves two stages: differentiation and integration.
Differentiation means clearly seeing the distinctions that define something as it is. When cooking, it is "helpful" to distinguish the taste of salt from that of other ingredients so that we can regulate how much salt we put into the cooking.
Integration means putting things together into a satisfactorily functioning whole so that all the parts complement each other. When cooking, it is "helpful" to balance the taste of salt with other tastes.
We can't know how much salt to add by tasting the salt we are adding; we must taste both the salt and the rest of the dish-in-progress and balance them with each other. By so doing, we transcend both the taste of salt and the taste of the rest of the dish -- we include them and occupy a frame of reference that is greater than either.
The somatic principle we have identified as applying to this situation is, "Somas perceive by means of contrasts." The corollary is, "Whatever doesn't change fades from perception." Try staring at something, sometime, and see what I mean.
How does this pertain to somatic education?
First, we understand that all of our experience gets processed through the body via the senses -- brain-based learning of how to interpret experiences. This interpretation applies to physical sensations, to emotions, to mental processes, and to higher intuitions that don't have physical objects but which are felt (e.g., music and other forms of coherent art).
Secondly, we understand that that process of interpretation is subject to the distortions of Category (1.) and to the obliviousness of Category (2.)
Let's clarify how injuries and emotional trauma distort both perception and function.
MEMORY IMPRINTSMemory consists of two aspects that make up ordinary experiencing: sensation and response (or movement, or behavior). All memories exist as states of "readiness to respond", manifested as patterns of muscular tension that keep us ready for action. The common term is, "nervous tension". A technical term would be, "motor habits".
All experiences leave imprints on memory; intense or repetitive experiences leave intense imprints on memory -- and stronger patterns of muscular tension.
These imprints overlie each other as patterns of tension that show up as posture and "body language", breathing patterns, body-sense or the sense of "self", and also thought patterns and emotional responses. "I" am patterns of memory, in action.
"Don't ask me to relax; it's my tension that's keeping me together."
Most of these memory imprints are below the surface and only get activated by circumstances, but reside at a low level of "idle". When activated by circumstance, we call that "emotional reactivity".
For a more detailed and elaborate discussion of how these memory imprints show up as neuromuscular tension patterns, I refer you to "An Expanded View of the Three Reflexes of Stress", "Is the Body 'Self' or 'Other'?" and "Sensory-Motor Amnesia is Not a Disease."
Somatic education provides a means of shifting those memory patterns from "automatic" to voluntary, turning "emotional reactivity" (for instance) into "emotional responsiveness" -- not in a wholesale manner, but progressively and specifically, and also activating latent faculties to which we are oblivious.
Just as muscular tensions can be brought under control by the three basic techniques of Hanna somatic education, "Means-Whereby", "Kinetic Mirroring" and "Pandiculation", so the logic of those techniques can be applied to emotional, mental, and intuitive levels of the being.
In general, three effects make somatic education useful in spiritual practice. (1) It shifts unconscious/semi-conscious habits from unconscious to conscious. (Some would say it integrates the mind-body connection, but it just awakens what is already the case. Please see, "There is No Mind-Body Connection | There is No Mind-Body Split) (2) It awakens and integrates more of the "neural network" of the brain to make possible more complex and more finely articulated perceptions and behaviors, and (3) It re-activates awareness of personal functions that has been lost in Sensory-Motor Amnesia, so they can be integrated.
These effects correspond to (1) incarnation, (2) maturation, and (3) integration of "shadow (psychological) material".
IncarnationMere conception is not incarnation, nor is mere birth. Conception and birth begin the process of incarnation, which involves identification as "body/mind" (soma), so that we experience the body "from within", as our "acting" selves.
The "incarnation" step applies especially to people who tend to live in their dreams, thoughts or emotions, whose fantasy or mental life substitute for engagement in relationships in the world.
Maturation Development of our capacity to experience and to act is progressive and proceeds by the formation of memory patterns along the developmental lines outlined by Piaget, Rogers, Maslow, and others, which involve progressive development of perception, conception, and action (behavior). It's the development of functional sophistication (more or less).
The "maturation" step applies especially to people who have unevenly developed competence in various areas of their lives.
Integration of "Shadow (psychological) Material"Shadow material consists of behaviors and feelings that have previously developed and then been distorted by reactions to traumatic experiences of various kinds. They're ways we "won't let ourselves be", but which we still have impulses to be. They're actions "stopped mid-step", both active and opposed by us at the same time.
The "integration" step especially applies to people who have been traumatized.
I'll tell you a few personal stories to illustrate my points.
Incarnation. I grew up in an emotionally dissociated (but financially well-off) family, in which my emotions and wishes felt generally invalidated, even as my material needs were satisfied, without much social contact or play time for ten months out of every year (required to practice piano during the time when the boys on my block were out playing, together). At home, I lived in frequent anxiety, boredom and alienation; in school, I feared for my physical safety and suffered frequent humiliation from more aggressive boys. I was small for my age, but intellectually well-developed (which earned me the name, Peabody, after the brainy cartoon dog-character on "Bullwinkle" -- "Sherman and Peabody" -- from one of the boys). In my free time (after piano practice), I read copiously -- astronomy, paleontology, anatomy, physics, chemistry, science fiction, and the entire World Book Encyclopedia, cover to cover. In physical education classes, I had the least prowess of anybody and was always the last chosen for team sports. So, I was mentally well-developed, emotionally intimidated and alienated, physically undeveloped, and socially out of synch with my peer group.
In my teens, I developed incapacitating tendonitis in my right hand/wrist that resulted, ultimately, in my getting Rolfed. The point of this narrative is that my "incarnation history" led to this: My rolfer described me as being "like concrete" and "the most contracted individual" he had ever worked on. I was largely oblivious to my condition, and I had so little bodily sensation that my forearms and abdomen felt as insensate as wood.
Rolfing was the beginning of my somatic education, and in the process, what aroused my great interest is that I was starting to perceive myself, my body, and my behavior, in ways that had never before awakened. The awakening of feeling and the changes of how I was moving were giving me a viewpoint for self-perception other than the one with which I had been identified -- the contrast making possible new self-observation.
MaturationMy process of maturation gradually progressed, with Rolfing, and accelerated with movement practices designed to speed the integration of the changes from Rolfing.
The movement practices had the same effect of awakening new self-observation (by means of contrast between the state I generated with movement practice and my habitual state) and it had a further effect, development of a kind of psychic sensitivity. I recall one afternoon, working the counter at my father's print shop, when the front door opened and a man came in, and with him, an emotional field that I would characterize as "a downer". It came in with him, specifically (and not the same way with other customers), so it wasn't a matter of "oh, another customer"; it was about, "wow, feel what just walked in the door". Practice of the Structural Patterning Movements typically magnified that psychic sensitivity by calming my mind and quieting and sensitizing my nervous system -- a lower "signal-to-noise ratio".
I stayed with Rolfing for about twenty years, and in so doing, built up a mass of contrast between my physical state and my habitual subjective state (memories of "how to be" and "how I am"). It was to be the basis of a rending, wholesale transformation (that has continued to this day).
IntegrationAt age 36, after a fairly easy divorce, but also during a wrenching time of change during which I went back to university to train as a physical therapist (living in the dorm with 18-21 year-olds), and during which I lost my entire social network, accustomed diet, work and living situation and had no source of income. I was fairly maxed-out on stress.
Shortly after the end of my university studies, I returned to my previous town in a completely different situation than the one I had left, without friends or income, still maxed out on stress.
During that time, my Rolfer plopped a copy of Somatics, by Thomas Hanna, onto my lap and said, "You might be interested in this." The book contained somatic exercises "for neuromuscular stress", which I began to practice. Surprisingly, instead of reducing my stress, they made it worse. Much worse. The exercises, by surfacing unconscious processes and developing more responsiveness in my process, intensified both my awareness and my manifestation of my state of stress, physically. The exercises made me experience more the state I was in.
That may not seem like a good thing, but by intensifying my experience of stress, it also made me available (and irresistably compelled me) to undertake further spiritual training and intensive inner work to "disarm" the stress.
When I entered training in somatic education with Thomas Hanna, I was in so much stress and so intense that I deliberately wore a red tee-shirt with the words applied to it, in white letters, "Too Intense". Mutual practice of the somatic education techniques among students alleviated my stress by about 50%. At the conclusion of training, we had a celebratory barbeque, at which time my peers burned that tee-shirt. As one of my peers said, as testimony to their acknowledgement of how much I had changed, I wasn't wearing the tee-shirt when they burned it.
After training with Thomas Hanna, circumstances brought me into contact with a teacher of The Avatar Course, which consists of methods that have the same underlying principles as Hanna somatic education. Using those methods has been instrumental in disarming so much of the accumulated stresses of my earlier life, intensified and revealed to me through somatic education.
SUMMARYThis is a fairly summary recounting in which I omit a lot of details -- but the essentials are present.
Spiritual practice does not occur in a vacuum or in a state of obliviousness. Bliss is not oblivion. It's equipoise -- which means active, participatory ease or grace -- what Thomas Hanna termed, "the fair state". It entails both momentary deep intuitions of the formless self-nature ("original mind"), emotional peace, and progressive deepening and integration into life.
Somatic education awakens human faculties so that we come more awake as we are, develop our faculties, and see more vividly the ways in which we are "stuck" in unconscious memory-and-action patterns that befoul attentive consciousness and prevent the awakening to increasingly free being and transcendental intuition.
In practice, clearing up each habituated action-pattern frees and integrates creative energy (attention and intention), so that we have more of ourselves available to put into action. That means we get more effect from the same amount of felt-effort as before. We also feel that effect more keenly and also feel "what's left to do" more keenly. We become more "how we are" and get more sensitive to ourselves and to others, more keenly discerning. As a result, we experience a progressive revelation of our habituated state, to ourselves, leading to "the next thing to clear up", and that progression happens faster and more intensely than before. The term, "the Fire of Practice" attains meaning.
Somatic education activates the great Truth Teller -- our actual feelings, apart from idealistic mental notions or deluding spiritual enthusiasm. "The Body Doesn't Lie." It decreases the likelihood of "spiritual bypassing" -- in which we assert idealisms rather than working with our actualities.
By the same token, Hanna somatic education has a limitation -- its greatest strength is sensory-motor integration, with the secondary emotional and mental benefits described earlier -- however, at some point, the somatic limitations seated at the sensory-motor level have essentially been dealt with, and habituated limitations remain in the subtler "bodies" -- emotional, mental and intuitive. These remaining limitations must be dealt with at those levels on their own terms, even though they may show up as problems in the physical body.
At that point, one must engage processes that apply the principles of somatic education in techniques analogous to those of somatic education, but that apply to those higher bodies.
In summary, the effects of somatic education on spiritual practice are:
Read this article:
Somatic Spiritual (Evolutionary) Practice -- The Big ...
Great Mother Evolutionary Self-Healing Traning
Posted: at 2:46 am
How will our training flow?
First of all, we are going to enjoy deep connection, co-evolution and inspiration through a powerful sisterhood community. We will learn together through potent tele-classes, training videos, and hands-on zoom Q & A/mentoring workshops. We will grow in intimacy & support, and stay connected over the phone, zoom video, emails, and facebook.
You'll have the option to come on an ineffably powerful Great Mother healing and Initiation retreat with us in the sacred lands ofSedona, Arizona.
There are two levelsof engagement, 6month Foundational Tier and Mystic Healer's Tier.
Training begins in November and enrollment will begin soon.
Foundational Tier (6month) privileges:
Activate your Soul Blueprint
This tier is for practitioners who are wishing to develop their inner past life healing capacities and catapult their spiritual awakening into unprecedented levels of Great Mother Love and Gnosis.
7 in-depth Past Life Healing Journey and Soul Initiation calls 90 minutes: deep dive into your past lives. Each one will be focused on a specific theme to heal and resolve within your soul. Every journey calls on your souls conscious participation to develop your inner healing capacities. Specific self-healing methods and skills will be focused on in each monthly journey.
6 Living Matrix group healing & mentoring1/2 day zoom workshops.These monthly Saturday sessions are the shining jewel of our training. This is where our co- created field of Mother-love and mystic feminine soulscomes alive, and your self-healing training moves into the depths of evolutionary power and learning. Your questions will be answered, your process profoundly supported, and we will engage in deep group inquirieswhere we will learn, heal, and co-evolve together. Therewill be an opportunity to receive personalized guidance from Maleda as well as insight from the experiences of the other sisters in our intimate grouptraining. Anything can and will happen during these life-changing group healing sessions. Together, we open to a direct experience of the majesty of our design whilediscoveringthe ways in which the healing of our feminine bodies is intimately connected to the healing of every soul, and the healing of all of life on our beloved planet. They generally will run 4 - 5hours long, and I stay on until all questions and processes are complete. All zoom workshops will be recorded and available for continued revisiting.
7 training videos. Enhanced training & skill practices in Great Mother realization, energy work, healing skills, breathwork, and embodiment.
Home Practice assignments. Specifically designed to keep the momentum of your healing & awakening happening in your everyday life.
MP3 of all Classes available for you to download.
Lifetime access to all training videos and course materials. There will be written self- healing skills training PDFs & transmissions sent to you throughout the journey.
Love & Gnosis Private Facebook Sisterhood Sanctuary: This is a place where you can consistently interact with other sisters in the training, ask questions, get feedback, and receive support in our continued exploration. I will be regularly posting and interacting with you there.
Sister, the value of this advanced level soul healing training and divine initiation is immeasurable.The inaugural year is being offered at an level of intimacy and reduced tuition ratefor pioneering sisters dedicated to the healing and evolution of humanity.If you are drawn to this journey, we trust it is for a reason.Join us to enter into the true magic of life and the long-awaited soul path of Great Mother realization.
Tuition rates will be posted soon, when enrollment begins.
Bonus 1:VIP pricing: 20% savings on Womb Matrix Healing private sessions with Maleda during the journey (when available).
Bonus 2: Begin your journey now with immediate access to Maledas powerful Becoming a Bridge Between the Worlds online course consisting of 33 days of evolutionary activations for healers. Each transmission is designed for you to bring awakening to the Womb of Life into your embodied everyday life experience. *Completion of this course is a prerequisite for the journey.
Credit Cards are accepted through Paypal. Checks/wire transfers are also accepted.
*Your exclusive benefits begin immediately.
*Partial scholarships are available for sincere and dedicated souls only. Priority is given to sisters from countries where the dollar exchange is low.
contact us:
*With this advanced self- healing journey, you will most likelybe moving throughintense emotional content. You will be lovingly and skillfully guided throughout your process, and you must haveexperience in meditation, energy work, and staying presentduring emotional catharsis. Great MotherHealing is a pathof energetic healing and spiritual awakening, and is not meant to replace traditional medicine or psychotherapy. If you have unresolved severe sexual trauma from this lifetime or have been diagnosed with a mental/emotional disorder, please contactme to see if this course is a fit for you at this time. Please contact us if you have any questions about your participation.
Mystic Healer's Deep Dive Tier:
Become a Living Conduit for the Great Mother
This tier is for the woman who is ready to take a spiritual deep- dive into her path as a Mystic Healer, who is ready to invest in and prioritize her Souls design, and from that place be catapulted into a new frontier in her ability to make a life- changing impact through her offerings.
We will take an additional two months to work intimately with me and a small group of women to complete your training with opening to the magnitude of your unique transmission through your service to life. Whether you are already a guide, or wish to become one, this tier will support you to set the spiritual foundation for your lifes work for years to come. You will also receive personalized mentoring from me and high-powered custom initiations for you to open to the fullness of your Soul Design as a Mystic Healer. We will highlight additional training in becoming a powerful spiritual transmitter of the healing womb energies of the Great Mother.
This tier features all the privileges of the Foundational Tier as well as a private one-on-one guide mentoring and Initiation 1/2 day immersionwith me, a Past Life Healing & Initiation Retreat in Mount Shasta, Ca, Sedona, Arizona or Slovenia (Europe), and additional training with transmission skill modules.
Additional Capacities you will develop:
Being a living conduit fort he Grace of the Divine Mother:transmitting a potent field of womb presence, power, and love
Spiritual Transmission (yes, there is specific skill in this!)
Finding the voice & shakti of your soul
Creating energetic grids that hold a powerful field of Great Mother Lovefor your offerings from design through delivery.
Foundational skills of energetic transmission:How to use the various flavors of vibration in transmission, their purposes and frequencies.
Guiding potent womb-breath practices and soul inquiry to enhance your current offerings.
Guiding potent spontaneous meditations:
Meeting your client/student wherever they are in a given momentand guiding them where they need to be to open to soul communion.
Visioning life-changing offerings: you will have my support to design your offerings
from your developing skill set and souls deepest vision and highest design.
Mystic Healers Initiate Tier Privileges:
In addition to enjoying all the above 7-month Foundational Tier privileges, you will receive an addition two months of training:
A five- day Great Mother healing and Initiation retreat. Your journey will be ineffably enhanced bythe powerful volcanic birthingportalenergy of Mt. Shasta, California, the Cosmic Mother energy of Sedona, Arizona,or the Oceanic Mother- Love energies of Slovenia in Europe. We willspend5 full days immersed in deep inner listening and communion, while entering into past life soul healing & soul reclamation.You will receive personal Great Mother initiation and life-changing mentoring from me to orient your path while being supported to midwife the magnitude of your destiny. You will leave this retreat with insight to your souls unique design & the specific focus that will most serve your evolution as a healer throughout our journey. The Mount Shasta retreat will be from October 4th- 10th. Sedona will be in late February. Slovenia retreat will be in May 2019. *Tuition does not include price of lodging or travel to retreats.
Completion Mystic Healers Initiation 1/2 day private Workshop; Your 9 month journey will complete with a 12 day Workshop and Initiation with me, where we will focus on your service to life as a Healer and how to bring your unique transmission and Presence through in the most powerful way in your offerings. I will take time to hear your visions, and we will co- midwife what would be the optimal orientation and unique overall focus for your offerings from here forward, and strategies on how to begin applying what we discover immediately in your work. This completion 12 day workshop will include a Soul initiation specifically tailored for you and transmission of Great Mother consciousness to embody and move forward into your life and/or work.
Additional Small Group Training & Modules: In our final two months with our group of Mystic Healer Initiates.
Two Saturday practice labs: We will get together online to practice guiding womb breath- work and soul inquiry. You will receive my guidance for your continued growth as a guide.
Your Mystic Healer's 9-month Initiation Investment
Sister, the value of this advanced level soul healing training and divine initiation is immeasurable.Join us in the inaugural year of this journey at an level of intimacy and reduced investmentratefor pioneering sisters dedicated to the healing and evolution of humanity.If you are drawn to this healing field, we trust it is for a reason.Join us to enter into the true magic of life and the long-awaited soul path of Great Mother realization.
***Space is limited for this tier, right now there are only 11spots left. If you are sincere, and it calls to you to work with me at this level,I encourage you to schedule an interview time now.
Bonus 1:VIP pricing: 20% savings on Womb Matrix Healing private sessions with Maleda during the journey (when available).
Bonus 2: Begin your journey now with immediate access to Maledas powerful Becoming a Bridge Between the Worlds online course consisting of 33 days of evolutionary activations for healers. Each transmission is designed for you to bring awakening to the Womb of Life into your embodied everyday life experience. *Completion of this course is a prerequisite for the journey.
How do I apply for the Mystic Healers Tier?
Schedule a 1/2 hour private SKYPE or phone interview with Maleda to let meknow more about your soul journey and your deepest intentions. When the interview is complete, Iwill let you know if I feel you are readyfor this level of training, or if the Foundational Tier might be a better fit for you.
Space is very limited for this tier.Please meditate deeply on it, and only schedule an interview if yousincerelywish to take the journey.
See the original post here:
Great Mother Evolutionary Self-Healing Traning
Posted: September 9, 2019 at 2:46 pm
Godfrey Esoh Inspiration, September 30th, 2018
The story of the prodigal son is a metaphor of the spiritual evolution of the human race. In the beginning, all of us were spirit beings that constituted the Elohim that said, let us make man in our image. Then we left this realm of pure spirit (The Fathers house) and entered this bodily experience to explore the garden of earth that we had planted. In the bodily human state, we indulged our senses with all earthly pleasures and worshiped the ego until we forgot who we truly were. That is how we found ourselves in the mortal state in which we now long to share even the food of the pigs we are now feeding for a living. One day, when we have hit rock-bottom, we will once more come to ourselves and remember where we came from. If we summon the courage and humility to return to our Fathers house, we will find a royal welcome waiting and a Father whose arms are outstretched, because he has always been looking forward to our return.
Be inspired, be transformed, and help change the world. Go to Godfreys brand new site to read and share more inspirational messages and lots more
Go here to see the original:
The School of Evolutionary Herbalism –
Posted: at 2:46 pm
Some of you requested a yummy Elderberry syrup recipe after our post... last week so here's what I do!1 cup fresh Elderberries2 cups water 5 small slices of ginger 2 cinnamon sticks1 tsp grated lemon peel1 tsp grated lime peel1 cup raw honeyPour the water into a saucepan and add the elderberries, ginger, cinnamon, lemon and lime peel. Bring to a boil and then cover and reduce to a simmer for about an hour until the liquid has reduced by half.Remove from heat and let cool until it can be handled. Squish and mash the berries then pour through a strainer into a bowl big enough to add the honey. When the liquid is lukewarm, add the honey, stir and bottle into clean jars... and VOILA ! Store your yum syrup in the fridge and enjoy! Here's an older video on our blog if you want to learn more about Elderberry and what magic it will share with you! See More
Read more:
The School of Evolutionary Herbalism -
Why the World Needs More Spiritual Heroes – Big Think
Posted: at 2:46 pm
Here's a published dialogue that I did with my friend Deepak Chopra in which we discuss the challenges of standing up for Spirit in a secular culture. Enjoy!
ANDREW COHEN: What I wanted to speak with you about, Deepak, is what it really means to be a spiritual hero. This is kind of a bold and audacious idea. But especially now that there are so many people looking for ways to step forward to make the world a better place, I think that more and more of us are going to have to be willing to take responsibility for where we are all going. Were going to have to be willing, in all our imperfection, to embrace leadership and to really be exemplars of whats possible.
I see you as a very courageous expression of that heroic spirit. Youre someone whos willing to stand for the truth and reality of Spirit in a disbelieving world. And the reason thats important, as you well know, is because when we awaken to that truth and reality, we see much more deeply into the nature of who we really are, into the nature of reality itself, and we discover a fearless courage to live this life for the highest reasons. I think the degree to which each and every one of us is willing to do that is the degree to which were actually going to have a significant effect.
DEEPAK CHOPRA: Well, the way I see leadership, now and in the future, is that a leader is really the symbolic soul of group consciousness. And the soul is our core consciousness, for lack of a better word, where we find meaning, context, relationships, and the yearning to access the larger archetypal being that we really are. As leaders, we represent the collectives deepest longings and aspirations, and the highest level of imagination and creativity, all of which exist in the collective consciousness but need a little stirring from a leader so that they can unfold.
A real spiritual leader unlocks not only his or her own potential but the potential of everyone on the planet. He or she harnesses the evolutionary impulse of the universe for greater good, truth, harmony, justice, and equality. Spiritual leadership is the call to rectify all of the problems that plague humanity right now, whether its radical poverty or social injustice or war or conflict or ecological devastationand not at the level at which they were created but from this deeper level where we cannot help but bring light where there is darkness.
ANDREW: What would you say are the personal implications of this kind of leadership? Especially for the individual who is inspired by spiritual sentiments and intuitions, and by an evolutionary philosophy and worldview, but still experiences a fear or reticence or existential hesitation to step out and be seen? To say, I am awake to the ultimate reality and to the deepest truth of who we all really are, and Im willing to stand for that in all the imperfection of my evolving humanity?
DEEPAK: Well, we have to ask ourselves: What kind of world do we want to live in? What kind of world do we want our childrenand their childrento live in? What is our role or contribution in bringing about this new world?
When you ask yourself these questions, you live these questions. And you realize that youre not alone but part of a huge impulse in collective consciousness. When you realize this, it energizes you and gives you passion for what you want to create right in this moment.
ANDREW: No, were not alone. But its all too easy to sit back, observe what the problems are, and fall into a state of despair or cynicism. It takes spiritual courage to step forward and begin to take responsibility for the solution in our own ways. Our ability to make a significant difference depends on how wholeheartedly and with how much commitment were willing to do that.
DEEPAK: I think if we want to really succeed in this, we first have to have a regular discipline or practice that weve made our own. We have to get in touch with that deep consciousness inside us through meditative practice. We also have to start to pay attention to the fact that love is a very powerful force, and the more we create the energy of love in our environment, as we are delving deeper into our own consciousness, the more we can harness and combine the two forces of being and love. Then the third element is creativity, and the fourth is action.
Being, feeling, creativity, and doing are the four expressions of our consciousness. And we now have the ability to harness these collectively, an ability weve never had before. Our collective being, our collective love, our collective creativity, and our collective action can solve not only any problem that exists in the world, but they can take us to a new plane of consciousness where we can literally begin to manifest what people will call heaven on earth. It is up to us now. As has been said before, we are the ones weve been waiting for, so lets not wait any longer. Lets act.
The naysayers are only part of the dying paradigm, which isnt going to last much longer anyway, so we shouldnt pay any attention to them. I say stay immune to criticism, be responsive to feedback, and then just make the move and actually hang out with the right people. There are three important Sanskrit words: simran, remember who you are; satsang, hang out with the right people; and seva, lets start doing things without selfish motivation.
ANDREW: Thats absolutely inspiring. And this issue you just brought up, about hanging out with the right people, has been a very big theme in my teaching. Finding each otherfinding those other individuals who also feel as passionately as we do about the kind of change were speaking aboutliberates our own spirits and gives us the courage to take very bold steps that we otherwise might not take.
DEEPAK: Thats right. For years and years, weve said theoretically that consciousness is a field, but now through new technologies and new research, were finding out that this is literally true: If you have a happy friend, your happiness goes up fifteen times. If your happy friend has a happy friend whom you dont know, it goes up another ten percent, and if the happy friends happy friend has a happy friend, it goes up another ten percent. This can only happen if consciousness is a field. And if we understand that consciousness is a field, and that we are the field, then theres nothing that can stop us.
ANDREW: If consciousness is a field, then our individual actions and responses to life are obviously going to have an effect on the field.
DEEPAK: Absolutely. Every individual is interdependently coalescing with every other individual in that sea of consciousness.
ANDREW: And individuals who have the greatest confidence in the reality of Spirit, and in its immortal and indestructible nature, are in a position to have a greater impact on the spiritual evolution of the field itself.
DEEPAK: Thats right. And we can also imbue each other with greater confidence. Our interactions with each other will enhance that confidence and give it more and more power.
ANDREW: Its really like coming out of the closet. And the more we come out, the more we realize, Oh, I can come a lot further out, until we get to the point where we realize theres no way back.
DEEPAK: Yes. There is no way back. Its irreversible. A child that is born cannot return to the womb.
ANDREW: Thats right. Of course, once weve come so far out of the closet that were actually living for Spirit itself, our identity as an individual in the world becomes one of Spirit. The more of us who are willing to do that, the more the field will be affected in quite a profound way, and well be on our way to creating a cultural revolution.
DEEPAK: Thats precisely correct, Andrew. I couldnt have said it better.
ANDREW: So I agree with everything that youve said, that its important to have a spiritual path and a spiritual practice, one in which we can find access to the infinite source of our own being as Spirit. And alongside that, its also important that we embrace a progressive and leading-edge perspective about the evolution of culture. Because, for example, there are individuals who are expert meditators but live in a traditional cultural context, so when they come out of their meditative trance, they advocate worldviews and perspectives that people like you and me would find inappropriate for a modern or postmodern context. The perspectives simply wouldnt be relevant at this moment.
So meditation or spiritual practice is important in order to access Spirit, but we also need an evolutionary worldview and philosophical perspective that will enable us to embrace the world of progress as well as the process of cultural development. This is what will allow our spiritual enlightenment to carry real meaning and power in the world.
DEEPAK: I think thats the purpose of conversations like this, because the world in the end is a projection of our collective conversation. We do need to realize that much of our old religion and old spirituality is really a cultural mythology that has become obsolete and isnt consistent with what we know about evolution or cosmology or everything that we call reality.
A new secular spirituality is emerging that transcends those tribal and localized cultural expressions of spirituality, which have a great deal of truth in them but may not be relevant in their entirety as they are originally packaged. So we need to evolve with this secular spirituality, which is consistent with science, and actually elevate science itself to a new level of expression.
ANDREW: Right! And I imagine well get to the point sooner rather than later when it will no longer be a secular spirituality but an evolutionary spirituality. It will be based on science and upon the discovery that were all part of a cosmic process thats definitely going somewhereand is urgently in need of, and ultimately thrilled to have, our higher participation in it.
DEEPAK: I like that phrase, evolutionary spirituality, much more than secular spirituality, which is the stage we must actually get over in order to become the evolutionary impulse of the cosmos. I like that because neither spirituality nor science are going to go away, and we need to bring them together to find this impulse.
Download a free chapter from Andrew Cohen's book, Evolutionary Enlightenment: A New Path to Spiritual Awakening.Click here to download now.
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Why the World Needs More Spiritual Heroes - Big Think
What Is Spiritual Development – Spiritual Development
Posted: July 12, 2019 at 11:46 am
Spiritual Development
Spiritual development is the process of becoming fit for a higher level in the spirit world.There arethree areas of spiritual learning: skills, beliefs, and evolution.
Spiritualists believe that a person incarnates in order to learn.Christianity, or more correctly, the words of Jesus, teach that what youare here to learn is: to love God and other people. Buddhism, teachesthat to be able to love you must become unselfish or in other wordslessen the grip your ego holds over your thoughts and deeds. Buddhismgives practical techniques (meditation and mindfulness) that can helpyou to become unselfish.
Therefore, humility is the sign of a highly evolved soul. One shouldlook for this characteristic when seeking a spiritual teacher.
For humans living on earth, spiritual evolution is the most important aspect of spiritual development. This is because in the afterlife you will have spiritual skills. In fact, spiritual skills will be the only skills you will have at that point. Also, in the afterlife, you will have the right beliefs because you will be able to see for yourself what the afterlife is like. However, unless you use your time on earth correctly and learn to love and to eliminate selfishness, you will not have that ability when you move into the afterlife.
While the great religions of the world teach that developing love forothers is the primary objective of spiritual development, it is notenough to say this without some instruction on how to develop love. Ourbiological nature puts up many obstacles against love. People hear thebeautiful words of the great teachers and then find that it isimpossible to live according to their beliefs. This damages peoplepsychologically and brings disrepute to preachers and followers alike.
Therefore it is important for humankind to have an explanation of how todevelop love. Love arises spontaneously when hatred and anger and otherforms of selfish and negative thought are absent.
The way to eliminate selfishness through meditation can be found in thepage on meditation. If you practicemeditation daily, then gradually over the years, without straining to beperfect, you will become less and less self centered and a natural lovefor others will arise within you. The chapter on Short Topicshas more On The Purpose of Life.
For more information on spiritual beliefs see the page on The Principles of Spiritualism.
A person's beliefs have a strong influence on his ability to developspiritual skills. If he is skeptical and continually attributesanomalous experiences to coincidence and "natural explanations", he willweaken his abilities through negative reinforcement. This will alsodiscourage spirit guides that may be trying to help him. Each person isborn having spiritual skills, but our societal attitudes result, in thisway, in most people losing awareness of their natural abilities as theymature. Therefore it is necessary to undo the effects of living in anunbelieving society.
To develop spiritual skills, a person must be accepting of the phenomenaand must continually look for spiritual influence in his life in theform of coincidences, hunches, and other unusual phenomena. In this wayhe will increase his awareness of spiritual influence in his life andnotice more and more the activity of his spiritual skills. Thispositive feedback will lead to improvement and enhancement of hisspiritual skills. Therefore it is necessary to err on the side ofcredulity rather than skepticism.
There is the risk of incorrectly attributing coincidence to spiritualinfluence, however this risk must be borne. One must always maintain anawareness of this risk and never take rash or unwise actions based onsupposed spiritual influence and never allow belief in infallibility totake hold.
The regular practice of meditation and relaxationis also helpful in the development of spiritual skills. These practicescalm the mind and allow one to notice subtle thoughts, impressions,and sensations that may be associated with spiritual phenomena.
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What Is Spiritual Development - Spiritual Development
Welcome to Chakra Evolution by Collette Oonah Corcoran
Posted: June 24, 2019 at 8:47 am
Collette has spent her whole adult life as a seeker of her truth, love and power. Trained in several disciplines of Yoga, Womb Awakening and Tantric Sacred Dance. She founded The Urban Buddha -Yoga Studio, is Creator and Director of Chakra Evolution Teacher Training, Chakra Evolution Online Course, she has also written The Golden Sacred Heart a journey in awakening the mystical heart and The Sacred Rose rediscovering the sacred sexual self, which are also available as online courses.
Collette is also a clairvoyant / clairsentient who works with people on an individual basis guiding them into their own soul healing and awareness of their ability to identify their own souls wounding and power to heal. Her sessions are unique to each person and draw on her many skills, gifts, there are always next steps and tools given to aid self-empowerment. She has a very loving way of exposing the truth and the shadow aspects of the human psyche. Her testimonials have transformed peoples lives and she has many clients who use her spiritual guidance, to awaken their own soul purpose. She is very passionate in empowering people to be of service to themselves and others. Her thirst for all that is sacred leads her to live a nomadic lifestyle, travelling for her own spiritual lessons and delivering workshops around the world. She is deeply rooted in her love for God and believes that all men and women are a direct Conduit for the Divine.
See more of Collettes work
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Welcome to Chakra Evolution by Collette Oonah Corcoran
On Evolution: the first video in a Free Video Series with …
Posted: June 22, 2019 at 12:44 am
What an intense and wild time to be alive. There is much conflict and division in our world, but as difficult as these times are, they are also exciting, invigorating, and abundant with possibility. People are speaking out and rising up. Its inspiring, its hopeful, andwhen so many lives are at stakeutterly necessary. As musician and poet Patti Smith says, The people have the power to unite, organize, and create real social change. Change that benefits everyone. Change that leads to liberation, to Oneness, to God. And that power is love. That is the revolution of the soul. But how can we harness that power? How do we awaken to love? How do we honor, as Allen Ginsberg said, all moments, beings, and experiences as holy? It begins with our own spiritual evolution. It begins by embracing the holiness in our own ever-evolving consciousness. I wrote Revolution of the Soul in part to inspire, and provide the tools for, anyone who desires to participate in creating a better world.My hope is that these pages will . . .
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On Evolution: the first video in a Free Video Series with ...
Home | Accelerated Evolution
Posted: June 15, 2019 at 11:48 pm
Whats The Secret to Accelerated Evolutions Power?
Accelerated Evolution is deceptively simple; but it is the exact, direct, unadorned and pierce to the core nature that has quickly made it so popular with physicians, executives and high-level coaches around the world.
There are two parts to every challenge the objective and the subjective facets.
The objective problem is comprised of the circumstance or facts.
The subjective challenge, however, is merely our reaction or the mental/emotional lens we subconsciously bring to the external circumstance. Often these lenses obscure clarity of vision, alternative solutions or the fact that there is actually no problem at all!
Used skillfully, the guided techniques of Accelerated Evolution Method allow anybody patient, client, consul-tee, coach to internally address and magically dissolve these lenses quickly, predictably and permanently.
Watch a Demonstration of an Accelerated Evolution Method
Combining these laser-guided techniques, you will succeed in helping them dissolve and clear destructive, stubborn and suppressed limiting thoughts and distressful emotions that have been causing these paralyzing states to metastasize and persist.
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Monika Nataraj – Mystical Dance, Shakti Spirit, Teacher …
Posted: at 11:47 pm
Explore the depths of your true essence and the call of your soul. Dive into Truth, Divinity and Beauty, and recognize they are One. A mystic's path is direct, spontaneous, unique and blissfully alive. Share the vision and practices of this Mystical Dance of life, stemming from a place of stillness and returning to Source. "When the realisation is deep, your whole being is dancing." ~ Zen saying.
Discover the secrets of tantra: the integrated yoga of intimacy. Tapping into the transformative power of ritual and chakra energy movement, we delve into techniques to catalyze our life force towards spiritual transformation. Based on traditional Indian Tantra, and presented with relevant information from Taoism and alchemy, Monika guides us in the ancient practices of cultivating and focusing our creative potential and polarities. Heart-centered and balancing, Tantra is a path of love and awareness. Tantra workshops are offered in India, Turkey, Canada, U.S., Thailand, France and Japan.
Visit our Tantra Section >
Unveil the power and mystery of dance and movement as gateways for self-development and spiritual evolution. The Mystical Dance Teacher Training Course (MDTTC) is a unique opportunity for women to immerse themselves in a five-week, 250-hour intensive program, weaving together sacred dance, ritual, tantra, meditation, and self-discovery. Body and spirit unite as we dive deeply into everyday tools for empowerment, celebration and igniting the Divine Feminine within. The 9th annual MDTTC is held on the paradise island of Koh Phangan, Thailand, February 11 - March 16, 2019.
See our Teacher Training page >>
~ Who Am I? Where do I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? ~ If you seek ayoga and meditation system that goes beyond physical exercises and advanced stretching, which is holistic, scientific and confronts you with the fundamental questions of life and the Universe ... search no further. The mysticism and esoteric wisdom of Indian and Tibetan tantra yoga are in your reach. WisdomWoman Yoga is offered in many of Monika's workshops. Highlights include chakra knowledge, meditation and purification. This year she will be offering a special Women's Movement and Meditation certificiation retreat in France.
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Turkey is a magical, ancient land the gateway of the Orient, charged with long lineages of women who danced in celebration of Life. Join Monika in this living prayer as we dance our dreams awake under the summer stars. Ritual, Mystical Dance, Sufi Whirling, mythical explorations, and so much more! August 2019 marks the next session, including a 5-day residential retreat in Bodrum at the confluence of the Mediteranean and Aegean Sea at Karakaya Retreat. An optional dip into a holistic detox retreat is offered at the LifeCo July 24-31. A legendary Goddess experience awaits.
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Mystical Dance strives to open a window for the modern seeker to embrace dance as one of the many beautiful tools for re-kindling our inner radiance and dancing the Divine into existence ... moving beyond merely 'being the dancer' to knowing that we are also the dance. Mystical Dance begins where regular technical dance instruction ends. It is about dancing from the inside out. Reveal your radiant Shakti in a powerful, awe-inspiring circle of sisters. Shimmy, Laugh, Contemplate, Discover, Bliss Out. Upcoming workshops in Thailand, Japan, India, Turkey, USA, France and Canada.
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The Dharamsala Film Festival (DFF) celebrates the eternal play between consciousness and creativity by promoting outstanding independent films focusing on spirituality and sacred arts. Four annual DFF have launched at the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts, McLeod Ganj, Himachal Pradesh, India, along with other sponsored special events. Rejoice in film as a transformational vehicle for fostering awareness and change and as a cross-cultural medium for soul-level evolution. The DFF is the first international, spiritual film festival in Dharamsala, the home of H. H. the Dalai Lama.
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