Selections from the Lecture Series "Inner Impulses of Evolution, the Mexican Mysteries and the Knights Templar" delivered by Rudolf Steiner in 1916, lecture #7 Passages from his book "Cosmic Memory" also included. Both are read by Dale Brunsvold. Music by Gandalf from the album Invisible Power - 1989 The entire 7 part audio lecture is available online for free download: All Rudolf Steiner's work is available at this website in audio format free of charge:
Part 1 of a 2 parts interview on 2012, humanity and universe evolution and extra and intra beings including plasma beings More of Lilou's interviews with Drunvalo More videos and interviews on 2012 Lilou Macé webTV and on shifts and evolution Drunvalo Melchizedek website Contact page More interviews and videos with Drunvalo Melchizedek and other teachers visit ABOUT DRUNVALO MECHIZEDEK (from http Drunvalo is the author of four books including The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life, Volumes I and II, Living in the Heart and his newest one, Serpent of Light. These books have been published in 29 languages and reach out to over one hundred countries throughout the world. Drunvalo also founded the Flower of Life Workshops with over 300 trained and certified facilitators teaching in over sixty countries
This video is best when watched in high quality. It is a continuation from the "Multidimensional: Chakras" video. Watch the rest of the series for more. The origins of the Vedas and Upanishads are lost in the mists of time. It has a strong oral history and has been passed down along with the evolution of mankind.
Divine Compass at Work is about helping you to find your true purpose, discover your calling, create your vision and infuse your business with more meaning, money and magic.
Google Tech Talks September 2, 2008 ABSTRACT We have been brought up to believe that the mind is located inside the head. But there are good reasons for thinking that this view is too limited MESSAGE FROM SANANDA (4) AWAKENING IS A CHAIN REACTION My dearest Ones, Your recent history has proven to you that you had no chance to develop spiritually, only very few souls who were strong enough and specifically destined to follow the path of enlightenment, were able to do so. Now, this has dramatically changed as Earth has risen her frequency dramatically and is still continuing rising it. There are brothers and sisters among you who are able to feel this and integrate consciously these frequencies into their bodies.