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The Power of Personal Development – SUCCESS magazine

Posted: September 5, 2015 at 2:46 am

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Jeffrey Gitomer

When I say Think and Grow Rich, what comes to your mind?

Almost everyone in sales and those interested in personal development have read this classic by Napoleon Hill at least once. And almost everyone who's read it has a positive comment. Many (like me) will say, "Turning point in my life."

Everyone has a turning point in their quest for lifelong learning. Everyone has their Aha! In your personal development, it's what you choose to listen to, watch or read that enhances your understanding of your life and teaches you what you need to do to succeed.

Napoleon Hill's 1937 quote sets the standard. "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

And once you have the information, it's all about what you are willing to do to take advantage of it.

Most people know Napoleon Hill was the author of Think and Grow Rich. The person Hill emulated and studied was. Not many know that.

Marden was the leading positive-attitude genius of the 20th century. Well-known before 1930-almost unknown today. He was a founding father of personal development and positive thought. Aha!

Author of more than 40 books, Marden also was the founder of SUCCESS magazine. Here are a few of his words of wisdom from the book he wrote in 1908, He Who Thinks He Can.

"Every child should be taught to expect success."

"The man who has learned the art of seeing things looks with his brain."

"The best educated people are those who are always learning, always absorbing knowledge from every possible source and at every opportunity."

"People do not realize the immense value of utilizing spare minutes."

"No substitute has ever yet been discovered for honesty."

"Poverty is of no value except as a vantage ground for a starting point."

These are quotes worth learning and passing on to others. One hundred years old!

1. Expose yourself to knowledge.Based on my personal experience and personal Ahas!, I'd like to challenge you with the rules of personal development and give you some examples of what I have learned so you might make your own plan to succeed or enhance the one you have.

At the end of a seminar I gave on positive attitude, I received an evaluation from a woman named Mary with a comment that read, "I wish I would have heard this 30 years ago." I got goose bumps of sadness and thought of a Jim Rohn quote: "All the information you need to succeed already exists; the only problem is you're not exposing yourself to it." This information existed 30 years ago. Mary just hadn't exposed herself to it.

Jim Rohn is known as America's leading business philosopher. His CD, The Art of Exceptional Living, is among the modern classics of personal development. Jim Rohn is the current master of inspiration and Aha! He imparts wisdom in every sentence.

Between Marden and Rohn, there is a long list of valuable books. I owe my career success to these books and to personal development information to which I have exposed myself.

Most of the books are more than 50 years old. Many with religious connotations-but still preaching the right words and thoughts. One of the most notable is The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. Biblical and brilliant.

2. Simple is powerful. If you read it and it seems too easy or too hokey, reread it. It's probably part of your personal development foundation.

One of my early Aha! moments of personal development was the simplicity of the message. Sometimes it's so simple, you go right past it without understanding the impact it can make.

A classic example is the eternal How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. In 1936 he wrote, "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." How many salespeople could benefit from that single Aha!? I think all of them.

Interesting to note that Dale Carnegie's lessons still are being taught in the classroom 70 years later!

3. Think and apply to improve. In As a Man Thinketh, published in 1902, James Allen says, "A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts." Thinking what can be done is at the core of your personal development. About 54 years later, in the million-seller, The Strangest Secret, Earl Nightingale writes, "We become what we think about all day long." Get it?

In 1969, I listened to Glenn W. Turner on a cassette tape: "Act as though you have already begun to achieve. Not fake it-live it."

4. Take a daily dose. Think about the time-worn expression, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Apply that to personal development, and it means learn and apply one new thing every day. At the end of a year you will have 365 new pieces of information.

5. The older the better. If you want a new idea, read a book that's 100 years old. "The best educated people are those who are always learning, always absorbing knowledge from every possible source and at every opportunity." -Marden, 1908. Or, "History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats." -B.C. Forbes, 1919.

6. Personal development and positive attitude are joined at the hip-and at the brain. And there is another component-being of service. "There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." -Clement Stone, 1946. Add that to the 5000-year-old Chinese proverb, "To Serve is to Rule."

7. Do it even as your butt falls off. In 1898, Elbert Hubbard wrote an essay titled, Message to Garcia. Deliver the message, get the job done, complete the task-no matter what. Many have read that essay. Few have emulated it.

Personal development challenges you to think forward. "Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come." -Victor Hugo, 1874.

Personal development challenges you to be your best. "You cannot mandate productivity; you must provide the tools to let people become their best." -Steve Jobs, 1988.

"I am the greatest of all time." -Muhammad Ali, 1963.

Personal development challenges you to make decisions based on the person you seek to become. "The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it." -John Ruskin, 1869.

Wondering where you can "find more time" to devote to your own success? "It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste." -Henry Ford, 1901. Just a thought.

The key word is not development; the key word is personal. Do it for yourself, in your own way, and make your own time for it-or not.

The biggest Aha! of personal development is from Russell Conwell's Acres of Diamonds. Considered to be one of the finest speeches ever written, Acres of Diamonds offers a multitude of lessons about the rewards of work, education and finding the riches of life in your own back yard-or your own library. Aha!

Visit the SUCCESS store for books, CDs and downloads for your own personal development.

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The Power of Personal Development - SUCCESS magazine

Written by admin

September 5th, 2015 at 2:46 am

Posted in Self-Help

Personal Development Plan | Personal Development Training

Posted: September 3, 2015 at 10:42 am

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What is a personal development plan? And why should you care to develop and grow yourself? Well, consider the following simple quotes:

Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power. ~ Lao Tzu

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. ~ Jim Rohn

You must be the change you want to see in the world. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Personal development is that process of constant growth that creates better health, better relationships, fulfilling career, financial abundance, greater love, peace and spiritual growth, better human beings and a better society.

The main purpose of this website is to provide knowledge, tools, tips and techniques for personal growth and development, so that you can be happy and successful in the real world. It is abnormal to struggle and suffer; normal to be in a state of flow and succeed effortlessly. It is abnormal to live someone elses dream; normal to discover and live your own path. Here are some of the major objectives for articles that are posted on this website:

Having said that, let us begin this personal transformation journey. Happy reading and exploring!!

Firstly, anyone who is seriously interested in his/her personal development or personal growth will benefit immensely from the content posted on this site. However, it is my strong understanding that if you are a person who happens to fall into one or more of the below mentioned categories, then you would benefit the most out of this site:

Personal Development Plan

A personal development plan with detailed steps, explanations, tools, tips and techniques to succeed effortlessly in a crazy world. This plan can easily take you from a -10 to a +10 and make you unstoppable

Personal Development Plan Example

A simple personal development plan example with 11 steps to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Download a free excel template to plan your personal development in any area of your life.

Free Personal Development Books For Download

One of the finest collection of free personal development books and audios on the internet, available for download. No need to enter your email address as well.

M1 What Do You Really Want?

Before you can truly succeed in life, you need clarity of purpose. You need to be clear as to what do you really want out of your lifewhat is it that you want to do and create. This is the first step to success that all great leaders and businessmen of the past and the present have always adopted.

M1.1 Success Definition

Ever wondered as to what is the correct success definition for a better life success? Let us try to understand and define success here in this article

M1.2 Mind vs Heart

Are you trying to succeed using your mind or your heart or both? Find out here in mind vs heart as to what exactly is the correct way to succeed authentically in life.

M1.3 Define Success Emotionally

Brief listing of questions to help you define success for yourself that is in-line with your emotions. This is the surest way to come up with a success definition you feel automatically attracted to.

M1.4 Define Success Analytically

Brief listing of questions to help you define success for yourself that has been analytically validated by the brain (after having checked with your emotions in the previous article).

M1.5 Creating a Vision for Life

Brief listing of right questions that will help you in creating a vision for life that you feel automatically attracted to achieve and succeed in the world.

Personal Development Tools

Learn the best free personal development tools and techniques for personal growth and life success. These tools have been tried and tested by others and me over the years to be highly effective in personal development and growth.

What is Meditation

What is meditation? where did it come from? what are its benefits? How does it help us in real life? What are some common easy meditation techniques? Can technology be used to meditate? Learn all this and more here

Meditation Benefits

A brief listing of common meditation benefits that have been scientifically validated in the recent years to be true. These benefits make a compelling case for us to meditate on a daily basis.

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Learn some easy meditation techniques to develop a clearer mind and a sharper mental concentration for better life success. You may use these techniques as the starting point to your meditation practice.

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Discover a simple meditation technology called Holosync meditation solution. This technology creates deep meditative states of mind in an effortless manneralmost at the push of a button.

Personal Development Tips

Learn some really cool and free personal development tips and insights that are a direct result of listening to great teachers and thinkers, reading books, reflecting deeply and implementing the same into my own life.

Misconceptions About Failure

Learn some common misconceptions about failure. Speaking from experience, there are no failures in life but only feedbackyet so many of us keep going through our lives feeling like failures and becoming bigger failures in the process.

10 Steps to Get What You Want

10 Simple steps to get what you want with absolute certainty. A very straight forward approach to achieving great results in life and keep getting better and better every day.

4 Myths About Time Management

Time Management is a very frequently used term in our daily liveslearn the 4 myths about time management that not many think and reflect on and keep getting into a vicious circle all the time.

12 Signs of Inspired Leadership Part 1

Here is part one of 12 signs of inspired leadership. Learn the common signs of great leadership, be it business, politics or anything else

12 Signs of Inspired Leadership Part 2

Here is part two of 12 signs of inspired leadership. Learn the common signs of great leadership, be it business, politics or anything else

5 Min Tip to Stop Worrying

Learn a quick 5 min tip to stop worrying and start livinguse this tip anywhere, anytimebe it home, office or anywhere else.

How Fear Holds Us Back

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Recommended Personal Development Programs

Unleashing some of the best personal development programs on the internet today. These programs have been tried and tested for over 27 years to be working and effective in tapping the hidden potential of your mind.

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Personal Development Plan | Personal Development Training

Written by admin

September 3rd, 2015 at 10:42 am

Posted in Self-Help

Personal Development | The Cupcakebands Magazine

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You dont know how strong you are until being strong is your only option. I fight the enemy day in and day out. When I dont think the enemy is attacking my life He is when I least expect it He does. My message to you. You are not alone in this cold world which

The 3 Es of Personal Blogging: Explore, Exploit, Evolve TyUnscriptedCreator of award-winning blog Twenties Unscripted and KaeNdKamsMomWriter at EverythingEnJ and VIBEvixen Writer. 3Es: What is your blog about? Ranishaislove: My blog is about me and my faith I try to be inspirational to those who dont get encouraging words and always being torn down. 3Es:

Calm your worries. What is yourworry condition? Are you troubled by your anxieties and suffering from youre disturbing thoughts. Dont torment yourself any longer today is a day all by itself. Matthew 6:34So dont worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Todays trouble is enough for today We fight against so many

You may have more than 5 ways to improving, becoming, building, renewing, developing, identifying, enhancing, fulfilling, and defining personal development. I want to help someone who dont know where to start and may be looking for ways to increase their skills and qualities. Your potential is worth more than you realize. The process might take

I want to help you determine what gets your attention. Before you took interest in reading this blog identify what got your attention was it the title? What was it? Have you stop to think about what is it you need to turn your focus on? I myself could probably turn my focus from what

Living the new life Are you living your new life? I know we all have been in situations and had lifestyles that needed change. I would like to share, help, encourage, and inspire someone to live the new life that is waiting for you. Before you live your new life you have to acknowledge the

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Personal Development | The Cupcakebands Magazine

Written by admin

September 3rd, 2015 at 10:42 am

Posted in Self-Help

Saint Leo

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Respect -Animated in the spirit of Jesus Christ, we value all individuals' unique talents, respect their dignity and strive to foster their commitment to excellence in our work. Our community's strength depends on the unity and diversity of our people, on the free exchange of ideas and on learning, living and working harmoniously.

Community -Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian learning communities everywhere we serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change and to serve.

Responsible Stewardship -Our Creator blesses us with an abundance of resources. We foster a spirit of service to employ our resources to university and community development. We must be resourceful. We must optimize and apply all of the resources of our community to fulfill Saint Leo University's mission and goals.

Personal Development -Saint Leo University stresses the development of every person's mind, spirit and body for a balanced life. All members of the Saint Leo University community must demonstrate their commitment to personal development to help strengthen the character of our community.

Excellence -Saint Leo University is an educational enterprise. All of us, individually and collectively, work hard to ensure that our students-athletes develop the character, learn the skills and assimilate the knowledgeessentialto become morally responsible leaders. The success of our University depends upon a conscientious commitment to our mission, vision and goals.

Integrity -The commitment of Saint Leo University to excellence demands that its members live its mission and deliver on its promise. The faculty, staff and students pledge to be honest, just and consistent in word and deed.

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Saint Leo

Written by admin

September 3rd, 2015 at 10:42 am

Posted in Self-Help

Personal Development Workshops – University College London

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We have changed the way we run our Personal Development Workshops service to help reduce our current waiting lists. We will hopefully return to scheduling new workshops next year and will keep this notice updated. Please let us know if you have any questions and we apologise for any inconvenience.

A Personal Development Workshop is a free and confidential group that offers you the opportunity to focus on a specific difficulty with others who might be in a similar situation to yourself. For example, if you find it difficult to talk in social groups, a workshop can offer encouragement and help in overcoming the difficulties you feel. Some workshops require a commitment to practicing skills during and between sessions.

Most of the workshops take place over 5 or 6 weekly sessions. Each session can last between 90 minutes to 120 minutes. Some particular workshops are scheduled to take place over 1 or 2 full days. Workshop have between 10 and 14 participants depending on the type and are led by experienced therapists. You must be able to commit to attend all sessions in order to gain a place.

Due to unprecedented demand on our Personal Development Workshops and to ensure effective use of spaces available, we are introducing a fine scheme. All our workshops have significant waiting lists and every time someone does not attend or drops out, it denies a place to another student. We hope the fine scheme will encourage students to think about whether they can really commit themselves to attending a workshop for 2 hours a week for up to 6 weeks.

When you receive confirmation of a placeon the workshop you have applied for, you are informed that if you do not attend or drop out of the workshop without letting us know in advance, you will be liable to pay a fine of 30 to go towards our admin costs and be reinvested in the workshop development.

This will be applied to your record, much like library fines are, but it will not affect graduation. The fine is non-refundable and will be payable through the UCL Online Payment Service.The debt flag will be removed as soon as the payment has been made.

Once the fine is paid, you will be able to access our services once again, receive our support and attend more workshops. If the fine remains unpaid, you will not be able to register for and attend another workshop.

It is essential when registering for your workshop to keep in mind your academic timetable to ensure you can attend all of the sessions.

Originally posted here:
Personal Development Workshops - University College London

Written by admin

September 3rd, 2015 at 10:42 am

Posted in Self-Help

A List of Excellent Personal-Development Sites

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I recently polled Ask Metafilter for the best personal development sites:

I want to compile a list of personal development and productivity sites. Im looking for sites with real, practical information that you can use in your everyday life, sites that motivate you to be a better person, to try new things. Examples: 43 Folders, Steve Pavlina. Please point me to your favorites!

The suggestions included:

Since asking the question, I discovered Guy Kawasakis Signum Sine Tinnitu, a weblog on entrepreneurship and marketing. These are all great sites, but most seem to focus on the getting things done aspect of personal development. I was hoping for more suggestions. Maybe there arent any other quality sites.

GRS is committed to helping our readers save and achieve their financial goals. Savings interest rates may be low, but that is all the more reason to shop for the best rate. Find the highest savings interest rates and CD rates from Synchrony Bank, Ally Bank, GE Capital Bank, and more.

This article is about Self-Improvement, Self-Improvement

See the rest here:
A List of Excellent Personal-Development Sites

Written by admin

September 3rd, 2015 at 10:42 am

Posted in Self-Help

Personal Development Goals For Work Examples |

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Setting Goals for Personal Development Have you considered, even for a moment, that many activities involving writing prose and poetry, sports, music, exercise as well as major religious practices such as prayer, dance, singing and chanting in which we engage are to meet personal development goals, professional development goals and career development goals?

People set personal development goals regarding improving health or artistic achievement to stay focused on becoming the best person they think they can become in life. Personal development goals often affect family values, education choices, professional development goals and career development goals.

Personal development goals play an important role in your development toward leadership and management.In addition to helping you become a better person,a better spouse, a better parent,a better friend.

Examples of Goals Here are some examples of personal goals, but you must determine your own since everyone has a different set of circumstances within which to live. Notice that each one contains the word your:

Certain guidelines will help you follow your goals for a personal development plan. You probably need to make an outline for personal development in which each goal has objectives.

Your path to happiness will become evident as your written plan begins to emerge.Recall that without a target toward which to shoot,well obviously never hit it.

And visit here for a professional development agenda that will assist your personal development goals plan.

Personal Development Plan Sample Short Term Goals

What is a Personal Development workshop? A Personal Development Workshop is a gratis and intimate group that offers you the opportunity to focus on a specific difficulty with others who might be in a similar situation to yourself.

If you find it intimidating to talk in social groups, a workshop can offer encouragement and help in conquering the difficulties you feel. Workshops require a commitment to using the newly learned skills during and between sessions. Long Term Goals

Professional Development Goals Examples These examples are just as important as professional development goals for work examples:

Goals for Work Examples

Well stop with these words:Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.

And visit here for a professional development agenda that will assist your personal development goals plan.

I like to discuss personal development goals-Do You Think I Have a Bad Attitude?.I believe you can all understand a good attitude,probably too well. The reason of course is that youve all seen the bad attitude,the negative attitude.

In a way it may be a good thing that you all go through having a bad attitude.Because once you sober up,the contrast is so genuinely apparent that you now have the ideal of attitude firmly entrenched by way of extreme contrast.

By the way,the definition of (good) attitude is marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor,This is a marvelous definition,and it is so appealing, you think about what if every time you become irate at something totally insignificant or argue about trivial pursuits.

You think incorrectly and then scorn someone about whom you dont have any idea what theyre really like.You go way overboard when you watch professional sports teams,or sports teams in general.

The competition piece gets blown way out of proportion,and you can rant and rave to the point of being ludicrous.By the way ludicrous means amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration, or eccentricity,does that ring a bell? You can way over-emphasize the idea of making money,isnt spam a manifestation of that?

For our personal development goals-Do You Think I Have a Bad Attitude? composition good attitude is one of the personal development goals examples.Attitude is a mental position with regard to a fact or state,and you can clearly see that we all can have bad attitudes.

Visit here for the perfect balance plan thatll help you in many significant phases of your life.

Fortunately,attitude is an extremely capricious mental disposition. We can change our attitude as fast as an office worker eats his lunch,as fast as Aaron Rogers completes a pass to his tight-end.

So for this personal development goals examples composition, here you are in this great big world, but small and coming together quickly,complicated but simple-if we make it that way-acting in a way that is not very good,you may call it childish selfishness defined by outbursts of temper and even more extreme rage.

The challenge is there,you need to restrain your thoughts,keep it simple,do not overreact,keep things in perspective,prioritize events,drive your automobiles with thought,patience,and consideration.

For this personal development plan sample discussion,one of the most significant personal development goals is to develop good manners and etiquette.We need to define a new definition of etiquette or better,reemphasize the values we had long ago, that extolled manners,patience,and courtesy.

This I hope for the purpose of our personal development goals-Do You Think I Have a Bad Attitude? discussion, well come through in the end as Americans tend to do,and well change that attitude for the good of the individual, the good of the group,the good of the workplace, the good of the American people,the good of all human beings.

Finally words to think about:It isnt what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it. Dale Carnegie

Visit here for the perfect balance plan thatll help you in many significant phases of your life.

Please visit here to add a significant scientifically formulated diet product to aid your healthy diet plan.

Lets continue our discussion with Healthy Diet Plan Healthy Weight Loss- how to achieve goals Lose Weight Fast Diet, lets start the lose weight fast diet with a well-balanced diet, and look at it from the perspective of eating the right kinds of food,and exercising consistently.

Generally, the macronutrient ratio remains the same for a lose weight fast diet as for a regular diet. Exercise does not have to be intense, but it does have to be consistent. The best exercise is cardio,and this can be done by walking, jogging, bicycling, or going up and down the stairs.

If youre not used to a cardio workout, be sure you visit a health professional before you begin. You can measure your heart rate easier in the gym, because the cardio apparatuses have built-in digital measurement capabilities.

If youre new to cardio and want to workout in a low phase, take the number 220, subtract your age, and multiply the result by 0.65. For example, for a 64 year old to find their maximum heart rate relative to exercise, the equation would look like this: 220 64 = 156 bpm (beats per minute). So, 156 bpm would be the maximum heart rate.

To train in phase 1, you will want to train at about 65% of your maximum heart rate.Using the example above, the new equation would look like this: 156 x 0.65 = 101.4 bpm.

As you improve, you can raise the bar. A higher phase 1 would be multiplied by 0.75. Phase 2 would be multiplied by 0.80 (low) and 0.85 (high). Phase 3 would be multiplied by 0.86 (low) and 0.90 (high).

Generally for this Healthy Diet Plan Healthy Weight Loss forum, calories will be spent very well while training in a low phase one cardio workout.Why are we talking about exercise during a discourse on a lose weight fast diet and how to achieve goals ? This is because with the introduction of cardio, youll lose weight twice as fast as you would on a low caloric intake diet alone.

Though it is important to re-orient your food choices throughout the diet program, you can make substitutions. An example is frozen yogurt for ice cream.It is very important to stay away from high glycemic carbs, like sugar, candy, and soda.

It is also very important to abstain from processed foods, especially ones that have trans-fats. Once you get into the process of eating well with the correct macronutrient ratios,and the right amount of phase one training, you will see dramatic changes.

Your source of protein must come from good sources, such as skinless chicken and much more fish, especially oily fish. Fish is not only a good source of natural protein, but it is also a great source of omega 3 fatty acids.

EPA fish oil has been regarded to be effective in the lessening of inflammation, which is the precursor to just about every conceivable disease, including cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and Alzheimers.Consult your nutritionist or personal physician for more information.

These foods have less calories and fat and still provide more protein.In our how to achieve goals Loss Weight Fast Diet discussion, it is always important to consider the trade-offs.

We previously talked about low glycemic carbohydrates and their significance in the lose weight fast diet. For a complete list of low glycemic carbohydrates, you may visit Herbal Vitalitys official website.

Foods lower on the glycemic index are higher in nutrition and fiber. Fiber is critical in the lose weight fast diet because it maintains regular intestinal mobility, helps to prevent diverticulitis, and helps maintain the heath of the colon muscles.

It also lowers blood cholesterol, and most importantly, it regulates the absorption of glucose and controls the rate of digestion and the incorporation of carbohydrates.The macronutrient category to which were oriented (which fad diets love to overplay) has got nothing to do with our lose weight fast diet.

The most important aspect about weight gain is that you take in more calories than you burn. This article on how to achieve goals Lose Weight Fast Diet,tries to help reverse that trend,and the lose weight fast diet attempts to redirect your efforts toward healthy foods that will escalate your metabolism,keeping glucose and insulin in check.

Metabolism is key,because as you escalate your metabolism you gain significant control,as you gain control, everything improves and weight loss will follow.

Recall with phase 1 exercise will bring you into a calorie deficit instead of a calorie surplus.Always communicate effectively with your nutritionist and/or your personal physician,in helping clarify issues with the lose weight fast diet and exercise and remember this composition in how to achieve goals.

With the lose weight fast diet weve outlined, you can see that you can eat a lot of high quality foods and with your phase one cardio program,and you can see that healthy goals are very much achievable.

Well need to wrap Healthy Diet Plan Healthy Weight Loss-how to achieve goals Lose Weight Fast Diet with these words:The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. Thomas A Edison

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The power of personal development goals is available to everyone.You may not understand these goals however,all of you have the ability to develop them and put them into use. It is available to you whether you understand its internal workings or not.

Most of you are not accomplished in personal development, but you can learn from the repertoire of simple techniques to achieve your dreams. You can change your life dramatically,by exploring the depths of personal growth. Lets take a look at personal development, apply some of its simple techniques,and show some dramatic improvement by this application.

From a personal development goals perspective, If we look deep enough,you can see wonderful things happening in your lives everyday. We have to filter the negative ,but as sure as we see the sun and the sky each day, you can find great people- even miraculous people. You may have heard the stories of a woman lifting the full weight of a car to save her child,or a man walking again after years in a wheelchair.

You dont have to go to the Bible to hear of truly miraculous recoveries in our era.One of greatest things I can recall is when people are truly hurting or devastated,people respond.Witness 9/11 or hurricane Katrina.

From a personal development goals perspective, however,you may be unaware of the miracles that ordinary people, just like you and me, are performing all over the planet.

Miracles like, turning financial ruin into avalanches of wealth and abundance,weve all heard of the homeless man who is now making thousands of dollars online.

Miracles are happening right now where human beings come together and cooperate,people are able to reclaim failed relationships and heal emotional hurts that have festered over many years.These are the same people who respond to the needs of others.

How would you like to be a person who has come back from negativity,from emotional pain,from financial instability,from a very difficult or failed relationship,from the loss of some morals or ethics,from the loss of spirituality?

The dominion of supernatural recovery is not a asset of decades-far-removed memory. It does not lie in some distant mystical land or with metaphysical creatures who have studied ancient secluded arts for decades. The power of miracles lies right here in the present. This power can be taken by you right now in the form of personal development goals.

People who live in their emotional past are unable to take advantage of their personal development techniques,such as self hypnosis,subliminal messages ,and reaffirmations.

That is because past experiences and negativity,overwhelm clear positive,and progressive thoughts.

It is negative experiences that youve had,that lead you to form that way of thinking and feeling. You must take responsibility for your mistakes,realizing that we all make them, but in order to pursue personal development goals you must own up and then let them go.

An illustration of that is the pitcher who has a bad inning,but must forget it quickly before he pursues his next innings plan.

The secret to personal development in your life is to become as clear as possible,on what you want to achieve,and how you must act to achieve it.If you follow the course-of-action of only the things you need to do in your development plan,then you will by sure force-of-focus achieve those goals.

The issue, is when you think of goals,you lose focus, your mind tends to wander to the negative and irrelevant past .

You may think it hopeless to try the personal development,because of those interfering emotions and negative thoughts.

If youve had a bad relationship,certainly that can enfetter your mind and prevent you from trusting people.The pain always seems to surface.Do you want to unbind your mind from the distant but persistent past?

What you perceive today,how you perceive reality, is based on your persistent preeminent thoughts,emotions,and beliefs. Consciousness itself is the impetus that shapes the physical universe and the realities that comprise it.

Since consciousness drives reality by our persistent thoughts and subsequent actions, you actually create your own reality.

The first step to personal development goals in your life is to take full responsibility for everything that you have created so far :failed relationships,jobs that dont work out,loss of money, unfilled potential,or on the other hand,solid relationships, consummate jobs and accomplished personal development.

By taking responsibility you regain your personal development advantage, because by taking action and planning,you will regain significant control.You know what youve done in the past,but by taking control,you not only shape that reality of the past,you also are in charge of the future.

If you look at the good things that are happening now,and feel how youre thinking about that,its happy thoughts.

But if you think about what should be,what you should have done,and look at what you do not have,you are playing into the uncontrolled subconscious.If you play this recording over in your mind,then you have chronic reaffirmations of the subconscious past.

To elaborate your personal development goals, begin by examining your past, as well as the present . Get in tune with your emotions,thoughts,and beliefs.

When youre in the zone where time stands still,you are focused and mentally doing, not only what you want to do,but also what you are meant to do.

When you are unhappy,your emotions are off,youre not feeling good about yourself,you are not steering toward your personal development.You are focused incorrectly on goals that you do not want-things you do not want.

You can put yourself back on track,get back to that core, by taking control,changing the mindset,and doing what you love to do.Happiness has returned,youve regained control,getting back doing what you love and creating what you truly enjoy.

As you gain more control you will come to grips with that negative past,your fears will be ameliorated,and the negativity will be expunged.Its very interesting that you dont see your faults.

Ask a good friend,and if he or she is truly a good friend, then shell be able to tell you traits about yourself which you are totally unaware-you are in denial.In your personal development goals you become more aware and more willing to end this self subterfuge.

As your personal development plan grows,and matures, you eliminate this self delusion and negativity from the past.

Your plan becomes ingrained in our subconscious mind,your focus becomes more easy,your life is now changing and evolving,you have control,youve learned from the past and admit it,but youre moving ahead steadily, positively,doing what nature intended you to do.

See the original post here:
Personal Development Goals For Work Examples |

Written by admin

September 3rd, 2015 at 10:42 am

Posted in Self-Help

Personal Development Archives – Mitra’s Selfhelp Tips

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Some of you may wonder what is meant by personal development. Personal development is also referred to as self-improvement, personal growth, or self-help. Personal Development is simply about improving ourselves in whatever areas wed like, which means improving or changing skills, attitudes, or beliefs that will help leading us to the desired effect. That desired effect could vary, maybe its just to be more happy, or maybe to make more money, to save or create a relationship, or even get over a fear such as public speaking. If you feel that you are already perfect in all ways then this is not for you, however most of us will admit we have room to better ourselves. Some arrive at an interest inSt only after they get so frustrated with their current situation that they truly open their mind to change and faster their self-growth. So why we should listen to someone else for advice? As Brian Tracy (my favorite author/speaker) said it well: No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals. I strongly believe that people develop themselves throughout their entire lives. Our whole life is a process in which we strive to improve our skills, knowledge, relations and so on. Most of us have the ability and the desire to improve, and that can be as simple as learning of how to communicate more effectively, how to think positively (which brings us happiness, health and success) and how to give thanks and being grateful for what we have in our lives. It doesnt have to be Thanksgiving for you to feel grateful and express that gratitude. The last thing I would like to add is that personal development crosses the entire world, all countries, all cultures and all religions.

Hi, my name is Mitra Shahidi. I am an author, online marketer and business owner. I am married and blessed with having a loving family.


Original post:
Personal Development Archives - Mitra's Selfhelp Tips

Written by admin

September 3rd, 2015 at 10:42 am

Posted in Self-Help

Biodanza Personal Development

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Course Dance with Life. This process will boost your confidence & self-esteem, relieve stress, improve your relationships and see you embrace life with a new exuberance and freedom.

If youve reached that point in life where you know you have to change the Biodanza Personal Development Course will give you the time and space to reflect and change whats not quite working out. And in a supportive environment, without any dogma.

The Biodanza Personal Development programme will give you the opportunity to look at life and understand whats truly important for you, the freedom to reach your own decisions, and the life skills to make the changes. It will help you find or recover your dreams, your passions, your goals and start to live them.

The Biodanza Personal Development Course connects you to life through dance, music, beautiful emotions and the healing power of pleasure. Its a personal transformation that makes you part of a worldwide community that puts life first!

Its your life and we invite you to live it your way with new confidence and self-esteem. And I will be honoured to assist you.

Carolina Churba

Director Biodanza South Africa

Read more here:
Biodanza Personal Development

Written by admin

September 3rd, 2015 at 10:42 am

Posted in Self-Help

Teenage Personal Development – Margaret Mara

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This programme is so helpful for teenagers. It is particularly useful during Transition Year in schools in Ireland. It can be easily incorporated into the school curriculum, become part of youth club activities, or just be a stand-alone for individuals or small groups. Either way, it is pure magic. So here isbrief idea of what the 7 Habits programme isall about:

Habit 1 Be Pro-active:

This habit is about taking responsibility for your life. Deciding whether you want to be pro-active or re-active. You will begin to realize that some habits will not serve you well. Its about taking back control of your life.

Habit 2 -Begin with the end in mind:

This is about learning how to set goals. Its about developing your own mission in life. You will identify the things that you want to do but just dont know how to go about it. Learning how to develop your own goals which means you will will be motivated towards what you really want.

Habit 3 Put first things first:

This about getting real about time management and identifying what is really important to you, learning how to priotitise and geting the important things done first.

Habit 4 Think Win-Win:

This is about developing a win-win-attitude. This will affect your relationships whether with parents or friends. Often thinking win-win creates a great result for everyone. Its about thinking outside the box.

Habit 5 Seek first to understand, then to be understood:

Listening skills are not normally something that is taught. Yet, how can we expect our ideas to have an impact unless we learn to listen first..

Habit 6 Synergize:

This is about working together to achieve more. Imagine a rock band without the drummer. It just wouldnt be the same! It would lack synergy.

Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw:

This is all about body, mind, and spirit. Nutrition, self-image, rest, relaxation and continually improving yourself. Its about realizing that you have talents and identifying your passion in life.


We found the The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers to be very helpful especially the first habit about being proactive and not just reactive. This really helped the lads to reflect on situations in their own lives and enabled them to take ownership of the choices they make (Dublin Youth Club)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers programme helps teenagers really get to grips with life skills and the knowledge that they can be the successful peopel they want to be. Its practical, inspirational and gives real hope for a positive future. Highly recommeded course.

Read the original post:
Teenage Personal Development - Margaret Mara

Written by admin

September 3rd, 2015 at 10:42 am

Posted in Self-Help

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