Archive for the ‘Self-Awareness’ Category
Inaction toward coronavirus, refugees leading to EU’s internal bankruptcy – Daily Sabah
Posted: March 22, 2020 at 4:44 am
It is in times of crisis that the value of unity is measured. The old motto "union is strength" can be applied to anyone and anywhere. Currently, it does not seem to be a very well respected principle. The European Union shows great difficulty, almost an incapacity, to act on world, regional or even state emergencies.
This is the same European Union that, according to its founding fathers, should be leading social and political unity. Instead today, it is at the mercy of social fractures and political dominant positions. What is happening within its borders is clear.
Unfortunately, many European states, especially Italy, are experiencing one of the most dangerous crises of this century, COVID-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently declared the coronavirus a "pandemic," which means that the virus has spread over the entire world population. Although Europe is the main basin of the infection, the EU is reluctant to take any common stance. The scientific curve by virologists shows that the virus's trend is spreading from Italy to other EU states. No common measures, and not even a diktat, have come from Brussels. Rome found itself managing the crisis on its own. Although European institutions have come together several times to study the case, declaring solidarity with Italy, the resolutions have been merely confined to offices.
As of today, no financial aid or medical equipment has been allocated to the Italians. There are meetings likely going on in Brussels, but no coordinated action has materialized yet. As a matter of fact, Italy is in a phase of economic recession as every effort is indeed directed toward saving human lives. Commercial activities are halted. This is not just a national emergency but also a European one. The economic downturn is rippling through Europe, but why have no common economic measures been adopted? Why have no joint actions aimed at concrete policies been applied? Union means community and solidarity. Indeed, it is a paradox that Italy benefits from the aid coming from China, as a result of bilateral agreements. Among other things, coronavirus is testing European cohesiveness and unity beside its capacity of vision.
There is an urgent issue that touches everyone, and it is knocking at the door of Greece. Thousands of refugees are looking for shelter, while the Greek authorities are constantly repelling them. An EU representative spoke about "Greece as the shield of Europe." The EU was not born to be a shield but was founded on the values of dialogue, openness, coexistence, solidarity, exchange and the protection of human dignity. The main threat is, therefore, the total absence of self-awareness, the constant lack of responsibility and the incapacity to develop any concrete response based on their own principles.
The major European debates today focus on economic growth, without a real evaluation of incentives and maneuvers needed to restart the economy. Above all, there is not a single voice talking about health care costs and migration. We pretend to not to see, but these are the cards we have to play. As important as the domestic game is, equally critical is the regional chessboard, from the Middle East to North Africa, where the European presence is almost absent and their approach is confused, a victim of its very opposing national interests.
Joint action is needed more than ever, and that means keeping open the dialogue with key players such as Turkey, the first bulwark for European security. When it comes to the 2016 refugee deal, Brussels has not taken any concrete steps to assume its own responsibility in the agreement. In other words, Europe is living in limbo, in an uncertain condition, where decisions are rarely made and the spirit of the block is fluctuating according to convenience.
The revitalization of the European spirit is thus a sine qua non for coping with today's challenges against the vacuum of internal bankruptcy.
See original here:
Inaction toward coronavirus, refugees leading to EU's internal bankruptcy - Daily Sabah
INDIE VIEW: X-RAY ROBOT #1 is exactly the comic we need at the end of a hell of a week – Comics Beat
Posted: at 4:44 am
X-Ray Robot #1 Written and Illustrated by Michael Allred Colored by Laura Allred Lettered by Nate Piekos Dark Horse Comics
I had a plan for what I was going to review originally, but its been a hell of a week. I imagine when I say that, most people reading this a nodding. Hell of a week. And I could go on and on and on explaining why it was a hell of a week to me, but you already know, because even if there are different details to my hell of a week than your hell of a week, the events that helped create those details are all the same. So whats the point?
Its with that experience that I noticed, by accident, Michael Allreds new book X-Ray Robot #1. All it took was one look and I said to myself, Thats exactly what I need at the end of this hell of a week. I mean, if you had asked me prior to seeing this comic what wouldve made a nice ending to my week, what would have picked up my mood and helped me step away, just for a little, tiny moment, from the confusing nightmare of the reality outside my house, there is a chance that I mightve answered, Maybe something about a robot, maybe with an x-ray aspect. I might have. We dont know that I wouldnt.
But Im fine to admit that X-Ray Robot #1 is more likely the thing I needed that I didnt know I needed. Michael Allred apparently knew I needed it, though.
The last thing I read by Allred was his surprisingly enjoyable Dick Tracy series, and that was probably the first thing Ive read by him in years. It was nice to see he still had his touch, and so when I saw that he had turned his attention to a goofy science fiction superhero-ish kind of concept, that seemed like a good bet.
In X-Ray Robot #1, Allred introduces readers to a team of research scientists who are sort of doing robotics research, but its evolved into something more complicated involving space and dimensional stuff that is very sophisticated and hard for a simple guy like me to understand. The important thing is that the brilliant and handsome Dr. Max Wilding understands it.
But there are still surprises in store for Dr. Max Wilding, and a mishap in the experiment brings scientific victories but also many curious and confusing results that are mind-bending and absurd, and poised to set up more than one goofy, incredible, exciting circumstance that Dr. Max Wilding has to contend with.
X-Ray Robot has the trappings of a late-era Steve Ditko comic say Shade the Changing Man or Machine Man but is obviously more self-aware than anything Ditko wouldve have done. But one of Allreds strengths is that he never lets the self-awareness seize control of the sincere oddness of his concepts and execution, so X-Ray Robot manages to remain in tune with that Ditko comparison in a genuine way.
Thank you, X-Ray Robot, for saving me from this hell of a week. Heres hoping you manage to save others from their hell of a week as well.
Here is the original post:
INDIE VIEW: X-RAY ROBOT #1 is exactly the comic we need at the end of a hell of a week - Comics Beat
Ethan Hawke gets introspective about his career while self-distancing in New York with his dogs – LaineyGossip
Posted: at 4:44 am
The four-time Oscar nominee teased another "Before" trilogy sequel, opened up about parenting, jealousy,and more in a new interview.
Celebrities are doing what they can to keep themselves busy while social distancing, for better or for worse. Seth Rogen is livetweeting Cats, Debbie Allen is giving dance classes over Instagram, Justin Bieber is perfecting his TikTok moves in Canada, and Ethan Hawke is self-quarantining with his dogs in upstate New York while getting introspective about his career.
Ethan spoke to Indiewire for a wide-reaching fireside-like Instagram live chat yesterday afternoon, and his dogs Georgia and Jett could not care less.
"They are not hip to indie film.... I tried to show them White Fang to see if they'd respond, but.. [shakes head no]"
Even though 1991's White Fang is memorably a Disney movie, and not an indie, this is still some funny dad humour. Speaking of Big Dad Energy, at one point Ethan accidentally flipped his device's camera to show the quarantine supplies of the "friend's country house" he was staying in, which included a bunch of Campbell's Soup cans. Though, knowing how Ethan rolls, they could have easily been art pieces.
His overall attitude was best summed up by saying, "I've never invited anybody into my house on Instagram before, but hey, what the hell!"
If nothing else, his Instagram live proved what we all feel to be true: To love Ethan Hawkeis to eyeroll at Ethan Hawke. And I mean that with great affection. For all of his appreciation of his craft, and his body of work, he often veers into pretentious territory when citing his influences. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but he did tell Indiewire's Eric Kohn that he is trying to get his younger kids (he has two daughters with wife Ryan Hawke, and mentioned daughter Maya Hawke and son Levon Thurman Hawke are quarantining "with their mother," his ex, Uma Thurman) to watch Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin movies from the Criterion Collection. He also read out a passage of Shakespeare's "As You Like It," noting that he started memorizing certain excerpts in his college dropout days, before adding, "He wrote King Lear in quarantine, so if he can do it, so can you!"
This level of self-awareness is soothing in a way, especially in these times. Ethan also touched on fatherhood during Coronavirus, professional envy, and the possibility of another sequel to the Before... trilogy.Which would make it Before 4. Or B4-4. Who can't "Get Down"with that?
Speaking about parenting, Ethan said:
"I'm holed up at a friend's country house outside the city, my kid's school has been cancelled, the movie I was supposed to do was cancelled, on the plus side - on the positive side, I've probably been a better father in the past week than I have been in the past couple of years; everything we've been doing is making dinner, and washing dishes and washing clothes..."
His self-reflection did not end there, either. Ethan notes that he doesn't find the arts as therapeutic as others do, in part because it's his field, and also because of some light jealousy:
"... It didn't hit home for me [how serious the Coronavirus spread can be] until they cancelled the NBA season. I don't know, I, I'm a sports fan, it's the one thing - because I'm in the arts, a lot of people find the arts relaxing, I don't find the arts relaxing at all! It's something I do for work, and if somebody does a great performance, I'm just jealous... You know, I'm always thinking, 'Oh, I'd like to work with that person....' It's not relaxing. Watching LeBron James? It's relaxing for me... I like to watch him excel.... I like to watch what happens to this team, and that team... And when that got cancelled... even during September 11th, I got to watch the Yankees play the World Series! ... It rang a bell inside me that we're in some place that's completely new, and if I'm in that place at 49, I can't imagine what a 19-year-old is feeling."
Ethan did acknowledge the privilege of his celebrity, and said he "still experience[s] so much fear as an actor." That fear of getting it right translates to frustration, how he perceives most memorable parts, and his struggle with perfectionism.
"The truth is, I want my next role to be my signature role," said Ethan. "You know, like, my brain is always so forward-thinking. ... You always end up a little disappointed with everything that you do. A little bit. Nothing ever turns out quite as great as you thought it could have. For years, people always thought of me as the kid from Dead Poets Society, and then I was the Gen-X guy from Reality Bites, and then I was the cop from Training Day; to a certain group, it's Jesse from the Before trilogy, to certain people, recently, the priest from First Reformed, those have all been important roles in my career as far as when I talk to people, but for me, I don't think I've ever given myself to a role as I did with [his upcoming role in a Showtime series - his first TV regular gig] John Brown."
It's not like any bombshells were shared during this Instagram live, but it served as an endearing (to me) display of soul searching in a time of uncertainty. However you remember him best, even if it's as "that guy from The Purge," Ethan Hawke is still going to "Ethan Hawke" in these social distancing times. And that has to be reassuring and calming for those fans out there, whether they are "hip to indie film," or not.
He-Man and Masters of The Universe: 5 Smartest Heroes Ranked – Honk News
Posted: at 4:44 am
Masters Of The Universe is a hot land for Mattel because the early 80s, and the franchise keeps popping up in one form or another, to the day.
With a recently declared animated Netflix reboot show and a possible live-action movie in the works, it seems He-Man is not quite ready for the dust-bin of the background just yet.
Now were taking a look at the 5 smartest characters at the He-Man world, and we are ranking them out of brilliant, to genius-level! Time to take another journey back to Eternia!
Thats not entirely accurate, nor fair, although Orko is a bumbling buffoon. Orko is smartly lacking in self-awareness. This Trollan magician was exceptionally proficient however, the loss of a magic amulet prevented him from controlling his powers on Eternia, in which the laws of nature differ.
Intellectual or although not as educated as to the others on this listing, Orko was to foil a few of Skeletors plans, even going so far as to beat him in a battle of magic in the comic book collection.
Man-At-Arms adopted daughter Teela bears ill-temperament of a young kid and all of the rashness, but she is also an accomplished fighter and a master tactician to boot.
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This could have something related to her lineage, given shes the girl of the Sorceress of Grayskull.
Teela might not be a fountain of knowledge as a result of her childhood, but her quick wits, keen wisdom and common sense make up for this though she finds herself getting into trouble!
The fellow is named General, a master fighter, military tactician and Duncan in the Royal guard of Eternia. Hes one of just three who understand He-Man and Battle Cats identities, and his heritage with the Sorceress is complex and deep.
As a skilled inventor, Man-At-Arms is a technical genius. This intellectual art puts him a cut above many of his contemporaries while demonstrating how valuable he is to the team of heroes that the residents in Grayskull.
This thespian used his abilities to live in a universe that had shunned him, due to his distinctive ability to switch between three faces at will.
After escaping the will of Beast-Man to turn him into one of the henchmen of Skeletor, Man-E-Faces was welcomed into the Royal Court of Eternia to pursue his dream of acting.
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The 2002 reboot attracted his character, Though he does not feature in the 1980s TV series. Here, buffs were received by Man-E-Faces based on which face he took at any given moment.
Specifically, his robot face would provide a boost in prowess, even so much as to make him a boxing champion to him.
Nothing could be farther from the truth, although the primary hero himself may resemble a man lacking in grey matter.
He-Man is an enthusiast who would like to use his superhuman strength for functions. Hes also a calculated warrior who understands the significance of taking a step back and assessing a situation.
This has allowed one to avoid conflicts with seemingly dangerous threats, instead of using diplomacy and compromise to win daily.
He-Man also uses his intelligence to prevent occurring threats from harming others, such as volcanoes and lava flows. He-Man will constantly use his skills of perception and logic to overcome any issue, rather whenever possible.
See the original post:
He-Man and Masters of The Universe: 5 Smartest Heroes Ranked - Honk News
Posted: at 4:44 am
By regular practice of Bhavana or Buddhist meditation, one could go beyond everyday consciousness to a deeper level of consciousness or a deep state of mental calm which leads one to a state of awakening to realities of life, to self-understanding and the ultimate meaning of life. According to the teachings of the Buddha, Bhavana is the key to understanding your true nature or discovering who you truly are. It helps one to develop ones understanding of oneself that comes from a clear view of reality. Buddhist meditation is not a means of escaping reality. It enables one to discover who you really are. In other words, meditation helps one to unmask the causes of ones stress, discontentment, and suffering and to dispel ones mental confusion. Deep meditation helps one to develop emotional intelligence, self-regulation, and empathy necessary for successful relationships to face interpersonal challenges and eventually to experience true happiness.
Samatha and Vipassana are the two common types of Bhavana or Buddhist meditation practices or methods of mental development that help to raise human consciousness to a higher level, bringing ones mind to a state of equilibrium. Samatha is the development of tranquility and Vipassana is the development of insight. Samatha aims only at concentration whereby the individual is constantly conscious of one object and this concentration is directed along a single channel of one-pointedness until serene mental tranquility is reached. It is noteworthy that this form of mental development does not bring about an understanding of reality, nor of its cause and effect. It brings only tranquility. One can begin with Samatha or the development of mental tranquility and after having achieved concentration, one can proceed to vipassana or the development of insight or wisdom.
Vipassana meditation practice purifies the mind to enable it to gain insight. Insight means wisdom which enables one to see that mental states and matter are impermanent or transitory, unsatisfactory or suffering, and non-self or impersonal. Vipassana is the realization of the three signs of being- anicca (impermanence), dukkha (suffering), and anatta (non-self), by direct insight at a deeper level of awareness at an intuitional plane where it is experienced as a psychological fact
Complete self-awareness is possible only by those who have advanced in the development of their minds through regular meditation. Such a mind can have a clear perception of what you, in fact, is mistakenly considering as yourself. According to Buddhism, there is no permanent soul or self. An individual is subject to constant change, as the elements or skandhas that constitute the individual or what we identify as me, or self is a combination of five constantly changing skandhas. A person may be compared to a river, which retains an identity, though the drops of water that make it up are different from one moment to the next. There is no one, no soul or self sitting inside me, as we think there is. Anatta or no permanent self is at the core of the teachings of the Buddha.
In other words, what we identify as self is a combination of five skandhas or aggregates, namely:
1. rupa or the body or the manifest form of the four elements earth, air, fire & water; 2. vedana or sensations or feelings; 3. sangna or perceptions of sense objects; 4. sankaras or mental formations; 5. vinnana or consciousness or awareness of the other mental aggregates.
These five skandhas sum up the whole of an individuals mental and physical existence. They are impermanent, constantly changing, transient processes that function continuously on an ongoing basis and we cling on to these processes considering them as self. In other words, the tendency is us to consider the skandhas as self and to cling on to the illusion of a permanent self. Identifying themselves with their transient personal characteristics such as thoughts, feelings, volitions, and consciousness with the notion of permanence, people cling on to these transient skandhas. Such attachment brings about craving, greed and associated fear, hatred, jealousy and prejudice resulting in stress and suffering. In order to find deep abiding peace and serenity, we need to learn to let go of any attachment to or habit of fixating on to a self-identity.
If we really want to get rid of suffering, completely and totally, then clinging to the illusion of a permanent self must be dropped. Letting go of ones attachments is not an easy task. In order to be free of attachments and thereby free of suffering one must realize the non-existence of this illusion of self. This calls for wisdom or a higher degree of mental development or a deeper level of consciousness available when you focus your mind in meditation. In other words, such a mind can be developed by those who have advanced in the development of their minds through regular meditation.
Buddhism stands unique in the history of human thought in denying the existence of a separate soul or self. According to the teachings of the Buddha, the idea of a soul or self is an imaginary false belief which has no corresponding reality. It produces harmful thoughts of me and mine. The self is not a rigid, unchanging entity but a living evolving organism. It is an ever-growing changing bundle of attributes or characteristics, forming our character and personality. All defilements like greed, hatred, and ill-will, etc., have their root in the wrong notion of a soul or self. The hindrance caused by defilements like greed, hatred, etc., is eliminated by the realization of the doctrine of no soul. The Buddha teaches that, what we call ego, self, soul, personality, etc., are merely conventional terms not referring to any real independent entity. And he teaches that there is only to be found this psycho-physical process of existence changing from moment to moment. Without understanding the ego-lessness of existence, it is not possible to gain a real understanding of the Buddha-word; and it is not possible without it, to realize that goal of emancipation and deliverance of mind proclaimed by the Buddha.
According to Buddhist teachings, what we regard as self or ego or soul are miscomprehensions arising from lack of knowledge of absolute truth about these so-called entities. In reality self is but a very rapid continuity of birth and decay of mental states and matter. Insight has as its function, the destruction of all hidden defilements, cravings and wrong views. The insight will enlighten us to the true nature of mental states and matter or in other words that mental states and matter are not lasting, they bring about suffering. Mental fetters bind us tightly to dukkha or suffering. These fetters are mind defilements namely, greed, hatred and delusion (loba dosa moha), along with their many offshoots such as anger, malice, jealousy, stinginess, hypocrisy, obstinacy, conceit, arrogance, vanity and heedlessness.
Self-purification is a prerequisite for the removal of these defilements. The work of self-purification is to be undertaken by treading the Noble Eightfold Path, with its three divisions of virtue, concentration and wisdom (seela, samadhi, panna). Each of these divisions of the Eightfold Path is intended to remove the defilements at successively subtler levels. It is only when these defilements have been completely uprooted by direct insight into the true nature of phenomena through deep meditation practice, that dukkha can be completely removed and Nibbana or the highest happiness, peace freedom and security is attained right in this very life. The Buddha points out that real happiness, peace, freedom, and security must be attained by overcoming these mental defilements. The training in samadhi or concentration aims at eliminating the active eruption of the defilements into our thought processes. Panna or wisdom helps to eradicate defilements at the fundamental level. It is only when these defilements have been completely uprooted by wisdom or by direct insight into the true nature of phenomena, that ignorance is completely removed, and one reaches the state of highest happiness, peace, freedom, and security right in this very life.
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Saudis take on self-isolation through the internet – Arabnews
Posted: at 4:44 am
JEDDAH: As Saudis go head-to-head with the coronavirus, taking precautionary measures through self-isolation, the internet has become an essential tool for them, whether for business purposes, school or leisure.
The Saudi government has urged the public to stay in their homes to reduce the possibility of further virus outbreak.
Schools and universities have shifted to online classes to protect staff and students, while many companies have began allowing their staff to work remotely.
English instructor at a university in Jeddah, Amani Al-Ghoraibi, told Arab News that the staff faced some trouble initially.
Weak internet connection, loss of sound, inability to log in, the system crashing, initial difficulty using the program for both students and instructors (were among the issues), but the university really did a great job solving these issues, she said. The Blackboard page became easily accessible by hyperlinking it to the universitys main page, said Al-Ghoraibi, adding that customer services became available for immediate assistance, and the university then updated the Blackboard system entirely.
Theyre currently conducting meetings and workshops online and joined by over 250 university instructors, heads of departments, admins, and so on, to help with the issue of assessing the students fairly through online exams, assignments, quizzes and other modes of assessments, she said.
Students have been surprisingly responsive and active in class, she added, due to the programs and applications availability on smartphones, iPads, laptops and desktop computers.
The online classes are also saved and recorded on Blackboard itself, so students always have the option to go back and review the class whenever they want to, Al-Ghoraibi said.
Nora Al-Rifai, a head of training programs at a company from Jeddah, had planned to use the self-isolation period to use less technology and read more, but the internet has proved inescapable. Ive been playing video games and browsing Netflix, doing a bit of online shopping to catch up on things I never bothered to purchase, she told Arab News.
Although there is seemingly more demand on internet services, Al-Rifai has not experienced any lag in the connection.
Working from home isnt as stressful either, as most training programs weve had scheduled have been postponed until further notice. I think its quite beneficial to do so with the current crisis, but we can also learn more about how to work under unprecedented circumstances and emergencies, she said.
Nineteen-year-old Dina Ajjaj from Jeddah has been attending virtual classes for almost two weeks as a university freshman. She found the concept of distance learning difficult. Im kind of suffering to keep up with my classes as the servers cant handle the massive number of users, she told Arab News.
Ajjaj did not find it easy to concentrate on the lessons, with her focus straying due to worries of losing internet connection. On a more positive note, she said she was using the time to increase her self-awareness. Im trying out some hobbies, from reading books to meditation.
Self-quarantine really puts a strain on ones mental and psychological state, Ajjaj said. She thinks it is the right decision healthwise to prevent the spread of the virus, but she cannot wait to go back to class, meet new people and spend time in the sun.
Read the original:
Saudis take on self-isolation through the internet - Arabnews
Signs and help for dealing with the stress of the COVID-19 outbreak – WTHR
Posted: at 4:44 am
INDIANAPOLIS (WTHR) Concerns over COVID-19 could be leaving you or your loved ones stressed.
Eyewitness News reached out to Community Health Network and got these tips and resources to help:
If you experience signals of distress for several days in a row without any relief, you might want to reach out to your primary care physician, a mental health professional, a clergy member, or a crisis hotline.
Community Health Network has some tips for helping you manage stress during this time.
Indianapolis area Crisis and Suicide Intervention Hotline: Call (317) 251-7575 or Text CSIS to 839863
Mood Kit
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Mind Shift
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Self-Help for Anxiety Management (SAM)
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nOCD was designed with the help of OCD specialists and patients to incorporate two treatments: mindfulness and Exposure Response Prevention Treatment. You can receive immediate, clinically-supported guidance when an OCD episode strikes, take weekly tests to assess the severity of your OCD, and have motivational support along the way. One user calls nOCD a free therapist in your pocket!
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PTSD Coach
Created by the VAs National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), PTSD Coach offers everything from a self-assessment for PTSD, to opportunities to find support, positive self-talk and anger management. Whats great about this app is that you can customize tools based on your own individual needs and preferences, and integrate your own contacts, photos, and music.4
(Free; iOS and Android)
Sometimes you just need to breathe and remind yourself you are okay. Breathe2Relax is made for just that. Created by the National Center for Telehealth and Technology, this app is a portable stress management tool that teaches users a skill called diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe2Relax works by decreasing the bodys fight-or-flight stress response, making it a great option for people suffering from PTSD.
(Free; iOS and Android)
Originally posted here:
Signs and help for dealing with the stress of the COVID-19 outbreak - WTHR
10 Things You Did Not Know About The Death Tarot Card | TheTalko – TheTalko
Posted: at 4:44 am
Although ist eerie and on of the most feared cards in a tarot deck, the Death Tarot card is much more. Here are some things to know.
The Death tarot card in the Major Arcana is one of the most feared cards in the deck. However, rarely does this card represent physical death. This card actually is associated with transformations, transitions, and endings of anything old so it can make room for the new. This is why astrologically this card is associated with the water sign, Scorpio, which is ruled by transformative and powerful Pluto.
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This means if anyone goes for a tarot reading and The Death tarot card comes up in a spread, it does not mean that the seeker will die. Listed below are 10 things that many people are not aware of that are associated with The Death tarot card.
When The Death tarot card is associated with giving birth, that seems as if it should not belong in the same sentence. However, anytime someone becomes a parent, especially for the first time, that really represents the death of their old selves as they cannot go back to who they were before they became parents.
This is why it is a major shock to new parents after bringing the baby home from the hospital. Their care-free lives were given the kiss of death as now they have a new being they are completely responsible for, and their identities have changed forever as well.
Whenever someone is having a tarot reading about their relationship, and The Death card comes up, that is not a good sign. That most definitely means that the relationship is on its way out. Sometimes the seeker who is asking the reader to give them insight on their relationship knows this deep down, which is why they are wanting the reading to get confirmation.
However, sometimes this news comes as a total shock. What is the reason for the breakup? That depends on the surrounding cards. If The Four Of Cups is in the spread, then it is an indication of boredom. If The Seven Of Swords is in there, then this is a sign of a cheating partner.
The Death card shows up when there is no longer any interest in a hobby or something else that once excited the individual. And the fact of the matter is that interests and hobbies do change as people grow and evolve. The type of interests that someone had in childhood or as teens would no longer serve a purpose in adulthood, however, there are always exceptions. When it comes to a life-long passion, that usually is not the case.
However, when it comes to short-lived hobbies, The Death card can appear at any time which means the interest will die and something new and exciting will replace it.
Whenever a change of bad habits in the picture, The Death card is a great card to show up. This means that either the smoking will come to an end, the booze will be cut out or cut down significantly, the sedentary lifestyle will become active, or sugar will be replaced with organic food.
RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Tarot Cards That Represent Gryffindors
Many times health scares can cause people to change habits which means they are given that wakeup call. However, not always. Sometimes people don't feel great or they feel stuck and know exactly why. It is because of the poor habits that they need to come to an end.
One thing about The Death card that many people who are not overly familiar with the tarot is that it can represent an increase in self-awareness. This means they have been enlightened and awakened by something, which is a sign that they are evolving on a spiritual level.
They may begin to take up spiritual practices or may become religious, whichever works for them. Sometimes the increased self-awareness can be the result of learning the hard way from a grave mistake, or it can be the result of a life-changing trip they took that taught them something about themselves that they did not know previously.
Perhaps moving is something that someone has been planning to do all along, however, if that individual had gotten a tarot reading and The Death card came up, then it is one that would be life-changing. By the way, a life-changing move does not even have to mean that the move is across the country, or to a different country, or overseas. It can still be a move to another home in another area of the same town.
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It all boils down to what kind of events will follow the move that can be considered life-changing. That is why The Death card would come up in a reading that is relevant to a move.
If someone who was thinking about changing careers went to a tarot readerto receive a reading, and The Death card came up, that is a sure sign that the change will happen. Not only will it be a change but it will involve complete transition and transformation. This means that the seeker will literally be saying goodbye to the old career that they had and they will be going into something brand new which may or may not require extra schooling.
Therefore, this is not keeping the same job or career-role and moving to a different company. It is a situation that involves going from being a journalist to a chef, for example.
The Death tarot card is not one that anyone wants to see come up in a spread or as a single-card pull if they are inquiring about their financial situation. This card will most definitely indicate a financial loss, and it can be due to many reasons. Perhaps taking out debt is one reason which is something that the seeker would be aware of, especially if they are making a big purchase such as a house or a car.
Or, it may mean that unexpected large expenses will come up which could involve medical or home repair. It could also mean that the investments could take a beating in a market that is doing badly.
The Dark Night Of The Soul is a spiritual crisis, which means it is a very dark time in someone's life. This is a period in life where someone would feel empty and disconnected spiritually, and therefore, they would be very depressed, apathetic, and numb. Some people who experience it may actually do more exploring on a spiritual level in order to figure life out, or others may become lost into additions to numb themselves.
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However, when The Death card comes up in someone's reading regarding this situation, this is good news. It means this confusing and challenging time will come to an end, and the light will be seen again.
Whenever The Death tarot card comes up in a reading regardless of what situation is being looked into, it is a message to embrace a transition or change that is meant to happen. Sometimes these changes will be welcomed with open arms such as a new baby on the way.
Other times they will not be welcome such as getting the news about being forced to move due to the house needing to be knocked down as the result of the construction of a freeway. Either way, these types of forever changes are happening and cannot be resisted.
NEXT: 10 Things You Might Not Know About Your Moon Sign
Next 10 Tarot Cards That Represent Air Signs
Miriam Slozberg is a mom, an astrologer, tarot reader, author, a freelance writer who has a warped sense of humor in order to roll with the punches of life. She has many ghostwriting clients of various niches and also writes for BabyGaga, as well as AskAstrology.
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10 Things You Did Not Know About The Death Tarot Card | TheTalko - TheTalko
The Woke Decadence on Display at the Feminist Offices of The Wing – Commentary Magazine
Posted: at 4:44 am
Amid all the talk of quarantine and social distancing and turning ones home into a virus-free safe space, its a welcome distraction to read this piece by Amanda Hess in the New York Times Magazine about The Wing, the swanky, all-female club (or pop-feminist Biodome, as Hess labels it). It was supposed to function as a safe space, too, but turned out to be something far less appealing.
Founded by Audrey Gelman in 2016, The Wing has been marketed as a female-only third space for the wealthy (membership costs $3,000 per year) and well-connected (Womens March co-founder and shameless anti-Semite Linda Sarsour is a member). Initially launched in New York, it now has locations in cities like Washington D.C., London, Hollywood, Chicago, and San Francisco, among others.
But The Wing is more than just a club. As Gelman told Fast Company, We want our mission to not only be expressed through our brand but through our internal policies. The brand is unabashedly feminist, progressive, and political. The Wing has hosted appearances by Hillary Clinton, and Gelman threw a lavish fundraiser for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who repaid her with a blurb for the companys website: The Wing isnt just a functional space, its a real symbol of whats opening in our country. [Its] one of the most potent forces that weve seen emerge in politics this year.
But inclusivity extends only so far; this is not a space that welcomes fans of Margaret Thatcher or Nikki Haley, for example. The San Francisco chapter of The Wing named a conference room in honor of Christine Blasey Ford after her testimony during the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Nor does it welcome men, a fact that prompted a lawsuit and an investigation by the New York City Commission on Human Rights.
Any argument for a female-only space inevitably prompts comparison to Virginia Woolfs A Room of Ones Own. This holds true for The Wing, but not because of the clubs embrace of Woolfs proto-feminist messaging. As Hess argues, it is for its unabashedly elite demand for comfort and ease: Luxury and feminism have long been intertwined, Hess notes. Virginia Woolfs 1929 book A Room of Ones Own a Wing philosophical touchstone didnt argue for just any old room. Woolf wanted women to have access to deep armchairs, pleasant carpets and opulently catered luncheons presented by servants on silver trays, to bask in the urbanity, the geniality, the dignity which are the offspring of luxury and privacy and space. Dignity and equality might be hard-earned, Wing members know, but they should bring with them their own luxurious rewards for the deserving.
Alas, the deserving are an elite group, which is why The Wing embraces partnerships that allow it to promote itself and expensive products from companies eager to bask in the glow of The Wings particular brand of corporate feminism: Wing members effectively pay to advertise products to other women in front of the clubs feminine backdrops, and along the way, burnish their own brand power too, Hess writes.
But how to market Instagram perfection when you still need toilets scrubbed and plush couches lint-rolled for your exclusive members? According to many of The Wings employees who spoke to Hess, by using them as advertisements for a corporate image that is belied by those employees reality.
To be sure, the people who seem to want to work at The Wing arent exactly wannabe engineers or future titans of industry. One woman is described by Hess as a first-generation Liberian-American with a striking, pasteled online presence who was cultivating their own business as a professional witch incorporating Tarot and astrology. She ended up posing for pictures wearing T-shirts with slogans like EXTREME SELF-CARE on the Wings website.
Other employees described their work experience as a low-paid, emotionally exhausting, passive-aggressive H.R. nightmare. Until recently, Wing values posted in the spaces reminded employees that a requirement of the job was to act in a utopian manner, Hess notes. One employee simply told her, I was treated like a human kitty-litter box.
When she was asked about her disgruntled workers and the often-punitive corporate strategies for dealing with them, however, Gelman blamed society. Despite their intention to build a womens utopia, she acknowledged, the ills of society at large had seeped in, Hess reports. Gelman said, These are familiar themes for us.
The themes might be familiar to Gelman, but her vices are well-known to observers of self-styled influencers and thought leaders. Like Gwyneth Paltrow, whose ego-driven efforts at wellness have given the world dodgy medical advice and vagina-scented candles; or Elizabeth Holmes, who grifted her way through Silicon Valley while being hailed as the female Steve Jobs, Gelmans savvy P.R. strategy has created the image of a successful yet empathetic female entrepreneur. But Gelmans privileged life has failed to offer her the one thing she most needs: self-awareness.
The Wing is less an expression of confused feminist values than it is of todays impossible, Instagram-perfect standard for female success. The Wing is the high-end version of this compulsion; the low-rent (though more lucrative) version is the Kardashian-Jenner empire, with its cheap cosmetics and unhealthy waist-trainers and reality television dramaturgy. At least the Kardashians dont pretend to be empowering the women theyre marketing to or drape themselves in feminist glory. Theyre just getting rich by convincing teenage girls that they should all look like the female android in Ex Machina.
By contrast, the ladies of The Wing claim to want to have a space where they can escape the male gaze and promote feminist values. Yet they do so while catering to the demands of a platform (Instagram) that emphasize image over substance and hashtag activism over real political organizing. What Wing members and its founder, Gelman, cant escape is some much-deserved scrutiny of their elitism and hypocrisy. In our current moment of public crisis, The Wings self-indulgent posturing doesnt look like female empowerment; it looks decadent and appalling.
See the original post:
The Woke Decadence on Display at the Feminist Offices of The Wing - Commentary Magazine
Scorpio Horoscope March 2020 Love and Career Predictions – Allure
Posted: February 27, 2020 at 12:48 am
Read what your sign's 2020 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Scorpio personality profile.
Welcome to March, Scorpio. At the end of February, you looked for hobbies or activities to keep your mind creative and happy. Mercury is retrograde, so friends and lovers may be slower to respond and miscommunication abounds. Remember not to take everything personally. Sometimes someone isn't writing back just because they're busy at work. When Mercury retrograde enters intellectual Aquarius on Wednesday, March 4, your paranoia drops ever so slightly. Enjoy it and remember the power of logic, you emotional water sign you.
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance enters luxurious Taurus on Thursday, March 5. Scorpios can be chronically stressed out, so use this period to lean into vanity and treat yourself. Take a long bath, get your hair done, or buy a new outfit. While some astrologers say that you shouldn't make any drastic changes to your appearance during Mercury retrograde, that applies more to drastic haircuts or plastic surgery than self-care. You need all of the self-care.
Beware of obsessing over problems that don't exist.
Beware of paranoid thinking during the full moon in detail-oriented Virgo on Monday, March 9. Full moons are powerful times but because the moon rules our intuition and subconscious it can be a lot for an intense water sign like you. Virgo's analyzation powers make the sign organized and efficient, but this energy can also cause you to overanalyze. Beware of obsessing over problems that don't exist. Thankfully, the very next day on Tuesday, March 10, Mercury retrograde ends. Start or maintain a journaling practice to work through any anxious thought patterns.
On Monday, March 16, messenger Mercury enters fellow dreamy water sign Pisces. This transit adds depths and emotions to both sides of your conversations. Lovers, crushes, and friends are able to match your intensity and go deep. Spend a night in for making love and sharing secrets. You may be ready to trade in lovemaking for whips and chains when fiery Aries season begins on Friday, March 20. Like you, Aries is ruled by passionate Mars. Ask for what you want in bed. Ask for what you want professionally. You'll feel emboldened, and others respond.
You find yourself feeling reflective during the new moon in Aries on Tuesday, March 24. What relationship problems are you currently having, and which sources of stress stem from old unresolved trauma? New moons mean new beginnings, and this one in assertive Aries asks you to drop bad habits that are holding you back. However, this requires self-awareness on your part. Are you up to the challenge?
Your March Product Recommendation: Da Bomb Bath Fizzers Disco Bath Bomb, $8 (Shop Now)
All products featured on Allure are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.
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Scorpio Horoscope March 2020 Love and Career Predictions - Allure