Archive for the ‘Scientific Spirituality’ Category
The ‘God’ Part of The Brain | A Scientific Interpretation …
Posted: June 26, 2015 at 2:43 am
"ExcellentReading!" EdwardO.Wilson, Pulitzer Prize Winner
"Alper uses a Socratic technique to brilliantly and flawlessly argue that our concepts of spirit and God are derived from the mechanics of our brain...enormously important...full of scientific and philosophical truths." TranspersonalReview
"This is an essential book for those in search of a scientific understanding of man's spiritual nature. Matthew Alper navigates the reader through a labyrinth of intriguing questions and then offers undoubtedly clear answers that lead to a better understanding of our objective reality." ElenaRusyn, MD, Ph.D.; Gray Laboratory; Harvard Medical School
"Brilliant...Provocative...Revolutionary." Dr.ArnoldSadwin, Former Head of University of Pennsylvania's Graduate Hospital of Neuropsychiatry; Who's Who in Science, 1995; in Medicine, 1996
"Hauntingly Logical...Fascinating" ArtBell, "Coast to Coast am"
"An atheist edictmasterfully researcheda brilliant analysis of religiosity without the usual vitriolicpresented with a razorlike clarity, logic and aplomb. A must read for any thinking person." Sarah Harney, Ph.D. Baruch College, Math Professor
"This cult classic in many ways parallels Rene Descartes' search for reliable and certain knowledge...Drawing on such disciplines as philosophy, psychology, anthropology and biology, Alper argues that belief in a spiritual realm is the product of an evolutionary adaptationa coping mechanismthat emerged to help humankind deal with the fear of death. Highly recommended." LibraryJournal
"All 6 billion plus inhabitants of Earth should be in possession of this book. Alper's tome should be placed in the sacred writings section of libraries, bookstores, and dwellings throughout the world. Matthew Alper is the new Galileo. Immensely important. Defines in a clear and concise manner what each of us already knew but were afraid to admit and exclaim. The cat's out of the bag." JohnScoggins, Ph.D.
"Alper deftly pries open the human mind offering us a rare glance into its secret inner workingsincluding the tricks it plays on usmost particularly the one in which it tells us to believe in a transcendental reality: spirits, gods and the likejust to make us feel better or, as Alper puts it, "in order to enable us to survive our unique awareness of death." I would go as far as to say that through this work, Alper has solved the problem of God. Though it may have been Nietzsche who initially speculated that God was dead, I believe Alper has plunged the final dagger." AllenKane Ph.D.
"Thank you for making sense out of the hunches and gut feelings I've had for years. I feel more peaceful and positive now. I hope that the candle you've lit in the vast darkness will burn as bright as the sun." JohnEmerson, Ph.D.
See the original post:
The 'God' Part of The Brain | A Scientific Interpretation ...
Varieties of Scientific Experience: Carl Sagan on Science …
Posted: at 2:43 am
by Maria Popova
If we ever reach the point where we think we thoroughly understand who we are and where we came from, we will have failed.
I was recently on NPRs Science Friday to discuss my favorite science books of the year and a listener called in, asking for a recommendation for a good book on science and religion an excellent question, given the long history of this polarization, which occupied great minds from Galileo to Einstein to Ada Lovelace to Isaac Asimov, and many more.
The best book on the subject, by far, is The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God (public library) a remarkable posthumous collection of essays by Carl Sagan, based on the prestigious Gifford Lectures on Natural Theology he delivered at the university of Glasgow in 1985, following in the footsteps of such celebrated philosophers as James Frazer, Arthur Eddington, Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, Alfred North Whitehead, Albert Schweitzer, and Hannah Arendt. Titled after the famous treatise on religion by William James, who delivered the Gifford Lectures in the beginning of the twentieth century, this anthology of illustrated and illustrious meditations showcase Sagans singular gift for championing knowledge with equal parts conviction and humility.
Sagans widow, Ann Druyan the love of his life and the greatest bastion of his legacy contextualizes the lectures in the introduction:
Carl Sagan was a scientist, but he had some qualities that I associate with the Old Testament. When he came up against a wallthe wall of jargon that mystifies science and withholds its treasures from the rest of us, for example, or the wall around our souls that keeps us from taking the revelations of science to heartwhen he came up against one of those topless old walls, he would, like some latter-day Joshua, use all of his many strengths to bring it down.
He believed that the little we do know about nature suggests that we know even less about God. We had only just managed to get an inkling of the grandeur of the cosmos and its exquisite laws that guide the evolution of trillions if not infinite numbers of worlds. This newly acquired vision made the God who created the World seem hopelessly local and dated, bound to transparently human misperceptions and conceits of the past.
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Varieties of Scientific Experience: Carl Sagan on Science ...
Spiritual Science Manual (Instant PDF Download)
Posted: May 25, 2015 at 7:48 pm
This 140-page eBOOK entitled "Spiritual Science Manual" provides practical insights into understanding and applying key principles of Holistic Science, Consciousness, Energy and Spirituality. Through it, you will understand what influences and controls your Reality Matrix, why your life experiences are exactly what they should be, how and why Love plays a crucial role, and how you can change your reality and heal your past by aligning with and drawing on your Personal Source Energy. We are eternal Light Beings having a human experience. Awaken now and transform your experience to one you truly desire and have the potential to achieve, by taking responsibility for Self and standing in your Power. A synopsis is provided below that includes content from the first 4 pages of the book ... Enjoy!
Dr Wayne NOWLAND Spiritual Physicist
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Spiritual Science Manual (Instant PDF Download)
Spiritual Practices | Science of Mind
Posted: May 22, 2015 at 8:41 am
There are three primary spiritual practices advocated by Science of Mind magazine and the Centers for Spiritual Living: affirmative prayer, meditation, and visioning. Practicing these three tools on a daily basis has resulted in profound changes in the lives of numerous readers and community members.
Science of Mind uses a five-step affirmative prayer called spiritual mind treatment. The five steps are:
1. Recognitionknow that God is all there is.
2. Unificationknow that you are one with God.
3. Declarationstate your word for the circumstance you want to manifest.
4. Thanksgivinggive thanks for your word being acted upon by the Law of mind.
5. ReleaseAnd so it is!
There is no beseeching to or urge to compel an outside entity in spiritual mind treatment. As Ernest Holmes states in The Science of Mind:
Effective mental treatment is propelled by a consciousness of love and a realization that the Creative spirit is always at work....A treatment should be given in a calm, expectant manner and with a deep inner conviction of its reality, without any fear or any sense that the human mind must make it effective. The work is effective because the Law is always in operation.
In The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes defines meditation as:
24times equlas 24000 – Video
Posted: May 4, 2015 at 1:41 am
24times equlas 24000
Pr.Shriram Sharma Acharya the pioneer of Scientific Spirituality gave a boon to entire humanity by making Gayatri universal Mantra and another boon given by him can be viewed in this video....
th8revolutionOriginal post:
24times equlas 24000 - Video
Spiritual Science Bible Studies | Begin to understand the …
Posted: April 26, 2015 at 10:42 am
The mission of Spiritual Science Bible Studies is to enliven the Old and New Testaments by clear, unbiased thinking that reaches beyond intellectual confinement. Through this type of spiritual thinking we are able to gain a renewed and deeper understanding of the Bible and the mysteries of Scripture. Our organization is not affiliated with any religious group and is free from any dogma or sectarianism. There is also encouragement to think for oneself and to ask questions about anything that does not seem clear.
To begin to understand the Bible with intelligence and spiritual insight, register to receive access to our free lessons, plus participate in our online discussion.
If you decide to become a student, you will have an individual online mentor to discuss the questions following each lecture/guide and any other questions you may have. See our course offerings.
Have you ever questioned the biblical doctrines you grew up learning in the Christian Church? Do you find it hard to believe in an eternal Hell that God created to throw his uncooperative children away? Has the Bible been difficult for you to understand because you have only been taught the literal stories in it, and never heard the deeper symbolic meanings hidden in Genesis, Revelations, The Ten Commandments, The Lords Prayer, and Jesus parables? Have you ever wished you could understand the deeper metaphysical truths of the Bible but knew you couldnt learn them by going to church on Sunday? It is my lifes purpose as a spiritual healer to offer the world a more complete picture of their Divine Spiritual Selves. I have been initiated by Master teachers to translate the mystical teachings of Christianity and to connect how all the other religions and their prophets had the same goal in mindto teach their people through higher states of consciousness how to know themselves through the eyes of God. Our goal is to eventually attain the Christ Consciousness that Jesus himself embodied when he became a co-creator with the Spirit of God and carried that awareness into this place so that he might show us what our Higher Selves are capable ofmiraculous healings, overcoming material limitation, and ultimately seeing through the illusion of this world which urges us to believe that we are flawed beings.
If you are just beginning on your path of self-discovery I would love to help you navigate your journey! If you are already a student of world religion and metaphysical knowledge I would love to offer you courses and mentorship that would serve to further your devotion to the Spiritual Path. Through Skype sessions and/or phone consultations I help people get in touch with the areas of their life that require healing, by helping them to understand why physical and emotional blockages have manifested. We all create externally what we have not yet healed internally; as that disconnect first began when we forgot who we were in God and adopted core beliefs about ourselves that were less than holy. Through the teachings of Jesus as the Christ and other Spiritual Masters I bring to you an opportunity to Know Thyself, in a more intimate way and to reveal to you a way to find peace through study, forgiveness and acts of unconditional love.
Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches (to You). To the one who is victorious (to You who seeks to understand), I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. (Revelations 2:7)
Please contact Angela Henry Sorenson with any questions. Click here to learn more about Angela and our other mentors and contributors.
From the Spiritual Science Bible Studies Blog
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Spiritual Science Bible Studies | Begin to understand the ...
Spiritual Science – YouTube
Posted: April 17, 2015 at 8:47 am
My new book, Spiritual Science, almost three years in the making, is finally finished and for sale on Lulu and Amazon. Spiritual Science is 284 pages of paradigm-shattering science and mind-expanding spirituality that dares to ask and answer some of the biggest questions facing humanity: Who are we? What are we doing here? What is the purpose and meaning of life? What happens when we die? Do we have souls? Do we reincarnate? Does God exist? Is consciousness primary? Is the material world an illusion? Are we all One? And what would that mean? Spiritual Science explores and answers these and many more questions covering a wide-range of topics including quantum physics, consciousness, synchronicity, the holographic universe, morphic fields, the human energy body, psychoneuroimmunology, life force energy, the chakra and meridian systems, acupuncture, qigong, pranayama, the power of prayer, auras, psi science, telepathy, psychokinesis, clairvoyance, remote viewing, precognition, out of body experiences, near death experiences, entheogens, death, ghosts, reincarnation, God, Oneness and much more. I personally read over 150 books and spent hundreds of hours researching and writing to complete this one-of-a-kind metaphysical treatise. I'm really excited about and proud of this book and confident that you will feel the same.
Excerpt from:
Spiritual Science - YouTube
Bhagwan Bahubali Jainism research expedition, Shravanbelagola – Video
Posted: April 12, 2015 at 3:54 pm
Bhagwan Bahubali Jainism research expedition, Shravanbelagola
Namaskar. The entire stone idol is carved out of single piece stone and the base of the Mountain hill is totally different from the quality of the stone of the said Idol. Devotees and tourists...
Scientific SpiritualitySee the original post:
Bhagwan Bahubali Jainism research expedition, Shravanbelagola - Video
Birds eye view of entire Shravanbelagola, Karnataka – By Spiritual Scientist Adv. Amol Sutrale – Video
Posted: at 12:49 am
Birds eye view of entire Shravanbelagola, Karnataka - By Spiritual Scientist Adv. Amol Sutrale
Namaskar, this video was shot from the top most part of Chandragiri Mountain Hill which is opposite to the Vindhyagiri Mountain at Shravanbelagola during the Jainism research expedition. The...
Scientific SpiritualityFrench Tourist at Shravanbelagola Jainism research Expedition- – Video
Posted: at 12:49 am
French Tourist at Shravanbelagola Jainism research Expedition-
Namaskar, a majority of Tourists except this Frenchman are not aware of the real history behind the Huge stone idol of Bhagwan Shri. Bahubali at Shravanbelagola, Karnataka and do not bother...
Scientific SpiritualityView post:
French Tourist at Shravanbelagola Jainism research Expedition- - Video