Archive for the ‘Relaxing Music’ Category
Sunny Side Up – Time to laugh a little – Yorkton This Week (press release)
Posted: April 7, 2017 at 1:43 pm
Other than these columns, I spend most of my writing energy penning serious letters and emails, on behalf of the amazing politician I work for and with. Im blessed to do it, and thank God I can. But some days, another vein of writing busts out, a less serious one. God made us in his image with a funny bone so when a good clean laugh bowls us over, I think he joins in. Perhaps he chuckled a little on the day I sent this tongue-in-cheek memo. With apologies to any of my readers who genuinely suffer from hemorrhoids, (and since I missed April Fools Day) I share it with you, (especially if you have a desk job).
MEMO TO MY OFFICE COLLEAGUES Some of you have told me that you find the piles obscuring your desks and filing cabinets stressful. I have the same problem. In a bit of downtime a few months ago, I went online and searched How to Cope with Piles. Google retrieved some great tips. I thought Id pass them on. Ive added my personal notes in italics.
HOW TO COPE WITH PILES Wash your piles gently, using soft tissue. (Long-standing piles attract dust. Best to keep them clean, but use a dry tissue it wont smudge ink.) Dab, rather than wipe. (Well, duh. Wiping shifts paper around - so much for those stupid Excel files.) Sit in warm water several times a day. Your piles will irritate you less. (Ive sent a memo to Material Management to install a hot tub in my office. Still waiting for it to arrive.) Straining to eliminate makes piles worse. (It really does. Used to be, on the days the boss came in, my piles made me a basket case. Now I just stack pile on pile and tidy the edges. Play it cool. Dont fret. Deep breathing and relaxing music helps.) You are less likely to be bothered by piles if you eat a diet rich in fiber. (This really works. I eat beans daily. Hardly anyone comes near my desk anymore, and in spite of my piles, I stay calm. Perhaps most of our stress is related to how we think others view our messes who knew?) Wear loose and carefree clothing and undergarments. (Honestly, this one has me stumped, but Ive purchased a few swirly top to test it. Still pondering the undergarments. Ill let you know if all that helps. Just remember what happens at the office STAYS at the office.) When your piles stress you considerably, try a cream or gel. (Double chocolate gelato or maple-pecan full-fat ice cream ALWAYS works for me.) In severe cases, seek professional help. (Google professional organizer. Choose one and tell her you need immediate assistance to deal with a bad case of piles.) Hope that helps someone today! Back to work now. Kathleen Gibson Friends, laugh a little today! God made you with giggles and guffaws use them.
Originally posted here:
Sunny Side Up - Time to laugh a little - Yorkton This Week (press release)
IN OUR EARS: Songs We Loved This Week – Baeble Music (blog)
Posted: at 1:43 pm
Make sure to subscribe to Baeble's In Our Ears Spotify playlist for new updates every Friday.
Gorillaz - "Let Me Out (ft. Mavis Staples & Pusha T)"
This song sounds like a quality Gorillaz song but they add in the soulful lushness of Mavis Staples and the twist of hip-hop from Pusha T. There's a bass-heavy clap with Damon Albarn's semi-creepy, poised vocals spread throughout the track. It's definitely my favorite of the singles we've already heard from their upcoming album, Humanz, (out April 28th!).
Alt-J - "In Cold Blood"
Since this song came out about a week ago, I don't think I've gone a day without listening to it. It's much more anthemic than any of Alt-J's previous work but they didn't steer away from their sound too much. I love all the horns throughout the track and the build-up at the end is the perfect way to finish.
Alexandra Savior - "Girlie"
This song is so relaxing for me. Alexandra Savior has these long, drawn-out retro vocals that lure you into each song. "Girlie" is playful and charming and for only 21-years-old, Alexandra Savior has a old-school voice that is way beyond her years.
Little Simz - "Picture Perfect"
This song reminds me of Missy Elliott circa the early 2000's. It has this nasty beat that you won't be able to shake. I mean, you might want to shake your bum because this song is so lit. Little Simz is so talented. Not only is she a lyrical mastermind, but she also plays the guitar. I saw her perform last night at House Of Vans in Brooklyn and there's something soothing about her performances. Similar to a poetry slam, you will follow every word and become instantly captivated. If you haven't heard of the UK rapper/singer, you have got to check her out, pronto.
Crystal Fighters - "At Home"
I have this passionate love for Crystal Fighters. The 5-piece electronic folk band creates music that evokes love, unity, and happiness. I know that sounds corny, but I swear their music will make you so happy. "At Home" has gorgeous melodies and tribal percussions that will take you on a mental trip to paradise. In this day and age, I think everyone would benefit from listening to Crystal Fighters.
Tei Shi - "Say You Do"
Tei Shi released her new album Crawl Space a week ago, and it's fucking incredible. The Argentine indie pop singer's voice shines in "Say You Do." The lyrics express that Tei Shi is in fact more mysterious than she may seem. She doesn't want her lover to know her fully, and claims he doesn't know her at all. Towards the end of the song, we start to think that Tei Shi is putting up a defense mechanism, afraid to get too close to someone she may not fully trust. Maybe it's time for me to take this to Okay, I'm done.
Father John Misty - "A Bigger Paper Bag"
Well finally I can talk about how this is probably my favorite song off of the new Father John Misty record, Pure Comedy, which dropped today. "You be my mirror, but remember, there are only a few sides I tend to prefer," FJM sings flamboyantly. Us narcissists must come together and appreciate this line.
Skepta - "No Security"
Skepta is such a dynamic rapper and the beat is incredible - I'm not a huge rap head but I could listen to this forever.
Formation - "Pleasure"
I *clap* LOVE *clap* THIS *clap* SONG! That disco beat, the cowbell - they're like a more modest version of LCD Soundsystem with more edge. Doesn't that sound like a dream to you? I can't stop dancing. *Dances away*.
Originally posted here:
The Vogue Guide To Sleep –
Posted: at 1:43 pm
Bruce Weber
For many people, getting to sleep in the first place is the difficult part. When your head is swimming with thoughts, ideas, stresses and mental to-do lists, it can be tricky to switch off and relax - and worrying about not getting enough sleep only adds to the problem. The NHS recommends sticking to a regular bedtime regime, to create consistency before you attempt sleep. Your body and mind need the opportunity to slowly de-stress and relax, so consider the following as pre-bed rituals.
Listen To Music. Sync Project is a company devoted to using music as medicine, measuring how music can affect biometrics such as heart rate, brain activity and sleep patterns. Unwind is a personalised music experience designed to promote sleep just visit on your smartphone and enjoy a tailor-made music experience created to lull you into a relaxed state.
No Screens. A 2015 study strangely enough conducted by Vodafone - on the effects of phone use before sleep found that over half of Brits regularly stay up late using connected devices to stream videos or check emails. Device use just before bed, or when we wake in the night, can make restless sleep caused by stress at work even worse, stated Professor John Groeger, director of research at the Department of Psychology of the University of Hull, as part of the research. Turn yours off, or put it somewhere out of reach, at least an hour before you hope to fall asleep.
Have A Bath. A warm bath helps the body to reach a temperature ideal for rest, as well as being a relaxing activity in itself. Amp up the sleep potential by using a lavender-based bath oil Aromatherapy Associatess Deep Relax Bath and Shower Oil is excellent, while the entire This Works Deep Sleep range is based on promoting quality sleep.
Cut Back On Caffeine. As relaxing as a cup of milky Earl Grey might seem just before bed, your body wont thank you for the caffeine hit. Swap it out for a good-quality herbal tea - better still one designed to aid sleep, such as Pukkas award-winning Night Time.
Go Analogue. Since you shouldnt be looking at any screens before bed, youll need another activity to fill the time. Try a spot of gentle yoga (the stretching will help your body relax, too), or read a book to distract you from the days worries.
Lina Scheynius
For a lot of people, falling asleep is only half of the battle. A 2016 YouGov study found that 43 per cent of UK women say they dont get enough sleep, and health experts have warned of the adverse effects those hours spent lying awake can have on our health. If you are suffering significantly from a lack of sleep then consider visiting your GP for professional help, but the following are also worth bearing in mind.
Try An App. There are plenty of apps designed to track, assist and understand your sleeping habits, so its worth trying some out. Sleep Cycle claims to analyse your sleep and wake you in your lightest sleep phase, whilst Sleep Time+ and Sleep Better are both tracking apps designed to help you to understand your own slumber habits and get into the sleeping pattern that works best for you.
Create Your Own Haven. For many people, interrupted sleep is a result of external factors such as light, discomfort and noise. Treat yourself to a tasteful silk sleeping mask, consider blackout blinds and have earplugs handy and if your mattress isnt up to par, let that be your next big investment.
Find The Perfect Temperature. The NHS says that a bedroom should ideally be between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius, so if you find yourself waking up either hot and bothered or chilly and shivering in the early hours then make sure to set your thermostat correctly during winter and have a fan ready for hot summer nights. And do you really need an excuse to invest in some great new pyjamas?
Address Your Stress. If you wake up in the early hours and really cant get back to sleep, try to consider whats keeping you awake. If youre making a mental to-do list in your mind then get up, make yourself a cup of herbal tea and write it down. Having it on paper can help clear your mind of distractions. Consider also starting a sleep diary. This is often the first thing a sleep expert will ask you to do, so get ahead of the game.
Angelo Pennetta
Its not only the sleep youre getting at night thats important - power napping can have real benefits. A 2013 study by the Beijing University of Technology examined the effect of napping on athletes after training and found that naps could improve brain function and visual systems, and promote physical and mental recovery. But not just any naps will do be sure to follow these rules.
Choose Afternoons. You know that afternoon slump, where you start to flag after a busy morning? Its not just you, its a part of human nature the Spanish siesta isnt just about staying out of the sun. If youre able to, try to time your power nap for the afternoon - or even early evening if youre likely to have a late night ahead.
Keep It Brief. The optimal power-nap length is thought to be 20 minutes or less, increasing alertness and boosting productivity. Longer naps can work too, but consider that sleeping for too long can leave you groggy, or affect your ability to get to sleep that night.
Have A Coffee. If youre trying to limit your nap to 20 minutes, have a cup of coffee before you go to sleep. It will take 20 minutes for the caffeine to kick in, which will help you to wake up more easily and in a more alert state.
Breathe. If you find it difficult to switch into nap mode in the middle of the day, try meditation or breathing exercises to get you in the mood. Headspace offers 10-minute-long meditation sessions which you can interact with on your smartphone, providing instant relaxation.
Too much Ed Sheeran bad for restaurant business, says study – Fox News
Posted: April 4, 2017 at 7:43 pm
Turn off the Top 40.
That's the takeaway from a study by the consulting firm Soundtrack Your Brand concerning background music in dining establishments. It found that certain types of playlists namely, those comprised of random pop hits arent as good for business as a curated playlist mixed with lesser-known, yet on-trend songs.
Before arriving at their conclusions, Soundtrack Your Brand experimented with four different types of background music at 16 chain restaurants in Sweden, where both the company and the HUI Research consultancy who helped with the study are based.
HUI Research confirmed to Fox News that those four types of background music included: 1) a mix of 100 songs from Spotifys Top 1,000 Sweden playlist that fit with the restaurants image, along with 260 more obscure songs that also fit the restaurants image; 2) a mix of 360 songs from Spotifys Top 1,000 Sweden playlist that fit with the restaurants image; 3) a mix of 360 songs from Spotifys Top 1,000 Sweden playllist, with no thought given to the restaurants image; and 4) silence.
After analyzing restaurant sales during certain playlists, as well as the data collected from more than 2,100 consumer surveys, Soundtrack Your Brand and HUI determined that customers are more likely to stick around for dessert if theyre listening to a curated mix consisting of music that isnt too mainstream.
On the other hand, playing music that didnt connect with the restaurants image, regardless of its popularity, was worse for business than silence, per a press release obtained by Fox News.
Our main result is that a brand-fit playlist that included less-well known songs (i.e., music treatment 1) increased sales (by) 9.1 percent compared to the no brand-fit music playlist (i.e., music treatment 3), study author and HUI researcher Sven-Olov Daunfeldt tells Fox News.
However, it should be noted that Soundtrack Your Brand, a company partially owned by Spotify, is itself a consulting firm that specializes in helping businesses create specialized streaming playlists, reports Quartz.
We have two goals," said Sven Grundberg, the VP of corporate communications for Soundtrack Your Brand, in a statement to Fox News. "One, if course, is to kill bad background music. We think a lot of businesses are quite mindless in what they play.To that end, we also want businesses to play good music music that helps them and has a real impact."
For us, this is of course vindicating, and in line with what we expected," he added of the results.
According to the site, Soundtrack Your Brand co-founder Ola Sars attributed the studys outcome to the subconscious mind, and suggested that overly familiar music is too distracting to be conducive to a relaxing dining experience.
Indeed, Daunfeldt reported in HUI's study that, for the most part, patrons aren't aware of what they're actually listening to.
"The survey responses also show that the customers often are unaware of the in-store music, suggesting that the effect of in-store music on consumer behavior is mostly on an unconscious level," the study states.
Daunfeldt also told Quartz he considers this to be the coolest research hes ever done. But more importantly, Daunfeldt said he thinks more businesses should be paying attention to their playlists.
Its a highly underutilized area, and its very important for businesses to try to tell consumers who they are by the music they play, he told Quartz.
Continue reading here:
Too much Ed Sheeran bad for restaurant business, says study - Fox News
Five questions with York High’s Christina Graves – Daily Press
Posted: at 7:43 pm
Sophomore Christina Graves throws the discus and shot put for the York High track and field team. While she loves the competition, you get the feeling the sport serves as much as an enjoyable outlet as it is a competitive pursuit.
Following a recent practice, Graves took time to talk about herself and the sport.
Daily Press: What is your favorite television show?
A: Probably the Vampire Diaries. It's really dramatic and I like vampires.
Q: Who's your favorite musical group?
A: I don't really know. I don't listen to pop/modern songs. I listen to instrumentals and relaxing music. My favorite is (Mexican pianist) Jorge Mendez. I listen to it because it relaxes me and calms me down.
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: I love food. I really like Mexican food so my favorite restaurant is Plaza Azteca. I always order the same things. I get a burrito, a taco and rice and beans.
Q: Where do you like to vacation the most?
A: I like going to Tennessee because I was born there. I like going to the mountains.
Q: What made you go out for track and field at York, and why do you throw the shot and discus?
A: Last year, I did track and I really liked it. It just helped me with things and was a lot of fun. This year, I didn't make sprints, so I went to throwing. The team is like a family and they're so nice.
O'Brien can be reached by phone at 757-247-4963
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Five questions with York High's Christina Graves - Daily Press
Meditating on the moment – Mayo News
Posted: at 7:43 pm
On The Edge ine Ryan
I must be mindful, stay calm, still, move my fingers across the keyboard as if they were floating through the air, as I write my On the Edge column this week. I must ensure too that my chakras root, sacrum, solar plexus, throat, third eye and crown remain centred, in preparation for my yoga class later this evening. This means I am not allowed think about the next paragraph or the one after that. Indeed, the conclusion of this column will remain a mystery until it unfolds itself miraculously while I slowly and serenely take deep breaths, expanding my diaphragm to the size of a hot air balloon. Inhale.. one, two three, four, five, six, seven. Exhale . one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight nine. Phew! (Gasp.) Naturally, I am sitting asana, cross-legged on the floor, relaxing music wafting through the air, which is filled with the scent of sandalwood and lavender, choruses of birds twittering in the trees outside, a parallel universe to my quiet brain, suspended like a big lump of eel jelly in my skull. I am in the moment. That doesnt mean Ill ever have the agility of Trudie Styler whose partner, Sting revealed, while drunk during an interview some years ago, that ashtanga yoga practice meant they had amazing tantric sex for hours and hours. For those of you who were not aware of this scintillating piece of information, it is worth noting that tantric sex is not just about amazing acrobatics in the bedroom it is essentially about intimacy with your partner. As an apprentice yoga student, the word intimacy really resonates. I dont mean sexually here (The Mayo News hasnt been purchased by Playboy) but rather having the time to hear the beat and rhythm of ones own heart and pulse, the rises and riffs of our bodies as we hurtle headlong through the day. In this big bad crazy world where we now have to go to detox sanctuaries to escape the multiple demands of our mobile phones, i-Pads, tablets and computers; where we we are so time-poor we often meet ourselves coming back; where we dont know our head from our heels as we rush around like blue-arsed flies or headless chickens. Stand and stare LIKE when do we take time out just to breathe? When do we sit silently and do nothing? I think of the classic poem by WH Davies, entitled Leisure, of: What is this life if, full of care,/ We have no time to stand and stare./ No time to stand beneath the boughs/ And stare as long as sheep or cows./ No time to see, when woods we pass,/ Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass./ No time to see, in broad daylight,/ Streams full of stars, like skies at night./ No time to turn at beautys glance,/ And watch her feet, how they can dance./ No time to wait till her mouth can/ Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this if, full of care,/ We have no time to stand and stare. This poem may have been first published in 1911 but hasnt it even more relevance in todays frenetic world? Why have we so enslaved ourselves to the din of the digital world and all its trappings? Are we that afraid of the sound of silence? The whole Mindfulness movement, popularised in the western world since the late 1970s, is essentially based on many aspects of the ancient meditative practices associated with Buddhism. As the power of the institutional church wanes people are increasingly turning to yogic-style practices in the search for metaphysical meaning and fulfilment. Our everyday ethos is more about karma, that complex and enigmatic web of conditions that rule our world, rather than an eye for an eye, as espoused in the Old Testament of the Bible. Ironically, we are also embracing the hills and the mountains as if we were running from a herd of giant mammoths. But that fanatical trend is for another day. I am way too Zen here now to be donning my runners and lycra and working up a sweat that would put crooner Christy Moore to shame. Namaste!
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Tri-Town News Datebook, April 6 – Greater Media Newspapers
Posted: at 7:43 pm
The Equestra at Colts Neck Crossing adult community, Route 33, Howell, will host a spring bazaar in the community clubhouse from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 8. Handmade arts and crafts, jewelry, spring/Easter items, home goods, childrens books, skincare products and more! Door prizes and refreshments. Details: 732-938-2222.
On April 9, folk musician John Gorka will perform in concert at St. John The Baptist Catholic Church, 1282 Yardville-Allentown Road, Allentown. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 day of show; seating is limited to 186. For tickets, visit or visit the parish office during business hours.
Congregation Ahavat Olam and Temple Beth Am Shalom will host a Yom Hashoah commemoration at 5 p.m. April 24 at Congregation Ahavat Olam, 106 Windeler Road, Howell. Holocaust survivor Sami Steigmann will speak. Children in grades five through seven are encouraged to attend the main event and speaker. There will be separate childrens programs for grades one through four. The community is invited to attend. Details: 732-719-3500.
West Farms United Methodist Church, 153 Casino Drive, Howell, will host a Spring Thing sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 8. Spring flowers, candy bouquets, baked goods, new and used items. All are welcome to attend.
The Monmouth County Park System is looking for lifeguards, camp counselors, park and golf course maintenance workers, and other seasonal employees. A Seasonal Job Fair will be held from noon to 3 p.m. April 8 at the Fort Monmouth Recreation Center, 2566 Guam Lane, Tinton Falls. Prospective employees must be at least 16 years old and a county resident. Bring copies of resume. Full listing of seasonal jobs at Details: 732-842-4000, ext. 4339.
New Egypt Day will take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 20. Activities for children will include face painting, pony rides, inflatables, petting zoo and a tractor-pulled wagon. Food, music by Jakes Rockin Country Band and vendors. Festivities will take place on Main Street and Evergreen Road. Admission is free. A $6 per child wristband is required for unlimited access to childrens activities listed above. For more information or to request a vendor application, contact Peter Ylvisaker at 609-758-2241, ext. 132, or email
Basket and Bag Bingo presented by the Cookstown Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1 Ladies Auxiliary will be held on April 8 at the New Egypt Elks, 105 Lakewood Road (Route 528), New Egypt. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., Bingo starts promptly at 7 p.m. Tickets: $30 per person. For tickets, call Karen Ivins at 609-668-2030.
The Optimist Club of Howell and the Howell Municipal Alliance will present the 22nd annual charity golf outing on April 24 at Eagle Oaks Golf and Country Club, Howell. Various levels of sponsorship are available through April 15. Buffet barbecue luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Shotgun start (scramble format) at 12:30 p.m. Dinner and awards at 6 p.m. Proceeds to assist Howell youths and families in need. Cost is $300 per golfer; $1,200 per foursome. Details: or call 732-915-3423.
The Plumsted Trap, Neuter and Return Committee will host a Spay-ghetti dinner from 4-8 p.m. April 29 at American Legion Post 455, 2 Meadowbrook Road, New Egypt. Proceeds will allow the committee to care for the communitys cats. Dinner includes spaghetti, meatballs, salad. Cash bar, raffle. Donations of canned and dry cat food and dog food requested. All are welcome. Tickets: Adults, $12; Children under 10, $6; takeout, $1 extra. For tickets, call 609-317-0453.
Jackson VFW Post 4703 will host fish fry dinners from 4-7 p.m. April 7 and April 14 at 54 Magnolia Drive, Jackson. An $8 donation includes a fish dinner with dessert. All are welcome to attend.
The Jackson Friends of the Library will host a book sale at the Jackson Library, 2 Jackson Drive, Jackson, from April 29 through May 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A special preview sale for Friends members will be held on April 28 from noon to 4:30 p.m. Books, audio books, CDs and DVDs will be available for purchase. New items will be added every day. All are welcome to attend.
The Upper Freehold-Allentown Municipal Alliance will host Bike Night 2017 on June 7. All makes and models of bikes are welcome. American and metric bikes will be present. A car show will be held on June 28. All makes and models of cars are welcome. Both events will be held from 5:30-9 p.m. at the Roost at the Cream Ridge Golf Course, 181 Route 539, Upper Freehold Township. Door prizes, judging, awards, music, food and beverages. Vendor opportunities are available. There is no entry fee, but donations for the alliance are accepted. Details:609-758-7738, ext. 230.
On April 19 at 6 p.m., the Jackson Library will host William Berg, a financial adviser with Waddell and Reed. Berg will discuss the importance of having the Five Wishes living will in force. All attendees will leave with the Five Wishes document filled out, signed and in force, at no cost. The program is for adults and registration is required. Details: 732-928-4400, press option 4.
On April 26 at 6:30 p.m., the Jackson Library will host a workshop from Ocean County SCORE that is designed to educate entrepreneurs and help small businesses start, grow and succeed. The program is for adults and registration is required. Details: 732-928-4400, press option 4.
Guests at the Manasquan Reservoir Environmental Center, Howell, can meet one of the environmental centers resident snakes during a snake meet and greet at 1 p.m. April 23. There is no cost to attend the program.
Come and explore the woods and wetlands of the Manasquan Reservoir, Howell, on Earth Day, April 22. Meet at the Manasquan Reservoir Environmental Center. The day will include nature walks, live reptile and amphibian presentations, childrens crafts, and more. Activity times: animal presentations at 11:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.; nature walks at noon, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
A watercolor workshop for adults, presented by Tomo Kitajima, will be held at the Jackson Library at 10 a.m. April 19. Learn how pigments and water play together. Participants must bring three round watercolor brushes, sizes 8, 12 and 16, to the class. Advanced registration is required. Seating is limited. Details: 732-928-4400.
A session of Coloring for Adults will be held from 10-11:30 a.m. April 25 at the Jackson Library. Coloring sheets and art supplies are provided, along with light refreshment and relaxing music. The program is free, but advanced registration is required. Call 732-928-4400 to register.
The Plumsted Library will host Master Gardeners Present: Hummingbirds and Butterflies, at 2 p.m. April 13. Join the Master Gardeners of Ocean County to learn how to attract hummingbirds and butterflies to your garden this spring. Details: 609-758-7888.
The Plumsted Library will host at Book Caf at 3 p.m. April 17. Join the Book Caf group as members talk about new books and authors, and discuss their past favorites. Details: 609-758-7888.
The Plumsted Library will host a program about baby chicks at 3:30 p.m. April 19. Members of the New Egypt AG-U will celebrate chick season by sharing what people need to know about raising and caring for these birds. Program is for ages 4 and up. Details: 609-758-7888.
The Ocean County Library Puppet Players present Mr. Pusskins at 3:30 p.m. April 26 at the Plumsted Library. Mr. Pusskins decides to go on an adventure of a lifetime and leave his boring life behind. Program is for ages 3 and up. Details: 609-758-7888.
The Jackson Rotary Club will sponsor a bus trip to the Tropicana Casino, Atlantic City, on April 23. Cost is $34 which includes bus transportation, sandwich, chips and beverage on the bus, $25 back in slot play and gratuity for the driver. Bus leaves Jackson at noon and returns at 9 p.m. Proceeds benefit Rotary Club charities. For reservations, contact Tom Barchie at 732-207-4029.
Brookdale Community College will present its annual guitar show from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 30 in the Brookdale Recreation and Events Center, Lincroft. There will be live performances, exclusive deals on guitars, musical equipment and more, and educational workshops. General admission: $12; free for children 12 and under. Details:
The Adelphia Fire Company, 925 Adelphia Road (Route 524), Howell, will hold a pancake breakfast from 8 a.m. to noon April 9. All are welcome. Adults: $10. Children: $6. All you can eat pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, orange juice, tea and cocoa.
A blood drive will be held at Howell Middle School South, 1 Kuzminski Way, Howell, on April 27. Babysitting and refreshments will be available. Online scheduling is available. Enter ZIP code 07731 in the Find A Blood Drive box and enter password HMSS17 to schedule an appointment. Details: Email
The Adelphia Fire Company, 925 Adelphia Road (Route 524), Howell, will hold its annual Steak Bake and Gift Auction on May 6. Doors open at 6 p.m. Dinner from 7-9 p.m. Ticket donation: $35. Includes all you can eat steak, fries, salad, dessert, soda/tea and beer. For tickets, email Mark or Katie at
The Sons of the American Legion Post 455, 2 Meadowbrook Lane, New Egypt, invites the community to its all you can eat breakfast on the first Sunday of each month (May 6) from 7-11 a.m. Cost is $8 for adults and $4 for children. Children under 4 are free. Breakfast features scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, pork roll, potatoes, french toast, pancakes and more. There is also a station to order omelets.
The Jackson Librarys knitting group, Knit-Chat-Chain, is seeking donations of yarn and wool. The members of the group create sweaters, hats, scarves and blankets to donate to charity. Yarn donations may be brought to the Circulation Desk during library hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Details: 732-928-4400.
A knitting group meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at Sabbath House, 8 Front St., New Egypt. Members are knitting and crocheting scarves for the Seamans Church Institute in Newark. Patterns, yarn and help is available.
New Jersey Blood Services is in need of volunteers to work blood drives in Ocean and Monmouth counties. Tasks include assisting donors with registration, watching donors for post-donation reactions and responding to their needs. Details: Jan Zepka, 732-616-8741.
St. Aloysius Church, 935 Bennetts Mills Road, Jackson, offers support groups to help people better understand their feelings and to meet others who are dealing with the same life issues. A bereavement support group meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. and a divorced and separated support group meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. Both meetings are held in the parish office. A freewill donation of $5 is requested. Details: Email St
Items for the Datebook may be sent to Please submit items at least two weeks prior to a scheduled event.
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Spring into bridal showers –
Posted: at 12:46 am
With the spring bloom of weddings, parties are on everyone's mind to fete the upcoming nuptials. Think beyond the box for celebrations when you can count on springs mild temperatures, fresh backdrops and steady weather patterns of the following weeks.
Of course, the bride's friends have long put their heads together to pull off a memorable shower experience that all parties remember and treasure for years to come, but a few reminders help preserve the occasion when throwing a shower:
Shower ideas
Be aware of the brides likes and dislikes so she will enjoy festivities. If the outdoors makes her uncomfortable or sneezy, a day-long event filled with lawn games probably is not the best bet. Be creative, be practical and, most of all, be willing to entertain new ideas. On the other hand, a hospitable home where the event can be held often keeps the occasion comfortable and fits the budget of people who plan and share it.
Spa party
A spa bridal shower is a great way to relax a bride during this anxious time. Consider booking a local spa. Another idea is to hire a couple professionals to come and create a semi-spa event with a DIY station that includes a massage table, space for facials and a mani-pedi seat for guests to frequent. Play relaxing music as a soothing backdrop, offer plenty of pillows on comfy chairs and provide a take-home gift of bath salts or bar of relaxing soap.
Food party
A bride who loves food and who doesn't? will appreciate healthy food so she stays trim and fit for her special day. Set up a party where guests help themselves to a variety of foods, including vegetables and fruit salads, whole-grain crackers and self-serve options for those who limit carbs and pass up meat.
Perfume bar
If a preferred venue allows, a perfume bar is a unique addition to your bridal shower. This is a great complement to a spa location.
Ask the companys management if they would permit putting together a table area full of perfumes or relaxing aromatics for sampling throughout the shower.
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Preston Pride – Blues Brothers tribute band perform in Kingwood – The Exponent Telegram (press release) (registration)
Posted: at 12:46 am
KINGWOOD The Blues Brothers tribute artists, The Soul Men, made a triumphant return to Kingwood a few weeks back as they performed in front of a packed house at the Preston Community Arts Center.
The people here just really loved the show, and we had a show in Pittsburgh last night and it was close enough we could piggy back it off the trip and we called and said if you enjoyed the show in July, we can give you the same show for the same price tonight, and we had an even better turn out tonight, Elwood Blues said.
We had a great time last year, and we had an even better time this year, Jake Blues said.
From their knuckle tattoos to their signature hat and sunglasses, The Soul Men impersonated Jake and Elwood Blues to perfection. The Soul Mens performance was fast paced, high energy and included a lot of audience participation. The Soul Men performed all the classic songs featured in the original film: Soul Man, Gimme Some Lovin, Rawhide, Everybody Needs Somebody, Flip, Flop and Fly, Minnie the Moocher, Mustang Sally, Do You Love Me? and New Orleans.
Almost 39 years after the original debut of the Blues Brothers on Saturday Night Live the humor, music and spirit of the Blues Brothers still attracts new fans. The show drew participation from audience members of all ages, with the youngest being a small child all decked out in his own black suit, hat and sunglasses.
The Blues Brothers go way back to before the 80s and its just awesome to see, especially when the parents pass the music down to their kids and they really enjoy it, said Jake Soul of the Soul Men. We had a girl the other night tell us, We listen to this CD every day in the car on the way to school on the way home, and they just love it, and she was about 8 years old. And blues music is a dying art, and its just so good to see these parents passing it down to their kids. We had a few kids in the audience tonight and they were having a ball, so we inspired them to listen to a little blues music, said Jake.
Preston Community Arts Center Vice President Paul Burger was on hand as the shows sound engineer for the night.
Of course, everybody enjoys music and dancing, relaxing and enjoying each others company, so its always a good social event to have art and music together to bring people together, Burger said. We need to get together. There are a lot of people in the community who are homebound and theres nothing much to do, and weve got to bring the arts to the community and make it happen, said Burger.
News Correspondent Daniel R. Miller can be reached at 304-329-0090 or by email at news
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Big Daddy’s serves up hookah, mediterranean cuisine and relaxing atmosphere – The University of Alabama Crimson White
Posted: April 3, 2017 at 7:42 am
By David Jones | 04/03/2017 12:10am Caroline Japal / Alabama Crimson White
Smushed between Icon and Chucks Fishis a lesser-known local spot, Big Daddys Mediterranean Grill and Hookah Bar, on Greensboro Avenue. Despite many being unaware of its existence, this hole-in-the-wall restauranthas been serving up Mediterranean food and a wide range of hookah flavors since 2008.
The front of the restaurant is a small kitchen area where customers can order food or hookah, flavored tobacco,and see their food being made. Amira Totah, daughter of Big Daddys owner Hani Totah, can often be found in this part of the restaurant taking orders and making the specialty Mediterranean cuisine.
A couple of our most popular items are the gyros and chicken shawarma wraps, said AmiraTotah, who is a sophomore majoring incommunicative disorders.
Big Daddys lives up to its name as a Mediterranean grill by offering a large number of Mediterranean foods. However, the menu has many American choices as well.
People order the chicken wings and the Philly cheesesteak a lot, too, AmiraTotah said.
Along with the food menu, Big Daddys has a newly expanded menu of hookah flavors for customers to choose from. The menu has specialty flavors ranging from grape to Red Bull. Big Daddys is the only hookah bar in Tuscaloosa,which is a draw for many patrons.
Further into the restaurant is a much different area which serves as the hookah bar where most patrons go to smoke their hookah and eat. This larger back area is a dimly lit room filled with cushioned seating, a large TV, a speaker system and a strong wifi signal.
Customersare free to change the channel, find something on Netflix or plug their phones into the speaker system to play music of their choice.
We try to create a chill atmosphere and diverse hangout spot, AmiraTotah said. People will come here to just hang out, do homework, or have a fun night.
For many students, the versatility of the restaurant is what draws them in. That, coupled withthe late hours on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights makes Big Daddy's an attraction for Nick Bomar, a sophomore telecommunication and film major and frequent customer.
I cant think of a better place to go if it is late and Im just trying to chill and eat or smoke with a group of people, Bomar said. I think if more people knew about it, it would constantly be packed out.
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