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Archive for the ‘Relaxing Music’ Category

Start-up uses biometrics to tailor music for good night’s sleep – New Scientist

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 6:46 pm

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Concertgoers come to rest

Stefan Hoederath/Redferns/Getty

By Nicole Kobie

A baby falling back to sleep at 2 am to a gentle lullaby may convince its parents that music can induce sleep, but new compositions designed to help listeners relax sound rather different to Rock-a-bye Baby.

Boston-based start-up Sync Project uses biometrics to tailor music to your mood. Its Unwind app measures your heart beat via your smartphones accelerometer and uses these readings to tweak a relaxing ambient track by UK band Marconi Union. After listening, you take a brief survey. How relaxed do you feel?

Music can be used for everyday wellness as well as for clinical applications, says Sync Project co-founder Ketki Karanam. Relaxation and sleep was an obvious place to start. We decided to start by focusing on relaxation as we felt that was one area where people were using music to calm themselves down or relax, she says. And people with sleep conditions are often looking for drug-free ways to sleep better.

As well as the Unwind app, the company plans to collect biometric data from attendees at an overnight performance of neoclassical composer Max Richters eight-hour album Sleep designed to help people nod off at the Barbican in London next month.

Concertgoers will be invited to wear activity-tracking URA rings, which also monitor heart rate and body temperature. In addition, the volunteers will wear the rings while going to sleep at home, with and without the aid of Richters composition.

The Sync Project team will then analyse the readings for insights into how the music might affect sleep and relaxation. Participants will also report back on their stress and relaxation levels before and after listening to the music.

Ultimately, Sync Project aims to develop its own AI-based music treatment tools for different situations, from everyday wellness to clinical applications. Karanam even points to studies examining musics impact on people affected by conditions such as Parkinsons, Alzheimers and strokes.

But neuroscientist David Eagleman at Stanford University in California, who was an adviser to Richter on the Sleep album, is sceptical. Repetitive, unsurprising music helps the brain go into a relaxed state but does little more, he says.

Music has certain obvious ways it can excite or relax us, but there are limits and it certainly cant replace real treatments, he says. In the Parkinsons research, music could help people keep their muscles moving better and stop them freezing while walking, he says but clapping works just as well.

Music can be a useful distraction, which can help with insomnia or pain relief, says Kevin Morgan, director of the Clinical Sleep Research Unit at Loughborough University, UK. That said, if the presenting insomnia is so mild it can be effectively managed with Spotify, its unlikely to have been a major clinical issue in the first place, he says.

Controlled, academic tests of Sync Projects tools remain necessary, as people who opt in to use them are already likely to be music fans, Morgan says. Keep in mind that those who like listening to music as a lifestyle choice do so because it delivers emotional/psychological benefits, he says. That it also delivers these benefits to the same people when theyre sick would be unsurprising.

More on these topics:

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Start-up uses biometrics to tailor music for good night's sleep - New Scientist

Written by simmons

April 15th, 2017 at 6:46 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

15 Things To Know About a Spiritual Awakening – UWM Post

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Greetings and salutations to the first installment of Tales From The Third Eye! If youre already laughing at the thought of magical crystals and saging your house to cleanse negativity then I dont think this article is for you. I advise you to stay though, learn something, and let these words guide you. Maybe you will begin your spiritual journey too.

The topics discussed in this article come from personal knowledge gained on my own spiritual journey, from the community of spiritual individuals I surround myself with, the books I consume, basic research, and from the experiences I have embraced.

The topics are brief, but stay tuned because the articles to come will discuss each topic and other related subjects with a deeper understanding to help those who are seeking guidance for their body, mind, and spirit. From the Violet Child herself, I am learning every day.

Todays lesson?

15 Things to Know About a Spiritual Awakening!

Raise Your Vibration

Everything in the Universecontains energy that vibrates on different frequencies, including solid objects and you and me. According to Cassandra Sturdy, weare a being that is made up of different energy levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each of these levels has a vibrational frequency, which combine to create your overall vibration of being. When youre low, youll know. When youre high, youre in flow.

Sometimes stuff happens, so the shift can happen. What matters in any situation is how you handle it. Since my spiritual awakening, when faced with negativity, I do two things: distance myself and raise my vibration. Im not hiding from the negativity in my life, I will face it head on. However, I find it beneficial for myself to not surround myself with people or places that lower my vibration.

Learning how to raise my vibration in lifes many sticky situations feels like a superpower. It feels like you cannot be touched. Raising your vibration can help you in your hardest times and even the smallest, most superficial situations. You learn to just not care what people are saying and think about you, because the ones who do arent on your same frequency. Youre untouchable. This superpower has allowed me to freely express myself without caring what other people think. Since I have begun surrounding myself around more wandering, loving souls, I dont worry about those on the outside. Being on a higher frequency allows you to live in a bubble that isnt busting anytime soon.

The Law of Attraction

The power of manifestation is a powerful life hack that anyone is capable of experiencing. The Secret? The law of attraction.

Its simple. What you emit, you will receive. The universe will conspire to give you what you ask for. If you continuously have negative thoughts, you will receive negativity in return. But, if you keep a positive outlook on life, its bound to be returned. This change of outlook on life works almost immediately with serious results. Positive outcomes in life manifest faster and faster the more you apply positive affirmations, and it all begins with changing how you think.

Truthfully, this has changed my entire life. Once I began emitting positivity into my thinking and actions, I saw a shift. When I began thinking I can do anything I put my mind to things happened. Opportunities I was reaching for began trickling my way. My dreams dont seem so far away these days. Im not where I want to be yet, but Im aware that I can make it happen with a positive mindset. Negativity will destroy your soul and inner peace.

Living By The Moon

I was recently with a friend who told me her life gets extremely messy whenever the moon is full. Living by the moon is beneficial at times, but can be roughif you dont know how to stay in control.

Tuning your spirit into the lunar cycles is allowing yourself to take a natural process of growth in your day-to-day life. You are now understanding the rhythm of life the chaos, the new beginnings, the beauty that is offered.

Each cycle is a new period of growth. One cycle youre a seedling, the next youre sprouting, and the following youre a beautiful flower. Living by the moon is a natural evolution opportunity. Each cycle is an unfolding of life, allowing us to live in the present. The moon allows us to understand the powerful transitions happening in our lives.

As shown above, each cycle serves as a new period of growth and it is wise to take advantage of the experiences you can obtain. According to Moon Phase Astrology by Raven Kaldera, the following is how you can live by the light of the moon.

So why do so many people fear the full moon?

Energy is the highest on the full moon. Those who live by the moon often experience weird moments such as strangers coming up to them more often, drama, and negative emotions.

As for the details tune in for future articles.

Ridding Bad Vibes

It is human nature to care what others are saying and think about you. However, how you handle the bad vibes you are receiving is entirely up to you. Since my spiritual awakening, I let more and more things brush off my shoulder and will just raise my vibration instead.

If raising your vibration isnt enough, there are plenty of ways to rid the negative energy clogging your life. Here are just a few suggestions

Spirituality Doesnt Mean Being Happy All The Time

There is a common disbelief that someone who is spiritual is supposed to be happy every single second of the day. This is associated with the hippy stereotype. However, being happy versus being positive is very different. Being spiritual means experiencing every single emotion in the human existence because every single emotion serves a purpose and has its lessons. Nicole Tustin explains, when you attempt to only be happy, you are blocking out all the lessons and knowledge that comes to you when you fully embrace the other emotions. These other emotions include sadness, anger, anxiety, fear, and so much more. Do not suppress these sensations, they are beautiful, and could come out at a later time in life causing a deal of trouble.

You will not fully experience life as a human being if you dont take on the depth of emotion. On your spiritual journey, you must honor and consent to the other emotions, so they can teachyou something valuable that you need at the current phase of life youre meeting.

Being a spiritual person doesnt mean faking happiness for other people. There is community in sharing your emotions and thoughts with other spiritual people and allowing yourself to manifest these emotions into something greater in life.

Let It Go & Ride The Wave

I was once told that despite how loving and open you are with someone, people can only meet you as deeply as theyve met themselves. Ive had my fair share of hardships, maybe too many, but each has served as a valuable life lesson. It has taught me that rising above in every situation, has positive results for myself. All in all, I have learned it is easier to take negativity with a grain of salt. Nowadays, when someone does me wrong, I try to nod my head and continue on. Im no longer forced to have interactions with people, like I was in high school for example. If I dont vibe with someone, I dont have to be friends with them or surround myself with them. Even if someone doesnt apologize to me, I forgive them. If I cant forgive, I cant live a peaceful life. Though this notion is hard sometimes, I have found my life to be more beautiful and free when I let things go and ride the wave, because after all, that is what life is; an ongoing wave of ups and downs.

Crystal Lovin

Crystals can help you heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet, they do so much more than just heal. The more you learn about crystals, the more effective and beneficial they become.

Everyone is intrigued by crystals and gemstones.. The precious stones are prized and bring light into thousands of lives. Though valued for their beauty, each stone has a sacred meaning, properties, and are extremely powerful.

Crystals demand attention and respect from their seekers. Most people dedicate a day to cleansing their crystals and meditating with them to tune their energy into them. Crystals are efficient transmitters of energy, and neglecting to charge, cleanse, and attune into them will result in no benefits. Though some crystals are self-cleansing, most require attention to do their regular work of ridding negative energy and bringing light into your life.

Though each crystal has its own unique properties; there is one for every quality you are seeking. Whether to bring or release, crystals are beneficial to those who accept their energy. Love, happiness, inner peace, courage, depression, anxiety, denial, good luck, forgiveness, laziness, passion, self-esteem you name it.

According to The Crystal Bible, crystals work through resonance and vibration, rebalancing the biomagnetic sheath that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body and activating linkage points to the chakras that regulate the bodys vibrational stasis.

Meditation is Essential

Meditation, no matter the time or day, will lift your mood. Not only is it scientifically proven that it is healthy for you to do, it is spiritually, emotionally, and mentally benefiting ifpracticed everyday.

Personally, I like to lay down when I meditate because then I am the most relaxed. In the beginning, I enjoyed using guided meditation videos on Youtube, but I shy away from it now and will listen to relaxing music instead with headphones!

Meditation does change your brain, your everyday mindset, and your spirit. It takes your mind off the past and future and tunes you into right now.

Through meditation, I have gained so many great spiritual influences. My intuitionis stronger, I can sense energies easier (especially negative vibes), and I can tune into other peoples emotions.

Some people think mediation is just saying ommm over and over. That is a form of mediation, but I like to use the technique of focusing mostly on breathing and pulling myself into the now. I observe my body and thoughts. I accept my emotions and situations, and then I let them go with an open heart.

Advanced techniques include using mantras and mala beads.

For beginners, I truly do suggest using guided mediation videos and music to help create a peaceful space for you to tune into your mediation.

Theres Power In Now

The only moment that you ever get is the now. In order to live in the now you have to desert your analytical mind, self, and the ego.

I was given the book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle by a friend and it truly helped shape my profound outlook on time, thinking, and brought spiritual enlightenment as promised.

In the normal, mind-identified or unenlightened state of consciousness, the power and creative potential that lie concealed in the Now are completely obscured by psychological time. You cannot find yourself by going into the past. You can find yourself by coming into the present. Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be. The Power of Now

For more on this phenomenon, I recommend reading Tolle.

Balancing Your Chakras

Chakras are wheels of energy at the main seven points in our body. Nicole Tustin explains in Chakras For Beginners, our bodies as rivers and the energy flows through them. Each chakra is a swirling pool of energy. When there is a blockage keeping the energy flow moving freely, bad sensations occur. Energy can come in and out of your chakras and it is up to you on how you care for them.

There are over 88,000 chakras in our body and aurora, but there are only seven main chakras that run up and down our spine.

There are many ways to clear your chakras. What works for me, might not work for you, and vise versa. You can practice meditation, yoga, positive affirmations, using creativity, reiki therapy, essential oils, crystals, and connecting to the Earth, to keep your chakras in balance.

Reading Energy as an Empath

Ah, the power of being an empath a blessing and a curse at the same time.

According to The Empath Universe, an empath is someone who has the power to feel and manipulate the emotions of others. Empaths often have mood-swings, or are classified as bi-polar, but its simply the emotions of others around you. You are often one that people turn to for guidance, for your uncanny ability to make people feel better, to reduce their anger or depression. The bad side is that you tend to often feel others emotions and confuse them as your own, and act upon them accordingly, confusing and possibly scaring or angering others.

Being a highly intuitive empath is an ocean of motion. Vibrations from others energies come to you left and right, and you cant seem to hide from it no matter what you do. An empath truly feels what others are feeling we are absorbing the emotions we interact with. Being with a group of people, it is easy to tell who is lying, who is upset, who is judging you, who is faking kindness, and so forth. It is hard being in a room with a lot of tension. Energy does not lie to an empath. Continuously, I have said my feelings for a person based on the energy I received, only for it to turn out true. Empaths rely on the energy they receive from others and trust it fondly. We have a knack at being right about people and situations.

Empaths are very emotional and often labeled as sensitive. I grewup in a family with tough females; as an empath lacking thick skin, my sensitivity often falls asan insult. However, I embrace being able to feel things at a deeper level than others, because it does have its benefits.

Empaths crave solitude to recharge and get away from the flood of sensations. Empathstend to have depression and anxiety due to the weight of emotions they are continuously fed hence the curse part of being an empath. But, as I mentioned, it is also a blessing.

We have a lot of soul and plenty love to offer. By absorbing others energies, we are able to filter and manifest others sadness and frustrations and emit our own heart-felt emotions in return. Being an empath means being able to send love to others when they need it the most and that is an astonishing superpower to possess.

Ideologies Will Divide Us

Judgement, politics, religion they are all ideologies that only divide us. Naturally as a spiritual individual and thriving journalist, these topics interest me deeply. That is one part of the spiritual awakening you begin questioning ideologies immensely. These questions may never get answered until we slip into the big sleep, but that is one of the most stunning parts about being on the spiritual journey you get to explore these deep thoughts. To others, you may appear strange, crazy or even on drugs but just know, you arent alone in this bottomless realization of life. There are people everywhere raising their vibrations and working to make this world beautiful for all.

Personally, I dont stand with a political party because I can see and understand opinions on each side. That is part of being an empath being able to step into others shoes. However, socially, dont be confused, I stand with every human being.

As for religion, I am not Christian, I am not Buddhist, I am not anything. I believe wherever we came from, we derived from the same source, and we manifested together. I believe in searching for your identity by yourself freely.

I believe there is something greater than us, but for now, I dont know. I respect all religions because I would hope I am respected for my beliefs.

Luckily, this spiritual journey has allowed me to explore ideologies without standing with them. As Ziggy Marley said, love is my religion!

Social Media? Find You In Nature

Social media is to socializing as reality TV is to reality Nahko

Disconnecting is the greatest feeling in the world. I still use my social media pages and have debated deleting them altogether unremittingly. Due to my career path, social media is essential. However my intake on social media has gone down significantly. I choose wisely on who I follow and who I allow into my personal life do we actually interact in real life? Does this person really care about me? Sometimes Ill take weekly breaks and they help change my mindset. Its nice to get away from the superficial side of things. However, I do think social media can be used for great causes.

This is a part of the spiritual awakening you start becoming aware of what you are feeding your mind and spirit. So I began thinking, who are we really? This is why and when I turn to nature.

When I need to be grounded, I turn to nature always. I enjoy walking barefoot, whether its in the grass, soil, or sand there is an energy benefit to it. Earthing is a real process I advise everyone to take advantage of. When walking in soil barefoot, you will absorb negatively charged electrons which ultimately balance positively charged free radicals, according to an integrative cardiologist Stephen Sinatra.

Being outside charges yourself, just like it would with your crystals, the energy from the sun soaks into your skin and renews you. The oxygen, free space, and being surrounded by plants is critical if you want to connect to the universe and yourself. Why else do you think people get the winter blues? Nature is your best friend!

Creativity For Recharging

Music is your special friend, dance on fire as it intends The Doors

You can thank the Lizard King himself for that one.

When Im feeling out of touch with my own energy and soul, I solemnly turn to creativity. One of my favorite ways to recharge is by listening to music. I have always felt music is essential for a healthy mindset. No matter what my mood is, if I put my favorite songs on, Im instantly feeling better, especially if dancing is included.

Another form of creativity I take on is if you havent noticed writing! Ive been a storyteller before I could even put words into sentences. First I would draw to tell stories, then I would write, and eventually they turned into notebooks upon notebooks filled from front to back, every corner, scribbled with words. It was a passion I was born with; a love of mine I am fortunate enough to be turning into a career. I never had to question what I was going to do with my life because my soul already inquired the answers. Creativity is something very keen to me.

Another thing I like to turn to when Im feeling the blues, is painting. Im not a Van Gough, but something about making art makes me feel very relaxed and at peace. It takes my mind somewhere else all my energy is placed into the canvas in front of me.

No matter what interests you, any form of creativity is an abundant way to recharge your body, mind, and spirit.

The Universe Speaks To You

Synchronicities I cannot stress this enough. Since my awakening, I experience synchronicities multiple times a day. Honestly while writing this article, I have encountered multiple synchronicities which leads me to believe this is a sign from the Universe that writing this message is beneficial for not only me, butfor others seeking guidance.

Synchronicities are coincidences that appears significantly connected but have no apparent casual relation. These moments are dreamlike realities and when the universe openly reveals them to us, it is a sign that you are on the right path. Synchronicities can be something as simple as seeing the same number over and over again, or having a specific song stuck in your head then hearing it in the store or in your car. It is hard to understand and appreciate these little discoveries until you experience the realm for yourself.

Synchronicities happen a lot to people who are undergoing a spiritual awakening because the individual is waking up to the universe, specifically the dreamlike nature of our world. These moments should not be taken lightly they demand our partaking, you cannot simply sit by and be unaffected. You will know when you experience a synchronicity and you will not question it. They will transform you on a cellular level because they seep into your consciousness, a part of you that is now awakened.

For more information about synchronicities and how the Universe speaks to you I shall save for another time. In the meantime, I advise you to read up on Carl Jung and his work on synchronicities (which is so magnificent he spent 20 years studying them until releasing a book about them!)

There are many attributions that come along with a spiritual awakening, but the following fifteen topics are what I found most critical to discuss.

Continued here:

15 Things To Know About a Spiritual Awakening - UWM Post

Written by simmons

April 15th, 2017 at 6:46 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

Grown-ups find relaxation with coloring – Tahlequah Daily Press

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An hour of relaxation can be hard to schedule for today's busy adult, but many do so at the Tahlequah Public Library.

On the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, locals meet up for "Inside the Lines: Adult Coloring Group."

The favorite children's activity now has adults trying their best to stay within the lines, but in the end, it's the calming benefits of coloring that bring residents to the table.

Elizabeth Wood, who attended Wednesday, labeled the time as a getaway from the large family she has back home.

"I love them, but everyone needs time to themselves now and then," she said. "It's also nice to catch up with my friend and just get an hour of quiet time."

Wood's friend, May Rigsby, joined the group, and said it reminded her of her teaching days.

"I taught school for many years," she said. "I used to color with the kids, and now I've realized that I miss it."

The group offers adults coloring utensils, a canvas and relaxing background music. Tom Mooney, a volunteer at the library, picked music for Wednesday meant to calm people during one of their most stressful times: childbirth.

"I was looking for something slow and relaxing," Mooney said, smiling. "So, childbirth music."

Mooney said he can feel childish while working on a coloring book, and it's not a bad way to spend an hour.

Wanda Corn, also on hand to relax, said the quiet setting, in addition to the soothing music, blocks out the rest of the world. That's a common sentiment in the group, as Pam Elkins feels the same.

"It takes away a lot things that are going on in my life," Elkins said. "This is the only place it's just me and I don't have to deal with the problems I have in the outside world. It just helps me, because I do have a lot of health problems and it gets me out of my house and lets me interact with other people. We all end up finding someone and start chatting. It's just fun to do."

The group is called Inside the Lines, but that type of restriction doesn't fly with the adults at the group on Wednesday. Elkins said she often tends to color over the lines.

"There's no one really there to tell you, 'no, don't do that color,' or 'do this,'" she said. "Once we step out the doors, we have to go back to world like everybody else who has problems. When we're in here, this is my freedom. I get to relax, color and I don't have to worry about anything."

Get involved

The next Inside the Lines is April 25, 6 p.m. For more Tahlequah Public Library events, visit the library's Facebook page.

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Grown-ups find relaxation with coloring - Tahlequah Daily Press

Written by grays

April 15th, 2017 at 6:46 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

These puppies deserve the best; now they have it – Bradenton Herald

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Bradenton Herald
These puppies deserve the best; now they have it
Bradenton Herald
Inside the whelping room where mother dogs give birth, speakers send out gentle sounds of relaxing music. Every puppy activity area has access to fresh water fixtures and to an outside play area. Everything in this building is for education and ...

and more »

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These puppies deserve the best; now they have it - Bradenton Herald

Written by simmons

April 15th, 2017 at 6:46 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

One Artist’s Melancholy Look at Missing African-American Women – New York Times

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New York Times
One Artist's Melancholy Look at Missing African-American Women
New York Times
Once she took her first pass, she would come back and listen to softer, more relaxing music, like Billie Holiday's. Then Ms. Hinkle would take calligraphy pens to add color and texture to faces, curves, breasts and hair. It was her way of providing the ...

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One Artist's Melancholy Look at Missing African-American Women - New York Times

Written by grays

April 15th, 2017 at 6:46 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

YellowBrickCinema – Relaxing Music – YouTube

Posted: April 14, 2017 at 7:47 am

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Relaxing Flute Music, Music for Stress Relief, Relaxing Music, Meditation Music, Soft Music, 3139 - "YellowBrickCinemas Instrumental Music includes relaxing Guitar music, Piano music and Flute music. Our instrumental music can be used for relaxation, study, meditation and stress relief. This relaxing music can be used as study, background music, meditation music, relaxation music or as music for stress relief. Let the peaceful, calming and soothing sounds help you relax!

YellowBrickCinema composes Sleep Music, Study Music and Focus Music, Relaxing Music, Meditation Music (including Tibetan Music and Shamanic Music), Healing Music, Reiki Music, Zen Music, Spa Music and Massage Music, Instrumental Music (including Piano Music, Guitar Music and Flute Music) and Yoga Music. We also produce music videos with Classical Music from composers such as Mozart, Beethoven and Bach.

Our music is popular for the following: Sleep Music: YellowBrickCinemas Sleep Music is the perfect relaxing music to help you go to sleep, and enjoy deep sleep. Our music for sleeping is the best music for stress relief, to reduce insomnia, and encourage dreaming. Our calm music for sleeping uses Delta Waves and soft instrumental music to help you achieve deep relaxation, and fall asleep. Our relaxing sleep music can be used as background music, meditation music, relaxation music, peaceful music and sleep music. Let our soothing music and calming music help you enjoy relaxing deep sleep.

YellowBrickCinemas deep sleep music videos have been specifically composed to relax mind and body, and are suitable for babies, children, teens, and adults who need slow, beautiful, soft, soothing music to assist them to fall asleep. See them as a form of sleep meditation or sleep hypnosis gently easing you into that wonderful relaxing world of healing sleep.

Study & Focus Music: YellowBrickCinemas Study Music & Concentration Music is ideal background music to help you to study, concentrate, focus and work more effectively. Our Study Music for concentration uses powerful Alpha Waves and Binaural Beats to boost concentration and brain power and is ideal relaxing music for stress relief. This Study Music and Focus Music is relaxing instrumental music that will help you study, focus and learn for that big test or exam and naturally allow your mind to reach a state of focus, perfect for work and study. YellowBrickCinema also produce Classical Study Music videos for studying and concentration using top composers such as Mozart and Bach. These Study Music videos can be used to study to, or as background music, music for relaxation and meditation music.

Relaxation, Meditation and Healing Music: Our relaxing music is perfect for Deepak Chopra meditation, Buddhist meditation, Zen meditation, Mindfulness meditation and Eckhart Tolle meditation. This music is influenced by Japanese meditation music, Indian meditation music, Tibetan music and Shamanic music. Some benefits include cleansing the Chakra, opening the Third Eye and increasing Transcendental meditation skills. The work of Byron Katie, Sedona Method, Silva Method and the Secret highlights the fact that healing can occur through using the mind and being in the now. Healing Meditation can be practised using this music for best results.

Spa and Massage Music: Our light instrumental music is useful after a long day of work to unwind and relax. The spa music, nature sounds, rain sounds, light piano and easy listening instruments used in these tracks encourage ultimate relaxation. YellowBrickCinemas music is great for massage therapy and our music will help you relax your mind and body.

Reiki & Zen Music: Our Reiki Music and Zen Music is ideal for Reiki healing sessions, and encouraging a state of Zen. Let the calming, subtle sounds take you to a higher state of consciousness, and allow you to give and receive powerful Reiki vibrations.

Yoga Music: Our calming music is useful for yoga for beginners, yoga exercises, yoga chants influenced by Indian songs, African music, and is soothing music which can enable you to go into a yoga trance. If you are familiar with the work of Yogscast, Hare Krishna, Michael Franti, and Keshna be sure to use this.

Classical Music: Yellow Brick Cinemas Classical Music is ideal for studying, reading, sleeping (for adults and babies) and general relaxation. Weve compiled only the best quality music from some of the worlds most renowned composers such as Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, Debussy, Brahms, Handel, Chopin, Schubert, Haydn, Dvorak, Schumann, Tchaikovsky and many more.

#instrumentalmusic #pianomusic #guitarmusic #flutemusic #relaxingmusic

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YellowBrickCinema - Relaxing Music - YouTube

Written by simmons

April 14th, 2017 at 7:47 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

10 Best Relaxing Music Albums, for Meditation and Movement.

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There are many different ways we chill out and relax, and many different types of music to accompany our own particular needs both emotionally and in terms of our focus. I tend towards the more atmospheric kind as my mind, being somewhat busy can often get distracted by music with words or distinct motifs and melodies.Over the last few months Ive found some really good ones and so Im going to share them for you here! (These are in no particular order)

Relaxing Meditation Music Listen to this track

Robert Rich is a fascinating character. In the 80s he was known for his large concerts at night time held entirely for sleeping audiences! People would come in at 10pm and sleep through to 7am when Robert would serve them tea! Amazing.

Roberts music is incredibly diverse and yet remains in largely within the realms of ambience in that its spacious and promotes relaxation. However, he is a true artist and explores different realms within his work so not all of his stuff works for me.

Im still exploring his massive collection of work but so far Nest has been the most useful for me in terms of promoting relaxation and my therapeutic work. Based around the theme of nature and internal spaces, the album begins with simple bird song and goes through a number of poignantjourneys. However, although there is pathos in the album, I have never felt sad whilst being with it.

Its a stunning work to guide and help with meditation and is often at the top of my meditation playlists.

Theres something incredibly ethereal about this album. Max Corbacho is brilliant at evoking reverence, space and a feeling of well the cosmos. Much of his work seems, bright, icy & celestial.

Ars Lucis has a vast sense of space within it. Inspired by cathedrals and the way light pours in through colouredwindows,Gorbacho spaces the highbell-like textures and low rumbling music far apart from one another. I find my mind benefits greatly from this construction as there is so much space within the track, and onedoes not feel cluttered by the music.

Not the blinding light from outside but light filtered through high windows of coloured glass, broken and transformed into coloured gems, transferring that which is material to That which is immaterial. (Gorbacho)

Corbachos Ars Lucis is about as non-invasive and atmospheric as music gets. Theres deliberately nothing to hold on to and so the mind is held & the body can breath without distraction. It is atmospheric and reverent music at its best.

Like many, if not all of my favourite composers, Rudy Adrian is connected deeply to nature and this ultimately features in his work. He studied botany and forestry science when he was younger, going on to then to film music and atmospheric composition.Twighlight, Desert Realms and Par Avion are just some of his albums, but my chosen album for relaxation is 2005s MoonWater.

MoonWater features water sounds (surprised?), nature sound at night and piano. What more could you want in a relaxation album? The album does not stay at the sea but moves into other realms, exploring light, darkness and space. At the end, we are returned gently to the sea, before two live tracks of Adrians Three Views of a Japanese Garden. These last two are stunning and pull thematic feelings from the album into a different light interspersed with stunning ethnic-sounding vocals drifting in and out.

Calming OceanMusic Buythis track

Pat Metheny is a huge Jazz artist with a massive scope. As well as maintaining a high level career in contemporary jazz, he often comes out with fringe albums like this one, and spacious/contemplative music forms a corepart of his musical identity. Methenys guitar playing on this album is rendered with large-scale reverbs and delays giving great wash to his already incredible sounding guitar and guitar playing.

Ive set a number of his tracks to wake me up gently in the morning, allowing my transition from sleeping to waking to be as relaxed and slow as I like.

The king of ambient guitar drifts and textures, Jeff Pierce is well known to the new age music community. What I admire about Jeff is just how many sounds he gets out of the guitar and how many textures & spaces he creates.This album, With Evening Above explores the feeling of night time and while largely being made from atmospheric textures, it is sprinkled with Pearces distinctive guitar playing.

At all times, his playing is gentle and and thought provoking. Its paced and powerful. Whilst for some it might not be good as meditation music, it certainly can be used as music for yoga, tai chi or movement. The rhythmical guitar playing is broad and un-focused in a good way. Pearce uses delay, reverb and multi layering which causes more of the wash type effect, allowing your mind to de-hinge from any particularly melodic content.

Relaxing Spa Music with Water Sounds Buythis track

Officium is aseminal album recorded by some of the top Jazz and Classical musicians in the world. Recordedin a vast Austrian monastery, the ensemble consists of foursingers (The Hilliard Ensemble) and Jan Garbarekon Soprano and Tenor Saxophones.

I dont listen to lots of choral musical at the moment but this album is truly stunning. The voices are so pure and clear, the recording so crisp and fresh that I feel complete serenity when I listen to it. The arrangements that the three singers explore within the monasteries acoustic, sometimes feel like great waves of sound, and over the top, Garbareks soprano saxophone sings beautifully. When one thinks of saxophones and relaxing music, one can often assume more seedymusic, but this is truly powerful and authentic playing.

Some people relax to heavier, more rhythmical music. I remember sleeping to RageAgainstTheMachine in the car when I was a teenager weirdI know

This album by David Helping & Jon Jenkins includes drums. Drums!? For relaxing! Yes however, whats marvellous about it is that the whole album is highly compressed, which means squashed in terms of its dynamics. Basically the difference between quiet sounds and louder ones are smaller giving the ear a more continuous bath-like experience.

Im a big fan of relaxing workouts paced workouts. I used to only feel happy if id pushed myself to the brink of pain during running and weights. Now however, especially in the morning, Im looking for music that allows me to warm up without pressure or intensity. Found and much of Davids work with Jon Jenkins is helping me do this. If you want to know more about relaxing warm-up music, make sure you post in the comments below.

The album also has some wonderfully space-filled tracks like Only Ashes and Almost Never. But at its heart its an album for movement and positive visualisation. I find myself connecting with emotions of passion, purpose and power when I listen to this, but all from a place of centred-ness and calm.

These guys are some of my favourite composer/producers and actually have their own podcast about their music you can check it out here.

Recorded in his rural New Jersey home studio in 1997, this is a homely, dry and warm selection of some of Jazzs most folk-like and melodic ballads. This is my perfect album for relaxing to at the end of the day, or playing outside during drinks etc. Keith Jarrett is quite a firey artist sometimes, but during the recording he was suffering with an affliction that meant he had to stay at home, and the result was this entirely relaxed and slow-paced album.

Reflective and hugely melancholic, this album is still full of positivity and warmth which is an amazing feat. Theres great peace and serentity in Jarretts playing and one never feels rushed. Its an album to slow down with, its music to have a bath with you get it check it out .

This album is mesmeric and incredibly powerful, left to last not because it is better but because it is particular. Preisner is a stunning composer who writes direct, simple, tonal neo-romantic music and produces it in very interesting ways. But in my opinion its certainly an album to be with 100% as opposed to doing other things, as there is a wealth of material and the whole album is a real journey. Based on texts from the Book of Job, this project explores large themes within tracks like To Sleep, To Dream, To Know.

Check these out and let me know what you think!

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10 Best Relaxing Music Albums, for Meditation and Movement.

Written by admin

April 14th, 2017 at 7:47 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

The Wailers and three ways to keep Reggae alive – Florida Flambeau

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Dwight James III, Contributing Writer 4:54 p.m. ET April 13, 2017

Dwayne "Danglin" Anglin of The Wailers performs live for fans at the 2016 Byron Bay Bluesfest on March 27, 2016 in Byron Bay, Australia.(Photo: Mark Metcalfe, Getty Images)

Bob Marley has inspired many musicians with his relaxing music style promoting ideals such as love and piece. One of these bands is the Wailers. On Wednesday, April 5, the Wailers brought their fun and unique sound to Tallahassees own Side Bar Theater. Along with their fantastic music, the band brought to mind three main ways to keep Reggae alive.

1. Inspire others to play

Walking into the venue, I was rather confused at the band on the stage. Imagine a band with young musicians jamming out on stage with Rasta colored L.E.D. lights and flag behind them. The lead singers dance with one another with colorful dresses wrapped around their hips and harmonize to the instrumentals of their band mates. The crowd was rather seasoned, I could tell that this was a laid-back night.

Under the neon lights, the band churned out an electric wave across the room. I could feel hints of Marley, Beenie Man and even Vybz Kartel in their set. Couples pranced around until the track Up and Down played, putting everyone in a synchronized head bop. This is usually where the crowd puts on a contemplative look and slows down with the music.

In a weird way, everyone made their own pace and still followed the song. It reminded me of a group of friends at a marathon-- everyone knew theyd make it to the finish line but got there on their own time. During and even after the rain, we all waited till the Wailers came out to bless with their historical and gripping sound that hasnt changed with time. It was a bit difficult to breathe with smoke looming the room but it was worth the wait.

2. Play the same old songs differently-- every single time

Have you ever felt like you were watching a movie but in reverse and modified? Thats how it felt watching the Wailers for the first time. It was exciting, thrilling even, but there was a void I felt while witnessing the Wailers in action. I could tell that the chemistry amongst the bandmates had been built overtime and adjusted. However, I imagined the spirit of Bob Marley filling the room. Getting a bit lost in the music and in limbo between the past and now, I could see Bob Marley singing Shot the Sheriff with the band.

What keeps a man alive? His music, fans or band? Im slowly starting to think that its a combination of all three. That may be why I became so hooked on Marley and the Wailers in the past few weeks. The positivity they emitted is contagious-- that may also be why Reggae continues to survive in todays time. With all of the negativity occurring, there must be a genre that pulls its inspiration from positive vibrations and with the hope that everything will truly be alright.

3. Keep on jammin-- for those naive and accustomed to Reggae

Sometimes, it takes one push to keep a movement going. Familyman promised himself that he would maintain the band for Marley and that he did. His commitment has not only revitalized the genre but motivated bands all over the country to make Reggae in their own way. All while maintaining the original flare that Marley and the Wailers gave it. From Trenchtown to the World, the positive vibrations continue till this day as we keep on jammin.

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The Wailers and three ways to keep Reggae alive - Florida Flambeau

Written by grays

April 14th, 2017 at 7:47 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

How To Remain Calm (Even In The Midst Of Chaos) | The Huffington … – Huffington Post

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Being calm isnt always easy, let alone when chaos erupts around you. You have to cultivate a practice of being calm and that practice must be consistent. Consistency is the key here. More important than the length of time your practice is, do it consistently, every day. Three minutes every day will bring you the results you want quicker than one hour of your practice once a week. Here are eight tips to help you on your way:

1. Make a decision to create calm in your life even when life gets chaotic. This decision is powerful in helping you maintain your daily practice. Know that this is possible to achieve, even if it seems impossible when you start. Keep going and the results will come. Dont give up. If you forget one day, start again the next day. 2. Breathe consciously as often as you remember. Take three deep breaths when you get up, in the shower, waiting for your coffee, driving in traffic, sitting at your deskwhenever you remember throughout your day. Three deep breaths. Ignore negative thoughts from the mind trying to undermine your practice. Breathing is the cornerstone of remaining calm, relaxed and at ease. Your body is anyway breathing. The key is to sync up your mind to your body, so they are working together, rather than at odds with each other. When the body and mind are disconnected, stress is created. Breathing is the simplest, easiest way, to reconnect your body/mind. An added bonus - breathing is free! 3. Take time for yourself every day. To stay sane, you must take at least a few minutes, 15 - 30 minutes or more is better, to be with yourself. Go outside, take a walk, look at the sky, the trees, the flowers, listen to the birds. Allow the stress of the day to slip off your shoulders and savor some moments of joy.

4. Process your emotions. If you are upset about something, or with someone, give yourself time to recognize the emotions and allow them. Its important not to stuff emotions, and also not to start yelling at someone who has hurt you either. Rather, waitand then, when you feel more calm, express how you are feeling to a friend, family member, or, if possible, to the person who upset you.

5. Listen to relaxing music. Whatever music you enjoy, listen to it at least 5 minutes every day. Music has a powerful ability to relax the body, mind, heart, and soul.and bring joy. You can have it on in the background whilst doing other things, or you can dance, sing, with the music. It doesnt matter what the music is, just that it is music that you enjoy and that relaxes and uplifts you.

6. Practice gratitude. When life feels like a struggle, its easy to get caught up in looking at everything that is wrong. Practice gratitude. I promise you, there is always something to be grateful for. Write down 5 things every day you are grateful for simple things like breathing, walking down the street, enjoying the fresh morning air, your morning coffee.

7. Savor moments of joy. As you practice gratitude, you become more aware of the moments of joy sprinkled throughout your day. Laughing with a work colleague, taking your dog for a walk, sharing a look of love with your beloved, watching your kids play. As you nurture these moments of joy, they will grow, until feeling joy becomes your new normal.

8. Listen to your body. If your body is thirsty, drink; if hungry, eat; if tired, sleep/take a nap; if restless, go outside and breathe the fresh air, jog, walk, run. A relaxed body helps the mind and emotions calm down.

These 8 tips give you a framework for each day, so that when chaos hits, (which it will!) you have your framework already in place to help you remain calm, and relaxed. Youll find creative solutions to your challenges arise, easily and naturally. Youll be aware you are resting in Divine Order, knowing that all is well, and all will be well. You are safe, blessed, and loved.

Your essential nature is peace, love and abundance. You have received a wrong conditioning telling you life is difficult, hard, and chaotic. As you cultivate your practice of calm joy, and gratitude, your true nature begins to become more obvious to you, and that which is false in you dissolves. To help give you greater confidence in your ability to stay calm, no matter what, join us for my Practitioner Certification Meditation Training.

And for the latest information on events join my Laughing Buddhas Network newsletter (Its FREE)

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How To Remain Calm (Even In The Midst Of Chaos) | The Huffington ... - Huffington Post

Written by simmons

April 14th, 2017 at 7:47 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

Enjoy spring in Indiana – Journal Review

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Each season brings its own unique beauty.

Personally, I love rainy weather. I love a good thunderstorm. I think rainy days allow us to let our hair down just a bit and relax. I find them to be soothing.

When the clouds begin to roll and the sky starts to pour, what a great opportunity to stay inside and catch up with whatever part of our lives we need to catch up on.

Here are a few of my rainy day favorites.

If its warm enough, I love to open my windows, turn off the TV, and just listen. What a great way to enjoy the falling rain; and it smells so fresh and clean. I find this to be very relaxing.

Sometimes life has a way of getting a little too fast-paced for me. I find rainy weather and good sleep get along great at my house.

Rainy days are a great time to enjoy my hobbies of scrapbooking, reading, writing and crocheting.

I love rainy days on my front porch with a good cup of coffee. What a great way to unwind or get lost in a daydream.

A soft, steady rain outside, a warm blanket and candle inside, create the perfect atmosphere for me to curl up with a good book or movie. I love it!

Here are some great rainy day activities others have shared with me.

Its a great time to work out. Put in an exercise video and rediscover those weights. Be it yoga, Pilates, Zumba or an old-fashioned cardio work-out, let the renewed energy begin.

Enjoy your favorite music and relax with a good glass of wine.

Rearrange the furniture, clean out those kitchen cabinets, or even deep-clean the house. Rainy days can be a great way to build up that donation pile.

Pamper yourself by giving yourself a manicure and pedicure, a face mask, or a new hair color. All are nice ways to appreciate you.

Try out a new recipe or bake cookies; either will fill your home with a warm and hospitable aroma.

If theres no lightning or strong wind, take a walk. What a great way to wash your troubles away just dont forget the umbrella.

Indiana spring is notoriously filled with gray, rumbling, and overcast skies. Why not make the best of them by grabbing your favorite drink, propping up your feet, forgetting all about work and that list of things to do, and just relax. At least its not snowing!

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Enjoy spring in Indiana - Journal Review

Written by admin

April 14th, 2017 at 7:47 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

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