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Archive for the ‘Relaxing Music’ Category

Enoshima Island Spa: a Spa for Everyone – Japan Today

Posted: June 8, 2017 at 1:44 pm

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JI Core 50 Professional Monitors PR The Enoshima Island Spa

by Mark Garrity

I love Japanese traditional onsen hot springs and have tried to visit as many as possible during the various times I have lived in Japan, but I never had a chance to visit a spa in Japan. Frankly I am not much of a spa person; as a man in the United States, going to the spa was not a common experience. But I do love a good massage; I love good food, and as Ive already mentioned, I love hot springs. So when I visited the Enoshima Island Spa, which has all of those great things and more, I was in heaven.

Enoshima Island Spa is located, as the name suggests, on Enoshima Island near Kamakura. It was surprisingly easy to get there from Tokyo via either JR or Odakyu. The setting is spectacular, overlooking Sagami Bay, with an unobstructed view of Mount Fuji. The multilevel design of the spa ensures privacy for the onsen area and fantastic views on each floor. The staff is very welcoming and many speak English, so it made for a very relaxing experience.

There is a traditional onsen with separate areas for men and women, with a several different baths varying in temperature and style, as well as a sauna. The baths are spacious and there are plenty of washing stations.

The pool area includes two levels of indoor and outdoor baths that are open to both men and women together (swimsuit required). The pools are oriented to maximize views of the sea and Mount Fuji. The lower level includes a waterfall and a cave pool that is very romantic and made me wish I had brought a date. In fact, most of the people there appeared to be couples enjoying a beautiful Sunday together. And the water temperature of the various pools was perfect for the weather. I could have stayed there for hours.

The Island Grill restaurant is located on the top floor, and the seating is cleverly designed to maximize the views of the water and Mount Fuji in the distance. It has a nice selection of Italian and island-inspired seafood dishes. I opted for the Siciliana pasta and a side dish of steamed clams and mussels. Delicious!

I also went for a treatment at the Beng Teng Spa that included a foot cleanse and massage. The atmosphere was relaxing and the therapist was very skilled. She even spoke English! The treatments include nice touches such as a choice of teas before and after, aromatic oils and relaxing music. Even though, as I said, I am not really a spa person, I could certainly get used to that!

With the perfect combination of a traditional Japanese onsen, outdoor pools overlooking the sea and Mount Fuji, a relaxing massage, and delicious food, my experience at the Enoshima Island Spa was the perfect day trip from Tokyo. I am looking forward to going back again soon!

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Enoshima Island Spa: a Spa for Everyone - Japan Today

Written by simmons

June 8th, 2017 at 1:44 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

8 Natural Relaxation Techniques For Your Dog | Care2 Healthy Living –

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If your dog is acting out and having behavior problems, your first response might be to blame them and consider punishment. But poor behavior can often be a sign your pooch is feeling stressed or anxious about something.

Related: How to Tell If Your Dog Is Anxious or Stressed

Check with your veterinarian to rule out any medical causes first. Otherwise, your pets stress could be for many reasons, such as a change in your schedule, a move or noise pollution from a busy street nearby.

You might not be able to determine exactly whats bothering them, but including more relaxation techniques throughout your day will go a long way towards helping your puppy relieve tension and get back on track.

Classical music is shown to help calm canine moods. A study by the Scottish SPCA and the University of Glasgow played a variety of classical music to dogs in the SPCAs kennels for one week. The music lowered the dogs heart rates and reduced stress-related behavior like standing and barking.

The researchers continued their investigation and found that dogs responded even better to reggae and soft rock. The Scottish SPCA now plans to install sound systems throughout their kennels to play Bob Marley and Jon Bon Jovi to their furry residents.

In addition, the musician Alianna Boone found that playing harp music to dogs at a Florida veterinary clinic lowered their anxiety.

You can buy various products that contain what are known as dog-appeasing pheromones. These are synthetic versions of the hormone nursing mothers make to calm their puppies. Dog-appeasing pheromones have been shown to calm dogs in many stressful situations, such as kenneling, veterinary visits, car travel, human separation and the introduction of puppies into a home.

Many dog owners feel their animal friends can laugh when theyre having fun. But science has been slow to agree. Researchers put this to the test at a Spokane kennel, where they played recordings of whats been identified as dog laugher to the other dogs.

Staff at the kennel were surprised how dramatically the dogs quieted and calmed down when listening to the laughter. Many workers have since learned how to imitate a dogs laugh themselves. They find it really helps to settle anxious or agitated animals.

Curious what doggie laughter sounds like? Check out this video:

Keeping your dog active is not only important for their health, its also known to prevent bad behavior that can result from boredom. Aim for 30-180 minutes of daily exercise. The Bark has a good breakdown of how much exercise is recommended for your particular dogs breed. Also take your dogs age, health and general temperament into account when planning their activities.

Whatever you do, make sure its something you and your dog both enjoy. Active play is a great time to bond with your puppy. Try throwing a ball or stick, have them run next to your bicycle, take them for a swim or go for a relaxing walk.

This is another great way to prevent boredom and acting out. Get creative with ways to engage your dog in thoughtful play. Take them to new places. Introduce them to new people and other pets. Get them a new toy, or simply keep your current toys on a rotation so your pooch doesnt get bored with the same ones day after day.

You can also have lots of fun with food. Try hiding treats around your yard or home. Or buy a puzzle toy that has spaces to hide food inside. Another option is to enroll your dog in a training class. Professional dog trainers will give you plenty of ideas for tricks and different games you can teach your pet.

A large body of research has proven the benefits of massage for people, including pain and stress reduction, improving circulation, promoting flexibility and eliminating toxins. Very limited research has been done for animals, but its logical they would have similar benefits.

Giving your dog a massage is also an excellent way to spend some intimate time together and show them you care. To get started, Modern Dog Magazine has a helpful overview of how to massage your dog.

Related: Why You Should Treat Yourself to a Massage

Studies have shown that lavender essential oil can lower a dogs heart rate and trigger a calming response in their nervous system. Its also been found to help calm dogs with a history of travel anxiety before a car ride.

The best way to expose your dog to lavender oil is to drop some on their mat, blanket or other sleeping surface. Do not apply oil directly on their fur because it can be toxic if ingested.

A nice brushing in the evening can be just the thing to help your pooch wind down for the day. Its also a good chance for you to do a quick inspection for ticks, fleas or skin conditions that might be bothering them.

But for some dogs, grooming will only cause more anxiety and stress. If this is the case for your puppy, maybe try some extra snuggling, petting or other attention they enjoy.

Related: 10 Surprising Facts About Dogs 10 of the Most Endangered Species on Earth When You Should Consider NOT Vaccinating Your Pet

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely those of the author and may not reflect those of Care2, Inc., its employees or advertisers.

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8 Natural Relaxation Techniques For Your Dog | Care2 Healthy Living -

Written by admin

June 8th, 2017 at 1:44 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

Ariel Pink Releases Catchy New Single, ‘Another Weekend’ – Baeble Music (blog)

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Ariel Pink is finally back with a new song, his first solo release since pom pom. And, if you loved that album, you'll be sure to love the direction he's going in with the new single, "Another Weekend." Like a lot of the songs on pom pom, it all revolves around Beach Boys-esque guitar strumming and vocal harmonies. It's as psychedelic as you'd expect an Ariel Pink song to be, but it's also weirdly unpredictable at times (you've gotta admire how well the sudden time signature shifts work).

The song's also really, really relaxing. Around this time of year, there's a lot of talk about new singles that are "perfect for the summer." Most of the time, those tracks are upbeat and sunny pop tracks. "Another Weekend" is the exact opposite. It's the kind of song that's perfect for that other, less-often talked about side of the summer: when you're home alone on a sweltering Saturday night, kicking back with a beer and nothing better to do. But, despite how relaxing it is to listen to, "Another Weekend" is deeply sad when you pay close attention to the lyrics. They're about the aftermath of a breakup, which has made the singer feel "either too shy or too humble." But the song's about a lot more than simply missing someone. Mostly, it's about the difficult transition we all make from being in a relationship to being alone again. One of the best moments in the lyrics is when Ariel Pink evokes that feeling of being so sure that your ex is right behind you (but, of course, that person's just not there). Some of the lines are really heartbreaking, and might even be a little too relatable for some listeners ("Every day around five in the evening, I think of all that went wrong. We were once so happy together, but not for long. So lock me in and out of my life"). When he sings that refrain, "out of my life," at the track's end, you get the feeling that he's not talking about the weekend he just wasted. No, he's talking about his ex.

"Another Weekend" is a reminder of what's so great about Ariel Pink: he's never boring. His music is exactly what art-pop should be. It's catchy and well-written, but also interesting to listen to. Hopefully, Ariel Pink's next album will sound as fantastic as "Another Weekend," because this is a track that's going to stick in your head for a long time after you listen to it.


Ariel Pink Releases Catchy New Single, 'Another Weekend' - Baeble Music (blog)

Written by grays

June 8th, 2017 at 1:44 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

Zion UCC Hymn Sing to feature sounds of 1897 Moller Pipe Organ – The Shippensburg News-Chronicle

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The sound of music will fill the air in Hopewell Township this weekend as members and friends of Zion United Church of Christ gather for a Hymn Sing featuring the sounds of the churchs historic pipe organ.

The organ was built and installed in the church in 1897 at a price of $600; a sum that would have equated to $16,000 in todays economy. Built by the Moller Pipe Organ Co. in Hagerstown, Maryland, the magnificent piece of work is numbered 198 out of 11,000 made by Moller in the companys 107-year existence.

Church member Eugene Smith said the organ is known as a tracker action type model, one where the keyboard is linked with wooden rods and connectors to the pipe chest, which then mechanically produces the sound. Its a beautiful organ and one that is intricate in its design, Smith said. Were very blessed to have such a wonderful sounding piece of history in the church. He said although the Moller Co. installed hundreds of these types of organs, Zion Church is known to have the only organ still in operation in central Pennsylvania. The Moller Organ Co. was in business from 1885 until 1992. Zion Church is fortunate enough to have kept in contact with one of the technicians from the Moller Co., who services the organ for them when needed.

Sundays Hymn Sing, which will begin at 3 p.m., will include old favorites combined with selections chosen by organist Sharon Weaver. Weaver has been the organist at Zion for the past 42 years and has no plans of stepping down anytime soon.

This is the church I grew up in, and I began playing the organ while I was still in high school alongside Clyde Whistler, she said.

Whistler was the previous organist who occupied the bench since the early 1930s. Weaver said she loves playing the old organ.

I really do enjoy playing the organ. Its very relaxing to me, it makes beautiful music and I really have fun while Im playing. I guess you could say its like therapy for me, too, because if Im having a bad day I can come in and play up a storm and all the stress just goes away.

Zion Church is an historic structure in and of itself. The original church was built in 1799. The existing church was built in 1858 and remodeled in 1882. It was an active place of worship up until 1938. From 1938-56, the church was used for special occasions and /or services in the area. Current church members and others reopened the church in 1956 and it has been a place of worship ever since. The membership isnt quite what it used to be, but a faithful group of members maintain the property and keep the church going. The average attendance is anywhere between 25 and 35 each Sunday.

The eldest member of the church recently turned 90. Pastor Mary Jane King has served the congregation since 2010.

Weaver said shes looking forward to Sundays event.

Im excited to play the organ and share its beautiful music with the community. I really enjoy playing for people and seeing everyone sing along. Its a good time for everyone!

Sundays Hymn Sing starts at 3 p.m., and will be followed with refreshments and a time of fellowship. Weaver encourages everyone around the community to come out and enjoy an afternoon of beautiful music! A free-will offering will be taken for the organ fund.

Zion United Church of Christ is located at 20 Zion Road, outside of Newburg, just off of Route 997. For more information about the church and/or Sundays event, call Weaver at (717) 532-8458, Eugene Smith at (717) 713-6153, or Charlie Dickinson at (717) 658-2986.

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Zion UCC Hymn Sing to feature sounds of 1897 Moller Pipe Organ - The Shippensburg News-Chronicle

Written by grays

June 8th, 2017 at 1:44 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

A Relaxing Jazz Cruise 2017 | Entertainment | Jamaica Gleaner – Jamaica Gleaner

Posted: June 7, 2017 at 2:43 am

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Patrons who turned out for Jazz Cruise 2017 all had a grand time aboard the Caribbean Queen.

Loaded with its cargo of revellers, the cruise slowly made its way out of the Kingston Harbour to Freddie McGregor's Big Ship Sailing. And as it navigated the southeastern waters of Jamaica, patrons were treated to an all-inclusive experience of fine food and a wide array of recorded and live music.

Live music was provided by the Denmark-based band, Carl Winter and the Grand Beat. The featured band of three musicians, Jivim Cameron on bass, Felix Lacaros on drum and Winter on keyboard, entertained with songs such as Bye Bye Blackbird, Ole O and Nothing Personal. They also played original pieces, Nothing Mr X and The Dark Side.

In the band's second set, Myrna Hague, conceptualiser of the cruise and a musical icon, teamed with the band, giving her usual energy-filled performance.

On completion of their second and final set, Cameron thanked the audience for listening to them and not jump in the ocean.

The pearl on the high seas, however, was South African Lorraine Klaasen. Her cameo appearance was a taste of what to expect at the two other events: Stuart Hall Conference Jazz Concert and the closing jazz show, on June 2 and 4, respectively.

Klaasen performed between the band break, and so was accompanied by the unsung hero (according to Hague) - Lloyd Denton, on keyboard. The talented vocalist, who recently lost her mother, used the opportunity to pay tribute to her. Playfully, and at times extemporaneously, she added lyrics that brought laughter. But the most unforgettable moment was the demonstration of her mother's dance. Her set comprised of the songs, I Got the Blues, Summer Time and Cigarette.

But such fine act was little comfort to Carol DaCosta, who otherwise had a good time.

"I came to hear Myrna and she only sang one song, so I don't feel as satisfied," she told The Gleaner.

The Gleaner also caught up with Hague, who explained the change of time for this year's voyage.

"Last year, we sailed at 4 p.m., and came back in at 8 p.m. And so, this year, it is later because the company has decided that on Sundays, they were gonna cruise later. We wanted to do Sunday, so we accepted the change of time.

"I think we may have lost some of the older folks (due to the later start time), but we still had a good crowd and it has been a great cruise. The Danish crew was quite wonderful and Lorraine Klaasen was very entertaining, and Chung's has been so gracious with the lots and lots of food, and so it really has been a nice evening," Hague concluded.

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A Relaxing Jazz Cruise 2017 | Entertainment | Jamaica Gleaner - Jamaica Gleaner

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June 7th, 2017 at 2:43 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

Play some mountain music – The Daily Progress

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HUMPBACK ROCKS Oh, play me some mountain music, Alabama said on their hit song. On Sunday, that came true for people at Humpback Rocks as they listened to a melody surrounded by mountains on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Harmony Hill played on Sunday as they kicked off the first of the summer series at Humpback Rocks sponsored by the Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

The first concert with Sunny Side on May 28 was rained out; they hope to reschedule.

Many families come to the mountain early, hike up to the Rocks, enjoy a picnic and explore other features of the park before settling in for the afternoon concert, Jim Harrington, coordinator of booking and scheduling, said.

The concerts are free, open to the public and held at the parkway visitor center milepost 5.8.

The series hopes to highlight mountain music.

Since there was no radio or television in mountain living, music was the means of entertainment, a press release from Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway said. People told stories of hardships and comforts through the instruments they played, the movements of their dances and the lyrics of their songs.

Mountain music was more than just a tune. It was life stories put to instruments such as the fiddle, banjo, guitar and more.

All of the bands for this series represent, more or less, the 'Old Time' music genre: the instrumentation will include banjo, fiddle, guitar, upright bass, mandolin, autoharp, harmonica and voice, Harrington said. One of the best things about living where we live is the rich abundance of truly talented musicians we have among us.

All of the concerts are family-friendly and run from 2 to 4 p.m.

My hope for the audience is that they will enjoy a relaxing afternoon in a beautiful, historic setting and be transported to an earlier time when 'home made' music was an important form of entertainment and community-building, Harrington said. We also hope that the music will serve as a reminder of our good fortune in having the Blue Ridge Parkway and the historic farmstead so close by.

Other concerts in the series include: Farm Use String Band, June 18; The Lovell Coleman Band, July 2; The Bill Wellington String Band, July 16; Harmony Hill, Aug 6; Grassy Ridge, Aug 20; The Mutton Busters, Sep 3; Blue Mountain Sunrise, Sep 17 and Uncle Henry's Favorites, Oct1.

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Play some mountain music - The Daily Progress

Written by simmons

June 7th, 2017 at 2:43 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

Wambeke, Basile to perform in Heppner – Hermiston Herald

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A pair of local musicians will help kick off the fifth season of Heppners Music in the Park summer concert series.

Frazer Wambeke and Luke Basile will perform Sunday from 5-7 p.m. at Heppner City Park, 444 N. Main St. There is no admission charge. People are encouraged to bring a blanket or lawn chair and enjoy a relaxing evening listening to music. In addition, pulled pork sandwiches with all the trimmings will be available by donation to the Shared Ministrys well-building efforts through Living Water International.

The monthly series also features Bram Brata (July 9), Elwood (Aug. 13) and Eric Jepsen and John Wambeke (Sept. 10). In case of inclement weather, the concerts will be held at Heppner Elementary School, 235 E. Stansbury St.

For more information, contact the Heppner Chamber of Commerce at 541-676-5536 or

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Wambeke, Basile to perform in Heppner - Hermiston Herald

Written by grays

June 7th, 2017 at 2:43 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

17 exceptionally easy ways to relax from people who know how to chill –

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Is today going to be another day filled with little annoyances? Not if we can help. Here are some expert-approved tips to decompress.

I take a walk in the Botanical Gardens, said Robert Bilder, a professor of psychiatry at the Semel Institute and director of the Tennenbaum Center for the Biology of Creativity in the Semel Institute at UCLA. One of the most important tips is to unplug and get away from the constant tyranny of email, messaging, Twitter feeds, and the other ubiquitous stimuli that tend to take over our plans for action.

I try to go out to lunch everyday to get myself out of my office and let someone take care of me (food is cooked for me, cleaned up for me, etc.). It's a break from taking care of others, said Ann Kearney-Cooke, a psychologist at the Cincinnati Psychotherapy Institute.

I find it easy and convenient to self-massage acupressure points classically used to ease stress and promote relaxation. These are easy to reach on my hands and my wrists, said Dr. Lawrence Taw, assistant clinical professor UCLA Center for East-West Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

I pause and think of a few people who love me and trust my intentions, said Dr. Amit Sood, a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic. I send silent good wishes to the person in front of me.

Stop, drop and do yoga! Even just a pose or two can help to calm the mind and recharge your batteries. Try Tree Pose standing by your desk, or a twist sitting in your chair, said Rachel Brathen, aka "Yoga Girl" and author of the new book Yoga Girl.

I use mood food to turn my mood around in the very short time, said Frank Farley, a professor of psychology at Temple University.

I listen to Mozart (elegant, beautifully structured, relaxing), said William Fullard, professor emeritus of psychology at Temple University.

I meditate, said Sood. I cultivate habits that relax the mind for example, when I wake up, I think about five people I am grateful for before I start my day.

Know that life is not as serious as your mind makes it out to be. There are a lot of beautiful things around you. When you feel stress creeping up, focus on them, said Brathen.

When I get home from work I have created my own ritual of transition, said Kearney-Cooke. As soon as I get home I change into more comfortable clothes, turn on jazz or classical music and after eating dinner, engage in some type of movement (exercising, dancing, etc) or connecting with others in a casual way.

TV and some online activities can often be very relaxing, said Farley.

I connect each day with my adult children and husband and close friends and the closeness with them is fulfilling and often shifts my energy after a tough day, said Kearney-Cook.

When things get super busy and you feel like you have a hard time keeping up stop. Close your eyes. Take five, very slow, very deep breaths. Focus where you are in this moment. Then get back to work, said Brathen.

Surround yourself with role models who inspire you by their words and actions, said Sood.

I reboot on a weekly basis by volunteering at my church where I serve as a childrens Sunday school teacher. This is a way to take the focus off myself and direct it towards others, said Taw.

Commit to finding happiness through kindness, said Sood.

Take a dance break (yes!), go for a walk outside, hug your dogs. Come back to light and love, said "Yoga Girl" Brathen.

This post was originally published in May 2015

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17 exceptionally easy ways to relax from people who know how to chill -

Written by admin

June 7th, 2017 at 2:43 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

Seven simple stress relievers for good health – The Statesman

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How do you react to stress?Do you tend to become angry or agitated? You may respond best to relaxation techniques that quiet you down, such as meditation, deep breathing or imaginary.

Do you tend to become depressed, withdrawn or spaced out? You may respond best to relaxation techniques that are stimulating and that energise your nervous system, such as rhythmic exercise. Do you tend to freeze speeding up internally, while slowing down externally? Your challenge is toidentify relaxation techniques that provide both safety and stimulation to help you rebootyour body system. Take up activities, which make you busy like a morning walk, yoga, meditation.

Arm yourself with healthy snacks:

According to an American Psychological Association (APA) survey, more women than men (one in three)turn to comfort food such as ice-cream and cookies to ease stress. Its common for women to denythemselves favourite foods because theyre trying to lose weight. But under stress, the urge for thembecomes even stronger.In fact, researchers at Montcalm State University in New Jersey recentlyconfirmed that dieters are more likely than non-dieters to overeat when under pressure, binge on thevery same high-fat foods they normally try to avoid. The key is to not deprive yourself. Keep three orfour healthy snacks on hand that you know youll probably wantpeanuts, if you like salty; string cheese,

Speak S-L- O-W- L-Y, not that you annoy everyone by completely altering the rate at which youspeak. But if you learn to pace yourself and think what you say, youll trick your mind into a calmermood.

Stop watching the clock:

Were constantly reminded of how we are used to see the clock when there is no time left. This fuels frustration and we put ourselves under pressure to make deadlines for our work. Try to finishyour work the day you get it and limit the number of clocks in your home.

Prank It out:

Laughter is an instant cure for stress. We all know this, but we often fail to take advantage of it. Theres no limit to how much fun you can have, and people dont have enough! No ones watching and waiting to criticise you for laughing too much. So buy some water balloons. Play a prank on the kids.Inject some innocent immaturity into your family life. Its healthy.

Engage your mind:

Most people stop learning and reading after college. Mental health and longevity studies consistentlyshow that humans who engage their minds with activities like puzzles, reading, art, travel, new hobbies,and languages are happier, healthier, and live longer and are in fact away from stress and depression

.This is your one, precious life make the most of it! It doesnt matter if youre a lousy painter or canbarely catch the ball. If you like it, do it.

Be present:

Slow Down.Take 5 minutes and focus on only one behavior with awareness . Notice how the air feelson your face when youre walking and how your feet feel hitting the ground. Enjoy the texture and tasteof each bite of food. When you spend time in the moment and focus on your senses, you feel less tense.

Listen to Your Favorite Music:

This is something that works its magic almost every time it is put to use. All thats required is assemblingyour favourite music so that you can play it any time you feel stressed. Choose songs that help you torelax rather than those that get you pumped up. Many people find that separating their music basedon what they need it for works best. You can have a pre-workout list of songs at the ready -a stress buster list for at work when you still need to be alert, and relaxing list of songs for when you gethome and can chill out.

Stress is not something you banish from your life once, and youve slayed the dragon for good. It canrear its ugly head at any time. Do your best to make much of thislist a part of your life and youll find that you stress less and less.


Seven simple stress relievers for good health - The Statesman

Written by admin

June 7th, 2017 at 2:43 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

Medical musicians give unique care at hospital – WCPO

Posted: June 5, 2017 at 11:46 pm

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DENVER - You dont expect to hear people singing and playing classic songs in an hospital. But on the 10th floor at Presbyterian/St. Lukes Medical Center in Denver, Lee Newman is being treated to live music.

Its being performed by a group who not only sings there, but works there.

Lela Monsoori, Brandt Miller, Angie Appel, Daniel Rule and Sam Helgesonare physicians, nurses and staff members who not only provide patients with medical care, but musical care.

For them, making rounds take on a whole new meaning.

For transplant patient Rick Almond, they are a welcome sight.

"Ive been really sick for a few years here, and liver gave out, and the kidneys started giving out and was close to not making it, Almond says.

As they performed it wasn't hard to tell how much the music moved him. And it's moments like that, that makes them glad they started the group.

We all sort of realized that we were all musicians, says Miller.

Six months ago they began sharing their love of music with their patients between their other hospital duties.

The space in this hospital can be really hard and intense for patients, says nurse Angie Appel. And so we get to come in and bring a sense of lightness and help, and it's so inspiring for me I love it.

Endocrinologist Dr. Lela Mansoori sings with the group as well and says the impact is far reaching.

It releases stress, Dr. Mansoori says. It lowers cortisol and it actually has been shown in several scientific studies to decrease the length of stay to decrease the disease progression and it's just been very beneficial for patients.

In the short term, it's bringing a huge smile to Steve Barbier's face, even as he battles cancer.

It's nice to have a little change of pace, Barbier says. Because i can't go out or anything so yeah they did raise my spirits.

As duty calls, the group gets smaller, but their determination doesn't.

The next stop is Don Grosser's room.

After hearing the group play Brown Eyed Girl, Grosser says, It was wonderful. Wonderful.

It's said that music can touch the soul, and this group is proof that it can do so much more. It's building connection and trust.

To come in and have a relaxing music side of them is really great, Almond says. It just makes it more person to person, more one on one. And its bringing joy to those who play and listen.

See the original post:

Medical musicians give unique care at hospital - WCPO

Written by grays

June 5th, 2017 at 11:46 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

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