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Free Achieving Personal Success Online Course | ALISON

Posted: January 22, 2016 at 1:40 pm

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Course Description

Tom Kelley is the highly respected general manager of IDEO, a firm that helps its clients create innovative products, services and environments. He is also the author of best-selling books on creativity.

In ALISON'sfree online courseabout achieving personal success, Kelley starts by explaining how achieving personal success depends on implementing good, healthy mental habits. The course explains how you should treat life as an experiment, how you should be willing to fail and learn from your mistakes. Kelley advises that you should have confidence in what you know well, but realize that you have a lot more to learn and that you must keep yourselflearningat all times. You will also learn about using your whole brain and how you should make the most of opportunities to use the right side of the brain.

This course will appeal to all working professionals in businesses and organizations, and students who want to gain greaterknowledgeand understanding about achieving personal success.

To qualify for your official ALISON Diploma, Certificate or PDF you must study and complete all modules and score 80% or more in each of the course assessments. A link to purchase your Diploma certificate will then appear under the My Certificates heading of your My Account page.

After studying this personal success course you will learn: - Why you should resist the forces that chip away at creative energy and make an effort toward innovation to remain young at heart; - Why it is ok to be an artist, an innovator and a design thinker; - Explain why fostering lifelong creativity depends on instituting good, healthy mental habits; - How it is important to field observations with fresh eyes in order to spot new opportunities; - Why you should treat life as an experiment, take risks and be prepared for ideas not to work out; - How you can cultivate an attitude of wisdom and keeplearningmore at all times; - Examine a case study in which Best Buy were overly confident in theirknowledgeof the market and failed to spot Napster; - Why you should use your whole brain and the importance of using your tortoise mind; - Why you should follow you passionate career path and do what you love.

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Free Achieving Personal Success Online Course | ALISON

Written by admin

January 22nd, 2016 at 1:40 pm

Posted in Personal Success

Personal Success Defined in 5 Scientific Principles |

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There are thousands of books about business success, but most are based upon the author's personal observations and consulting experience. That raises a question: Is there any science to business success?

Surprisingly, you can find a great deal of science in the five basic principles:

We may live in the information age, but human beings are genetically identical to human beings who lived in the Stone Age. Back then, what separated humans from apes was the part of the brain called the neocortex, which in humans is huge compared with other mammals.

An important element of the huge neocortex are what neuroscientists call "mirror neurons"--brain cells that fire both when we do something ourselves or when weobserve somebody else doing the same thing. When a storyteller tells astory with emotion, those emotions are echoed in the listener's mirrorneurons.

According to psychologist Brian Sturm at the University of NorthCarolina, swapping relatable stories brings people closer together andbuilds trust, making them part of the same tribe and therefore appropriateas business partners.

Though stories connect people emotionally, people quickly forget facts provided outside the context of story. In fact, most people forget 90 percent of the information presented to them within "a relatively short period of time."

Therefore, though you will need facts and information to verify and buttress your stories, your success depends upon the stories you tell, because the stories you tell are how your customers and investors decide what it means to do business with you.

More: How to Tell a Business Story

Many companies encourage working long hours under the belief that paying fewer people to do more work increases profit. That belief, however, is unfounded.

According to studies conducted by Ford Motor Company early in the last century, the sweet spot for worker productivity is around 40 hours a week. Adding additional hours creates only a minor increase in productivity that turns negative in three to four weeks.

The problem is that overworked people start making avoidable errors, which then take additional time to correct. The solution, of course, is to "work smarter." But what does that mean?

It certainly doesn't mean adding more technology; there's an obvious correlation between the amount of technology in business and the extension of the workday. Technology makes it easier to work ever longer hours.

The only real way to work smarter is to spend your time doing the things that matter rather than the things that don't. This is a practical application of the Pareto Principle, the economic law that 80 percent of your results come from 20 percent of your actions.

In the business world, the Pareto Principle is best known as the rule of thumb that "80 percent of your sales come from 20 percent of your clients" or sometimes "80 percent of your sales come from 20 percent of your salespeople."

However, Pareto patterns apply to almost all human activity, which means that in most companies only 20 percent of the effort expended generates 80 percent of the results. As a corollary, 80 percent of the effort generates only 20 percent of the results.

You can therefore make yourself and your company more successful by doing more of the 20 percent that really matters and less of the 80 percent that doesn't. BTW, this is the scientific basis for the intuitive notion of core competency.

More: The Surprising Secret of Time Management

Conventional business wisdom says your organization will succeed more easily and quickly if you hire as many top performers as possible. In other words, the more superstars on your team, the better your team.

This philosophy lies behind concepts such as stack ranking, in which "a work force is graded in accordance with the individual productivity of its members," and best practice, in which you attempt to recruit candidates who resemble your current top performers.

Though that all sounds reasonable, it doesn't work in practice. Stack ranking results in all sorts of weird and dysfunctional behavior, because employees are goaled on looking good while making others look bad.

Indeed, superstars tend to become successful at the expense of others, according tostatistical analyses of a database of more than 400,000 salespeople and 700 sales forces conducted by Chally Worldwide.

"In practice, top performers often depend heavily on internal resources and connections that if made available to everyone on the sales staff, might damage other parts of the business," explains Chally CEO Howard Stevens.

Business success, however, is always a team effort, which means that successful companies must hire people who can put their egos aside and help everyone to become more effective and efficient.

According to a study recently conducted at MIT and published in the Harvard Business Review, the most effective teams "talk and listen in equal measure, equally among members while lower performing teams have dominant members, teams within teams, and members who talk or listen but don't do both."

It need hardly be said that the latter behaviors are characteristic of superstars rather than team players.

In other words, your company will be more successful if you hire above-average performers who work together as a team than superstars who succeed at the expense of everyone else.

For the past few decades, many companies have tended to look upon corporate ethics as an expense. The assumption is that it's more profitable to cheat than to play fair, as long you don't get caught.

However, groundbreaking research by emeritus business professor and authorRobert B. Cialdiniindicates that cheating generates huge hidden costs, even when leaders think they're getting away with it.

According to Cialdini, employees who know that their company is cheating fall into two categories: those who feel a conflict of values and want to leave, and those who feel perfectly fine with it.

Many of the best employees fall into the first category, which creates expensive churn and turnover. Because turnover costs can easily be two to three times the yearly cost of an employee, the result of cheating is a lower profit margin.

What's worse, the employees who are OK with corporate-level cheating are OK with personal cheating, which explains (among other things) why rogue trading has become so common in the financial industry.

In other words, rather than an unnecessary expense, creating an ethical corporate culture avoids unnecessary expenses that will be incurred even when that company gets away with cheating.

More: When Leaders Cheat, Companies Lose

There's no simpler way to put it: Science says that stress is the No. 1 enemy of success. According to the American Psychological Association, stress results in a host of health problems, including headache, muscle tension, muscle pain, chest pain, fatigue, upset stomach, insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, lack of motivation, lack of focus, irritability, depression, eating problems, addiction, and social withdrawal.

Health problems of this sort don't just result in productivity-killing absenteeism but also (when combined with the work-longer-hours ethos) presenteeism, in which staff members go to work even when ill with a communicable disease.

In business, the main sources of stress are the sense that there's too much work to be done and a climate of fear based on the (often accurate) belief that management will punish failure.

There are, of course, many outwardly successful companies that have this type of hard-driving, fear-based culture. However, such companies do eliminate stress on a regular basis--by discarding and then replacing employees who become too burnt out to function.

However, because turnover costs money, a more effective approach is to create an environment that is inherently less stressful by implementing Principles 1 through 4.

More:6 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

Having a strong, meaningful story creates a sense of community. Only doing what's important reduces both busywork and overwork. Building teams rather than spotlighting prima donnas reduces conflict, as does encouraging honesty and trust.

Not every successful business embodies all five principles, but if you read some of those thousands of books about business success, I'd wager you'll find that all successful businesses implement at least four of them.

See more here:
Personal Success Defined in 5 Scientific Principles |

Written by admin

January 22nd, 2016 at 1:40 pm

Posted in Personal Success

Free personal success Essays and Papers – 123helpme

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[tags: Personal Ambition] 770 words (2.2 pages) Better Essays [preview] Measuring the Impact of Critical Success Factors of Project on Project Success in the Telecom Firms - Measuring the Impact of Critical Success Factors of Project on Project Success in the Telecom Firms Introduction: Project success is one of the ambiguous concepts in project management. As each person or group of people who are involved in a project have different needs and expectations from the same project, it is very common that they take project success in their own way, as per their own understanding (Cleland & Ireland, 2004). Research on project measurement deliverables and focus on the main project management practices (time, cost and quality) shows that it is not possible to have a ubiquitous success criterion that is suitable for all projects.... [tags: Business Management ] 2532 words (7.2 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] IQ and Success - IQ and Success Using data from a long-term survey, The Bell Curve purports to show that IQ is a far better predictor of adult success than childhood socioeconomic status. But the authors used an extremely limited number of social factors as the basis for their calculations. By taking into consideration a greater number of social factors (to make the study resemble a more complete picture of real life), sociologists have been able to show that social factors, not IQ, are a much better predictor of future success.... [tags: Sociology Racism Prejudice Essays] :: 4 Works Cited 1236 words (3.5 pages) FREE Essays [view] The Three Tenets of Success - In todays society, people are obsessed with the notion of success and how to achieve it. Many people wonder if there really is a secret to success. According to Colin Powell, former Secretary of State, There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure. Throughout the book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell proves Colin Powells quote to be true. There are no secrets one can use to become successful. Success truly is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.... [tags: Motivational, Informative, Sucess] 999 words (2.9 pages) FREE Essays [view] The Success of Facebook - Successful can be defined as the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like (Collins, 1993). However, for the purpose of this report the focus is on financial wealth and how young people attain such wealth through personal qualities and an innovative idea. This report will also focus on two young men whom youth today believe are successful (survey response 13). There are 24 million millionaires (Brooklyn, 2011) around the globe all with different stories, ways and qualities that lead to their success in the business world.... [tags: Business Analysis, Social Networking] :: 11 Works Cited 1209 words (3.5 pages) Strong Essays [preview] The Necessity of Personal Responsibility - Personal responsibility may be perceived in many ways, but it is imperative to understand the relevance of why it must begin with our self. First, one will never develop an attitude of responsibility if they always look for others to complete their task. It is a necessity that one has personal discipline or their efforts to be responsible will prove to be fruitless. Second, being responsible yields great rewards and acting responsible is a clear sign of maturity. A responsible individual looks to no one but self and no matter what the outcome; they are willing to stand by their decisions.... [tags: Time Management, discipline, goals] :: 3 Works Cited 1200 words (3.4 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Personal Narrative- Daydreaming in Class - Personal Narrative- Daydreaming There I sat, trying desperately not to drool in the middle of my daydream. Dare I say class was less than interesting and all I could think of was my bed. Instead of daydreaming of a hunky man, or even a bright future paved with a golden road of success, I was dreaming of my bed. It was an ordinary college dorm room bed: you never know how many people actually slept in it, or did something else in it, yet I still find comfort in its lumps and bumps. In the brilliance of my afternoon laziness I decided that daydreaming about my bed wasnt silly at all.... [tags: Personal Narrative Writing] 873 words (2.5 pages) Better Essays [preview] Success - ~~If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams, and endeavors to lead a life which they have imagined, they will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. Henry David Thoreau What is success. Is it the process of doing a task and receiving a positive result, or is it simply achieving ones own personal goals. Ones ability to succeed in life is almost directly related to an image of the perception of what success is. Many of America's most successful businessmen, such as J.P.... [tags: essays research papers] 720 words (2.1 pages) Unrated Essays [preview] An Athletes Secret of Success - An Athletes Secret of Success Vince Lombardi says, The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. A dedicated athlete puts forth their all by fully devoting themselves to their sport. They always try to give one hundred and ten percent before, during, and after practice. Athletes achieve their success knowing they worked hard to attain it and can truly say they accomplished something that makes them a better person.... [tags: Sports Athletes Fitness Essays] 475 words (1.4 pages) Unrated Essays [preview] Personal Goals as a Student at the University - Everyone should have personal goals that evolve around anything that needs to be accomplished. I set goals on a daily basis. One goal that I seem to have not truly focused on has been my college education. Considering all things, I decided I needed to focus on my college education. The first thing I needed to accomplish was to enroll in an institution for higher learning. Now that my enrollment is complete, I am an official student at the University enrolled in the undergraduate program for business management.... [tags: Personal Narrative Education Learning Essays] 711 words (2 pages) Unrated Essays [preview] Success in George Orwell's 1984 - Success is the main object of desire for many people in the world of today. In George Orwell's 1984, the author provides a speculative view to the future and brilliantly describes what would happen if ultimate success was attainable. George Orwell describes success in three extremes: those who succeed ultimately, those who fail miserably, and those who are neither capable of succeeding nor failing. In 1984, the success of the individual is forbidden, while the success of the Inner Party is ultimate.... [tags: essays research papers] 906 words (2.6 pages) FREE Essays [view] Horse Training Methods Measured Against Success Criteria - Success in the equestrian world can be difficult to achieve. There are many different principles and ideas as to how it can be accomplished. There are a variety of horses, disciplines, and trainers. Training a young horse can be a difficult task, and often for beginning trainers a confusing task as well. Striking out on ones own and deciding how to train a horse is a highly debated project. Many trainers choose to either follow the treaded path of traditional training methods or natural horsemanship techniques.... [tags: Animal Research ] :: 3 Works Cited 1733 words (5 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] The Success of Dell Computer - The Success of Dell Computer 1. How and why did the personal computer industry come to have such low average profitability. The PC industry has started to develop fast in the 80's when IBM launched its first PC series and later on when numerous small companies entered the market. PC is a new product and companies had to create the demand to it from the scratch. We shall apply the Porter's 5 Forces model to examine the PC market and see how forces of competition influence the profitability of the market players.... [tags: GCSE Business Management Coursework] 1176 words (3.4 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Personal Power and Negotiations - ... Almost immediately I started receiving negative and abrasive feedback in the public forums from another student. In the respect for debate which was encouraged by the professor for full points, I argued my positions with grace which only instigated further harassment and verbal (written) abuse from this other student. After a period of time I began negotiations with this other student by simply asking him to please stop responding to my discussion posts. When this failed, it only exacerbated the issue, name calling on his behalf ensued, and other students actually dropped from the class as a result.... [tags: network power, interpersonal power] :: 5 Works Cited 1647 words (4.7 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] My Definition of Success - Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. Bruce Lee What is success. Society is always striving for a definition to define it and how others can and have achieved it. This paper will illustrate the definition of success, what makes society success or not success, and what my personal definition of success is. This will show how twisted and materialistic people can really be in todays world. In the definition success is the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted.... [tags: Definition Essays 2014] :: 3 Works Cited 920 words (2.6 pages) Unrated Essays [preview] My Definition of Success - "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. Albert Einstein -- My personal definition would not include stuff at all. No one will care (and neither will you) what kind of car your drove or how big your house was when youre on your deathbed. Your thoughts will not be about your job, the office or how much money you made. Personal success is defined by how content and enjoyable your life is. That is not to say that challenges and disappointments arent included in this.... [tags: Definition Essays 2014] 490 words (1.4 pages) Unrated Essays [preview] Entrepreneurship and Success - I believe that being Entrepreneur is an American dream; who would not want to choose their own hours and have a successful business that they could leave behind as a legacy. I also believe that they are very few people that have the skills and qualities to be successful at achieving entrepreneurship; this is partly due to many Entrepreneurs lacking the skills to build around their vision. I thinks thats why some people believe that entrepreneurs are born and not made, for it is indicated in our assigned reading Entrepreneurship 8th Edition, that the working definition of acquiring and maintain Entrepreneurship is described as Entrepreneurship being in the process of cre... [tags: Entrepreneurship] :: 3 Works Cited 885 words (2.5 pages) Unrated Essays [preview] Steps to success - ... Many people say that repetition is key, and the more a person practices the easier it becomes. If a student has a difficult time with a particular concept, practicing the material will enable the student to eventually learn it and be prepared for any upcoming assessments that they will partake in. Repetition is essential for subjects where practice truly makes perfect such as the learning of math, and it allows you to master the material. Repetition leads the student to master the material and improve performance.... [tags: Students, Homework, Benefits] :: 7 Works Cited 2381 words (6.8 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Personal Perspective on Learning - Personal Perspective on Learning The University has provided several resources to help facilitate my learning experience and attain my goal of completing my MBA. There are three key elements to the MBA program that are used to assist and educate the student in this learning environment. Each of these elements is uniquely designed to promote proactive thinking.... [tags: Reflection Reflective Personal Narrative Education] 959 words (2.7 pages) FREE Essays [view] Personal Narrative- Becoming a Good Loser - Personal Narrative- Becoming a Good Loser During my childhood I learned a number of valuable and important lessons. Each as varied as the next. Several years ago, however, I was taught a lesson that forever altered my outlook on life. I was seven years old and Id already proven to my two sisters that I was a force to be reckoned with. In the mood for a little fun I decided to partake in a game of Candy land. The object of the game was to make it to Candy Castle before my two worthy opponents. The game lasted for less than an hour, but I would remember it for the rest of my life.... [tags: Personal Perspective Essays] 497 words (1.4 pages) Unrated Essays [preview] Personal Statement - Hunny, please bring the bags to the car and do not forget your jacket on the counter! my mom shouted from the bottom of the staircase. Every year for vacation, we would always prepare an emergency kit, directions, the latest updates on weather/road conditions, a portable stove, gallons of water, and the trips details categorized inside our itinerary organizer. However, while heading down to the Grand Canyon one year, we were stopped by a sudden snow storm and multiple roadblocks forcing us to take detours and change our plans.... [tags: Auotobiographical, Coming of Age] 1294 words (3.7 pages) Better Essays [preview] Personal Narrative- My Life as a Student, Athlete and Christian - Personal Narrative- My Life as a Student, Athlete and Christian I knew this was bliss, knew it at the time. These words of Eudora Welty, although expressing her feeling from devouring book after book, can also be applied to my life. While not relating to my literacy, Weltys lexis nonetheless conveys my own feelings after learning the significance of hard work. Ive put excess effort in performing the roles of a student, an athlete, and a Christian. Success and growth in each component of my life has taught me the value and necessity of a strong work ethic.... 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From toddler to adult, pre-elementary to college, Ive managed to sharpen both skills to my liking. However, even though it significantly helped, schooling was not what influenced me to continue developing those skills into talent. Many different things shaped and influenced my learning, and now reading and writing have become the safety net of my life. I know that even if I have nothing else in the future, Ill still have my talent and knowledge.... [tags: Personal Narrative] 1398 words (4 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] My Personal Identity - A persons identity is shaped by many different aspects. Family, culture, friends, personal interests and surrounding environments are all factors that tend to help shape a persons identity. Some factors may have more of an influence than others and some may not have any influence at all. As a person grows up in a family, they are influenced by many aspects of their life. Family and culture may influence a persons sense of responsibilities, ethics and morals, tastes in music, humor and sports, and many other aspects of life.... [tags: Personal Narrative, Identity Essay] 956 words (2.7 pages) Better Essays [preview] Chinese Entrepreneurs in Singapore: Paths to Success - Chinese Entrepreneurs in Singapore: Paths to Success Due to the economic hardships and threat of Japanese invasion in China in the first half of the 20th century, many men left their homeland in search of success and opportunities abroad. One of the places that many of them migrated to was Singapore. This new and foreign place was fraught with obstacles; however, some of these Chinese men eventually achieved great success. The success of these Chinese entrepreneurs in Singapore was not only due to their personal determination, but it was also contingent upon their social ties, and the economic and political conditions.... [tags: Business and Management Studies] :: 5 Works Cited :: 5 Sources Cited 3673 words (10.5 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Success in Willa Cather's My Antonia - Success in Willa Cather's My Antonia The American college dictionary defines success as 1. The favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors, 2. The gaining of wealth, possessions, or the like. This has been the general seances for the past hundred years or more. But in more modern days the prospective of success has changed slightly. It has shifted to having a good education, going to collage, getting a carrier getting married & having children. Having your own home and eventually dying and passing it all on to a child or children.... [tags: Cather My Antonia Essays] 2593 words (7.4 pages) FREE Essays [view] Success: Damaging for the Student Soul - Societys definition of success is a negative influence on students. This is not to say that obtaining success itself means badly. Rather, it is what society perceives success to be that makes it detrimental. By inherently putting the focus on success, man is essentially putting himself on the road of self-destruction and sabotaging his self-identity. In fact, success is a word that should not exist. It is a reflection of mans over-egoistical need to better than others, and will ultimately lead to his undoing.... [tags: Education ] :: 7 Works Cited 1076 words (3.1 pages) Strong Essays [preview] The Success of Micro Finance in Pakistan - As found by Hartangi (2007) that success of Micro finance depends upon the practices of that specific bank, which finance poor people, by quoting and example of BRI (Bank Rakyat, Indonesia) researcher says that they provide technical and moral support to the people they lend money, and make sure they do good, they also choose different collaterals like motorcycle, cars, cattle, and land etc to secure their loan yet making collateral stronger incase the client fails to repay and credits interesting for lower class community.... [tags: Finance] :: 31 Works Cited 2215 words (6.3 pages) FREE Essays [view] The Success of the Massachusetts Bay Colony - In the 1600s, two colonies were establishing themselves on the east coast of North America. In 1607, a group of merchants, known as the Virginia Company, settled at Jamestown, Virginia on the Chesapeake Bay (Divine, 72); while Puritan leader John Winthrop, stationed himself and his followers at Massachusetts Bay in 1630. (Divine, 90) Although both settlements started off relatively the same, the greater success of one over the other has caused continuous debates between many, including the descendants of these early Americans.... [tags: American History, The Virginia Colonists] 1524 words (4.4 pages) Better Essays [preview] Preparing Children for Success with Technology - In 2013, 92% of teachers, according to the American Life Project, in the United States said that the Internet has had a 'major impact' on the way they teach in regards to access of resources, content, and making the classroom available outside of school to promote 24/7 stimulation (Burns). Just to think, this statistic never existed fifty years ago, and barely even fifteen years ago. I know it is safe to say that children have recently obtained the access to a fruitful and universal education with many benefits made possible merely because of the presence of technology.... [tags: Engagement with Web and Social Media] :: 10 Works Cited 2942 words (8.4 pages) Term Papers [preview] Phraseology: Language and Success in Life - I would like to think that I arrived at where I am today because of my good looks, but that would be far from the truth. Im a quiet person with average looks, and I usually do not get noticed when walking out in public. My experiences have molded me into the person that I am today. Those experiences were created through the different forms of language that I used. Language has empowered me to be the success that I consider myself to be today. I have used language to gained social acceptance, work in professional environments, and encourage other.... [tags: Language] :: 10 Works Cited 2290 words (6.5 pages) Term Papers [preview] Crocs: A Value Chain of Success - Introduction In 1913 Henry Ford designed and implemented a new strategy to meet the needs of his customers by revolutionizing the automotive industry and manufacturing process. By September 1927, Ford had transformed all steps in the manufacturing process from refining raw materials to final assembly of the automobile which significantly reduced assembly time per vehicle, lowering costs, while increasing productivity (AAM, 2003). Managing and innovating productivity while understanding the business core competencies is just one way operations management ensures a competitive and differentiation advantage.... [tags: Business Administration] :: 11 Works Cited 1804 words (5.2 pages) Term Papers [preview] Personal Values and my Air Force Experience - I was only nine years old, but I can almost still feel the bitter cold and the excitement in the thin air while sitting in the stands in the Rocky Mountains. The rivalry between the two Service Academies was at an all time high as the coveted Commander in Chiefs trophy was still up for grabs. Although the battle ensuing on the field between the two foes was formidable, it was the battle upon what to do with my life that was of greater consequence. The outcome of the game is now forgotten but the impression that the young servicemembers left would forever be etched in the back of my mind.... [tags: Personal Narrative, Personal Experience] 963 words (2.8 pages) Strong Essays [preview] The Success of Experiential Activities - The 30-hour Famine Camp and Dialogue in the Dark (DiD) are both activities that use experiential learning. For the Famine Camp, participants experience what it is like living in a poverty-stricken country; for DiD, they experience life without sight. However, while they have similar aims, the different approaches taken by the Famine Camp and DiD lead to varying degrees of success. The 30-hour Famine Camp is a camp organised by World Vision Singapore, targeting 15 to 18-year-olds. Campers fast for 30 hours, while engaging in activities that either simulate the lives of those in poverty-stricken countries or increase their understanding of those who live in such environments.... [tags: Social Studies] :: 5 Works Cited 988 words (2.8 pages) Better Essays [preview] Personal Narrative: My Grandmother - I will tell you a tale of a woman of great success. This is a woman that has inspired me to be something great one day and to never give up trying. Though she may be growing into her elderly years she has lived a very challenging, joyful, loving and successful life. She is a woman of great faith and character, she is my grandmother. Mary Imogene Cothren was born in Lawrenceburg Tennessee, November 12, 1929 to George and Chapel Cothren. Her family then relocated to a small town in Ohio by the name of Ashland.... [tags: essay about myself, Personal Experience] 1311 words (3.7 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Personal Statement - For some students a report card is an accurate reflection of their abilities, aspirations, and future work habits. Many friends of mine have flawless, or near flawless, report cards. Straight A's and weighted GPA's well over 4.0 grace their every progress report, and I am certain they will continue this streak of academic excellence well into the future. For others, C's, D's and fail's are a normal occurrence, and much like the straight A students, I have no doubt that they will continue down this path.... [tags: Personal Experience] 783 words (2.2 pages) Better Essays [preview] Personal Statement - Background and Inspiration From an early age, I have a strong aspiration to understand how a human mind works. I was fascinated by how complicated the underlying theories and motivations are in human reasoning and decision-making. I first realized I wanted to study psychology after I took a social psychology course during the last year of my degree in economics. While economics gave me a strong mathematical and statistical foundation, I felt that this subject is insufficient to help me fully understand a human mind.... [tags: Personal Ambition] 1666 words (4.8 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Personal Goals - Goal 1: My current self-conflict with my dream to work in industrial design, and the reality of graduating with degrees in psychology and human biology, is a significant cognitive strain for me. Finding a clear vision of what I can do with my degree to work in the realm of industrial design would be a big resolution of my tension, relieving any regrets and doubts about what I had chosen to study for the last five years. My future would look clearer and I would know what steps I need to take in order to reach the goal, which in turn make my next months more efficient and valuable.... [tags: Personal Ambition] 1166 words (3.3 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Personal Narrative- The Path Towards Grace, Love and Peace - Personal Narrative- The Path Towards Grace, Love and Peace When I was 16 I left my parents home. One month before I left, I wrote this in my journal: What is the fluttering in my belly, rising up through my chest. An apprehension a fear excitement. I am anticipating a change a falling down a caving in of something I expect to be solid. Im in a strange place, moving slowly forward with nothing that can be measured an internal advancement, a shedding away of old selves. I am pared down. The story of my leaving still feels like something written in code a code no one could understand on the rational mind level.... [tags: Personal Narrative Writing] 2651 words (7.6 pages) FREE Essays [view] W. Somerset Maugham Explores the Different Meanings of Success in The Razors Edge - In The Razors Edge, W. Somerset Maugham explores the different meanings of success, through the conflicting ideals of his characters. The different interpretations of success are shown prominently through the views of Elliott Templeton and Laurence Darrell. Elliot for most of his life views success as becoming socially eminent and Larry believes success is happiness and the reaching of a state of enlightenment. The epigraph of The Razors Edge, The sharp edge of a razor is difficult to pass over; thus the wise say the path to Salvation is hard (Katha-Upanishad as cited by Maugham) applies to both Larry and Elliott because both of them had to get over significant hurdles in their views in... [tags: Literary Analysis, Analytical Essay] 1107 words (3.2 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Academic Success and Sports - Vince Lombardi, one of the most successful football coaches of all time, said, The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of will. Although Lombardi was primarily speaking about success on the turf, he was also speaking about success in life. Aside from being a phenomenal leader on the field, Lombardi was a leader in all aspects of life and stands as a role model for many young student athletes. When student athletes apply this extraordinary will to their academics alongside athletics, the stellar character of these young adults is revealed.... [tags: student athletes, athletics, academics, education] :: 4 Works Cited 1416 words (4 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Progress Leads to Success - Henry Ford stated, Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a progress, working together is success, Fords quote applies to everything and everyone coming together in the beginning to make progress that leads into success, just like we need to do to help the mentally ill. Things need to change so that mentally ill individuals dont hurt themselves or the people that surround them in society. The law and psychology need to work together to make stricter guidelines to prevent mentally stable people from manipulating the rights we are giving to mentally ill people, also they need to treat mentally ill before crime happens, and lastly, the mentally ill should not be placed into pr... [tags: Health, Mental Illness] 1185 words (3.4 pages) Unrated Essays [preview] The Success of The Simpsons - The Success of The Simpsons In recent years, a certain animated sitcom has caught the publics attention, evoking reactions that are both favourable and unfavourable, but hardly ever apathetic. As a brilliant, socially aware satire, Matt Groenings The Simpsons has effectively stirred different emotions from different factions of the culturally deadened American populace and for this alone, it should be recognised as quality programming. The Simpsons is a brutal satire of our society and our family structures yet it offers several redeeming qualities such as feminism, endurance and most of all humour.... [tags: Papers] 2601 words (7.4 pages) Powerful Essays [preview]

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Some of the most rewarding messages we receive are thank you letters from fans, book readers, and training participants who have used the skills and principles to change their lives, relationships, and personal results. Read a few below and see what we mean.

I realized that success is only measured by continual improvement. Youre going to have bad days, but you have to learn to turn bad days into good data. The Six Sources of Influence really work. Im a living testament."

Its so easy to mistake success for a one-time accomplishment, says Peter. But habits always creep back in. I realized that success is only measured by continual improvement. Youre going to have bad days, but you have to learn to turn bad days into good data. The Six Sources of Influence and principles in Change Anything really work. Im a living testament.

Our lives have improved about a million percent and I would have been remiss if I didnt let you know how appreciated you are."

Recently, my life partner and I were staring at the very last unraveling threads of our relationship. I had already filed for a custody hearing and he was preparing to find another place to live. We were both so completely mired in contempt and anger that we couldnt see an inch in front of our []

By using the change plan found in Change Anything, Patty shattered a long history of failure to lose weight."

Patty and her family built a comprehensive change plan, using vital behaviors and The Six Sources of Influence to lose nearly 300 pounds.

Before, I spent all my time disciplining and was just waiting until I could retire. But now, I remember why I love teaching. Im excited to come to school and I think were making a difference. Kids are learning in our classes again."

Through a targeted influence effort, Tim helped transform his childrens failing middle school into a nationally-recognized institution.

Through adopting two vital behaviors, Meagan Palmer has lost 45 pounds and is leading a happier, healthier life for herself and her family."

To drop 45 pounds, Meagan Palmer targeted six sources of influence to adopt two vital behaviors that would inevitably lead to weight loss.

Under the leadership of Patrice Putman, the corporate culture at MaineGeneral Health has been transformed from a culture of silence to a culture of candid and respectful dialogue."

Using six sources of influence, Patrice Putman transformed corporate culture at MaineGeneral Health from one of a culture of silence to a culture of candid and respectful dialogue.

People are now bragging about the good deal they got instead of bragging about the new car they got. Were changing the cultural thinking about saving."

Bill Hulterstrom and his team at the United Way created a culture of saving among the working poor using six sources of influence.

I cannot express how much of a difference this has made in my daily commute . . . It was not easy, but I gave myself the time to figure it out, had confidence I could figure it out, and kept trying."

Sheryl identified the vital behaviors for overcoming her anger and made life-changing behavior adjustments.

Crucial Accountability Training has given me the skills to know what to do when Im in the middle of a high-stakes accountability discussion."

By holding his colleagues accountable, Dr. Watson helped save the lives of a woman and her baby when she went into premature labor.

Challenging a doctor can be done appropriately and nonabrasively."

Phyllis used her crucial conversations skills to challenge a doctor and ensure her husband received the right treatment.

I expressed my belief that it was possible to be both candid and respectful in presenting delicate information."

Marilu used her crucial conversations skills to present delicate information on child abduction, safety, and sex slavery to the United Nations.

I made a safer, healthier environment for my patients, my coworkers and myself."

Crystal used her crucial conversations skills to provide better care to her patients and gain respect at work.

In the healthcare environment, crucial conversations are real, theyre up front, and they happen all the time."

Dr. Maliot used crucial conversations skills with a colleague to ensure his patient received the best care.

The process brought out in Crucial Conversations workseven when the wounds are as deep as mine."

Through a crucial conversation, Kathy restored a broken relationship with her mother after years of anger and resentment.

Crucial Conversations gave us the skills to navigate through muddy waters and reach a win-win situation."

Milt diffused anger within his community by using crucial conversations skills to deal with a politically risky issue.

As a result of applying the crucial conversations skills, I have experienced significant improvements in my relationship with my boss, increased confidence at work, and feel greater mutual respect."

Clara used crucial conversations skills to come to agreement on divorce terms and improve her relationship with her boss.

Every relationship improved as a result of this crucial conversation."

Rebecca improved relationships with the mother of her foster children by using crucial conversations skills to establish safety.

By utilizing crucial conversations skills with my daughters, I have achieved success with issues that have been unapproachable until now."

Sandra improved her relationship with her teenage daughters by using crucial conversations skills to talk about their weight.

I had three months to turn things around or I was gone. Crucial Conversations gave me the tools to fix the problem."

Tom, who had a long history of anger management issues, used crucial conversations skills to change his communication style and save his job.

I have continued to hold my position respectfully and firmly."

Lisa almost quit her job, but through a crucial conversation, established mutual respect with her disruptive headmaster.

When I mastered my emotions and restored safety, the result was that the customer was pleased with the service he got from me. He felt someone had actually given him the respect he wanted and deserved."

In the heat of a crucial conversation, Diane mastered her emotions and solved a problem for a frustrated customer.

Without Crucial Conversations Training and the Mastery Mission, I know our conversation would have escalated to an argument and we wouldnt have accomplished anything."

Terri used the Crucial Conversations Mastery Mission to plan out a difficult conversation with her coworkersaving their working relationship.

As employees talked with their managers... they came to realize that this was an opportunity to learn new skills, ensure job security, and advance in their career."

Erich used crucial conversations skills to avoid laying off current employees in the midst of an economic downturn. The program became a benchmark in his company for strengthening relationships with employees and customers.

My relationship with my husband and my family has greatly improved because, in the middle of a difficult and crucial conversation, I was willing to stop and ask myself, What do I really want?'"

In the middle of a tense conversation with her husband, Michele used crucial conversations skills to discover what she really wanted and find a home that was perfect for her whole family.

I have used these crucial skills in many situations, and know through first-hand experience that I can not only master the stories that kept me locked in old behaviors, but I can also reduce stress and gain renewed confidence in my day-to-day conversations and decisions."

Cathy used crucial conversations skills to overcome past physical and emotional abuse, and improve relationships with her children.

VitalSmarts and Poertner Consulting Group are pleased to announce a new era in their joint service.

VitalSmarts has acquired the business and will maintain the presence in your area to provide you with streamlined and enhanced customer support.

We look forward to working with you!

If you have any questions, please email VitalSmarts at support at vitalsmarts dot com.

VitalSmarts and LeadershipSmarts are pleased to announce a new era in their joint service.

VitalSmarts has acquired the business and will maintain the presence in your area to provide you with streamlined and enhanced customer support.

We look forward to working with you!

If you have any questions, please email VitalSmarts at support at vitalsmarts dot com.

See the original post here:
Personal Success Stories - VitalSmarts

Written by admin

January 22nd, 2016 at 1:40 pm

Posted in Personal Success

Home / The Personal Success Academy

Posted: September 29, 2015 at 3:47 am

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Goal Setting and Prioritising Your Life

With Kris Robertson

Goal setting and prioritising your life is the perfect place to start your journey of personal development. Goals can only be reached through clarity, the vehicle of a plan, the ability to keep your mind focussed and action.

With Pam Lidford

Negative thinking and the negative thoughts that present themselves into external situations in your life will limit your personal potential. Subconscious negative mind chatter will keep you from achieving your goals and doing things differently to achieve more.

With Bev James

My question to you is - so many of us are offered the opportunity to upgrade our apps, our computer programs, our phones, our TV viewing packages - but if you were to upgrade yourself, what skills, abilities or behaviours would you like to upgrade?

With Ann Skidmore

Consider the image and impact you want to have in your personal and professional lives. What is your brand and identity?

With Dawn Breslin

By creating a strong vision for what you would love to have, be or do in life you are broadening your idea of what is possible for you. A vision board outwardly creates a compelling image of your inner desires and keeps your goals constant in your mind.

With Sarah Urquhart

Understanding more about yourself and others is the key to mastering communication. NLP is easy to implement in everyday life and will help you understand exactly how powerful your thoughts affect your feelings and behaviours.

With John Perry

Resilience is such a key life skill to have. It is your ability to adapt to any situation and recover quickly from stress or adversity. This module will show you how to build your resilience so you can combat challenges with ease and break through any stress barriers you may be experiencing.

With Kris Robertson

Goal setting is the one activity that sets apart those who just get by in life and those who are successful. Weve already touched on the importance of goal setting in previous modules; this module will take your goal setting to the next level. By working through this module you will continue to pave the process and actions required to create your future success.

With Susan Grandfield

Mindfulness is a form of self-awareness training that can easily be used to help bring positive changes to your life. Recognised by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence in the UK, Mindfulness will help you become more focused, engaged and attentive. It will also bring a greater sense of clarity and calm to your everyday life.

With Ben Hunt-Davis

Everyone experiences up and downs in their life, and sometimes we have little or no control of when these happen. Ben teaches us about how to bounce back when things don't go your way!

With Ann Carver

Ann is a wealth coach who will empower you to recognise and address any emotional and impulse spending habits you may have to enable you to live a more fulfilling life. Even if you are a shrewd spender, you will still be able to apply Anns techniques so you can have more money, more contentment and more freedom and confidence to reach any of your goals that are impacted by money.

With Pam Lidford

Having self-confidence and being confident is a fundamental skill for your personal success. Confidence has the ability to make a huge difference, it can create trust, it helps you communicate more effectively and most of all, it allows you to achieve your goals.

With Bev James

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried so if you are serious about achievement and your personal success then you need to learn how to blitz your procrastination habits.

With Kris Robertson

Over the course of this module you will learn not only what motivation is but also how motivation works, how it changes and what you can start to do to best ensure that YOU are motivated and stay motivated throughout your personal goal achievement.

With Bev James

During this module Bev James will share with you some tools and techniques that can help you to build positive relationships. Unless you live alone on a Desert Island, life is all about relationships. It's about having the ability to build rapport with someone quickly and easily to feel comfortable in group situations.

With Evie Serventi

Defined in physics as the capacity to work, energy comes from four components of the human being: the body (physical), emotions (emotional), the mind (mental) and the spirit (spiritual). Understanding and maintaining healthy energy levels is critical to being able to fully engage with yourself and those around you.

With Sonia Beldom

Creating Personal Impact is all about how to captivate your audience using the most powerful presentation equipment in the world; you, your body, your face, your voice and your personality.

With Bev James

Your life is the sum total of the decisions you have made so far. Each of us will make hundreds of decisions and choices everyday and cumulatively they will have a powerful impact on our success and the direction that life takes.

With Joe Wicks - The Body Coach

If you have a busy schedule and struggle to find time to exercise its time to take control.

With Fiona Campbell

Discover how to strengthen and boost your immune system simply by eating the right food. Learn techniques to further support your immune system and leave you fighting fit.

With Sarah Urquhart

Home / The Personal Success Academy

Written by admin

September 29th, 2015 at 3:47 am

Posted in Personal Success

Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success …

Posted: September 9, 2015 at 9:46 am

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From Booklist

An academic, Grant explains that added to hard work, talent, and luck, highly successful people need the ability to connect with others. We learn givers give more than they get, takers get more than they give, and matchers aim to give and get equally; all can succeed. The authors aim is to explain why we underestimate the success of givers, to explore what separates giver champs from chumps, and what is unique about giver success. Emphasis on teams and the rise of the service sector offers givers access to opportunities that takers and matchers often miss. In the first section, the author explains his principles of giver success, and, in the second part, with insightful stories he explores the costs of giving and how givers can protect themselves against burnout and becoming pushovers; helping others does not compromise success. Grant concludes with his hope that this book will provide his young daughters generation with a new perspective on success. A worthy goal for this excellent book. --Mary Whaley --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Give and Take just might be the most important book of this young century. As insightful and entertaining as Malcolm Gladwell at his best, this book has profound implications for how we manage our careers, deal with our friends and relatives, raise our children, and design our institutions. This gem is a joy to read, and it shatters the myth that greed is the path to success. ~Robert Sutton, author of The No *sshole Rule and Good Boss, Bad Boss

Give and Take is a truly exhilarating bookthe rare work that will shatter your assumptions about how the world works and keep your brain firing for weeks after you've turned the last page. ~Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and A Whole New Mind

Give and Take is brimming with life-changing insights. As brilliant as it is wise, this is not just a bookit's a new and shining worldview. Adam Grant is one of the great social scientists of our time, and his extraordinary new book is sure to be a bestseller. ~Susan Cain, author of Quiet

Give and Take cuts through the clutter of clichs in the marketplace and provides a refreshing new perspective on the art and science of success. Adam Grant has crafted a unique, must have toolkit for accomplishing goals through collaboration and reciprocity. ~William P. Lauder, Executive Chairman, The Este Lauder Companies Inc.

Give and Take is a pleasure to read, extraordinarily informative, and will likely become one of the classic books on workplace leadership and management. It has changed the way I see my personal and professional relationships, and has encouraged me to be a more thoughtful friend and colleague. ~Jeff Ashby, NASA space shuttle commander

With Give and Take, Adam Grant has marshaled compelling evidence for a revolutionary way of thinking about personal success in business and in life. Besides the fundamentally uplifting character of the case he makes, readers will be delighted by the truly engaging way he makes it. This is a must read. ~Robert Cialdini, author of Influence

Give and Take is a brilliant, well-documented, and motivating debunking of good guys finish last! I've noticed for years that generosity generates its own kind of equity, and Grant's fascinating research and engaging style have created not only a solid validation of that principle but also practical wisdom and techniques for utilizing it more effectively. This is a super manifesto for getting meaningful things done, sustainably. ~David Allen, author of Getting Things Done

Packed with cutting-edge research, concrete examples, and deep insight, Give and Take offers extraordinarily thought-provokingand often surprisingconclusions about how our interactions with others drive our success and happiness. This important and compulsively-readable book deserves to be a huge success. ~Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project and Happier at Home

One of the great secrets of life is that those who win most are often those who give most. In this elegant and lucid book, filled with compelling evidence and evocative examples, Adam Grant shows us why and how this is so. Highly recommended! ~William Ury, coauthor of Getting to Yes and author of The Power of a Positive No

Good guys finish firstand Adam Grant knows why. Give and Take is the smart surprise you can't afford to miss." ~Daniel Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness

Give and Take is an enlightening read for leaders who aspire to create meaningful and sustainable changes to their environments. Grant demonstrates how a generous orientation toward others can serve as a formula for producing successful leaders and organizational performance. His writing is as engaging and enjoyable as his style in the classroom. ~Kenneth Frazier, Chairman, President, and CEO of Merck & Co.

In this riveting and sparkling book, Adam Grant turns the conventional wisdom upside-down about what it takes to win and get ahead. With page-turning stories and compelling studies, Give and Take reveals the surprising forces behind success, and the steps we can take to enhance our own. ~Laszlo Bock, Senior Vice President of People Operations, Google

Give and Take dispels commonly held beliefs that equate givers with weakness and takers with strength. Grant shows us the importance of nurturing and encouraging prosocial behaviors. ~Dan Ariely, author of Predictably Irrational

Give and Take defines a road to success marked by new ways of relating to colleagues and customers as well as new ways of growing a business. ~Tony Hsieh, CEO, and author of Delivering Happiness

A milestone! Well-researched, generous, actionable and important. Adam Grant has given us a gift, a hard-hitting book about the efficacy of connection and generosity in everything we do. ~Seth Godin, bestselling author of The Icarus Deception and Tribes

Give and Take will fundamentally change the way you think about success. Unfortunately in America, we have too often succumbed to the worldview that if everyone behaved in their own narrow self-interest, all would be fine. Adam Grant shows us with compelling research and fascinating stories there is a better way. ~Lenny Mendonca, Director, McKinsey & Co.

Adam Grant, a rising star of positive psychology, seamlessly weaves together science and stories of business success and failure, convincing us that giving is in the long run the recipe for success in the corporate world. En route you will find yourself re-examining your own life. Read it yourself, then give copies to the people you care most about in this world. ~Martin Seligman, author of Learned Optimism and Flourish

Give and Take presents a groundbreaking new perspective on success. Adam Grant offers a captivating window into innovative principles that drive effectiveness at every level of an organization and can immediately be put into action. Along with being a fascinating read, this book holds the key to a more satisfied and productive workplace, better customer relationships, and higher profits. ~Chip Conley, Founder, Joie de Vivre Hotels and author, Peak and Emotional Equations

Give and Take is a game changer. Reading Adam Grant's compelling book will change the way doctors doctor, managers manage, teachers teach, and bosses boss. It will create a society in which people do better by being better. Read the book and change the way you live and work. ~Barry Schwartz, author of The Paradox of Choice and Practical Wisdom

Give and Take is a new behavioral benchmark for doing business for better, providing an inspiring new perspective on how to succeed to the benefit of all. Adam Grant provides great support for the new paradigm of creating a win win for people, planet and profit with many fabulous insights and wonderful stories to get you fully hooked and infected with wanting to give more and take less." ~Jochen Zeitz, former CEO and chairman, PUMA

Give and Take is a real gift. Adam Grant delivers a triple treat: stories as good as a well-written novel, surprising insights drawn from rigorous science, and advice on using those insights to catapult ourselves and our organizations to success. I cant think of another book with more powerful implications for both business and life. ~Teresa Amabile, author of The Progress Principle

Adam Grant has written a landmark book that examines what makes some extraordinarily successful people so great. By introducing us to highly-impressive individuals, he proves that, contrary to popular belief, the best way to climb to the top of the ladder is to take others up there with you. Give and Take presents the road to success for the 21st century. ~Maria Eitel, founding CEO and President of the Nike Foundation

What The No *sshole Rule did for corporate culture, Give and Take does for each of us as individuals. Grant presents an evidence-based case for the counterintuitive link between generosity and finishing first. ~Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen, coauthors of Difficult Conversations

Adam Grant is a wunderkind. He has won every distinguished research award and teaching award in his field, and his work has changed the way that people see the world. If you want to be surprisedvery pleasantly surprisedby what really drives success, then Give and Take is for you. If you want to make the world a better place, read this book. If you want to make your life better, read this book. ~Tal Ben-Shahar, author of Happier

In an era of business literature that drones on with the same-old, over-used platitudes, Adam Grant forges brilliant new territory. Give and Take helps readers understand how to maximize their effectiveness and help others simultaneously. It will serve as a new framework for both insight and achievement. A must read! ~Josh Linkner, founder of ePrize, CEO of Detroit Venture Partners, and author of Disciplined Dreaming

Here is the original post:
Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success ...

Written by admin

September 9th, 2015 at 9:46 am

Posted in Personal Success

Abundant Profit Club News

Posted: August 23, 2015 at 12:41 am

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Revealed: the TRUE power of healing frequency music therapy

7 Amazing New Musical Tones Found to Relieve Stress, Promote Healing, Break Negative Cycles,

Erase Shame & Guilt, and Restore Damaged DNA In Minutes

What if I told you that by simply listening to a certain kind of music your body could unlock the power to correct emotional and physical ailments even deadly diseases?

I know youd think I was nuts!

But youd be wrong because

Ive witnessed and experienced this healing power first-hand

I need you to read Michael Tyrrells story so you can see for yourself what Ive been experiencing over the past several months (since April).

I met Michael many years ago and we hit it off instantly. Since then, hes become a dear friend of mine. He is a spiritual man with a deep love for God and people.

In fact, he contributes natural health articles nearly every month in his Spiritual Wellness column of our publication we call Home Cures That Work.

In addition to being an inspiring writer, Michaels also a powerful speaker and a fantastic musician. (He can play guitar like Steve Vai & Eddie Van Halen!)

Recently, Michael finished a project that has been stirring inside of him for nearly 20 years. Some have called this his Magnum Opus or lifes work. And I am honored to be the person who is bringing this project to you, and the world.

He has revealed 7 ancient musical tones and frequencies that have the amazing potential to help your body heal itself and facilitate hard-to-explain results (many would call them miraculous).

Heres a list of some of the things people are saying:

Erases feelings of fear and guilt

Replaces sluggishness and lethargy with quick, sharp energy

Corrects problems in your blood, muscles, joints kidneys and liver without dangerous drugs

Neutralizes immune system and hormonal imbalances

Almost instantly soothes feelings of unrest, anxiety, and depression

Restores full, healthy function to your heart, adrenal glands, and circulatory system

Experiences deep spiritual and emotional healing

He took it upon himself to record 7 beautiful songs using these very same tones Wholetones as he calls them

Today, I want you to have this beautiful, healing music for yourself

All you have to do is click here to see the full story behind this project, and listen to the music

Now Im a little embarrassed to admit that I was a bit skeptical at first, until I listened to the music myself and experienced the inner healing.

Yes these amazing tones have proven to have a SHOCKING power to facilitate healing in your body and in your life

Michael first experienced the power of these songs when he played a certain note, tuned to the 741Hz frequency, on his guitar while sitting next to his mother the day before she went in for surgery to remove a cancerous pancreatic tumor (youve got to hear that story!) - and Im thrilled to say shes still with us, 9 years later cancer-free.

Personally, Ive listened to all these amazing songs over and over... and found they relieve my stress, calm my nerves, ease my breathing, and allow me to be more focused and productive on my multiple work projects.

And thats not all Listen to the testimony of Joe Barton, the producer of Wholetones:

"Ive also used these same songs to soothe my OWN mother with late stage cancer.

This past spring, my moms stage-IV cancer took a turn for the worse. When we were together on Easter, she and I wept as we listened to the music together. The song is called Great Awakening, and is recorded in the frequency of 741Hz. Im not sure how to explain it or scientifically validate it, but what I do know is this: It helped us to heal emotionally, and let everything go. Both mom and I can attest...

Soothing, spiritual, and really hard to explain this music resonates and benefits the whole self mind, body, and spirit.

Trust me, you WILL believe in the healing power of this music once you hear Michaels story.

See Michaels story right now it costs you nothing but a few moments of your time

Listen to the music.

This could be the answer to your prayers.

Yours for vibrant, amazing health,

Joe Barton

CEO & Founder of Barton Publishing

Publisher of Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project.

P.S. If you want to know exactly what the divine gift of healing is Im talking about and how it could help you stay healthy and vibrant, for the rest of your life, then all you have to do is read more here. This special announcement is completely FREE. "


Wholetones - The Healing Power of Music

The Miracle of Music on Your Health Hertz that Heal 7 Ways Music Promotes Spiritual Health

Seven unique songs recorded in seven unique frequencies on seven CDs results in 2.5 hours of beautiful, transformational music.

Listeners say that Wholetones facilitates spontaneous healing in the body and the music brings a tangible sense of peace that permeates their home. Entrepreneurs have reported increased focus and productivity, leading to breakthrough ideas. Artists, musicians and writers are experiencing heightened levels of creativity and vision.

Wholetones is ideal music for: prayer rooms, hospice care facilities, nursing homes, hospitals, waiting rooms, offices, family counselors, massage therapists, schools, and more.

For FREE Samples:-)

Peace, wellbeing and an openness to receive healing. Defense mechanisms lower, and unhealthy fear, guilt and shame diminishes. Known to positively support blood, liver function, bones, brain health (neurotransmission) and kidney function.

Break negative cycles such as procrastination, self-medication, eating junk food, and more. Sluggishness and lethargy disappear. Known to positively affect digestion, stomach issues, metabolism, prostate, gallbladder, headache, and lower back problems.

The Key of David is far more than a frequency, it is the master key that precipitates the other frequencies. As a tonic key, it contains multiple health benefits and has been known to establish peace in the midst of chaos.

Transform restores broken DNA, the source of disease. Known to positively balance hormones, pelvic issues, PMS, pre-menopause, muscle tension, pericardium heart muscle, weight problems, lymphatic and circulation issues.

The Bridge fosters forgiveness and peace in relationships. Known to positively effective the endocrine system especially the adrenal glands, as well as gallbladder issues.

Deep spiritual and emotional healing. Awareness of ones spirit. Known to positively affect thymus and immune system, cleansing of infection (viral, bacterial, and fungal), upset stomach, pancreas, heart, blood and circulatory system.

The Majestic is a celebration of the Kings of Kings, His love for mankind and His returning for those who wait for Him. This frequency appears to be purely spiritual. Connects us in worship of God.

About The Musician And The Man, Today, our culture depends mostly on online communication. And because of my desire to retain some semblance of a personal connection with the people that find Wholetones beneficial to them, who am I to argue?

So, if you dont mind, Ill be sharing my personal musings, discoveries, and Wholetones, insider information with you on a weekly basis over the Internet!

And heres why thats so exciting

It means that as future Wholetones projects are developed, YOU will be the first to hear about them! Keeping my friends in the loop is one small way I can say thank you for making Wholetones such a huge success.

Now let me share whats on my heart today as I write you.

If youve read my book, Wholetones The Sound Of Healing, you may recall the chapter, Proximity vs. Perspective. One common characteristic of most successful people is their ability to see a situation from several, often unrelated angles. Those who possess this characteristic remain open minded which is often born of a non-linear thinking process. Closed-minded people often miss the big picture because they fixate on only one detail.

Sadly, many wont wait for the BIG PICTURE to unfold before forming an opinion. Thats because all of us are conditioned to believe that our broken perspective of a constantly repeating pattern is the bottom line.

The 5 blind men and the elephant story, supports my musing. With their skewed perspective, none of them actually "saw" an elephant, only a phantom of their own imagination.

Its been said there are two sides to every story and the truth exists somewhere in between. I believe there are often far more than two sides to a story and that the truth can be found if we pursue it ALL the sides!

Friend, rarely a day goes by that I am not asked, So, how did you come up with Wholetones? The honest truth is, - and this is important I finally learned to get out the way...

You see, Wholetones did not come from my intelligence, gifting, or raw talentit was a gift from God, just waiting to be received! Once I was willing to leave my formal way of, composing, creating and thinking aside Wholetones found me!

And, when your dreams demand a revelation far above your pay grade the first step of seeing that dream become a reality is for you to get out of the way! For me, that simple step made all the difference. The second step is to ignore the naysayers that tell you it cant be done. For this youll need to grow some thick skin. Remember, NOTHING is impossible for those who believe and refuse to give up.

I hope this note brings you another step closer to seeing what lives in your heart become a reality. I will leave you with a video I recorded to help you on your journey.

Visit link:
Abundant Profit Club News

Written by admin

August 23rd, 2015 at 12:41 am

Posted in Personal Success

Napoleon Hill Foundation | Dedicated to improving the world.

Posted: August 4, 2015 at 1:41 am

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Wisdom from the World Learning Center

The Three Questions, written and illustrated by Jon J. Muth, is based on a story by Leo Tolstoy. In this childrens version, Nikolai is seeking the answers to three questions from Leo, the wise old turtle. Nikolais thoughtful questions are: a. When is the best time to do things? b. Who is the most important one? c. What is the right thing to do?

As Nikolai sets out on his quest to find answers to his questions, he encounters someone needing help and someone in trouble. By acting on what needs to be done in the moment, he is led to the answers he seeks while on his own journey.

Click to keep reading

Be your very best always,

Judy Williamson

Think and Grow Rich has been condensed into an easy-to-use app containing only the core principles for a quick, focused and enjoyable listening and learning experience. This Hero Notes Program accelerates your learning of Napoleon Hills wisdom through repetition of the chapter principles, narrated by Alan Blackwell and delivered in a first person perspective. This custom program offers you a new and creative way to learn and apply the lessons of Think and Grow Rich into your daily life. Download and start your journey to financial and personal success today! Download for Android Download for iOS

The Science of Success is a collection of writings by and about Napoleon Hill, author of the most widely read book on personal prosperity philosophy ever published, Think and Grow Rich. These essays and writings contain teachings on the nature of prosperity and how to attain it, and are published here in book form for the very first time. This work is a must-have item for Hills millions of fans worldwide!

Click here to order!

(Note to long-time readers: This is a newly-released edition of Napoleon Hill in the News, published by Tarcher/Penguin.)

Visit link:
Napoleon Hill Foundation | Dedicated to improving the world.

Written by admin

August 4th, 2015 at 1:41 am

Posted in Personal Success

The Six Rules of Personal Success

Posted: June 20, 2015 at 6:48 pm

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Image via Wikipedia

Of all human abilities, one stands out, the ability to see the Big Picture, the things that are important in life, and not to be distracted by small, trivial, andirrelevant things; the intelligence to separate the message from the background noise.

The Big Picture is about the grand goals; the big dreams and aspirations people treasure in every stage and aspect of life. But how can you grasp and hold on to the Big Picture? What does it take?

Six rulesthat have been successfully tested in business and everyday life:

1.Get your Priorities Right

Setting priorities right is about making intelligent choices, deciding what goals to pursue in which order, which takes vision and foresight. Intelligent people rise over the hills and valleys of the present to gaze over the hills and the valleys of the future and see the invisible and the challenges it holds. Renowned entrepreneurs like Microsoft Microsofts (NASDAQ:MSFT) founder Bill Gates, Apple Apples founder (NASDAQ:AAPL) Steve Jobs, and Facebook Facebooks founder Mark Zuckerberg had such vision and foresight; they could see how technology could change the lives of everyday people; and came up with products and services that will turn their vision into reality.

Getting your priorities right is about choosing whether to go to school, start your own business or working for somebody else; whether to get married or stay singled; whether to have children or not; whether to stay married or get divorced; whether to remarry if widowed or divorced; and you have to choose how to spend your money.

2. Use Resources Wisely

Using resources wisely is also about making intelligent choices. It is about deriving the most value out of limited resources; shopping around for the right merchandise by asking three simple questions: Do I need this piece of merchandise? Is the price right? Is this merchandise the best use of my money?

In some cases, using resources wisely means more than shopping around for bargains for the right merchandise. It also means paying the least interest and finance charges for the things you buy on credit. Shop around for the lowest interest rates on a home mortgage; refinance when interest rates fall sufficiently; and stay away from consumer debt and finance charges that add to the price of the merchandise you buy.

Original post:
The Six Rules of Personal Success

Written by admin

June 20th, 2015 at 6:48 pm

Posted in Personal Success

Definition: Personal Success –

Posted: June 3, 2015 at 8:40 pm

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You may hear stuff about better communication being the cure for the rumor mill contagion. Though that is possibly true, beware. Listen in and draw your own conclusions.

"Our problem around here is communication. No one knows what's going on." -- But didn't you get the message? "What message?" -- It was in an e mail sent out last week. You should have gotten one in your mailbox. "I do not have time to keep checking my box every five minutes. No one reads those stupid e mails anyway. Someone should have told me." -- I see what you mean. Communication is a big problem they have. They'll have to get it straightened out if they expect us to get anything done.

Who are "They" who have to get it straightened out? THEY embraces everyone or at least everyone who aspires to personal success.

Another important business principle comes into play when a project crashes, a solid relationship fails, an experienced employee screws up, or something else goes sour. You cannot anticipate everything and no one is perfect. That is life, sure enough. Yet, is it really?

The truth is that, short of an act of God, there were people who were not observant enough, clever enough, persistent enough, people who did not have enough hindsight, insight, and foresight to prevent what happened. Certainly they are only human; and just as certainly, a better outcome was their responsibility. Knowing when and why it was your fault and stepping up to accept responsibility is one way others know that you are serious about your success.

Being serious about your success is much more than just accepting responsibility, though. It also means that you take the heat when that is what you have to do.

For example, do you sometimes have to step up and make decisions without the clear authority to make them, knowing people will not like it? Do you sometimes have to do something that is going to get people upset? Well, you have to do what you have to do.

The dilemma is knowing how to deal with it when you are asked, "Just who do you think you are? Who put you in charge?" You can say, "I, me, a committee of one. It is a collaborative thing." Give Red Skelton credit for the I, me, committee of one, since he said it first but then do not hesitate. Sometimes you have no choice but to take a deep breath, plunge in, and do what has to be done.

Taking care of business is definitely everyone's business and you have to hold up your end of the deal. At the same time, though, everyone was not created equally. Even if they were, they certainly do not act like it. Some are a pleasure while others. Well, there is no need to go into that. You only need to see how the exceptional few do it.

They exemplify appropriate demeanor and behavior, high personal standards and ethics, professional development and quality performance. What you additionally need to know is that their real secret is that they ask people to help solve their problems instead of trying to get them to accept their solutions. You need to be a master at getting others to help you, if you are to be a model for others to follow.

Originally posted here:
Definition: Personal Success -

Written by admin

June 3rd, 2015 at 8:40 pm

Posted in Personal Success

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