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Careers News for Entrepreneurs and Leaders on CNN …

Posted: March 5, 2019 at 10:50 pm

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' : ""},a.getDefinedParams = function(n, e) {return e.filter((function(e) {return n[e]})).reduce((function(e, t) {return r(e, (function(e, t, n) {t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {value: n,enumerable: !0,configurable: !0,writable: !0}) : e[t] = n;return e})({}, t, n[t]))}), {})},a.isValidMediaTypes = function(e) {var t = ["banner", "native", "video"];if (!Object.keys(e).every((function(e) {return (0,u.default)(t, e)})))return !1;if ( && (0,u.default)(["instream", "outstream"],;return !0},a.getBidderRequest = function(e, t, n) {return (0,o.default)(e, (function(e) {return 0 > t / 4).toString(16) : ([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, e)},a.getBidIdParameter = function(e, t) {return t && t[e] ? t[e] : ""},a.tryAppendQueryString = function(e, t, n) {return n ? e + (t + "=") + encodeURIComponent(n) + "&" : e},a.parseQueryStringParameters = function(e) {var t = "";for (var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n) && (t += n + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e[n]) + "&");return t},a.transformAdServerTargetingObj = function(t) {return t && 0 ';return t += ''},a.createTrackPixelIframeHtml = function(e) {var t = !(1 n ') : ""},a.getIframeDocument = function(e) {if (e) {var t = void 0;try {t = e.contentWindow ? e.contentWindow.document : e.contentDocument.document ? e.contentDocument.document : e.contentDocument} catch (e) {a.logError("Cannot get iframe document", e)}return t}},a.getValueString = function(e, t, n) {return null == t ? n : a.isStr(t) ? t : a.isNumber(t) ? t.toString() : void a.logWarn("Unsuported type for param: " + e + " required type: String")};a.getHighestCpm = U("timeToRespond", (function(e, t) {return t = u.syncsPerBidder)return c.logWarn('Number of user syncs exceeded for "' + t + '"');if (u.filterSettings) {if (function(e, t) {var n = u.filterSettings;if (function(e, t) {if (e.all && e[t])return c.logWarn('Detected presence of the "filterSettings.all" and "filterSettings.' + t + '" in userSync config. You cannot mix "all" with "iframe/image" configs; they are mutually exclusive.'),!1;var n = e.all ? e.all : e[t], r = e.all ? "all" : t;if (!n)return !1;var i = n.filter, o = n.bidders;if (i && "include" !== i && "exclude" !== i)return c.logWarn('UserSync "filterSettings.' + r + ".filter" setting '" + i + "' is not a valid option; use either 'include' or 'exclude'."),!1;return !!("*" === o || Array.isArray(o) && 0 n n n wrappern n " + (n ? "" : "") + "n n n n "),ttlseconds: Number(e.ttl)}}},23: function(e, t) {var n = {}.toString;e.exports = function(e) {return, -1)}},24: function(e, t) {e.exports = function(e) {if (null == e)throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + e);return e}},25: function(e, t, n) {var r = n(60)("wks"), i = n(62), o = n(19).Symbol, a = "function" == typeof o;(e.exports = function(e) {return r[e] || (r[e] = a && o[e] || (a ? o : i)("Symbol." + e))}).store = r},26: function(e, t) {e.exports = function() {}},27: function(e, t, n) {"use strict";Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {value: !0}),t.default = function(e) {var t = e;return {callBids: function() {},setBidderCode: function(e) {t = e},getBidderCode: function() {return t}}}},28: function(e, t, n) {"use strict";var r, i = n(7), o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : {default: r}, a = (function(e) {{if (e && e.__esModule)return e;var t = {};if (null != e)for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]);return t.default = e,t}})(n(0));var d = {}, u = ["criteo"];function s(e, t) {var n = document.createElement("script");n.type = "text/javascript",n.async = !0,t && "function" == typeof t && (n.readyState ? n.onreadystatechange = function() {"loaded" !== n.readyState && "complete" !== n.readyState || (n.onreadystatechange = null,t())}: n.onload = function() {t()}),n.src = e;var r = document.getElementsByTagName("head");(r = r.length ? r : document.getElementsByTagName("body")).length && (r = r[0]).insertBefore(n, r.firstChild)}t.loadExternalScript = function(e, t) {if (t && e)if ((0,o.default)(u, t)) {if (!d[e]) {a.logWarn("module " + t + " is loading external JavaScript");var n = document.createElement("script");n.type = "text/javascript",n.async = !0,n.src = e,a.insertElement(n),d[e] = !0}} else a.logError(t + " not whitelisted for loading external JavaScript");else a.logError("cannot load external script without url and moduleCode")},t.loadScript = function(t, e, n) {t ? n ? d[t] ? e && "function" == typeof e && (d[t].loaded ? e() : d[t].callbacks.push(e)) : (d[t] = {loaded: !1,callbacks: []},e && "function" == typeof e && d[t].callbacks.push(e),s(t, (function() {d[t].loaded = !0;try {for (var e = 0; e t.max ? e : t}), {max: 0}), p = (0,v.default)(e.buckets, (function(e) {if (n > g.max * r) {var t = e.precision;void 0 === t && (t = y),i = (e.max * r).toFixed(t)} else if (n = e.min * r)return e}));return p && (t = n,a = r,d = void 0 !== (o = p).precision ? o.precision : y,u = o.increment * a,s = o.min * a,c = Math.pow(10, d + 2),f = (t * c - s * c) / (u * c),l = Math.floor(f) * u + s,i = (l = Number(l.toFixed(10))).toFixed(d)),i}function m(e) {if (o.isEmpty(e) || !e.buckets || !Array.isArray(e.buckets))return !1;var t = !0;return e.buckets.forEach((function(e) {void 0 !== e.min && e.max && e.increment || (t = !1)})),t}t.getPriceBucketString = function(e, t) {var n = 2 (0,S.timestamp)()},function(e) {return e && (e.status && !(0,A.default)([C.BID_STATUS.BID_TARGETING_SET, C.BID_STATUS.RENDERED], e.status) || !e.status)});function U(e, n) {var r = [], i = (0,S.groupBy)(e, "adUnitCode");return Object.keys(i).forEach((function(e) {var t = (0,S.groupBy)(i[e], "bidderCode");Object.keys(t).forEach((function(e) {return r.push(t[e].reduce(n))}))})),r}function u(n) {var g = {};function p(e) {return "string" == typeof e ? [e] : w.isArray(e) ? e : n.getAdUnitCodes() || []}function v() {return U(n.getBidsReceived().filter((function(e) {return "banner" !== e.mediaType || (0,a.sizeSupported)([e.width, e.height])})).filter(d).filter(t.isBidNotExpired), S.getOldestHighestCpmBid)}function y() {return n.getStandardBidderAdServerTargeting().map((function(e) {return e.key})).concat(R).filter(S.uniques)}function m(r, i, e, t) {return Object.keys(i.adserverTargeting).filter(o()).forEach((function(e) {var t, n;r.length && r.filter((n = e,function(e) {return e.adUnitCode === i.adUnitCode && e.adserverTargeting[n]})).forEach((t = e,function(e) {w.isArray(e.adserverTargeting[t]) || (e.adserverTargeting[t] = [e.adserverTargeting[t]]),e.adserverTargeting[t] = e.adserverTargeting[t].concat(i.adserverTargeting[t]).filter(S.uniques),delete i.adserverTargeting[t]}))})),r.push(i),r}function o() {var t = y();return function(e) {return -1 === t.indexOf(e)}}function b(t) {return _({}, t.adUnitCode, Object.keys(t.adserverTargeting).filter(o()).map((function(e) {return _({}, e.substring(0, O), [t.adserverTargeting[e]])})))}return g.resetPresetTargeting = function(e) {if ((0,S.isGptPubadsDefined)()) {var t = p(e), r = n.getAdUnits().filter((function(e) {return (0,A.default)(t, e.code)}));window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach((function(n) {B.forEach((function(t) {r.forEach((function(e) {e.code !== n.getAdUnitPath() && e.code !== n.getSlotElementId() || n.setTargeting(t, null)}))}))}))}},g.getAllTargeting = function(e) {var r, t, i, n, o, a, d, u, s, c = 1 i && (r = !1)),!r})),r &&,r}function u(e, t) {void 0 === e[t] ? e[t] = 1 : e[t]++}},addWinningBid: function(e) {o = o.concat(e),R.callBidWonBidder(e.bidder, e, f)},setBidTargeting: function(e) {R.callSetTargetingBidder(e.bidder, e)},getWinningBids: function() {return o},getTimeout: function() {return E},getAuctionId: function() {return m},getAuctionStatus: function() {return b},getAdUnits: function() {return s},getAdUnitCodes: function() {return l},getBidRequests: function() {return g},getBidsReceived: function() {return p}}},t.auctionCallbacks = W,t.getStandardBidderSettings = d,t.getKeyValueTargetingPairs = V,t.adjustBids = s;var _ = n(0), h = n(31), i = n(17), S = n(228), E = n(12), w = n(3), r = n(18), o = n(20), T = a(n(10)), C = a(n(7)), A = n(41);function a(e) {return e && e.__esModule ? e : {default: e}}var B = r.userSync.syncUsers, O = n(0), R = n(8), U = n(9), N = n(4), D = t.AUCTION_STARTED = "started", j = t.AUCTION_IN_PROGRESS = "inProgress", P = t.AUCTION_COMPLETED = "completed";U.on(N.EVENTS.BID_ADJUSTMENT, (function(e) {s(e)}));var k = 4, x = {}, M = {}, G = [];var q = t.addBidResponse = (0,o.createHook)("asyncSeries", (function(e, t) {this.auctionAddBidResponse(e, t)}), "addBidResponse");function W(e, p) {var v = 0, t = !1, n = (0,_.delayExecution)((function() {t = !0}), p.getBidRequests().length);function y() {v--,t && 0 === v && e()}return {addBidResponse: function(e, t) {v++;var n = p.getBidRequests(), r = p.getAuctionId(), i = (0,_.getBidderRequest)(n, t.bidderCode, e), o = (function(e) {var t = e.adUnitCode, n =, r = e.bidRequest, i = e.auctionId, o = r.start, a = b({}, n, {auctionId: i,responseTimestamp: (0,_.timestamp)(),requestTimestamp: o,cpm: parseFloat(n.cpm) || 0,bidder: n.bidderCode,adUnitCode: t});a.timeToRespond = a.responseTimestamp - a.requestTimestamp,U.emit(N.EVENTS.BID_ADJUSTMENT, a);var d = r.bids && (0,T.default)(r.bids, (function(e) {return e.adUnitCode == t})), u = d && d.renderer;u && u.url && (a.renderer = E.Renderer.install({url: u.url}),a.renderer.setRender(u.render));var s, c = w.config.getConfig("mediaTypePriceGranularity." + n.mediaType), f = (0,h.getPriceBucketString)(a.cpm, "object" === (void 0 === c ? "undefined" : m(c)) ? c : w.config.getConfig("customPriceBucket"), w.config.getConfig("currency.granularityMultiplier"));return a.pbLg = f.low,a.pbMg =,a.pbHg = f.high,a.pbAg =,a.pbDg = f.dense,a.pbCg = f.custom,a.bidderCode && (0 e.getTimeout() + w.config.getConfig("timeoutBuffer") && e.executeCallback(!0)}function z(e, t) {U.emit(N.EVENTS.BID_RESPONSE, t),e.addBidReceived(t),I(e, t)}function d(e) {var t = w.config.getConfig("mediaTypePriceGranularity." + e), n = "string" == typeof e && t ? "string" == typeof t ? t : "custom" : w.config.getConfig("priceGranularity"), r = pbjs.bidderSettings;return r[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD] || (r[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD] = {}),r[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD][N.JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING] || (r[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD][N.JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING] = [{key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.BIDDER,val: function(e) {return e.bidderCode}}, {key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.AD_ID,val: function(e) {return e.adId}}, {key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.PRICE_BUCKET,val: function(e) {return n === N.GRANULARITY_OPTIONS.AUTO ? e.pbAg : n === N.GRANULARITY_OPTIONS.DENSE ? e.pbDg : n === N.GRANULARITY_OPTIONS.LOW ? e.pbLg : n === N.GRANULARITY_OPTIONS.MEDIUM ? e.pbMg : n === N.GRANULARITY_OPTIONS.HIGH ? e.pbHg : n === N.GRANULARITY_OPTIONS.CUSTOM ? e.pbCg : void 0}}, {key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.SIZE,val: function(e) {return e.size}}, {key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.DEAL,val: function(e) {return e.dealId}}, {key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.SOURCE,val: function(e) {return e.source}}, {key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.FORMAT,val: function(e) {return e.mediaType}}]),r[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD]}function V(e, t) {if (!t)return {};var n = {}, r = pbjs.bidderSettings;r && (u(n, d(t.mediaType), t),e && r[e] && r[e][N.JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING] && (u(n, r[e], t),t.sendStandardTargeting = r[e].sendStandardTargeting));return t.native && (n = b({}, n, (0,i.getNativeTargeting)(t))),n}function u(r, i, o) {var e = i[N.JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING];return o.size = o.getSize(),O._each(e, (function(e) {var t = e.key, n = e.val;if (r[t] && O.logWarn("The key: " + t + " is getting ovewritten"),O.isFn(n))try {n = n(o)} catch (e) {O.logError("bidmanager", "ERROR", e)}(void 0 === i.suppressEmptyKeys || !0 !== i.suppressEmptyKeys) && t !== N.TARGETING_KEYS.DEAL || !O.isEmptyStr(n) && null != n ? r[t] = n : O.logInfo("suppressing empty key '" + t + "' from adserver targeting")})),r}function s(e) {var t = e.bidderCode, n = e.cpm, r = void 0;if (pbjs.bidderSettings && (t && pbjs.bidderSettings[t] && "function" == typeof pbjs.bidderSettings[t].bidCpmAdjustment ? r = pbjs.bidderSettings[t].bidCpmAdjustment : pbjs.bidderSettings[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD] && "function" == typeof pbjs.bidderSettings[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD].bidCpmAdjustment && (r = pbjs.bidderSettings[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD].bidCpmAdjustment),r))try {n = r(e.cpm, b({}, e))} catch (e) {O.logError("Error during bid adjustment", "bidmanager.js", e)}0 (eg mediaTypes.banner.sizes)."), e.sizes = n);if (t && {var i =;if (i.playerSize)if (Array.isArray(i.playerSize) && 1 === i.playerSize.length && i.playerSize.every(d)) e.sizes = i.playerSize;else if (d(i.playerSize)) {var o = [];o.push(i.playerSize),w.logInfo("Transforming video.playerSize from " + i.playerSize + " to " + o + " so it's in the proper format."),e.sizes = i.playerSize = o} else w.logError("Detected incorrect configuration of Please specify only one set of dimensions in a format like: [[640, 480]]. Removing invalid property from request."), delete}if (t && t.native) {var a = t.native;a.image && a.image.sizes && !Array.isArray(a.image.sizes) && (w.logError("Please use an array of sizes for native.image.sizes field. Removing invalid mediaTypes.native.image.sizes property from request."),delete e.mediaTypes.native.image.sizes),a.image && a.image.aspect_ratios && !Array.isArray(a.image.aspect_ratios) && (w.logError("Please use an array of sizes for native.image.aspect_ratios field. Removing invalid mediaTypes.native.image.aspect_ratios property from request."),delete e.mediaTypes.native.image.aspect_ratios),a.icon && a.icon.sizes && !Array.isArray(a.icon.sizes) && (w.logError("Please use an array of sizes for native.icon.sizes field. Removing invalid mediaTypes.native.icon.sizes property from request."),delete e.mediaTypes.native.icon.sizes)}})),e},h.callBids = function(e, t, r, i, o, a) {if (t.length) {var n = t.reduce((function(e, t) {return e[Number(void 0 !== t.src && t.src === C.S2S.SRC)].push(t),e}), [[], []]), d = b(n, 2), u = d[0], s = d[1];if (s.length) {var c = (0,E.ajaxBuilder)(a, o ? {request: o.request.bind(null, "s2s"),done: o.done} : void 0), f = U.bidders, l = R[U.adapter], g = s[0].tid, p = s[0].adUnitsS2SCopy;if (l) {var v = {tid: g,ad_units: p};if (v.ad_units.length) {var y = {return e.start = (0,S.timestamp)(),i})), m = v.ad_units.reduce((function(e, t) {return e.concat((t.bids || []).reduce((function(e, t) {return e.concat(t.bidder)}), []))}), []);w.logMessage("CALLING S2S HEADER BIDDERS ==== " + f.filter((function(e) {return (0,A.default)(m, e)})).join(",")),s.forEach((function(e) {B.emit(C.EVENTS.BID_REQUESTED, e)})),l.callBids(v, s, r, (function() {return y.forEach((function(e) {return e()}))}), c)}}}u.forEach((function(e) {e.start = (0,S.timestamp)();var t = R[e.bidderCode];w.logMessage("CALLING BIDDER ======= " + e.bidderCode),B.emit(C.EVENTS.BID_REQUESTED, e);var n = (e.doneCbCallCount = 0,E.ajaxBuilder)(a, o ? {request: o.request.bind(null, e.bidderCode),done: o.done} : void 0);t.callBids(e, r, i, n)}))} else w.logWarn("callBids executed with no bidRequests. Were they filtered by labels or sizing?")},h.videoAdapters = [],h.registerBidAdapter = function(e, t) {var n = (2 n




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Careers News for Entrepreneurs and Leaders on CNN ...

Written by admin

March 5th, 2019 at 10:50 pm

Posted in Personal Success

Personal Success Intensive | eQ events

Posted: at 10:50 pm

without comments

Quite frankly, weve been told that Personal Success Intensive is one of the best programs of its type in Australia. Weve been running it for over a decade, refining and improving all the time, so we love to hear that our years of hard work and listening to your feedback has created something so good.

Personal Success Intensive was built by people like you. People who knew that they wanted to make some changes, wanted more confidence, clarity, and focus to get the results they really want in life, but didnt know exactly how, or where to start.

So, rather than fluff about with special sales lines and good ol cliches designed to convince you to come, we thought wed just give you some straight up facts, and you can decide for yourself whether Personal Success Intensive is for you.

Oh, and by the way, just so you know, this is a two day weekend seminar which runs regularly all over Australia. Its interactive, its fun, its powerful, and over 45,000 Australians have attended so far.

Now, if youd like some more details about the seminar before you make your decision to register, read on

Most seminars like Personal Success Intensive are designed to hype you up with all kinds of chest thumping over-excited processes so youll sign up for more expensive courses on the spot. Weve been there, and we know its not a long term solution for most people.

Thats where Personal Success Intensive differs from other courses.

It concentrates on giving you the focus, commitment, clarity and confidence you need to get results in the real world. Sometimes that means we might need to challenge you to achieve that if thats what is needed for you to get what you want, then so be it.

Wecontinually watch and model ourselves on highly successful people, past and present, all over the globe. We filter, refine, and testeverything we learn so that we can share with you the most up-to-date tools and techniques for maximum achievement.Well then give you the opportunity to test them out in a safe and supportive environment. It doesnt get much easier (or cooler) than that!

So basically, you get to spend two days in a Life Simulator. Youll take in some great information and learn some new techniques, then get the chance to test them out, maybe make some mistakes, and learn from those mistakes before going out and using what youve learnt in the real world.

This just boosts your chances of success.

Lovely. So, youre probably already wondering what these techniques are. Well, we dont want to give it all away here, because its very much the experience that youll get the most learning from, however, heres a couple ofsnippetsto give you an idea

Learn how to focus your mind like a laser-beam. (The difference between successful people and people who struggle through life is where they put their focus well show you how to de-clutter your mind and focus on the things that really matter to you.)

Get Inspired! Get a crystal clear vision for your future. Once youve completed the 2 day Personal Success Intensive course, youll know exactly where youre going, and what you need to do to get there.

We also want to share with you our 5 steps to getting everything you want in your life. Sounds kinda cliche, we know. But we also know that it works. Youll get to practice using the 5 steps there and then. That way, you know exactly how to apply them to your life in the real world.

Youll get to participate in a guided process to uncover your Lifes Purpose. This is so, so cool, because when you know what your Lifes Purpose is, it becomes so much easier to make decisions, stay motivated, and your life just becomes more meaningful. Again, youll get to test out your Lifes Purpose to make sure it is really right for you. It is a truly eye opening process.

Procrastinators, this one is for you! Youll learn how to finish what you start every time! Well show you how to achieve goal-after-inspiring-goal, and how simple and fun it can be. Well also cover how you can be committed to getting what you want in your life, and how get it for reals.

But wait theres more LOL how cliche is that..? Uhem but seriously, theres more

Youll love our hands-on process to work out whether youre a leader or a follower and if you want to change that, well show you how.

Get some real certainty that you are on track, like Superman on his way to save Lois Lane. Completely unstoppable.

Youve probably spotted people who are totally certain about what theyre doing and where they are going. Theyre the ones who have all the luck, who seem to just have great opportunities land in their lap, and who always manage to land on their feet no matter how many times they stumble, fall, or get dumped on.

The truth is, you can live like that too. Theres only one thing you need to do come spend a weekend with us at Personal Success Intensive.

If you do choose to dramatically improve your life by attending Personal Success Intensive, well also ask you to make a donation (big or small, it doesnt matter) to the eQ foundation. One of the reasons we want as many people as possible to come spend the weekend with us, is so that, through the eQ foundation, we can help educate children in developing countries, and in Australia, to help break the cycle of poverty and provide a better quality of life for future generations.

We could say that this is a very rare opportunity to change your life. The truth is that there are plenty of opportunities, but this one has the most realistic, practical, real world uses that we know of, and weve been in the industry and running Personal Success Intensive for over a decade.

So if youre thinking of ignoring this opportunity if you think youre too busy, tired, sceptical or suspicious if you think that this type of seminar might be okay for other people, but not for you we want you to consider two short words: what if

What if this seminar just happened to change your life? What if you walked out at the end of 2 days totally free of the fears that have been holding you back? WHAT IF five years from now you looked back on your decision to attend Personal Success Intensive as one of the smartest decisions youve ever made?

The truth is, you wouldnt be reading this if your life was everything you wanted it to be right now. And there is at least a part of you that wants to attend this seminar. That wants to change. That wants to start taking action to get the wonderful results you deserve.

This thing is risk free. Its not a 2 day sales pitch. Its just a jam-packed, eye-popping, results-getting journey that could easily change your life forever.

If that little speech wasnt enough for you to see that your life could be completely awesome after attending Personal Success Intensive, then heres what a few of our previous participants had to say

From the deepest depths of my heart and soul I want to say thank you for all that you have done for me. PSI has changed my life, I feel like ME again!!! After so long feeling dissociated and distant I have awakened to my truth once again and I know that PSI and the wonderful people of eQ were the catalyst for this change. Thank you. I love you.Anthony Owen

Thank you for the experience of a lifetime! I gained more clarity and direction with the course and experienced many AHA moments. I feel like Ive found more pieces of the puzzle and it left me hungry for more!Rosie Ambrosio

Personal Success Intensive has helped me face my fears, realise I need to make decisions and act on them straight away without doubting myself. It has empowered me to believe in myself and know I have an abundance of opportunities to achieve my goals/dreams. Realise there is so much love available from people around me. Its important to let go in order to move forward and step closer toward my goals.Rachael McNicol

Simply the best better than all the rest! Thank you and God Bless you for your time and energy. It has been an amazing weekend. I can now move forward with the skills I have learnt this weekend with a new confidence and determination in the area of goal setting and stronger relationships. I cant wait for my friends and family to do this weekend.Mary Jeffery

This seminar was certainly worth the sacrifice of my weekend which is the most valuable time with my family. I would like to thank my friend for recommending I do this seminar. I call her a true, true friend. I certainly had the opportunity this weekend to release my doubts about my true potential. I now know I can move forward towards goals I didnt believe in. Thank you for this opportunity. Those I have recommended will surely benefit personally, mentally, socially, financially/economically and politically. Go for it, just do it, dont be fearful of the dark.Carla Davey

I have really enjoyed these past few days. The information I have taken on board will make me a better person. I have clarity on life and have set some personal goals already. I just want to share these experiences. I have released feelings that have been suppressed and I feel free!! I feel wonderful and even feel that I am walking tall. I know that by giving and forgiving I am receiving more. I have made some great friendships which I intend to keep. I have had so much FUN and in a way I feel as that this is coming to an end. I will remember this experience forever. Thank you all the team for a great weekend.Dawn Melville

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Personal Success Intensive | eQ events

Written by admin

March 5th, 2019 at 10:50 pm

Posted in Personal Success

Keys to Success in Business and Your Personal Success

Posted: at 10:50 pm

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When asked to lead a workshop on the keys to success in business, I came up with a theory. The truth is, I wanted the group of 80 people to wrestle with their own definitions of success and envision their own personal success story. So how to achieve this?

In order to inspire, I decided the workshop needed to begin with an authentic story. My story about labels.

The intent was not to have people learn more about me. I wanted my vulnerability to give them a story for context, that might help them see their own pursuit of success in business differently.

In order to prepare, I drew a timeline of my career, making hash marks for each defining moment that played into my personal success. What story could I share to inspire? And then it hit me.

Without getting detailed about every defining moment, the surprising realization was that the majority of these moments were negative or at least at the time, felt like significant challenges. And therein lies the magic. Looking at these events now from the zoomed-out perspective, I realized that each of these events wascatalytic in shaping a stronger, more unique version of me. Each one now plays an important role in my career and personal success. I will share in greater detail below. But first

A refreshing and more realistic perspective on success:

Lifes challenges could have been my excuse. Instead, success and amazing opportunities were born each time I began to accept each challenge as a unique gift.

My personal success story continues to unfold but heres what I realized. Accepting default labels from lifes challenges can easily limit your aimif you allow it.

I could have let life label me as the rejected, inexperienced, remote employee. But I didnt.

The keys to success come from:

Heres how that looks for me:

As an example, I went from not being hired by Block Imaging as a receptionist to now serving as their Senior Vice President of Marketing.

As another example, I went from being a remote employee very removed from the team. to instigator of content marketing culture. It was because I was so removed from my team that I had to figure out ways of staying connected digitally and building trust and influence from afar. Overcoming this challenge is the very reason I was able to imagine a content marketing culture that empowers every employee to better connect with our industry through online content.

So now its your turn. Draw up your own timeline and see which defining moments stand out. How can you use each challenge for good to empower you to get a clearer picture of why you do what you do and to help others in your journey to pursue success?

Read this article:
Keys to Success in Business and Your Personal Success

Written by admin

March 5th, 2019 at 10:50 pm

Posted in Personal Success

Investor Capital Experts and Business Development for …

Posted: February 28, 2019 at 2:45 am

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Matches with Clients

Visionary took the time to understand my expertise and the consulting relationships I was seeking. Visionary brought me into their client engagements with a security IoT company, and a digital assets hedge fund, and secured me projects to prepare investor materials and advise on the capital raising process.

-- Finance Professional, London

Every time that Visionary presents me investment opportunities, they are relevant to my focus, high caliber, and with accomplished management teams. I have made one investment thus far and I am working with Visionary build out that venture while reviewing other opportunities together.

-- Private Investor, Vancouver/Hong Kong

I interned at Visionary and then hired them to support me with my career goals. They supported me to prepare my overview materials, and advised me on how to approach key relationships based on my particular interests and skills in food justice. They made targeted introductions and I was was able to secure an internship with a urban agriculture firm."

-- Professional, New York City

Visionary worked with us in office to advise on our business plan and CSR Database & Research Report product launch. Visionary partnered us with a leading sustainability focused conference company and supported the negotiation of a co-selling relationship. This led to customers for our inaugural research report, including Fortune 500 brand name companies.

-- Venture, San Francisco

Visionary took the time to understand my overlapping interests in real estate and early stage technology investing. They then presented me a building operations technology company and I participated in their seed round of financing.

-- Private Investor, New York City

"I am an ongoing participant in Visionary's Referral Exchange. My referrals have resulted in new Members and clients for Visionary, and their referrals have twice lead me to be employed by industry leading firms in renewable energy."

-- Professional, New York City

Visionary hosted events and private meetings at our offices and recommend our accounting advisory services to target venture capital firms. This led to an accounting client in the health & biotech merchant bank. I have since changed firms, but kept this very trusted relationship as an ongoing client.

-- Accounting Firm, New York

Visionary has presented our angel group relevant investment opportunities, and worked with our Members to involve them in their Advisory Partner expert network. A group made commitments to a childrens early learning company, and I joined their Advisory Board. Another Member of our network with expertise in the food industry secured a consulting engagement with a company in the consumer fish industry.

-- Angel Group, New York City

Visionary has referred me to global opportunities relevant to my particular expertise and relationships in gaming, philanthropy and beyond. In a short period of time Visionary has secured me a Advisory Board role with a venture disrupting the lottery industry, and other clients as well.

-- Public Figure, Los Angeles

I was referred into Visionary by my son who knew one of the Founding Members through university. Visionary personalized their approach to me, took the time to understand my background and interests, and presented me with targeted investment opportunities. So far, I have made one investment via the Visionary Network and continue to see and consider new opportunities Visionary uncovers.

-- Private Investor, Boston

"I am an ongoing participant in Visionary's Referral Exchange. My referrals have resulted in new Members and clients for Visionary, and their referrals have twice lead me to be employed by industry leading firms in renewable energy."

-- Professional, New York City

I opted into Visionary during a powered by Visionary conference. Since then, Visionary has introduced me to entrepreneurs and fund managers with relevant investment opportunities in cannabis, blockchain, and real estate. I have invested in one real estate fund.

-- Private Investor, Los Angeles

We engaged Visionary for their Business Development as a Service. They rebuilt our CRM, supported our internal arranged meetings, introduced us to multiple firms that matched our impact focus that signed up as clients, and introduced other relationships that we hired.

-- Hedge Fund Manager, San Francisco

Visionary introduced me to a Bay Area local digital assets hedge fund and I made an investment. Visionary has also been introducing me to investors for my own hedge fund.

-- Private Investor, Los Angeles

Visionary Featured our non-profit during their end of year impact arranged meetings, and at their bi-coastal holiday party in NYC and San Francisco. We were able to secure donations and make new meaningful connections.

-- Non-Profit Organization, Palo Alto

See original here:
Investor Capital Experts and Business Development for ...

Written by admin

February 28th, 2019 at 2:45 am

Posted in Personal Success

Today’s Interest Rates and Financial Advice:

Posted: October 11, 2018 at 12:42 am

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With mortgage rates low and a shortage of rental housing in many cities, this is still a good time to invest in rental property. But turning a profit requires some work.

October 9th 2018

Youve scouted out the best mortgage rate and fought hard to get the best price on your new home. But your bargaining shouldnt stop there. Here's how you can save on everything from settlement fees to title insurance.

October 8th 2018

Is it smart to sign up for a check as soon as you turn 62, the youngest possible age? Or should you wait a few years, when you'll qualify for a bigger monthly payment? Here's how to decide what's right for you.

October 7th 2018

Building a nest egg to support yourself later in life has become a career-long task that starts the first day of your first job and doesn't end until your final day of work. But it can be easier than you think if you make a few savvy decisions and avoid a few stupid mistakes.

October 5th 2018

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Today's Interest Rates and Financial Advice:

Written by admin

October 11th, 2018 at 12:42 am

Posted in Personal Success

Unconventional Success: A Fundamental Approach to Personal …

Posted: August 17, 2018 at 11:43 pm

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"Mutual fund managers and marketers are not going to like David Swensen's thoughtful and intelligently opinionated analysis of their 'colossal failure' resulting from the fund industry's 'systemic exploitation of investors.' Coming from the mind and heart of one of America's most successful and integrity-laden money managers, this is a book that will change the way you think about mutual funds. It's high time for you to follow the elegantly simple advice he presents in this wonderful book." -- John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO, The Vanguard Group

"Swensen is the best. Always a pioneer, his new book presents an approach to investing that is both brilliant and practical." -- Barton Biggs, former Chief Global Strategist, Morgan Stanley

"A legendary institutional investor reveals the conflicts of interest that induce most financial services companies to provide inadequate products for the individual investor. Swensen's wise solution: Low cost, tax efficient, market-mimicking funds available either through Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) or from not-for-profit mutual fund companies. Unconventional Success does for the individual investor what Swensen's Pioneering Portfolio Management did for the institutional investor." -- Burton G. Malkiel, author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street

"David Swensen is one of today's best endowment managers, if not the best. Unconventional Success is a perfect summary of what is wrong with a very important industry. This book should lead the reader to better investment decisions." -- Michael F. Price, Managing Partner, MFP Investors

"Unfortunately, at the bottom of our industry -- money management -- there is a rather thick layer of muck, and Swensen's Unconventional Success rakes through this muck in spectacular fashion and great detail. It is the truth, the whole truth, and the very ugly truth. If you want to avoid the snares that lurk in money management, and save yourself lots of money, you must read it." -- Jeremy Grantham, Chairman of GMO

Unconventional Success: A Fundamental Approach to Personal ...

Written by admin

August 17th, 2018 at 11:43 pm

Posted in Personal Success


Posted: August 8, 2018 at 1:43 am

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Coach, speaker and entrepreneur, I founded the RADICAL Success Institute in 2008, where our mission is to help you define success for yourself and get the guts to go after it.

Ive had the honor of coaching thousands of people to create RADICAL Success in their life and business. Ive spoken at events all across the country and Ive worked directly with Steve Harvey to build his powerful Act Like A Success platform.

Ive witnessed people take the coaching concepts shared through my events, programs and trainings and completely transform their career, business, finances and relationships.

Im a deal maker, a change maker and committed to helping you create your own RADICAL success.

If youre ready to do more, be more, have more and give moreI can help you get there.

Im committed to helping others gain clarity, create a strategy and move into action so they become bold and courageous enough to passionately pursue their goals. My clients experience significant shifts as they tap into their personal strengths to get results.

Known for my no-nonsense, direct approach, I challenge my clients to move past the obstacles and excuses that block their forward motion. Pulling on my extensive education and experience in training and development, communications, personal growth, entrepreneurship and authentic living, they provide the foundation for my courses, programs and events that deliver the blueprint to empower my clients to take action.

As Founder and CEO of the RADICAL Success Institute and the Vice President, Operations, Act Like A Success | A Steve Harvey Company, Im driven by a singular vision: to help people define success for themselves and get the guts to go after it.

A life-long learner, I constantly engage in continuing education courses and programs to stay on top of the latest research, trends and information on success. I frequently interview and talk with experts, thought leaders and industry insiders in a variety of fields to glean relevant, timely and practical insights to share with my clients and my community.

I received my B.A. from Spelman College, an M.S. in Conflict Negotiation and Conflict Management from the University of Baltimore and my coaching certificate from The Coaches Training Institute.

See the original post:

Written by simmons

August 8th, 2018 at 1:43 am

Posted in Personal Success

Top 200 Secrets of Success and the Pillars of Self-Mastery …

Posted: July 22, 2018 at 7:44 pm

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Here is List of The Top 200 Secrets of Success and the Pillars of Self-Mastery suggested by Robin S. Sharma who is The Author of the best seller

The Complete Set of Secrets of Success.

11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20

All the secrets are here....

1. Sleep less. This is one of the best investments you can make to make your life moreproductive and rewarding. Most people do not need more than 6 hours to maintain anexcellent state of health. Try getting up one hour earlier for 21 days and it will developinto a powerful habit. Remember, it is the quality not the quantity of sleep that isimportant. And just imagine having an extra 30 hours a month to spend on the things thatare important to you.

2. Set aside one hour every morning for personal development matters. Meditate, visualizeyour day, read inspirational texts to set the tone of your day, listen to motivational tapesor read great literature. Take this quiet period to vitalize and energize your spirit for theproductive day ahead. Watch the sun rise once a week or be with nature. Starting the dayoff well is a powerful strategy for self-renewal and personal effectiveness.

3. Do not allow those things that matter the most in your life be at the mercy of activitiesthat matter the least. Every day, take the time to ask yourself the question "is this the bestuse of my time and energy?" Time management is life management so guard your timewith great care.

4. Use the rubber band method to condition your mind to focus solely on the most positiveelements in your life. Place a rubber band around your wrist. Each time a negative,energy sapping thought enters your mind, snap the rubber band. Through the power ofconditioning, your mind will associate pain with negative thinking and you will soonpossess a strongly positive mindset.

5. Always answer the phone with enthusiasm in your voice and show your appreciation forthe caller. Good phone manners are essential. To convey authority on the line, stand up.This will instill further confidence in your voice.

6. Throughout the day we all get inspiration and excellent ideas. Keep a set of cards (thesize of business cards; available at most stationary stores) in your wallet along with apencil to jot down these insights. When you get home, put the ideas in a central placesuch as a coil notepad and review them from time to time. As noted by Oliver WendellHolmes: "Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its originaldimensions."

7. Set aside every Sunday evening for yourself and be strongly disciplined with this habit.Use this period to plan your week, visualize your encounters and what you want toachieve, to read new materials and inspirational books, to listen to soft soothing musicand to simply relax. This habit will serve as your anchor to keep you focused, motivatedand effective throughout the coming week.

8. Always remember the key principle that the quality of your life is the quality of yourcommunication. This means the way you communicate with others and, moreimportantly, the way you communicate with yourself. What you focus on is what you get.If you look for the positive this is what you get. This is a fundamental law of Nature.

9. Stay on purpose, not on outcome. In other words, do the task because it is what you loveto do or because it will help someone or is a valuable exercise. Don't do it for the moneyor the recognition. Those will come naturally. This is the way of the world.

10. Laugh for five minutes in the mirror each morning. Steve Martin does. Laughter activatesmany beneficial chemicals within the body that place us into a very joyous state.Laughter also returns the body to a state of balance. Laughter therapy has been regularlyused to heal persons with varied ailments and is a wonderful tonic for life's ills. While theaverage 4 year old laughs 500 times a day, the average adult is lucky to laugh 15 times aday. Revitalize the habit of laughter, it will put far more living into your life.

11. Light a candle beside you when you are reading in the evening. It is most relaxing andcreates a wonderful, soothing atmosphere. Make your home an oasis from the frenziedworld outside. Fill it with great music, great books and great friends.

12. To enhance your concentration and powers of focus, count your steps when you walk.This is a particularly strong technique. Take six steps while taking a long inhale, holdyour breath for another six steps, and then exhale for six steps. If six steps is too long forthe breaths, do whatever you feel comfortable with. You will feel very alert, refreshed,internally quiet and centered after this exercise. So many people allow their minds to befilled with mental chatter. All peak performers appreciate the power of a quiet, clear mindwhich will concentrate steadily on all important tasks.

13. Learn to meditate effectively. The mind is naturally a very noisy machine which wants tomove from one subject to another like an unchained monkey. One must learn to restrainand discipline it if one is to achieve anything of substance and to be peaceful. Meditationfor twenty minutes in the morning and twenty minutes in the evening will certainlyprovide you with exceptional results if regularly practiced for six months. Learned sagesof the East have been advancing the many benefits of meditation for over 5000 years.

14. Learn to be still. The average person doesn't spend even 30 minutes a month in totalsilence and tranquility. Develop the skill of sitting quietly, enjoying the powerful silencefor at least ten minutes a day. Simply think about what is important to you in your life.Reflect on your mission. Silence indeed is golden. As the Zen master once said, it is thespace between the bars that holds the cage.

15. Enhance your will-power; it is likely one of the best training programs you can invest in.Here are some ideas to strengthen your will and become a stronger person:

a. Do not let your mind float like a piece of paper in the wind. Work hard to keep itfocused at all times. When doing a task, think of nothing else. When walking towork, count the steps that it takes to get all the way to the office. This is not easybut your mind will soon understand that you hold its reins and not vice versa.Your mind must eventually become as still as a candle flame in a corner wherethere is no draft.

b. Your will is like a muscle. You must first exercise it and then push before it getsstronger. This necessarily involves short term pain but be assured that theimprovements will come and will touch your character in a most positive way.When you are hungry, wait another hour before your meal. When you arelabouring over a difficult task and your mind is prompting you to pick up thelatest magazine for a break or to get up and go talk to a friend, curb the impulse.Soon you will be able to sit for hours in a precisely concentrated state. Sir IssacNewton, one of the greatest classical physicists the world has produced, once said:"if I have done the public any service, it is due to patient thought." Newton had aremarkable ability to sit quietly and think without interruption for very longperiods of time. If he can develop this so can you.

c. You can also build your will-power by restraint in your conduct with others.Speak less (use the 60/40 Rule = listen 60% of the time and speak a mere 40%, ifthat). This will not only make you more popular but you will learn much wisdomas everyone we meet, every day has something to teach us. Also restrain the urgeto gossip or to condemn someone who you feel has made a mistake. Stopcomplaining and develop a cheerful, vital and strong personality. You will greatlyinfluence others.

d. When a negative thought comes to your mind, immediately replace it with onethat is positive. Positive always dominates over the negative and your mind has tobe conditioned to think only the best thoughts. Negative thinking is a conditionedprocess whereby the negative patterns are established over and over. Rid yourselfof any limitations and become a powerful positive thinker.

16. Make an effort to be humorous throughout the day. Not only is it beneficial from aphysical viewpoint but it diffuses tension in difficult circumstances and creates anexcellent atmosphere wherever you are. It was recently reported that members of theTauripan tribe of South America have a ritual where they awake in the middle of thenight to tell each other jokes. Even tribesmen in the deepest sleep wake to enjoy the laughand then return to their state of slumber in seconds.

17. Become a highly disciplined time manager. There are roughly 168 hours in a week. Thissurely allows plenty of time for achievement of the many goals we desire to accomplish.Be ruthless with your time. Set aside a few minutes each morning to plan your day. Planaround your priorities and focus on not only those tasks which are immediate but notimportant (i.e., many telephone calls) but especially on those which are important but noturgent, for these allow for the greatest personal and professional development. Importantbut not immediate activities are those which produce long-term, sustainable benefits andinclude exercise, strategic planning, the development of relationships and professionaleducation. Never let the things which matter most be placed in the backseat as comparedto those that matter least.

18. Associate only with positive, focused people who you can learn from and who will notdrain your valuable energy with complaining and uninspiring attitudes. By developingrelationships with those committed to constant improvement and the pursuit of the bestthat life has to offer, you will have plenty of company on your path to the top of whatevermountain you seek to climb.

19. Stephen Hawking, one of the great modern physicists of the world, is reported to havesaid that we are on a minor planet of a very average star located within the outer limits ofone of a hundred thousand million galaxies. Are your problems really significant in lightof this? You walk this Earth for but a short time. Why not become devoted to having onlya wonderful experience. Why not dedicate yourself to leaving a powerful legacy to theworld? Sit down now and write out a list of all that you have in your life. Start first withyour health or your family - the things we often take for granted. Put down the countrywe live in and the food we eat. Do not stop until you have written down fifty items. Onceevery few days, go through this list - you will be uplifted and recognize the richness ofyour existence.

20. You must have a mission statement in life. This is simply a set of guiding principleswhich clearly state where you are going and where you want to be at the end of your life.A mission statement embodies your values. It is your personal lighthouse keeping yousteadily on the course of your dreams. Over a period of one month, set a few hours asideto write down five or ten principles which will govern your life and which will keep youfocused at all times. Examples might be to consistently serve others, to be a consideratecitizen, to become highly wealthy or to serve as a powerful leader. Whatever the missionstatement of your life, refine it and review it regularly. Then when something adversehappens or someone tries to pull you off course, you quickly and precisely return to yourchosen path with the full knowledge that you are moving in the direction that you haveselected.

21. No one can insult or hurt you without your permission. One of the golden keys tohappiness and great success is the way you interpret events which unfold before you.Highly successful people are master interpreters. People who have attained greatnesshave an ability which they have developed to interpret negative or disempowering eventsas positive challenges which will assist them in growing and moving even farther up theladder of success. There are no negative experiences only experiences which aid in yourdevelopment and toughen your character so that you may soar to new heights. There areno failures, only lessons.

22. Take a speed reading course. Reading is a powerful way to gain many years ofexperience from a few hours of study. For example, most biographies reflect thestrategies and philosophies of great leaders or courageous individuals. Read them andmodel them. Speed reading will allow you to digest large quantities of material inrelatively small periods of time.

23. Remember people's names and treat everyone well. This habit, along with enthusiasm, isone of the great success secrets. Everyone in this world wears an imaginary button thatscreams out "I WANT TO FEEL IMPORTANT AND APPRECIATED!".

24. Be soft as a flower when it comes to kindness but tough as thunder when it comes toprinciple. Be courteous and polite at all times but never be pushed around. Ensure thatyou are always treated with respect.

25. Never discuss your health, wealth and other personal matters with anyone outside of yourimmediate family. Be very disciplined in this regard.

26. Be truthful, patient, persevering, modest and generous.

27. Soak in a warm bath at the end of a long, productive day. Reward yourself for even thesmallest of achievement. Take time out for renewal of your mind, body and spirit. Soonall your more important goals will be met and you will move to the next level of peakperformance.

28. Learn the power of breathing and its relationship with your energy source. The mind isintimately connected with your breathing. For example, when the mind is agitated, yourbreathing becomes quick and shallow. When you are relaxed and focused, your breathingis deep and calm. By practising deep, abdominal breathing, you will develop a calm,serene demeanor that will remain cool in the hottest of circumstances. Remember therule of the Eastern mountain men: "to breathe properly is to live properly."

29. Recognize and cultivate the power of autosuggestion. It works and is an essential tool inmaintaining peak performance. We are all performers in one way or another and it isparticularly valuable to use such techniques of athletes and public figures for our ownenhancement. If you want to become more enthusiastic, repeat "I am more enthusiastictoday and am improving this trait daily". Repeat it over and over. Purchase a legalnotepad and write out this mantra 500 times. Do it for three weeks with regular practiceand feel that this quality is developing. Very soon it will come. This is a strategy thatIndian sages have employed for thousands of years to aid their spiritual and mentaldevelopment. Do not be discouraged if the results are not immediate, they will certainlydevelop. The spoken word is a powerful influencer of the mind.

30. Maintain a diary to measure your progress and to express your thoughts. Writing out notonly your successes but your troubles is one of the world's most effective methods oferasing the worry habit, staying in optimum state and developing precision of thought.

31. Stress is simply a response which you create in the interpretation of an event. Two peoplemight find that a given event results in quite different responses. For example, an afterdinner speech might strike fear into the heart of an inexperienced speaker while a strongorator views it as a wonderful opportunity to share his thoughts. Understanding that theperceived negative effects of an event or task may be mentally manipulated andconditioned towards the positive, will allow you to be a peak performer in all instances.

32. Read "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey. It contains awealth of wisdom and powerful insights into further developing your character andenhancing your personal relationships.

33. Become a committed audio-tape user. Most personal-mastery programs and books arenow offered in this format. Listen to these inspirational materials on your way to work,whilst waiting in the line at a bank or while you wash dishes in the evening. Make yourcar a college on wheels and use the drive time to make knowledge your best friend. Alldown time can be very effectively used in this productive fashion. Use such opportunitiesto learn and continually expand your mind and its vast potential.

34. Try fasting one day every two weeks. During these fast days, drink fruit juice and eatfresh fruits only. You will feel more energetic, cleansed and alert. Fasting also has asalutary effect on your will-power as you are subverting the otherwise pressing impulsesin your mind calling on you to eat more.

35. Keep a radio-cassette player at your office and listen to soft, soothing music throughout the day. Place pleasant scents and inspirational pictures in your workplace. By the magic of association, your work will become something you enjoy even more and arouse a very pleasant feeling within you. Budget your time on trips such that you can spend half an hour in the airport bookstore. They always contain the latest and best self-mastery books and tapes given that those who travel by air are of a group that finds value in these materials.

36. Read "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen. And don't just read this little book once, read it over and over again. It contains an abundance of timeless wisdom on living a fuller and happier life.

37. Remember that forgiveness is a virtue that few develop, but one that is most important to maintaining peace of mind. Mark Twain wrote that forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. Practice forgiveness especially in those situations where it is seemingly difficult. By using your emotional forgiveness muscles more regularly, petty wrongs, remarks and slights will not touch you and nothing will penetrate your concentrated, serene mindset.

38. Empty your cup. A full cup cannot accept anything more. Similarly, a person who believes that he cannot learn anything else will stagnate quickly and not move to higher levels. A true sign of a secure, mature individual is someone who sees every opportunity as a chance to learn. Even the teachers have teachers.

39. The Two Minute Mind is an excellent exercise for developing concentration. Simply stare at the second hand on your wristwatch for two minutes and think about nothing else for that time. At first your mind will wander but after 21 days of practice, your attention will not waver during the routine. One of the greatest qualities a person can develop to ensure his success is the ability to focus for extended periods of time. Learn to build up your concentration muscles and no task will be too difficult for you.

40. Drink a cup of warm water before a speech. Ronald Reagan employed this strategy to ensure that he maintained his honey-smooth voice. Mastery of the art of public speaking is a noble goal. So dedicate yourself to it. You will be judged by the calibre of your communication skills.

41. When you stand and meet someone, stand firm and steadfast. A telling sign of an unfocused, weak mind is constant fidgeting, shifting of the eyes and shallow breathing.

42. Act tough and you will be tough. Have courage and inspire others with your actions. But always be considerate.

43. Ask not what this world can do for you but, rather, what you can do for this world. Make service an important goal in your life. It is a most fulfilling investment of time.Remember, in the twilight of your life, when all is said and done, the quality of your life boils down to the quality of your contribution to others. Leave a rich legacy for thosearound you to savour.

44. Once a week, arise at dawn. It is a magical time of day. Be still, go for a walk or simplylisten to an old Ella Fitzgerald recording. Take a long, hot shower and do 100 pushups.Read one of the classics. You will feel alive and invigorated.

45. Remain slightly aloof. Do not let everyone know everything about you. Cultivate amystique.

46. Master the art of public speaking. There are few natural speakers. One great trial lawyerstammered dreadfully but through courage and strength of conviction, he developed intoa brilliant orator. Role model anyone you think is a highly effective, influentialcommunicator. Visualize a picture of this person. Stand like him, smile like him, and talklike him. The results will startle you.

47. Seek out motivational speakers committed to character training and lifelong success.Make it a point to attend inspirational lectures each month to consistently renew theimportance of personal growth in your mind. In a two hour seminar, you can learnpowerful techniques and strategies that others have spent many years learning andrefining. Never feel that you have no time for gathering new ideas, you are investing inyourself.

48. Read the wonderful book "Discovering Happiness" by Dennis Wholey. It will certainlyopen up new horizons for you in your quest for an optimal state of health and happiness.

49. To enhance your concentration, read a passage in a book you have never explored. Thentry to recite it verbatim. Practice this for only 5 minutes a day and enjoy the results whichfollow after a few months of effort.

50. Try entering a 5 km running race and then a 10 km event. The adrenaline that flows fromthe experience of racing with several hundred other fitness-minded people is exhilarating.By constantly pushing the envelope of your capacity, your potential will quickly unfold.Remember, the body will give you only what you ask of it.

51. Aromas have been proven to be an effective means of entering a state of relaxation.Scents have a very noticeable effect on your mindset and moods. Purchase the essentialoils of orange and clove bud from your local health food shop. Put a few drops of eitheroil within a cup of boiling water and inhale the sweet smelling steam for a few minutes.Then let the mixture sit in the room where you are resting. You will gain a sense of peaceand serenity. A little apple spice in the air has recently been shown to induce a far morerestful sleep.

52. Cultivate the art of walking half an hour after you have finished eating your eveningmeal. Walks in natural settings are the very best. Walking is, perhaps, nature's idealexercise. And when you walk, do not think about work or about the bills or about thechallenges you might be facing - this will neutralize many of the benefits. Simply enjoythe walk. Notice the richness of your surroundings. Let your senses drink in the beauty ofnature and the crispness of the air for a change. So many people who have mastered theart of growing younger have also mastered the habit of a daily walk.

53. Start a program of weight lifting at the gym. Strong people are mentally tough people. Asyou age, you need not lose your physical nor your mental strength. 75 year-old men arerunning marathons, 80 year-old women have scaled mountains and 90 year-oldgrandparents are living rich, productive lives. Whether you are 19 or 93, stay fit, staymotivated and stay passionate about life.

54. Never argue with the person you work for - you will lose more than just the argument.

55. In terms of business attire, dark suits (navy blue and charcoal grey) reflect power,sophistication and authority. Have you ever seen a prime minister or president in a tansuit?

56. Regularly send handwritten notes to your business clients and your other relations tostrengthen the bond. Develop a system which reminds you to send something valuable tothis network at least once every four months. Send them postcards when you are away onvacation. If you have to buy a few hundred postcards and spend an hour writing, don'tworry. This is an exceptionally good investment of your time. Another idea is to send arecent article of interest to your contacts with a handwritten note saying that you thoughtthis would interest them and that you continue to value their friendship. Relationshipbuilding should always be a central focus whether you are a CEO, a student, asalesperson or a parent.

57. Two of the fundamentals for a happy, joyful life are balance and moderation. One mustmaintain a balance of all activities and do nothing to extremes.

58. Drink Jasmine tea which can be obtained from any Chinese herbal shop. It is excellent foryour general health and is very relaxing. Also try placing a few slices of fresh ginger in acup of hot water for a superb tea that will restore vitality and keep you in a peak physicalcondition.

59. Remember that effective time management makes you more rather than less flexible. Itallows you to do the things that you really want to do rather than the things you reallyhave to do.

60. Do not take personal development books as gospel. Read them and take whatever usefulideas you need. Some people feel they must do everything suggested and take thetechniques to extremes. Every book has at least one tool or strategy of benefit. Take whatyou need and what works for you and discard what doesn't suit you.

61. Become an adventurer. Revitalize your spirit and sense of playfulness. Become a kidagain. Once every few months, plan to enjoy a new, thrilling activity such as white waterrafting, scuba diving, windsurfing, rockclimbing, joining a martial arts club, sailing, deepsea fishing or camping. This will keep your life in perspective, bring you closer to thoseyou share the activity with and keep you feeling invigorated and young.

62. Spend time with Nature. Natural settings have a powerful effect on your senses which inturn will lead to a sense of renewal, refreshment and peacefulness. Peak performersthrough the ages have understood the importance of getting back to Nature. Start campingor simply taking quiet walks in the forest. Rest by a sparkling stream. Cultivate your ownlittle garden which will serve as your personal oasis in the middle of a crowded city. Bycultivating a friendship with Nature, you will quickly find more serenity, contentmentand richness in your life.

63. Recall the wise saying "mens sana in corpore sano" which means in a sound body rests asound mind. Never neglect the body which is intimately connected to the mind. This isyour temple. Feed it the finest fuels, exercise daily and care for it as you would yourprized possession - because it is.

64. Be so strong that nothing interferes with your peace of mind. A well-known boxer wasonce unhappy. When asked why, he said that he had allowed himself to think a negativethought. Curb your desires and stay centered and focused - it gets easier with practice.You truly cannot afford the luxury of even one negative thought.

65. Do not eat three hours before sleep. This allows for smoother digestion and a more restfulsleep. For deeper, more renewing sleep, remember that a daily dose of exercise promotesgood sleep as does a period of relaxation an hour before bed. Also do not bring work tobed with you or think about anything which might agitate you. Ease yourself into sleeplike a baby being sung a soft, soothing lullaby. And finally, as Leonardo da Vinci said: "awell-spent day brings happy sleep."

66. Be careful about your reputation. If it is good it will take you to the highest of heights.But once tarnished, it will be difficult to retrieve. Always reflect on your course of action.Never do anything you wouldn't be proud to tell your mother about. Have fun always buttemper it with common sense and prudence.

67. Find mentors to model who will guide you in your progress. The mistakes of the worldhave all been made once before - why shouldn't you have the benefit of the experience ofothers? Find someone who has both courage and consideration for others, someone whois therefore mature. Your mentor must have only your best interests in mind and shouldbe sufficiently senior to offer you good guidance on the subjects you seek assistancewith. Everyone needs to feel appreciated and even the busiest of executives will find timeto assist a person who respects them and values their advice.

68. Make a list of all your weaknesses. A truly confident and enlightened person will note aweakness and seek to methodically improve. Bear in mind that even the greatest and mostpowerful people have weaknesses. Some are better than others in hiding them. On theother hand, get to know your best qualities and cultivate them.

69. Never complain. Be known as a positive, strong, energetic and enthusiastic person.Someone who complains, is cynical and always looks for the negative in everything, willscare people away and rarely will succeed at anything. From a purely psychologicalviewpoint, things are always created twice: once in the mind and then in reality. Focus onthe positive. Be so mentally tough that nothing takes you off your planned course tosuccess. Visualize and firmly believe in what you want. It will most certainly come true.

70. Overlook the weaknesses of your friends. If you look for flaws you will most surely findthem. Be mature enough to ignore the petty failings of others and see the good that eachone inherently possesses. We can learn from everyone. Everyone has a story to tell, ajoke to share and a lesson to learn. Open your mind to this and you will learn atremendous amount. Friends are so very important to a happy existence - especially thosewho have shared many experiences and laughs with you. Work hard to make friendships,and all your relationships for that matter, stronger and richer. Call your friends, buy themsmall gifts of books or other items you believe they might enjoy. The "law of the farm"applies to relationships as well as to the rest of life - you reap what you sow and to havegreat friends you must first be one.

71. Be kind, considerate and courteous. But also be shrewd and know when to be tough andcourageous. This is the mark of a well-defined character and you will surely commandrespect. It is most useful to read books on friendliness and enhancing relationships bybeing a good listener, showing others sincere appreciation and refining other interpersonalskills. But, to truly succeed, one must also recognize that worldly wisdom andshrewdness are essential skills to foster. Become an expert in human psychology and beable to read the essence of people. Never be taken advantage of and be aware of thepolitics around you. Stay above petty gossiping and office politics but appreciate thatthey indeed exist and know what goes on behind your back. Every great leader does.

72. Create your image as a highly competent, strong, disciplined, calm and decent individual.Find that crucial balance between working on the image that you project to the rest of theworld and your inner character. Create a sense of mystery about yourself as the truly wisenever show their hand. Do not tell everyone everything about yourself, your strategiesand your aspirations. The successful citizens of this world think thrice before they speakbecause a word uttered can never be retrieved. Make things look easy and people will sayyou are naturally gifted. Speak only good things and people will flock to you. Neverspeak ill of others and all will know you will not malign them behind their backs. Buildyour character and live a highly principled life.

73. Familiarity breeds contempt is a very good rule. The stars remain far above the Earth.You must keep a distance from all but your closest of relations. Once people seeeverything of a leader he loses his aura and with it the authority and mystique he mayhave created. For example, Ronald Reagan was known to many as an excellent leader. Hecarefully cultivated his image of a folksy, considerate politician who kept the interests ofthe United States first and foremost in his mind. At gatherings of world leaders, hecommanded attention and respect in his dark suits, surrounded by the trappings of powersuch as political aides, security officers and a convoy of limousines. As soon as heappeared, thoughts of authority and power came to our minds. Did you ever see thePresident with his shirt off swimming at his pool? How about in his dressing gown afterwaking up after one of his long sleeps, hair tousled and beard grown? Reagan's handlersnever allowed such glimpses because they detract from the perception of authority. TheAmerican nation was not exposed to these sights. In the Clinton Era things changed andyou saw the President eating Big Macs and wearing baseball caps with a full businesssuit. Whilst these scenes may be endearing to the public, there is little doubt thatPresident Clinton was more familiar to us, merely another one of us and, unlike the starsabove, much closer to the ground.

74. Learn to organize your time. It is incorrect to say that by becoming a meticulous timemanager and living by a carefully defined schedule you become rigid and nonspontaneous.Rather, proper organization allows one to accomplish those goals which aretruly important as well as enjoy leisure time. Good time management offers more timefor fun and relaxation - not less. These important periods are scheduled into the week justlike other commitments which may appear more pressing. Neither are sacrificed. Also,discipline yourself and stop wasting time on all those immediate and pressing butunimportant tasks (i.e., the ringing phones) and concentrate on the activities that are trulymeaningful to your life's mission. Such activities include time for self-renewal andreflection, time forging relationships built on trust and mutual respect, time for physicalfitness, time to read and think deeply and time serving others in your community.

75. Keep well-informed about current events, the latest books and popular trends. Many peakperformers read five or six papers a day. You don't have to read every story of everypaper. Know what to focus on, what to pass by and what to clip out and read at anothertime (many successful people scan scores of magazines and papers, clipping out articlesof interest; these articles go into a file folder which can be read in your down time).Knowledge is power. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a corporate leader or someoneleading a family, you can profoundly change your life and the lives of those around youwith a single idea. Just ask Gates, Edison and Bell.

76. When choosing your life partner, remember that this is the most important decision ofyour lifetime. The marriage relationship offers 90% of all your support, happiness andfulfillment so choose it wisely. Consider qualities such as affection, sense of humor,intelligence, integrity, maturity, temperament, compatibility and that indescribablecharacteristic of chemistry. If these are present, your relationship stands an excellentchance of great success. Move slowly and let no one press you into an uncomfortabledecision.

77. Never discuss your personal development activities with anyone. Your strategies forexpanding your mind and spirit are your own. Others might not understand the value ofpersonal-mastery and, further, will take away your credit when you meet with success bysaying that you relied on techniques. Keep these self-development activities to yourself.

78. Schedule relaxation time into your week and be ruthless in protecting it. You would notschedule another activity into the time planned for an important meeting with thepresident of your company or your best client so why would you put off a period to investin yourself? We must have time for ourselves to reflect, unwind and recharge ourbatteries. These are the renewal activities that allow us to maintain peak performance andare exceptionally valuable periods.

79. 83% of our sensory input comes from our eyes. To truly concentrate on something, shutyour eyes and you will remove much distraction.

80. Be the master of your will but the servant of your conscience.

81. Develop the wonderful habit of a daily swim. It will promote excellent health, keep yourelaxed and concentrated, lean and trim. Swimming is not stressful on the body, providesa great workout for the lungs and requires little time to do effectively. Remember that ina fit body resides a fit mind.

82. People who are doing good today are ensuring their happiness for tomorrow.

83. The key to successful time management is doing what you planned to do when youplanned to do it. Keep your mind fully on the task at hand. Only then will you achieve allyour goals and have time for the things that matter most. Although it is imperative to beflexible (a bow too tightly strung will soon break), following your planned schedulerequires no more than simple discipline.

84. An excellent visualization technique: if you are worrying about something, picture thewords of your worry on a piece of paper. Now ignite a match to the paper and watch theworry dissipate into flames. Bruce Lee, the great martial arts master employed thismental control device regularly.

85. Compartmentalize your worry. Set aside a certain amount of time to ponder over aproblem and map out an effective plan of attack and your options. Once this is done, havethe mental fortitude not to come back to the problem and go over it again and again. Thehuman mind is a strange creature - things we want to forget keep coming back and thosethings we want to remember are not there when we want them. But the mind is similar toa muscle and the more you flex it the stronger it will become. Make it your servant. Feedit only the best nutrition and information. It will serve you well and perform magic if youbelieve in it.

86. Peak performers are physically relaxed and mentally engaged.

87. To be at your performance peak mentally, your body must be loose physically andrelaxed. It is now beyond dispute that there is a mind-body connection and when the bodyis supple, free from tension, the mind is clear, calm and focused as well. This is why yogais such a beneficial activity. It keeps the body relaxed so that the mind can follow. Basicstretching for 15 minutes a day is also an excellent way to release tension that builds upas a result of our life in this highly complex and fast moving, but wonderful world. Tryhaving a massage or power lounging in a Jacuzzi. Relax the body and you relax the mind.

88. Prepare a detailed financial plan for the next few years and follow it. Seek out financialadvice if you need it. A powerful strategy for financial mastery is also a simple one: save10% of all you make for long-term growth (take this off the pay cheque before you havea chance to spend it). If you can invest $200 a month for the next 30 years at an annualreturn rate of 15%, you will end up with $1.4 million dollars. Being wise with yourmoney is one of the very best investments to make. Financial security leads to personalfreedom.

89. Readers are leaders. U.S. President Bill Clinton read more than 300 books during hisshort time at Oxford University. Some top performers read a book a day. Seek outknowledge and information. We have truly entered the age of massive information andthose who are proactive can use this to their advantage. The more you know, the less youfear.

90. Get into the excellent habit of reading something positive and inspirational before you goto bed and as soon as you awake in the morning. You will soon note the benefits as thesethoughts will be supporting you throughout the day.

91. Make it one of your goals to develop a dynamic, charismatic personality. Such a qualityis something each one of us has the potential to develop but few do. President Kennedywas a sickly youth but rose above his physical problems to be the most charismatic andexciting political figure in the history of the United States. Start off small. Take a DaleCarnegie course on public speaking. Go to the library where you will find books on thefine art of conversation and personal grooming. Learn three clean and witty jokes and getin the habit of socializing. You will have fun and build a lasting network of friends andassociates.

92. On the subject of conversation, a Chinese proverb states as follows: "a singleconversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month's study of books." Seekout the wise and learn from them. They are just waiting for that small spark of interest totell you all that you need to know.

Top 200 Secrets of Success and the Pillars of Self-Mastery ...

Written by simmons

July 22nd, 2018 at 7:44 pm

Posted in Personal Success

Teachers Profilephp – Personal Success

Posted: June 27, 2018 at 7:43 pm

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Subject SpecialismHead of ESOLHead Of Pastoral MentoringEnglish GCSE - A-LevelSocial Sciences - Sociology and Psychology GCSE - A-Level11+

QualificationsMaster of Arts Sociology Social PolicyPGCE Social Science and EnglishAdvanced Educational Practice Certificate SEN / Dyslexia (pending)Cert TESOLCERT ESOL

Lynette is a valuable member of the Personal Success team. She has an invaluable insight into the ESOL curriculum and heads up our ESOL Department. In addition Lynette has an in-depth knowledge of the Social Sciences and English Language curriculum.Moreover, Lynette is a popular tutor amongst the students and constantly achieves grades above student expectations. Using her expertise and drawing on her work experience in a variety of teaching environments, Lynette can design a personalised scheme of work to suit each individual student. This rapport with students continues with relating results and attainment to parents and teachers. Presently, four of her students have just gained admission to two private schools with high standards. This is attributed to Lynette's efforts in preparing them for their 11+ examinations.

Subject SpecialismHead of English Language and LiteratureTeacher of Adults in Literacy & NumeracyTeacher of English as a foreign language

QualificationsB.A Cert Ed.B.A English/Art

Margaret is a committed and proactive teacher and a valuable member of the Personal Success team. Margaret has 25 years teaching experience within the school and private education sector. This gives her an important insight into both roles, and how private tuition can be used to focus on a students weaker curriculum areas. Margaret adopts a calm yet professional attitude to teaching and is committed to helping students achieve their maximum potential.

Subject SpecialismHead of MathematicsHead of ICT

QualificationsMA: Education (Mathematics Teaching and Learning) - PendingPGCE/QTSBSc.Hons (Education and Mathematics)PGD: Computer Science

Morufu not only heads up the Personal Success Group, but also heads the Mathematics and ICT department. Morufu is a highly dedicated and driven teacher and has an in depth knowledge of the key stage 3, 4, and 5 Mathematics curriculum. This was founded in the school environment, allowing him to create structured schemes of work for students to follow that will link in with the curriculum. Morufu is a motivational teacher developing productive environments to enable students to reach their full potential. Over time his links within the Liverpool community have been an important factor in the continuing accomplishments of Personal Success. Raising awareness of the importance of education in a supplementary capacity, and making it accessible to all.

Pupils' feedbacks:

Ibrahim improved from level 3 to level 6 in Mathematics:"My teacher is Mr Bello and I improved form level 3 in less than a year and I wrote my SATS exam with confidence, and I got a good result thanks to Mr Bello. I thank him for his support, good teaching style, and sense of humour."

Roda gained confidence in Maths:"He gave me so much help, my teacher in school even noticed my development. I began to walk into my exams with confidence."

Subject SpecialismHead of Sciences

QualificationsPGCE Applied Science (Masters Level)BSc (Hon). Tropical Disease Biology

Luke heads up our Science department, which includes all core science subjects from primary level to secondary, onto further, and higher education. Luke is a dynamic and confident teacher. His knowledge of the sciences is second to none clearly shown by the qualifications he has achieved. However, he has an innate ability to translate this knowledge to all levels of education, ensuring all students can grasp and understand what targets they have too attain to achieve in there given science subject.Having taught in both the school and private sector his understanding of the (Science) National Curriculum allows him to set up specific schemes of work for individual students, focusing on areas of improvement.

Subject SpecialismHead of Adult EducationSkills for LifeESOLSpanish

QualificationsBA Cert EdOCNW Mentoring Level 3TESOL Level 2Skills for Life Initiative, Leadership, and Management.ESOL Core Curriculum TrainingFernando heads up our Adult Learning Department, but also works closely with our ESOL and Mentoring Department. Fernando is a valuable member of the Personal Success Team. His in depth knowledge of Key Skills tutoring allows him to cover the broad spectrum that encompasses Adult Learning. He has mentored in many different working environments, from workplace industries (Care Homes, Catering, Health), Schools, Colleges, and Universities, and on a personal one to one basis. Moreover, the combination of his advanced knowledge of Adult Learning means our students receive a personalised programme of study, which suits their needs and expectations.

Subject SpecialismHead Of Islamic, Arabic, and Quran Studies

QualificationsBa Hons English Language and LiteratureMasters in English linguisticsPhD Corpus LinguisticsDr Huda Salim is an invaluable member of the Personal Success team. She heads up our Islamic, Arabic and Quran Studies. Dr Salim's extensive knowledge of the Quran, English language and linguistics is the focus of her present PhD study at Liverpool University. Her work is well received amongst her professional peers and her recent studies in corpus linguistics are already being considered as a key contribution to this field of study. Moreover, Dr Salim can relate her knowledge and understanding of the Quran to all levels of students. Ensuring that the correct learning objectives and outcomes met.

Here is the original post:
Teachers Profilephp - Personal Success

Written by grays

June 27th, 2018 at 7:43 pm

Posted in Personal Success

Welcome to Paul Mampilly – Banyan Hill Investment Guru

Posted: June 13, 2018 at 1:43 pm

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My father is my hero.

He was born in 1933 in a tiny village in India at a time when the country was incredibly poor, with people dying of hunger every day. His mother died when he was 3, and his father passed away when he was 20.

Somehow, he managed to put himself through college. But even when Dad got a job in Bombay Indias biggest city he was still broke with a family to support.

So in 1974, he applied for a job in Dubai, a little-known place at the time.

Dont go! his siblings told him when he got the position. But while Indias prospects were horrible, Dubai had just found oil. He knew taking a chance on Dubai was a better bet a calculated risk.

I have nothing to lose, he told his family when he took the job.

In hindsight, going to Dubai was a no-brainer. The city grew spectacularly, and Dad made 100,000 times more money than if hed stayed in India.

My dad took a calculated risk when he took a chance on Dubai, and it paid off in spades.

Im my fathers son. Calculated risk-taking is my philosophy when it comes to investing and trading. Its how I made money for clients while on Wall Street. Its how I invest my own money now.

See, a calculated risk in the financial markets means you take opportunities when the odds are in your favor. That way, when you invest, you have a good chance of making money. You never get a guarantee, of course, but when I get good odds, I make the bet.

And looking back over my 25 years of investing, its worked out for me more often than not

I started my career on Wall Street in 1991 as a research assistant at Deutsche Bank, and I quickly advanced to prominent positions at Bankers Trust and ING, managing multimillion-dollar accounts. In 2006, I was recruited by the two owners of a $6 billion firm to be the key manager of their hedge fund.

Soon after I joined, the firms assets under management soared to $25 billion.

Everyone took notice.

Barrons named us one of the Worlds Best funds for averaging 43% returns during my tenure.

The Templeton Foundation even invited me to take part in a prestigious investment competition. They wanted to see what I could do with $50 million. Well, during a two-year period, I was able to make a 76% return. Not bad, considering I did this during the 2008 and 2009 economic crisis, and I did it without shorting stocks or making risky bets.

When I won the competition, I was thrust into the limelight. And Ive since appeared on CNBC, Fox Business News and Bloomberg TV but even when I was center stage, most people never knew about my personal gains, or the strategy Ive used to secure my wealth.

For instance, I uncovered a stock by the name of Sarepta Therapeutics when it was in the infancy stage of developing a drug to treat muscular dystrophy. I invested in the company and made a gain of 2,539%.

And while most people were skeptical of Netflix in 2008, I wasnt. Having insight on technological advancements, I knew the future of television was streaming online video. I invested and made gains of 634%.

I also saw a huge opportunity in Universal Display when they created organic LED technology. I discovered the opportunity very early on and pocketed gains of 293%.

I got in on the ground floor of Googles initial public offering (IPO), despite a huge amount of negative sentiment surrounding the stock and made more than double my investment. Since its IPO, Googles stock has shot up a whopping 2,234%!

After making all my gains, I retired at the age of 40 and moved into a country home located on the outskirts of Raleigh, North Carolina.

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Welcome to Paul Mampilly - Banyan Hill Investment Guru

Written by simmons

June 13th, 2018 at 1:43 pm

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