Archive for the ‘Personal Performance’ Category
Chapter 7: Performance Management
Posted: July 23, 2016 at 3:46 am
Setting and clearly communicating performance standards and expectations, observing and providing feedback, and conducting appraisals enables you to achieve the best results through managing employee performance.
To begin the process, you and the employee will collaborate on the development of performance standards. You will develop a performance plan that directs the employee's efforts toward achieving specific results, to support organizational growth as well as the employee's professional growth. Discuss goals and objectives throughout the year, providing a framework to ensure employees achieve results through coaching and mutual feedback. At the end of the rating period, you will appraise the employee's performance against existing standards, and establish new goals together for the next rating period.
As the immediate supervisor, you play an important role; your closest interaction with the employee occurs at this level.
Once performance objectives and standards are established and clearly communicated, you should observe employees' performance and provide feedback. You have a responsibility to recognize and reinforce strong performance by an employee, and identify and encourage improvement where it is needed. You provide informal feedback almost every day.
By observing and providing detailed feedback, you play a critical role in the employee's continued success and motivation to meet your performance expectations.
Coaching is a method of strengthening communication between you and the employee. It helps to shape performance and increase the likelihood that the employee's results will meet your expectations. Coaching sessions provide you and the employee the opportunity to discuss progress toward meeting mutually-established standards and goals. A coaching session focuses on one or two aspects of performance, rather than the total review that takes place in a performance evaluation.
Effective coaching can:
To make your coaching session effective, you must understand the key elements of coaching:
To provide effective feedback you must understand the elements of performance and analyze marginal performance. Keep these questions in mind:
To make the most of coaching the employee, remember to practice these coaching behaviors:
If you conduct a coaching session to provide positive feedback to the employee, keep the following ideas in mind:
When you conduct a coaching session to improve performance, you may want to use the following format:
If your coaching session is conducted to address poor work habits such as continued tardiness, keep these steps in mind:
To conduct a follow-up discussion, consider the following steps:
The campus carries out its mission through the individual and collective contributions of its employees. To do their best, staff members need to know that those contributions will be recognized and acknowledged. Overseeing performance and providing feedback is not an isolated event, but rather an ongoing process that takes place throughout the year. The performance appraisal is part of that process, and provides an excellent opportunity for you to communicate with the employee about past performance, evaluate the employee's job satisfaction, and make plans for the employee's future performance.
Remember that the performance appraisal summarizes the employee's contributions over the entire appraisal period (usually one year). It is not a step in the disciplinary process. It may occur as often as you believe is necessary to acknowledge the employee for accomplishments and to plan together for improved performance.
The goal of the performance appraisal process is to help the employee feel:
Both you and the employee play an important role in creating a productive performance appraisal process. Here are some suggestions to get the employee involved:
Continue the momentum you have established throughout the year with your ongoing dialog about performance. You want to set the tone for an open and productive discussion. Here are some steps you can take to make it as successful as possible:
Record the results of your discussion on the performance appraisal form. Ask the employee to sign the form, and explain that this signature acknowledges discussion of the contents, not necessarily agreement with them. Route to your manager for final signatures and placement in the employee's departmental personnel file. Give a copy of the signed appraisal to the employee.
Performance expectations are the basis for appraising employee performance. Written performance standards let you compare the employee's performance with mutually understood expectations and minimize ambiguity in providing feedback.
Having performance standards is not a new concept; standards exist whether or not they are discussed or put in writing. When you observe an employee's performance, you usually make a judgment about whether that performance is acceptable. How do you decide what's acceptable and what's unacceptable performance? The answer to this question is the first step in establishing written standards.
Standards identify a baseline for measuring performance. From performance standards, supervisors can provide specific feedback describing the gap between expected and actual performance.
Effective performance standards:
Write performance standards for each key area of responsibility on the employee's job description. The employee should participate actively in their development. Standards are usually established when an assignment is made, and they should be reviewed if the employee's job description is updated. The discussion of standards should include the criteria for achieving satisfactory performance and the proof of performance (methods you will use to gather information about work performance).
Standards describe the conditions that must exist before the performance can be rated satisfactory. A performance standard should:
The terms for expressing performance standards are outlined below:
Since one of the characteristics of a performance standard is that it can be measured, you should identify how and where evidence about the employee's performance will be gathered. Specifying the performance measurements when the responsibility is assigned will help the employee keep track of his progress, as well as helping you in the future performance discussions.
There are many effective ways to monitor and verify performance, the most common of which are:
UCSF Supervisory Certification Program including"Setting Performance Expectations", and "Coaching for Performance"at:
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Chapter 7: Performance Management
The Effects of Arousal on Physical Performance | Corporate …
Posted: June 17, 2016 at 2:44 pm
The Effects of Arousal on Physical Performance
Whats the optimum level of arousal for physical performance and how can you attain it? Most athletes are asking themselves this question at some point in their career. Arousal can help or hurt your overall performance. This psychological and physiological state affects your balance and coordination as well as your focus rhythm, decision-making speed, and muscular tension.
In order to achieve optimum arousal, its essential to understand what this state is and how it affects your athletic performance. Most experts define arousal as a mental, emotional, and physiological state that prepares your body for action. Its the readiness for action that motivates an athlete to run faster, lift heavier weights, or hittheir opponent harder.
Arousal and physical performance are strongly connected. You need the appropriate level of arousal for the things you want to do, whether its working out, jogging, or digesting a meal. This state is closely related to stress, anxiety, motivation, attention and other factors that affect your mood. Too much or too little arousal will work against you. Research indicates that this state can affect your performance in various ways. Several theories highlight the connection between arousal and sports performance:
Each of these theories has its own strengths and weaknesses. Most experts seem to agree that when anxiety becomes severe, performance declines even if your keep arousal at optimal levels. The most widely use approach to the relationship between anxiety, stress, and physical performance is the inverted-U hypothesis, which claims that these factors are interrelated. However, many health experts claim that these theories are oversimplifying the relationship between performance and competitive anxiety.
Not all athletes are able to reach optimal levels of arousal. Additionally, different sports require different arousal levels. In a game of rugby or football, higher arousal levels will lead to increased strength, power, and aggressiveness. On the other hand, shooting, gymnastics, and archery require lower levels of arousal. Many athletes and teams rely on sports psychologists to help them develop the mental skills needed for reaching peak performance. Professionals use various techniques for attaining optimal arousal, such as:
Practice is required for controlling arousal and stress. Youll know it when youre optimally aroused! To increase your chances of success, use the techniques listed above. Start with progressive muscle relaxation, which is being used by many athletes to maintain arousal at optimal levels before a competition. This technique involves tensing and relaxing your muscles systematically. Meditation has proven to be effective too. This popular relaxation method requires you to focus attention on a single object or thought. When done properly, it relaxes your mind and body, improves your overall performance, and prepares you for competition. You can also try deep breathing, which is one of the easiest ways to reduce your arousal levels.
Guided imagery or visualization has excellent results for most athletes. This technique helps control anxiety and arousal. Another popular technique involves self talk and positive thinking. Many coaches teach sports players and athletes how to self-talk positively using statements like I can score a goal, Keep running, or Dont give up! Youre almost there. These techniques can be used anytime for reducing or increasing arousal. In general, athletes are using them before competitions and other important events. For best results, practice until you find a level of arousal at which you perform best.
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The Effects of Arousal on Physical Performance | Corporate ...
Life Coaching & Personal Performance Coaching / The …
Posted: May 7, 2016 at 11:50 pm
Will this Diploma suit you?
Once you have gained The Coaching Academy's Diploma in Personal Performance Coaching, you are equipped with a huge toolkit of techniques to coach individuals through a wide range of personal performance issues. If you want to make a positive and lasting difference to others with life coaching, this Diploma is for you.
What is the Personal Performance Coaching Diploma?
The PPD is The Coaching Academy's core programme, which works to help you acquire the fundamental coaching skills to give you a solid foundation upon which to build.
What you will learn
You will develop skills, which will enable you to help clients establish and ultimately achieve their personal goals in life.
Coaching focuses on where a client is now where they ultimately want to be. In the same way that a good sports coach can inspire a team or an individual to achieve a great performance, a life coach will help a client find the self-encouragement and self-motivation. As a coach you will help clients define their needs, wants, ambitions and desires; empowering them to identify the strategies and tactics that will create the action to take them there and measure their progress against defined markers.
Five Ways To Build Rapport
What we say can create or destroy rapport, but interestingly only 7% of communication is the spoken word. Our body language and our tone of voice are more important than the actual words spoken.
GROW Model
The GROW (Goal, Reality, Options, Will) model is the most common and widely used coaching tool. It empowers the coach to structure a coaching conversation and deliver a meaningful result. The GROW acronym suggests that a coach using the GROW model is likely to start by asking the client to set goals, both for what they want to get out of the coaching sessions as a whole and for each individual session.
Master Motivation - Bev James
06/08/2014 09:00:00
Do you find yourself setting out to do one task and ending up completing something else? Do you sometimes have so many ideas on the go, you are unsure which to do first? Or perhaps the passion for the task has faded and you are spending time dreaming up new plans, but are unsure which to run with.
Limiting Beliefs
Limiting beliefs are those things you believe about yourself that place limitations on your abilities. Limiting beliefs are simply assumptions about reality that are not true. In order for our actions to have the greatest positive effect, we need to have beliefs that are as close to reality as possible - deceiving ourselves will take us further from the goal.
Childs Play And What Can You Learn From It - Saira Nisa
19/06/2012 08:51:50
Have you ever wondered why as a child you had all the will in the world to be a superhero or just somebody absolutely fantastic and now as a grown up you seem to have lost the will to live? Weve lost our motivation and dont know how to get it back.
Top Tips For A Supercharged And More Positive You
12/06/2012 09:00:49
Our state, the way in which we show in our interactions and movements, has an extraordinary influence on the course of our lives. Whether in work, politics or any other field, your state of mind has a very strong influence on your results and general feeling of happiness.
Seven Steps To Change Your Self-Image Forever
29/05/2012 09:30:36
Lucy has been struggling with a poor self-image for the past six years. She felt unattractive and strongly believed that men didnt find her sexy. She had a successful career as a management consultant but could not stop feeling bad about herself. Through our sessions, I discovered that Lucy had a younger sister. This younger sister was the pretty one, the one who got all the boys, according to Lucy.
Going For The Goal
14/05/2012 11:41:42
One of the core skills most coaches deal with is goal setting. It seems relatively straight forward, yet most of us and our clients find it hard to achieve the goals weve set, so lets take a good look at why that is and what we can do about it. The most common model for goal-setting is represented by the acronym SMART specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time based. The other element that is usually stressed is that the goal should be positive; for instance, instead of saying I will lose 20 pounds, one might say, I will have a stable, healthy weight of 12 stone.
"I left the 2 days completely transformed. Powerful stuff! New ways of thinking is for me the best thing about coaching"
Lara Williams London
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Life Coaching & Personal Performance Coaching / The ...
Personal Performance LLC – Facebook
Posted: May 1, 2016 at 1:48 am
Another very special shout out to this stunning, unstoppable woman right here! Personal Performance LLC Athlete, Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer, and SUPER Mom and Wife...not to mention super caring and clearly Beautiful inside and out!! This busy mom made it happen once again, she looked her absolute best and shined brighter than we've ever seen her before on that Fitness Atlantic stage last weekend. She unexpectedly lost her father the weekend before. In such a tragic t...ime, this woman collected all of the inner strength she had and rocked that stage in his great honor-We know her father was absolutely there with her on stage, it is clear in all of her photos as she lit up the entire stage. It takes a tremendous amount of inner strength to do what you did, and see Kris? You ended on top! A true Champion as always. Congratulations on achieving this goal of yours with so much passion and poise. 3rd Place Bikini and such a huge inspiration to many! Cheers to being such an light to be around to so many. We're incredibly proud of you. We love you, Kris!!!
The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time …
Posted: April 30, 2016 at 7:44 am
This groundbreaking New York Times bestseller has helped hundreds of thousands of people at work and at home balance stress and recovery and sustain high performance despite crushing workloads and 24/7 demands on their time. Combines the gritty toughmindedness of the best coaches with the gentle-but-insistent inspiration of the most effective spiritual advisers (Fast Company).
We live in digital time. Our pace is rushed, rapid-fire, and relentless. Facing crushing workloads, we try to cram as much as possible into every day. We're wired up, but we're melting down. Time management is no longer a viable solution. As bestselling authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz demonstrate in this groundbreaking book, managing energy, not time, is the key to enduring high performance as well as to health, happiness, and life balance. The Power of Full Engagement is a highly practical, scientifically based approach to managing your energy more skillfully both on and off the job by laying out the key training principles and provides a powerful, step-by-step program that will help you to:
* Mobilize four key sources of energy * Balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal * Expand capacity in the same systematic way that elite athletes do * Create highly specific, positive energy management rituals to make lasting changes
Above all, this book provides a life-changing road map to becoming more fully engaged on and off the job, meaning physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused, and spiritually aligned.
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The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time ...
Personal Performance – Facebook
Posted: April 23, 2016 at 6:50 pm
Sacrum (from the Latin for "sacred") is connected to your pelvis ("ilium") particular the upper parts of the ilium called the "ala" or wi...ngs - just like the "wings" of your shoulder blades. The sacro-iliac joint is certainly one of the most important joints in the body - both for its structural and its energetic roles in our lives.
The ligaments that span the sacro-iliac joint need just the right "span." Too close and too loose, they become less healthy as tissues. So when we sit on our pelvis all day, the pelvis is pressed up into the sacrum, closing this important distance; the ligaments lose their appropriate span; they go slack. The next time you bend over suddenly without being warmed up, there is a greater chance your back will spasm. This is because the nervous system, reading the Si ligaments as less reliable, will spasm your lower back to assure stability. Thus, the importance of doing things such as yoga to open up the SI as well to strengthen the core muscles.
One can consider the deep, ancient wisdom that caused the sacrum to have its very special name. Here is one example of visionary thinking about the sacrum from Chinese acupunture (from my friend, Alan Hext) - "In Chinese acupuncture traditions the eight sacral foramina (the paired holes at each level of the sacrum) are sometimes known as the eight winds. These can be taken as vents through which the vital breaths of qi and spirit blow, as well as ability to orient to the eight directions (the sacrum in relation to the centre of gravity). This latter allows us to embody pivotal balance so we can adapt and be free to be open to all possibilities."
May your sacrum convey its wisdom in your every movement today.
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Personal Performance - Facebook
Personal Performance LLC –
Posted: April 14, 2016 at 12:42 pm
$75.00 OFF PP Pro-Status Competition Training + Nutrition Programs for 2016 Fitness Atlantic Show (At Mohegan Sun Resort & Casino, Largest most extravagant show in New England- Show Date: April 9th)
** Discounts DO apply to Payment Plans, making it more affordable.
Ask about our one-on-one Personal Training Packages: * Buy 2 + 1 FREE * Buy 3 + 1 FREE * Buy 4 + 2 FREE * Buy 5 + 3 FREE
*GIFT CERTIFICATES also available and make the PERFECT Stocking Stuffers for your loved ones looking to make a healthy lifestyle change from people who have never worked out a day in their lives and are ready to make the commitment to start somewhere and begin healthy...all the way to men and women looking to reach a goal whether is it completing a marathon, booking a photo shoot, shedding for the wedding, post pregnancy weight-loss and balance, and/or athletes looking to prepare for their next fitness show.
Our gift to you and a huge thank you to our past, present, and future clients at Personal Performance. Feeling very thankful for your support, make sure you all take advantage of our BLACK FRIDAY SALES and let's get YOU in the BEST shape of your life!!!
Happy Holiday Season, everyone!!
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Personal Performance LLC -
Website Builder | Make your own website easily with 1&1
Posted: April 11, 2016 at 1:49 pm
Yes! 1&1 isn't just in the business of offering free websites and affordable hosting. We offer several different options for attracting new customers to your site.
Get traffic from Google with search engine optimization (SEO) Along with our website builder, 1&1 offers a set of tools. They're easy enough for beginners to use but powerful enough for SEO experts. In addition to optimizing your site when you first build it, you'll get notifications about your search engine ranking. Our SEO tools provide ongoing analysis of your site's text and structure to improve your Google rankings.
Connect your site with popular online marketplaces If you sell products on eBay, Amazon Marketplace, Etsy, or other online storefronts, 1&1's Web apps will connect your customers with your online storefront. Do you sell real estate or manage property? Use 1&1 Web apps that showcase your listings on Zillow and Trulia. If you make your website with our Websitebuilder, you will get basic apps in different tariffs. In our eBusiness Suite all packets include industry apps, which will help you to build your own website.
Attract visitors from social networks Whether you're active on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, or other social networks, our Web apps connect your social media accounts to your business website. If you own a restaurant, register your business with Foursquare so that guests can check in and find each other.
Take advantage of local search 1&1 can register local companies with Google My Business so that you're easy to find on Google Maps, Search, and Google+. You'll be able to display the same address, phone number, hours of operation, and more across all of Google's services.
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Website Builder | Make your own website easily with 1&1
This content downloaded from on Mon, 21 Mar …
Posted: March 25, 2016 at 5:46 pm
Journal of Marketing Research
Description: Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) concentrates on the subject of marketing research, from its philosophy, concepts, and theories to its methods, techniques, and applications. This quarterly, peer-reviewed journal is published for technically-oriented research analysts, educators, and statisticians. JMR addresses concepts, methods, and applications of marketing research that present new techniques, contribute to knowledge based on experimental or descriptive methods, and review developments and concepts in related fields that have bearing on the research industry and practice. Articles pertain to applications of new and current marketing research methods and techniques, clarifications of marketing research methodology and practice, and analysis of the state of the art marketing research. JMR publishes articles representing the entire spectrum of research in marketing, ranging from analytical models of marketing phenomena to descriptive studies using ethnographic methodologies. Most research published in JMR fits into two categories: (1) empirical research that tests a theory or describes and evaluates a management practice and (2) methodological research that presents new approaches for analyzing data or addressing marketing research problems. JMR has a wide and experienced editorial review board that is composed of leading academics in the field.
Coverage: 1964-2010 (Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 47, No. 6)
The "moving wall" represents the time period between the last issue available in JSTOR and the most recently published issue of a journal. Moving walls are generally represented in years. In rare instances, a publisher has elected to have a "zero" moving wall, so their current issues are available in JSTOR shortly after publication. Note: In calculating the moving wall, the current year is not counted. For example, if the current year is 2008 and a journal has a 5 year moving wall, articles from the year 2002 are available.
ISSN: 00222437
Subjects: Business & Economics, Marketing & Advertising, Business
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This content downloaded from on Mon, 21 Mar ... Vega Sport Performance Protein, Vanilla, Tub …
Posted: February 16, 2016 at 7:49 am
I was provided this product for an honest review. I personally am not a big sports shake enthusiast, so I let my husband try and review this product. Below is his honest opinion.
The Vega Sport Protein powder (Chocolate) is used to "recover" after a vigorous workout. The 29.2 oz tub contains 23 servings, and each scoop/serving contains 23grams of protein. I compared this product to other proteins/recovery products that I have taken in the past (i.e., EAS Recovery, Casein). My favorite is the EAS Recovery, in terms of taste, quality and results.
Benefit #1: Compared to other products, Vega has more protein per serving. 1 serving (scoop) contains approximately 23grams of protein. When I compare it to EAS, you get 20grams of protein in a serving, which is 2 scoops.
Benefit #2: For those who are looking for healthy alternatives in terms of protein recovery powders, there is no soy, dairy, gluten or sugar in this product. Which could affect the taste and smell.
Smell: When I opened the container, I noticed the smell was not as pleasant as some other proteins (i.e. whey, casein) that I have tried in the past. It didn't stink, but had a different kind of smell. Again, this may be because it is plant based.
Taste: I ordered and received the chocolate flavor. I didn't try with water, but used vanilla rice milk. It does taste a little different than other proteins powders but isn't horrible. **This product mixes well in the shaker. I was able to drink without lumps and clumps of unmixed powder.
Side effects: I did not experience any of the stomach discomfort that some complained about and I have a sensitive stomach. After a few weeks of use, I can honestly say that I have had no issues with bloating, gas or upset stomach.
See the article here: Vega Sport Performance Protein, Vanilla, Tub ...