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Archive for the ‘Personal Development’ Category

Personal Development – American Veterinary Medical Association

Posted: February 2, 2018 at 1:41 am

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Wellbeing and Peer Assistance

Get valuable information about stress management and other wellness issues. We have resources for individual veterinarians, as well as state and allied veterinary medical associations.

Get advice to optimize your job search from Dr. Patricia Wohlferth-Bethke, director of the Veterinary Career Center and assistant director of Membership & Field Services for the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). From outlining best practices for rsum writing, to highlighting common mistakes job-seekers make during interviews, Dr. Pat has the advice you need to ratchet your job search up a notch.

The start of your new career as a veterinarian can be filled with anxiety, and you might find yourself with questions that never arose in your schooling. This video series, created by some of our young AVMA member veterinarians, answers the questions you might be too afraid to ask your boss or colleagues.

Looking to build your leadership skills? Our toolkit can help you build the skills needed to be a leader in your workplace, in society, and in organized veterinary medicine.

This Facebook group, open onlyto AVMA members who have graduated in the past five years, lets recent grads connect with each other to provide advice and support with issues faced during the transition from veterinary student to working veterinarian. We also host an online expert ona differenttopic (such as veterinary economics, wellness, leadership, and more)almost every month.

Let us help you develop your skills as a leader and organizer within the veterinary profession.

This one-year program helps develop leadership and problem-solving skills related to organized veterinary medicine. Open exclusively to AVMA members who have graduated from veterinary school within the last 15 years.

Find out more about career options that exist for veterinarians, including current jobs, and learn how to assess what kind of careers are a good fit for you. Learn how to translate what you do into other career settings, and also how to market those skills.

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Personal Development - American Veterinary Medical Association

Written by simmons

February 2nd, 2018 at 1:41 am

Life Coaching | Personal Development Coaching

Posted: December 2, 2017 at 3:41 pm

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What Exactly is Personal Development?

Personal development is the process of self-enhancement that can occur individually or under the guidance of a mentor, teacher or personal development coach. The field of personal development is ancient and history reveals that it is an ongoing area of research and understanding as each generation faces new challenges an opportunities. There are a variety of online and in-person learning programs, training programs, books, audios, and videos. Each of which share different perspectives, tools, techniques, and methods to enhance ones personal development. The key premise behind personal development is intentionality: the intent to change ones circumstances or effectiveness based upon specific, measurable criteria. In most activities this affects an individuals health, wealth, relationships and spirituality. To begin with, there must be an initial intake using specific criteria to establish where you are currently and this is contrasted with ones desired outcomes. This process reveals the missing resources that the individual must personally develop. The resulting objectives, goals and benchmarks can be used as milestones that demonstrate progress upon a persons personal development path. Both failures and successes upon this development path provide a feedback system in real time. A personal development coach helps the coachee to effectively evaluate the feedback and make adjustments accordingly so as to stay on track.

It is generally assumed that personal development mixed with psychology when Alfred Adler and Carl Jung made their respective impacts upon psychology. Alfred Adler is recorded as one of the first psychologists to not limit psychology to just analysis that focused upon past childhood circumstances or unconscious drives as derived from the Freudian psychotherapy model. Adler also defined the concept of lifestyle, which is a persons overall approach to life including how they face problems, their self-image and general attitude toward life. Carl Jung brought to psychology the notion of the process of individuation. This is the individuals drive to experience a sense of wholeness and internal balance. Later, Daniel Levinson developed a model of seven life stages that has come to be known as the lifecycle. Within the lifecycle, each individual is unconciously influenced by the aspirations of an ideal life; the Dream.

David Starr Jordan Professor Emeritus of Social Science in Psychology at Stanford University, Albert Bandura has revealed through his research that personal development is an effective approach to goal achievement because of the internal resources it creates within the individual. One of the primary resources each individual who proactively begins a self-directed personal development path or personal development coaching is self-confidence. Self-confidence, according to Bandura, is an important predictive quality supporting individual success because within the individual it: creates the context of anticipated success; it allows for controlled risks and challenging goals; it encourages continued attempts in the face of failure; and it empowers one to control non-beneficial emotions.

The educational researcher in the field of student affairs, Arthur Chickering, outlined seven import points of personal development that should be experienced by university students:

The application of personal development within academia can be seen in the following disciplines:

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs reveals self-actualization at the top of the pyramid, signifying a human beings desire to be more and be everything that an individual has the capacity to become. It is interesting to think that Maslow estimated only a small percentage of the population were actually concerned with self-actualization, individuation and personal development. The remainder of the population would be solely interested in the lower levels such as financial security and personal needs being met. With the growth and globalization of the worlds economy, it becomes less the responsibility of corporations to ensure the personal development of their employees and more so the responsibility of the employee to ensure she or he is well suited for a position. Peter Drucker stated the following in the Harvard Business Review (source):

We live in an age of unprecedented opportunity: if youve got ambition and smarts, you can rise to the top of your chosen profession, regardless of where you started out. But with opportunity comes responsibility. Companies today arent managing their employees careers; knowledge workers must, effectively, be their own chief executive officers. Its up to you to carve out your place, to know when to change course, and to keep yourself engaged and productive during a work life that may span some 50 years.

It can be generalized that corporate personal development programs can be divided into two categories: employee benefits and development strategies. The purpose behind employee benefits personal development coaching programs is to enhance motivation, create employee loyalty and improve job satisfaction. Such personal development programs focus upon: time management, work and life balance, stress management, leadership, and the personal discovery that can occur in sports, martial arts, NLP coaching, hypnosis, personal finance, yoga, meditation, etc. Regarding development strategies, these often overlap with professional development goals. Often programs are created or consultants and personal development trainers brought in to enhance productivity, inspire innovation or motivate employees to enhance the quality of their work. The overall interests benefit the employees but more so benefit the long term development goals of the organization. In this sense, it is a win-win scenario because the company can look at enhancing one or all of the following factors: increase performance, reduce costs, or increase revenues. While the employees receive training and resources to better ensure job stability and enhance performance.

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Life Coaching | Personal Development Coaching

Written by admin

December 2nd, 2017 at 3:41 pm

Why Personal Development Is Critical to Success | SUCCESS

Posted: October 18, 2017 at 3:10 am

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Unless you change how you are, youll always have what youve got.

We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation. Well, the late Jim Rohn aimed for the inspiration, always emphasizing the importance of taking responsibility for self-improvement and showing people how to reach for bigger, better lives.

Related:Rohn: Better Is Something You Become

Who inspired him? His mentor, Earl Shoaff, who told him this: If you want to be wealthy and happy, learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. And so began Jim Rohn's belief in the importance of self-improvement. In his classic book, 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness, Jim Rohn wrote an essay entitled "The Miracle of Personal Development" in which he explains why working on yourself is a never-ending pursuit:

Ever since Mr. Shoaff woke me up with that statement, I worked hard on my own personal growth, and I must admit that this was the most challenging assignment of all. But understand, this business of personal development lasts a lifetime.

Related:Rohn: The 3 Parts of Personal Development

You see, what you become is far more important than what you get. The important question to ask on the job is not, What am I getting? Instead, you should ask, What am I becoming? Getting and becoming are so closely intertwinedwhat you become directly influences what you get. Think of it this way: Most of what you have today you have attracted by becoming the person you are right now.

I've also found that income rarely exceeds personal development. Sometimes income takes a lucky jump, but unless you learn to handle the responsibilities that come with it, it will usually shrink back to the amount you can handle. If someone hands you a million dollars, you'd better hurry up and become a millionaire. A very rich man once said, "If you took all the money in the world and divided it equally among everybody, it would soon be back in the same pockets it was before."

It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development. So here's the great axiom of life:

To have more than you've got, become more than you are.

This is where you should focus most of your attention. Otherwise, you just might have to contend with the axiom of not changing, which is:

Unless you change how you are, you'll always have what you've got.

Related:Rohn: 13 Ways to Improve Your Life

Excerpt from:
Why Personal Development Is Critical to Success | SUCCESS

Written by admin

October 18th, 2017 at 3:10 am

Personal Development –

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Integrated personal development [edit]integrated personal development - a modern alternative to traditional training for individuals and organizational development

Modern personal development is more than skills training. It offers useful alternative methods compared to coaching and mentoring too. Effective modern personal development now involves various integrated techniques, theories and behavioural concepts, that extend options around traditional ideas. This article provides examples of modern methods of developing people - enabling real personal growth and change - for individuals and organizations.

Optimising individual performance through progressive personal development significantly improves business performance too.

This example of an integrated approach to personal development is based on the work of UK-based psychotherapist Pam Weight, whose contribution of this free article is gratefully acknowledged.

Pam Weight's modern approach to personal and professional development is born out of the study of these contemporary models, which are explained in more detail later in this article:

The personal development process enables individuals to achieve critical personal changes, specifically to:

(In this context, 'congruency' means behaving and feeling naturally and comfortably - ie, true to oneself.)

The integrated personal development approach is highly beneficial for most people.

It is however particularly effective for people who have experienced little or no benefit from conventional training, especially where progress is blocked by issues raised in the training process.

Integrated personal development is also particularly helpful where one-to-one coaching or mentoring has had limited benefit, or has prompted surprising reactions.

Equally, those who want to develop themselves in some way, but cannot identify a particular direction, will also benefit from this sort of modern integrated personal development.

Modern personal development differs from conventional training methods, most importantly:

These fundamentals are rarely found in traditional skills training or coaching. The principles underpin the process of effective personal development.

Modern personal development tends to achieve results because:

These factors are not commonly present in traditional skills training or one-to-one coaching, and as such provide a useful alternative if traditional methods have not been effective.

Many situations benefit from the improvements arising from effective personal development, for example:

Traditional training can of course produce good results in these areas, however, some people require more focus onpersonal issues, which can be difficult for some types of traditional training to address.

Human development includes the 'nature and nurture' elements that determine who we are and how we behave. Human development is a lifelong process beginning with 'nature'. Our 'nature' elements are everything we bring into this world: from our genetic make-up, our conception, up until our birth. After we are born, the 'nurture' process begins; namely every influence we encounter that affects us: our environmental influences and behavioural conditioning by others. We are each also subject to a slow continuous forming process; a sequence of stages through which we each pass in the same order, over a number of years.

Throughout these stages other developments occur: brain development; motor development; cognitive development; social development and development of self concept and basic trust. In addition, and importantly, our emotional development.

The influence of these human development factors on people, and their response to change, is considerable.

Humanistic theories focus on our inner capacity for growth and self-fulfillment; with the emphasis on human potential. The early theorists referred to humans as being 'set up' or 'pre-programmed' for growth and fulfillment, unless thwarted by an environment that restricts growth.

From a humanistic perspective, a positive self-concept is the key to personal happiness and success in life. Moreover,acceptanceandempathyhelp us to nurture positive feelings about ourselves, and that consequently we develop the capacity to extend and apply positive feelings to others. Overall, a humanistic perspective purports that people are basically good, and capable of self improvement.

(See alsoMcGregor's XY Theory, which includes aspects of humanistic thinking, and usefully positions them in the context of corporate organizations, management, motivational development, etc.)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a model of human experience and communication. It has also been referred to as a study of subjective experience and human excellence. Importance is placed on rapport: mutual trust and responsiveness. Rapport can be applied to your relationship with yourself and your relationship with others.

NLP states that the greater the mental, physical and emotional rapport with yourself, the greater your health, well-being and inner peace. As a result, the greater your ability to relate to and influence others. Other pivotal aspects are:

See also the detailed free introductory guide toNeuro-Linguistic Programming.

Energy Psychology is the collective term for a range of approaches focusing on the interconnectedness of mind and body. A principle of Energy Psychology is that psychological and physical problems can be treated through the body's meridian system and other bodily systems. Some of the approaches have their roots in traditional Chinese medicine energy healing, such as acupuncture.

From an Energy Psychology perspective; if the energy or meridian system balance is upset and left unchecked, there will be a physical manifestation. If there is a disturbance in the system, there will be impairment in thinking, and physical health. Clear the disturbance, and the body can do what it is meant to do - repair and/or heal itself, creating harmony and balance.

By carefully integrating and applying the behavioural models explained above, Pam Weight has developed a truly progressive and effective system of personal development. The approach is in tune with the needs of people living and working in the modern age, and provides a useful alternative to traditional training, coaching and mentoring practices.

Effective personal development must value the person's individual journey; acknowledge the person's learning from experiences; offer the opportunity for the person to update their system; and free the individual to consider their current capabilities and how and where to apply them. Truly effective personal development must be tailored for the individual, and be flexible and realistic, producing real and sustainable results, the basis of which must always be improved balance, less stress and more control.

Pam Weight is a psychotherapist with special interest in health and wellness, based in Nuneaton, Warwickshire.

The contribution of this article by Pam Weight is gratefully acknowledged.

Pam Weight's website, including contact information and services details, is

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Personal Development -

Written by admin

October 18th, 2017 at 3:10 am

20 Best Personal Development and Self-Help Books

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Personal development is such a nebulous topic. In reality every single book on this (now 200+ title) list is a great personal development book.

For the sake of this list, my choices for this section all revolve around books that are more about igniting passion and giving ideas rather than a step-by-step action plan. This list includes, the grandfathers of all self help books, and it also has some of the modern masters of inspiration, education and self-empowerment.

These books all DO have actionable steps to take, you will learn things, but I feel that their true purpose is as inspiration and motivation.

Any avid reader of self-help books will recognize Jack Canfield. Creator of the popular motivational Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Jack has been inspiring people for years. In Success Principles, Jack gives 65 methods for transforming your life. If you are looking for a single self-help book that gives you a ton of great ideas on how to improve your life and your success, this would be the one.

However, die-hard personal development fans may find some of these ideas to be rehashed versions of ideas they have heard before, not fresh new ideas. The principles are repeated here due to the simple fact that they work! Even if you know all 65 principles before buying the book, I believe it can be an excellent refresher on things you need to do to achieve the success you desire.

It could be very easy to think that a book about achieving success written 80 years ago and based on the success principles of men like Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford would be stale and out of date, like a dry history lesson. This simply is not true. While there are admittedly parts where you have to substitute modern methods of execution for old fashioned counterparts, the basic principles themselves are based on human nature and just as true today as they were 80 years ago.

This book is a classic and for good reason. Over the past 80 years many successful people have read this book and gained from it knowledge and insight that have helped them to achieve their own success. When a self-improvement book sticks around for as long as this one has, there has to be a reason for its longevity and success.

Most people who achieve any degree of success will tell you that attitude is a big part of the success equation. Positive thinking will not magically make success happen, as this books successor The Secret, would have you believe, but positive thinking can put you into position to make the most of it when it happens. So skip the Secret and go write to the first (and best) book on getting your mind right for success.

One slight negative is that many people complain because of some of the religious overtones of the book. While Dr. Peale is clearly a faithful Christian, I believe this book has merit for you regardless of personal faith. Just listen to the good advice.

Note: some of you may like The Secret. I mean no offense to you in this review. The positivity aspect of the book is fine, I simply have a problem with the idea that the universe will deliver success. I believe the only way you get success is to go out and work for it. Lets agree to disagree.

Outliers takes a scientific look at what it actually takes to achieve success. Unlike some of the other books on this list, it does not give a specific list of the things you need to do to achieve success. It looks at very interesting anecdotes that support the main point of the book, that success is not achieved by luck, attitude or even skill, but that the only real measurement is the time we put into our skills. People who achieve higher degrees of success almost always have more time building the skills they use for their success.

This book is quite interesting with some really good stories and anecdotes. It is an enjoyable read.

I am not by nature an organized person. Due to this fact I would say that reading GTD for the first time was a life changing experience. Allen gives solid advice on how to plan all the aspects of a hectic life (both business and personal).

This book comes with a solution to all the chaos life throws your way. It can help you stay organized and on top of everything. I do not currently follow all the tenants of GTD. I have incorporated a more web based approach as I discuss in my book on Evernote. But I still feel Getting Things Done is a must read, even if you discard his specific approaches, the core ideas will still shed light on many ways to be more productive.

Everyone thinks time is the enemy. I cant count how many times I have heard, I dont have time for that or I wish I had the time. The central idea of this book is that people have it backwards. Loehr and Schwartz state that energy is the key, not time.

Success is about creating a series of life-sprints not a marathon. By laser focusing on tasks, then completely resting, you actually can get a lot more done in less time and live a happier and more fulfilling life at the same time. This book makes some excellent points. The next time you hear yourself saying, I dont have time to do something important, you should reach for a copy of this book. Unless you dont have time for that then I cant help you.

Just like the previous entry, Think and Grow Rich Carnegies book is another classic from the 1930s that still packs a ton of truth bombs in its nearly 90 year old pages. While T&GR was about the principles of success, Carnegie discusses the personal habits that lead to success. Included are: the twelve ways to convert people to your way of thinking, six ways to make people like you, and the nine ways to change peoples opinions without arousing resentment.

Regardless of what you intend to do with your life, other people will always be there. Carnegie gives you the tools to effectively recruit others to your cause, rather than have them potentially be obstacles. A must read classic on dealing with other people.

I have to admit, I have a few mixed feeling on Tim Ferris in general. On one hand, lets face it, the guy is a bit of jerk. Additionally while there is some great information, it might not pertain much to people who just want more from their 9-5 lifestyle, and are not really into the idea of a digital lifestyle.

On the other hand, however, this book does an excellent job of challenging people to rethink the status quo and evaluate how to make the most of their time. Time does an great job of explaining how to make the most of the digital lifestyle, how to get started with this business and does it all with a fierce energy that will get you motivated.

If the idea of making a living online appeals, this book should be a must read, and is likely already on your bookshelf. If you are just looking for tidbits to develop your personal productivity, attitude or health, this might be a book you can miss.

Crush It! has a few problems these days. Mainly is that the core idea of the book, fresh and new when it was first released, has become a bit dated. Most people have come to understand the revolutionary power of Social Media and the effect this can have on any and every single business.

However, a good portion of this book is also about following your dreams and turning your passion in a career. While this book no longer imparts what I would call new information, it is still extremely motivational. Gary Vaynerchuk has an incredible amount of energy and reading what he has to say is sure to get you motivated to get out and conquer the world.

Let Go! is Pat Flynns inspiring story. If you do not know Pat, he is a normal guy, trained as an architect who began to work as an online entrepreneur when the architect business got rough. In this inspiring story Pat shares the challenges he faced and the keys to his success.

Much like Crush It the value of the specific lessons are of less value than the inspiration it can give you to achieve success. If you want specifics for achieving success through Pats methodology his podcasts and website are chocked full of actionable information.

Yes, thats me. I wont give any qualitative review of this book, since I am biased. But I do think it is a good one.

Habit stacking is based on a method to incorporate small habits into daily life. These small habits are easy individually, but are often the sort of things that fall through the cracks in a hectic life.

Habit stacking makes it possible when you add DOZENS of small changes to your daily routine. Rather than trying to make dozens of individual habits part of your routine (something next to impossible) you only have to work to incorporate each stack.

By doing these small tasks in a block you can plan for the time to act on these tasks in your daily schedule and stick firm to implementing these habits on a daily basis.

These habits dont require much effort. In fact, most of these habits ONLY take five minutes or less to complete. by doing these small tasks in a block you can plan for the time to act on these tasks in your daily schedule and stick firm to implementing these habits on a daily basis.

The climate of business and personal success is changing. The times when going to college, working a job for 40 years and retiring a success are evaporating before our eyes. Altucher shows a path to creating art, make money and achieve success through non-traditional methods.

Altuchers sense of humor and brutal honesty make this book a great read. He doesnt pull any punches even sharing many of his personal failures as well as successes.

Choose yourself. Choose this book.

This is another book I struggled with the decision of whether to place on this list. On one hand Robbins has always seemed to me to be as much of a salesman of change as he is someone with fresh ideas. However, there is no denying that this book covers some important ground while still being inspirational.

Robbins point with this book is to take charge of your life in all the important ways: emotional, physical, mental and financial. All of these important parts dovetail together and work with each other for you to achieve greater success. Only when you are at the peak of performance in all categories can you truly be your best self.

Have you ever felt on the top of your game? Answers and ideas flow freely. You feel energized and alert. You feel happy and content. You are in control. This is a state Dr. Csikszentmihaly refers to as flow

The flow state happens to everyone from time to time, but it can be engineered to happen more frequently and when it does the happiness, content and satisfaction it brings can have a lasting halo effect on our lives. Part science and part philosophy this book does an exceptional job of relating to us not only how to get more done, but how to live happier and fuller lives due to having an understanding of the Flow.

This book is great at what it is, a summary of all the current thinking in the realm of peak performance. While not groundbreaking, it digests hundreds of self-help and personal development books and relays the important pieces succinctly and clearly. A wonderful book that will save you time and money giving you the highlights of the best modern thinking on the subject of improving your personal performance in all aspects of life.

One of the keys to success in life is self-motivation. Most people will perform when they have to at work or at home. Self-motivation means going that extra mile and not needing the external commitments to get things done. When you can become self-motivated, achievement will follow as surely as the sun rises in the east.

But self-motivation is not something that is always as easy as it might sound. Deci showcases all the current science on the subject of motivation and explains the hows and whys in simple to understand terms. You likely have ideas of what motivates you already, but reading this book will give you a clean and clear understanding of your motivation.

Being an introvert I kept saying. Thats right and So True constantly while reading this book. Another book on this list, How to Win Friends and Influence People does a great job of showcasing the importance of being a people person and how this can lead to success. However, this advice introverts (myself included) have a hard time following. Being the loudest and driving your ideas home to others does not necessarily make your ideas the best.

Susan Cain has a book that can make any introvert proud of their nature. She shows ways many introverts have achieved high levels of success, even in people person positions of authority. This is an important read for introverts to understand why we act the way we do and an important book for extroverts to help them understand the remaining 1/3 of the population.

This is a personal development book for a fairly narrow niche. These days many tasks can be outsourced and delegated, specifically if you have your own business or side hustle. Trying to do everything yourself is not a growth mindset. This book lays out clear paths to outsourcing significant amount of work in a methodical manner.

If you have no need for outsourcing this book is not for you. However if you have ever thought about the possibilities of outsourcing mundane tasks, then this book should be a must read.

Why do people say yes? Why do they buy things? Dr. Cialdinis classic book shows the science behind why people are persuaded.

This book will help you understand the importance of social proof, scarcity, authority, reciprocation and more on others and how it can help you to get the important yes or purchase in your business or at work. Peoples decisions are often not made by a rational argument and well laid out plans. It is important to truly understand why people really choose the way they do.

Procrastination is a problem that plagues many people. I might even be bold enough to say that MOST people suffer from procrastination from time to time. It is human nature.

However, there are good scientific reasons why people procrastinate and just as many good science backed methods to overcome procrastination. Dr. Neil Fiore gives an exhaustive overview of why we procrastinate and what we can do about overcoming procrastination.

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20 Best Personal Development and Self-Help Books

Written by admin

October 18th, 2017 at 3:10 am

Personal Development | Free Online Courses … – Class Central

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Personal Development | Free Online Courses ... - Class Central

Written by admin

October 18th, 2017 at 3:10 am

Personal Development Courses, Classes and Training Programs

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Career Planning Course

This course enables students to understand valuable decision-making tools which aid long-term life and career planning. Emphasis is placed on recognizing skills, ideals and interests as well as navigating job markets and utilizing job search methods. Students are encouraged to develop multi-faceted and alternate career plans in order to prepare for uncertainties and changing employment conditions.

Here students gain a better understanding of their educational strengths and weaknesses in order to more aptly prepare an outlined college path for themselves. Through research and discussion, students outline a personalized method for selecting a college major. They then make commitments and implement strategies to help them achieve their educational goals.

For those who are habitually late, feel repeatedly overbooked or put off assignments until the last possible opportunity, this course investigates contributing factors to procrastination and schedule management issues, providing various strategies to more efficiently manage time and tasks. Students will learn from lessons and then implement their own unique time management plans.

Whether with college course selection, determining potential internship opportunities or other vital career-sensitive choices, the decision-making process can be extremely stressful and time-consuming. This course outlines models and tools that aid in analyzing decision positives and negatives, potential outcomes and various alternative options should the most desired outcomes become unavailable.

Here students investigate a variety of communication styles and attempt to determine their own communication tendencies. Emphasis is on the benefits of being assertive as opposed to simply passive or overly aggressive. Students strive to achieve a balance between successfully making their own points and listening to the points of others.

Continued here:
Personal Development Courses, Classes and Training Programs

Written by grays

October 18th, 2017 at 3:10 am


Posted: October 15, 2017 at 5:51 pm

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Imagine rummaging through the attic and coming across an old, wooden chest. Not recognizing it, you pry open the heavy lid. After clouds of dust scatter, you peer into the chest. Youre puzzled by what you see: seeds. Thousands and thousands of seeds of every imaginable type. Some smaller than a grain of sand, Continue reading Thoughts about Our Thoughts and Our Subconscious

Have you ever asked yourself this question: Does my body respond to stress the same way it responds to excitement or to happiness? Heres your chance to learn a bit more about this subject. Lets begin with some facts about stress: There is good stress, otherwise known as eustress ( and there is bad stress, Continue reading Are the Effects of Excitement and Stress Similar?

Its a hunger that needs to be satisfied. Its in all of us. We have a need to make something out of our lives. To be recognized for something positive. And when we dont reach our desired goals, we feel like a failure, cheated, unworthy. We question our own self-worth. It can leave us despondent. Continue reading Its the Little Things that Matter

its what you do with what youve got. (Leroy Van Dyke) What is it that we all want? Isnt it success and happiness? So, its no surprise that a reader in Iran is interested in success. Arash (not his real name) is a 35-year-old married carpenter who wants to become extremely successful. That is, Continue reading The Success Toolbox The first step is to understand what is required for success

The headlines troubled us all. A suicide bomber blows himself up killing 22 individuals at a rock concert in Manchester, England. Many were young children not to mention injuring countless others. And we ask why? We scratch our heads and we struggle to find answers. Just what makes this terrorist and others like him think Continue reading Terror Attacks

Live by Intuition and InspirationAnd Let Your Whole Life Be Revelation.(Eileen Caddy) Todays article is prompted by a 44-year-old Egyptian computer professional (Lead Technical Applications Engineer), working in Qatar, where he is joined by his wife and three children. Our reader asked me to write about intuition. As I havent written about this important subject Continue reading Live by Intuition and Inspiration

Provocative statement? This article is not about the pros and cons of positive thinkingits about correct and logical thinking. If youre interested in learning the pros and cons of the process of thinking, however, youre in the right place. Everyone knows that positive thinking is beneficial for many different reasons. Theres no doubt about that. Continue reading When Negative Thinking Is Positive

I dont mean to be grim or morbid, but todays subject is deadly serious. Imagine being in a graveyard, examining a gravestone. Despite being covered with moss, you can read the inscription. It says, Procrastination is the grave where your dreams, aspirations, and hopes lie. Is that where you want you dreams to end up? Continue reading Dont put off Until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday

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Written by grays

October 15th, 2017 at 5:51 pm

Personal Development Resources –

Posted: at 5:51 pm

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Integrated personal development [edit]integrated personal development - a modern alternative to traditional training for individuals and organizational development

Modern personal development is more than skills training. It offers useful alternative methods compared to coaching and mentoring too. Effective modern personal development now involves various integrated techniques, theories and behavioural concepts, that extend options around traditional ideas. This article provides examples of modern methods of developing people - enabling real personal growth and change - for individuals and organizations.

Optimising individual performance through progressive personal development significantly improves business performance too.

This example of an integrated approach to personal development is based on the work of UK-based psychotherapist Pam Weight, whose contribution of this free article is gratefully acknowledged.

Pam Weight's modern approach to personal and professional development is born out of the study of these contemporary models, which are explained in more detail later in this article:

The personal development process enables individuals to achieve critical personal changes, specifically to:

(In this context, 'congruency' means behaving and feeling naturally and comfortably - ie, true to oneself.)

The integrated personal development approach is highly beneficial for most people.

It is however particularly effective for people who have experienced little or no benefit from conventional training, especially where progress is blocked by issues raised in the training process.

Integrated personal development is also particularly helpful where one-to-one coaching or mentoring has had limited benefit, or has prompted surprising reactions.

Equally, those who want to develop themselves in some way, but cannot identify a particular direction, will also benefit from this sort of modern integrated personal development.

Modern personal development differs from conventional training methods, most importantly:

These fundamentals are rarely found in traditional skills training or coaching. The principles underpin the process of effective personal development.

Modern personal development tends to achieve results because:

These factors are not commonly present in traditional skills training or one-to-one coaching, and as such provide a useful alternative if traditional methods have not been effective.

Many situations benefit from the improvements arising from effective personal development, for example:

Traditional training can of course produce good results in these areas, however, some people require more focus onpersonal issues, which can be difficult for some types of traditional training to address.

Human development includes the 'nature and nurture' elements that determine who we are and how we behave. Human development is a lifelong process beginning with 'nature'. Our 'nature' elements are everything we bring into this world: from our genetic make-up, our conception, up until our birth. After we are born, the 'nurture' process begins; namely every influence we encounter that affects us: our environmental influences and behavioural conditioning by others. We are each also subject to a slow continuous forming process; a sequence of stages through which we each pass in the same order, over a number of years.

Throughout these stages other developments occur: brain development; motor development; cognitive development; social development and development of self concept and basic trust. In addition, and importantly, our emotional development.

The influence of these human development factors on people, and their response to change, is considerable.

Humanistic theories focus on our inner capacity for growth and self-fulfillment; with the emphasis on human potential. The early theorists referred to humans as being 'set up' or 'pre-programmed' for growth and fulfillment, unless thwarted by an environment that restricts growth.

From a humanistic perspective, a positive self-concept is the key to personal happiness and success in life. Moreover,acceptanceandempathyhelp us to nurture positive feelings about ourselves, and that consequently we develop the capacity to extend and apply positive feelings to others. Overall, a humanistic perspective purports that people are basically good, and capable of self improvement.

(See alsoMcGregor's XY Theory, which includes aspects of humanistic thinking, and usefully positions them in the context of corporate organizations, management, motivational development, etc.)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a model of human experience and communication. It has also been referred to as a study of subjective experience and human excellence. Importance is placed on rapport: mutual trust and responsiveness. Rapport can be applied to your relationship with yourself and your relationship with others.

NLP states that the greater the mental, physical and emotional rapport with yourself, the greater your health, well-being and inner peace. As a result, the greater your ability to relate to and influence others. Other pivotal aspects are:

See also the detailed free introductory guide toNeuro-Linguistic Programming.

Energy Psychology is the collective term for a range of approaches focusing on the interconnectedness of mind and body. A principle of Energy Psychology is that psychological and physical problems can be treated through the body's meridian system and other bodily systems. Some of the approaches have their roots in traditional Chinese medicine energy healing, such as acupuncture.

From an Energy Psychology perspective; if the energy or meridian system balance is upset and left unchecked, there will be a physical manifestation. If there is a disturbance in the system, there will be impairment in thinking, and physical health. Clear the disturbance, and the body can do what it is meant to do - repair and/or heal itself, creating harmony and balance.

By carefully integrating and applying the behavioural models explained above, Pam Weight has developed a truly progressive and effective system of personal development. The approach is in tune with the needs of people living and working in the modern age, and provides a useful alternative to traditional training, coaching and mentoring practices.

Effective personal development must value the person's individual journey; acknowledge the person's learning from experiences; offer the opportunity for the person to update their system; and free the individual to consider their current capabilities and how and where to apply them. Truly effective personal development must be tailored for the individual, and be flexible and realistic, producing real and sustainable results, the basis of which must always be improved balance, less stress and more control.

Pam Weight is a psychotherapist with special interest in health and wellness, based in Nuneaton, Warwickshire.

The contribution of this article by Pam Weight is gratefully acknowledged.

Pam Weight's website, including contact information and services details, is

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Personal Development Resources -

Written by admin

October 15th, 2017 at 5:51 pm

Former Mombasa Senator resigns from Wiper Party – Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

Posted: September 7, 2017 at 5:48 pm

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Former Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar Hassan has resigned as Wiper Democratic Movement Party Secretary General for reasons he termed as personal.

In a letter to the WIPER Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka, Omar says he had shared with both Musyoka and NASA flag bearer Raila Odinga before the August 8 elections, that he would not wish to serve in their government had they won if he failed to win the gubernatorial contest against Governor Ali Hassan Joho for the Mombasa seat.

Omar further says he will not participate in the NASA campaigns in the repeat Presidential poll scheduled in October.

Circumstances as pertains to the steps I wish to take to seek electoral justices indeed as was your quest in the Supreme Court as NASA, the reorganization of my politics and my endeavors towards scholarship, personal development and repositioning the discourse for social justice and accountability in Mombasa and the coast region through non-state actors makes my position as Secretary General General untenable, he said.

When contacted, WIPER party Chairman Mutula Kilonzo Junior said although Omars resignation was not surprising it is a big blow to the party. He however regrets that NASA mishandled the rivalry in the coalition.

In the last general election Omar contested against the incumbent Ali Hassan Joho for the Mombasa gubernatorial seat where he came out a distant third with 43,790 votes against Johos 221,363. Suleiman Shahbal of Jubilee party came a distant second with 69 429 votes.

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Former Mombasa Senator resigns from Wiper Party - Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

Written by simmons

September 7th, 2017 at 5:48 pm

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