Archive for the ‘Personal Development’ Category
Maximise Potential by Shyam Ramanathan Get the Most out of yourself – Thrive Global
Posted: November 23, 2019 at 7:49 am
I have written a book titled Maximise Potential which has everything I have learned on leadership, management, success, happiness, personal development, life, time management and few book reviews. You can download it for free here. Maximise Potential. It is a collection in one place of all the blog posts across topics over the last few years. Below is one of the chapters on goals.
The first step to understand about success is that it is not a destination but a wonderful journey that never ends. The best definition of success I have come across is by Earl Nightingale Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal/goal. It is the process thats actually exciting. Most of the times once we reach goals like getting the promotion or losing the weight we cant keep up momentum but it is the process that actually keeps us energized. Once we achieve our goals we feel good for that moment but in order to keep that feeling ongoing we need to keep setting new goals. The important thing to remember is that goal setting is a lifelong activity and it does energize our lives. People talk a lot about dreams but there has to be a distinction between outrageous dreams and dreams that ignite. I can have a dream to be the greatest tennis player that ever lived but that dream is surely not going to be realized and it is very much outrageous. I think when we speak about dreams the first step we should clarify is whether it is aligned with our abilities and has a timeline associated with it. Running a marathon could be a worthwhile dream for me and something within my capability though it would require tons of training and will be a BIG stretch for me.
Jim Collins coined the term BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) in his blockbuster book Built to Last 20 years back and he said a lot of the visionary companies set BHAGs that energized the organization. I think goals for personal life can do the same for us energizing our lives and increase passion. The starting point of the success journey is to craft a personal mission statement and back that up with a powerful vision supported by purposeful action.The best example of a BHAG is this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earthby John F Kennedy. He made that statement on May 25th1961 and it was still a valid BHAG even after his untimely death. It is over 50 years old but the beauty lies in its simplicity and clarity. BHAGs cannot be vague..This just goes to show the power of a BHAG. It doesnt matter what the BHAG is but that you have a BHAG. There is also a lot of merit in having a personal mission statement. My personal mission statement is to maximize my potential and help others maximize theirs. The action I take towards this mission is to read continuously on leadership, management, business and then share insights on what I have learned through blogs. This gets me excited to read books that are tough and that I may not read normally. Another thing that is important to set is have a core set of values that you can live by. Values could be dedication, integrity, honesty, passion,.Again writing down a personal mission statement and clarifying our values will surely add purpose to our lives.
It is important to remember that goals are not resolutions. Once a new year starts most people start setting resolutions like Iam going to stop eating sugar, Iam going to lose weight, etc. Personally I dont set resolutions as I feel having goals with a burning desire is more effective. Research has proven that most people break their resolutions within a month of setting it. This is because we keep mentioning the things we wont do rather than the benefits it would provide. A better resolution could be I want to be super fit so that I can be at my best all day long and feel energized throughout ultimately leading to a longer life full of energy, contribution and happiness. As you can see this is a much more energizing message and probably can help us be on track more than resolutions. Finally with respect to maintaining our proper weight it is useful to remember that there is no quick fix. It is only daily action performed consistently over a long period of time that will produce desirable results. We have to be in it for the long haul.
Finally goals have to be in writing. As it is mentioned often Goals not written down are merely wishes. A wish is a goal without any energy. As Harvey Mackay says A goal is a dream with adeadline. Setting short term goals in bursts of 90 days really sets our life on track. Backing that up with long term goals like 5 years from now and 10 years from now will set us on the path towards the journey of success with the purpose and vision required to keep us spirited throughout. I have read that all top achievers write their goals down, read/review their goals on a daily/weekly basis so that it is always in the front and center of their lives. There are two theories on sharing goals. One says that keep your goals confidential and another says sharing them will put the necessary pressure to complete them. I think financial goals, personal goals related to family should be confidential but if you have goals like I want to exercise 5 times a week it may be best to make that public in which case it puts more onus on you to follow through. The example of Thomas Edison is often sighted where he would call a press conference to talk about his new invention/innovative breakthrough long before it was ready and then go to work to make that a reality..This puts pressure on him to deliver and he did deliver BIG TIME indeed.
We can feel satisfied once we reach our goals but the only way we can truly stay happy/excited is to keep setting more goals that stretch us and the process of setting goals and proceeding on the journey of success provides the real meaning to life. Finally we will encounter problems along the way on our journey. The way to overcome that is to go back to our mission, vision and values. Another trick I came across recently is to ask the10/10/10 question. Will this matter 10 minutes from now, Will this matter 10 months from now, Will this matter 10 years from now? This really clarifies what is truly important to us. Think BIG, Burn your boats, Set BHAGS, take action and go forward confidently in the direction of your dreams. I wish you a fun filled, happy, excitinggoal oriented success journey that never ends.
Thanks for reading this post. Here is the link and you can download it for free here. Maximise Potential. I would love to hear your feedback.
The views expressed here are my own and do not represent my organization.
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Maximise Potential by Shyam Ramanathan Get the Most out of yourself - Thrive Global
NBA legend Magic Johnson shares tips on how to be a great leader – Yahoo Finance
Posted: at 7:49 am
Magic Johnson has long been viewed by many as a top leader on and off the basketball court.
So its no surprise he was able to easily answer a question from baseball legend Alex Rodriguez at the29th Annual Achilles Gala this weekon what makes him a great leader. Johnson said listening to others and surrounding himself with smart people have been key to his personal development post a storied NBA career, which saw him rack up five championships as a member of the Los Angeles Lakers. He added that staying active in communities as a way to keep learning and evolving has also proven important.
Johnson credited learning a lot in terms of business from former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz (Johnson once opened and operated Starbucks stores, after receiving the go ahead from Schultz) and fellow Los Angeles Dodgers owner, Guggenheim CEO Mark Walter.
Magic Johnson poses in the press room with the lifetime achievement award at the NBA Awards on Monday, June 24, 2019, at the Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, Calif. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP)
The Hall of Famer has enjoyed a successful second act as a highly regarded entrepreneur in large part by putting his leaderships skills into practice.
Johnson is the founder and CEO of Magic Johnson Enterprises (MJE). With an estimated valuation of $1 billion, MJE has invested in restaurants, entertainment venues and infrastructure projects. Johnson is also a part owner, through MJE, of the Dodgers.
Johnsons net worth is estimated to be around $600 million.
Although Johnson is a great leader, even the best could make a mistake or two.He regrets not taking Nike stockwhen Nike co-founder Phil Knight offered it to him.
Brian Sozzi is an editor-at-large and co-anchor of The First Trade at Yahoo Finance. Follow him on Twitter @BrianSozzi
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NBA legend Magic Johnson shares tips on how to be a great leader - Yahoo Finance
How to Accept Feedback Rather Than Letting it Break You – Thrive Global
Posted: at 7:49 am
It used to be that when my husband or a friend would mention any way that I could improve (no matter how small), I would get offended or defensive.
Seriously. I couldnt take criticism, no matter how nicely it was delivered.
I felt like it was a blow to my ego. A knife to my heart. Like salt in my wounds.
Simple comments like, Mom, where are my socks? or Honey, can you please get your hair cut, it just looks better short. or Hey, could you not laugh so loud? were all things that I took personally.
Somehow I interpreted these things as Mom, you just arent very good at doing laundry. or Im just not attractive if I dont do my hair the way HE likes. Or If my laugh offends you that much, maybe we just shouldnt hang out anymore.
For years I felt like a victim to every single little thing people would say about me. I was never good enough. Never smart enough. Too loud. Too quiet. Not happy enough, etc.
Everything was always either someone elses fault, or something that I would get offended about.
All of that changed when I learned one simple truth:
What we believe about ourselves is always going to be mirrored back to us by the people and things in our lives.
Thus when others give us feedback or constructive criticism, we interpret it in a way that mirrors back to us what we truly believe about ourselves.
I found that the common denominator sabotaging all of my relationships was ME. My lack of self-love and belief in who I was capable of being, were literally making me act like a crazy person.
Id yell, fight back, or clam up and cease to converse with loved ones BECAUSE I didnt feel good about myself.
Id claim they were lying OR beat myself up internally about what they said, because it revealed to me the lack that I believed was there.
Id blame them for my lack of love and confidence.
However, I have learned that self-love and confidence are not things that only a few select souls are born with.
No, they are skills that we can and should cultivate!
Each of us are born into this world with loads of love and confidence. We love the skin we are in and feel joy to be alive.
Somewhere along the way we lose that acceptance of ourselves and get caught in the comparison trap.
We look at others and see all their impressive characteristics and abilities and forget that we too have someone amazing inside of us.
Our inner beauty begins to dim as we hide behind masks of who we think we should be in order to fit in. We accept the labels given to us from teachers, parents, religions and society. We learn that we are not good enough.
Somehow it is okay for us to feel those labels and get down about ourselves, but when someone else gives us those labels or suggests a better way to be, our ego gets mad. It fights back and wants to prove that person wrong.
It only does that however, when we secretly and subconsciously believe what that person is saying to us (or what we interpret they are saying).
After years of developing my self-love and learning how to be confident again, I have noticed that rather than getting offended by what others say or think about me, I now seek out their opinions.
I want to learn how to become better. I ask them for advice on how I can improve. I see that their comments were never meant to hurt me, but to help me. I use their opinions and suggestions to grow and blossom into who I was born to be. Instead of seeing their words as daggers to my heart, I accept them (or reject them without offense) as something to use for my personal development.
Just as any good college professor will give you edits to make a paper become even better, often our friends, family, and colleagues are simply trying to help us out. They are mirroring to us the potential that we have and what we truly believe about ourselves.
Lets learn to welcome their advice and use it to help us grow! It makes life so much better when we do.
Love and accept who you are and the feedback you receive will be helpful rather than hurtful.
Original post:
How to Accept Feedback Rather Than Letting it Break You - Thrive Global
Barbara Cox Woman of the Year Award 2020 nominations open – AM
Posted: at 7:49 am
Cox Automotive is inviting nominations for the Barbara Cox Woman of the Year Award 2020 as part of its efforts to shine a light on successful women working across the sector.
JCT600s head of commercial vehicles, Beryl Carney, received the 2019 award in recognition of her exceptional leadership skills demonstrated through the design and delivery of a highly successful business strategy which succeeded in transforming the fortunes of the AM100 groups Volkswagen van centres.
Now in its second year, the award has once again been launched in partnership with AM and its sister title Fleet News to recognise a woman that demonstrates a commitment to innovation, leadership or community.
Alison Fisher, chief people officer at Cox Automotive, said: Promoting diversity in our industry is a key part of our commitment to building high-performing teams at Cox Automotive.
"The Barbara Cox Woman of the Year Award will shine a light on successful women that have made a significant impact on the industry, and hopefully inspire others to do the same.
The award is part of our fantastic Women With Drive programme, which offers professional and personal development, peer-to-peer mentoring and networking opportunities for people across the automotive sector.
The award is named for Barbara Cox, the business pioneer who served as director of Cox Enterprises, Cox Automotives parent company in the USA, and will be presented to someone that is an inspiration or role model for women pursuing a career in automotive.
The nomination window will remain open for entries until January 17, 2020, and will be reviewed by a panel of judges that includes Fleet News deputy editor Sarah Tooze, Auto Trader chief operating officer Catherine Faiers, Cox Automotive UK chief executive Martin Forbes, Marshall Motor Group chief executive Daksh Gupta, and last years winner, JCT600s Beryl Carney.
The winner will be announced on March 6, 2020, at a special Women with Drive event to celebrate International Womens Day.
As well as the award, she will receive 5,000 to spend on her own personal development.
Nominations for the Barbara Cox Woman of the Year Award 2020 are invited from across the automotive industry, and should be entered via
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Barbara Cox Woman of the Year Award 2020 nominations open - AM
10 Of The Most Powerful Women In The Avatar Universe | CBR – CBR – Comic Book Resources
Posted: at 7:49 am
Avatar: The Last Airbender and TheLegend of Korra featured a plethora of characters from different walks of life. Most notably, however, was the number of female characters with personal depth and capability. Not all entries will feature benders, yet that hardly stops them from entering the fray with their elemental sisters.
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Elsewhere, these women demonstrate their wisdom and strategic intelligence in situations that do not require brute force. Although each female character has merits of their own, it is nevertheless in the following list that a few of them will be included. So, here are 10 of the Most Powerful Women in the Avatar Universe.
Sure, most of the viewers know Zhu Li in association with Varrick, but lets face it, he would have been utterly lost without her. Zhu Li was neither one to shy away from the most difficult of tasks, either - having had to build a war machine, fly a glider, and even spy on Kuvira.
Furthermore, Zhu Li used her status as a minor threat to catch her off guard, until finally retaliating against Kuvira with a Mecha-suit. Sidekick or not, it is inevitably Zhu Lis actions that defined her as a hero.
Immediately upon meeting Mai, it was apparent that she was not going to settle for a sedentary life as the daughter of a governor. Her decision to take on Azulas mission revealed her advanced marksmanship with throwing blades, as well as her capability of going toe to toe with benders like Katara.
RELATED: Avatar: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About Ba Sing Se
Mai inevitably defies Azula, though, no longer willing to bend to the princesss whims. Though indifferent on the surface, Mai is by no means a spineless lackey paralyzed by fear.
Throughout the episodes of TheLast Airbender, Suki demonstrates a warrior prowess able to fight benders and non-benders alike. Raised on the island of Kyoshi, Suki was the leader of a group of warrior women, who were trained to in stealth and combat to protect the island from invaders.
Suki eventually led some of her warriors to battle against the Fire Nation, and though she was later imprisoned, she managed to escape and even take the warden hostage. Like Zhu Li, Suki always comes through in the end, even when it is hopeless.
After her fathers betrayal, Asami had the burden of keeping Sato Industries afloat amid controversy. Fortunately, she was able to transform the image of her company using her business strategy to guide her.
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Asami has shined elsewhere in her mechanical expertise, her ability to operate various machinery, and in her dominating skill with martial arts. Shes practically the Rosie the Riveter of LOK.
To those who see Ty Lee as a seemingly nave girly girl, it might be then hard to imagine her capable of treachery. Ty Lee's skill as a chi blocker is an incredible asset that allows her to temporarily remove a persons bending.
Regardless, Ty Lee does not come across as a threatening opponentand uses her power mostly out love for her friends. Ty Lee is not loyal to a fault, though, and will turn on even her friend Azula, should the latter threaten her other friends. Reiterating further that love is stronger than fear.
Kuvira may have begun as a minor character in the background of season 3 of LOK, but she soon took center stage in season 4. Her firm commitment to her mission revealed her to be a character defined by her actions, which tends to be a rarity for female characters.
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Instead of being cruel for the sake of cruelty, Kuvira follows an ends justify the means mentality that is entirely set on seeing her vision realized. There is a greater plan to what Kuvira intended for her people, and her dedication to seeing it to the end conveys her daunting strength and willpower.
Unlike a villain that blows hot air, Azula is every bit the cold, calculating antagonist that she is meant to be. The confidence and attitude that Azula exudes are highly compelling to see from a woman in authority, who is not only an advanced bender but a clever political strategist.
Though she was inevitably dethroned, it was following this that viewers saw the underlying pain to her unfeeling personality. In turn, revealing the multiple layers of Azula that define ultimately as a sympathetic villain.
Introducing Toph was certainly a surprising development in TheLast Airbender, and really in mainstream media, overall. Representation of people with varying ability is not nearly as positive as it was with Toph, who became one of the greatest Earthbenders alive, due to her advanced ability to sense as a result of her blindness.
RELATED: Avatar: The 10 Most Powerful Benders
Toph's bending expresses an effortless strength to command ones surrounding, and it was only advanced further when she ushered in an era of metal bending. Toph is by far one of the best characters in the show, offering a genuine example of the impressive capabilities found in Earth bending.
Although Katara came from a culture that saw women either in the role of domestic wife, or healer, in the case of female benders, she nevertheless proves this stereotype wrong. Throughout the show, viewers watched as Katara advanced from beyond frustration to confident control over her water element, which eventually led to taking down even Azula (twice).
Katara was also one of the few to learn blood bending, though, because she recognizes the cruelty in using it, Katara generally abstains from using it. Under these circumstances, then, Katara is actually holding back the full extent of her power.
The feisty young Korra in season one of LOK expressed a determined personality that was set on being the best. The truth, of course, was that Korra had a long road ahead of her that saw the avatar learning about a world that was kept from her for so long. One that would always challenge her resilience to grow as an avatar.
What is most compelling about Korra, though, is perhaps her personal development, as she went from total impulsiveness to wisdom and diligence. Her many accomplishments are in themselves impressive, but it was not without the adversity she confronted and overcame, that allowed her to become such a powerful avatar.
NEXT: The Last Airbender: The Most Powerful Avatars, Ranked
Next Iron Man: Deadliest Armored Villains, Ranked
Tags: avatar the last airbender, Avatar: Legend of Korra
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10 Of The Most Powerful Women In The Avatar Universe | CBR - CBR - Comic Book Resources
Whats new with the Latter-day Saint Children and Youth program? – Deseret News
Posted: at 7:49 am
SALT LAKE CITY Whats new about the new Children and Youth program coming in 2020?
How about a new mobile app, recognition emblems, a new Young Men theme, camp guides, For the Strength of Youth conferences and Primary activities, just to name a few.
Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints presented these and other new aspects of the Children and Youth program in the biggest Face to Face live event yet, broadcast from the Tabernacle at Temple Square on Sunday in 18 languages to more than 140 countries.
Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles hosted the broadcast with Sister Joy D. Jones, Primary general president; Sister Bonnie H. Cordon, Young Women general president; and Brother Stephen W. Owen, Young Men general president.
In a short message to open the event, President Russell M. Nelson asked the youths of the church to set goals to become more like Jesus Christ. The results could be miraculous, he said.
Keep the Savior at the center of your plans. Always ask yourself and prayerfully ask your Father in heaven, what can I do to become more like Jesus Christ? President Nelson said. As you do this each day, miracles will happen.
During the broadcast, church leaders used questions submitted online from members worldwide and short videos to explain key elements. The new program was prepared with love and inspiration to help youths discover and become your best divine self through activities and service, learning and growth, Elder Gong told the audience.
The new program helps you invite God into all aspects of your life, the apostle said.
Viewers were also treated to a special appearance from artist David Archuleta, who performed the 2020 youth theme song and video based on the scripture I Nephi 3:7. Two families and a choir also sang a new Primary song.
Here are some questions and answers that will help readers understand what information was presented in Sundays broadcast. The church has also provided an overview and list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Whats new about the Children and Youth program?
Elder Gong outlined three different aspects of the new program:
First, the new program gives you each other, a worldwide group of awesome peers each seeking to follow our Savior Jesus Christ, Elder Gong said.
Second, the new program brings together your gospel learning, activities and service and personal development as you choose to grow and serve.
And third, the new program helps you invite God into all aspects of your life, individually, in your family, classes, quorums, you will be blessed as you plan and participate, make new friends and have fun.
How will service and activities be different?
The new program will provide activities designed for families, children, young men and women. Young men and women will organize their activities, preferably each week. Leaders have been counseled to support the youth as mentors and guides.
Service and purposeful activities are at the heart of the new program, Elder Gong said.
Young men and women will continue to have camps, including an annual multi-day camp.
Sister Jones said Activity Days will now be called Primary activities and activities for both girls and boys will be held two to four times per month.
The Children and Youth website includes more than 100 activities and service ideas for families, children and youth with more to come. Service ideas can also come from or the JustServe app, Brother Owen said.
What additional details were shared about the new For the Strength of Youth Conferences?
Along with camps, treks and youth conferences, Elder Gong said young men and women can take part in For the Strength of Youth (FSY) conferences, patterned after Especially for Youth (EFY) conferences.
Beginning at age 14, young people will come together for five days in larger groups for classes, devotionals, gospel study, dances, variety shows and many other activities beginning in May 2020.
In years where stakes attend FSY, they will not hold youth conferences or treks. Stake or ward camps are encouraged each year where possible, Brother Owen said.
Young single adults are encouraged to serve as counselors at FSY conferences, Sister Cordon said.
How many goals should young people set and how should they track their growth and personal development?
Elder Gong said children and youth can prayerfully decide how many goals they set and when they want to accomplish them. Children and youth are encouraged to develop new talents, interests and skills as they prepare for missionary service, education, careers and family.
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Young men and women are urged to set at least two goals per year in each area of growth, Sister Cordon said.
Beginning at age 8, Primary children are encouraged to start setting one goal per year in each area of growth, Sister Jones said.
The church will distribute guidebooks to help youths plan and achieve their goals.
Elder Gong introduced the new Gospel Living app that will be available in 2020 for youth to journal, track their progress and access uplifting music, videos, memes and inspirational messages.
What is the Gospel Living mobile app?
According to the churchs list of Frequently Asked Questions, the Gospel Living app has tools for setting goals, making plans, tracking progress, and recording thoughts and impressions. In addition, the app provides inspirational articles, activity and goal ideas, and messaging and sharing among family members, quorums and classes. The app is not necessary for participation in Children and Youth and it is not limited to those who are participating in Children and Youth.
How does a parent help their child or youth get started with personal development?
Parents can start by helping a child or youth identify how he or she wants to grow. They might start by talking about how to seek and receive revelation and pray together for guidance. The resources in the guidebooks and the Gospel Living app can help identify needs and interests, according to the churchs list of Frequently Asked Questions.
For more information, see Children and Youth: An Introductory Guide for Parents and Leaders.
Will the new program include new recognitions and achievements?
Yes. The church leaders introduced viewers to the following emblems:
Youth that reach personal goals and basic gospel expectations can earn two additional emblems before completing time in Aaronic Priesthood quorums or Young Women: a certificate signed by the First Presidency and a Christus in a crystal arch.
The youth Instagram account can now be found at StrivetoBe. Youth can share their experiences on social media using #StrivetoBe.
Please remember, personal gospel growth is not a set of requirements that you check off, Elder Gong said. Setting righteous personal goals and establishing disciplined and inspired patterns will bless your whole life.
When will wards and branches receive personal development guidebooks and emblems?
Wards and branches will receive the personal development guidebooks by January 2020 and the emblems of achievement and belonging by mid-2020.
How is the new program connected to the Come, Follow Me curriculum and will it enhance individual gospel learning?
Recent adjustments have aligned Come, Follow Me at home, in seminary, in Primary and in Sunday School to support the new program, Brother Owen said.
The young women introduced a new theme in October general conference. Will the young men have a new theme?
Yes. Brother Owen invited young men to stand and recite a new Aaronic Priesthood quorum theme:
I am a beloved son of God, and He has a work for me to do.
With all my heart, might, mind, and strength, I will love God, keep my covenants, and use His priesthood to serve others, beginning in my own home.
As I strive to serve, exercise faith, repent, and improve each day, I will qualify to receive temple blessings and the enduring joy of the gospel.
I will prepare to become a diligent missionary, loyal husband, and loving father by being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
I will help prepare the world for the Saviors return by inviting all to come unto Christ and receive the blessings of His Atonement.
How flexible will the new program be for different circumstances and unique family situations?
The principles of the new program are capable of functioning in any family situation, no matter the size or location of any branch or ward, Brother Owen said.
We invite you to seek the Spirit of the Lord and adapt the Children and Youth program to your local needs, he said.
Can adults and younger children participate in Children and Youth?
As individuals and as families, adults and younger children can participate and use the resources for gospel learning, service and activities, and personal development at home. Adults and younger children generally will not participate in church-sponsored activities related to Children and Youth and will not receive Children and Youth emblems, according to the churchs list of Frequently Asked Questions.
For more information, visit the Children and Youth website.
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Whats new with the Latter-day Saint Children and Youth program? - Deseret News
Heres Why You Should Rethink That No Spend Challenge – FLARE
Posted: at 7:49 am
You dont have to fall far into the rabbit hole that is Personal Finance On The Internet to stumble upon someone doingor exhorting you to doa No Spend Challenge. (Its No Spend November, so you might be seeing them even more than usual!). If youre not familiar, theyre exactly what they seem like: A person challenges themselves to expend zero dollars beyond the necessities of life, such as housing, food and transport.
At face value, theyre a fairly innocuous way of reigning in your expenditures, becoming aware of mindless extra purchases and saving a little cash along the way. You resist that Aritizia sale, forgo Uber in favour of the TTC, meal prep your lunches instead of buying take-out (OK, that only lasted the first week but still) andemerge a hero, refreshed from this foray into minimalist living, one step further along in your road to financial freedom. Because this is 2019, you also probably documented your struggles on social media. #millionairemindset #goaldigger #onabudget
What you may not have realized you were doing as you tightened your belt by not buying that belt in the Matches sale? You were also participating in an activity thats the purview of only the most privileged in the world.
I could do a No Spend Challenge and it might get me $20 at the end of the month, says Laura Cattari, a Hamilton, Ont.-based anti-poverty activist who, while not in poverty anymore, has experienced exactly what its like to spend every last cent on essentials like food and shelterand still be in need. Even now, her disposable income is limited. I wouldnt say I find this challenge offensive, but I do think targeted to a very particular group.
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This particular group, of course, is people who actually have disposable income. Spending becomes a choicesomething that you dont have when youre living in poverty. Your entire life is one long and painful No Spend Challenge.
Its very hard to imagine poverty until youve been there, explains Cattari, who found herself there after chronic illness met a diabolically-timed layoff, despite having previously worked jobs that paid $80,000 a year. When youre not buying something because youre doing a challenge, theres never that fear that comes with poverty. That fear of not being able to eat, of becoming homeless.
Cattari is an advocate of what she calls simple living, and shes all for being wise with your money and checking your consumptionand maybe not blasting your privilege all over your feed? For her, you see, the issue with this challenge comes when its paired with a lack of awareness about the experiences of people for whom this is not a fun activity to post about on social media, or a personal development goal to tick off as a sign of your admirable restraint or frugality.
To think that [your effort] in any way, shape or form resembles real poverty is way off base, she says. For her, real poverty is when youre faced with doing impossible math like: If your social assistance for the month is $1,100, and your fixed housing cost is $1,000, how on earth do you decide what to prioritize with that remaining $100? Do you give up your phone, and risk not being able to call for help as a woman living alone? Do you keep your phone and see if you can eat from food banks that month? Or do you not pay your utility bill and risk it getting shut off, meaning the food youd bought could potentially spoil instead?
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There is also, of course, the isolation, a sense of being different from your peers thats the polar opposite to the post-watch-the-likes-roll-in experience of conspicuously not spending on social media. When I was on [social assistance], I wasnt able to buy Nutella, shares Cattari. Its a small thing, but Im Italian, I grew up on it. It just brought home how you have no choice in your life.
For Meagan Loose, a writer for the personal finance site Money After Graduation, the No Spend Challenge is just a symptom of much broader issues within the world of personal finance, and its linked to that ignorance (whether blissful or willful) that Cattari is referring to.
These challenges to cut spending are all marketed to people who are already financially secure, she says. In so much personal finance advice, theres this assumption that people are already fed or have a bed to sleep in that night. You see people trying to save 10K for a downpaymentbut Im just trying to make enough to eat today.
Alberta-born, Loose moved to Toronto six years ago, and since then says shes been struggling to get by. Her only expenditures are on food, transiting and housing. She hasnt bought clothes in three years, and would love to be buying gifts for her family this holiday seasonbut when every last cent is spoken for already, thats just not in the cards. She only recently moved into her own apartment, and doesnt have parents to fall back on like other young people she knows. Its because of this that she writes about personal finance for people who find themselves in a similar situation.
Read this next:How to Bring up Finances on a Date Without Killing the Mood
Its frustrating to see advice from people who cant understand the place of the people theyre advising. For example, I havent bought clothes in three years, so telling me to spend less on clothes? Thats not helpful. But writing from a poverty perspective? Theres solidarity in that.
And speaking of solidarity: Loose says the answer to this isnt necessarily *not* doing a No Spend Challenge. Its simply recognizing the privilege you have in being able to do that, and going forth in sensitivity. In fact, shed like to see the change starting with the people issuing the challenges in the first place. If youre putting forward the idea of doing a No Spend Challenge, preface it with something like If youre in a position to do this, she explains. Its as simple as acknowledging that there are people who are in different situations.
Alternately, you can swap out the No Spend Challenge for something like The Welfare Challenge. Its one she often asks politicians to do, says Laura Cattari, and involves seeing how many days you can make an average social assistance benefit stretch. (In Ontario, thats $730 a month.)
The most important part of doing The Welfare Challenge, she says, is that honest assessment of how it impacts you. When you realise how difficult it is, its a good way of understanding how impossible it is to get out of poverty.
We all know what its like to not get what we want, she adds. Thats still not the same as poverty. A mindfulness of that privilege can go a long way.
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Heres Why You Should Rethink That No Spend Challenge - FLARE
Crewe school ‘not taking effective action to tackle areas requiring improvement’, says Ofsted – Cheshire Live
Posted: at 7:49 am
A school in Crewe deemed to require improvement is still yet to experience widespread green shoots of recovery, according to an education watchdog.
Sir William Stanier Community School on Coronation Street in the town was inspected by Ofsted at the end of last February.
In the education watchdogs opinion at that time, the school required improvement overall and in the four main areas assessed.
These included outcome for pupils, their personal development, behaviour and welfare, the quality of teaching, learning and assessment, as well as the effectiveness of the schools leadership and management.
The school has required improvement since a previous inspection in 2016.
An inspection report of that visit said that 2017 exam results were inadequate and that efforts of school leaders to improve teaching have been impeded by significant turbulence in staffing.
There were also gaps in the learning of pupils in Years 10 and 11 those children preparing for their GCSEs and despite most attending regularly, there was also a persistent high absence among a significant minority of pupils.
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Strengths at Sir William Stanier identified by inspectors last year included the staffing situation being stabilised and firm foundations to secure improvement being established.
Behaviour in lessons was also starting to improve, pupils made good progress in English, maths and science, while school governors were aware of strengths and weaknesses and held leaders to account to ensure improvements to teaching and learning are sustained, the report said.
Ofsted have now undertaken a monitoring inspection visit to the Coronation Drive school to check how actions that have been taken are making an impact.
But the education watchdog reports that senior leaders at Sir William Stanier and the trust responsible for it are not taking effective action to tackle the areas requiring improvement at the last inspection so it can become a good school in Ofsteds view.
More action has been recommended in order for the school to progress.
It includes The Heath Family (NW) Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) board of which the school is part of to provide effective support and to challenge leaders in their work to improve.
Developing the curriculum and learning to help pupils do as well as possible, including in their GCSEs, is also recommended, as is ensuring teachers have the skills they require to build students knowledge and understanding.
Action is also advised to ensure strategies are in place to challenge pupils and families over unjustifiable absence and that good attendance is supported.
The fresh monitoring inspection report said: The trust has not ensured that improvement in the school has been rapid enough.
Until recently, there was too little contact between the trust and the school. Also, the different responsibilities of the trust and the local governing body were not clear enough.
The trust has now increased its support and challenge to leaders. Every fortnight, trust staff are checking that improvement is happening as planned.
Leaders have redeveloped or refined many aspects of the schools work since the previous inspection. Senior and middle leaders have worked hard to improve the school. They know the school well and want to do their best for pupils. Leaders are willing to learn and adapt.
However, the rate of improvement slowed during the middle of the last school year. Senior leaders therefore redesigned their plans. The current school improvement plan provides a clear set of actions intended to lead to long-term improvement.
However, this plan is too recent to see significant impact. The actions taken by leaders in the past have not improved pupils performance in external examinations or attendance. Both of these aspects of the schools work remain significant concerns.
There is now more systematic challenge to parents and carers if pupils are absent.
Leaders are checking pupils who say that they feel ill when at school more carefully before allowing them to go home. The attendance of some pupils has improved and the number of long-term absences has decreased.
However, the overall attendance this school year has not improved significantly compared to the same stage last year. Attendance remains too low.
Leaders judge that one of the reasons for poor attendance is family holidays taken during term time. If pupils are not in school, they cannot benefit from the education provided.
Ofsted also claims that The Heath Family MAT (NW) has not provided the school with sufficient support.
In response to the latest Ofsted update, chief executive of The Heath MAT (NW), David Donnelly, said: While the Ofsted team rightly noted that there is still work to do at Sir William Stanier as we drive forward our improvement plans, we are pleased that they recognised that there are many areas where significant positive progress has been made.
The inspection team, for example, found that Senior and middle leaders have worked hard to improve the school. They know the school well and want to do their best for pupils.
Underpinning that, they have also praised the strengthening leadership, the clear expectations for pupil behaviour and the foundations that are being laid to give students access to a broader curriculum.
Now that the building blocks are in place, it is important that we work collectively and collaboratively to continue on this positive trajectory at pace. We will drive forward the areas Ofsted has praised and focus on the areas which need additional challenge and support.
That is why I believe that we are reaching an exciting point for the school. Our new staff are making an impact.
We have some strong partnerships that we are looking to build on, and there is a real focus on how we can give every student the very best opportunities.
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Crewe school 'not taking effective action to tackle areas requiring improvement', says Ofsted - Cheshire Live
Dedicated students receive the President’s Gaisce award – The Echo Newspaper
Posted: at 7:49 am
Dedicated students receive the Presidents Gaisce award
ByBrendan Grehan
STUDENTS from schools in Tallaght, Firhouse, Clondalkin and Lucan were among 148 young people from throughout Ireland who received a Silver Award from GaisceThe Presidents Award in the OReilly Theatre in Belvedere College last week.
GaisceThe Presidents Award is a personal development programme for young people which enhances confidence and wellbeing through participation in personal, physical and community challenges.
CEO of Gaisce Yvonne McKenna (left) with Silver Award recipients fron Lucan Community College and their PAL Emma N Bhriain (OBrien)
To earn their silver award, each awardee successfully completed at least 26 weeks across three of the Gaisce challenge areas of community involvement, personal skill and physical recreation.
They also undertook a three-day adventure journey, completing either a 50km walk or a 190km cycle.
Josh Whitney from Old Bawn Community School, Tallaght, Jared and Jamie Tai from Firhouse Community School, Tallaght and Jialimey Vuoung from Colaiste Bride, Clondalkin all received Silver Awards.
Daire Doyle, Ben Ryan, Risn Tuohy, Emmet Bellew, Sean Egan, Declan Fahy, Laura Lakes and Lucy Reade from Lucan Community College also received Silver Awards.
The event was MCd by Spin 103.8 DJs Graham and Nathan, with the awards were presented by Yvonne McKenna, CEO of Gaisce.
CEO of Gaisce Yvonne McKenna with Jialimey Vuong and her PAL Gintare Gontyte from Coliste Bride
Ms McKenna told The Echo: I heartily congratulate the awardees on their achievements. Its fantastic to be honouring so many young people tonight for their dedication to personal development, and I think its a testament to the tenacity of young people today that we have so many awardees here.
I hope they have made lasting memories and gained invaluable self-knowledge through their Gaisce Journey. Completing a Silver Award has required a significant amount of dedication and effort from each of them.
Since its inception in 1985 over 178,000 young Irish people have completed a Gaisce Award, including former Rose of Tralee Maria Walsh and Irish rugby international Robbie Henshaw.
More here:
Dedicated students receive the President's Gaisce award - The Echo Newspaper
How To Quit Your Job And Write Wine Books From The Road – Forbes
Posted: at 7:49 am
Charine Tan of Exotic Wine Travel
What do you want from life? Are you at a desk all day yearning to be on the road doing something meaningful, however you define the term? I regularly use this column to galvanize readers into action. I myself used to be a lawyer. I left the industry to pursue wine and travel writing full-time as well as chase the ultimate title in the wine world, Master of Wine. So, its a joy to connect with kindred spirits and share the stories of their paths. For How to Quit Your Job and Follow a Dream, Ive interviewed former lawyers, bankers, and consultants who have walked away from the hours and money to attempt life-altering feats like grow coffee on a volcano in Panama, make wine on the Sonoma Coast, and found a coffee roastery and caf in Bordeaux.
Recently, I met Charine Tan and Matthew Horkey, founders of Exotic Wine Travel, at a seminar on Croatian wine. With no formal training but years of informal wine appreciation, the couple cut ties to their home and set off on a multi-year journey that led them to write books on unsung wine regions. As they crowd-fund their next project, an overview on Hungarian wine travel called Discover Hungarian Wine: A Visitor-Friendly Guide, I asked them about the challenges and thrills of their path.
Can you share a bit about your backgrounds? How did wine factor into your lives?
Charine Tan: I grew up in a relatively progressive Singaporean family who drinks wine whenever the celebratory mood demands. My wine epiphany happened on my 18th birthday. I treated myself to French fine-dining and bought a glass of Cte de Beaune Village. Prior to establishing Exotic Wine Travel, I was working at corporate agencies for nearly a decade, with roles in various functions: from marketing to sales, PR, corporate performance, and branding. During that time, I had the opportunities to work with clients in the wine industry including LVMH Mot Hennessy, Pernod Ricard, and Treasury Wine Estates.
Matthew Horkey: Both of us are WSET Level III-certified but enrolled in the program after we started writing about wine. I am a Chiropractor by training. I fell in love with wine during a backpacking trip when I was 26 years old. My friends and I ordered a liter of house-pour Sangiovese in Lucca, Italy. I smelled the wine for about 10 minutes before letting my friends pour themselves a glass. When we were living in Singapore, Charine and I were hyperactive wine consumers and attended wine events nearly every week. We were also members of the Confrrie du Sabre d'Or. So, in some ways, our informal wine training started some years ago.
Matthew Horkey of Exotic Wine Travel
Tell us about some of your past books.
Weve authored three wine books. Our first book is Uncorking the Caucasus: Wines from Turkey, Armenia, and Georgia; the second is Sipping Santa Barbara: Recommended Wines and Producers; and the third book is Cracking Croatian Wine: A Visitor-Friendly Guide.
We decided to shake up our lives and travel around the world in 2015. After a few months on the road in Western Europe, we noticed that an alarmingly large part of our expenses were on food and wine. When we arrived in Turkey, Georgia, and Armenia, we realized that there was very little information in English about those wine regions (the Georgian wine boom was just starting). So, we thought we could put our investment (time and money) and experience to good use by creating resources for intrepid wine travelers.
The lack of information was a tangible problem we thought we could help to solve. Additionally, we also had emotional motivations. After experiencing the hospitality of winemakers in Armenia and Georgia, we felt compelled to share their stories and to either return or forward their kindness. Most importantly, the wine quality there was on par with the international standard, but with a sense of exoticness to boot!
Describe your lifestyle. You're both on the road full-time tasting wines and. Is this your new life? Do you imagine ever going back to a desk job?
We have been on the road full-time for the last four-and-a-half years and visited hundreds of wine regions in Armenia, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, and the USA. Were constantly visiting producers and taste about 5,000 wines annually. So far, weve tried about 400 wine grapes in varietal wine form.Exotic Wine Travel is our lives and perhaps unhealthily, because theres no line drawn between Exotic Wine Travel and our personal lives.
Matt: Ive aspired to have a location-independent lifestyle since I was a teenager. What we have today is a dream come true. Life on the road isnt always easy as we carry everything we own and we are always on the move. Usually, we would rent an apartment in the city of a wine country for four to 12 weeks. That apartment serves as a base where we would leave some things there while we travel around the country or to neighboring countries for press trips or for our own self-study and research.
CT: On most days, this lifestyle feels liberating, but the freedom we have is in exchange for the (mostly financial) security and certainty (of the future) we give up. Our location-independent lifestyle helps us to focus on work and our own priorities. Theres less societal expectations and peer pressure when one is constantly on the road. At work, being away from a fixed community or environment enables us to be more creative and resourceful. But all that is a double-edge sword. We dont really have hobbies since all of our focus goes to Exotic Wine Travel. Sometimes, we also feel lonely, especially when we run into a challenge. We dont have someone that we can call up or a mentor who can guide us through the tangle.
Matt: On the flip side, weve been fortunate to have so many magical experiences in different parts of the world that wouldnt be possible if we were simply tourists. A few years ago, in Sardegna, we were invited to lunch at a shepherds home in the mountains of Mamoiada. We ate roasted sheep and sheeps blood with all of the wine producers from the village. It was nearly 95 degrees Fahrenheit, and we were sipping on 16% ABV Cannonau while eating greasy, pungent meat. It wasnt the ideal situation for that kind of food and wine, but the experience is burned into my mind forever.
CT: Ultimately, this journey on the road and through the vines has been transformational. It has helped us to whittle life down to the baseline of what we want in order to be optimally happy.
Had either of you written a book before deciding to write wine region books? Why writing as opposed to some other wine-related business?
Before the wine books, we released a personal development-travel memoir called Travel, Learn, Earn: Let The World Be Your Guide to Freedom with a Canadian publisher. Originally, we thought we would go into consulting and speaking in the personal development and coaching field, but that idea was banished soon after we started traveling.
We dont see ourselves as writers, more of communicators or generalists. Currently, we are contributors to a few media outlets. We produce videos for wineries; handle media relations, social media, SEO strategy for some wine regions; and conduct tasting classes. We also work with a small group of private customers whom we help to source for fine wines from lesser-known wine regions. We are constantly pushing ourselves to do and learn more about the wine business and may start a sort of wine club soon. Ultimately, the vision for Exotic Wine Travel has remained the same since 2015: we want to be the Lonely Planet for wine lovers. Regardless of what we do, the idea remains: to help and inspire wine lovers, especially independent wine travelers, to explore lesser-known wine regions.
Tell us about your latest book on Hungary. Why are you focusing on this country?
Hungarian wine is one of the best-kept secrets in the Old World of wine.
Many people have heard of Tokaji, but few have a chance to taste it. Its a pity because tasting a well-made Tokaji Asz is a transcendent experience. Just imagine complex flavors mixed with textural richness and fiery acidity. That said, there is so much more to Hungarian wine than just Tokaji. You can find every type of wine in Hungary from fresh and aromatic to oxidative-style and profound whites, from medium-bodied and juicy to full-bodied and age-worthy reds. Hungary also has several autochthonous and regional varieties that create wines of distinctive sensory merits. Volcanic wine, orange wine, vin jaune-style wine, Hungary has all that, and most of them offer outstanding quality-price ratios.
With this book, we want to help wine lovers save time and money by enabling them to skip or shorten the trial-and-error process of finding the Hungarian wines they like. We always aim to produce the guidebook that we wished we had when we first visited a wine country.
The rest is here:
How To Quit Your Job And Write Wine Books From The Road - Forbes