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Osho Free listening, videos, concerts, stats and …

Posted: July 25, 2015 at 2:43 pm

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See Music from the World of Osho.

Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain (Hindi: ) (11 December 1931 19 January 1990), also known as Acharya Rajneesh from the 1960s onwards, calling himself Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh during the 1970s and 1980s and taking the name Osho in 1989, was an Indian mystic and spiritual teacher.

A professor of philosophy, he travelled throughout India in the 1960s as a public speaker, raising controversy by speaking against socialism, Mahatma Gandhi, and institutionalised religion. He advocated a more open attitude towards sexuality, a stance that earned him the sobriquet sex guru in the Indian and later the international press. In 1970, he settled for a while in Mumbai. He began initiating disciples (known as neo-sannyasins) and took on the role of a spiritual teacher. In his discourses, he reinterpreted writings of religious traditions, mystics and philosophers from around the world. Moving to Pune in 1974, he established an ashram that attracted increasing numbers of Westerners. The ashram offered therapies derived from the Human Potential Movement to its Western audience and made news in India and abroad, chiefly because of its permissive climate and Oshos provocative lectures. By the end of the 1970s, there were mounting tensions with the Indian government and the surrounding society.

In 1981, Osho relocated to the United States, and his followers established an intentional community, later known as Rajneeshpuram, in the state of Oregon.

Osho Free listening, videos, concerts, stats and ...

Written by admin

July 25th, 2015 at 2:43 pm

Posted in Osho

OSHO ; BHAGWAN SHREE RAJNEESH – Religious tolerance

Posted: July 24, 2015 at 4:44 pm

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Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh(1931-1990) was born Rajneesh Chandra Mohan in Kuchwara, a town in central India. Various sources state that "Bhagwan" means either "The Blessed One" or "God" and that "Shree" means "Master". At the end of his life, he changed his name to Osho.

His parents' religion was Jainism. However, Osho never subscribed to any religious faith during his lifetime. He received "samadhi" (enlightenment in which his soul became one with the universe) on 1953-MAR-21 at the age of 21. Rajneesh obtained a masters degree in philosophy from the University of Saugar. He taught philosophy at the University of Jabalpur for nine years and concurrently worked as a religious leader. In 1966, he left his teaching post and gave his full attention to teaching his sannyasins (disciples) while pursuing a speaking career. He had an apartment in Bombay where he often met individuals and small groups, where acting as spiritual teacher, guide and friend. Most of his Sannyasins came from Europe and India in the early years.

In 1974, Osho moved from Bombay southward to Pune, India. Some anti-cult groups have claimed that this decision was made because of local opposition from the public in Bombay. In reality, it was to establish an ashram (place of teaching) which would provide larger and more comfortable facilities for his disciples. The ashram consisted of two adjoining properties covering six acres in an affluent suburb of Pune called Koregaon Park. Some estimate as many as 50,000 Westerners spent time seeking enlightenment there with the guru. In 1979, he saw his movement as the route to the preservation of the human race. He said:

He taught a syncretistic spiritual path that combined elements from Hinduism, Jainism, Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, ancient Greek philosophy, many other religious and philosophic traditions, humanistic psychology, new forms of therapy and meditation, etc.

In 1980, he was the victim of a knife attack by a Hindu fundamentalist during his morning discourse. Because of police incompetence, the charges against the terrorist were dropped.

In 1981 he left India reluctantly because of health problems. He went to the United States in order to obtain advanced treatment. There have been rumors of income tax evasion, and insurance fraud; it is not known whether these have any validity. The group settled on the 65,000 acre "Big Muddy Ranch" near Antelope, Oregon, which his sannyasins had bought for six million dollars. The ranch was renamed Rajneeshpuram ("City of Rajneesh"). This "small, desolate valley twelve miles from Antelope, Oregon was transformed into a thriving town of 3,000 residents, with a 4,500 foot paved airstrip, a 44 acre reservoir, an 88,000 square foot meeting hall..."8 Many of the local folks were intolerant of the new group in their midst, because of religious and cultural differences. One manifestation of this intolerance was the town's denial of building permits to the followers of Rajneesh. Some buildings were erected on the ranch without planning board approval. When officials attempted to stop the construction, their office was firebombed by unknown person(s). When the local city council repeatedly refused to issue permits for their businesses, some sannyasins elected themselves to the city council. The town of Antelope was renamed City of Rajneesh.

Top aides of Osho were charged with a number of crimes, including the attempted murder of Osho's personal physician. There were stories of a hit list. Some fled the country for Switzerland where they had control over the group's bank accounts. Two were eventually convicted of conspiracy to murder local lawyer Charles Turner in an attempt to prevent closure of the ranch.

OSHO ; BHAGWAN SHREE RAJNEESH - Religious tolerance

Written by admin

July 24th, 2015 at 4:44 pm

Posted in Osho

Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rashnish) – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia …

Posted: July 14, 2015 at 2:46 am

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Este artculo trata sobre el maestro indio Osho. Para otros usos de este trmino, vase sh. Osho El maestro espiritual Osho (Bhagwn Shri Rajnsh, 1931-1990) en 1985. Nombre de nacimiento Chandra Mohan Jain Otrosnombres Osho ( en hindi), Acharia Rajnsh, Bhagwan Shri Rajnsh Nacimiento 11 de diciembre de 1931 aldea de Kuchwada, distrito de Raisen, principado de Bhopal, Raj britnico, (ahora Madhya Pradesh) Fallecimiento 19 de enero de 1990 (58aos). ciudad de Pune, Repblica de India Nacionalidad Indio Alma mter Universidad de Sagar Ocupacin Maestro espiritual, filsofo, orador, profesor Movimientos Jivan Jagruti Andolan; Movimiento osho Obras notables Ms de 650 libros, y varios miles de discursos en audio y video. Sitio web Osho International [editar datos en Wikidata]

Osho o Bhagwan Shri Rashnsh (Bhopal, 11 de diciembre de 1931-Pune, 19 de enero de 1990) fue un mstico, orador, lder espiritual indio y fundador del Movimiento osho.

A lo largo de su vida fue conocido con varios nombres:

Viaj por toda la India en los aos sesenta como orador pblico. Era controvertido por su abierta crtica a Mahatma Gandhi, a los polticos y a las religiones institucionalizadas (como el hinduismo, el cristianismo y el islamismo). Tambin abog por una actitud ms abierta hacia la sexualidad: una postura que le vali el sobrenombre gur del sexo en la prensa[1] india y luego en la prensa internacional. En 1970, Osho se estableci por un tiempo en Bombay. Comenz a iniciar discpulos (conocidos como neosanniasins) y asumi el papel de maestro espiritual. En sus discursos reinterpretaba los escritos de tradiciones religiosas, de msticos y filsofos de todo el mundo. En 1974 se traslad a Pune, donde estableci un sram que atrajo a un nmero creciente de occidentales. En el shram desarroll el Movimiento del Potencial Humano para su audiencia occidental. Fue noticia en la India y en el extranjero debido principalmente a su clima permisivo y a sus charlas provocadoras. A finales de los aos setenta haban aumentado las tensiones con el gobierno indio y la sociedad circundante.

En 1981, Osho se traslad a los Estados Unidos y estableci en el estado de Oregn una comunidad internacional, conocida despus como Rajnishpuram (la ciudad de Rashnsh). Al cabo de un ao, se vio envuelto en un conflicto con los residentes locales, principalmente por el uso del terreno, lo cual estuvo marcado por la hostilidad entre ambas partes. Tambin atrajo notoriedad por la gran coleccin de automviles Rolls-Royce comprados para su uso personal.

En 1985, la comuna colaps cuando Osho revel que los dirigentes de la comuna haban cometido una serie de delitos graves, que incluan un ataque bioterrorista (intoxicacin con salmonella en restaurantes) a los ciudadanos del cercano pueblo de The Dalles.[2] Poco despus fue arrestado y acusado por violaciones de leyes de inmigracin. Osho fue deportado de los Estados Unidos en sujecin a una declaracin pactada de culpabilidad.[3][4][5] Veintin pases negaron su entrada, causando que Osho viajara por el mundo antes de regresar a Pune, donde muri en 1990. Su shram se conoce hoy como Osho International Meditation Resort (Resort de Meditacin Osho International).

Sus enseanzas sincrticas enfatizan la importancia de la meditacin, la consciencia, el amor, la celebracin, la valenta, la creatividad y el sentido del humor cualidades que l consideraba ser suprimidas por la adhesin a sistemas de creencias estticas, por las tradiciones religiosas, y por la socializacin. Las enseanzas de Osho han tenido un notable impacto en el pensamiento de la nueva era,[6][7] y la popularidad de ellas ha aumentado considerablemente desde su muerte.[8][9]

Osho naci con el nombre de Chandra Mohan Jain, el mayor de once hijos de un comerciante de telas, en casa de sus abuelos maternos en Kuchwada, una pequea aldea en el distrito de Raisen, del estado Madhya Pradesh en la India.[10][11][12] Sus padres Babulal y Saraswati, que eran jainistas del Taranpanthi, le permitieron vivir con sus abuelos maternos hasta los siete aos de edad.[13] Desde el punto de vista de Osho, esto fue una gran influencia en su desarrollo porque su abuela le dio una libertad absoluta, dejndolo despreocupado sin una educacin impuesta o restricciones.[14] Cuando tena siete aos su abuelo muri, y fue a Gadarwara para vivir con sus padres.[10][15] Osho se vio profundamente afectado por la muerte de su abuelo, y luego otra vez por la muerte de su joven enamorada y su primo Shashi, que muri de fiebre tifoidea cuando l tena 15 aos, dando lugar a una preocupacin por la muerte que se prolong durante gran parte de su infancia y juventud.[15][16] En sus aos de escuela era un estudiante rebelde, pero talentoso, y adquiri una reputacin como un polemista formidable.[17] Osho se convirti en un anti-testa, se interes por la hipnosis y brevemente se asoci con el socialismo y dos organizaciones nacionalistas indias: El ejrcito nacional indio y la Rastriya Swayamsevak Sangh.[17][18][19] Sin embargo, su afiliacin en las organizaciones dur poco ya que no poda suscribirse a cualquier otra disciplina, ideologa o sistema externo.[20]

En 1951, con 19 aos de edad, Osho comenz sus estudios en la Universidad Hitkarini en Jabalpur.[21] Solicitado a que dejara la escuela despus de los conflictos con un instructor, se traslad al Colegio Jainista D.N, tambin en Jabalpur.[22] Debido a su comportamiento disruptivamente argumentativo, no estaba obligado a asistir a clases en el Colegio Jainista D.N excepto en los exmenes, y utiliz su tiempo libre para trabajar por unos meses como asistente de edicin en un peridico local.[23] Empez a hablar en pblico en el encuentro anual de en:Sarva Dharma Sammelan (Reunin de todos los credos) celebrado en Jabalpur, organizado por la comunidad jainista del Taranpanthi donde naci, y particip desde 1951 hasta 1968.[24] Se resisti a la presin de sus padres para contraer matrimonio.[25] Ms tarde Osho dijo que se ilumin espiritualmente el 21 de marzo de 1953, cuando l tena 21 aos, en una experiencia mstica sentado bajo un rbol en el jardn Bhanvartal en Yabalpur.[26]

Habiendo completado su B.A. en filosofa en el Colegio Jainista D.N en 1955, ingres a la en:Universidad de Sagar, donde en 1957 obtuvo su M.A. en filosofa (con honores).[27][28] De inmediato se asegur un puesto como profesor en el Colegio de Snscrito en en:Raipur, pero el Vice Rector pronto le pidi que buscara trasladarse ya que lo consideraba peligroso para la moralidad, el carcter y la religin de sus estudiantes.[29] A partir de 1958, ense filosofa como profesor en la Universidad de Jabalpur, siendo promovido a catedrtico en 1960.[29] Un popular conferenciante, fue reconocido por sus pares como un hombre excepcionalmente inteligente que haba sido capaz de superar las deficiencias de la primitiva educacin de su pequeo pueblo.[30]

Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rashnish) - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia ...

Written by admin

July 14th, 2015 at 2:46 am

Posted in Osho

Read | OSHO | Meditation – Mindfulness and the Science of …

Posted: July 10, 2015 at 8:49 am

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Explore the Osho vision from the wide selection offered here. A perfect way to help us understand ourselves and the world around us, from the unique Osho perspective.

There are selected topics on many of the timeless yet contemporary issues from different Osho Talks. Or perhaps you will enjoy reading from one of the serialized book titles.

In the regular Featured Articles section, you can find Body Dharma, where you can explore the body. Or under The Other: Myself, you can find insights into the world of relationships, or perhaps it is our emotional life that attracts you and you choose Emotional Ecology.

There are serialized book titles under Featured Books, or you want to start meditating now with the Meditation of the Week.

Once you start meditating, emotions are bound to start surfacing. Now you know where to go! Or you can sign up for the Library where you can read answers to every conceivable question related to meditation, and much more.

There is a monthly horoscope, a newsletter you can subscribe to and an opportunity to send an eGreetings to a friend.

In case you are wondering where all this amazing material is sourced, try Osho on Osho and be very surprised!

Above all:

Always remember, whatsoever I say to you, you can take it in two ways. You can simply take it on my authority: Osho says so, it must be true then you will suffer, then you will not grow. Whatsoever I say, listen to it, try to understand it, implement it in your life, see how it works, and then come to your own conclusions. They may be the same, they may not be. They can never be exactly the same because you have a different personality, a unique being. Whatsoever I am saying is my own. It is bound to be in deep ways rooted in me. You may come to similar conclusions, but they cannot be exactly the same. So my conclusions should not be made your conclusions. You should try to understand me, you should try to learn, but you should not collect knowledge from me, you should not collect conclusions from me. Then your mind-body will grow. Osho

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Read | OSHO | Meditation - Mindfulness and the Science of ...

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July 10th, 2015 at 8:49 am

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Osho Wikipedia

Posted: June 23, 2015 at 4:44 pm

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Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain (hindi ) (* 11. Dezember 1931 in Kuchwada, Madhya Pradesh, Indien; 19. Januar 1990 in Pune, Maharashtra, Indien) war ein indischer Philosoph und Begrnder der Neo-Sannyas-Bewegung. Er nannte sich Mitte der 1960er bis Anfang der 1970er Jahre Acharya Rajneesh, danach bis Ende 1988 Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh und von 1989 bis zu seinem Tod Osho.

Osho verwendete im Laufe seines Lebens verschiedene Namen. Die Annahme derartiger Namen entspricht indischen Gepflogenheiten und ergibt sich im dortigen Kulturbereich als Konsequenz aus der Aufnahme einer spirituellen Lehrttigkeit.[1] Seine Namen knnen folgendermaen in seine Biographie eingeordnet werden:

Im Folgenden wird in jedem von Oshos Lebensabschnitten der Name verwendet, unter dem er zum jeweiligen Zeitpunkt bekannt war.

Chandra Mohan Jain wurde in Kuchwada, einem kleinen Dorf in Madhya Pradesh (Indien), als ltestes von elf Kindern eines Tuchhndlers geboren und die ersten sieben Jahre von seinen Groeltern aufgezogen.[8] Seine Familie, die ihn bei dem Spitznamen Rajneesh oder Raja (Knig) rief, gehrte zur Religionsgemeinschaft der Jainas.[3] Rajneesh war ein aufgewecktes Kind, das gute Schulleistungen erbrachte, gleichzeitig aber auch viel rger mit seinen Lehrern hatte, weil er aufsssig war, oft die Schule schwnzte und seine Klassenkameraden zu allerlei Streichen anstiftete.[3][8]

Rajneesh wurde frh mit dem Tod konfrontiert.[8] Sein geliebter Grovater starb, als er sieben Jahre alt war.[8] Als er fnfzehn Jahre alt war, starb seine Freundin (und Kusine) Shashi an Typhus.[9] Beide Verluste trafen ihn tief; seine spten Teenagerjahre waren von Melancholie, Depressionen und chronischen Kopfschmerzen geprgt.[10] Er lief in dieser Zeit tglich 15 bis 25km und meditierte oft bis zur vlligen Erschpfung.[3]

Als Jugendlicher wurde Rajneesh Atheist; er interessierte sich fr Hypnose und engagierte sich vorbergehend fr Kommunismus, Sozialismus und zwei nationalistische Bewegungen, die fr Indiens Unabhngigkeit kmpften: die Indian National Army und den Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.[3][8] Er las viel und wurde ein hervorragender Debattierknstler.[3] Sein Ruf war der eines egoistischen, hochfahrenden, sogar aufrhrerischen jungen Mannes.[8]

Im Alter von neunzehn Jahren begann Rajneesh sein Studium der Philosophie am Hitkarini College in Jabalpur.[11] Wegen heftiger Streitereien mit einem Lehrer musste er das College verlassen und wechselte darauf zum D.N.Jain College, ebenfalls in Jabalpur.[12] Noch whrend seines Studiums hatte er in Jabalpur am 21. Mrz 1953 beim Meditieren im Bhanvartal-Park in einer Vollmondnacht eine auergewhnliche Erfahrung, in der er sich von Glckseligkeit berwltigt fhlte[3][11] eine Erfahrung, die er spter als seine spirituelle Erleuchtung beschrieb.[9][13]

1955 schloss er sein Studium am D.N.Jain College mit dem Bachelor-Grad ab; 1957 wurde ihm von der University of Sagar der Master-Grad in Philosophie verliehen.[12] Er erhielt sofort eine Anstellung am Raipur Sanskrit College, war aber auch dort schon bald so kontrovers, dass ihn der Rektor aufforderte, sich binnen eines Jahres eine andere Stelle zu suchen er habe einen zersetzenden Einfluss auf die Moralitt, den Charakter und die Religiositt seiner Studenten.[12] 1958 wechselte Rajneesh deshalb zur Universitt Jabalpur, wo er zunchst als Lecturer und ab 1960 als Professor lehrte.[4]

In den 1960er Jahren unternahm Rajneesh, wann immer es ihm seine Lehrttigkeit erlaubte, ausgedehnte Vortragsreisen durch Indien,[4] in denen er Gandhi und den Sozialismus kritisierte.[3] Sozialismus und Gandhi, so sagte er, verherrlichten beide die Armut, anstatt sie abzulehnen.[9] Indien brauche Kapitalismus, Wissenschaft, moderne Technologie und Geburtenkontrolle, um seiner Armut und Rckstndigkeit entkommen zu knnen.[3] Auch zum orthodoxen Hinduismus uerte er sich kritisch: die brahminische Religion sei steril, alle politischen und religisen Systeme seien falsch und heuchlerisch.[9] Mit solchen uerungen machte er sich bei vielen unbeliebt, aber sie brachten ihm auch Aufmerksamkeit.[3] Etwa um diese Zeit begann er, den Titel Acharya zu verwenden.[4] 1966 gab er seine Lehrttigkeit an der Universitt auf und widmete sich von nun an ganz seiner Karriere als Redner und spiritueller Lehrer.[3]

Acharya Rajneesh hielt seine frhen Vortrge auf Hindi; sie zogen deshalb kaum westliche Besucher an.[14] Indische Kommentatoren bescheinigten ihm eine charismatische Ausstrahlung, die selbst auf Menschen, die seinen Ansichten ablehnend gegenberstanden, eine Faszination ausbte.[14] Seine Reden brachten ihm bald loyale Anhnger, darunter eine Reihe wohlhabender Geschftsleute.[15] Rajneesh erteilte individuelle Lebensberatung und erhielt dafr Spenden eine bliche Vorgehensweise in Indien, wo Leute Rat von Gelehrten und Heiligen einholen, hnlich wie Menschen im Westen Psychotherapeuten oder Lebensberater aufsuchen.[15] Dem schnellen Wachstum seiner Praxis nach zu urteilen, scheint er ein ungewhnlich begabter spiritueller Therapeut gewesen zu sein.[15] Mehrmals im Jahr leitete er Meditations-Camps mit aktiven, kathartischen Elementen,[9] und es wurden erste Meditationszentren (Jivan Jagruti Kendras, Lebenserweckungszentren) gebildet.

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Osho Wikipedia

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June 23rd, 2015 at 4:44 pm

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Osho – New Earth Records

Posted: June 12, 2015 at 2:41 am

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You are here: Home > Osho

Never Born Never Died Only visited this planet Earth between December 11, 1931 and January 19, 1990

In September of 1989, Osho gave his blessings to our project idea and chose the name Tao Music, which later became New Earth Records. We feel very honored to have him as our spiritual founder.

With these literally immortal words, Osho both dictates his epitaph and dispenses with his biography. Having previously removed his name from everything, he finally agrees to accept Osho, explaining that it is derived from William James oceanic. It is not my name, he says, it is a healing sound.

His thousands of hours of extemporaneous talks, spoken to people around the world over a twenty year period, were all recorded, often on video, tapes, CDs, DVDs and downloads that can be listened to anywhere by anyone, when, Osho says, that same silence will be there.The transcriptions of these talks are now published in hundreds of titles in dozens of languages.

In these talks, the human mind is put under the microscope as never before, analyzed to the smallest wrinkle. Mind as psychology, mind as emotion, mind as mind/body; mind as moralist, mind as belief; mind as religion, mind as history, mind as politics and social evolution all examined, studied, and integrated. Then graciously left behind in the essential quest for transcendence.

In the process Osho exposes hypocrisy and humbug wherever he sees it. As author Tom Robbins so eloquently puts it:

I recognize the emerald breeze when it rattles my shutters. And Osho is like a hard, sweet wind, circling the planet, blowing the beanies off of rabbis and popes, scattering the lies on the desks of the bureaucrats, stampeding the jackasses in the stables of the powerful, lifting the skirts of the pathologically prudish and tickling the spiritually dead back to life. Jesus had his parables, Buddha his sutras, Mohammed his fantasies of the Arabian night. Osho has something more appropriate for a species crippled by greed, fear, ignorance and superstition: he has cosmic comedy. What Osho is out to do, it seems to me, is pierce our disguises, shatter our illusions, cure our addictions and demonstrate the self-limiting and often tragic folly of taking ourselves too seriously. ~ Tom Robbins

So what to say of Osho? The ultimate deconstructionist? A visionary who becomes the vision? Certainly a proposal to existence that it is everyones birthright to enjoy that same oceanic experience of true individuality. For that, Osho says, There is only one path, which goes inwards, where you will not find a single human being, where you will only find silence, peace.

Continued here:
Osho - New Earth Records

Written by admin

June 12th, 2015 at 2:41 am

Posted in Osho

Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Posted: June 2, 2015 at 1:42 pm

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Osho urodzony jako Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain hindi , szeroko znany rwnie jako Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (czytaj: bhagan ri radni) (ur. 11 grudnia 1931 w Kuchwadzie, stan Madhya Pradesh w Indiach, zm. 19 stycznia 1990 w Punie) wspczesny hinduski guru, nauczyciel i mistrz duchowy. Zaoyciel ruchu religijnego Neo-Sannyas (uczniowie nazywani s sannjasinami).

y w Indiach oraz przez kilka lat w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Swoj osob zainspirowa powstanie szerzej rozumianego ruchu Osho, ktry nadal ma wielu wyznawcw i zwolennikw na caym wiecie.

Autor kilkuset ksiek wedug rnych danych ich liczba waha si pomidzy 400 oryginalnymi tytuami a 750, wczajc w to rne kompilacje. Tumaczone na ponad 50 jzykw[1], ale np. w Zwizku Radzieckim ksiki Osho byy surowo zakazane. Najbardziej znane tytuy to: "From Sex to Superconsciousness"; "My Way, the Way of the White Clouds"; "The Book of Secrets". Szczegln ksik (a przy okazji kolejn z rozmaitych prowokacji) jest "No Book" ksika z samymi pustymi kartkami.

Osho nie pisa ksiek w dosownym tego sowa znaczeniu. Zostay one spisane przez jego uczniw z tam, na ktrych rejestrowane byy jego wykady (ang. discourse), z ktrych kady trwa rednio ptorej godziny (cz z nich czy w cykle tematyczne). Osho wygasza je bez adnych przygotowa czy materiaw (z wyjtkiem wielu z opowiadanych w trakcie wykadw najczciej niecenzuralnych dowcipw, ktre zbierali dla niego uczniowie[2]). By mwc i jak sam siebie okrela gawdziarzem. Wykady dostpne s na kasetach w formie audio i wideo, a ksiek przybywa, gdy wci na angielski tumaczone s wczesne wykady Osho wygaszane w hindi.

Osho w latach 1960. uywa imienia Acharya Rajneesh, pniej, w latach 70. i 80. nosi imi Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, by w kocu, na krtko przed swoj mierci, przyj imi Osho.

(Dla uproszczenia i lepszej czytelnoci, w treci caego artykuu, w opisach rnych okresw ycia wszdzie stosowane jest imi Osho.)

Osho by przeciwnikiem jakiegokolwiek systemu wiary. Ceni natomiast i zaleca osobist religijno, a nie bycie wyznawc religii wyranie te rzeczy rozgranicza. Podkrela warto autentycznego, osobistego dowiadczenia religijnego. Ku temu dowiadczeniu prowadz (bez szczeglnej kolejnoci): bycie wiadomym, mio, medytacja, witowanie, twrcze dziaanie oraz rado i miech. Mwi, e owiecenie jest naturalnym stanem czowieka[6], ale uwaga ludzi jest zbyt rozproszona by to zauway rozproszona zwaszcza przez nieustanne mylenie i cig aktywno umysu. Powiedzia, e nie ma szczeglnej rnicy pomidzy nim a innymi ludmi, bo podobnie jak ci, ktrzy nie s teraz owieceni i on kiedy nie by owiecony, i tak samo jak on jest owiecony dzisiaj, tak inni bd owieceni kiedy.

Wyraa si bardzo sprawnie zarwno w hindi jak i w jzyku angielskim. Mwi o twrcach najrniejszych tradycji duchowych: Buddzie, Krysznie, Guru Nanaku, Jezusie, Sokratesie, mistrzach zen, Gurdijewie, jak i o sufizmie, chasydyzmie, tantrze i wielu innych. Gosi, e aden system mylenia nie jest w stanie go zdefiniowa, gdy uwaa, e adna filozofia nie jest w stanie w peni wyrazi prawdy.

Sam bdc dowiadczonym oratorem, twierdzi, e sowa nie s w stanie przekaza jego przesania[7]. Z drugiej strony gwnym powodem, dla ktrego jednak mwi, jest danie moliwoci zakosztowania medytacji suchaczom[8].

Zaprzecza sam sobie. Ale sprzecznoci dla niego nie istniej tylko wzajemnie uzupeniajce si punkty widzenia[10]. Zasadniczo by te przeciwny pojciu "filozofia" i wyraa nadziej, e owe sprzecznoci znajdujce si w jego wypowiedziach, na zawsze uniemoliwi potomnym zmontowanie na bazie jego dzie, jakiejkolwiek filozofii, jakiegokolwiek "-izmu":

Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Written by admin

June 2nd, 2015 at 1:42 pm

Posted in Osho

Ma Satya Priya: Reporting From The Osho Resort | Osho RS

Posted: at 1:42 pm

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http://www.enlightened-sp tml The Enigmatic "Bhagwan," Osho Rajneesh

(Last revised on Jan. 1, 2008)

Concerning India's alleged Godman "Bhagwan" (Bhagavan) Rajneesh (n?e Chandra Mohan Jain, 1931-1990), who in 1988, to clean up his PR image for better marketability, briefly preferred to call himself "Zorba the Budddha" and then in October 1989 renamed himself "Osho," there was, sadly, immense dysfunction. May his soul and all souls be in great peace and clarity in the One Divine Self!

Many thousands of disciples of Osho Rajneesh find him a beautiful enigma, and while many of these persons will openly admit as true nearly all the serious flaws and foibles pointed out by his many critics who've dared to speak publicly (such criticsincluding ex-Rajneeshee disciples James Gordon, Julian Lee, and especially Christopher Calder are quoted at some length at this webpage), these faithful disciples nevertheless gloss over the problematic aspects and still express tremendous gratitude and appreciation for all that they learned and received from Rajneesh over their months or years with this "gifted" and "remarkable" man, as several of his devotees have described him in their emails to me. (See below, further on.)

Many of these disciples and fans of Osho Rajneesh further wonder why anyone should be at all interested to critique the unwholesome and unsavory aspects of the long-deceased "Bhagwan," when the only thing really important in life is "living from freedom" and "living from the heart, not the head." Yet former disciple Christopher Schnelle, in a long post on March 3, 2006 for the generally pro-Rajneesh forum, has written, in part, "What is more important truth or feeling good?... I am writing about Osho because his lies and his deceit caused an enormous amount of pain for a lot of beautiful people. Most of these beautiful people have no idea that a sophisticated fraud was perpetrated on them and blame themselves for their deteriorating mental and physical health. Many of my sannyasin friends have great trouble sustaining this illusory happy fog and are taking more and more desperate measures to continue feeling good." (For the entirety of Schnelle's post, see further on, below.) At the same forum, Christopher Calder, Rajneesh's second Western disciple in the early 1970s, wrote on Oct. 19, 2005 and Aug. 18, 2007, "The Web is full of phony Osho propaganda sites that simply ignore all the scandals and the history of the cult. Most of the tell-all books are out of print and hard to find.... Will the next big cult use germ warfare as the Osho cult did, chemical warfare as the Aum Shinrikyo cult did? Or perhaps the next religious cult will graduate to nuclear warfare? Who knows? If human beings never learn that blind and unquestioning obedience to one 'perfect Master' or leader is dangerous and anti-evolutionary, then we will only have more disasters. [...] I am not saying Rajneesh was a complete fraud in the sense that he had nothing to offer. I just draw a clear line between what was good about him and where he went wrong, so that others in the future will not make the same tragic mistakes.."

In a clarifying threefold model I have presented elsewhere (click here to read more extensively), it is Absolutely true that "nothing is really happening," that all manifestation is "dream-like" and ultimately "empty" because there is only God, only Absolute Being-Awareness-Bliss, the One Alone, the all-transcending and unmanifest Spirit. One step down from this "Absolute-truth level" (paramarthika-satya) is what we might call the "psychic-soul" truth-level in which "whatever happens in manifestation is perfect," because all souls are sooner or later coming Home to perfect virtue and Divine awakening from soul-hood into Spirit, so that there's fundamentally nothing "wrong" or "problematic." Finally and more pragmatically, there is the mundane, "conventional-truth level" (vyavaharika-satya) involving the play of opposites, crucially including justice-injustice, true-false, good-evil, appropriate-inappropriate , skillful-unskillful. All three of these levels (Absolute truth, psychic-soul truth, and mundane conventional truth) are simultaneously true within this overall Nondual (Advaita) Reality. Losing the capacity to distinguish these three levels is a mark of great folly, not enlightened wisdom. And so, for instance, to excuse or overlook injustices occurring on this planet because "whatever happens is perfect" or because "this is all a dream, there's only God" is a tragic confusing of levels, and makes a mockery of the courageous work of all those who have ever endeavored to bring truth in place of lies, healing in place of harm, justice in place of injustice.

Hence, at this long webpage, various voices will be heard speaking intelligently and yes, critically, of someone who posed for nearly two decades as a "fully enlightened God-man." This webpage exists for the sake of truth and accountability, and as a cautionary for all those sincere persons who might currently or in the future be duped by similar con-men posing as God-men (or God-women).

Real spirituality, real freedom and real heart-love is invaluably precious, sublime, wholesome and holy, not at all mediocre or muddled as Rajneesh and so many others have made it and exploited it for personal profit.


I first read a few of Rajneesh's earliest little books and a favorable biography (The Awakened One, by Vasant Joshi) circa 1978-1982 while in graduate school researching spiritual and psychological traditions. In the early 1980s I also saw a short film of excerpts from one of Rajneesh's talks, and was able to see first-hand his hypnotically slow, coy, seductive, and provocative manner of speech and body language, with his strange way of hissing the "s" sounds at the end of many of his words. I wasn't very impressed with Rajneesh, especially compared to some of the really tremendous spiritual masters i read about and/or met in person. I enjoyed Rajneesh's wild sense of wacky humor, often hilarious!though author Tim Guest says that Rajneesh cribbed many of his best jokes from Playboy magazine, and too many of his jokes, alas, were slurs on ethnic and racial groups or just "juvenile scatological humor," as journalist Rohit Arya has assessed it, such as Rajneesh's long comedic essay on the "magical" word "F---," and his concluding, quite silly, probably sarcastic admonition that one wake up each morning and say "F--- you" five times (the entire routine from 1984, read by Rajneesh from a script, is viewable at D7rWLzloOI&feature=re lated).

Read the original:
Ma Satya Priya: Reporting From The Osho Resort | Osho RS

Written by admin

June 2nd, 2015 at 1:42 pm

Posted in Osho

The Unknown Life of Jesus Osho | Sat Sangha Salon

Posted: May 28, 2015 at 10:48 am

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Was Jesus fully enlightened?

Yes, he was fully enlightened. But because he lived amidst a people who were absolutely ignorant about enlightenment, he had to speak in a language which may indicate he was not. He had to use such language because, at that particular time and place, there was no other possibility only this could be understood. Languages differ. When a buddha speaks, he uses a language that is totally different. He cannot say, I am the son of God, because to talk about the son or the father is just nonsense. But for a Jesus it is impossible to use any other language Jesus is speaking to a very different type of person.

Yet in many ways, Jesus is connected to Buddha.

Christianity has no knowledge of where Jesus was for thirty years. With the exception of two earlier incidents when he was born, and once when he was seven years old only the three years of his ministry are known; the remaining period is unknown. But India has many traditions about it: there are folk stories in Kashmir indicating that he was meditating in a Buddhist monastery there during all the years which are not accounted for.

Then, when he was thirty, he suddenly appeared in Jerusalem. Then he was crucified and there is the story of his resurrection. But again, where does he disappear to after he resurrects? Christianity has nothing to say about it. Where did he go? When did he die a natural death?

Miguel Serrano, in his book The Serpent of Paradise, writes: Nobody knows what he did or where he lived until he was thirty, the year he began his preaching. There is a legend, however, that says he was in Kashir the original name of Kashmir. Ka means the same as or equal to, and shir, Syria.

It is also reported that a Russian traveler, Nicholas Notovich, who came to India sometime in 1887, visited Ladakh in Tibet where he was taken ill and stayed in the famous Hemis Gumpa. During his stay in the Gompa he went through various volumes of Buddhist scriptures and literature wherein he found extensive mention of Jesus, his teaching, and his visit to Ladakh. Later Notovich published the book, Life of Saint Jesus, in which he related all that he had found about the visit of Jesus to Ladakh and to other countries in the East.

It is recorded that from Ladakh, after traveling through lofty mountain passes, along snowy paths and glaciers, Jesus reached Pahalgam in Kashmir. He lived there for a long period as a shepherd looking after his flock. It is here that Jesus found some traces of the lost tribes of Israel.

This village, it is recorded, was named Pahalgam, village of shepherds, after Jesus lived there. Pahal in Kashmiri means shepherd and gam, a village. Later, on his way to Srinagar, Jesus rested and preached at Ishkuman/Ishmuqam the place of rest of Jesus and this village was also named after him. When he was thirty, suddenly he appeared in Jerusalem and there follows the crucifixion and the story of the resurrection.

While Jesus was still on the cross, a soldier speared his body, and blood and water oozed out of it. The incident is recorded in the Gospel of St. John: But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. This has led to the belief that Jesus was alive on the cross, because blood does not flow out of a dead body.

Excerpt from:
The Unknown Life of Jesus Osho | Sat Sangha Salon

Written by admin

May 28th, 2015 at 10:48 am

Posted in Osho

OSHO: I Don’t Have a Biography (1) (No Tengo Biografa …

Posted: May 27, 2015 at 5:43 am

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OSHO: No Tengo Biografa (1) OSHO: I DONT HAVE A BIOGRAPHY #1

Una seleccin de frases extradas de conferencias y entrevistas.

No tengo biografa. Y todo lo que creemos que es una biografa carece de importancia. No tiene importancia en qu fecha nac, en que pas nac Lo importante es lo que soy en este momento, en este lugar. -Osho

Este es el video que presenta a Osho en el primer DVD de una coleccin publicada por la editorial Planeta DeAgostini titulada Biblioteca del Bienestar Emocional OSHO. Esta coleccin est disponible y a la venta en los kioscos y por suscripcin en Espaa, Argentina, Mxico, Chile y otros pases de Latino Amrica.

1 - Slo soy yo mismo 2- Mi mensaje es un cierto tipo de alquimia. 3- Mi mensaje es muy simple. 4- S, yo enseo a ser egosta! 5- No vengo a consolar a nadie 6- Terrorista espiritual? 7- Me encanta molestar a la gente 8- Mi manera de hablar, es un truco para la meditacin. 9- Slo soy un hombre corriente 10-Vida, Amor y Risa son los tres pilares de mi enseanza

OSHO: I DONT HAVE A BIOGRAPHY #1 A selection of excerpts from talks and interviews

I don't have any biography. And whatsoever is thought to be biography is utterly meaningless. On what date I was born, in what country I was born, does not matter. What matters is what I am now, right here. - Osho

This is an opening video introducing Osho in the first DVD of a series by the Spanish publishing group PLANETA. The series is running in Spain, Argentina, Mexico and Chile.

1) I Am Just Myself 2) My Message is a Certain Alchemy 3) My Message is Very Simple 4) Yes, I Teach Selfishness! 5) No Need for Any Consolation 6) Spiritual Terrorist 7) I Love to Disturbe People 8) My Speaking is a Device for Meditation 9) Just an Ordinary Man 10) In the Schools they Teach the Three R's; I Teach the Three L's...Life, Love, Laughter.

Here is the original post:
OSHO: I Don't Have a Biography (1) (No Tengo Biografa ...

Written by admin

May 27th, 2015 at 5:43 am

Posted in Osho

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