Archive for the ‘Osho’ Category
Osho Sat Sangha Salon
Posted: January 22, 2016 at 1:40 pm
From his earliest childhood in India, Osho was a rebellious and independent spirit, challenging all accepted religious, social and political traditions and insisting on experiencing the truth for himself rather than acquiring knowledge and beliefs given by others.
At the age of twenty-one, on March 21, 1953, Osho realized his enlightenment. He says about Himself, I am no longer seeking, searching for anything. Existence has opened all its doors to me. I cannot even say that I belong to existence, because I am just a part of it. When a flower blossoms, I blossom with it. When the sun rises, I rise with it. The ego in me, which keeps people separate, is no longer there. My body is part of nature, my being is part of the whole. I am not a separate entity.
He graduated from the University of Sagar with First Class Honors in philosophy. While a student he was All-India Debating Champion and the Gold Medal winner. After a nine-year stint as professor of philosophy at the University of Jabalpur, he left to travel around the country giving talks, challenging orthodox religious leaders in public debate, upsetting traditional beliefs, and shocking the status quo.
In the course of his work, Osho has spoken on virtually every aspect of the development of human consciousness. From Sigmund Freud to Chuang Tzu, from George Gurdjieff to Gautam Buddha from Jesus Christ to Rabindranath Tagore. He has distilled from each the essence of all that is significant to the spiritual quest of contemporary man, based not on intellectual understanding but tested against his own existential experience.
He belongs to no traditionI am the beginning of a totally new religious consciousness, he says. Please dont connect me with the pastit is not even worth remembering.
His talks to disciples and other seekers from all over the world have been published in more than six hundred and fifty volumes, and translated into over thirty languages. He says, My message is not a doctrine, not a philosophy. My message is a certain alchemy, a science of transformation, so only those willing to die as they are and be born again into something so new that they cannot even imagine it right nowonly those few courageous people will be ready to listen, because listening is going to be risky. Listening, you have taken the first step towards being reborn. So it is not a philosophy that you can just make an overcoat of and go bragging about. It is not a doctrine when you can find consolation for harassing questions. No, my message is not some verbal communication. It is far more risky. It is nothing less than death and rebirth.
Osho left his body on January 19, 1990. Just a few weeks before, he was asked what would happen to his work when he was gone. He said: My trust in existence is absolute. If there is any truth in what I am saying, it will survive. The people who remain interested in my work will be simply carrying the torch, but not imposing anything on anyone.
I will remain a source of inspiration to my people. And thats what most sannyasins will feel. I want them to grow on their own qualities like love, around which no church can be created; like awareness, which is nobodys monopoly; like celebration, rejoicing, and maintain fresh, childlike eyes.
I want people to know themselves, not to be according to someone else. And the way is in.
In accordance with his guidance, the commune which grew up around him still thrives in Pune, India, where thousands of disciples and seekers gather throughout the year to participate in the unique meditations and other personal growth and creative programs offered there.
About Osho was published in Tantra: The Supreme Understanding, Third Edition, Rebel Publishing House, Cologne, Germany.
Many of Oshos books are available from and in the U.S. books are available online from OshoStore-Sedona and Osho Here and Now.
One of the unique contributions of Osho are the active meditations created specifically for modern man. Here is a link to a page that offers instructions, music that was designed for each of the meditations and video demonstrations.
Here is an excellent biographical site with lots of resources.
Osho shares his vision of the ultimate meditation in 5 minutes on this video.
Here is a link to instructions and streaming music for the Osho Meditations.
A list of Oshos Books I Have Loved.
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Osho Sat Sangha Salon
OSHO Meditation Center Mxico
Posted: October 27, 2015 at 7:47 am
En estos ltimos veinte aos el trabajo de Dayal ha ayudado a miles de personas a transformar su vida. El Programa para una Nueva Vida es su forma de sintetizar el recorrido...
En esto taller, vamos a descubrir y liberarnos: De los contractos que desde nios estamos forzados a hacer con nuestros padres, para conquistarnos su amor y respeto...
Es el broche de oro del Programa Para Una Nueva Vida, y representa una tapa obligada para todos los que estn en el camino de la trasformacin de la conciencia.....
"Nunca naci, nunca muri. Solo visit este planeta Tierra entre diciembre 11 de 1931 y enero 19 de 1990". As se lee el epitafio de Osho quien, con este mensaje, nos juega una broma ms y prescinde de su biografa...
Este taller enfrenta de forma independiente las consecuencias de haber vivido nuestra niez bajo el dominio de las neurosis de nuestra madre. Todos tuvimos que adaptarnos a sus miedos, las expectativas...
Estar enfermo significa estar desconectado del Todo. Una persona enferma es simplemente alguien que ha desarrollado bloqueos entre l y el Todo, que ha perdido la conexin con la fuente de sanacin. La funcin del sanador es la de reconectarlo.
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OSHO Meditation Center Mxico
Osho Sadhana Meditation Center
Posted: September 19, 2015 at 6:44 am
Remembering the self with BABA (Swami Purnananda)- Sept 18-19 2015
This in a not a residential retreat. Hotel recommendations here
This is exactly how life is. Remember, we are always in the hands of death, so don't postpone the essential. Postpone the nonessential, the essential has to be done now! - OSHO
BABA is coming to New York. It is very hard to describe who Baba is; he is a lover and a disciple of Osho, however to many people across the world he is a living master who has imbibed Osho's message and grace.
Baba lives in India in an ashram on the banks of River Narmada, his lovers visit him to sit and meditate in his strong presence and have their questions answered and eventually dissolved.
Osho named him PURNANAND BHARTI in 1977. Thirteen months after taking sannyas, while sitting with his friends he experienced his "happening" which over a short period of time blossomed into enlightenment.Soon friends and seekers started to refer him as BABA. Baba is a term of respect or endearment.
Camp contribution:
Camp Schedule:
Contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Swami Narinder (718) 644-7077 Ma Nirupa (201) 688-9586 Swami Parimal (347) 216-1069
Booking is open and going on. Please reserve your space as soon as possible as spaces are limited to 25 friends only, first come first serve basis.
How to pay/Book?
Please send money via paypal (using debit/credit card/bank account) as a gift (to avoid fees) to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
To know more about BABA , below videos are recommended to watch :BABA on YouTubeThere are few impromptu Videos of Baba on Youtube. Here are the links -
Hindi - (Interview of Baba taken by Swami Arun!)
More Photos of BABA -
Baba on Facebook -
Osho Sadhana Meditation Center 1852 21ST DRAstoria, NY 10023
Welcome to Osho Sadhana Meditation Center.
Our Center at Astoria ,NYconducts weeklymorning andeveningmeditation session. We are open and welcoming to new as well old seekers anytime during theweekends from 9 in the morningand after5 in the evening/forthe meditations. For daily schedules of meditation sessions click here! Come , join the dance and be a part of this mystical journey !!!
For our next one day meditation camp at Osho Sadhana Center. Please refer to the Meetup page.
Call us at 718.644.7077 for details of meditation and schedule and if you need help with directions.
Details and RSVP . Please call before you come to confirm your arrival.
Click here for Glimpses of recent retreats
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Osho Sadhana Meditation Center
Osho Meditations New York (Astoria, NY) – Meetup
Posted: at 6:44 am
"Meditation is an adventure, an adventure into the unknown -- the greatest adventure that the human mind can take." - Osho
If you want to live a more fulfilled life, first you will want to know your potential, who you really are. Meditation is the route to that knowing.It is a methodology of science of awareness.
Many meditative techniques require one to sit still and silent. But for most of us accumulated stress in our bodymind makes that difficult. Before we can hope to access our inner powerhouse of consciousness, we need to let go of our tensions.
Osho (1931-1990) is an enlightened mystic who has given many new techniques of active meditations for the inner transformation of the modern man.His active meditations like Dynamic meditation, Kundalini meditation, Nadabrahma meditation are scientifically devised to consciously express and experience repressed feelings and emotions, and learn the knack of watching our habitual patterns in a new way.You canfind out the science behind some of Osho meditations by clicking here
Osho'stechniques give more freedom of expression. At our Meditation Studio , we dance, sing, relax, play, create, and celebrate life with the meditation techniques devised by Osho.And while we each can walk this journey of life, of meditation alone, it is more supportive ,more fun, more energetic and vibrantto share the process with others in a group.
Come share the cosmic dance....a dance where individual energies meet and unite with the cosmic energy !!!
For more information on osho meditations visit below
Listen 24/7 Osho Live at , Iphone or Android Osho Apps available too.
For Osho News :-
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Osho Meditations New York (Astoria, NY) - Meetup
Osho Osho Leela Meditation Center
Posted: September 8, 2015 at 5:50 am
Osho is a mystic who brings the timeless wisdom of the East to bear on the urgent questions facing men and women today. He speaks of the search for harmony and wholeness that lies at the core of all religious and spiritual traditions, illuminating the essence of Christianity, Hassidism, Buddhism, Sufism, Tantra, Tao, Yoga, and Zen. Further information at
Oshos vision is a new man. After his enlightenment in 1953, the evolution of that new man became his whole work. In 1963 he left the academic world where he had taught philosophy at the University of Jabalpur and began speaking to tens of thousands across India. He then focused intensely on developing practical tools for mans transformation. Modern man, he said, is so burdened with traditions of the past and anxieties of modern-day living, that he must go through a deep cleansing process before he can begin to discover the thought-free relaxed state of meditation.
Meditation Hall Pune, India
In 1974, a campus was established around him in Poona, India, and a trickle of visitors from the West soon became a flood. Today this campas has become the largest meditation resort and spiritual-growth center in the world. Each year it attracts thousands of international visitors to its meditation, therapy, bodywork and creative programs.
In the course of his work, Osho speaks on virtually every aspect of the development of human consciousness. His talks cover a staggering range from the meaning of life and death to the struggles of power and politics; from the challenges of love and creativity to the significance of science and education.
Osho, who was born in India in 1931 and left his body in 1990, belongs to no tradition. He says, My message is not a doctrine, not a philosophy. My message is a certain alchemy, a science of transformation.
Osho Leela Center in Boulder offers initiation into Sannyas The Way of the Seeker. Sannyas is the path of awakening created by Osho.
Original mala given by Osho to his sannyasins. It looks slightly different now.
Sannyas is a heartfelt, sincere commitment to yourself and to your own spiritual growth. It is a vow or statement that the most important thing in your life is to become more conscious, more aware, more loving and more awake.
Sannyas is inclusive, meaning that it includes all aspects of life. It is not a retreat or a renunciation. It embraces all that life offers including work, play, travel and relationships. A sannyasin works with any of the great spiritual traditions of the world finding inspiration and tools, techniques and meditations that can benefithim or her on his spiritual journey.
Surrender is an important aspect of sannyas, meaning the surrender to a higher aspect of the divine or supreme consciousness or whatever name or form for the ultimate that one may want to use. To become a sannyasin is a life changing surrender to the truth of your being and a commitment to find your way home.
Avinash has written a great article on sannyas today and the Osho Leela Center called Sannyas: Into the Stream. Its about what attracts new people to Osho, why they take sannyas now, and whats in it for everyone (hint: a LOT of juice). Read it >>.
If you are interested or ready for such a step or need more information contact 720-300-9312
Here at Osho Leela we will be celebrating his life by meditating.
5.30 PM Kundalini
6.45 PM I leave you my Dream Video
7.30 PM Ancient Music in the Pines #8 Audio Discourse
Come and join us any time.
With Love and Gratitude to Life, Existence and Osho
Beloved Osho, the fruit falls on the ground when it is ripe. One day, You will leave us, and it will be impossible to have another master in Your place. How can anybody else be the substitute for the Master of Masters? 0sho, when You leave the physical body, will Your meditation techniques help our inner growth as they do now?
My approach to your growth is basically to make you independent of me. Any kind of dependence is a slavery, and the spiritual dependence is the worst slavery of all. I have been making every effort to make you aware of your individuality, your freedom, your absolute capacity to grow without any help from anybody. Your growth is something intrinsic to your being. It does not come from outside; it is not an imposition, it is an unfolding.
All the meditation techniques that I have given to you are not dependent on me my presence or absence will not make any difference they are dependent on you. It is not my presence, but your presence that is needed for them to work. It is not my being here but your being here, your being in the present, your being alert and aware that is going to help. I can understand your question and its relevance. It is not irrelevant. The whole past of man is, in different ways, a history of exploitation. And even the so called spiritual people could not resist the temptation to exploit. Out of a hundred masters, ninety-nine percent were trying to impose the idea that, Without me you cannot grow, no progress is possible. Give me your whole responsibility.
But the moment you give your whole responsibility to somebody, unknowingly you are also giving your whole freedom. And naturally, all those masters had to die one day, but they have left long lines of slaves: Christians, Jews, Hindus, Mohammedans. What are these people? Why should somebody be a Christian? If you can be someone, be a Christ, never be a Christian. Are you absolutely blind to the humiliation when you call yourself a Christian, a follower of someone who died two thousand years ago?
The whole of humanity is following the dead. Is it not weird that the living should follow the dead, that the living should be dominated by the dead, that the living should depend on the dead and their promises that `We will be coming to save you.? None of them has come to save you. In fact, nobody can save anybody else; it goes against the foundational truth of freedom and individuality.
As far as I am concerned, I am simply making every effort to make you free from everybody including me and to just be alone on the path of searching. This existence respects a person who dares to be alone in the seeking of truth. Slaves are not respected by existence at all. They do not deserve any respect; they dont respect themselves, how can they expect existence to be respectful towards them? So remember, when I am gone, you are not going to lose anything. Perhaps you may gain something of which you are absolutely unaware. Right now I am available to you only embodied, imprisoned in a certain shape and form. When I am gone, where can I go? I will be here in the winds, in the ocean; and if you have loved me, if you have trusted me, you will feel me in a thousand and one ways. In your silent moments you will suddenly feel my presence. Once I am unembodied, my consciousness is universal. Right now you have to come to me. Then, you will not need to seek and search for me. Wherever you are your thirst, your love and you will find me in your very heart, in your very heartbeat. ~Osho
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Osho Osho Leela Meditation Center
Osho Quotes
Posted: at 5:50 am
Love can never possess. Love is giving freedom to the other. Love is an unconditional gift, it is not a bargain. Osho
If you can grow in love, you will grow in awareness. If you grow in awareness, you will grow in love. Osho
A single moment of love is equal to the whole eternity of love. Osho
Be realistic: plan for a miracle. Osho
Life is nothing but an opportunity for love to blossom. Osho
God is the ultimate fragrance of your consciousness. Osho
If you find a saint who has no sense of humour, then he is not a saint at all. Osho
Never misunderstand seriousness for sincerity. Sincerity is very playful, never serious. It is true, authentic, but never serious. Sincerity does not have a long face, it is bubbling with joy, radiating with an inner joyousness. Osho
Spirituality is rebellion; religiousness is orthodoxy. Spirituality is individuality; religiousness is just remaining part of the crowd psychology. Religiousness keeps you a sheep, and spirituality is a lion's roar. Osho
Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence. Osho
Yoga is a method to come to a non-dreaming mind. Osho
To me there is nothing more sacred than love and laughter, and there is nothing more prayerful than playfulness. Osho
Nothing kills the ego like playfulness, like laughter. When you start taking life as fun, the ego has to die, it cannot exist anymore. Osho
To laugh at others is egoistic; to laugh at oneself is very humble. Learn to laugh at yourself - about your seriousness and things like that. Osho
Seriousness is illness; seriousness has nothing spiritual about it. Spirituality is laughter, spirituality is joy, spirituality is fun. Osho
Real spirituality is the greatest rebellion there is. It is risky, it is adventurous, it is dangerous. Osho
Be loving towards yourself, then you will be able to love others too. Osho
Yoga is the science to be in the here and now. Osho
Yoga means now you will have to be a harmony, you will have to become one. Osho
Learn to laugh. Seriousness is a sin, and it is a disease. Laughter has tremendous beauty, a lightness. It will bring lightness to you, and it will give you wings to fly. Osho
An enlightened person is the richest person possible, but his richness comes from surrender, not from fight. He does not... he has not any conflict with the whole. He has fallen in harmony, he is in a harmonia. Osho
Godliness is the fragrance of the man who has attained enlightenment. Osho
God is the ultimate experience of silence, of beauty, of bliss, a state of inner celebration. Osho
Spirituality is your original face; it is the discovery of your intrinsic nature. Osho
Zen is an effort to become alert and awake. Osho
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Osho Quotes
Osh – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Posted: August 21, 2015 at 1:44 pm
Osh (, osh?) is a Buddhist priest (in charge of a temple);[1] honorific title of preceptor or high priest (esp. in Zen or Pure Land Buddhism). The same kanji are also pronounced kash as an honorific title of preceptor or high priest in Tendai or Kegon Buddhism and waj as an honorofic title of preceptor or high priest in Shingon, Hoss, Ritsu or Shin Buddhism.
Osh is the Japanese reading of the Chinese he shang (), meaning a high-ranking Buddhist monk or highly virtuous Buddhist monk. It is also a respectful designation for Buddhist monks in general and may be used with the suffix -san.
According to the Kjien Japanese dictionary and the Kanjigen dictionary of Chinese character source meanings, it is originally derived from the Sanskrit upadhyaya, meaning "master" in the sense of "teacher".
The literally meaning is "self-taught Buddhist monk/teacher"[web 1] The Chinese term "he-shang" is derived from the Sanskrit word upadhyaya or acharya:
As the new Buddhist students and scholars, who eventually became teachers and practitioners, had to give a name to themselves, they came up with a name in Khotanese dialect that supposedly translated the Sanskrit word upadhyaya which
meant 'teacher". It is also possible that it is a translation (or transliteration) of the Sanskrit word acharya, an Indian word that has a higher connotation--a teacher of religion, or the truth itself.[web 1]
The standard English translation of osh has become priest, it has a somewhat different connotation in Zen:
While priest may be associated with ceremonial functions which cause many Western Zen practitioners to balk there is another way to read the term, simply as a "technologist of the spirit." Within the Zen tradition, this would suggest a certain mastery of one or more of the Zen arts of contemplation. If we consider the word priest literally means elder, from the Latin presbyter, a Zen priest would be both a trained technologist of the spirit and an elder with the community.[web 2]
According to the Kjien, the two characters making up the word are actually pronounced osh only in the Zen and Pure Land sects. For example, they are read kash in the Tendai sect and waj in the Shingon sect.
Osh became an honorific title for Zen-masters", meaning "harmonious respect":
When the Zen masters referred to themselves, or their disciples addressed them, they would often use this word, heshang. As it originally meant simply a "self-taught Buddhist monk/teacher" Zen masters would often speak of themselves in this vein - "this old heshang is going to sleep now."--indicating a kind of self-deprication in front of their students - as if "I am just like you, not more advanced or better, just a student really." But as it is with disciples, this is hard for them to accept, the master is of course much more evolved, much higher. When a Zen disciple used this word heshang to address his master, it took on a much more reverential connotation, as if combining high respect and love simultaneously.[web 1]
An example of its use is in Rinzai's teachings:
29.a. Followers of the Way, I hold the transmission of the generations from Mayoku Osho, Tanka Osho, Doitsu Osho, Rozan Osho, Sekikyo Osho. All have gone the same way. Nobody could believe in them, all were reviled.
Doitsu Osho's actualization was pure, it was not coarse. None of his three hundred or five hundred students could make out his meaning. Rozan Osho was free and true, master of his actualization, whether adapting it or going contrary. But none of his students could fathom his vast horizon and were startled. Tanka Osho played with the pearl (of wisdom, hidden in the sea), sometimes hiding it and sometimes revealing it. He was slandered by all students who came to him.[web 3]
In St Zen, to become an osh, teacher, two more steps are to be taken after dharma transmission, namely ten-e and zuise.[web 4]
Ten-e means "to turn the robe":[web 4]
Unsui (training monks) are allowed to wear only black robes and black o-kesa [...] [T]en-e is the point in the career of a Soto monk when you are finally allowed to wear a yellow-brown robe.[web 4]
After zuise one becomes an osh, whereafter one may become the resident priest in one's own temple.[web 4] Hereby one can gain the highest rank:
After you become the head priest at your own temple and hold a practice period there for the first time (with one student acting as the shuso), you will finally reach the highest rank of dai-osho.[web 4]
To supervise the training of monks, further qualifications are necessary:
The relatively low status of dharma transmission means that in and of itself it does not qualify one to accept students or to train disciples. According to the regulations, Zen students should be supervised only by a teacher who has attained supervisory certification (i.e. sanzen dj shike status), that is, someone who in the popular literature might be called a Zen master. To attain supervisory certification requires not just high ecclesiastical grades and dharma seniority but also at least three years' experience as an assistant supervisor at a specially designated training hall (tokubetsu sd), during which time one undergoes an apprenticeship.
The term became well known in the west when Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh started to call himself Osho.
Osho Wikipdia
Posted: August 4, 2015 at 1:42 am
Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre.
18 32 15 N 73 53 13 E/18.5375, 73.8869
Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain ( ) (11 dcembre 1931 au Madhya Pradesh 19 janvier 1990 Pune, Maharashtra), plus connu dans les annes 1960 sous le nom d'Acharya Rajneesh, puis dans les annes 1970 et 1980 sous celui de Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh puis prenant enfin le nom d'Osho, a t qualifi de guru indien iconoclaste et trs controvers. Il vcut d'abord en Inde puis dans d'autres pays dont, principalement, les tats-Unis o il avait fond un centre spirituel en Oregon. Il a inspir le mouvement qui a pris son nom: Osho. Il est le crateur de ce qu'il a appel la mditation dynamique[1]. Il fut galement une des influences majeures du courant New Age[2]. Son attitude juge particulirement permissive l'gard de la sexualit et les conseils qu'il donnait ses adeptes cet gard lui ont valu aux tats-Unis le surnom de sex guru[3]. Plusieurs affaires ont contribu au dclin de ses communauts jusqu' leur disparition. Il reste cependant aujourd'hui un auteur (note: il n'a presque jamais crit de livres, ses discours spontans devant ses audiences ont t transcrits ensuite) trs populaire[4].
N en 1931 Jabalpur en Inde, ain de onze enfants dans une famille jana[5], Rajneesh Chandra Mohan fait des tudes universitaires (Il obtient l'agrgation de philosophie en 1953) et devient en 1957 professeur dans deux universits[6].
Il commence donner des confrences en 1966. Mais c'est partir de 1974, aprs avoir quitt Bombay o il avait dvelopp de l'asthme, du diabte et de nombreuses allergies[7], qu'il commena recevoir un nombre grandissant d'occidentaux dans son ashram de Pune en Inde (qui est encore aujourd'hui le lieu du vaste Osho International Meditation Resort).
Aprs deux ans et demi durant lesquels il observe un vu de silence, il arrive aux tats-Unis en 1981, en partie pour recevoir des soins mdicaux. Ses disciples achtent ( Ma Anand Sheela, son assistante l'poque) un ranch dans l'Oregon, le Big Muddy Ranch qui sera transform pour devenir Rajneeshpuram[8].
Au milieu des annes 1980, il reoit environ 30000 visiteurs par an[9] et met au point une varit de mditations dynamiques, vise cathartiques afin, selon lui, de librer le corps et l'esprit. Ses mthodes sont inspires de traditions tantriques et seront enseignes dans les centres ou universits Osho dans le monde.
Des psychologues et psychothrapeutes, principalement issus du mouvement du potentiel humain, ainsi que des mdecins sont venus s'initier ses pratiques[10].
La communaut de Rajneeshpuram s'effondre aprs de longues luttes hostiles avec les voisins de la proprit[11],[12] et les habitants de la rgion.
Il est dcd en Inde en 1990 aprs avoir rsid quelques annes dans son shram des tats-Unis et tre retourn vivre en Inde en 1987.
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Osho Wikipdia
OSHO: Strange Consequences – YouTube
Posted: July 31, 2015 at 9:43 am
OSHO: Strange Consequences
"After Friedrich Nietzsche declared that "God is Dead" - the word FUCK has become the most important word in the English language." -- This video is available for translation as part of the OSHO TALKS Video Translation Project. Join the project as a translator at: --
Osho used this sketch on the word fuck first in a talk in 1980 and repeated it again in this later talk. We have seen the original of this sketch being attributed to Jack Wagner, George Carlin and Monty Python - no one seems to be sure.
"When Friedrich Nietzsche declared, "God is dead," he himself became utterly helpless no consolation, no hope, no meaning. He had to go through a long process of insanity.
Nietzsche seems to me to be the most important figure that has dominated the world in this century. Without any argument his statement has infiltrated into every mind. But he was not aware of the implications. I have no problem if God is dead. There is no need to mourn his death."
This video is available for translation as part of the ''OSHO TALKS Video Translation Project''. Join the project as a translator at: OSHO International Foundation:
The rest is here:
OSHO: Strange Consequences - YouTube
Osho Rajneesh – Wikipedia
Posted: at 9:43 am
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Osho Rajneesh, meglio noto come Osho (Kuchwada, 11 dicembre 1931 Pune, 19 gennaio 1990), stato un mistico e maestro spirituale indiano, che acquis seguito internazionale.
Alla nascita chiamato Chandra Mohan Jain (hindi devanagari: ) noto anche come Acharya Rajneesh negli anni Sessanta, e in seguito come Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh[1][2] negli anni Ottanta adott il nome di Osho Rajneesh, che poi ridusse semplicemente a Osho[3] (dal termine "oceanico", pronunciato osheanic in inglese).[4]
Osho era un professore di filosofia che abbandon la carriera accademica per girare il mondo come maestro spirituale.[5] Le sue posizioni anticonformiste suscitarono scalpore e reazioni controverse.[6] Nel 1953, a ventun anni, visse l'esperienza mistica dell'Illuminazione.[7] Inizi a viaggiare per l'India, a tenere discorsi e a condurre campi di meditazione. Nel 1974 fond un ashram a Pune che arriv a ricevere trentamila visitatori lanno.[6][8]
Nel 1981 si trasfer in Oregon dove fond una Comune che fin per sgretolarsi a causa di attivit illegali commesse dai suoi esponenti di spicco[6] e denunciate pubblicamente dallo stesso Osho.[9][10] Nel 1986, duramente osteggiato dal governo statunitense,[11][12] torn in India dove le sue condizioni di salute subirono un drastico peggioramento, da lui attribuito a un avvelenamento subito nelle carceri americane.[13] Mor a Pune a cinquantotto anni.
I suoi insegnamenti sincretici enfatizzano l'importanza della meditazione, della consapevolezza, dell'amore, della creativit, dell'umorismo e di una gioiosa celebrazione dell'esistenza, valori che egli riteneva soppressi dai sistemi di pensiero imposti dalla societ, dalle fedi religiose e dalle ideologie.[14] Osho invit l'uomo a vivere in armonia e in totale pienezza tutte le dimensioni della vita, sia quelle interiori che quelle esteriori, poich ogni cosa sacra e ricolma del divino.[15]
Fautore di una ribellione fondata sul senso critico e sul rifiuto di assumere qualsiasi norma di vita o valore sociale solo perch comunemente accettati, fu un forte oppositore delle religioni organizzate e di ogni tipo di potere.[16] Considerava tutte le tradizioni religiose come false credenze che reprimono l'uomo e lo allontanano dalla Verit.[17] Le sue idee ebbero un notevole impatto sul pensiero New Age occidentale (da cui tuttavia egli prese le distanze)[18][19] e sulla controcultura ereditata dagli anni sessanta. La sua popolarit ha continuato ad aumentare dopo la sua morte.[20][19]
Osho nacque Chandra Mohan Jain (il maggiore di undici figli di un mercante di stoffe e di sua moglie) a casa dei nonni materni in Kuchwada, un piccolo villaggio nel Distretto di Raisen del Madhya Pradesh, in India Centrale, l'11 dicembre 1931.[7][21][22] I suoi genitori, Babulal e Saraswati, giainisti della corrente Teranpanthi, lo lasciarono vivere coi nonni materni fino allet di sette anni.[7] Questi gli concessero una grande libert senza imporgli alcuna educazione, esercitando cos un'influenza intensa sul suo sviluppo caratteriale.[23][24] Quando aveva sette anni mor il nonno e torn a Gadarwara a vivere coi genitori.[7][25] La morte del nonno, quella della cugina - e primo amore - Shashi, morta quindicenne di febbre tifoidea e le previsioni di un astrologo (che gli presag vita breve) ebbero un violento impatto su di lui.[25][22] Studente ribelle e formidabile oratore,[6] si avvicin all'arte (pittura, scrittura, fotografia) e a dodici anni divenne editore della rivista Prayas (Sforzo), scritta di suo pugno.[26] In questa prima giovinezza Osho era antiteista, interessato all'ipnosi e ader per breve tempo al socialismo.
Nel 1951, all'et di diciannove anni, Osho intraprese i suoi studi presso Hitkarini College di Jabalpur.[27] In seguito a conflitti con un insegnante si trasfer al D.N. College di Jabalpur.[8] A causa della sua indole polemica gli venne concesso di non frequentare le lezioni (salvo in caso di esami); utilizz il tempo libero per lavorare come aiuto-redattore per un giornale locale.[25] Cominci a parlare in pubblico durante lincontro annuale del Sarva Dharma Sammelan, organizzato a Jabalpur dalla comunit giainista Teranpanthi (vi partecip fino al 1968).[28] Non volle sposarsi nonostante le pressioni dei genitori.[29]
Il 21 marzo 1953, all'et di ventun anni, visse l'esperienza mistica dell'Illuminazione mentre era seduto sotto un albero nel Giardino Bhanvartal a Jabalpur.[7][30] Dopo aver completato il suo baccellierato in filosofia al D.N. Jain College nel 1955, si iscrisse alluniversit di Sagar dove consegu un Master of Arts con lode in filosofia.[25] Venne cos assunto come docente al Raipur Sanskrit College, ma il vicepreside lo spinse a lasciare l'incarico e trasferirsi poich riteneva il suo operato nocivo per l'educazione e la moralit degli studenti.[8] Dal 1958 inizi ad insegnare filosofia all'Universit di Jabalpur, prima come 'lettore' e poi, nel 1960, come professore.[8] Conferenziere di talento, venne acclamato dai suoi colleghi come un uomo dallintelligenza eccezionale nonostante la formazione in una piccola citt.[22]
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