Archive for the ‘Osho’ Category
Osho Quotes (Author of Courage)
Posted: August 13, 2017 at 11:43 pm
I'm simply saying that there is a way to be sane. I'm saying that you can get rid of all this insanity created by the past in you. Just by being a simple witness of your thought processes.
It is simply sitting silently, witnessing the thoughts, passing before you. Just witnessing, not interfering not even judging, because the moment you judge you have lost the pure witness. The moment you say this is good, this is bad, you have already jumped onto the thought process.
It takes a little time to create a gap between the witness and the mind. Once the gap is there, you are in for a great surprise, that you are not the mind, that you are the witness, a watcher.
And this process of watching is the very alchemy of real religion. Because as you become more and more deeply rooted in witnessing, thoughts start disappearing. You are, but the mind is utterly empty.
Thats the moment of enlightenment. That is the moment that you become for the first time an unconditioned, sane, really free human being. Osho
Excerpt from:
Osho Quotes (Author of Courage)
The woman who sleeps across from Minute Maid Park – Houston Chronicle
Posted: August 7, 2017 at 11:41 am
The last thousand people who live on Houston's streets are the hardest to help. Franccessa Osho shows why
By Hunter Atkins
In June, just outside Minute Maid Park, Oluwabusayo Franccessca Osho lived in a tent.
In June, just outside Minute Maid Park, Oluwabusayo Franccessca...
Inside her tent, she looked into a mirror and saw a superstar. She turned her face, pursed her lips and narrowed her stare. Oluwabusayo Franccessa Osho shimmied with delight.
Outside, at the corner of Preston and Hamilton, across from Minute Maid Park, thousands of baseball fans glanced at the gray tent. Then they kept walking.
Most never saw the small, lithe woman with Bantu knots and onyx skin.
Osho immigrated to the United States from Nigeria, leaving behind a stable family. In Nigeria, she had earned a college degree in international studies, and in Maryland, she studied nursing. But she also had visions of becoming a supermodel posing for magazines, promoting global brands and entertaining television audiences.
Instead, she wound up in Houston, homeless for the better part of two years. In recent months, as the city implemented ordinances that banned panhandling and prohibited tents like hers, she repeatedly declined offers from outreach groups that hoped to help her off the streets.
Houston has nearly 60 percent fewer homeless people than it did five years ago, thanks to an expansion of emergency housing. But the estimated 1,000 who remain on the city's streets are the most difficult to help.
There in her tent, Osho kept a modeling career on her mind and a roll of toilet paper atop a Bible. She embodied the problem the city faces: What to do with someone who needs assistance but refuses to accept it?
She was fed up with outreach services. Basic housing was not enough. She wanted the glamorous life that she had envisioned when she came to this country.
"I don't have to give up on my dreams," Osho said.
They were bound up in a man she referred to as her fianc, Jonathan. She said she did not need help because Jonathan would be getting them a place soon.
"He will take care of me."
Thousands of Astros fans have walked past Osho's tent.
Thousands of Astros fans have walked past Osho's tent.
'Always watches me'
From the other side of Preston, a crosswalk camera shaped like a pupil kept an eye on Osho's tent. The heightened security around the ballpark was one of the reasons she had settled by Minute Maid Park in December.
She did not care for baseball, but the fanfare could raise her spirits.
"It's nice," she said. "It's good to win something."
Once the season started in April, ballgame crowds trundled past her. Sometimes drivers, pedestrians and ballpark security guards gave her things.
She was comfortable in her tent. Her tiny world. Everything within reach. A blanket patterned with peace symbols. Mountain Dew. Ramen. A pink backpack of clothes, including slim dresses.
She rigged a mirror over a small foldout chair like a makeshift vanity and filled soda bottles with lotion. She used baby wipes to stay clean.
Cutouts of natural landscapes and hair models decorated the tent walls. "I look at a beautiful model because I want to be the face of something," she said.
When feeling trustful, Osho showed her bright intellect and spirit. She cackled, giggled and squeaked like a dolphin at play. Court records list her as 5 feet tall, 90 pounds and 29 years old.
She said she is 31, but she looked half that age. Often she acted like a teenager, too. She said she wanted a phone because "I just want to update my profile picture."
Later, after she got a phone, she kept the mesh tent flap zipped shut and her earbuds in. She listened to Ariana Grande songs about love.
Those songs reminded her of Jonathan. She said he texted her, checked on her, sent her money and promoted her modeling portfolio.
He was romantic, she said. She reached into her backpack for a red candy apple. In her reedy fingers, it looked the size of a grapefruit. Jonathan gave it to her, she said, because it symbolized her beauty.
She made him gifts, too. She filled a heart-shaped notepad with love notes. She designed tank tops with messages for him, breaking apart bracelets, removing the stitches from clothes and cutting out letters from a fuzzy scarf to get the materials. She set aside one special tank top to wear for him on June 20, her birthday.
Jonathan had multiple jobs, she explained. He was a musician. He also worked surveillance for the police.
If she wanted something from Jonathan, she stared into the camera across the street and shouted for it. "Jonathan, he always watches me on camera," she said.
Why would Jonathan let her sleep on a sidewalk?
Osho said he was saving up to buy them an apartment.
"Just a young couple trying to make it," she said.
Using scrap materials, Osho made a special tank top to celebrate her birthday.
Using scrap materials, Osho made a special tank top to celebrate...
"No one can stop me"
To read this article in one of Houston's most-spoken languages, click on the button below.
"I came from a good home," Osho said.
She grew up with two sisters in a dusty, motorbike-buzzing city in Osun State, more than three hours north of Lagos. Her parents divorced when she was 9, and she gravitated toward her father, Chief Samson, who works for the postal service.
She fell in love with American entertainment. She watched "E! News," "The Ellen Degeneres Show" and anything with models. She listened to Top 40 country.
She said she applied for a visa in 2008 and won the green-card lottery in 2011. Her father had relatives who lived in Waldorf, Md., so he paid for Osho's plane ticket there. He supported her goals, however lofty, with the expectation that she would earn a nursing degree at the College of Southern Maryland.
"Nigeria isn't really enough for me to show the world the talent that I have," she said. "In America, they won't take you for granted."
Waldorf is not exactly Hollywood: Her first job was at Taco Bell.
It was no place for a supermodel, and her manager recognized that. She lasted six weeks.
On campus, she glided around in elaborate outfits. Wigs and weaves of all colors and styles. Glistening eye shadow lacquered on and accentuated by eyeliner wings. Butterfly earrings larger than her hands. Furs.
On her birthdays, she wore a tiara and pearls with pink clothes to match the icing on cookie cakes that she bought for herself. In a photo, she posed with a cake and made a look of surprise.
"I practically was her only friend," said Raquel Ortiz.
After Osho's first semester, her focus on academics waned, but her dreams of modeling remained.
"She wanted me to take pictures of her everywhere," Ortiz said.
In 2014, Osho parted with the school and broke off from her relatives. She moved into a shelter.
After a year there, she said, she wanted a change of scenery. "I just decided that no matter how, even if I didn't have money, to come to Texas," Osho said. "No one can stop me."
Perhaps not coincidentally, in August 2015, Maryland police had a warrant out for her arrest on trespassing charges.
Supporters at a church bought her a Greyhound ticket. After two days on the bus, Osho exited at Houston's Main Street.
She did not have a plan. But she did know one thing about the city.
On Tuesday nights in Maryland, she had watched Houston's Lakewood Church on TV. The megachurch's sermons and choir reminded her of the services in Nigeria.
In September, after a month in Houston, Osho asked a good Samaritan to take her to a Sunday service at Lakewood. There, she spotted Jonathan in the front row. She was four rows back. He turned, she said, and looked her way.
She attended Sunday services for a few more weeks, moving one row closer and then another. Jonathan made eye contact with her, she said.
Later, anyone who got to know Osho would hear her speak about Jonathan, the fianc she said watched out for her. But she almost never mentioned his full name: Jonathan Osteen.
As in, the son of Lakewood's multi-millionaire televangelist pastor Joel Osteen.
Jonathan Osteen, the recent University of Texas grad. Jonathan Osteen, the teen heartthrob who leads Lakewood Church's band.
Inside the tent.
Inside the tent.
'Glimmer of lucidity'
The events that landed Osho in a tent by the ballpark in December 2016 included a brief stay with the good Samaritan, a longer stretch at the Star of Hope shelter for women, two attacks by homeless men and two misdemeanors for trespassing, one of which led to 38 days in Harris County Jail.
She liked jail. She got to shower there.
"I always think that jail is horrible, disgusting, scary, but when I get to jail, I'm like, oh my God, so much better than sleeping outside," she said. "They even have TV!"
She addressed her violent encounters with more gravity. She said she was throttled while sleeping by the Theater Center and left bleeding from a punch to the forehead. In another tussle, a drunk at a bus stop split open her lip, leaving a scar on her gums.
She said she fought off both men rabidly. She aimed for their eyes and genitals.
Trauma and homelessness go together, experts say. Each can cause the other.Chronic homelessness tends to hardwire effects of the trauma.
When Osho checked into the Star of Hope, no one expected her to change overnight. The shelter recommends committing 18 months to its long-term facility for rehabilitation and job placement.
"It's not easy to restore mental stability when you're living on the streets," said Eva Thibaudeau, the director of programs at Coalition for the Homeless.
But Osho chafed at Star of Hope. She complained about the food. She hated the mats she was given for sleeping on the crowded shelter's floor. She left after six weeks.
She considered the chance to live freely worth braving the risks under U.S. 59. She did not feel vulnerable, she said: Jonathan looked after her. He was a protector and provider. She said he gave her the tent.
For months after Osho cozied up on the corner, various homeless organizations and the Houston Police Department's Homeless Outreach Team talked with her consistently. They were hoping for a "glimmer of lucidity," Thibaudeau said - a moment when Osho might be persuaded to leave the streets.
Jonathan complicated that. Osho refused services because, she said, she had him.
"She has these moments of great lucidity," said Sgt. Steve Wick, who works on the Homeless Outreach Team. "But then whenever it gets to really progressing with her, it gets difficult."
The police Homeless Outreach Team had "dozens" of engagements with Osho, Wick said. Kenneth Eakins, a Star of Hope case manager, estimated he met with her 65 times, sometimes four or five times in one day.
"It's like, 'Where's Jonathan?'" Eakins said, with his palms raised.
"He is real," Osho said.
But a call to Lakewood Church confirmed what outreach workers had long suspected.
Jonathan Osteen has never met Osho, said Andre Davis, a church spokesperson. Jonathan Osteen does not recall seeing Osho at services and does not know anything about her.
In May, Osho bought a cell phone.
In May, Osho bought a cell phone.
Facebook fantasies
From 6,500 miles away, Osho's family kept track of her through Facebook.
She posted images of wedding outfits and babies. By 2016, she showed off a fianc to complete the picture. She put up his music videos. She called him the "love of my life."
Her Facebook world went dormant in October 2016, a couple of months before she began living in her tent outside Minute Maid Park.
"I don't want to be telling my parents that I'm homeless," Osho said. "When I get back on my feet, and I have a house, they will see my beautiful house on Skype."
She could not bear explaining the truth. She slept in a tent that leaked during frequent storms and baked in the Texas heat. She urinated in Tupperware and defecated in shopping bags. When motivated to get up, she disposed of her waste in a trash can. Other times she just reached out and flung it into a sewer drain.
Her father thought she was engaged to be married.
"Initially she was with my cousin," he said over the phone, "but she left to be on her own."
According to Osho's younger sister, Victoria, Osho did not choose to leave their relative's house in Maryland, but he kicked her out at his wife's behest.
Regardless of what made Osho homeless, her family in Nigeria could not find a way to help, and they stopped trying when she said she rebounded in Houston. They were oblivious to her destitution.
"She's totally in sound mind while in Nigeria," said Victoria, when informed of her sister's whereabouts. "I guess (the) constant disappointment made her lose it."
After a stint in housing, Osho has returned to the same spot outside Minute Maid. But she's discarded her tent and sleeps unsheltered now.
After a stint in housing, Osho has returned to the same spot...
Not hopeless
Read more from the original source:
The woman who sleeps across from Minute Maid Park - Houston Chronicle
Osho Ganga Dham, Rishikesh, A place for meditation and …
Posted: August 3, 2017 at 6:45 pm
Welcome to Osho Ganga Dham situated in the pleasant natural area near river Ganga of Uttarakhand, some ten minutes by road from Laxman Jhulla and 15 minute drive from world famous Rishikesh.
This lush contemporary campus is a tropical oasis where nature and the 21st Century blend seamlessly, both withinand without. With its natural jungle pathways, beautiful rooms, it is the perfect setting to take time out for yourself.
This is a place where you can simply relax and where you can also enjoy the company of visitors of all ages from all over the world. You can choose if you want to do something, or if you just want to rest, meditate or just to be.
You can learn simple Osho Active Meditations, techniques specifically designed for the contemporary over-charged mind and stress-impacted body.
You may like to nourish your body-mind-soul with a stunning selection of individual sessions, like bodywork and massage, and longer workshops and courses all designed to help you become more aware of yourself or perhaps experiment by learning new life skills and acquiring tools to take home, that will help you remain relaxed even in the busiest of workaday environments.
The key to relaxation is awareness, being a keen observer of all that is going on both inside and around us this is the inner science, often also called meditation.
Above all this is a unique environment created through the awareness, humor, and celebration that each of us brings to the table.
Every year thousands of people visit this beautiful and comfortableAshram.A paradise where you can stay a long time or short time, within a low budget and very good food in the commune, with meditations being free. The atmosphere is really like a fairy tale. A paradise where all your emotional and spiritual needs are met. I can advise everybody to visit for a few days and walk around that beautiful garden where everybody is friendly.
Osho GangadhamJaanaki cottage,Lease No-52, Badrinath road, Brahmpuri,Rishikesh, Uttarakhand
Contact No. +91-9258160729, +91-9149323698
Call Timing for Booking : 9am 6pm
Booking Number: +91-9258160729, +91-9149323698
Continue reading here:
Osho Ganga Dham, Rishikesh, A place for meditation and ...
Osho – The Complete New Earth Records Collection
Posted: at 6:45 pm
His thousands of hours of extemporaneous talks, spoken to people around the world over a twenty year period, were all recorded, often on video, tapes, CDs, DVDs and downloads that can be listened to anywhere by anyone, when, Osho says, that same silence will be there. The transcriptions of these talks are now published in hundreds of titles in dozens of languages.
In these talks, the human mind is put under the microscope as never before, analyzed to the smallest wrinkle. Mind as psychology, mind as emotion, mind as mind/body; mind as moralist, mind as belief; mind as religion, mind as history, mind as politics and social evolution all examined, studied, and integrated. Then graciously left behind in the essential quest for transcendence.
In the process Osho exposes hypocrisy and humbug wherever he sees it. As author Tom Robbins so eloquently puts it:
I recognize the emerald breeze when it rattles my shutters. And Osho is like a hard, sweet wind, circling the planet, blowing the beanies off of rabbis and popes, scattering the lies on the desks of the bureaucrats, stampeding the jackasses in the stables of the powerful, lifting the skirts of the pathologically prudish and tickling the spiritually dead back to life. Jesus had his parables, Buddha his sutras, Mohammed his fantasies of the Arabian night. Osho has something more appropriate for a species crippled by greed, fear, ignorance and superstition: he has cosmic comedy. What Osho is out to do, it seems to me, is pierce our disguises, shatter our illusions, cure our addictions and demonstrate the self-limiting and often tragic folly of taking ourselves too seriously. ~Tom Robbins
So what to say of Osho? The ultimate deconstructionist? A visionary who becomes the vision? Certainly a proposal to existence that it is everyones birthright to enjoy that same oceanic experience of true individuality. For that, Osho says, There is only one path, which goes inwards, where you will not find a single human being, where you will only find silence, peace.
A conclusion? There are no full stops in the Osho vision, but a helping hand towards understanding ourselves:
I would like to say to you: Science is the ultimate value. And there are only two kinds of sciences: one, objective science, that decides about the outside world; and two, subjective science, which up to now has been called religion. But it is better not to call it religion. It is better to call it the science of the inner, and to divide science into a science of the outer, and a science of the inner objective science and subjective science. But make it one solid whole, and science remains the ultimate value nothing is higher than that. ~Osho
Osh – Wikipedia
Posted: August 1, 2017 at 9:43 pm
Osh (, osh) is a Buddhist priest (in charge of a temple);[1] honorific title of preceptor or high priest (esp. in Zen or Pure Land Buddhism). The same kanji are also pronounced kash as an honorific title of preceptor or high priest in Tendai or Kegon Buddhism and waj as an honorofic title of preceptor or high priest in Shingon, Hoss, Ritsu or Shin Buddhism.
Osh is the Japanese reading of the Chinese h shang (), meaning a high-ranking Buddhist monk or highly virtuous Buddhist monk. It is also a respectful designation for Buddhist monks in general and may be used with the suffix -san.
According to the Kjien Japanese dictionary and the Kanjigen dictionary of Chinese character source meanings, it is originally derived from the Sanskrit upadhyaya, meaning "master" in the sense of "teacher".
The literal meaning is "self-taught Buddhist monk/teacher"[web 1] The Chinese term "he-shang" is derived from the Sanskrit word upadhyaya or acharya:
As the new Buddhist students and scholars, who eventually became teachers and practitioners, had to give a name to themselves, they came up with a name in Khotanese dialect that supposedly translated the Sanskrit word upadhyaya which
meant 'teacher". It is also possible that it is a translation (or transliteration) of the Sanskrit word acharya, an Indian word that has a higher connotation--a teacher of religion, or the truth itself.[web 1]
The standard English translation of osh has become priest, it has a somewhat different connotation in Zen:
While priest may be associated with ceremonial functions which cause many Western Zen practitioners to balk there is another way to read the term, simply as a "technologist of the spirit." Within the Zen tradition, this would suggest a certain mastery of one or more of the Zen arts of contemplation. If we consider the word priest literally means elder, from the Latin presbyter, a Zen priest would be both a trained technologist of the spirit and an elder with the community.[web 2]
According to the Kjien, the two characters making up the word are actually pronounced osh only in the Zen and Pure Land sects. For example, they are read kash in the Tendai sect and waj in the Shingon sect.
Osh became an honorific title for Zen-masters", meaning "harmonious respect":
When the Zen masters referred to themselves, or their disciples addressed them, they would often use this word, heshang. As it originally meant simply a "self-taught Buddhist monk/teacher" Zen masters would often speak of themselves in this vein - "this old heshang is going to sleep now."--indicating a kind of self-deprication in front of their students - as if "I am just like you, not more advanced or better, just a student really." But as it is with disciples, this is hard for them to accept, the master is of course much more evolved, much higher. When a Zen disciple used this word heshang to address his master, it took on a much more reverential connotation, as if combining high respect and love simultaneously.[web 1]
An example of its use is in Rinzai's teachings:
29.a. Followers of the Way, I hold the transmission of the generations from Mayoku Osho, Tanka Osho, Doitsu Osho, Rozan Osho, Sekikyo Osho. All have gone the same way. Nobody could believe in them, all were reviled.
Doitsu Osho's actualization was pure, it was not coarse. None of his three hundred or five hundred students could make out his meaning.Rozan Osho was free and true, master of his actualization, whether adapting it or going contrary. But none of his students could fathom his vast horizon and were startled.Tanka Osho played with the pearl (of wisdom, hidden in the sea), sometimes hiding it and sometimes revealing it. He was slandered by all students who came to him.[web 3]
In St Zen, to become an osh, teacher, two more steps are to be taken after dharma transmission, namely ten-e and zuise.[web 4]
Ten-e means "to turn the robe":[web 4]
Unsui (training monks) are allowed to wear only black robes and black o-kesa [...] [T]en-e is the point in the career of a Soto monk when you are finally allowed to wear a yellow-brown robe.[web 4]
After zuise one becomes an osh, whereafter one may become the resident priest in one's own temple.[web 4] Hereby one can gain the highest rank:
After you become the head priest at your own temple and hold a practice period there for the first time (with one student acting as the shuso), you will finally reach the highest rank of dai-osho.[web 4]
To supervise the training of monks, further qualifications are necessary:
The relatively low status of dharma transmission means that in and of itself it does not qualify one to accept students or to train disciples. According to the regulations, Zen students should be supervised only by a teacher who has attained supervisory certification (i.e. sanzen dj shike status), that is, someone who in the popular literature might be called a Zen master. To attain supervisory certification requires not just high ecclesiastical grades and dharma seniority but also at least three years' experience as an assistant supervisor at a specially designated training hall (tokubetsu sd), during which time one undergoes an apprenticeship.
The term became well known in the west when Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh started to call himself Osho.
Go here to see the original:
Osh - Wikipedia
Osho not giving up on Remo Stars’ relegation battle –
Posted: at 9:43 pm
The Sky Blue Stars gaffer is still confident his side can still escape relegation this season despite going seven games without a win
Remo Stars coach Fatai Osho insists his side still have until the last day of the season to avoid relegation from the Nigerian topflight.
First half strikes from Nwagua Nyima and Sikiru Karma condemned the relegation-destined Sky Blue Stars to a 2-0defeat to Kano Pillars at the Sani Abacha Stadium.
And the former Crown FC handler has blamed fatigue and his players' inexperience for their loss to Ibrahim Musa's men and poor run this season.
"It's another bad result for us but regardless of the situation we may have found ourselves, we will fight till the last day," Osho told media.
"It's not easy playing with these set of players in the NPFL and at this level you have recruit the players yourself and work on them.
"I am not taking anything away from those players, this is first time most of my boys are playing at this level. We had some of our U19 boys in the senior team.
"Though we flew to Kano but the stress was still there because we came into Kano like three hours to the game.
"Until we are mathematically out, we shall continue to fight. I think we played below average against Kano Pillars, the boys are far better than this but I think they looked tired.
"We had to change tactics in the second half, it was like a damage control, we left them to play and tried to contain them if not, it would have been a complete disaster."
Here is the original post:
Osho not giving up on Remo Stars' relegation battle -
Osho: A man for all seasons – Merinews
Posted: at 9:43 pm
Having grown up with Rajneesh (Osho) in our student days and as a family friend, I am often asked, what his teachings were! I don't think that even Osho could have given a straight answer.
Anon-conformer, Osho was different from other spiritual or religiouspreachers. Others generally focus on their own religion or any otherbelief system they subscribe to. Theirs is the only way, theyproclaim claim! But Osho had a bewildering assortment of interestsand he seemed to appreciate and criticise whichever prophet orphilosophy he spoke on. Over 600 books have been published, which arecompilations of his lectures, subject wise. The catholicity of hisviews can be realised from his lectures from just one compilation,viz. 'Books I have loved'.
'BooksI have loved' is a series of lectures on his 168 favourite books.As a self confessed bookworm, I was suitably impressed. They rangefrom 'Alice in Wonderland', to lesser known obtuse sects. Asampling of just 20 books he lectured on is:
Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche
Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Book of Mirdad by Mikhail Naimy
Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
The Parables of Chuang Tzu
The Sermon on the Mount
Bhagavad-Gita by Krishna
Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore
The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa
The Book of the Sufis
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
The Book of Lieh Tzu
Dialogue on Socrates by Plato
The Notes of the Disciples of Bodhidarma
The Rubaiyat by Omar Khayyam
Masnavi by Jalaluddin Rumi
The Isa Upanishad
All and Everything by George Gurdjieff
In Search of the Miraculous by P. D. Ouspensky
Hisashram claims, that 'Having read more than 150,000 of theworlds greatest books on every conceivable subject, Osho shares thefragrance of some of his favourites, in these spontaneous andintimate talks. From the very first book, 'Thus Spake Zarathustra'by Friedrich Nietzsche, to the 167th entry a book by Alan Watts, hetakes us on a journey of discovery, sampling gifts from authors wehave known along with some surprises from mystics and poets neverheard of before'.
Generalisationsare odious, but if I were do so:
Hewas in tune with philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurthy and encouragedothers not to get into the groove, by adopting blindly the beliefsystems and life styles, handed down to us. But to test theprinciples oneself and tread 'the road less travelled', if needbe!
Myfather had concluded an article in 'Philosophy East West' bysaying, 'More harm is done to a religion, by its followers ratherthan by its worst enemies!' Osho echoed this repeatedly. In a bookon Kabir and other mystics, he wrote:
'Iwill speak for Christ, not on Christianity. Christianity has nothingto do with Christ. In fact, Christianity is anti-Christ, just asBuddhism is anti-Buddha and Jainism anti-Mahavir. I am all forChrist, but not even a small part of me is for Christianity. If youwant Christ, you have to go beyond Christianity. If you cling toomuch to Christianity, you will not be able to understand Christ.Christ is beyond all churches. Christ is the very principle ofreligion. In Christ all the aspirations of humanity are fulfilled.That's the beauty of Christ. Buddha is beautiful, superb. Krishnais lovable!'
Theinimitable writer Kushwant Singh, after meeting Osho wrote: 'Soonafter meeting him I began to read his books. I was very impressedthat there is one teacher who is highly erudite. He could talk aboutany subjects religion, psychology etc. His range and vision wasenormous and unmatchable. The strong point is his lucidity. There isno confusion about what he said. Also he impressed me as he liberatedpeople from their preconceived notions, superstitions and beliefs. SoI got more books to read. I kept reading. I have written anintroduction to one of his books based on whatever I have read. Hewrote so much that it is difficult to say that I have readeverything. I have not. I wrote this introduction because of agenuine admiration for the man who had the courage to speak hismind'.
Herewas a man, who delivered to you a recipe, within your own faith.However, not as your religion dictated it. But as Buddha, Mahavir,Christ and other founders had directly experienced it themselves!
Igave a copy of his Hindi book on Kabir, to my mother-in-law with sometrepidation, not knowing how a deeply pious lady would react to it.To my relief, she said, that the book had helped her to understandKabir even better, though from childhood we have been reading andreciting, 'Kabirke dohe' - 'Kahat Kabir suno bhai saadho ..
'Kabirajab hum paida huay,
Jaghanse, hum roay.
Aisikarni kar chalo,
Humhanse, jag roay'!
Formore on Osho:
See the original post here:
Osho: A man for all seasons - Merinews
OSHO – Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh – Acharya Rajneesh
Posted: July 1, 2016 at 2:45 am
Timmerman, meubelmaker, interieurbouw, renovatie, zolder verbouwen.
Den haag en Den Bosch
carpenter, decor builder, renovation, cabinet maker...
Frigge Timmerwerken
Houten vloeren schuren
Klick on a picture to follow a link...
Photo and Picture gallery ( gallerie ) OSHO Link to
Greetings, and may His love and light shine on you...
Here some pictures from OSHO, or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh from before pune 1, Pune 1, the ranch, Greece and Pune 2.... India. Hope you love 'm as much as I do... You have some photo's from him or the Ashram, rare one's? Please send them to me. mail me
I have some rare stories on OSHO on this page.
In 1966, in the tradition of the old masters, he started to travel throughout his country, devoting himself to teaching the art of meditation. Everywhere he spoke, thousands listened to his talks about freedom of the individual, something never taught in other institutions.
He began to initiate his followers into "Neo-Sannyas," that's what he called his experiment of self-knowledge and meditation in daily life, and gave himself the Sanskrit name Bhagwan after what his students called him, meaning, "the enlightened one". And this name started to become well known in Europe, America, Australia and Japan. The monthly meditation camps became more crowded, and it was necessary to find a larger place to accommodate all that were knocking on the door.
Bhagwan was the Master who would not give solutions, but simply provide a space to let go of the madness caused by living a life where the body, mind, being and soul were not connected.
In 1989, he announced from his ashram that he didn't want to be called Bhagwan Shree, which invoked the meaning of "God." His disciples, or sannyassins, "ones who have renounced the world," decided to call him Osho, which comes from the root "oceanic"; and means dissolved into the ocean. Having previously removed his name from everything, he finally agrees to accept "Osho," explaining that it is derived from William James "oceanic." "It is not my name," he says, "it is a healing sound."
Never Born Never Died Only Visited this Planet Earth between Dec 11 1931 -- Jan 19 1990
With these literally immortal words, Osho both dictates his epitaph and dispenses with his biography.
Posted: June 17, 2016 at 2:46 pm
Osho segn Osho Osho habla del amor Osho habla de la espiritualidad Osho habla de la vida Osho habla de su trabajo Osho habla del Tai-Chi:Tai Chi 1 Osho habla del Tai-Chi:Tai Chi 2 La relacin Maestro-discpuloDel deseo de Dios Zorba el Buda Sobre el Nuevo Hombre Sobre un Mundo Consciente En qu se diferencian religin y meditacin? La mente, amigo o enemigo? Las prisas La envidia Es sombro nuestro futuro?La MeditacinEl arte del escuchar Deseo y ausencia de deseosQu puedo ofrecer a Dios?Diferencias entre voluntad y entregaCmo hallar la Luz?A qu tipo pertenezco?Dos caminos para la energa: sexo y meditacinLa muerte de mi abuelo materno La muerte de mi padre Muerte y meditacinOriente y Occidente: masa y levaduraVipassanaJess y la reencarnacinLa Iniciacin por el Maestro: La Tcnica SupremaLos cuatro pasos hacia el amorEs posible celebrar la tristeza?Es importante tener algn tipo de actitud ante la vida?Cmo es posible relajarse con la certeza de la muerte?Es el anhelo de amor una estupidez? Por qu dio Osho tantos discursos?Astrologia:La Ciencia de la Unidad CsmicaAstrologa: Una Puerta hacia lo Religioso
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Osho Talks – Top Documentary Films
Posted: May 24, 2016 at 1:44 am
Osho or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was born in 1931 in Central India. He was a charismatic and gifted speaker who became the leader of a worldwide new spiritual movement. It is said that at the age of 21 he attained enlightenment or Samadhi. At the time he was studying philosophy at the University of Saugar. On receiving a masters degree he taught philosophy at the University of Jabalpur for nine years. As well as teaching philosophy he also began to attract disciples to follow his own eclectic mix of philosophy and religion. In 1966 he decided to leave his teaching post and give full attention to his role as spiritual Master.
In 1970 he settled for a while in Mumbai. He began initiating disciples (known as neo-sannyasins) and took on the role of a spiritual teacher. In his discourses, he reinterpreted writings of religious traditions, mystics and philosophers from around the world. In 1974 he moved with his disciples to Pune, India. Here he established a new ashram in a comfortable setting of 6 acres. In 1980 he was attacked by a Hindu fundamentalist who disagreed with Oshos unconventional stance on religion and spirituality. It is said that due to police incompetence the assailant was never convicted.
In 1981, Osho relocated to the United States and his followers established an intentional community, later known as Rajneeshpuram, in the state of Oregon. Within a year the leadership of the commune became embroiled in a conflict with local residents, primarily over land use, which was marked by hostility on both sides. Osho's large collection of Rolls-Royce automobiles was also notorious. The Oregon commune collapsed in 1985 when the news spread that some members of the commune had committed a number of serious crimes, including a bioterror attack (food contamination) on the citizens of The Dalles.
Osho was arrested shortly afterwards and charged with immigration violations. He was deported from the United States in accordance with a plea bargain. Twenty-one countries denied him entry, causing Osho to travel the world before returning to Pune, where he died in 1990. His ashram is today known as the Osho International Meditation Resort. His syncretic teachings emphasize the importance of meditation, awareness, love, celebration, creativity and humour qualities that he viewed as being suppressed by adherence to static belief systems, religious tradition and socialisation. His teachings have had a notable impact on Western New Age thought, and their popularity has increased markedly since his death.
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Osho Talks - Top Documentary Films