Archive for the ‘Organic Food’ Category
Best baby food delivery and subscriptions for 2020 – CNET
Posted: August 10, 2020 at 9:48 pm
The coronaviruscrisis has put a cherry on top of all the stresses involved in being a new parent. Now that people are juggling their family life and work life -- often in the same space -- a baby food delivery service could help keep everything together. Seriously, you don't want to spend any of your precious time filling a tiny glass jar up with pureed fruit. Let someone else do that for you.
Luckily, these days,baby fooddelivery companies are as convenient and abundant asmeal delivery servicesfor grownups. But with so many choices, how do you find the best option that will work for you and your growing family?
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We all know that choosing healthy food is important, no matter your age. For babies, it's even more critical. Nutritious, high-quality baby food can help ensure proper development and growth (not to mention fewer meltdowns). If you're struggling with what to feed junior, baby food subscription service options lay out all the nutritional information and ingredients. They also set up a plan so you can have the best veggie purees and organic food for your tykes delivered to your door -- weekly or monthly -- so you're never without.
Babies require different nutrition and food types depending on their age and stage of development, so many of these baby food subscription services curate meal plan deliveries and special packages based on those specific needs. Options include customized baby food pouches, organic purees for an infant or more complete toddler meals and homemade food for young children. What's more is that each meal delivery service offers a wealth of options, ensuring your baby doesn't get bored with her food and instilling healthy eating habits that will serve them well in life.
The following are seven of the best baby food delivery services for babies, toddlers and busy parents:
These services are independently chosen by our editors and updated as we try new ones.
Read more:The best healthy meal kits (for adults) in 2020
If you want baby food meals that are healthy, fresh and fun, look no further than Yumble Kids. This food subscription company offers a variety of weekly meal plans, nutrients and ingredients for young children, including fun solid food recipes such as pizza pockets with mashed potatoes and broccoli or cheese rotini with green beans. What's even better is that there's no cooking necessary: Just warm them up and you're good to go.
Frequency and pricing:Starting at six meals per week at $5.99 per meal, $35.95 for the first two weeks.
Little Spoon offers a wide variety of baby food and ingredients specially designed to boost various areas of your baby's development and health. After you answer a few questions about your baby, Little Spoon will create a customized nutrition plan for you and send fresh weekly deliveries of healthyfood -- simply choose how many baby meals you need per day. As an added bonus, the fresh baby food purees are made with organic ingredients and no preservatives.
Frequency and pricing:Three plan sizes (one, two, or three times per day), pricing dependent on location.
If you're still breastfeeding or bottle feeding, it's important to eat well and keep your body healthy -- for youandyour baby. The Boobie Box will help you do just that, as it provides a variety of helpful products to aid in your nursing and eventually baby-led weaning. Each month, you'll get a box specially curated by a lactation counselor, including items like lactation teas, drinks and cookies, breastfeeding supplies and even toys.
Frequency and pricing:Starts at $25.50 per month.
Tykes not eating solid foods yet? Don't worry, Yumi has you covered. This company offers three "stages" of baby foods, including single-ingredient purees, multi-ingredient purees and chunky puree options. You can work your way through the sequential stages, from nutritious infant meals to toddler meals, with weekly fresh deliveries, gradually introducing your children to new flavors, nutrients and textures, like quinoa, wheat germ oil and chia seeds.
Frequency and pricing:Three plan sizes (one, two, or three times per day), starting around $5 per day.
You might see a familiar face if you venture to the Once Upon a Farm website. That's right, this baby food delivery company is run by actress and mother-of-three Jennifer Garner. The company delivers fresh food pouches of cold-pressed baby food purees made from certified organic fruits and organic vegetables (like Magic Velvet Mango and Baby Bear Butternut Squash), plus it offers organic food for toddlers and young children, too. You can even purchase Once Upon a Farm products individually to see if your little ones like the organic baby food pouches before committing to a subscription.
Frequency and pricing:Starting at $2.69 per cup or pouch of organic ingredients and free shipping for subscription-based services. $2.99 per cup or pouch plus $12 shipping for one-time purchases.
Whether you need fresh, delicious meals for your baby, toddler or child, Nurture Life has you covered. This baby food brand focuses on delivering nutritionally balanced, perfectly portioned meals for children of all ages and all of its meals are ready to serve in three minutes or less. Food is shipped refrigerated -- not frozen -- and, to be honest, if you don't have time to shop for food at the grocery store, it might be the closest thing you can get to homemade baby food bya personal chef.
Frequency and pricing:Starting at eight jars at $35 per week, plus shipping.
Expose your little ones to new tastes, textures and smells with food from Tiny Organics. This company supplies a variety of soft, organic finger food choices that are perfect for babies eight months and older and you can choose to get deliveries every two or four weeks. Tiny Organics promotes self-feeding as a way to make mealtimes more enjoyable and help your babies develop fine motor skills. Also, the food looks so tasty you might be tempted to steal a bite.
Frequency and pricing:Starting at $3.52 to $4.12 per meal for a subscription-based service (one-time purchasing also permitted).
This story was written by Camryn Rabideau and originally posted at Chowhound.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
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USDA Accepting Applications to Help Cover Costs for Organic Certification – Southeast AgNet
Posted: at 9:47 pm
WASHINGTON, August 10, 2020 USDAs Farm Service Agency (FSA) announced that organic producers and handlers can apply for federal funds to assist with the cost of receiving and maintaining organic certification through theOrganic Certification Cost Share Program(OCCSP). Applications for eligible certification expenses paid between Oct. 1, 2019, and Sept. 30, 2020, are due Oct. 31, 2020.
For producers producing food with organic certification, this program helps cover a portion of those certification costs, FSA Administrator Richard Fordyce said. Contact your local FSA county office to learn more about this program and other valuable USDA resources, like farm loans and conservation assistance, that can help you succeed.
OCCSP provides cost-share assistance to producers and handlers of agricultural products for the costs of obtaining or maintaining organic certification under the USDAs National Organic Program. Eligible producers include any certified producers or handlers who have paid organic certification fees to a USDA-accredited certifying agent. Eligible expenses for cost-share reimbursement include application fees, inspection costs, fees related to equivalency agreement and arrangement requirements, travel expenses for inspectors, user fees, sales assessments and postage.
Changes in Reimbursement
Due to expected participation levels and the limited funds available, FSA revised the reimbursement amount available through fiscal year 2023. Certified producers and handlers are now eligible to receive reimbursement for up to 50% of the certified organic operations eligible expenses, up to a maximum of $500 per scope.
This change will allow a larger number of certified organic operations to receive assistance. If Congress authorizes additional funding, FSA may provide additional assistance to certified operations that have applied for OCCSP, not to exceed 75% of their eligible costs, up to $750 per scope.
The changes to the payment calculation and maximum payment amount are applicable to all certified organic operations, regardless of whether they apply through an FSA county office or a participating state agency. State agencies that are interested in overseeing reimbursements to producers and handlers in their states must establish new agreements with FSA for fiscal 2020.
Opportunities for State Agencies
Todays announcement also includes the opportunity for state agencies to apply for grant agreements to administer the OCCSP program in fiscal 2020. State agencies that establish agreements may be able to extend their agreements and receive additional funds to administer the program in future years.
FSA has not yet determined whether an additional application period will be announced for state agencies that choose not to participate in fiscal 2020. States that would like to administer OCCSP for multiple years are encouraged to establish an agreement for fiscal 2020.
FSA will accept applications from state agencies from Aug. 10, 2020 through Sept. 9, 2020.
State Agencies must submit the Application for Federal Assistance (Standard Form 424 and 424B) electronically via, the Federal grants website, at
More Information
To learn more about organic certification cost share, please visit theOCCSP webpage,view thenotice of funds availability on the Federal Register, or contact theFSA county officeat your local USDA Service Center. All USDA Service Centers are open for business, including some that are open to visitors to conduct business in person by appointment only. All Service Center visitors wishing to conduct business with FSA, Natural Resources Conservation Service or any other Service Center agency should call ahead and schedule an appointment. Service Centers that are open for appointments will pre-screen visitors based on health concerns or recent travel, and visitors must adhere to social distancing guidelines. Visitors may also be required to wear a face covering during their appointment.
To learn more about USDA support for organic agriculture,
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USDA Accepting Applications to Help Cover Costs for Organic Certification - Southeast AgNet
One COVID-19 risk is obvious so why wont we talk about it? – Palm Beach Post
Posted: at 9:47 pm
Americas COVID-19 response leaves a lot to be desired.
From the federal government.
From state and local governments.
And from certain segments of the population who refuse to wear face coverings and practice social distancing.
These are among the reasons why, despite being just 4% of the worlds population, the U.S. has suffered 25% percent of the worlds COVID-19 deaths.
But theres another factor that has likely put many Americas at greater risk for coronavirus complications: our obesity epidemic.
Last month, three Johns Hopkins University physicians published a study in Lancet that links higher body mass index to more severe cases of COVID-19 and points to obesity as a significant pre-existing condition especially in younger patients. The report confirms anecdotal observations from early in the pandemic, as well recent studies from other countries.
Comedian Bill Maher, whos been railing for years about American obesity, did so again recently during a New Rules segment on his HBO show "Real Time". He chastised both the media and government health officials for not being more direct with the public about the need to address obesity in the U.S.
Noting that he didnt think it was a coincidence that the countries with the lowest obesity rates had the lowest coronavirus death rates, he said, "Obesity was already killing us slowly. But you mix it with COVID and it kills us fast."
Obesity defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more creates a cascade of comorbidities, including heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, increased risk for stroke and multiple forms of cancer and, as it relates to coronavirus, a compromised immune system response.
Cardiologist Dr. David Kass, one of the authors of the Johns Hopkins University study, told the schools magazine Hub, "Studies have now shown obesity increases the likelihood that you'll end up in a hospital or an ICU, and that your disease course can be more severe. The reason the comorbidities aren't showing up in younger patients let's say under 40 or 50 years old is that the cardiac, vascular, and metabolic risks linked to obesity may not have had enough time to develop in a concrete way."
Another concern experts have about COVID-19 and obesity is how the condition could impact the efficacy of potential vaccines.
Last week, Kaiser News reported that scientists have known since the 1980s that common vaccines for influenza, hepatitis B, tetanus and rabies, among others "can be less effective in obese adults than in the general population" and that "there is little reason to believe, obesity researchers say, that COVID-19 vaccines will be any different."
As University of North Carolina associate professor of nutrition Raz Shaikh said to Kaiser News, "Will we have a COVID vaccine next year tailored to the obese? No way. Will it still work in the obese? Our prediction is no."
According to the CDC, more than 42% of American adults are obese.
By comparison, the World Health Organization says that the European countries with the highest obesity rates Malta and the United Kingdom come in at around 29% and 28% respectively.
The last time the U.S. obesity rate was in that range? More than 20 years ago when it was around 30%.
So what happened? And what can we do about it?
Socioeconomics, industrialized food supply and more
Like so many race and economic issues the U.S. is currently wrestling with, obesity rates are, statistically speaking, largely affected by ones socioeconomic status.
The CDC notes that although "the association between obesity and income or educational level is complex and differs by sex and race/ethnicity overall, men and women with college degrees had lower obesity prevalence compared with those with less education" and that the "prevalence of obesity among adults was lower in the highest income group than [in] other groups" and the "prevalence of obesity among college graduates was lower than among those with some college and those who were high school graduates or less."
Last week, CNN detailed how, since the end of World War II, America started producing an "industrialized food supply." Originally, this was done in anticipation of potential post-war food shortages. Soon, though, manufacturers recognized the profitability of efficiently producing such products.
This, noted CNN, "led to a domestic food market rife with highly processed, carbohydrate-laden, shelf-stable and convenient foods" and a populace that began consuming less fresh fruits and vegetables and more foodstuffs filled with chemicals, additives, preservatives and high-fructose corn syrup.
The efficiency of this domestic food supply made it progressively cheaper to eat these kinds of foods, especially in comparison to clean, organic foods. In recent decades, as income inequality has grown, low-income and impoverished households became ever more dependent on these kinds of products to stretch their food dollar.
The government definition of "food insecurity" a circumstance now affecting tens of millions of out-of-work Americans is "the disruption of food intake or eating patterns because of lack of money and other resources."
But in many ways equally as harmful is "nutrition insecurity" which is "the inability to access adequate quantities of nutritious foods required for optimal growth and development."
Sicker than ever
According to experts, as a population, were sicker now than we were at the end of the Great Depression.
Whats more, diet-related illness and lack of metabolic health are starting at earlier ages.
For instance, according to CNN "a 2018 report filed by Mission: Readiness, a council of retired admirals and generals who advocate for policies that help kids stay healthy ... stated In the United States, 71 percent of young people between the ages of 17 and 24 do not qualify for military service, noting exceptionally high rates of obesity starting as early as age 2. Fewer Americans are physically ready for work and war than in 1945, yet, instead of being underweight and malnourished, they are overweight and malnourished."
What can we do now?
"Fat" "overweight" "obese" these words all carry emotional triggers and pejorative connotations. So when it comes to helping people make better nutritional choices and reverse the effects of clinical obesity, lets eliminate the terms most people associate with ones appearance.
The message could better be framed as the need to maximize ones "metabolic health" which is defined as having ideal levels of blood sugar, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference, without using medications.
People with good metabolic health have better immune systems and are at less risk for disease.
"You shouldnt try to force this on people, but instead try to tactfully help them understand that there is an issue that needs to be addressed," recommended Boca Raton neuropsychologist Raphael Wald. "People have to see that theres an issue and then be properly motivated to address it."
To treat people with issues related to overeating and/or poor nutritional choices, Wald believes the "team approach" works best one that includes a medical doctor, a nutritionist, a therapist and a physical trainer.
And he believes in the power and sustainability of making small, incremental changes over time: "A lot of inertia goes into having poor nutritional habits. However, if you vow to make one healthy choice per day for, say, a week, that can break the negative cycle and start you on the path to better nutritional habits."
However, making these changes on a societal level wont be easy.
"We simply have too much access to junk food," lamented Jacqueline Botting, founder and "chief visionary" of WiseTribe, the Delray Beach-based initiative whose goal is to organize and activate communities to engage in food-related behaviors that support better health and environmental sustainability. "Unfortunately, a lack of nutrition education combined with a need for convenience, poor personal choices and aggressive advertising by fast food and junk food companies influence a lot of our behaviors and choices concerning food."
Local activists like Botting are determined to combat this.
"For the first time in history we have too many people dying from eating too much food rather than dying from starvation," she said. "The entire global food system needs to be revised with health, equity and sustainability in mind. As a country, we need to put pressure on lawmakers to enact policies that encourage the growth of production and distribution networks that favor high-quality, healthy food. Our food system should be our first line of healthcare. Its going to take an entire generation to rebuild the food system."
In 2019, WiseTribe received a grant from Children Services Council to teach local kids about "food citizenship" which Botting explained is "the practice of engaging in food-related behaviors that support, rather than threaten, the development of democratic, socially and economically just, and environmentally sustainable, food systems."
In the current absence of a federally backed national campaign on better nutrition and food citizenship, local grassroots campaigns like WiseTribes will have to suffice.
But heres to hoping that someday in the not-too-distant future, all Americans will recognize that over-reliance on the convenience of our industrialized food supply is literally killing us and must be changed.
And then we all have to be encouraged maybe even incentivized to make better nutritional choices.
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One COVID-19 risk is obvious so why wont we talk about it? - Palm Beach Post
The pandemic didn’t just bring bad things with it –
Posted: at 9:47 pm
"Producing organic food, of the highest quality and strictly Italian, is a rather ordinary practice, even when the weather is not at its best. On the contrary, the challenge was to educate the client, and therefore the final consumer, to prefer and support food from organic farming. The health emergency seems to have changed the preferences of Italians, directing them towards healthier, safer and certified products, regardless, sometimes, of their physical appearance."
This is what was explained to FreshPlaza by Rocco Dimallio, director of "Principe di Puglia", the all-organic agricultural company that has over 500 hectares of cultivated area and a wide range of fruit and vegetables all year round.
"This positive trend is reflected in our order history. As a matter of fact, during the lockdown weeks, we recorded a +30% increase compared to the same period last year, but, as of today, we can confirm that orders are staying quite high. Those fruit and vegetables that once were undervalued for their uneven shape and color, now seem to be favored. This is also a result of the work carried out in recent years to raise awareness of organic farming. There is a deeper commitment to the naturalness of the product. We can see this also from the packaging we are asked for, packaging which is more sustainable, innovative and therefore more associated with the concept of organic."
"While we are still busy with cucumbers and zucchini, we have also started the commercialization of potatoes and tomatoes, and we are expecting the harvest of aubergines and peppers in a few days. A catalogue full of Apulian products, sold both in Italy and abroad, such as Germany, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands. Fresh, safe products, with extraordinary organoleptic qualities, that reach the shelves of many large-scale retail chains. These are references that we want each and every one of our customers to experience."
Contact: Principe di Puglia Soc. Coop. Agr. Via La Menola, 15 71047 Stornara (FG) Phone.: +39 0885/434072 - 388/3520921 Website:
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The pandemic didn't just bring bad things with it -
Coronavirus live updates for the week of August 9: 41 new cases confirmed in Shasta County – Record Searchlight
Posted: at 9:47 pm
Shasta County employs dozens of people who work to trace the contacts of people who test positive for COVID-19, according to public health officials. Redding Record Searchlight
2 p.m., Monday, Aug. 10
There were 41 new confirmed cases of the coronavirusover the past few days in Shasta County, health officials announced Monday.
That number brings totalcases to 459. Of those patients, 38 are in isolation, and two are hospitalized.
Thirteen showed no symptoms.
The newest people to test positive did so on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Here is how the 41 new cases break down:
In Shasta County, 10people have died as a result of the virus, according to health officials.
About 26,000 people have been tested for the virus in the county.
2:59p.m. Monday, August 10
With many schools set to reopen this week, the Shasta County Office of Education has released its updated guide to help parents and students prepare for what school will look like this academic year, including precautions that families should take on days their children will be on campus, how sports and physical education will be adapted and what will happen if schools report cases of COVID-19.
School will not look the same this year, but over time, we will all get used to the modifications, said Shasta County Health Officer Dr. Karen Ramstrom. "Education is essential for our childrens well-being and our school partners have worked hard to come up with plans that balance the need for education with student safety."
The guide, titled School Year Planning: A Guide to Address the Challenges of COVID-19, is available at A section about the return to school of students with underlying health conditions and other needs is included in the guide.
The California Department of Public Health has also released updated guidance for schools and school-based programs and supplementary FAQs.
Each of the countys school districts decided on its return plan, with some choosing distance learning, others opting for a 5-day-a-week return to school and others selecting a hybrid of in-person and distance learning.
Also, school districts have all created plans to minimize risk for students and staff returning to school in a variety of ways, including physical distancing, mask-wearing and having children remain in cohorts for the classroom, meals and physical activity.
For more information on preparing your children for the return to school, go to and select Frequently Asked Questions.
1:45p.m., Monday, Aug. 10
Health officials warns those living in areas with wildfire smoke maybe more likely to contract the coronavirus, if exposed.
Wildfire smoke can irritate people'slungs, causeinflammation, affect people'simmune systemsand make them more prone to lung infections, including COVID-19, according to an announcement issued Monday by theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention.
Most cloth and other kinds of masks used to slow the spread of COVID-19 can't offer much protection against the harmful particles present inwildfire smoke, the CDC warns.While masks with N95 respiratorsprovide some protection against both smoke particles and COVID-19, supplies of N95 masks are often reserved for frontline healthworkers.
For more information on dealing with smoke during the pandemic, go to
12:56p.m., Monday, Aug. 10
The latest food delivery service to emerge in Shasta County during the coronavirus pandemic is Redding nonprofit Providence International.
Providence is in its second year of offering a weekly subscription service, which delivers locally grown fresh produce to homes and businesses.
Because of the pandemic, "there's definitely been an uptick in subscriptions," said Providence COO Shawn Kniep. The food delivery service now has between 175 and200 customers in Shasta and Tehama counties, he said.
The residential delivery service features foodfrom about 15 local farmers, including crops from Providences own Garden of Hope Farm.
Some of the farmers involved"used to utilize farmer's markets, but because of COVID, maybe they don't want to participate in that way,"Kniep said.
"It's a no-contact alternative, plus the convenience of having it delivered to your door. The fallout from the COVID has boosted demand for sustainable and local food security. It is something that has gained a lot of traction," he said.
Consumers can subscribe to an assortment ranging from organic produce, dairy, meat and eggs to locally harvested honey.
This year'sfood boxes are being delivered via refrigerated vans fromstartup Field to Fork Tehama.
More information is available on Providence's websiteor at530-215-1032.
Original story
5 p.m. Monday, Aug. 10
Many North State counties reported new coronavirus cases over the weekend.
Here's where COVID-19 case totals stoodin far Northern California, according to reports from each county'spublic health department:
Far Northern California coastal counties:
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Here's how the latest statewide COVID-19 numbers break down:
Here's the caseload nationwide and worldwide, as reported byJohns Hopkins University:
More: Coronavirus live updates this week: Another death in Shasta County
More: School districts reconsider opening due to COVID-19 concerns
More: Help available for those who lost health insurance during COVID-19 crisis
Alayna Shulman covers a little bit of everything for the Record Searchlight. In particular, she loves writing aboutthe issues of this community through long-form storytelling. Her work often centers on localcrime, features and politics, and has won awards for best writing, best business coverage and best investigative reporting in the California News Publishers Association's Better Newspapers Contest.Follow her on Twitter (@ashulman_RS), call her at 530-225-8372 and, to support herwork, please subscribe.
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Report Caption: Report On Organic Food Preservatives Market With Top Key Players | Pandemic Impact On Supply Chain Analysis and Forecast 2029 – News…
Posted: at 9:47 pm
A new particular insight report distributed by MarketResearch.Biz with the title Worldwide Organic Food Preservatives Market Report 2020 by Key Players, Types, Applications, Countries, Market Size, Forecast to 2029 (Based on 2020 COVID-19 Worldwide Spread) can help the leaders in the most significant market on the planet that has assumed an altogether significant job in having a dynamic effect on the worldwide economy. The Global Organic Food Preservatives Market Report presents and features a crucial vision of the worldwide situation as far as market size, advertising possibilities, and competitive environment. The examination is subordinate from primary and secondary factual information and comprises of a subjective and quantitative investigation of the business and key players.
The most recent report incorporates the Impact of Coronavirus on the Organic Food Preservatives Industry, which remembers for Industry Upstream, Industry Downstream, Industry Channels, Industry Competition, lastly on Industry Employment
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Organic Food Preservatives MarketKey Players: Cargill, Incorporated, I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Tate & Lyle PLC, Univar Inc, Kemin Industries Inc, Hawkins Watts Limited, Naturex S.A., Kalsec Inc, Brenntag North America Inc
Covid-19 Scenario:
COVID-19 can impact the worldwide economy in three different ways: by straightforwardly affecting creation and request, by making flexibly chain and market interruptions, and by financially affecting organizations and budgetary markets. The emission of COVID-19 has suggestions for some perspectives, for example, flight undoings. Travel bans and isolates; Restaurants shut; every Indoor Event confined; more than forty nations pronounced a highly sensitive situation; huge flexibly chain log jam; securities exchange instability; falling business certainty, developing panic in the population and vulnerability about future.
Purpose behind purchasing Organic Food Preservatives Market report:
What the Organic Food Preservatives statistical surveying report fundamentally comprises of?
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Scope of the report and key features
The report catches extensive information and data on past and present Organic Food Preservatives market execution, with figure see for the following 5 years. The report is organized as graphs, pie-graphs, tables, figures to give a simple comprehension of the Industry to our perusers. The serious investigation and systems will help the organizations and related Organic Food Preservatives Industries to infiltrate the development internationally. The Organic Food Preservatives creation procedures, advancement plans and approaches, the estimating structure is contemplated. The flexibly request insights, benefits, utilization proportion, net edge, shopper base are additionally broke down.
Key Takeaway:
Major Point of TOC:
Part I Organic Food Preservatives Industry Overview
Chapter One: Organic Food Preservatives Industry Overview
Chapter Two: Organic Food Preservatives Up and Down Stream Industry Analysis
Part II Asia Organic Food Preservatives Industry (The Report Company Including the Below Listed But Not All)
Chapter Three: Asia Organic Food Preservatives Market Analysis
Chapter Four: 2015-2020 Asia Organic Food Preservatives Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast
Chapter Five: Asia Organic Food Preservatives Key Manufacturers Analysis
Chapter Six: Asia Organic Food Preservatives Industry Development Trend
Part III North American Organic Food Preservatives Industry (The Report Company Including the Below Listed But Not All)
Chapter Seven: North American Organic Food Preservatives Market Analysis
Chapter Eight: 2015-2020 North American Organic Food Preservatives Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast
Chapter Nine: North American Organic Food Preservatives Key Manufacturers Analysis
Chapter Ten: North American Organic Food Preservatives Industry Development Trend
Part IV Europe Organic Food Preservatives Industry Analysis (The Report Company Including the Below Listed But Not All)
Chapter Eleven: Europe Organic Food Preservatives Market Analysis
Chapter Twelve: 2015-2020 Europe Organic Food Preservatives Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast
Chapter Thirteen: Europe Organic Food Preservatives Key Manufacturers Analysis
Chapter Fourteen: Europe Organic Food Preservatives Industry Development Trend
Part V Organic Food Preservatives Marketing Channels and Investment Feasibility
Chapter Fifthteen: Organic Food Preservatives Marketing Channels Development Proposals Analysis
Chapter Sixteen: Development Environmental Analysis
Chapter Seventeen: Organic Food Preservatives New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis
Part VI Global Organic Food Preservatives Industry Conclusions
Chapter Eighteen: 2015-2020 Global Organic Food Preservatives Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast
Chapter Nineteen: Global Organic Food Preservatives Industry Development Trend
....For Detailed InformationClick Here For Complete TOC
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Global Corn Gluten Feed Market Is Projected to Reach US$ 9279.4 Mn by 2027, Says Coherent Market Insights – Business Wire
Posted: at 9:47 pm
SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Gluten feed is procured as a by-product during the manufacturing process of corn starch and corn syrup. Corn gluten feed usually contains maize bran, maize steep liquor, germ meal, and cracked maize screenings.
The global corn gluten feed market is expected to account for US$ 9,279.4 Mn, in terms of value, by the end of 2027, registering a CAGR of 4.12%.
Global Corn Gluten Feed Market: Drivers
The corn gluten feed market is expected to be driven by several factors such as the increase in animal welfare outlay, growing food safety concerns, adoption of gluten feed as a substitute to fishmeal in aquaculture, and increasing demand for protein-rich animal feed. Furthermore, upsurge in the income level, preference for healthy meat and livestock products, and cost-effectiveness of gluten feed products act as drivers to stimulate growth of the market. According to the U.S. grains council, for the marketing year ending on August 31, 2019, more than 1.86 million tons of corn gluten feed and corn gluten meal left the U.S. for the export market. Ireland (23 percent) was the top user of U.S. corn gluten feed and meal, followed by Israel (12 percent) and Indonesia (9 percent). Thus, with these tremendous exports, it can be said that the global corn gluten feed market is driven by the trends in the U.S. market.
Global Corn Gluten Feed Market: Opportunities
The shift towards the adoption of organic foods and byproducts for animal feed is expected to provide numerous growth opportunities for the market over the forecast period. The corn gluten feed is also being used as a feed improver in cattle diets, which act as a source of protein and energy, making it easier to digest.
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Market Restraints
The growth of the market would be restrained by the lack of responsiveness about the product in certain regions, adverse reactions associated with the gluten, rigorous guidelines about the safety, and availability of other protein feeds in the market.
Key Takeaways:
Amongst the product type, the dry corn gluten feed segment holds the largest share in the global corn gluten feed market. Dry corn gluten feed is being processed by using the dry-milling process. Dry-milling process is less capital intensive and involves grinding corn into a coarse flour, which is then combined with water and enzymes to convert the starch to sugar. This product, referred to as mash, is then cooked and sterilized. After cooling, yeast is added to the mash and the sugar is converted to ethanol and carbon dioxide during the fermentation stage. The mash is sent to distillation and ethanol is extracted. The spent mash goes to a screen where the liquid distiller soluble or thin stillage either goes back into the cooking system or is sold as livestock feed. Also, during processing, some corn oil is removed to balance the protein and energy content of the final feed and pet food products.
Market Trends:
Major players in the market are focused on expanding their production capabilities, with the objective of gaining a significant market share in the existing markets and expanding their operations in new markets. For instance, in January 2016, Cargill, Inc. inaugurated its wet corn milling plant in Karnataka, India. This plant has a capacity of 800 tons of corn per day and is expected to further increase its production capacity and help the company expand its customer base in India.
Competitive Landscape:
Major players operating in the global corn gluten feed market include Agrana Group, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Bunge Ltd., Cargill Incorporated, Commodity Specialists Company, Grain Processing Corporation, Ingredion Incorporated, Tate & Lyle Plc., Tereos Syral, and The Roquette Group among others.
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By Region
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Organic Food (Fruits & Vegetables, Meat, Fish & Poultry products, Dairy products, Frozen & Processed foods, & Others) & Organic…
Posted: at 9:47 pm
Latest Report on the Global Organic Food (Fruits & Vegetables, Meat, Fish & Poultry products, Dairy products, Frozen & Processed foods, & Others) & Organic Beverages (Non dairy beverages, Coffee & Tea, Beer & Wine, & Others) Market
MRRSE recently published a market study that offers critical insights related to the growth prospects of the Organic Food (Fruits & Vegetables, Meat, Fish & Poultry products, Dairy products, Frozen & Processed foods, & Others) & Organic Beverages (Non dairy beverages, Coffee & Tea, Beer & Wine, & Others) market during the forecast period (2019-2029). The report takes into account the historical and current market trends to evaluate the top factors that are likely to influence the growth of the market in the upcoming years.
As per the report, the Organic Food (Fruits & Vegetables, Meat, Fish & Poultry products, Dairy products, Frozen & Processed foods, & Others) & Organic Beverages (Non dairy beverages, Coffee & Tea, Beer & Wine, & Others) market is poised to grow at a CAGR of ~XX% during the assessment period primarily driven by a growing focus on product innovation, a surge in demand for the Organic Food (Fruits & Vegetables, Meat, Fish & Poultry products, Dairy products, Frozen & Processed foods, & Others) & Organic Beverages (Non dairy beverages, Coffee & Tea, Beer & Wine, & Others) in the developed regions, and potential opportunities in the developing regions.
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What Sets Us Apart From the Rest?
The presented market study bifurcates the global Organic Food (Fruits & Vegetables, Meat, Fish & Poultry products, Dairy products, Frozen & Processed foods, & Others) & Organic Beverages (Non dairy beverages, Coffee & Tea, Beer & Wine, & Others) market on the basis of geography, applications, and end-use industries.
Regional assessment
The region-wise assessment of the Organic Food (Fruits & Vegetables, Meat, Fish & Poultry products, Dairy products, Frozen & Processed foods, & Others) & Organic Beverages (Non dairy beverages, Coffee & Tea, Beer & Wine, & Others) market provides an in-depth understanding of the market dynamics in each region and various factors that are likely to impact market growth.
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Competitive Outlook
The competitive outlook section touches upon the business prospects of some of the most established market players in the Organic Food (Fruits & Vegetables, Meat, Fish & Poultry products, Dairy products, Frozen & Processed foods, & Others) & Organic Beverages (Non dairy beverages, Coffee & Tea, Beer & Wine, & Others) market. The company profiles of each company are included in the report along with data including revenue growth, production capacity, domestic and regional presence, product portfolio, and more.
Companies such as Hain Celestial Group Inc, Starbucks, Amys Kitchen Inc, and Organic Valley are some of the major players of this market.
The report aims to address the following queries related to the Organic Food (Fruits & Vegetables, Meat, Fish & Poultry products, Dairy products, Frozen & Processed foods, & Others) & Organic Beverages (Non dairy beverages, Coffee & Tea, Beer & Wine, & Others) market:
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Global Projection 2020: Organic Food & Beverage Market Exclusive Profitable Comprehensive Research Report with COVID-19 Impact Overview | Forecast…
Posted: at 9:47 pm
An investigation ofOrganic Food & BeverageMarket has been given in the most recent report launched by MarketResearch.Biz that essentially focuses on the market trends, demand spectrum, and future prospects of this industry over the conjecture time frame. Moreover, the report gives a point by point statistical review in terms of trends outlining the geographical opportunities and contributions by prominent industry share contenders.
In addition, the report centers on giving thorough comprehensive analytical data on the local fragments, which incorporate North America, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and the Rest of the World. Other than this, improvement plans and strategies, marketing terminologies, manufacturing protocols, current trends, dynamics of the market, and characterization have been clarified in brief in this Organic Food & Beverage market report. The group of specialists and investigators displays the readers exact measurements and logical information in the report in a simple manner by methods for graphs, outlines, pie graphs, and other pictorial delineations.
For all-inclusive information: Download a FREE sample copy of Organic Food & BeverageMarket Report Study 2020-2029 at
Topmost Prime Key Manufacturers of Organic Food & Beverage Market Report-The Hain Celestial Group, Amys Kitchen Inc, Organic Valley, Whole Foods Market Inc, General Mills Inc, WhiteWave Foods, Cargill, Incorporated, Danone S.A., United Natural Foods, Incorporated, Dole Food Company Inc
How Does This Organic Food & Beverage Market Insights Help?
Organic Food & Beverage Market share (regional, product, end-user, application) both in terms of volume and revenue alongside CAGR
Key parameters which are driving this market and restraining its development
What all challenges manufacturers will face as well as new opportunities and threats faced by them
Find out about the market strategies that are being adopted by your competitors and leading organizations
To gain insightful analyses of the market and have a extensive comprehension of the Organic Food & Beverage Market and its commercial landscape
Impact of Covid-19 in Organic Food & Beverage Market:The utility-possessed section is for the most part being driven by increasing financial incentives and regulatory supports from the governments globally. The current utility-owned Organic Food & Beverage are affected primarily by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the projects in China, Germany, the US, and South Korea are delayed, and the companies are facing short-term operational issues due to supply chain constraints and lack of site access due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Asia-Pacific is anticipated is foreseen to get exceptionally influenced by the spread of the COVID-19 due to the effect of the pandemic in China, Japan, and India. China is the epic focus of this lethal disease.
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Overview of Organic Food & Beverage market:
The report begins with a market overview and moves on to cover the growth prospects of the Organic Food & Beverage market. A detailed segmentation analysis of the Organic Food & Beverage market is available in the report. Organic Food & Beverage industry comprehensive analysis also covers upstream raw materials, marketing channels, downstream client surveys, equipment, industry development trend, and proposals. Furthermore, a business overview, revenue share, and SWOT analysis of the leading players in the Organic Food & Beverage market are available in the report.
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Segmentation Assessment By product, and region:
Segmentation by Product:
Organic Foods Fruits & Vegetables Meat, Fish, & Poultry Dairy Products Frozen & processed Food Others Organic Beverages Non-Dairy Coffee & Tea Beer & Wine Others
The report offers an in-depth assessment of growth and other aspects of the market. Organic Food & Beverage in major countries (regions), including:
> North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
> Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia and Italy)
> Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)
> South America (Brazil, Argentina, etc.)
> Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of the Organic Food & Beverage Market are as follows:
Base Year: 2019 | Estimated Year: 2020 | Forecast Year: 2020 to 2029
Organic Food & Beverage industrial report not only offers hard to find facts about the trends and innovation driving the current and future of Organic Food & Beverage business, but also provides insights into competitive development such as acquisition and mergers, joint ventures, product launches, and technology advancements.
Table of Contents
Introduction: The report begins with an executive summary, which includes the highlights of the Organic Food & Beverage Industry Research Study.
Market Segmentation: This section provides a detailed analysis of the type and application segments of the Organic Food & Beverage market and shows the progress of each segment with the help of easy-to-understand statistics and graphical presentations.
Regional Analysis: All major regions and countries are covered in the Organic Food & Beverage Industry Report.
Market Dynamics: The report provides an insight into the dynamics of the Organic Food & Beverage industry, including challenges, constraints, trends, opportunities, and drivers.
Competition: Here, the report provides company profiles of the top players competing in the Organic Food & Beverage market.
Forecasts: This section is filled with global and regional forecasts, CAGR, and size estimates for the Organic Food & Beverage market and its segments, and production, revenue, consumption, sales, and other forecasts.
Recommendations: The authors of the report have provided practical suggestions and reliable recommendations to help players achieve a position of strength in the Organic Food & Beverage market.
Research Methodology: The report provides clear information about the research approach, tools and methodology, and data sources used for the Organic Food & Beverage Industry Research Study.
>>>Read Out Complete TOC of Organic Food & Beverage Market@<<<
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Natural and Organic Food Market 2020 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2027 – Owned
Posted: at 9:47 pm
Quaker Oats
Natural and Organic Food Market: Competitive Landscape
This section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and sales by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2015 to 2019.
Natural and Organic Food Market: Segment Analysis
The research report includes specific segments by region (country), by company, by Type and by Application. This study provides information about the sales and revenue during the historic and forecasted period of 2019 to 2027. Understanding the segments helps in identifying the importance of different factors that aid the market growth.
Global Natural and Organic Food Market, By Product
Natural food Organic food
Global Natural and Organic Food Market, By Application
Mass merchandise Natural health farms Online Others
Natural and Organic Food Market: Regional Analysis
The research report includes a detailed study of regions of North America, Europe, Asia, and South America. The report has been curated after observing and studying various factors that determine regional growth such as economic, environmental, social, technological, and political status of the particular region. Analysts have studied the data of revenue, sales, and manufacturers of each region. This section analyses region-wise revenue and volume for the forecast period of 2015 to 2026. These analyses will help the reader to understand the potential worth of investment in a particular region.
North America(United States, Canada, and Mexico) Europe(Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy) Asia-Pacific(China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia) South America(Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.) The Middle East and Africa(Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)
Why purchase this report
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