Archive for the ‘Motivation’ Category
29 Smart Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out
Posted: December 31, 2017 at 10:48 pm
When I feel like I want to skip training, I tell myself I just have to go into the changing room and get into my gym kit, then I can go home. Nothing hard about that, it's not even exercise. Then, when I'm in my gym kit in the changing room, I feel a bit silly, so I tell myself I just have to do my warm-up routine. Then, when I'm warmed up, eh, I'm sure I could manage one set of overhead presses. Then, might as well do the other two sets. And hey, I used all that effort to get the barbell loaded, I might as well add more weight and do those three sets of front squats too. And then, well, there's only deadlifts left to do, might as well do them. Although I tell myself I could go home after this next set, I've never yet actually found myself going home until I've finished the whole thing. Stops it being so daunting, especially when I'm finding it particularly hard. Sarah Barr, via Facebook
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29 Smart Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out
Articles About Motivation – Success Consciousness
Posted: at 10:48 pm
Articles on motivation and on how to get motivated.
Motivation is the power that activates the engine of success, and moves you to act and do things.
Motivation and How to Get MotivatedHow many times have you started enthusiastically a weight loss program, began a bodybuilding or aerobics training program, or started learning a foreign language, only to stop after a short while?...
How to Keep Motivated and EnthusiasticDo you sometimes feel enthusiastic, motivated and energetic when starting something new, but after some time lose your enthusiasm and interest? This can happen when...
What Is Motivation and How to Strengthen ItMotivation is the inner power or energy that pushes toward acting, performing actions and achieving. Motivation has much to do with desire and ambition, and if they are absent, motivation is absent too...
How to Improve Your Life in 12 StepsHow many times have you told yourself that you are going to improve your life, but ended doing nothing? How many times have been dissatisfied with some aspects of your life and vowed to change them...
Lack of Motivation & EnthusiasmLack of motivation and lack of enthusiasm are two of the main reasons for failure and of living a mediocre life. People lacking in motivation and enthusiasm are usually passive, blame everything and everyone...
Starting a Project Enthusiastically, but Losing EnthusiasmDo you start a project enthusiastically, but lose your enthusiasm after a few days? This is something that happens to everyone, and could be quite frustrating...
What Are You Waiting For? Improvement Starts NowWhat are you waiting for? Do you want to make changes in your life? Do you constantly tell yourself that if things were different, you could do this and that?...
Dare, Don't Be Afraid to Make MistakesDon't worry if you make mistakes. Only people who dare, try, and persevere, complete tasks and achieve success. It is so comfortable to be passive, make no effort, and stick to the familiar...
Visit our blog to read more articles about Motivation.
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Articles About Motivation - Success Consciousness
Why Your Employees Are Losing Motivation – HBS Working …
Posted: December 25, 2017 at 10:44 pm
Business literature is packed with advice about worker motivationbut sometimes managers are the problem, not the inspiration. Here are seven practices to fire up the troops. From Harvard Management Update.
by David Sirota, Louis A. Mischkind, and Michael Irwin Meltzer
Most companies have it all wrong. They don't have to motivate their employees. They have to stop demotivating them.
The great majority of employees are quite enthusiastic when they start a new job. But in about 85 percent of companies, our research finds, employees' morale sharply declines after their first six monthsand continues to deteriorate for years afterward. That finding is based on surveys of about 1.2 million employees at 52 primarily Fortune 1000 companies from 2001 through 2004, conducted by Sirota Survey Intelligence (Purchase, New York).
The fault lies squarely at the feet of managementboth the policies and procedures companies employ in managing their workforces and in the relationships that individual managers establish with their direct reports.
Our research shows how individual managers' behaviors and styles are contributing to the problem (see sidebar "How Management Demotivates")and what they can do to turn this around.
Three key goals of people at work To maintain the enthusiasm employees bring to their jobs initially, management must understand the three sets of goals that the great majority of workers seek from their workand then satisfy those goals:
To maintain an enthusiastic workforce, management must meet all three goals. Indeed, employees who work for companies where just one of these factors is missing are three times less enthusiastic than workers at companies where all elements are present.
One goal cannot be substituted for another. Improved recognition cannot replace better pay, money cannot substitute for taking pride in a job well done, and pride alone will not pay the mortgage.
What individual managers can do Satisfying the three goals depends both on organizational policies and on the everyday practices of individual managers. If the company has a solid approach to talent management, a bad manager can undermine it in his unit. On the flip side, smart and empathetic managers can overcome a great deal of corporate mismanagement while creating enthusiasm and commitment within their units. While individual managers can't control all leadership decisions, they can still have a profound influence on employee motivation.
The most important thing is to provide employees with a sense of security, one in which they do not fear that their jobs will be in jeopardy if their performance is not perfect and one in which layoffs are considered an extreme last resort, not just another option for dealing with hard times.
But security is just the beginning. When handled properly, each of the following eight practices will play a key role in supporting your employees' goals for achievement, equity, and camaraderie, and will enable them to retain the enthusiasm they brought to their roles in the first place.
Achievement related1. Instill an inspiring purpose. A critical condition for employee enthusiasm is a clear, credible, and inspiring organizational purpose: in effect, a "reason for being" that translates for workers into a "reason for being there" that goes above and beyond money.
Every manager should be able to expressly state a strong purpose for his unit. What follows is one purpose statement we especially admire. It was developed by a three-person benefits group in a midsize firm.
This statement is particularly impressive because it was composed in a small company devoid of high-powered executive attention and professional wordsmiths. It was created in the type of department normally known for its fixation on bureaucratic rules and procedures. It is a statement truly from the heart, with the focus in the right place: on the endspeoplerather than the meanscompleting forms.
Stating a mission is a powerful tool. But equally important is the manager's ability to explain and communicate to subordinates the reason behind the mission. Can the manager of stockroom workers do better than telling her staff that their mission is to keep the room stocked? Can she communicate the importance of the job, the people who are relying on the stockroom being properly maintained, both inside and outside the company? The importance for even goods that might be considered prosaic to be where they need to be when they need to be there? That manager will go a long way toward providing a sense of purpose.
2. Provide recognition. Managers should be certain that all employee contributions, both large and small, are recognized. The motto of many managers seems to be, "Why would I need to thank someone for doing something he's paid to do?" Workers repeatedly tell us, and with great feeling, how much they appreciate a compliment. They also report how distressed they are when managers don't take the time to thank them for a job well done yet are quick to criticize them for making mistakes.
Receiving recognition for achievements is one of the most fundamental human needs. Rather than making employees complacent, recognition reinforces their accomplishments, helping ensure there will be more of them.
A pat on the back, simply saying "good going," a dinner for two, a note about their good work to senior executives, some schedule flexibility, a paid day off, or even a flower on a desk with a thank-you note are a few of the hundreds of ways managers can show their appreciation for good work. It works wonders if this is sincere, sensitively done, and undergirded by fair and competitive payand not considered a substitute for it.
3. Be an expediter for your employees. Incorporating a command-and-control style is a sure-fire path to demotivation. Instead, redefine your primary role as serving as your employees' expediter: It is your job to facilitate getting their jobs done. Your reports are, in this sense, your "customers." Your role as an expediter involves a range of activities, including serving as a linchpin to other business units and managerial levels to represent their best interests and ensure your people get what they need to succeed.
How do you know, beyond what's obvious, what is most important to your employees for getting their jobs done? Ask them! "Lunch and schmooze" sessions with employees are particularly helpful for doing this. And if, for whatever reason, you can't immediately address a particular need or request, be open about it and then let your workers know how you're progressing at resolving their problems. This is a great way to build trust.
4. Coach your employees for improvement. A major reason so many managers do not assist subordinates in improving their performance is, simply, that they don't know how to do this without irritating or discouraging them. A few basic principles will improve this substantially.
First and foremost, employees whose overall performance is satisfactory should be made aware of that. It is easier for employees to accept, and welcome, feedback for improvement if they know management is basically pleased with what they do and is helping them do it even better.
Space limitations prevent a full treatment of the subject of giving meaningful feedback, of which recognition is a central part, but these key points should be the basis of any feedback plan:
Equity related5. Communicate fully. One of the most counterproductive rules in business is to distribute information on the basis of "need to know." It is usually a way of severely, unnecessarily, and destructively restricting the flow of information in an organization.
Good communication requires managers to be attuned to what employees want and need to know; the best way to do this is to ask them! Most managers must discipline themselves to communicate regularly. Often it's not a natural instinct. Schedule regular employee meetings that have no purpose other than two-way communication. Meetings among management should conclude with a specific plan for communicating the results of the meetings to employees. And tell it like it is. Many employees are quite skeptical about management's motives and can quickly see through "spin." Get continual feedback on how well you and the company are communicating. One of the biggest communication problems is the assumption that a message has been understood. Follow-up often finds that messages are unclear or misunderstood.
Companies and managers that communicate in the ways we describe reap large gains in employee morale. Full and open communication not only helps employees do their jobs but also is a powerful sign of respect.
6. Face up to poor performance. Identify and deal decisively with the 5 percent of your employees who don't want to work. Most people want to work and be proud of what they do (the achievement need). But there are employees who are, in effect, "allergic" to workthey'll do just about anything to avoid it. They are unmotivated, and a disciplinary approachincluding dismissalis about the only way they can be managed. It will raise the morale and performance of other team members to see an obstacle to their performance removed.
Camaraderie related7. Promote teamwork. Most work requires a team effort in order to be done effectively. Research shows repeatedly that the quality of a group's efforts in areas such as problem solving is usually superior to that of individuals working on their own. In addition, most workers get a motivation boost from working in teams.
Whenever possible, managers should organize employees into self-managed teams, with the teams having authority over matters such as quality control, scheduling, and many work methods. Such teams require less management and normally result in a healthy reduction in management layers and costs.
Creating teams has as much to do with camaraderie as core competences. A manager needs to carefully assess who works best with whom. At the same time, it is important to create the opportunity for cross-learning and diversity of ideas, methods, and approaches. Be clear with the new team about its role, how it will operate, and your expectations for its output.
Related to all three factors8. Listen and involve. Employees are a rich source of information about how to do a job and how to do it better. This principle has been demonstrated time and again with all kinds of employeesfrom hourly workers doing the most routine tasks to high-ranking professionals. Managers who operate with a participative style reap enormous rewards in efficiency and work quality.
Participative managers continually announce their interest in employees' ideas. They do not wait for these suggestions to materialize through formal upward communication or suggestion programs. They find opportunities to have direct conversations with individuals and groups about what can be done to improve effectiveness. They create an atmosphere where "the past is not good enough" and recognize employees for their innovativeness.
Participative managers, once they have defined task boundaries, give employees freedom to operate and make changes on their own commensurate with their knowledge and experience. Indeed, there may be no single motivational tactic more powerful than freeing competent people to do their jobs as they see fit.
See the latest issue of Harvard Management Update.
by David Sirota, Louis A. Mischkind, and Michael Irwin Meltzer
There are several ways that management unwittingly demotivates employees and diminishes, if not outright destroys, their enthusiasm.
Many companies treat employees as disposable. At the first sign of business difficulty, employeeswho are usually routinely referred to as "our greatest asset"become expendable.
Employees generally receive inadequate recognition and reward: About half of the workers in our surveys report receiving little or no credit, and almost two-thirds say management is much more likely to criticize them for poor performance than praise them for good work.
Management inadvertently makes it difficult for employees to do their jobs. Excessive levels of required approvals, endless paperwork, insufficient training, failure to communicate, infrequent delegation of authority, and a lack of a credible vision contribute to employees' frustration.
Reprinted with permission from "Stop Demotivating Your Employees!" Harvard Management Update, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2006.
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Why Your Employees Are Losing Motivation - HBS Working ...
Motivation & Employee Performance |
Posted: December 7, 2017 at 6:43 am
Get staffers excited about their jobs.
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Employee motivation and performance are key factors in moving a small business forward. Owners, managers and supervisors know positive motivation leads to better performance and higher productivity but may rely on the wrong tools. Microsoft Business states the conundrum as "using monetary and other rewards to improve motivation is a simple idea, but doing it fairly and effectively can be challenging."
Essentially the two types of reinforcement are positive and negative. Positive reinforcement is using beneficial incentives to boost morale and productivity, such as performance based bonuses, sales commissions, achievement rewards, pay raises and promotions. Negative reinforcement is using unfavorable tools to achieve desired results, such as bad performance reviews, verbal and written warnings, suspension, pay reduction or dismissal warnings.
Benefits as motivators can boost job performance. Pay raises, bonuses, stock options and profit sharing are examples of positive motivators. These motivators reward employees for not only doing their job, but doing it well and with enthusiasm. However, these motivators are to retain normal levels or morale but do not necessarily increase overall motivation levels. Management Help includes money as a myth of motivating small business employees as "things like money, a nice office and job security can help people from becoming less motivated, but they usually don't help people to become more motivated."
An important part of improving employee motivation and performance is clear, attainable goals. Informing your employees of goals you have set for your small business improves focus and team cohesion. Business consultant Harvey Wigder states, "if people are communicated to and if they understand the ground rules, they know that if things don't work they're not going to get incentives."
Regularly engage your small business employees on issues that effect productivity and morale. Being engaged imparts parity and demonstrates your ability to be an effective leader as one in touch with employee concerns. NOLO suggests asking employees for ways to improve working conditions: "if the answer is better lighting, or a more efficient computer, or a chance to work at home one day a week, you can often reward the employee by following through on the request."
According to Accel Team, research consistently shows that employees who are well motivated perform better and add value to a small business. However, "the inverse also holds true." Meaning unmotivated employees produce less and do not substantially contribute to businesses.
Inspiration vs. Motivation – Paid to Exist
Posted: at 6:43 am
It may seem like a subtle distinction, but the worlds of motivation and inspiration are millions of miles apart.
A lot of people use the words motivated and inspired interchangeably. But Ive found something different to be the case.
When I try to motivate myself, nine times out of ten Im pushing myself to do something I dont really care about.
Motivation is about psyching yourself up. Chest-pounding. Fire-walking. Heavy-metal riffs. You get the point.
Inspiration comes from a completely different place. The word inspiration means to be in spirit. When youre tuned into your spirit, you are naturally drawn to do whatever feels best. You may do things that arent outwardly productive. Or you may write a book in 30 days. Either way, its all good because fulfillment is the end result.
Motivation, on the other hand, usually has a lot to do with fake growth. You think you should be doing something (without thinking about why) and it often leads in the direction of something that doesnt really matter. Its what youre supposed to be doing. Its just a good idea, not a passionate, burning desire that emanates from the core of your being.
So, motivation is about things that you think you should do or that youre supposed to do. Inspiration is about being called to act because youre in direct alignment with the magnetic, luminous marrow of potential that is you.
When youre inspired you know because
I asked a few people on Twitter what their thoughts were, and here were some of my favorite responses:
Motivation is required when youre not aligned with your highest values. Tony
Motivation is not always positive. Haidn Foster
Motivation is external, inspiration is internal Simon Lawry
Motivation is inner drive to fulfill goal. Inspiration is having a glimpse of who you really are. Bambooforest
Motivation is the push. Inspiration is the pull. (I love this response!) Natalie DeBruin
Its interesting to me how everyone sees inspiration and motivation differently. But how do we actually stay inspired?
You might be thinking How do I get inspired? Well, you cant. Inspiration isnt something you get, it comes from within, it comes from your core.
So being inspired isnt about doing something external to bring something in. Thats motivation, remember?
Being inspired is about a constant process of realignment. Whenever youre feeling like you have to push, its time to realign. Whenever youre feeling like youre not enjoying life, its time to realign. Whenever you feel like youre trying to fulfill a quota or expectation, its time to realign.
Realignment isnt anything complicated. Its very simple, actually. All it involves is drawing inward and exploring what you really want. Your home cosmography, as Thoreau put it.
So, what do you really want? Not what should you want, not what you think might be a good idea for you to want. What lights you up? Once youve got a grasp on that, stay with it for a little while. Bathe in it, savor it. Taste it on your tongue. Feel it tingling down your spine.
It feels good, doesnt it?
If it doesnt feel good, youre still not there. Keep going.
Once youve come to that state of anticipation, youre inspired. Youre In Spirit. And youd rather have that than trying to motivate yourself, right?
Sharing is caring!
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Inspiration vs. Motivation - Paid to Exist
Motivating Quotes
Posted: at 6:43 am
Humans have the remarkable ability to get exactly what they must have.But thereis a difference between a "must" and "want." Jim Rohn
The best motivating is self-motivating.The guy says,"I wish someone would come byand turn me on."What if they don't show up?You've got to have a better plan for your life.
When you know what you want,and you want it badly enough,you'll find a way to get it .
Motivation alone is not enough.If you have an idiot and you motivate him,now you havea motivated idiot.
If you wish to find,you must search.Rarely does a good idea interrupt you.
Without a sense of urgency,dersire loses its value.
Give a lecture to a thousand people.One walks out and says,I'm going to change my life."Another one walks out with a yawn and says,"I've heard all this before."Why is that?Why wouldn't both be affected the same way?Another mystery.
The millionaire says to a thousand people,"Iread this book and it started me on the roadto wealth."Guess how many go out and get the book?Very few.Isn't that incredible?Why wouldeveryone get the book?A mystery of life.
Mysuggestion would be to walk away from the 90% who don't and join the 10% who do.
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Motivating Quotes
Motivation – Motivate Your Team in the Workplace from …
Posted: December 5, 2017 at 2:43 pm
Encourage your team to fly high.
Your people may have all the expertise in the world but, if they're not motivated, it's unlikely that they'll achieve their true potential.
On the other hand, work seems easy when people are motivated.
Motivated people have a positive outlook, they're excited about what they're doing, and they know that they're investing their time in something that's truly worthwhile. In short, motivated people enjoy their jobs and perform well.
All effective leaders want their organizations to be filled with people in this state of mind. That's why it's vital that you, as a leader and manager, keep your team feeling motivated and inspired. But of course, this can be easier said than done!
In this article, we'll go over the key theories, strategies and tools that you can use to help your people stay enthusiastic about their work.
There are two main types of motivation extrinsic and intrinsic.
Extrinsic motivation is when you use external factors to encourage your team to do what you want. Pay raises, time off, bonus checks, and the threat of job loss are all extrinsic motivators some positive, some less so.
Intrinsic motivation is internal. It's about having a personal desire to overcome a challenge, to produce high-quality work, or to interact with team members you like and trust. Intrinsically motivated people get a great deal of satisfaction and enjoyment from what they do.
Every team member is different, and will likely have different motivators. So, it's important to get to know your people, discover what motivates them, and find a good mixture of extrinsic and intrinsic motivators, so that you can motivate them successfully.
You can't directly control a person's interest in his or her job. Of course, an individual does have some responsibility for motivating himself , but you can encourage that process by creating an environment that helps him to become more intrinsically motivated. Individuals, teams and even whole organizations can reap the rewards.
Motivated people are highly adaptable, particularly when it comes to change , and they have a positive attitude at work. They help to spread an organization's good reputation, reduce rates of absenteeism, and improve performance and profit. They also work hard to achieve their goals , and work with a greater sense of urgency than unmotivated people.
As a manager, you can use the following steps and strategies to create a motivating environment for your team.
Step 1: Check Your Assumptions
You may not realize it, but your management style is strongly influenced by what you believe about your people.
For example, do you think your team members dislike working, and need continuous supervision? Or, do you believe that they're happy to do their jobs, and are likely to enjoy greater responsibility and freedom?
These two fundamental beliefs form the backbone of the team motivation concept Theory X and Theory Y .
Theory X managers are authoritarian, and assume that they need to supervise people constantly. They believe that their team members don't want or need responsibility, and that they have to motivate people extrinsically to produce results.
Theory Y managers believe that their team members want more responsibility and should help make decisions. They assume that everyone has something valuable to offer.
In short, your beliefs about your team members' motivation affect the way you behave toward them. So, it's important to think carefully about how you view your people, and to explore what you believe truly motivates them. (It can help to think about it from your own perspective would you prefer your own boss to manage you using Theory X or Theory Y? And how long would you stay working for a Theory X manager?)
Step 2: Eliminate Dissatisfaction and Create Satisfaction
Psychologist Fredrick Herzberg said that you can motivate your team by eliminating elements of job dissatisfaction, and then creating conditions for job satisfaction.
In his Motivation-Hygiene Theory , he noted how causes of dissatisfaction often arise from irritating company policies, intrusive supervision, or lack of job security, among others. If you don't address these issues, people won't be satisfied at work, and motivating them will prove difficult, if not impossible.
Once you've removed the elements of job dissatisfaction, you can look at providing satisfaction. Sources of job satisfaction include clear opportunities for advancement/promotion, an increased sense of responsibility, ongoing training and development programs, or simply a feeling of working with purpose .
Remember, your team is made up of individuals who have their own unique circumstances, backgrounds and experiences. Consequently, each person may be driven by different motivating factors, and be more or less adept at self-motivation . When you make an effort to understand each team member, you can help them stay motivated.
There are a number of tools and strategies that you can use to tailor your approach to motivation and not all are completely consistent with one another. However, it's important to remember that every individual and situation is different, so make sure that you choose the theory or model that best fits your circumstances.
Let's explore these in more detail:
Motivation is vital in the workplace, but this will only take you so far, and then leadership takes over (click here to visit the Mind Tools leadership section). Once you've used the motivational approaches we've discussed above, you need to take the next step towards becoming an inspirational, transformational leader .
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When you adopt this leadership style, you can motivate and lift your team to new heights, and help it to achieve extraordinary things. Transformational leaders expect great things from their team members, and they spark feelings of trust and loyalty in return.
To become a transformational leader, you need to create an attractive, inspiring vision of a meaningful future, encourage people to buy into this vision, manage its delivery, and continue to build trusting relationships with your team members. Set aside time to develop your own leadership skills, and focus on your own personal development, so that you can become an inspiring role model for your people.
As a manager, your goal is to keep your team members motivated and enthusiastic about their work. It's important to strike a balance between extrinsic motivators, such as pay raises and changes to working conditions, and intrinsic motivators, like assigning people tasks that they enjoy.
First, analyze your own assumptions about your people. It's important to remember that they will likely respond more positively when you use a participatory style of management, where they have responsibility and can make their own decisions.
Next, use Herzberg's Motivators and Hygiene Factors to eliminate any causes of dissatisfaction among your team members, and then take steps to introduce elements of satisfaction.
Everyone is different, so tailor your motivational approach to each team member. There are many strategies and tools that you can use but, the more you know and understand each individual, the more effective your efforts will be.
Finally, remember the importance of leadership in motivating your team members and encouraging them to exceed their expectations. By taking steps to become a transformational leader, you can encourage loyalty and trust, and inspire, support and recognize others. More than this, you can inspire them to achieve extraordinary things.
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Motivation - Motivate Your Team in the Workplace from ...
Motivation and How to Get Motivated – Success Consciousness
Posted: at 2:43 pm
By Remez Sasson
How many times have you started enthusiastically a weight loss program, began a bodybuilding or aerobics training program, or started learning a foreign language, only to stop after a short while?
How many times have you intended to do something different, study a certain topic or start a certain project, but couldn't, due to lack of motivation? At times, you might have started the new project, but only for a little while, and then stopped because you lost enthusiasm or did not have enough motivation? This happens quire often.
What is motivation, and why do you need it?
Motivation is a driving force. In order to accomplish anything, you need a driving force, otherwise nothing would happen. A wish is not strong enough to make you take action. A wish is a weak desire, and only a strong desire can drive you forward, to act and accomplish aims and goals.
In order to get motivated, you need to know exactly what it is that you want. Your goal should be clear and sharp, and you need understand and become aware of its benefits. Thinking often of your goal, and accepting the idea that it can come true, would increase your motivation and strengthen your desire to achieve it.
Thinking and persuading yourself of the importance of what you want to do or achieve, would increase your motivation, strengthen your desire, and make you willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal.
It easier to display motivation in connection with short-term goals. When it comes to long-term goals, it is not always possible to sustain the motivation for a longer period of time. This is why it is wiser to start with small goals, and after gaining experience with being motivated, you proceed to bigger goals.
If you desire to get a certain object, or accomplish a certain goal, but you don't feel motivated enough to act, it means that the desire or goal are not important enough. To be motivated to take action and do something in respect to your goal, you need to possess a strong desire.
Motivation has become a popular term nowadays. There are motivational coaches and speakers, and motivational books and articles. You can find a lot of information about it on the Internet.
Motivation has much to do with the emotions and the imagination, which means that if you want to increase it, you have to work on your feelings and imagination.
How to Get Motivated? Here are a few tips that could help you.
1. Think and analyze your desire, to find out whether you really want to achieve it, and whether it is worth the effort and time.
2. Make your goal very clear. Writing it down will help.
3. Think often about your goal or desire.
4. Visualize your goal as already accomplished, and shut your mind to doubts and disbelief.
5. Read books or articles about the subject of your goal.
6. Read about people who have achieved success. This would inspire you to emulate them. you can find books, articles and videos that would be helpful.
7. Think often, about the benefits you will gain by achieving your goal. This will increase your desire and motivation.
8. Visualize how your life would be after getting what you want to do. Imagine how you would feel after achieving your goal.
9. Repeat positive affirmations, such as, "I have the desire and inner strength to achieve my goal". Repeat this affirmation often, with attention and belief.
10. Start taking small steps toward your goal right now. Don't wait for the right opportunity and time.
"Motivation is the powerful engine that moves you toward success and accomplishments in every area of your life.
"Motivation is the electrical power that activates the engine of success."
"Visualizing your desire as already accomplished, and enjoying the feelings of accomplishment, awaken in you energies that drive you to do whatever it takes to make your desire come true."
Related Articles:What Is Motivation and How to Strengthen ItLack of Motivation and Enthusiasm
About the Author
Remez Sasson is the founder of Success Consciousness website. He is the author of articles and books, teaching how to develop and use the skills, mental tools and inner powers one needs for creating a life of happiness, success, fulfillment and inner peace.
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Motivation and How to Get Motivated - Success Consciousness
What Is Motivation and How to Strengthen It
Posted: at 2:43 pm
By Remez Sasson
What is motivation? It is the inner power that pushes you toward taking action and toward achievement. Motivation is powered by desire and ambition, and therefore, if they are absent, motivation is absent too.
Sometimes, you might have the desire to get something done, or to achieve a certain goal, but if the desire and ambition are not strong enough, you lack the push, the initiative, and the willingness to take the necessary action. in these cases, you lack of motivation and inner drive.
When there is motivation, there is initiative and direction, courage, energy, and the persistence to follow your goals.
A motivated person takes action and does whatever is needed to achieve his or her goals.
Motivation becomes strong, when you have a vision, a clear mental image of what you want to achieve, and also a strong desire to manifest it. In such a situation, motivation awakens inner strength and power, and pushes you forward, toward making your vision a reality.
Motivation can be applied to every action and goal. There can be motivation to study a foreign language, to get good grades at school, bake a cake, write a poem, take a walk every day, make more money, get a better job, buy a new house, own a business, or become a writer, a doctor or a lawyer.
Motivation is present, whenever there is a clear vision, precise knowledge of what you want to do, a strong desire, and faith in your abilities.
Motivation is one of the most important keys to success. When there is lack of motivation, you either get no results, or only mediocre ones, whereas, when there is motivation, you attain greater and better results and achievements.
Compare a student who lacks motivation and who hardly studies, to a student who is highly motivated, and who devotes many hours to his studies. Each student will get absolutely different grades.
Lack of motivation means lack of enthusiasm, zest and ambition, whereas the possession of motivation is a sign of strong desire, energy and enthusiasm, and the willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve what one sets out to do.
A motivated person is a happier person, more energetic, and sees the positive end result in his or her mind.
Affirmations - Words with Power
Motivating and inspiring affirmations for every day and for every purpose, with all the guidance you need to make them work. You will learn how to use them effectively for improving your life and getting what you want.
Affirmations - Words with Power
What can you do to strengthen your motivation?
By dividing your goal into several, smaller goals, you will find it easier to motivate yourself, since you will not feel overwhelmed by the size of your goal and the things you have to do. This will also help you feel that the goal is more feasible, and easier to accomplish.
Remember, if a certain goal is really important, going through the above steps will strengthen your motivation, and keep you going forward.
Learn more about motivation
About the Author
Remez Sasson is the founder of Success Consciousness website. He is the author of articles and books, teaching how to develop and use the skills, mental tools and inner powers one needs for creating a life of happiness, success, fulfillment and inner peace.
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What Is Motivation and How to Strengthen It
Motivation Articles, Essays, Tips and Advice
Posted: at 2:43 pm
A very smart man recently told me that being a leader is not about the position or role, but about the action and goal. Great ones set out to make a difference, to inspire greatness in others, and to eventually create more leaders. They show rather than tell. They give credit and take responsibility.
These are the 5 things that great leaders do differently.
Believe it or not, great leaders understand that not everything is in their power. They also know and accept that their knowledge is limited. Even when it comes to tough decisions, the best ones realize that delegating responsibility and empowering others to learn is the smartest trick in the CEO book.
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If you take your time to study the habits and mindset of successful people, youll find many similarities. Thats because success all comes down to doing the right set of actions on a daily basis.
Finding out what these are and developing the behaviors to make them a permanent part of your life will make all the difference for you.
If you feel lost, stuck or lack the motivation as you havent seen progress in a long time, read on. Youll now see the only 4 things you should work on, that will have a positive effect on any other area of your life and thus contribute to your overall success.
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As the founder of a publishing company focused specifically on serving high achievers, I see the same problem over and over.
When a top performer decides they want to write a book (or do anything else, for that matter), their goal is to be the best. They end up focusing on selling as many books as they can, and that leads them off track.
But the smartest leaders we work with have a different goal: use the book to get attention.
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I have found that sometimes the subtle difference in our attitude, which of course can make a major difference in our future, can be as simple as the language we use.
The difference in even how you talk to yourself or others. Consciously making a decision to quit saying what you dont want and to start saying what you do want. I call that faith. Believing the best, hoping for the best and moving toward the best.
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Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality Abraham Lincoln
There is a ton of advice out there on how to achieve success, but little is said about the great impact commitment will make on your life. Its the number one thing you must get down before doing anything else, without commitment your odds on success will decrease drastically.
Bill Gates has a great passion for computers and software. Michael Jordan is extremely passionate about basketball. Stephen Kings passion is writing.
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Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify the emotions of yourself and others, as well as regulate and modify those emotions. People with high emotional intellect can more accurately judge the emotions of others based on subtle cues like facial expressions or physical gestures.
Being emotionally intelligent can lead to an overall higher quality of life; both personal and professional relationships can flourish when youre able to read and adjust to peoples emotions with ease. However emotional intelligence is more than just knowing what someone feels, its also understanding the cause of the emotion and how emotional states correlate within someones mind. Below I have listed some ways that you can heighten your emotional intelligence.
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I am a big fan of habits. Good ones that is.
Of course, not all habits are productive ones.
Some are bad for us, they stop us from succeeding, and they reinforce negative patterns that weve picked up from parents, friends or colleagues.
No one is perfect, but Ive found that the most successful people find ways to replace their bad habits with good ones.
A successful career, after all, is really just a series of good habits put into action over and over again.
But in order to eliminate our vices and form productive habits, we need to identify our destructive ones.
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Most people think that working hard means scurrying from one task to another and this will make them successful one day. They cannot be any further from the truth. In fact, time management is not about being super busy. It is about simplifying your personal and professional life, relieving stress and staying organized.
In other words, you should be able to arrange your commitments in such a way that you get to spend more time embracing your passions even when you are busy. Implementing the following 10 tips will increase your productivity and help you stay organized.
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Why do we find change difficult when having the tools, resources, and time in the world ? This boggles me because I know I want to change but, I feel something is missing about me and sometimes I think to myself will this convince me to change?
That thought dances in my mind several times.
Yes that is it. Perhaps we are not convinced completely about the change. Nevertheless, how many times have we struggle with that thought?
I need to change
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It may not be easy to change but its worth it.
At the age of 20, I was depressed, had health problems, major social anxiety, and didnt really know how to make friends. It felt like being on a deserted island even though there were people everywhere. I wasnt able to reach out to them and connect.
One day I made the decision to change because I realized the problem wasnt other people, it was me. It was time to learn social confidence and start connecting with others.
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Motivation Articles, Essays, Tips and Advice