Archive for the ‘Mental Attitude’ Category
Mental Health: One of the great business leadership opportunities of our time? – Thrive Global
Posted: October 25, 2019 at 11:44 am
Since Princes William and Harry spoke out in 2017 in the UK and launched the Heads Together campaign, mental health has been firmly on the business agenda.But are we missing a great opportunity by not making the health and wellbeing of our employees a key strategic priority?
We all agree that the stigma of mental ill-health must be smashed.This issue is personal to me, having managed my challenges of bipolar disorder under the radar for 15 years.I owned my own business yet still felt the need to put physio in my diary every time I went to see my therapist.My lightbulb moment came when I heard campaigner, Geoff McDonald, share his story of anxiety and depression and the loss of his friend to suicide.My eyes were opened to the movement that was forming to create mentally healthy workplaces.From that moment I decided to share my story and look for a way to contribute.
We need more CEOs and those in positions of leadership come out and talk about their mental health.
The Duke of Cambridge, Davos 2019
As we reach adult life, our role models are predominantly drawn from the workplace.Yes, we will look to our sporting heroes and celebrities, but we better relate to those that lead the organisations where we spend most of our time. The problem is that, because of the stigma of mental illness, we do not have enough of our workplace leaders who are leading on the mental health agenda.This was the message that I heard consistently in 2017 and this was the problem that I decided to try and help address.
The LeaderBoard is a list of senior leaders (CEO and 3 stages removed or equivalent) who have all experienced a mental health challenge and are prepared to be open about this fact.
The concept of the power list has been well used in other areas of inclusion and diversity with theDeloitte Out50in Australia having a significant impact in relation to showcasing diverse role models on the LGBTQ agenda.Could this be done for mental ill-health?InsideOut is a UK not for profit, formed to do just this.
Showcasing a list of role models is important for two main reasons:
The inaugural UKInsideOut LeaderBoardwas published in the Sunday Times in March 2019 and featured 42 trailblazing role models from a range of industries and size of organisation with a significant impact from social media, in particular the #SmashingTheSigma campaign on LinkedIn.
Anyone who speaks out and shares their story of mental ill-health is a role model and creates a ripple.If we generate enough ripples, we have a wave and it is this wave that will smash the stigma.Why, therefore, are senior leader role models so important?
When our leaders speak out and get behind the mental health agenda, they start the process of culture change. Initially, the culture shifts to one where it is OK to put your hand up and say that you are struggling with mental ill-health. It is OK to seek help and, in some cases, receive adjustments to your role.However, the culture change does not end there as the emphasis expands outwards from the people who are struggling and need help to include everybody else in the workplace.We end up creating cultures that encourage everyone to proactively manage their mental health and wellbeing.We move to a culture of prevention and one that truly values the humans that are the greatest assets of the workplace.
We see this culture change happen almost overnight in smaller businesses.
Mark Twigg is one of the Founding Directors of Cicero, the UKs leading financial PR business.Mark shared his story of clinical depression with the whole business over 2 years ago. Immediately, 7 or 8 people shared details of their struggles and some received adjustments to their roles.Mark believes that two people are still in post and thriving as a result as opposed to being lost to the business.
Rob Agnew had heard about the positive attitude towards mental health at Cicero before applying for a role.He felt comfortable in disclosing that he experiences bipolar disorder in the interview process.18 months after joining the firm, he has not had an episode of mania and puts this largely down to the fact that he can be open and himself at work.Furthermore, Mark himself has not experienced an episode of depression in the same timescale. Check out their interviewhere.
Every leader in the workplace has a personal story of mental ill-health.There is no CEO on the planet who has not experienced times of extreme stress; under-recovery; lack of sleep; bereavement or relationship breakup.There is also no CEO on the planet who does not experience mental health and wellbeing, one of the most beautiful and amazing things about being human.We all have a story where our metal health is concerned.The InsideOut Photography Exhibition showcases some of these stories of mental ill-health from the Leaders of our UK workplaces in this powerfulvideo.
Mental ill-health does not discriminate by nationality, by ethnicity, by gender or by bank balance. However, the stigma associated with mental illness is definitely not distributed evenly.You are much more likely to disclose a struggle with mental ill-health in a UK workplace than you would in Japan, or the Middle East or Asia.This is why we must work on smashing the stigma everywhere.
I pledge to bring the InsideOut LeaderBoard concept to all global regions in the next few years
Why am I doing this?
Because it is the right thing to do.
This year, we have launched the InsideOut LeaderBoard concept in the United States, Continental Europe and Australia.Seeherefor the US launch video. We are very keen on working with organisations across all of these territories to showcase senior leader role models and help inspire workplace cultures where everyone feels able to ask for help if they are experiencing a mental health challenge.
It was really interesting to see an evolution of the purpose of our corporations coming out of the Business Roundtable in the US recently. It is encouraging to see that investment in employees and impact on communities are being thought of as core purpose, alongside the creation of shareholder value.I would have liked to see the prioritisation of the mental health and wellbeing of employees more explicitly stated within this.
In his first month as HSBCs Group CEO, John Flint announced the vision of Creating the healthiest human system in financial services.The UKs Environment Agency has a core value of work being a life enhancing experience.We have seen a recent wellbeing budget in New Zealand and there are calls for measures of health and happiness to replace GDP growth as the measure of success of our economies.If we prioritise the wellbeing of our employees, will this result in a reduction in the growth shareholder value?Personally, I think that the reverse will be the case.
We need more hard data to back this up but there are good examples out there.Anglian Water in the UK have measured the return on investment in all of their mental health and wellbeing interventions and calculate and 8:1 return.What CFO would not take those sorts of returns in their investment decisions?
Treating the investment in the mental health and wellbeing of our employees as a strategic priority or core value is a very good business decision as well as simply being the right thing to do.
We have to smash the stigma of mental ill-health before any other interventions will fully work. Does your organisation have a senior leader role model who would be interested in exploring participating in the InsideOut LeaderBoard? If so, please contact me at[emailprotected]or nominate a leader on thewebsite.
We need our leaders to get behind the mental health agenda to realise this opportunity. One way they can do this is by signing up to theInsideOut Leadership Charter, a set of 7 principles that will catalyse meaningful change from including mental health and wellbeing on Board agendas to having a Board level sponsor.
The Global InsideOut LeaderBoards will be published on Thrive Global in 2020 as well as in local national publications.Watch this space..
You say tomato, I say tomato.I am British so use the term wellbeing.However, given that I tend to capitalize randomly for the InsideOut LeaderBoard maybe we could all agree on WellBeing?
But, if you are a US CEO who treats the Well-being of your employees as a strategic priority then, frankly, I dont care how you spell it..
Either way, Be Well.
Rob Stephensonis the Founder of the InsideOut LeaderBoard, Co-Founder of the InsideOut Mental Health Awards and Chief Catalyst of BetterSpace.
This article has been adapted for Thrive Global from a piece originally penned for the UKs Institute of Directors.
See the rest here:
Mental Health: One of the great business leadership opportunities of our time? - Thrive Global
Talking About Mental Health Is Still Taboo in K-Pop, But Things Are Changing – Teen Vogue
Posted: at 11:44 am
It's K-Pop Week! Teen Vogue is exploring the popular music genre with articles that explore its origins, biggest stars, and intricacies.
From Billie Eilish recently opening up about her panic attacks to Ariana Grande canceling meet-and-greets to preserve her mental energy, there is a growing openness and understanding of mental health when it comes to some of todays biggest pop stars. And as American musicians become more candid about mental health, conversation and activation around the topic in the world of K-pop are also slowly but surely becoming more acceptable.
In an industry that often recruits its artists as teens to train and prep them for years before deciding if they're ready to make their musical debut, the K-pop scene requires long-standing dedication, perseverance, and hard work. Even for those who do not take the typical K-pop star route through one of the various idol-generating entertainment companies, South Korean society is notably tough with loads of pressure put on young people and students. The country consistently has one of the highest death by suicide rates in the worldthe second-highest among developed nations and experts continue to point out that theres a lack of resources for those struggling with mental health.
Recently, the world has faced two tragedies with how this stigma may affect the K-pop scene. Beloved singer Kim Jong-hyun, a member of boy band SHINee, reportedly died by suicide during December 2017. The day after this death, a colleague reportedly shared a message from Kim in which he wrote that he was broken from inside and said his depression wasnt taken seriously. Tragedy struck again earlier in October when Sulli, a singer-actress and former member of girl group f(x), also passed away unexpectedly from what is suspected to be suicide. Sulli was beloved within the world of K-pop, often going against the grain and being vocal about her longtime struggle dealing with malicious commenters and rumors following her career for years.
"K-pop stars usually make their debut during important formative years of their youth," New York-based physician and health expert Dr. Nesochi Okeke-Igbokwe tells Teen Vogue. "They may face the continuous stress of intense schedules, sleep deprivation, and the daunting pressure to be 'perfect' in the public eye."
The idea of being perfect as a K-pop artistor an "idol," as they're known in Korea hinting toward their need to be ideal, perfect humansis felt in everything from the way they sing and dance to their mannerisms on television with a heavy emphasis on their looks and physique. In Korea's highly digitally connected society, public opinion and perception are often swayed by ruthless online comments and social-networking sites. Fans also often police their personal lives, even criticizing them when theyre seen with someone that theyre potentially dating.
At one of America's largest gathering of K-pop fans, KCON Los Angeles, health was on fans' minds. Two well-attended panel sessions at the convention tackled the topic of mental health in K-pop head on while The Los Angeles Times highlighted how artists help create safe spaces and communities for different kinds of people to come together.
Despite how willing fans are to discuss these topics, the stars are usually more tight-lippedthough it's unclear whose choice that is. When bringing up the subject of mental health and self-care in various interviews, many artists choose to stray away from the topic or turn the question around to present it as tips to help their fans instead of sharing anything too personal. In fact, one artist's management team appeared so concerned about the topic of hardships as a K-pop star that they refused Teen Vogue to allow the question entirely.
The rest is here:
Talking About Mental Health Is Still Taboo in K-Pop, But Things Are Changing - Teen Vogue
Lamb Of God’s Randy Blythe: The 10 Songs That Changed My Life – Kerrang!
Posted: at 11:44 am
A life like Lamb Of God vocalist Randy Blythes deserves a suitably raucous soundtrack. And even in death, hes not planning on going outquietly
The first song I rememberhearing
Lipps, Inc Funkytown (1979)
It was probably something from church like Amazing Grace, but as far as more contemporary, recorded songs go, Im a child of the 70s and there was a lot of disco back then. I remember hearing Funkytown, which was everywhere at the time. It was when terrestrial radio ruled and you couldnt download a bazillion songs at once. You were stuck with whatever was on the radio. I grew up in a rural area, so it wasnt exactly a hotbed of undergroundmusic.
The first song I ever fell in lovewith
KISS I Was Made For Loving You (1979)
When I was growing up, the most edgy thing that I liked was this KISS song. The theatrics dragged me in like pretty much every other kid with any sense in the 70s, and for a couple of years on every Halloween I painted my face like Gene Simmons. Ironically, many years later Gene Simmons was being played some Lamb Of God music for an article a lot like this one. He said, They sound very talented, but the singer sucks! What is this terrible singing? I thought that was pretty freakin funny.
The song that made me want to be in aband
Corrosion Of Conformity Hungry Child (1985)
I got into bands by accident. I liked music, but I had no desire to actually be in a band myself. One time though, I was about 14 and an older dude was driving a bunch of us to go skating in Wilmington, North Carolina and he was playing Corrosion Of Conformity. This song came on and I was singing along with it. He said, Damn, you can really do that. You ought to be in a band,kid.
The song that got me into the mosttrouble
The Cult Born To Be Wild (1987)
I was in a horrible car wreck when I was in high school. I wasnt driving, but the driver was listening to The Cults cover of Born To Be Wild and they ran into a ditch. My buddys date was up front and her head hit the windshield. She had a lump on her head, but it could have been a lot worse. I wasnt even supposed to be out, so that got me into a goodly amount of trouble. It was not a good night.
The song that reminds me oflove
Depeche Mode Stripped (1986)
It could be any song off Depeche Modes Black Celebration really, because my first girlfriend loved that LP. She listened to The Cures Head On The Door album a lot too, but Ive since disassociated that one with the relationship. That Depeche Mode record is still very much linked to her. As an aside, if you want heartache-laced, ex-girlfriend songs, I recommend you try anything by theDescendents.
The song I cant listen to anymore
Led Zeppelin Stairway To Heaven (1971)
There are so many overplayed records in the world, but the big one is Stairway To Heaven. I absolutely love Led Zeppelin, but I cannot listen to Stairway ever again. Its fucking brutal how played-to-death it is. Dont get me wrong, its an epic song with a great solo, but I dont want to nor do I need to hear it anymore.
The first song I moshedto
Bad Brains Sailin' On (1982)
Its a tall order to pick one song thats ridiculously specific. I saw a lot of punk bands at an early age and I was definitely slam-dancing and flipping off stages to all of them. It was probably during Bad Brains in the 80s, because I remember destroying stuff to them. Theyre still my favourite band. But dude, Im nearly 50 and its all a bit of a blur (laughs).
The song that picks me up when Imdown
Bad Brains Attitude (1982)
This is kind of self-explanatory: Dont care what they may say, we got that attitude / Dont care what they may do, we got that attitude / Hey, we got the PMA. They were all about that positive mental attitude and an absolute refusal to let the world grind them down. Ive actually had a rough couple of days, so Im going to go listen to thatnow.
The song Im most proudof
Lamb Of God King Me (2012)
The song is about waking up and living life on lifes own terms. I recorded that not long after I got sober, and it was a pivotal, transitional time in my life. So it means a lot tome.
The song Id like played at myfuneral
The Jesus Lizard 7 Vs. 8 (1980)
I have my funeral planned. Its going to be a weeklong affair and really offensive. I hope people will remember me as a fucking asshole (laughs), so Im trying to figure out how to offend everyone I know once Im dead, but this festival of awfulness wont be happening any timesoon.
Lamb Of God are touring the UK next spring with Kreator and Power Trip. Get your ticketshere.
Lamb Of God UK tour2020
21 Bristol O2 Academy22 Manchester Academy23 Glasgow O2 Academy24 Birmingham O2 Academy25 London O2 AcademyBrixton
Posted on October 24th 2019, 1:00pm
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Lamb Of God's Randy Blythe: The 10 Songs That Changed My Life - Kerrang!
Summer Walkers Battle With Social Anxiety Is A Teachable Moment For Fans And Critics – BET
Posted: at 11:44 am
A clip of R&B sensation Summer Walkers performance on NPRs Tiny Desk went viral this past week after critics labeled it lackluster. Not only did that assessment dismiss the decidedly somber aesthetic the singer has crafted over time, it also exemplified a widespread disregard for Black women struggling with their mental health.
During Walkers set, which was released last Friday, the relatively new star sat on a stool with her shoulders slumped as she nervously sang Playing Games, a song off her debut album, Over It. She held on tight to her pink stuffed animal named Friend, a form of emotional support during the performance. Look, Im really freaking excited to be here, but I have social anxiety like a motherfucker, the 23-year-old disclosed. So, yeah. Im freaked the hell out. Im sweating. But this is so exciting for me.
Tiny Desk is a popular platform for artists to bring their showmanship to an intimate space, so viewers probably expected Walker to emotively sway her body back and forth, and embellish her lyrics for dramatic effect. When she did the opposite, many wrote her off as disengaged and ungrateful for the opportunity. One critic wrote in a now-deleted tweet, This is exactly why I refuse to go up for the new R&B girls. Another tweeted, I dont care how good yall think her album is or isnt... performances like this is disrespectful to R&B. One person commented on her attitude, tweeting, Summer walkers attitude is ridiculous lol I understand she doesnt like the fame but u took that chance when u wanted to become a singer. Fix your face sis.
But if Walker has admitted to suffering from social anxiety, which evidently affects her demeanor during live performances, is it fair to conflate her presentation with a lack of effort based on a 47-second viral clip lifted from a near 15-minute-long upload?
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America defines social anxiety disorder (SAD) or social phobia as intense anxiety or fear of being judged, negatively evaluated, or rejected in a social or performance situation. The disorder affects 6.8 percent of the population. Although white Americans are more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety, Black women researchers like Angela Neal-Barnett, PhD, found that it is under-diagnosed and understudied for African-Americans, especially Black women. Because of common stereotypes Black women face, their anxiety is often wrongly perceived as anger or a bad attitude.
Some fans also shared a screenshot of an Instagram post Walker had apparently written about having social anxiety in the past (the date is not shown in the now-deleted post). It affects your occupational performance, she wrote. It affects romantic relationships, friendships (which I have none ) & pretty much throws you into depression. Later in the post, well-aware of her public image, Walker confesses, This aint a sob story, just a lot of plp (sic) dont know me so they take me as being rude or difficult to [get] close to.
SAD (social anxiety disorder) is far more complex than simple shyness and occasional anxiety, Dr. Lekeisha A. Sumner, Ph.D., commented via email Monday (Oct. 21). According to Dr. Sumner, an Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLAs Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences, social anxiety disorder can be chronic, debilitating and cause sufferers to avoid threatening situations or endure high levels of distress. It can potentially impede functioning in one's social, [professional], educational and [romantic] activities. And if left untreated, those affected are at higher risk for other psychological disorders.
We know now that Walker is not merely timid or flippant, and that her issues can not be prescribed rest and recovery, or even vocal or media training. To presume that the artists condition is something that can be simply fixed in the first place dismisses the very real possibility that the issue may be chronic. With Black womens bodies, behaviors and emotions policed more than that of any other group, if Walkers struggles with social anxiety arent already chronic, the stressors of the music industry are bound to create an environment in which theyre at least persistent.
To add, the demands of an artist in the digital age are unique, in that musicians are now expected to deliver faster and be more visible. There are several cautionary tales of Black women artists fading to the background before their time, unable to manage their mental health issues under stress of the machine that consumed them. Nina Simone, Lauryn Hill and Azealia Banks are a few examples. Listeners dont have to enjoy Walkers reserved form of artistry, but her harshest critics should be mindful of the fact that shes facing something more complicated than they realize.
I view her as courageous to disclose her human vulnerabilities, Dr. Sumner explains, and I sense that far more people are with her than are critics. Like so many other celebrities who have disclosed their emotional challenges, she is giving voice to those suffering from SAD. Some artists desire an audience who will appreciate their talent alone and refuse to compromise their values or contort themselves for the whims of the high-pressured, dizzyingly world of celebrity.
Those who empathize with Walkers condition say that the scrutiny shes facing is rooted in misogynoir, and the specific contempt Black women face in society due to their race and gender.
Yall want Black women to perform for yall so badly, writer and editor Brooklyn White wrote on Twitter Saturday (Oct. 19). Yall complain and beg us to alter our entire being, set our comfort zones ablaze, and conform to ideas of what we should be so yall can be pleased and comfortable.
Filmmaker Nikyatu Jusu also chimed in adding, Our Blackness does not make us inherent wind-up dolls, perpetually boisterous for your consumption. She continued, We are allowed to be meek, anxious, subdued I just rarely see the default projection of attitude placed on lethargic white/white proximal singers.
To Jusus point, brooding white singers Lorde or Billie Ellish have also spoken openly about how anxiety affects their performancestestimonials that have been met with overwhelming support. Rarely do we ever see the same sort of understanding offered to Black women artists with similar struggles. For the most part, the public largely remains silent on the issue of Black womens mental health, only to then celebrate their success stories.
Earlier in her career, Beyonc famously discussed embodying her alter-ego Sasha Fierce to conquer her nerves before going onstage. Today, the HOMECOMING: THE LIVE ALBUM performer is considered one of the most electrifying live acts on the planet. But Walkers journey should be given space to be unique, as experiences with anxiety may vary for different artists depending on their triggers and how severe their condition is.
Symptoms of social anxiety specifically can manifest in extraordinarily high levels of distress that include ruminations, negative thoughts and beliefs, difficulties with concentration and regulating attention, speech block, trembling, nausea, diarrhea, heart palpitations and a crushing sense of doom, according to Dr. Sumner. Any situation that involves potential social evaluation and social harm, especially by strangers, can be triggering to someone living with the condition. A person has to determine whether unclear environmental stimuli and events are threatening, Dr. Sumner added.
The NPR performance was the most open Walker has been about how her condition affects her. Though fans who have been following the singer closely this past year know shes alluded to struggles with visibility in previous interviews and on social media, often confessing she prefers solitude.
She echoed this again in October to fellow songbird Ari Lennox in their Apple Music conversation, aligned with the central theme of Walkers album, Over It. Less manufactured than most series in which two artists who otherwise dont know each other are forced to interact, Lennox and Walkers chat feels like two new-yet-close friends bonding as they sip wine and reveal everything in life theyre currently over and done with. Topics range from men, to waxing, to lace front wigs.
Toward the end of the conversation, Walker reveals shes also over performing live. In response to Lennox asking What are we gonna do outside of this? Walker quips, somewhat tragically, Go home and live a lovely, normal life. If thats the price Black women artists have to pay for suffering from social anxiety, the public has undoubtedly failed them as fans, critics and consumers.
Read the rest here:
Summer Walkers Battle With Social Anxiety Is A Teachable Moment For Fans And Critics - BET
Hiking is great exercise: Here are 10 places to hit the trails this fall – Courier Post
Posted: at 11:44 am
Rather than shopping, some in South Jersey took to trails. Produced by Phaedra Trethan
The Rancocas Nature Center is a beautiful escape into nature any time of year.(Photo: Courier-Post file)
Dr. Jeffrey Pinto, a Virtua internal medicine physician at Medford Family Practice, and his wife Dr. Jackie Riedel, a family practice physician with Virtua, enjoy hiking together.
They recently completed a four-day back packing trip in the Grand Canyon.
Hiking provides benefits not only to the body but helps nourish the mind, says Pinto. Stepping away from our busy lives, smart phone screensetc., helps reduce stress. Also, time spent in nature has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Hiking has an array of physical and mental health benefits, and autumn's crisp air andbreathtaking foliage provide the perfect incentives to give this form of exercise a try.
Hiking is a great cardiovascular workoutand, depending upon the type of trail you are on, the exercise intensity can be varied to suit your needs, says Pinto. In addition to being good aerobic exercise, hiking challenges your proprioception (awareness of your body in space) and develops muscles that aid in balance.
Pinto suggests most people should try and get 30 minutes of exercise daily, however any effort to increase physical activity will result in improved health.For example, Pinto says he walks around the building before starting his day and again midday in between patients.
An experienced hiker, Pinto has some pointers for newbies.
If you are new to hiking, make sure you have a map or PDFprintout of the trail that you will be on, he recommends. Let someone else know where you will be. You should always bring food and water. Protect against ticks and mosquitoes with long sleeves, pants and bug spray.
Fall colors have arrived at the Rancocas Nature Center in Westampton.(Photo: Courier-Post file)
Natalie Madanick, a holistic health coach, also enjoys walking trails for exercise. Twoof her favorite in the region areBlueberry Hill in Gibbsboro and Wissahicken Park in Philadelphia. Her business,, was foundedto help others live healthy lives by addressing all aspects of their physical and mental wellness.
Nature grounds me, Madanicksays. Smelling the fresh air and looking at the beautiful trees and changing leaves is a huge mood booster. And, depending on the length and type of hike you choose to go on, a person can burn between 350 to 600 calories doing this exercise. Hiking lowers blood pressure, improves balance and digestion, builds the immune system, improves cognitive brain function,and reduces osteoporosis, inflammation and heart disease.
Hiking is also a good exercise to do with family or friends, says Madanick.
Family and friends can help you exercise and keep you in check, she says. Plus, it's a great way to spend time together.
After spending a beautiful autumn day on the trails, Madanick suggests continuing the fall enjoy enjoyment with a healthy, hearty, seasonal dinner such as rosemary chicken and vegetables. See recipe below.
Dr. Steven Davis, of Davis Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery with offices in Cherry Hill, Philadelphia and Northfield, says most of his patients ask him how they can look younger, and his response is to stay active and exercise.
The desire to age gracefully is not just about cosmetic surgery to look younger, says Davis. It's important that people do their part with exercise and having a healthy lifestyle to make sure their bodies and minds stay as youthful as possible.
Hiking, says Davis, is a good way to keep active and stay in shape.
I always feel like fall is the start of a new year, with the changing leaves and brisk weather, he says. Hiking now is probably at its peak. And hiking has many physical benefits and stimulates mental attitude. It is something new and exciting to enjoy in these upcoming months.
It's also a good exercise for those who are getting older and still want to find a way to stay active.
"Some of my patients have been doing a very physical exercise regime daily, and then as they get older this regime starts to bring them discomfort, he says. Hiking is a good way to continue their enthusiasm of exercising without bringing them as much pain. It's also a fabulous exercise to do with friends and is much more interesting than walking a treadmill.
National Hiking Day is on Sunday, Nov. 17 but you don't have to wait until then to try one of these great hiking destinations:
Batona Trail Getting its name from the words Back to Nature, this more than 50- miles-long trail is a must to see the beauty of autumn. It takes about three days to hike the entire trail, which begins in the Brendon T. Byrne State Park and continues through Franklin Park Preserve, Wharton State Forest and Bass River State Forest. For more information,
Blueberry Hill Trails This walk is short, about .07 miles, but offers more trails off the main one and beautiful views of fall foliage. Climb to the top of the hill for views of Philadelphia. Blueberry Trail is at 178 Berlin Road,
Cheesequake State Park is a fun place to hike with friends and family.(Photo: Julio Cortez, AP)
Cheesequake State Park There are five different trails for hikers at this Middlesex County park, which uniquely lies in a transitional zone between two different ecosystems salt water marshes andupland forests. The Nature Center offers wildlife historical exhibits and Native American early colonization information. For more, visit
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area During the fall, hike the 7.5-mile scenic trail that passesButtermilk Falls (New Jersey's highest waterfall),Cater Lakeand Hemlock Pond. This trail takes about sixhours, and is located in Layton, Sussex County. The trail is open from sunrise to sunset. For more information about the Delaware Water Gap, visit
Historic Smithville Park and Smith's Woods This 312-acre park offers different terrains, forests, meadows, streams and the 22-acre Smithville Lake. It is a treasure to visit during the fall, when the changing leaves pop with color around the trails. The Smith's Woods area offers a pavilions and picnic areas with grills, a butterfly garden, playground and restrooms. Historic Smithville Park is at 803 Smithville Road, Eastampton. For more, visit
Nothing says fall like Hacklebarney State Park in Long Valley and Chester.(Photo: Bob Makin/staff photo)
Hacklebarney State Park The freshwater Black River crosses through this state park's rocky terrain, which is home to three endangered plant species the American ginseng, leatherwood and the Virginia pennywort. Wildlife is abundant, and hikers can spot more than 100 bird species, black bears, woodchucks, deer and fox. The park is at 119 Hacklebarney Road, Long Valley. For more information, visit
Rancocas State Park The freshwater tidal marsh and upland and lowland hardwood forests at the Rancocas State Park give hikers ample opportunities to see a variety of birds and animals, as well as the colorful fall leaves. The park is home to the Rancocas Nature Center, where visitors can learn much about the environment and park. The park is at 794 Rancocas Road, Westampton. For more, visit
Sourland Mountain Preserve.(Photo: ~Courtesy of Somerset County Park System)
Sourland Mountain Preserve Five miles of fall foliage awaits hikers on the Ridge Trail. So does a variety of nesting birds like the Summer Tanager, Winter Wren and Black-capped and Carolina Chickadees. The preserve is at 421 East Mountain Road, Hillsborough, Somerset County. For more, visit
Wenonah Woods Enjoy the crisp fall air and bright foliage while hiking the 6-mile trail at Wenonah Woods. A trail map is recommended because some trails are not clearly marked. Wenonah Woods is off of Jefferson Avenue., Wenonah. For more information, visit
Wissahicken Gorge The Wissahicken Gorge is home to 50 miles of hiking trails, beautiful sculptures, historic structures and Philadelphia's only remaining covered bridge. Its 1,800 acres, located in Northwest Philadelphia, has breathtaking fall foliage during the autumn months, and features steep, wooded hillsides. For more information, visit
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Hiking is great exercise: Here are 10 places to hit the trails this fall - Courier Post
ORVC Announces 2019 Boys Soccer All-Conference Team – Eagle 99.3 FM WSCH
Posted: at 11:44 am
Conference champion Jac-Cen-Del had the most all-conference selections.
(Milan, Ind.) The Ohio River Valley Conference has named its top boys soccerplayers for the 2019 season.
Jac-Cen-Del Eaglesfinished the season as theconference champs, placing five on the all-conference team.
Rising Sun had fourall-conference selections. They are Zac Brokaw, Landon Cole, Kendall Montgomery, and Jordan Parsons. Making the All-Conference team for Milan is Cameron Begley, Josh Clark, and Matt Riehle.
The 2019 ORVC Mental Attitude Award went to Milan's Talon Gobel.
Jac-Cen-Del's coach, Derek Jones, was namedthe 2019 ORVC Coachof the Year.
The full 2019 ORVC Boys SoccerAll-Conference Team is listed below.
See the article here:
ORVC Announces 2019 Boys Soccer All-Conference Team - Eagle 99.3 FM WSCH
Everything but the Song: Celebrities are also affected by mental health issues – Daily Trojan Online
Posted: October 22, 2019 at 6:44 am
(Shideh Ghandeharizadeh | Daily Trojan)
Summer Walker gave fans a forewarning during her NPR Tiny Desk performance this past week. Look, Im really freaking excited to be here but I have social anxiety like a motherfucker, Walker shared with the room. Im freaking the hell out, Im sweating, but this is so exciting for me. I watch this show all the time. Despite the notice, Twitter users found her performance abysmal and commented on her perceived lack of energy.
The R&B songstress isnt the first artist to publicly speak on mental health or to be criticized for how their mental health condition perpetuates in their artistry. In his book ZAYN, former One Direction member Zayn Malik discussed anxiety in conjunction with his rise to fame.
When I was in One Direction, my anxiety issues were huge, but within the safety net of the band, they were at least manageable, he said. As a solo performer, I felt much more exposed, and the psychological stress of performing had just got to be too much for me to handle at that moment, at least.
Similarly, Talk singer Khalid took to Twitter last year to detail his social anxiety: Going out in public is a little hard, being recorded non stop, everyone staring at you and shit.
What is particularly significant about artists such as Walker and Khalid detailing their struggles with mental health is how their experiences redefine how we discuss mental health and people with high visibility.
Struggles with anxiety, along with other mental illnesses, have often been regarded as white people issues or a set of experiences only felt by the privileged. But according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, Black adults are 20% more likely to report severe psychological distress than white adults. Black adults are also more likely to have feelings of sadness, hopelessness and worthlessness than adult whites.
What Summer Walker and Khalid experience isnt unique to them because they are celebrities, but its something more common in the daily lives of Black people. The two artists have unintentionally sparked conversations about the struggles of Black people operating in the public sphere. And in support of Summer Walker, many Black women on the internet opened up about their anxiety and depression being disregarded as an attitude problem, as just being angry or standoff-ish.
The facts tell us mental health issues within the Black community are not rare, and we shouldnt be surprised when artists like Walker are forthcoming about their struggles because similar experiences are woven into the music we love. Think of Kanyes I Thought About Killing You, or a host of songs by Kid Cudi.
Despite this commonality, there is a continued set of expectations placed on artists, particularly Black ones, to consistently show up as perfect for the public eye.
Based on previous interviews and performances, Summer Walker has been labeled as rude, boring and unapproachable. And even with knowledge of her anxiety in mind, there is continued criticism of the singer concerning her public persona.
It seems that as fans and consumers, we operate under the assumption that our favorite artists owe us a level of performance and visibility, which isnt always true. Artists are not robots to be fine-tuned, and neither are they products of large companies and corporations with a return policy to adhere to when something goes astray.
Criticism of Walker is reminiscent of how Amy Winehouse was dissected by the public during her very public struggles with fame. Due to her bulimia and alcohol abuse, she often staggered drunk on stage, and her voice, known for its soul and power, sounded empty. Audiences booed her, concerts were stopped midway and whole tours were canceled for health reasons, according to her management. At the time, tabloids and the media spun her health issues into glamorized celebrity gossip. Her sickness was not met with seriousness or compassion.
Although Walkers experiences are not wholly parallel to Winehouses, their fame impedes on the empathy they receive in a similar fashion. Celebrity dissolves no person from struggling with addiction, anxiety or depression and how that manifests in their work is not something for us to critique or poke fun at.
As society continues to remove the stigma surrounding mental health issues, we must support celebrities and high-profile figures who deal with these issues rather than acting as if they should meet our expectations in light of them.
Ellice Ellis is a senior writing about the music industry and social justice. Her column Everything but the Song runs every other Tuesday.
Original post:
Everything but the Song: Celebrities are also affected by mental health issues - Daily Trojan Online
A Happy Place: Wolcott Therapeutic Farm Redefining Mental Health Care – NBC Connecticut
Posted: at 6:44 am
In this increasingly high-tech, busy world, one Connecticut doctor is getting back to basics.
Hes known as Doc Warren, and his office is an idyllic sprawling farm in Wolcott, where Mother Nature is an important part of the mental health treatment plan.
He has the requisite wall full of degrees, certificates and accolades; he has decades of experience. But the Hawaiian shirt he wears is just one clue that Dr. Warren Corson III, PhD, is not your typical clinician. Nor is his practice, the Pillwillop Therapeutic Farm, a typical mental health clinic.
Instead, Pillwillop is where counseling gets off the couch and into a 50-acre paradise, where clients can hike, meditate, garden and reconnect with nature. Offices are located inside an historic red barn, comfortably outfitted yet retaining rustic charm.
It's not uncommon to have people come into therapy and maybe we'll be sitting in the chicken area, Warren explains, so they may be petting some chickens or ducks or rabbits while they're talking about some hardcore issues.
Upon arrival, guests are immediately greeted by Uther, a squat white bulldog eager to accompany patients to Docs office. Patients meeting with Docs wife Lisa, a fellow clinician, can snuggle up to felines Mia and Smurf during their sessions. All are rescued animals.
We want to be able to help those who can't help themselves, Lisa says, so [the cats] came from Bridgeport, and a lot of our chickens have come from other neighborhood farms.
Its a legacy the Corsons began with the adoption of their first office dog, Helen, a deaf bulldog mix who survived obvious physical abuse and malnourishment before wandering into an auto body shop and being taken in by an animal rescue group.
Corson describes her transformation from a frightened, growling puppy to a trusting, loving dog beloved by patients. Her story, he says, resonated particularly with patients working to heal from abuse.
I think half the time, the clients were coming for her, not me, he says. I was just the guy who could bill it. She was the one who was getting them to talk.
Interacting with animals is just one way of breaking down barriers to mental health at Pillwillop. Services are offered regardless of a person's ability to pay.
Our primary purpose is to serve people for counseling services but were also a non-profit community organization, Lisa said.
The farm is open to the public, not just patients, with offerings like art classes and meditation. Cut-your-own Christmas trees are grown and sold each year as a fundraiser to support pro bono care.
For both Corsons, leaving the lucrative traditional field for this charitable mission took a leap of faith. During his doctorate program, Warren said, a group of peers staged an intervention to convince him not to pursue the non-profit model. They couldnt talk him out of it.
I wasnt happy, Doc Warren explains. And I could stay in an environment making money and not be happy, or I could find what my happiness was.
I would rather be here being happy and getting to experience the environment than be unhappy and making more money. The only trade-off is that we all have lint brushes everywhere, Lisa jokes.
One could say determination is in Doc Warrens DNA.
After dropping out of school at age 14, the Bristol native worked to support his parents, both disabled in separate accidents. He grew up poor, he said, and several generations before him hadnt finished school.
He worked minimum wage jobs, even cleaning toilets for a time. At just 15 years old, he became a father. That was the turning point, he said, to find stability and a greater purpose to support his namesake.
Today, Warren Corson IV is a licensed professional counselor who works just down the hall from his dad as part of the Pillwillop practice.
From high school drop-out to PhD, Warren hopes his own story will inspire others to find their happy place, too.
If youre unhappy with life you can do something about it, Doc Warren says. You gotta find whats true to you. Theres going to be a million people wholl tell you you cant do it. If they have something valid to say, listen to them.
But otherwise our attitude has always been, watch me, he said.
See the rest here:
A Happy Place: Wolcott Therapeutic Farm Redefining Mental Health Care - NBC Connecticut
Big socks and your big kid attitude to Big Bounce America this weekend at OHP –
Posted: at 6:44 am
Bounce House America made its Kissimmee delayed debut Sunday (Saturday was canceled due to nearby Tropical Storm Nestor) to a nice-sized crowd through the late morning.
You know how you friends will rent a bounce house or two for their kids birthday party? This is like that on steroids. Bouncers are first greeted by The Big House. Shaped like a castle, its the Guinness book-certified worlds largest bounce house. Inside, theres stuff to climb, big balls to run through, gauntlets to conquer, bubbles to chase and a DJ hosts The Big Bounce, set to music, at the top of every hour.
That one, oddly enough, while being the worlds largest, isnt even the one they call The Giant. That name is reserved for a 900-foot long obstacle course that challenges all ages and abilities. My 10-year-old daughter who faces obstacles all week long shes a second-degree karate blackbelt took it on and reported back, It was very tiring. But also very fun. Ill do it again when I catch my breath. (Oh yes, she did.)
Then theres the mental challenge of the mazes in Air Space, and the non-stop action of of its ball pits the personal favorite of my 4-year-old son. (Hint for the adults: you may have to go in and rescue your little kids. And then someone may have to come rescue you!)
Theres food and beverages to purchase on site, as well as socks, if you dont bring yours. If you bring yours, think dark colors theyre going to get dirty when you run in the grass from bounce house to bounce house.
So if you like inflated fun, this is the time to pounce and bounce and its ALL at Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee!
Read more from the original source:
Big socks and your big kid attitude to Big Bounce America this weekend at OHP -
ORVC Announces 2019 Volleyball All-Conference Team – Eagle 99.3 FM WSCH
Posted: at 6:44 am
Milan and Rising Sun stars highlight the list.
(Milan, Ind.) The Ohio River Valley Conference has named its top volleyball players for the 2019 season.
Milan, Rising Sun and Southwestern finished the season in a three-way tie for the conference championship.
Making the All-Conference team for Milan is Jennifer Barker, Avery Getz, Angela King and Maddy Schmidt.
Rising Sun had three all-conference selections. They are Tyrrah Miller, Lindsay Montgomery and Cora Poling.
The 2019 ORVC Mental Attitude Award went to Rising Suns Emma Levi.
Danessa Mortensen (Milan), Ken DeDreu (Rising Sun) and Chris Johnson (Southwestern) are the ORVC Tri-Coaches of the Year.
The full 2019 ORVC Volleyball All-Conference Team is listed below.
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ORVC Announces 2019 Volleyball All-Conference Team - Eagle 99.3 FM WSCH