Archive for the ‘Mental Attitude’ Category
Budget 2021: Where Are the Smart Cities and Urban Employment Guarantee, FM and PM? – NewsClick
Posted: February 3, 2021 at 10:52 pm
The Budget 2021-22 was placed in the background of the ravaging pandemic and with a hope that the urban centres, which saw the worst kind of reverse migration in recent times would be targeted. However, the Union Budget belies all hopes of the poor, especially the urban poor and has been overwhelmed by a large section of the corporate giants.
A budget to boost economic recovery, said Nirmal Jain, chairman of Indian Infoline (IIFL); Sensex skyrockets 2,315 points on Budget Cheer; Unmatched Times, Extraordinary Budget, said the Hindujas group; A Vision Statement for the country, said the Birlas; An expansionist and bold Budget, said Karnad, MD of HDFC; Aiming for growth of better quality, termed CRISIL head, Mehta; Atmanirbhar Healthcare, said Pretha Reddy, vice-chair, Apollo hospital; Historic budget with growth at its centre, was the opinion of Uday Kotak, president Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Quite obvious, but almost all of them have been giving similar statements to the budgets in the past as well. So, what is different and new?
Apart from the various heads, especially social welfare sectors, which have been hit by the budgetary allocations and reduction in subsidies, urban development is another area which has been neglected. Though, as pointed out, the more than 9,000 urban centres comprising urban agglomerates; Tier 1, 2 and 3 cities; small towns and other non-statutory urban settlements, which hold nearly 34% of the Indian population were supposedly perceived to be prioritised in meeting their economic challenges through budgetary support, especially after the lessons learnt from the pandemic.
However, all such hopes have fallen flat. I remember Venkaiah Naidu complaining in one of the conferences, when he was the Urban Development Minister, saying that the cities do not have money so they approach the states, the states also are financially constrained, so they look at the Centre and the Centre is also in a financial mess so it looks at the multilateral agencies. In this Budget, this has come more vividly to the fore. The Centre has relied more on private capital, both foreign and domestic, to invest in cities and ameliorate the problems there. Will this happen? It has not happened in the past and there are no chances of it happening now!
Also read: Unsustainable Cities: Stop Piecemeal Approach, Constitute National Commission on Urbanisation
The total budgetary outlay for urban development is Rs 54,581 crore, which is just 9% above the budget estimates (BE) of 2020-21. However, the revised estimates (RE) for the previous year, too, fell far below to Rs 46,791 crore. There is no chance and scope of even meeting the BE of 2021-22. But then what is this amount at all? It is just 1.5% of the total budgetary allocation, though 34% of the people live in urban centres and the cities contribute to nearly 67% of the GDP and 90% of total government revenues. In all this amount, BE 2021-22 falls short of the budgets of four metros of the country. So, what is in the offing we can easily make out.
Even in this Budget, there is a shortfall in the total grants outlay to the urban local bodies. There is a reduction from Rs 25,098 crore to Rs 22,114 crore, which is a fall of nearly 11%. This means that the urban bodies will be forced to shore up its resources through either user fees on various utilities, or other means taxing people more.
There is not a word on smart cities, the much-trumpeted flagship programme of Modi government. These smart cities were supposed to be the lighthouses for other cities in the country. The Budget is completely silent over it owing to the fact that it has become one of the biggest embarrassments to the Modi government. Likewise, the Budget on AMRUT (Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation) remains stagnant at Rs 13,750 crore.
The Finance Ministers speech elaborates on the direction which will be followed for urban development. She said, We will work towards raising the share of public transport in urban areas through expansion of metro rail network and augmentation of city bus service The scheme will facilitate deployment of innovative PPP (public private partnership) models to enable private sector players to finance, acquire, operate and maintain over 20,000 buses. The scheme will boost the automobile sector, provide fillip to economic growth, create employment opportunities for our youth and enhance ease of mobility for urban residents.
As pointed out above, the model of development is PPP, which has been an utter failure in the urban development sector in the past. A similar model is being suggested for urban rental housing instead of government providing housing and labour hostels to the urban poor.
Also read: Finally, Modi Govt Wakes Up to Urban Joblessness Or Does it?
The lockdown and the resultant reverse migration made people realise that the present model of urban development and governance cannot and is not sustainable, and hence, two important interventions were demanded universally across sectors. These sectors are employment guarantee in urban areas and housing; and rental and labour hostels.
A single line on rental housing in the Budget goes as, We are committed to promote supply of Affordable Rental Housing for migrant workers. For this, I propose to allow tax exemption for notified Affordable Rental Housing Projects. Thus, it is only tax exemption to these projects that is the concern of this government. Who are constructing these projects? Once again these are done carried out through the PPP model, whereas the government should have used funds to construct labour hostels and rental houses in the manner in which Kerala state government did or what was done almost a century ago in Shimla.
Urban employment guarantee scheme emerged as the sector that required to be directly addressed during the pandemic period. It is not that the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party has not been speaking about it. In fact, since the 2009 election campaign, the BJP has been promising for an employment guarantee scheme. However, the Budget kept silent on it.
Various groups and urban practitioners have been demanding the urban employment guarantee scheme in tandem to the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Schemd. The Centre for Monitoring India Economy data has shown that India is facing the worst form of the unemployment crisis. The unemployment rate had crossed 24% during the pandemic and the labour participation rate, too, is low and has not reached the pre-pandemic levels. It is estimated that nearly 20 million people lost their jobs during the pandemic. The employment scenario was not good even before the pandemic.
In such a situation, the government was expected to ensure direct cash transfers and provide employment guarantee scheme in the towns which would have created a huge demand in the economy. More than that, it would have also addressed many issues that are faced in urban centres from civil works to administrative tasks. This would have also helped in the creation of assets in the urban centres, however, the government is not interested in mitigating the challenges that are faced by the poor and especially the urban poor.
The prose read by the FM depicts the outlook and mental attitude of this government, A King/Ruler is the one who creates and acquires wealth, protects and distributes it for common good. The prose may sound good but the intent of a ruler- ruled combination is inherently deep in the mindset of this government, instead of a citizenry conceptualisation, which accrued legitimate rights to the citizens. The ruled live because of the benevolence of the ruler. And that is what is being professed and practised.
Also read: Union Budget 2021-22 and the Issue of the Fiscal Stimulus
(The writer is former deputy mayor of Shimla. The views are personal.)
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Budget 2021: Where Are the Smart Cities and Urban Employment Guarantee, FM and PM? - NewsClick
Banbury Early Years students tackle world problems through project-based learning projects – Banbury Guardian
Posted: at 10:52 pm
Project-based learning helps students to gain knowledge, skills and attributes by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem or challenge.
These projects are designed to help students to think critically and develop problem-solving, teamwork and self-management skills.
Two student groups decided to look at racism, while others chose to focus on human trafficking, suicide awareness and mental health or SEN representation during the Covid-19 pandemic. Each of these issues also related to early years education.
Each of the groups did literature reviews and researched their chosen topic and then formulated ideas and next steps for a product to raise awareness. Two of the groups created posters to raise awareness about racism and human trafficking.
Megan May, early years level three extended diploma student at Banbury and Bicester College, said: We chose to focus on racism because so many people are affected by racism and we believe that everyone should be treated the same and have access to the same equal opportunities.
Caitlin Brain, Keira Ashby, Libby Tydeman and Tiannon Herring created a powerful music video demonstrating the effects of racism.
The video features a range of pictures depicting racism alongside with a dance routine performed by three of the students. This is intertwined with statistics outlining the impact of racism in society, to the song Where is the Love? by the Black Eyed Peas.
Tiannon Herring, early years level three extended diploma student at Banbury and Bicester College, said: We chose to focus on racism because we wanted to raise more awareness about racism to people who may not know about it.
We chose a video because some people are more visual learners, and you can really see how racism affects others throughout the video.
Shannon, Elle and Ashlee decided to focus on suicide awareness and mental health and put together a presentation with fundraising ideas and services to implement at college including mental wellbeing community champions and a drop-in centre.
As one of their next steps, the students presented their ideas to Cheri Ashby, group executive director and Leanne Hicks, group head of student support at Activate Learning.
In addition, the learners plan to hold a sponsored silence to raise money for suicide and mental health charity SOS Silence of Suicide and may do other fundraising events, if possible.
Shannon Baker, early years level three extended diploma student at Banbury and Bicester College, said: We chose to focus on suicide awareness and mental health as my family and I have unfortunately experienced it. I have gone through this in the past and I felt that there was nowhere to go, and I wanted to remedy that.
We came up with a number of ideas. A fundraiser is a great way to raise awareness. We have decided to do a sponsored silence because people who are suicidal usually suffer in silence.
One of our ideas was a mental health community where a bunch of people who had suffered from mental health problems or wanted to help, can act as mental health and wellbeing champions who are available for people to talk to. They would wear a badge so that they can be easily identified.
Another idea that we had was for a drop-in centre that would be open to everyone. We hope to raise awareness about suicide and mental health, whether that be through the wellbeing champions, the drop-in centre or fundraising events and make sure that is such a non-spoken about topic.
Sheree Wakefield, faculty manager at activate learning, said: It has been inspiring to facilitate the project-based learning initiatives of our Level 3 Early Years learners studying at Banbury and Bicester College.
Its been inspiring to see young people who are passionate and interested in important and vital issues which are important to all of us. Their research has resulted in them finding new knowledge but serving to educate and inform us, their teachers.
It has also provided the opportunity for them to liaise with employers and other outside agencies to examine and evaluate how these real-world issues are being dealt with in the workplace.
Their passion to see a change in their communities and the wider society gives me hope and faith in the future as these inspiring students, with this type of attitude and desire for change and a fairer society go out and make a lasting impact on the world.
Find out more about early years courses at Banbury and Bicester College via the Activate Learning website or contact via telephone on 0800 612 6008.
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Banbury Early Years students tackle world problems through project-based learning projects - Banbury Guardian
Psychology and Jesus: Coping in changing times, the dangers of isolation – Standard-Times
Posted: October 19, 2020 at 3:57 am
Jean Stinnett, Special to San Angelo Standard-Times Published 4:04 a.m. CT Oct. 17, 2020
The current requirements dictated by the COVID-19 pandemic seriously impact our ability to meet, worship, and function in the ways previously prescribed in our faith. Our comfortable worship routine is gone.(Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
This is part 4 of a series. Read the other articles in this series online
The Dangers of Isolation
The pandemic of 2020 continues, with no relief in sight. We are required to wear face masks in public establishments. Blue tape and yellow signs on the floor dictate how far away we are to stand from others. Our ways of interacting have shifted. People avoid eye contact and physical contact, even within close relationships. We do not see others smiling because masks hide facial expressions. In public places, moods are somber; cordiality is minimal. People avoid people.
The current requirements dictated by the COVID-19 pandemic seriously impact our ability to meet, worship, and function in the ways previously prescribed in our faith. Our comfortable worship routine is gone.
More: Psychology and Jesus: Coping in changing times, part 1
More: Psychology and Jesus: Coping In changing times, part 2
More: Psychology and Jesus: Coping in changing times, part 3
In the Hebraic culture of Jesus' lifetime, both faith and personal identity were planted solidly in the community. Jesus lived, preached, and taught within the social guidelines that corporate identity was primary. Family or tribal connection was significant. In 1 Corinthians Chapter 12, Paul says we are the body of Christ, each a separate but important part working together as one church for the common good in sharing the love of Christ.
What effect is this isolation having upon the body of Christ?
"Sin demands to have a man by himself. It withdraws him from the community. The more isolated a person is, the more destructive will be the power of sin over him, and the more deeply he becomes involved in it, the more disastrous is his isolation. Sin wants to remain unknown. It shuns the light. In the darkness of the unexpressed, it poisons the whole being of a person." Deitrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together (New York: Harper & Row, 1954), p. 112.
How do we counteract isolation during a pandemic?
Keep in contact with loved ones and friends. Communicate the stress were feeling. Acknowledge the loss of certain comfortable routines. Identify new modes of handling stress. Attend church services, virtually or in person. Seek God through the Scriptures. Pray for yourself and others. Stay in the Light: search for it and find it. Own the love Jesus has for you, and pass it on.
Here is my prayer: Father God, Your ways are superior, Your will is complete. I bow to Your sovereignty. I present my worry and fear before You, placing all burdens at the foot of the empty cross. Forgive me, Lord Jesus, as I humbly repent my sins. Shield me from temptation and deliver me from evil. Guard me to be a faithful servant in Your Word. Guide me through tempestuous waters to seek Your truth. Encourage me to share Your transforming love with the widow, the orphan, the sick, the lonely, the dejected and the rejected. Holy Spirit, plant opportunities within me to grow with the gifts You graciously give. Let Your praise be ever upon my lips.
In the mighty name of Jesus I pray. Amen
River Crest Psychiatric Hospital offers helpful survival tips. 1) Eat healthy foods, whole foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid fried and processed (sulfates and sulfites) items. 2) Aerobic exercises such as jogging, swimming, cycling, walking, gardening, and dancing improve moods, alleviate stress, and lift depression. 3) Deep breathing, meditation, a positive mental attitude, and prayer calm our bodies, minds, and spirits.
Jean Stinnett is a licensed professional counselor and author of 'Please Pray With Me' who retired in Mertzon after a30-year career in public education.If you appreciate locally driven news, consider a digital subscription to Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for news updates. Submit news tips to
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Psychology and Jesus: Coping in changing times, the dangers of isolation - Standard-Times
The Meaning of Resilience – Shepherd Express
Posted: at 3:57 am
Given the pandemic, we hear a lot about resilience, the capacity to flex ones attitude and behavior to effectively address adversity. And we should. Resilient types fare better than their mentally rigid counterparts who lack this bounce-back capacity. Fine, but what is resilience?
One of my wilderness experiences provides an illustration rather than a conceptual explanation. A few years ago, my backcountry buddy and I were slogging up a steep, rocky trail near Mount Rainier on our way to a white-knuckle traverse of an icy escarpment. Early on, our path intersected a nature trail popular with tourists who wanted a taste of the wilderness without the full monty. Nearing the trail junction, we glimpsed two figures coming our way, albeit haltingly.
We soon realized one of the approaching hikers was a petite, frail-looking woman who appeared quite disabled. Her left hand was contorted and useless, while in her right she gingerly held a hiking pole. With great effort, she half-dragged one of her legs. The man accompanying her walked behind, allowing her to set the pace, while we stepped aside to let them pass.
Good to see you out here, I said when her eyes met mine.
Her face bore the asymmetrical appearance found among some stroke victims, making it difficult for her to smile when I greeted her, but smile she did. Not just at me, I suspect, but also at the glorious vistas in our midst, and, perhaps, also at her own mettle in making this trek to see them firsthand instead of through a car window or on a screen. Its good to be here, she replied, beaming. Very good.
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She must want it bad, my companion observed as the pair carried on at their painstakingly slow pace. Resilient people do. They are energized by a sense of purpose, whatever that may be for them. It gives them hope, courage and grit.
An hour later, as my friend and I struggled with a much tougher trail and our own fears of a steep drop-off one misstep away, an image of this woman emerged in my minds eye. Her example gave me a shot of needed moxie and the resolve to press on. As former first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, told us, You must do the thing you think you cannot do. And whether one is pushing against physical limitations or psychological ones, resilience provides that can-do mindset.
Due to the pandemic, challenges requiring this kind of mettle abound. And while they sometimes call for physical perseverance, successfully meeting them always requires a resilient mental attitude, the kind we saw on that disabled womans face and in her eyes. Such people dont capture many headlines. They arent firefighters rushing into burning buildings or self-sacrificing healthcare providers toiling in packed ICUs. Rather, they are otherwise ordinary folks who summon sufficient resolve to be heroes in their own right. And this is one of those times in our history when heroism is all around us.
Many lives are visited by personal tragedy, and no small number are destroyed by it. The surges in emotional distress, substance abuse, domestic violence and suicidality brought on by the COVID plague are proof of that. And while some claim life never gives us more than we can handle, glib platitudes dont cut it when misfortune arrives. And, this year, it has arrived in force.
Like many of us rocked back on our heels by the pandemic, its likely that, at some point, that woman on the trail felt shed been handed more than she could bear. That she proved greater than the burden placed at her doorstep by fate is a credit to her character and resilience, and an inspiration for all. This woman did more than overcome a raw deal. She also demonstrated that the human spirit can rise above the impersonal forces that sometimes conspire to defeat it.
To her and others like her ... thank you. By example, you reassure us that, somehow, we will persevere.
For more, visit
To read more Out of My Mind columns by Philip Chard, click here.
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The Meaning of Resilience - Shepherd Express
China Metallurgical : Guo Wenqing Visits the National Bobsleigh and Tobogganing Center Project for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics –
Posted: at 3:57 am
Guo Wenqing Visits the National Bobsleigh and Tobogganing Center Project for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
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On the morning of September 27, Guo Wenqing, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of China Minmetals, and concurrently Chairman of MCC, went to the National Bobsleigh and Tobogganing Center Project for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics undertaken by Shanghai Baoye to inspect and guide the construction. He pointed out that we should redouble our efforts to promote enterprise to achieve a new round of high-quality breakthrough development by focusing on political construction and innovating technologies. During the construction, we should pay great attention to building platforms, with leadership building as the guarantee.
Guo Wenqing went to the project site to inspect the progress of ice making and ice repair on the track, listened to the report on the project construction, and kindly visited the ice maker team. He said that the track of National Bobsleigh and Tobogganing Center is the first bobsleigh and tobogganing track in China. To make it, as no any relevant experience the project team of Shanghai Baoye for the National Bobsleigh and Tobogganing Center has, finally, it has successfully developed eight core technologies, including the special injection material preparation and quality control technology for track construction, 10,000-meter hyperboloid refrigeration pipeline processing and molding technology, millimeter-level hyperboloid track jetting and finishing molding technology via study hard, scientific response to technical problems. It has filled a number of technological gaps in China and realized many 'the first in China'. This project fostered China's first bobsleigh and tobogganing track jetting team and ice making and repairing team, and broke the foreign monopoly on bobsleigh and tobogganing track-related technology. In addition, the project was highly appraised by the international community and fully demonstrated the talent spirit and mental attitude of MCC leaders and staff. He hoped that the project team will make persistent efforts and welcome the national team for its first training in the best conditions and status as much as it could provide.
In the meeting room of project department, Guo Wenqing watched the promotional video of national bobsleigh and tobogganing center project, listened to the center project construction, the market development in Beijing and its surrounding areas of Shanghai Baoye, as well as the project control report entitled 'Consolidating Project Control Platform, Improving Project Control System, and Boosting Enterprise Breakthrough Development'. Guo Wenqing highly recognized the excellent achievements made by Shanghai Baoye in enterprise development and project construction, and thanked the team and front-line builders of Shanghai Baoye for their hard work. He said, in recent years, as Shanghai Baoye has always soundly moved ahead on a right road, its enterprise brands are becoming more and more famous at home and abroad. In the implementation of the development vision of 'focusing on MCC's major businesses and making it better', Shanghai Baoye, as the pioneer, fully explains the MCC's development strategy of 'being a national team of metallurgical construction, a basic construction main force, an emerging industry leader, insisting for the development with high technology and quality' with its practice and corresponding achievements based on its dominant core technology advantages. Fortunately, the deserved images of the national team, the elite troops and the leader are honed and created in the process.
For the next step, Guo Wenqing put forward four clear requirements:
First, Shanghai Baoye should be responsible for successfully completing the national bobsleigh and tobogganing center project in accordance with our policy construction requirements. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is the aspiration of the Chinese people to host a wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Beijing Winter Olympics. The Winter Olympics is more than a project or a sports event, and it is even a reflection of the image of China. The national bobsleigh and tobogganing center, as the first bobsleigh and tobogganing track, is a construction project of the greatest difficulty in design and construction in the Beijing Winter Olympics competition arena, which attracts worldwide attention. It's a great honor for Shanghai Baoye to participate in the construction of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Therefore, it should definitely improve its political position, give full play to the role of a state-owned key enterprise, and focus on high standards and high levels. More specifically, it should closely supervise the smooth completion of the track, the driving of preparations for the coast-down check, and detailed implementation of the venue operation guarantee scheme. Through careful and serious completion of the blueprint for the Winter Olympics drawn by General Secretary Xi Jinping, so it can build a satisfactory Winter Olympics project.
Second, embracing innovation-driven, forging enterprise development hard power with science and technology. Innovation is the first driver to achieve high quality development. To cope with current trend and demands, vigorously promoting scientific and technological innovation is the necessary action to foster a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. The bobsleigh and tobogganing track is a high-tech project featuring complicated construction. Since the commencement of the project, Shanghai Baoye has innovated the construction technology and made a group of technological breakthroughs. Thanks to its irreplaceable advantages in the integration of the whole industrial chain, its leading core technologies as well as continuous innovation ability, Shanghai Baoye has successfully achieved track jetting and the formation of track ice-making. The winding track in mountains, looking like a flying dragon, is a real display of Shanghai Baoye's technology innovation level. We should keep strengthening the core technical advantages, and build a satisfactory project, while giving play to the leading role of major projects brand, to form a distinctive Winter Olympics industry.
Third, enhancing the construction of project platform, to build a more solid and secure enterprise brand. A project is more than a source of profit for an enterprise or the basis of existence, and it is also the key gap and quality assessment point for the future enterprise to solve their own unbalanced and inadequate development and accelerate MCC's transition from 'surviving' to 'becoming stronger' in the new era. Since 2017 when we proposed to build a main platform for controlling projects, after three years of continuous promotion, the project management and control capability of the headquarters of subsidiaries has been greatly strengthened, and the extensive project management and control mode in the past has been changed. Nowadays, Our ideological concept is highly unified, project management level has been significantly improved, and the project quality also has realized a new breakthrough and brand influence has been raised rapidly. Next, we should carefully study and discuss, refine and summarize the successful experience and good practices that have been obtained depending on the reality, to form a pragmatic, simple, catchy and easy-to-understand development strategy and project management concept, and firmly implement it, to create a more solid high-quality corporate brand.
Fourth, leaders taking the lead in embracing responsibility with passion and making contributions in the new era. The leadership role of a leader is very essential to the construction of enterprise development and team. Since the 'September 5' meeting in 2012, MCC has been developed well and fast, and obtained social acceptance due to citizens having a sense of gain. In the final analysis, these achievements could not have been realized without leaders' leading the way and setting an example, all staff thinking and working with one heart and one mind, and forging ahead in the correct and clear direction of 'focusing on MCC's major businesses and making it better'. Over the years, MCC's development thought and management guidance have never been swayed; instead, people's minds are determined. Everyone is walking in the same direction, thinking, acting, and marching forward in one direction. Currently, as MCC has entered into a new high quality development stage, leaders at all levels should take on their responsibilities, take the lead, work hard, forge ahead, and make solid efforts to build their teams and work style. They should remain true to the original aspiration of doing the good solid work with sincere-faith-based loyalty and passion-based loyalty; they should continue to maintain the spirit of 'no delay or slack off for a day' to build their practical style of work. Moreover, they should make great contributions and take on responsibilities during the implementation of being a national team of metallurgical construction, a basic construction main force, an emerging industry leader, insisting for the development with high technology and quality.
Liu Caiming, Deputy General Manager, Chief Accountant and member of the Party Group of China Minmetals, and Wang Shilei, Deputy General Manager and member of the Party Group of China Minmetals participated in activities. Xue Fei, Zhang Mengxing, Cheng Dongbo, Bai Xiaohu, Wang Zirui, Zuo Zhiquan, Chen Gang, and Hao Ran, heads of the Strategic Development Department and the Safety and Environment Department of China Minmetals and MCC, attended the above activities.
Guo Wenqing inspects the national bobsleigh and tobogganing track
Guo Wenqing visits the ice maker team
Guo Wenqing visits the ice maker team
Guo Wenqing delivers a speech
Scene of the Meeting
Aerial view of the national bobsleigh and tobogganing center project undertaken by MCC
How can I deal with online bullying and trolls? Daniel Howell and LGBTQ YouTubers share tips and advice –
Posted: at 3:57 am
As part of a new four-part video series to coincide with World Mental Health Day (10 October), Daniel Howell has teamed up with Attitude and LGBTQ content creators to share tips and advice for staying mentally healthy and happy.
After tackling social media addiction andsleep issues, part three sees 29-year-old Dan discuss online bullying, trolls, and general internet unpleasantness with YouTubers Corey Schultz, Emi Salida, Justin 'King of Reads', Jessica Kellgren-Fozard, Dion Yorkie, Sebb Argo and Jamie Rutter.
"Dealing with trolls online - or in real life - is something that all of us in the LGBT community have had to deal with", says Dan, who opens up about his mental health and coming out journey in the Attitude November issue - out now to download and to order globally.
"It's safe to say that as someone who's spent their entire life on the internet, I've seen some stuff. You just need to remind yourself that you're valid, you're doing nothing wrong bothering these people simply by existing.
"The best thing to do is just to mute them and let them scream into the void as you go about your day. It feels powerful."
Here are tips and advice for dealing with online trolls and bullies from Daniel and the group:
Daniel Howell'smental health book/self-help guide 'You Will Get Through This Night' is set for release in May 2021.
The Attitude November issue is out now to download and to order globally.
Subscribe in print and get your first three issues for just 3, or digitally for just 1.54 per issue.
AROUND HASTINGS: Think positive to reduce anxiety – St. Augustine Record
Posted: at 3:57 am
Nancy Quatrano | Columnist
Positive thinking is a powerful antidote to depression and other physical and mental illnesses.
In broad controlled studies published as recently as 2019, researchers have documented the impact of negative thinking on the bodys immune system. Positive thinking reduces anxiety and worry and promotes success in health, relationships, and work life.
However, positivity requires action. Remember the song, Dont Worry, Be Happy? The word be is a verb and verbs are action words.
Most people experience positive energy by doing something for someone else, be it a neighbor, friend, co-worker, or family member. Some people get joy out of helping people they dont even know. The joy derived from that helping hand isnt dependent on the relationship, time, or dollars it takes to provide that assistance.
People find positive reinforcement though their faith community, by reciting affirmations and positive mantras, or through prayers and meditation.
The studies indicate that positive people are more likely to experience good health and financial stability while they enjoy, more often than not, happiness, joy, contentment, and resilience.
Extended isolation can severely impact positive perspectives. The ability to view a barrage of challenges with joy and contentment is compromised. Human beings were not created to be alone. The smile of a neighbor, the hug of a child or friend, fellowship with friends after worship, all contribute to our sense of community, belonging, and overall good mental health. So, whats to do?
Living in fear and anger does not lend itself to a healthy life. Stay informed about matters that are important to you and trust and employ your own good judgement. Get outdoors every day for a walk or ride on the trail or sit a half-hour in the sun; say a maskless hello to your neighbor from your front porch and be sure to wave and smile with enthusiasm. Each day write down three things youre grateful for. Call someone you miss and tell them a joke or funny story. Send a card or a note. Visit by video chat on your phone. Learn something new. Make it your mission to make others smile every day and strengthen those positivity muscles. Youll feel all the better for it!
With this in mind, the Rotary Club of Hastings welcomes all to a strictly outdoor event from 5 to 7 p.m. Oct. 31 on the corner of North Main Street and St. Johns Avenue, near the trail. Come and buy something to eat from the food trucks that will be spaced out in the area.
Fun Halloween music will be provided by a DJ while the food is being prepared for your take-out order. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy seeing your neighbors, having dinner cooked for you, and listening to music. Its sure to fortify your positive attitude. The club is asking that all attendees wear masks while placing orders and respect social distancing while listening to the music.
If you know of a veteran in need of assistance, please let them know about the Veterans Service Office which is in the St. Johns County Health and Human Services Building located at 200 San Sebastian View, Suite 1400. St. Augustine. The phone number is 904-209-6160 and Veteran Service Officers are there from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. They should call for an appointment but will be scheduled promptly.
International Polio Day is recognized by Rotary Clubs worldwide on Oct 24. PolioPlus is the Rotary initiative begun in 1985 in the Philippines which has now spread around the world. Rotarians, including the Hastings club members, are partners with many organizations providing funding, manpower, and infrastructure improvements necessary to eradicate this crippling and often-deadly disease.
In the 20th century, this virus killed and paralyzed hundreds of thousands of children worldwide, including here in the United States. Rotarians are committed to eradicating polio entirely.
Visit for more information or to make a donation that will be tripled.
Community Hospice and Palliative Care is again hosting Advance Care Planning webinars. They can be reached by email at to sign up for a learning session or get help in completing the interview form. Call 904-407-7024 and leave your name and email address to register for the Oct. 22 or Oct. 28 sessions.
Contact Nancy Quatrano at by 5 p.m. on Fridays if you have information for the column. Put Hastings in the subject line.
Excerpt from:
AROUND HASTINGS: Think positive to reduce anxiety - St. Augustine Record
Glasgow teenager scores top 10 Billboard chart hit in USA from his bedroom – Glasgow Live
Posted: at 3:57 am
A 17-year old Scot has defied the Covid-19 pandemic by securing a writing and production credit on a Billboard top 10 album in the USA from his bedroom in the west end of Glasgow.
Like thousands of other teenagers, Blair Ferguson - who writes and produces under the name BLK Beats - saw his classes at Kelvinside Academy ended abruptly in June 2020 as we entered lockdown.
The international travel ban also put on hold his plans to opt out of 6th year studies and head to America to pursue his dream of landing his first major hip-hop production credit.
But, against the odds, he has secured a four-year management and publishing deal with one of hiphops most successful and prestigious production collectives, Winners Circle, and landed a co-writing and co-production credit on the top 10 Billboard album Virgo World by platinum-selling rap artist Lil Tecca - all from his humble home studio in his bedroom.
The track, Closest to Heaven, has been played around 3m times across all streaming platforms since its release last month and was even named as one of the top songs of the week by renownedhip-hopmagazine XXL.
Speaking of the achievement, Blair said: Ive been working as a hiphop producer for the last two years, writing and producing with underground artists across the US and gradually growing my credits and contacts.
When lockdown arrived, I had no idea that the effects of the pandemic would last this long, and my dream of getting to the States over the summer to work more closely with artists gradually became an impossiblity.
Im a great believer in a positive mental attitude, so I made up my mind to work as hard as I could to make things happen from Scotland, although I knew it would be hard to be successful when I couldnt be in recording studios working directly with artists.
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Im honoured that Winners Circle have shown faith in me and proud of the Lil Tecca credit. I hope that this is only the beginning and that, when we get the virus under control, I can achieve my dream of getting to America and taking my production career to the next level.
"Even though the pandemic is by no means under control in Scotland, and wehave some tough months ahead, I hope people see my story and realise that positive things can still happen to us all if we just keep believing in ourselves."
Gaun yersel' Blair!
Read more:
Glasgow teenager scores top 10 Billboard chart hit in USA from his bedroom - Glasgow Live
The Klarna Clothes Love All campaign will make you rethink your wardrobe – British GQ
Posted: at 3:57 am
The way Klarna works is simple. The Swedish bank allows customers to buy items from chosen websites and pay either at the end of the month or in instalments. For our purposes, however, we like to think of it as the ultimate fashion purchase enabler.
Klarna is available to use at more than 200,000 merchants in 17 countries and for winter 2020 during this most tumultuous year it's decided to put its global presence to good use with a campaign that encourages shoppers to embrace inclusivity through clothes.
Fashion, in our opinion, is one of the ultimate modes of communicating character but the truth is that it's our behaviour, rather than our garments, that truly define who we are. With this ethos in mind, Klarna has launched a campaign to tackle discrimination both within and without the fashion industry, by launching the Clothes Love All campaign.
A celebration of the unmitigated joy and inclusivity clothes have the power to bring, Klarna along with stylist and inclusivity ambassador Tan France is encouraging consumers to rethink the rules of fashion.
A long time advocate for inclusivity, France told us: Im never massively concerned about what somebody is wearing, as long as it makes them feel really good about themselves." It's this positive mental attitude that makes France such an excellent advocate for the campaign.
Im excited to be partnering with Klarna on its new campaign. The philosophy is incredibly important, as diversity in fashion should not be a deterrent for shoppers. It should instead make the majority feel more included. The fashion industry has a long way to go so that diversity isnt just about lip service, so I love that Klarna is using its platform to amplify these important messages.
In short, it's time to forget the rules you think you know, because skirts are just for women doesnt quite cut it in 2020. Shake things up and remember if it makes you feel good, wear it.
Best new menswear items in the world this week
The most wanted mens clothing items under 250
What GQs editors are eyeing up on Klarna
The rest is here:
The Klarna Clothes Love All campaign will make you rethink your wardrobe - British GQ
Dealing with mental health is a collective responsibility – Free Malaysia Today
Posted: at 3:57 am
World Mental Health Day (WMHD) was commemorated on Oct 10 with the theme Mental health for all Greater investment Greater access. Everyone, Everywhere. It is a very apt theme as we are now facing great challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Even before the pandemic, mental health problems have been increasing globally, despite the improvement in treatment methods and technology. As such, there was a need for greater investment in mental health and improved access to treatment.
Given the pandemic, this need is even more dire.
Mental health issues are growing along with the number of Covid-19 infections. Anxiety and depression from the sense of helplessness have become more common in the community, especially when economic activities are significantly affected.
This is also evident with the demand for mental health professionals increasing exponentially worldwide.
Mental health problems are an added disability to discharged Covid-19 patients who experience more than just physical disabilities, such as fatigue and reduced breathing efficacy.
Research has shown that at least half the individuals recovering from the virus develop some form of mental illness such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depression and generalised anxiety disorders.
These conditions increase the burden of disease that is already severely impacted by the virus. This impacts all layers of society, from individuals and families, to the larger community and frontliners who face high risk of infections daily.
Support services on the verge of burnout
With a second wave of infections in Malaysia, it is expected that stress and anxieties surrounding the daily reports of cases and death will be at an all-time high.
Mental health and psychosocial support services that have been very active in providing 24-hour help to both the general public and frontliners are themselves already on the verge of burnout.
Malaysia is already doing its best given the dearth of mental health professionals in the country.
Recently, the country increased its budget to cover for psychological treatment, by doubling the number of Medicare-funded psychology sessions for the public in light of increasing mental health problems related to the pandemic. However, with demands for help skyrocketing, funding can do little if human resources are scarce.
Given the limited resources, there is a need for all of us to heed this years WMHD theme by investing ourselves, our time and effort to improve access to mental health and psychosocial support to everyone, everywhere.
Mental illness is everyones problem because we are all connected. Especially with the current threat of Covid-19, we are either affected ourselves, or live or work with people who are afflicted. So, it is our collective responsibility to do something about it.
How can we do this? By improving our mental health literacy.
It is about improving our knowledge on mental health and mental illness, as well as the factors affecting them.
Mental health literacy
Mental illness has a face. It looks just like you and me. You dont have to look like the typical image associated with a psychiatric illness to have a problem. If you do, then your problem is likely to be severe.
Mental health literacy involves knowing where, who and how to seek help for mental health issues. Learn to manage your own mental health.
Provide mechanisms in place to maintain recovery by engaging in daily activities that improve independent functioning, such as regular physical activities and other self-care initiatives. Learn to also provide psychosocial help to others.
It is important to recognise that mental illness can be treated and one can be empowered to seek help or to help others seek help for mental health issues. This is a positive attitude that comes from having adequate mental health literacy. It serves all levels of community, workplaces and organisations.
Community leaders skilled in psychosocial help and organisations providing mental health resources such as employee assistance programmes can reinforce positive attitudes towards mental health. Flyers and notices that provide information for mental health resources can also make a difference.
Active efforts to promote mental health management is something we ALL can do. Theres no need to just depend on mental health professionals or organisations.
Prevention begins with us. Lets get savvy about mental health and share with others. We all could do with the help and support.
Dr Alvin Ng Lai Oon is head of the Psychology Department at Sunway University.
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of FMT.
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Dealing with mental health is a collective responsibility - Free Malaysia Today