Archive for the ‘Meditation’ Category
10 Best Guided Meditation Videos on YouTube
Posted: October 5, 2018 at 3:44 am
Destress, center and focus.
Having your cake and eating it, too, has always had a negative connotation to it, but in terms of meditation and yoga, I honestly feel like it's a suitable label for this combination!
I've been a dedicated yogi for years, but I didn't start meditating until recently. You can find a slew of reasons why meditation is good for you, but reaping the benefits isn't the hard part; getting started is!
Many people (myself included) avoid meditation because it's mistakenly thought you sit on a cushion for an hour without having any thoughts.
This isn't true for everyone, and I highly recommend guided meditation to get you started. It eases you into the practice of meditation without overwhelming you and making you feel like you aren't capable.
There's no need to head to a studio or purchase expensive audio recordings to initiate a meditation practice.
The internet is a great resource for starting meditation, and I've found the following videos to be the best guided meditations on YouTube.
Learning how to meditate should be something you enjoy not stress over, so let these videos be your guide!
This is a guided meditation with imagery, and I highly recommend it if you find beautiful images soothing. The images flow through lovely views of nature with rich colors and floating clouds to whisk you off of your cushion and onto the wind.
The beginning of the video is narrated with directions on how to accomplish deep breathing. This lasts about six minutes, and the final 10 minutes of the video are quiet except for the accompanying sounds of the images.
Are you reading this during the freezing depths of winter? Take an escape from the snow and bitter winds and float right back into summer for some extra sunshine and relaxation.
The beginning of the video reassures you that meditation is your time, and you should pick a time and place where you won't be disturbed. The narrator uses detailed imagery ("breathing in fresh, clean air") to guide you into relaxation and a state of meditation.
The instructions are simple enough that you can listen to them with minimal effort from a state of detached consciousness.
Control freaks and type As, I'm talking to you right now. This meditation is designed to help you release your need of control by surrendering to the support of the universe.
Not only does this work to release your mind, the narrator helps you relax your entire body from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head.
He takes you through each individual body part, allowing you to trust your body and realize you don't need complete control to be happy and relaxed.
A tight schedule is enough to rattle anyone's nerves. Remember that you don't need 30 minutes to an hour to have a relaxing meditation session. It's really the quality of your practice, not the quantity.
The narrator's voice is soft and smooth; it very much reminds me of a mother's nurturing voice when she's tucking her children into bed. I've sifted through a lot of meditation videos, and a "relaxing" voice on most people gets annoying quickly.
The background plays soothing music, and if you prefer to meditate with your eyes open, there are peaceful images that play on the screen.
My favorite line from the video: "The world will not come to an end because you're taking time for yourself".
I think if I could sleep in the rain without catching pneumonia, I would. The sounds, the smells, and the feeling of warm rain can't be beaten.
However, I'm not sure the logistics would make this very comfortable, so the next best thing is allowing stillness to wash over you like rainfall.
This particularly soothing meditation is best done right before you go to bed because it's supposed to create such an intense calming effect that you'll fall to sleep and experience deep, restful sleep.
The soft music is accompanied by the sound of rainfall, so you can pretend you're fulfilling my daydream of taking a nap in the warm rain.
Everyone has days where no matter how tired you are, you simply can't fall asleep. Deep breathing meditations are some of the best ways to transition you into sleep. This meditation is designed for helping you fall asleep with deep breathing, stillness, and internal awareness.
The narrator guides you through your body using your breath and physical awareness to pull you away from consciousness. His voice is rich and velvety, and it's spiked with a British accent for extra relaxation.
The meditation is about 18 minutes long, and the narration lasts until minute eight before he lets you drift off into your own world with the soft strums of music in the background.
This guided visual meditation helps you visualize internal peace to relieve chronic states of anxiety and stress. After this meditation, I felt significantly less stressed and anxious over the daily issues that get me all worked up.
Setting an intention is something we all do during our yoga practice, but novice meditators often forget to set an intention for their meditation practice. You can certainly come up with your own, but this video gives you a pretty strong intention: peace.
The narrator uses colors to help guide you through 30 minutes of deep breathing. Having something specific to focus on while I'm meditating keeps my mind from wandering, as did the narrator giving you directions on how to breathe.
This is a great meditation for people who adhere to Eastern traditions of medicine, but it's simple enough that even more Western-minded folks find it useful.
If you're unfamiliar with chakras, you get a brief explanation of each chakra as the video progresses through each one. The video encourages you to breathe out negativity and inhale positivity, so I highly recommend this one if you're chronically negative.
Just like yoga, even a few minutes of meditation is enough to impact your day. This video gives you the benefits of a 30-minute meditation practice in just five minutes.
It smoothly guides you through a deep breathing exercise, encouraging you to visualize your exhalations pushing away negativity and distractions while your inhalations embrace your imagination and the perception of your circumstances.
In just five minutes, you'll not only be rejuvenated, you'll feel empowered and inspired to shift your perspective and reactions to the things you can't control.
If you've been looking into meditation as a way to go so deeply into your subconscious that you are unaware fo your surroundings, this is a great place to get started as a beginner.
The video gets you so focused on your breath that you ignore the noise in your head and focus on the sound of the waves in the video and the accompanying sound of your breath.
I highly recommend this if you're looking for a mid-length practice (it's only a little over 18 minutes) that introduces you to a deep meditative state.
This is perfect for you, too, if you're looking to take a brief vacation from the chaos of your mind.
Meditation doesn't have to be sitting in silence in an empty room listening to the sound of chimes blowing in the breeze. You can meditate anywhere you want to with these guided meditations: in a coffee shop, in a park, or in the bathtub.
Regardless of where you meditate, you'll find you're leaving behind worry, anxiety, anger, and frustration in less than an hour.
I hope my collection of best guided meditations on YouTube are helpful enough to get you started on meditation and a path to more peace and less stress!
Are you looking for more in-depth meditation videos? Then click here because we got you covered Also check out this great iOS app!
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Meditation for Mental Health – Verywell Mind
Posted: September 30, 2018 at 1:40 pm
Meditation has become one of the most popular ways to relieve stress among people of all walks of life. This age-old practice, which can take many forms and may or may not be combined with many spiritual practices, can be used in several important ways.
A form of meditation can even be used for weight loss and healthier eating.
By learning to calm your body and mind, your physical and emotional stress can melt away. This leaves you feeling better, refreshed, and ready to face the challenges of your day with a healthy attitude. With regular practice over weeks or months, you can experience even greater benefits.
Meditation involves sitting in a relaxed position and clearing your mind, or focusing your mind on one thought and clearing it of all others. You may focus on a sound, like "ooommm," or on your own breathing, counting, a mantra, or nothing at all. A common thread among the many meditation techniques is that the mind stops following every new thought that comes to the surface.
Its generally necessary to have at least five to 20 distraction-free minutes to spend, though meditation sessions can really be any length. Longer meditation sessions tend to bring greater benefits, but it is usually best to start slowly so you can maintain the practice long-term.
Many people find that if they try to meditate for too long each session or create a "perfect" practice it can become intimidating or daunting, and they find it more challenging to keep as a daily habit. It is far better to create the habit and work it into a more thorough version of that habit.
Its helpful to have silence and privacy, but more experienced meditators can practice meditation anywhere. Many practitioners of meditation attach a spiritual component to it, but it can also be a secular exercise. Really, there is no wrong way to meditate.
Throughout the day, when we experience stress, our bodies automatically react in ways that prepare us to fight or run. This is your body's stress response, otherwise known as your fight-or-flight response. In some cases of extreme danger, this physical response is helpful. However, a prolonged state of such agitation can cause physical damage to every part of the body.
Meditation affects the body in exactly the opposite ways that stress doesby triggering the body's relaxation response.
It restores the body to a calm state, helping the body repair itself and preventing new damage from the physical effects of stress. It can calm your mind and body by quieting the stress-induced thoughts that keep your body's stress response triggered. There is an element of more direct physical relaxation involved in meditation as well, obviously, so this double dose of relaxation can really be helpful for shrugging off stress.
A greater gain that meditation can bring is the long-term resilience that can come with regular practice. Research has shown that those who practice meditation regularly begin to experience changes in their response to stress that allow them to recover from stressful situations more easily and experience less stress from the challenges they face in their everyday lives. Some of this is thought to be the result of the increase in positive mood that can come from meditation; research shows that those who experience positive moods more often are more resilient toward stress.
Other research has found changes in the brains of regular meditation practitioners that are linked with a decreased reactivity toward stress.
The practice of learning to refocus your thoughts can also help you redirect yourself when you fall into negative thinking patterns, which in itself can help relieve stress. Meditation offers several solutions in one simple activity.
The benefits of meditation are great because, among other things, it can reverse your stress response, thereby shielding you from the effects of chronic stress.
When practicing meditation:
People who meditate regularly find it easier to give up life-damaging habits like smoking, drinking, and drugs. They also find it easier to stop rumination from ruining their day.
It helps many people connect to a place of inner strength. Numerous studies have found that, in diverse populations, meditation can minimize stress and build resilience. Meditation research is still relatively new, but promising.
Meditation is wonderful in that its free, always available, and amazingly effective in short-term stress reduction and long-term health. The benefits can be felt in just one session.
An experienced teacher can be helpful, but isn't absolutely necessary. You can learn many effective meditation techniques from a book or from the meditation resources right here on Verywell. Ultimately, if you can focus on your breath, on the present moment, or on any one thing for a while, you can now meditate.
It does often take some practice, however, and some people find it difficult to "get it" in the beginning. Meditation also requires a little patience and may be difficult for people with little free time (like some stay-at-home mothers who get very little privacy from small children). However, the time and effort it takes to learn and practice is well worth it in terms of the benefits it provides.
There are many forms of meditation that bring these fantastic benefits. Some may feel more comfortable for you to practice than others, so it's a great idea to try a sampling of them and repeat the techniques that seem to fit best for you. The most important thing to remember is to practice meditation for a few minutes per day and to try to sit for at least five minutes each session.
If you practice meditation while you are not in the midst of a stressful situation, you will find it easier to use it as a calming technique when you need it. Even if you plan to use it only as needed and not as a daily exercise, it is a good idea to practice meditation when you aren't feeling particularly stressed first, rather than trying it for the first time when you're feeling overwhelmedunless, of course, you can't find a time when you don't feel this way.
If you don't now where to start, you may simply focus on listening to your breathing for five minutes. To do this, relax your body, sit comfortably, and notice your breath. If you find yourself thinking of other things, simply redirect your attention back to your breath.
Another simple strategy is to count your breaths. When you inhale, count "one" in your head, and then count "two" as you exhale. Keep going as you breathe and start over at "one" if you notice you've become distracted by other thoughts. (Some people will find this easier to practice than the simple breathing meditation, and others will find it more challenging. Remember, your best meditation techniques are the ones that resonate with you.)
Here is a sampling of meditation techniques to try. May you find the relief you seek.
Original post:
Meditation: A Practical Way to Retrain Attention – Mindful
Posted: September 15, 2018 at 9:42 pm
Daniel Goleman on how meditation can help us flex the different muscles of attention.
One of the important things I learned from writing Focus was the new science of retraining an attentional habit, thereby resculpting the brain. The work of people in contemplative neuroscience where theyre brain imaging people while they do a basic meditation, or a range of meditations, is really impressive.
One of the pieces of research that stuck with me was by Wendy Hasenkamp who is now Research Director at Mind and Life Institute. She looked at the basic move in meditation. It doesnt matter if youre doing a visualization or compassion or mindfulness, the basic movement is this: when your mind wanders off, notice that its wandered, remove it from where its gotten attached, and put it back on your point of focus.
The basic repetition is noticing that your mind has wandered, that youve gone back to the default pattern in attention and bring it back to the chosen new habit of attention. And what the research shows is that there is different circuitry for each of these four points:
Every time you go through that motion, youre flexing the muscle of attention. Those are the basic repetitions in a mental gym. You strengthen that circuitry every time you do that, just like you would with a muscle on an exercise machine at the gym. A meditator or someone doing mindfulness is actually changing the shape and function of their brain. Its neuroplasticity, and I think thats very compelling research. It says that what we experience as something very minorOh! My mind wandered. Im bringing it backactually has profound significance for the very wiring of the brain.
This article was adapted from a video interview with Daniel Goleman and Mindfuls Editor-in-Chief, Barry Boyce. If you want to watch the interview, click here.
Looking for more ways to develop focus? Try this 9-minute sensory focus practice from Daniel Golemans new audiobook, Cultivating Focus: Techniques for Excellence.
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Meditation 101 – WebMD
Posted: September 5, 2018 at 4:43 pm
ADAM MICHAEL BREWER: Hey guys. I've got an idea for you called Meditation 101. Let's say you're in the middle of your workday and things get a little crazy, a little hectic. It's starting to feel like it's getting out of control for you. Something you can do is actually get away from it all in a very simple way. If you happen to be in an office that has a door, shut that door, close off as much noise as you can. Perhaps turn off your cell phone. Let's say you don't have an office with a door. Maybe you find a stairwell, maybe you go to your car. But find a place where you can create a little bit of stillness. Once you're there, what I want you to do is kind of sit upright, right? We want to be at attention without tension. Place the palms on top of your thighs, and the palms can either be down, or they can be face up, whatever feels most comfortable for you. And then all I want you to do is shut your eyes and just start to focus on your breath. We want to take a nice deep inhale, and a nice full exhale. A lot of times when we get stressed, what we actually do is hold the breath. And so in this meditation what we're focused on is bringing that breath back to our body, so that we can really fully enliven the brain and get us back to clarity. So it might look a little something like this. Now, perhaps even set an alarm clock for that, or a time clock, where you do two to five minutes if you've never done this type of thing before. If you can do this, I'll tell you what's going to happen is, you'll come back to your workplace and you be able to be a little more responsive, rather than reactive, to all the stuff going on around you. Top Picks further reading n' + '{preContent}' + 'n' + '{preForm}' + 'n' + '{postForm}' + 'n' + // .nls-content '{postContent}' + '', header: 'Subscribe to {title} Newsletter', headerMulti: 'Subscribe to WebMD Newsletters', submitClass: 'webmd-btn webmd-btn-pr webmd-btn-s', successHeader: 'Thank you for signing up', promo: '' } }); });
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Discover – Gaiam
Posted: at 4:43 pm
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An exclusive peek at our most recent yoga photoshoot at Denver's Washington Park Boathouse.
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A behind the scenes lookat the location of our latest meditation photoshoot which holds a unique story of beauty and community.
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Tips for yoga teachers to teach successfully.
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Yoga and breathing techniques that can help settle an anxious mind.
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Nurse Cat Golden's mission is to help nurses live and feel better. Here's how she does it.
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Curious about the ancient practice of Ayurveda? Here are 10 ways in can bring balance into your life.
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Originally posted here:
How to Meditate! Including Free Music
Posted: at 4:43 pm
Each time you meditate you have the possibility of completely changing your life. If you meditate with your whole heart and your whole soul, you will eventually become aware that you are light itself.
Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz - recorded dozens of talks on meditation practices available for free download from this site. A collection of talks on meditation by Dr. Lenz in book form, How to Meditate, provides a full range of meditation techniques, knowledge and wisdom to deepen your meditation practice and help you to understand meditation's role in daily life.
These tips will help you get started.
When to Meditate
Before You Meditate
Where to Meditate
Length of Meditation
Meditation Session
Chakra Meditation
Enlightened Music
Related Talks
Focus and Meditation
Professional Meditation
Advanced Meditation Practices
Best Meditation I Ever Had
Excerpt from:
10 Best Guided Meditations on YouTube
Posted: August 21, 2018 at 7:44 am
As you know, I have been going through a particularly difficult period in my life recently and at times I have felt depressed, anxious and physically/mentally exhausted. When I feel like this I know that the greatest thing I can do to support myself is to meditate either by using a mindful breathing technique or by listening to guided meditations.
I find that meditation gives me a break from any negativity I feel and it actually shifts my consciousness so that I can view life in a more positive way, which in turn eases my depression/anxiety/exhaustion; sometimes, it eradicates it completely.
I have collated 10 of my favourite guided meditations, all of which are free on YouTube. No matter what troubles you face in your life, or even if you simply seek some quiet relaxation time for yourself, there is a guided meditation that would be perfect for you.
Have a flick through the list and see which one you are drawn to.
Length: 22 minutes
What I love about it: I really felt as though I had cleansed the energy in my body and recharged all of the chakra energy points within me.
I finished this and felt: Complete/whole, empowered.
Perfect for those who: Want a routine cleanse torevitalise for the day or recharge their energy when depleted.
Length: 10 minutes
What I love about it: The music itself is so beautiful and the speakers voice is sweet, loving and angelic.
I finished this and felt: As if an angel had scooped me up into their arms and cuddled all my troubles away.
Perfect for those who: Feel overwhelmed or anxious.
Length: 5 minutes
What I love about it: It only takes 5 little minutes to remember to think positive, loving thoughts about ourselves and the world.
I finished this and felt: Mindful I remembered I was the power in my world and I could choose to make my day/life amazing.
Perfect for those who: Want a quick daily reminder to be mindful and to empower themselves to live a joyful, loving life.
Length: 18 minutes
What I love about it: How deeply, deeply relaxing this is. You dont need to be an expert meditator at all to effortlessly slip into a ultra tranquil state.
I finished this and felt: Deeply peaceful.
Perfect for those who: Are anxious, need a break or want a deep relaxation meditation.
Length: 21 minutes
What I love about it: How wonderful this makes you feel about yourself and about life. Her voice is exotic and transports you to a safe, beautiful place.
I finished this and felt: Optimistic, loving towards myself and others.
Perfect for those who: Want to boost self esteem and feel optimistic.
Length: 60 minutes
What I love about it: This raises your vibration and opens your awareness up to the Universes greater plan for you.
I finished this and felt: As though my life is guided by a loving Universe and that everything is unfolding perfectly.
Perfect for those who: Need to trust and flow with the changes in their life.
Length: 53 minutes
What I love about it: Louise Hay has a special place in my heart and is a powerful catalyst for positive change. Her words are infinitely wise and never fail to touch my heart deeply.
I finished this and felt: Centred, healed, self-love.
Perfect for those who: Wish to change, to heal and to love themselves.
Length: 62 minutes
What I love about it: How calming this is when you cant sleep and how much it supports you to drift back off.
I finished this and felt: Asleep!
Perfect for those who: Are suffering with insomnia or are afraid of not sleeping.
Length: 40 minutes
What I love about it: This really does profound healing on a cellular level and I believe we could all benefit from listening to this meditation as it is deeply relaxing and attracts abundance.
I finished this and felt: Deeply relaxed, healed.
Perfect for those who: Require healing, relaxation and positive affirmations.
Length: 13 minutes
What I love about it: I love this angelic voice and how beautifully this meditation helps us to let go of unwanted baggage.
I finished this and felt: Free and light, I forgave myself and made peace with my past.
Perfect for those who: Need to release guilt, forgive themselves and others, let go of the past.
Length:16 minutes
What I love about it:You realise the creative powerful you have within you! You visualise every aspect of the life you want and you create it.
I finished this and felt:As though I had done a very powerful meditation excited, energised and incredibly happy.
Perfect for those who:Want to manifest the life of their dreams.
Length:14 minutes
What I love about it:This is a short meditation which will very quickly relax you and create a place of stillness within you.
I finished this and felt:Peaceful,calm, centred.
Perfect for those who:Need quick stress-relief.
Length: 22 minutes
What I love about it:Letting go feels easy in this meditation.
I finished this and felt:Liberated, light.
Perfect for those who: Wish to release limiting beliefs and trapped emotions.
Dont wait to start meditating. No matter your experience, you can find a pair of earphones and give yourself a few minutes of treasured you time that you so deserve. I promise you wont regret it!
With love,
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3 Hour Reiki Healing Music: Meditation Music, Calming Music …
Posted: August 19, 2018 at 6:45 pm
3 Hour Reiki Healing Music: Meditation Music, Calming Music, Soothing Music, Relaxing Music, 2583 Our Reiki Music and Zen Music is ideal for Reiki healing sessions, and encouraging a state of Zen. Let the calming, subtle sounds take you to a higher state of consciousness, and allow you to give and receive powerful Reiki vibrations.
YellowBrickCinema composes Sleep Music, Study Music and Focus Music, Relaxing Music, Meditation Music (including Tibetan Music and Shamanic Music), Healing Music, Reiki Music, Zen Music, Spa Music and Massage Music, Instrumental Music (including Piano Music, Guitar Music and Flute Music) and Yoga Music. We also produce music videos with Classical Music from composers such as Mozart, Beethoven and Bach.
Our music is popular for the following: Sleep Music:YellowBrickCinemas Sleep Music is the perfect relaxing music to help you go to sleep, and enjoy deep sleep. Our music for sleeping is the best music for stress relief, to reduce insomnia, and encourage dreaming. Our calm music for sleeping uses Delta Waves and soft instrumental music to help you achieve deep relaxation, and fall asleep. Our relaxing sleep music can be used as background music, meditation music, relaxation music, peaceful music and sleep music. Let our soothing music and calming music help you enjoy relaxing deep sleep.
YellowBrickCinemas deep sleep music videos have been specifically composed to relax mind and body, and are suitable for babies, children, teens, and adults who need slow, beautiful, soft, soothing music to assist them to fall asleep. See them as a form of sleep meditation or sleep hypnosis gently easing you into that wonderful relaxing world of healing sleep.
Study & Focus Music:YellowBrickCinemas Study Music & Concentration Music is ideal background music to help you to study, concentrate, focus and work more effectively.Our Study Music for concentration uses powerful Alpha Waves and Binaural Beats to boost concentration and brain power and is ideal relaxing music for stress relief. This Study Music and Focus Music is relaxing instrumental music that will help you study, focus and learn for that big test or exam and naturally allow your mind to reach a state of focus, perfect for work and study. YellowBrickCinema also produce Classical Study Music videos for studying and concentration using top composers such as Mozart and Bach. These Study Music videos can be used to study to, or as background music, music for relaxation and meditation music.
Relaxation, Meditation and Healing Music:Our relaxing music is perfect for Deepak Chopra meditation, Buddhist meditation, Zen meditation, Mindfulness meditation and Eckhart Tolle meditation. This music is influenced by Japanese meditation music, Indian meditation music, Tibetan music and Shamanic music. Some benefits include cleansing the Chakra, opening the Third Eye and increasing Transcendental meditation skills. The work of Byron Katie, Sedona Method, Silva Method and the Secret highlights the fact that healing can occur through using the mind and being in the now. Healing Meditation can be practised using this music for best results.
Instrumental Music:YellowBrickCinemas Instrumental Music includes relaxing Guitar music, Piano music and Flute music. Our instrumental music can be used for relaxation, study, meditation and stress relief. This relaxing music can be used as study, background music, meditation music, relaxation music or as music for stress relief. Let the peaceful, calming and soothing sounds help you relax!
Spa & Massage Music:Our light instrumental Spa and Massage music is useful after a long day of work to unwind and relax. The spa music, nature sounds, rain sounds, light piano and easy listening instruments used in these tracks encourage ultimate relaxation. YellowBrickCinemas music is great for massage therapy and our music will help you relax your mind and body.
Yoga Music:Our calming music is useful for yoga for beginners, yoga exercises, yoga chants influenced by Indian songs, African music, and is soothing music which can enable you to go into a yoga trance. If you are familiar with the work of Yogscast, Hare Krishna, Michael Franti, and Keshna be sure to use this.
Classical Music:Yellow Brick Cinemas Classical Music is ideal for studying, reading, sleeping (for adults and babies) and general relaxation. Weve compiled only the best quality music from some of the worlds most renowned composers such as Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, Debussy, Brahms, Handel, Chopin, Schubert, Haydn, Dvorak, Schumann, Tchaikovsky and many more.
Read more:
3 Hour Reiki Healing Music: Meditation Music, Calming Music ...
Ziva Meditation – zivaMEDITATION
Posted: August 15, 2018 at 8:41 am
Intro to Ziva Meditation Talk | September 17
Attending the Intro to Meditation Talk is step one. Learn the neuroscience of what makes this style of meditation so powerful and how the course works. There's no cost to attend. This is a chance for you to meet Emily and get your questions answered. Join Emily on Mon Sep 17 at 7pm. Space is limited.
Moving into Mastery
A brand-new advanced online training, exclusively for Ziva graduates. A transformative journey to expand your knowledge and expertise in 8 key areas - relationships, money, body, purpose and more. Think of it as getting a Masters degree in Life. A way to make your wildest dreams your everyday reality.
Summer Series | Jun, Jul, Aug
This summer at Ziva we are thrilled to present our first ever Summer Series. These are monthly group meditations in parks around New York, for graduates of our zivaLIVE course and your medi-curious friends. Meet fellow meditators and special guests including breathwork and yoga experts. Snacks will be provided. See you on the grass!
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Guided Meditation For Anxiety & Stress … – YouTube
Posted: July 7, 2018 at 9:43 am
Click here to download my FREE meditation: https://www.meditationmasterysecrets....Join my 30 Day Meditation Bootcamp online Udemy Course:
Get My FREE Meditation MP3 Here now available: (with 2 Guided meditations!) MP3 version now available here: A beautiful guided visual meditation By Jason Stephenson. This is specifically designed to help those who are feeling stressed or overly anxious.
This guided meditation takes the listener on a journey high above the earth to see their problems from a new perspective.
The beautiful relaxing music is composed by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Jason speaks on the Guided Imagery meditation and it has been written by Annette Young.
It is my hope that this meditation will help you to overcome anxiety - or at the very least, be better able to cope with stress and anxiety.
Meditation for anxiety, help with stress, a peaceful and relaxing life, calmness, anxiety free living. Ways to cope with anxiety.
Please also try this meditation for sleep:
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