Archive for the ‘Meditation’ Category
Health Matters 12/31/14
Posted: December 31, 2014 at 4:56 am
PRACTICING MINDFULNESS:The Healing Place, 1010 Oakridge Drive, is hosting sessions on Practicing Mindfulness, an education program for those who wish to learn more about meditation and prayer.
Classes will be offered on Mondays and Wednesdays in January, February and March.
Monday sessions are offered at either 5 to 6 p.m. or 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. the second and fourth Mondays beginning Jan. 12. Wednesday sessions are offered from 11 a.m. to noon on the second and fourth Wednesdays beginning Jan. 14.
This educational offering will focus on providing information on the practice of meditation and prayer. In recent years, science has confirmed that people who regularly engage in meditation and prayer have improved mental functioning, emotional and physical health. Meditation and prayer can play an important role in helping people deal with the ups and down that accompany major life transitions.
Sessions that will be offered areCultivating Compassion, The Spirituality of Imperfection, Loving Kindness Meditation, Cultivating Generosity, Mindful Speech and Communication and Mindful Ways of Dealing with Anger.
The sessions are free, but registration is required by calling 715-717-6028 by Jan. 12.
ACA INFORMATION:The Chippewa County Affordable Care Action Team, in partnership with Chippewa County Department of Human Services and Chippewa Health Improvement Partnership, will host additional Affordable Care Act information and enrollment sessions for the public before the close of open enrollment on Feb. 15.
These sessions are free and open to the public. All sessions will be at the Chippewa Valley Technical College Chippewa Falls campus, 770 Scheidler Road.
Tuesday, Jan. 13: 5 to 6 p.m., Room 116, ACA information and Tax Talk; and 5 to 8 p.m., Room 103, ACA enrollment session.
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Health Matters 12/31/14
Schools Transformed by the Power of Meditation
Posted: at 4:56 am
Silence isn't something people usually associate with middle school, but twice a day the halls of Visitacion Valley School in San Francisco fall quiet as the sixth, seventh and eighth grade students meditate for fifteen minutes.
And school administrators tell NBC News that the violence outside of the school, which is situated in one of San Francisco's poorest neighborhoods, was spilling into the school and affecting the students' demeanor.
"The kids see guns on a daily basis," the school's athletic director, Barry O'Driscoll said, adding, "there would be fights here three-to-five times a week."
With a typical schools days filled with mayhem, O'Driscoll was skeptical when the San Francisco Public School District introduced a meditation program, called "quiet time," to four of its schools, including Visitacion Valley.
"I thought this is hippy stuff that didn't work in the '70s, so how's it gonna work now," O'Driscoll said. But he changed his tune, when over a four-year period, suspensions decreased by 79 percent and attendance and academic performance noticeably increased.
Blocks away at Burton High School, which was once dubbed "Fight School," the results have been similar. Principal Bill Kappenhagen was skeptical at first, as well, and had to wrangle with the problem of when in the school day to grab a half hour for quiet reflection.
"I was like, 'There's no way I'm going to steal time from English instruction or math instruction in order to do that," said Kappenhagen.
Instead, he decided to extend the school day by 30 minutes for meditation time, which resulted in better academic performance and a 75 percent decrease in suspensions. And students say they're more conscious of their actions, calmer and less angry.
While Kappenhagen recognizes that "there is no magic wand in education, just like in life," meditation has been found to increase focus and stimulate a sense of calm, not just during the quiet time, but also for the rest of the day, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Kappenhagen says he know's he can't change the environment the students live in when they're not at school, but he's glad he's discovered a way to "help our students find ways to deal with violence and the trauma and the stress of everyday life."
12 21 14 – Joy to the World – Meditation – Rev Michael Brooks – Video
Posted: December 29, 2014 at 10:53 pm
12 21 14 - Joy to the World - Meditation - Rev Michael Brooks
NewThoughtUnityVisit link:
12 21 14 - Joy to the World - Meditation - Rev Michael Brooks - Video
35 Minute Meditation Music: Serenity Music, Focus Chi, Relaxation Music, Deep Sleep Music – Video
Posted: at 10:53 pm
35 Minute Meditation Music: Serenity Music, Focus Chi, Relaxation Music, Deep Sleep Music
Download Free Meditation Track: Classical / Modern combined instrumental meditation. Subscribe for more Meditation and Relaxation Music.
Meditation MusicSee the original post:
35 Minute Meditation Music: Serenity Music, Focus Chi, Relaxation Music, Deep Sleep Music - Video
Best Meditation Center – Video
Posted: at 10:53 pm
Best Meditation Center
Best Meditation Center in the World Located in Varanasi Uttar Pradesh India.The largest centre of Vihangam Yoga is being constructed under the name of "Swarved Mahamandir". Based in Varanasi,...
Vihangam ajayRead more:
Best Meditation Center - Video
Chan Meditation Retreat 8 – 12/27/14 – Video
Posted: at 10:53 pm
Chan Meditation Retreat 8 - 12/27/14
Learn how to practice Chan Meditation, a rigorous form of Buddhist meditation that aims to help us reach enlightenment.
MasterYongHuaGo here to see the original:
Chan Meditation Retreat 8 - 12/27/14 - Video
Energie-Meditation Vol. 1 (20 Minuten) – Video
Posted: at 10:53 pm
Energie-Meditation Vol. 1 (20 Minuten)
20 Minuten Power-Meditation fr mehr Energie in kurzer Zeit. Mdigkeit berwinden leicht gemacht. 🙂 Mein Dank fr das Bild geht an: ...
PGB MovementHere is the original post:
Energie-Meditation Vol. 1 (20 Minuten) - Video
More Mantra & Meditation For all type success – Video
Posted: at 10:53 pm
More Mantra Meditation For all type success
More Mantra meditation For all type success.
Om Shri MeditationExcerpt from:
More Mantra & Meditation For all type success - Video
Effects of meditation on mind and body | by Ajahn Appichato – Video
Posted: at 10:53 pm
Effects of meditation on mind and body | by Ajahn Appichato
BuddhistSocietyWAGo here to read the rest:
Effects of meditation on mind and body | by Ajahn Appichato - Video
BSW Episode 2 Meditation edition | Shalom Roth round table discussion – Video
Posted: at 10:53 pm
BSW Episode 2 Meditation edition | Shalom Roth round table discussion
BSW the show premieres every Sunday morning to go along with your cup of coffee. In this 2nd episode, we focus on the beautiful subject of meditation and its relationship and practice in Judaism....
BSW the showRead the rest here:
BSW Episode 2 Meditation edition | Shalom Roth round table discussion - Video