Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category
Dinaz’s Fitness Studio on IndiaMART Leaders of Tomorrow 2012 – Video
Posted: January 15, 2013 at 1:44 pm
Dinaz #39;s Fitness Studio on IndiaMART Leaders of Tomorrow 2012
Dinaz spearheaded the fitness revolution in the twin cities standing against a tide of unorganized, ill-informed fitness studios and fly-by night operators offering miracle results with disastrous consequences. This revolution now has improved and inspired higher standards for fitness solutions that are available for the people of the twin cities. She envisioned a pro-health nation when she first began her career in 1993, 16 years back. Now- her dream is nearing a reality. A proof of her success as a health and fitness expert is seen in the recognition her name has received in the state and the number of clients who have not changed their fitness studios since they #39;ve joined Dinaz #39;s Fitness Studio or the mere smiles that light up the faces of anyone who has worked out with her. The demand for her expertise in personal training, aerobics, her trainers #39; workshops, television fitness programs, the health industry, social awareness campaigns like the 10 K run, the army and in the sports fraternity are also witnesses of her success as a fitness icon. Even sports personnel like Saina Nehwal and celebrities like Raja credit their fitness success stories to Dinaz.
indiamartGo here to read the rest:
Dinaz's Fitness Studio on IndiaMART Leaders of Tomorrow 2012 - Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
to get a good body fitness.......
Saravanan DRead more:
28 days total body turnaround – weight reduction – fat loss – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
28 days total body turnaround - weight reduction - fat loss
28 days total body turnaround - You #39;re about to read a shocking report most of the "weight loss gurus" are furious at me for releasing. But..I #39;m gonna do it anyway. Read my story now as I expose the truth about what it really takes for an "average" person to design the body of their dream. An open letter to every gym goer who wants to lose AT LEAST 7kg off at in the next 28 days. I am looking for an elite group of men and women determined to design the body of their dreams and be among the most healthy, lean and sexy people this summer. These secrets have helped my clients lose upwards of 9kg and sculpt the body of their dreams in just 28 days ... Now, its YOUR turn to put these secrets to work! STOP RIGHT THERE! My name is James Ramage and I #39;m going to be completely up front with you right from the get go. I have never been over weight. Throughout my child hood I was extremely active and I was lucky enough to have a family that recognized that and ensured that I followed my passion for being active and staying healthy into a career. The good news for you is I have spent 14 years in the health and weight loss industry and have trained 1000 s not 100 s of people just like you in developing the body of their dreams. You can do this!! You have unfinished business. All those pricey personal trainers took you for a fool and now its payback time...
allthebestreviewsContinued here:
28 days total body turnaround - weight reduction - fat loss - Video
Are You Binging and Purging? – Video
Posted: January 14, 2013 at 6:46 am
Are You Binging and Purging?
Are You Binging and Purging? This video is just to point out a similarity I noticed between the binge-purge cycle associated with bulimia, and the way that a lot of people in the health and fitness world actually eat! I #39;m not trying to say that all these things are the same, just that they have an up-down pattern in common. If you want a more balanced life, keep it fruity, stay hydrated, get good sleep, and have fun! http
RawFoodFreedomCombat 45 Power Kata and Upper Body Blowout – Video
Posted: at 6:46 am
Combat 45 Power Kata and Upper Body Blowout
Past midnight but I gotta get my workout in! Footage of me vs. Les Mills Combat 45 Power Kata and Upper Body Blowout with a special cameo during the workout! Check out more on health and fitness, as well as personal and leadership development at Trying to lose some of those unsightly pounds? Join my team #39;s 2 Ton Mission, our mission to help people lose a total of 4000 pounds of body fat, at http Join my Emerging Leader Club and learn how you can unlock your potential and live a successful and fulfilling life!
Chris BatuBe-Fitter Intensity X3 Class – Spinning, Kettlebells, Bodyweight Exercises ALL IN ONE – Video
Posted: at 6:46 am
Be-Fitter Intensity X3 Class - Spinning, Kettlebells, Bodyweight Exercises ALL IN ONE
Be-Fitter Intensity X3 Class - Spinning, Kettlebells, Bodyweight Exercises ALL IN ONE BE-FITTER: Making Health and Fitness a Priority. At Be-Fitter we introduce you to the most up to the minute, dynamic and effective kettlebell and training methods. Our training and nutritional systems improve health, fitness, flexibility mobility. We will work to help you look great but for us and our clients it #39;s about so much more; our highly qualified instructors will give you the tools to feel fantastic and be well both inside and out. Be-Fitter Kettlebell classes: If you #39;re looking to achieve any of the following then Be-Fitter kettlebell classes are for you: bull; Burn fat fast bull; Develop lean muscle / tone up bull; Increase metabolic rate bull; Improve flexibility mobility bull; Improve core strength bull; Increase strength and power bull; Improve cardiovascular fitness bull; Improve body shape If you #39;re bored of the gym and other classes just aren #39;t delivering results then come and learn the secrets of this fat blasting, body sculpting revolution in training. Be-Fitter kettlebell classes are challenging, hugely energising and never dull! Our expert instructors will introduce you to the fundamental principles of kettlebells and will ensure that you get a massively effective, whole body workout. The Be-Fitter kettlebell class is amongst the most efficient training systems available. We #39;ll work with you to get you looking and feeling the best you can be. Follow ...
befittercompanyOriginal post:
Be-Fitter Intensity X3 Class - Spinning, Kettlebells, Bodyweight Exercises ALL IN ONE - Video
Bacon Cream Jalapeno’s – Healthy Low Carb Recipe – Video
Posted: at 6:46 am
Bacon Cream Jalapeno #39;s - Healthy Low Carb Recipe
Bacon Cream Jalapeno #39;s is a fun and healthy side dish. They #39;re easy to eat and even easier to make. Check out for a full run down of this quick recipe. Visit for more great recipes and awesome information about health and fitness!
XMinisterSee more here:
Bacon Cream Jalapeno's - Healthy Low Carb Recipe - Video
Health and Fitness Introduction – Video
Posted: at 6:46 am
Health and Fitness Introduction
This is my first video introducing my personal project for school, it #39;s focus will be on improving the health and fitness of communities around the world.
GandhiOfExerciseFollow this link:
Health and Fitness Introduction - Video
Setting Health And Fitness Goals You Will Reach – Video
Posted: at 6:46 am
Setting Health And Fitness Goals You Will Reach
Setting Health And Fitness Goals - Derek Doepker of Excuse Proof Fitness shares how to set the right kind of health and fitness goals that you will stick to successfully. Learn why it is important to stretch your comfort zone and set challenging goals while at the same time avoid getting overwhelmed. It #39;s this critical balance that will ensure you set goals that you can reach and feel a sense of accomplishment. For more dieting and healthy living tips, check out: How To Stick To A New Year #39;s Fitness Resolution Podcast: How To Stick To A Diet: 50 Fitness Tips You Wish You Knew: Connect To Excuse Proof Fitness At: http
ExcuseProofOriginally posted here:
Setting Health And Fitness Goals You Will Reach - Video
Health and Fitness Tip of the Week – W/E 1/13/13 – Video
Posted: at 6:46 am
Health and Fitness Tip of the Week - W/E 1/13/13
Health and Fitness Tip of the Week - W/E 1/13/13
CoachJoeLongContinue reading here:
Health and Fitness Tip of the Week - W/E 1/13/13 - Video