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Archive for the ‘Excercise’ Category

Topic: Science and technology (Excercise) – The Slovak Spectator

Posted: March 15, 2017 at 1:42 pm

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In exercise for this topic we focus on skill: Presentations.

This exercise is prepared by the Leaf Academy. It is part of the Spectator College programme and it is linked to the articles: Turn off the light every time you can, experts advise and How to learn science in a fun and easy way.

CONTENT EXERCISE 1: Turn off the light every time you can, experts advise EXERCISE 2: How to learn science in a fun and easy way

EXERCISE 1 linked to the article: Turn off the light every time you can, experts advise

Lesson Objectives

1. Read article (10 minutes)

a. Underline any words you do not recognize or understand.

2. Understanding: (5 minutes)

a. Have each student share word(s) they dont know and define them.

3. Summarize/Monitor Understanding/Research (10 minutes)

a. Explain what light pollution is and the biggest sources of it.

b. What are the negative impacts of light pollution on humans? On insects?

4. Focused Free Write: (5 minutes writing, 5-minute discussion)

a. Prompt: There are many sources of pollution that negatively impact humans and other organisms. Light pollution is one of the easiest forms of pollution to stop. Agree or disagree with this statement and use evidence from the article to support your position.

5. Discussion (10 minutes)

a. Find common views and dissenting views regarding both pollution and light pollution. What role should high school students play in informing others about light pollution, its negative impact and how to change it?

EXERCISE 2 linked to the article: How to learn science in a fun and easy way

Lesson Objectives

This exercise is prepared by the Leaf Academy and it is part of the Spectator College, a programme created by The Slovak Spectator.

7. Mar 2017 at 12:25 |Compiled by Spectator staff

Continued here:

Topic: Science and technology (Excercise) - The Slovak Spectator

Written by grays

March 15th, 2017 at 1:42 pm

Posted in Excercise

Worst attack in two years, Maoists kill 12 CRPF men in Sukma – The Indian Express

Posted: March 12, 2017 at 11:44 am

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The Indian Express
Worst attack in two years, Maoists kill 12 CRPF men in Sukma
The Indian Express
This is an area where a road is planned, and while there is no active construction at the moment, the CRPF moves around as a routine area-domination excercise. According to our information, a total of 110 men left the post, but this was something they ...

and more »

Here is the original post:

Worst attack in two years, Maoists kill 12 CRPF men in Sukma - The Indian Express

Written by simmons

March 12th, 2017 at 11:44 am

Posted in Excercise

Would preaching like Jesus be welcome in your church? – Patheos (blog)

Posted: at 11:44 am

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The Sermon on the Mount Carl Bloch, 1890 Wikipedia

Would your church cope with hearing preaching like Jesus? Has it ever struck you how very different the preaching of Jesus is to the preaching in the average church today? So much so, that if a young man came to your church to preach with a view like Jesus preached, I suspect he would be more likely to be politely thanked rather than asked to become your pastor.

In this post I will simply highlight some of the differences between the preaching of Jesus and many modern sermons. Im not suggesting that we simply ditch all our modern ways and preach exactly like him, but its definitely a useful excercise to think about these differences and whether our ways are always the best.

To begin with a minor difference of posture: Jesus almost always preached sitting down, most modern preachers preach standing up.

Jesus preaching focused on the felt needs of his audiences, often starting from a question he was asked and demonstrating how he had come to set the captives free. Preachers today always start with a Bible passage, and often focus more on the message than its hearers.

Jesus preached sermons which had no obvious structure. Preachers today usually announce three points, which sometimes feature clever alliteration.

Jesus preaching was simple and used common language. Modern preaching is often complicated, using theological terms, sometimes without even explaining them.

Jesus preaching was full of stories. Some preachers today believe illustrations are unnecessary padding.

Jesus sermons were intensely practical and filled with how tos. Much modern preaching is all about abstract theological truths or denouncing the things that society is doing wrong.

Jesus referred to the Scripture of his day in passing, often citing verses out of context to make his point. Modern preaching prides itself on being expositional and working systematically through Bible passages.

Jesus preached with authority. Todays preachers quote commentaries or other preachers as authorities to support their interpretations.

Jesus often used hyperbole and exaggeration designed to shock and not be taken literally. Our congregations like to hear preaching that is measured, calm, and doesnt raise eyebrows.

Jesus listeners would sit for hours to hear him raptly. Modern preaching tends to be limited to 45 minutes or less but still sends some people to sleep.

Jesus gathered crowds of thousands that would walk for miles just to hear him. Today we get suspicious of any preacher who can gather more than a couple of hundred people, suspecting he is being unfaithful in some way.

Jesus sermons changed lives. Our preaching fills notebooks.

Jesus sermons purpose was to save the lost. Our sermons are aimed at educating the saints.

Jesus crafted short memorable phrases that get his point across and can easily be used as tweets. Modern preachers often despise the age of soundbites as superficial.

Jesus preaching provoked both furious hatred towards him that got him killed, and adulation that spilled onto the streets. Many modern preachers are satisfied with a that was a lovely sermon, Vicar and rarely provoke anyone.

Jesus preaching laid out his personal unique claims, and calling people back to God through him. Our preaching often assumes all its hearers are already saved and rarely presses people for a response.

Jesus preaching was accompanied by dramatic miracles. Our sermons are followed by a rousing hymn or chorus.

Read more here:

Would preaching like Jesus be welcome in your church? - Patheos (blog)

Written by admin

March 12th, 2017 at 11:44 am

Posted in Excercise

What growth? The GDP numbers don’t account for the first-hand accounts of pain and suffering –

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 12:47 pm

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15 hours ago.

The latest salvo from the Centre on the shock and awe demonetisation excercise is that the move did not have an adverse impact on Indias buoyant economic growth story. This is contrary to the pessimistic expectations of economists, statisticians and bankers the world over and not just those from the Left that the sudden withdrawal of 86% of the currency in circulation before November 8 would cripple the countrys economy.

According to estimates of the Central Statistical Organisation, Indias Gross Domestic Product was a respectable 7.1% in the October-December quarter the period that was expected to show starkly the impact of possibly the most disruptive economic policy decision in the Indian republics history. The official figures, released last week, suggested that India grew entirely according to pre-demonetisation expectations and faster than even China.

In his election speeches in the later phases of the prestigious Uttar Pradesh polls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his closest lieutenant, Bharatiya Janta Party Chief Amit Shah, were conspicuously silent about the note ban, presumably based on ground reports of widespread discontent and disaffection among the poor and the enormous human and economic costs of demonetisation.

But after these growth estimates were announced on February 28, Modi was quick to taunt his critics for their gloomy prophesies. At a rally in the state on March 1, Modi said that hard work is more powerful than Harvard, targeting globally respected economists like Amartya Sen and his predecessor Manmohan Singh who had strongly criticised the note ban although Singhs alma mater was Cambridge. Characteristically wearing his modest origins on his sleeve, Modi declared that he was a humble son of an impoverished mother who had studied instead in the school of hard work and was proved right when his learned critics were demonstrated to be wrong.

The upbeat government growth statistics have met with celebration on one side and scepticism and puzzlement on the other. Even before this, there was distrust of official figures, especially those pertaining to economic growth. Many observers greeted the announcement of this latest calculation with disbelief, and suggested that these had been massaged. Senior journalist MK Venu declared in an acerbic tweet that India had now entered the era of post-truth economics. Others compared it to the opaque and exaggerated economic data put out by erstwhile socialist countries.

But even if we wish to desist from challenging the integrity of Indias economic reporting, a less uncharitable interpretation of the figures would be that the very method of calculating GDP and economic growth is deeply flawed.

An approximate nine out of 10 workers form the countrys informal work force and they contribute almost half the countrys GDP. That the massive lay-offs of informal workers, the closing of petty and small businesses and a huge crunching of spending by the poor because of demonetisation does not create even a ripple in the GDP estimate does not negate the huge distress and suffering of millions of Indias poor. Instead, it comes as a long-delayed wake-up call for us. It begs us to examine closely the ways we calculate GDP and economic growth, to understand if these are by design biased against informal workers and the vast countryside, especially agriculture which still employs nearly six out of 10 workers.

In the second month after the note-ban was announced, the Centre for Equity Studies organised a survey of its impact in rural India, studying villages in Bundelkhand, Western Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Gujarat and Assam. We found that among the worst hit everywhere were landless agricultural workers. Villagers said wage rates abysmal even otherwise had fallen to half and employment was much harder to find. Many said that they were paid in old notes; they wasted several days in queues in distant banks but still could not convert their notes and finally exchanged them at a discount through moneylenders.

Retrenched migrants were returning home empty-handed from distant states because work opportunities had collapsed in every part of the country. Small units were being shut down as employers had no cash to pay their workers. In Odisha, labour contractors who would recruit workers after the harvesting season every year to toil in distant brick kilns, for the first time in living memory, had not come to villages this year because they did not have the cash to pay to them advances. The workers employment in semi-bonded conditions in brick kilns every year was extremely exploitative, but far worse than even exploitative employment was no employment, because only hunger would stalk their homes and families.

Farmers in every state we surveyed talked about being forced to sell their produce at distress rates because people had too little cash to buy: paddy, wheat, maize, chilli, vegetables sold at a third, sometimes even a tenth of their regular price. Dairy producers in Anand were earlier paid daily in cash when they sold milk to their cooperatives, but weekly payments are now made to their banks. They have to wait sometimes two weeks before they can draw this cash, because bankers insist that their dues must rise to Rs 2,000 as they will not issue cash to them in smaller denominations.

Farmers in all these states too said they could not draw the cash they needed from their banks to buy seeds and fertilisers or pay farm workers, and instead were forced to run up huge private loans at usurious interest rates.

Petty village shopkeepers spoke despondently of sales falling sharply to a half or a third. Their customers were denying themselves all but the most essential purchases and everyone wanted to buy on credit because they have no cash to spare. But how much credit can the shopkeeper give? They too have to replenish their stocks.

Small weavers in Shamli in Uttar Pradesh were shutting down their looms. A truck driver said that for long stretches of driving on the highway he could not buy food as he had only some old notes and no plastic card.

Villagers in the precarious char or river islands in Assam always survive at the edge, but demonetisation has tipped them over. To reach the nearest bank branch, they would have to cross the river by boat, then wait for hours for road transport, but bankers would most often refuse them. They could neither buy nor sell their produce, nor get remittances from the young men in their families who migrated.

In all the states, few people had ATM cards, fewer knew how to use these, and the ATMs were distant and rarely had money to dispense. So the only option was long bus rides and endless bank queues day after day, and being turned away because the banks had run out of cash. Or they were given Rs 2,000 notes, which were nearly useless because their daily purchases were for much smaller amounts and no one could give them smaller change.

Old and disabled people were hardest hit. They had to wheedle and depend upon younger and able-bodied relatives or neighbours to take them to the bank, but no one had time for them as they were all struggling with problems of their own. Women often did not have their own bank accounts, and if they did had no experience in operating these, therefore they had to depend on their husbands and sons. Single women had no one to turn to.

In the early weeks after the note ban, the prime minister, his senior ministers, party colleagues and senior officials continued to defend the policy vigorously. Yet, there were clues that they were aware of both the failures as well as the disruption and pain the policy had caused. This was seen in the changing language of their public discourse and announcements and their shifting goalposts and metaphors.

The prime ministers initial speeches after the note ban were triumphalist and he spoke of his unprecedented attack (and it was always his personal attack rather than that of his government or central bank) on black money and terror funding. In their initial proclamations about demonetisation, Prime Minister Modi and his supporters often described it as a surgical strike. This dramatic medical and military metaphor implied that the intervention would be swift, targeted, effective and relatively painless, tactically achieving its goals with minimal collateral damage.

Within the first weeks, as the attack on black money and terror funding gradually receded from their discourse, we were told instead the goal was a shock and awe thrust of the country towards a cashless economy. There were of course no answers about the fairness and equity of a policy coercion towards cashlessness in a country in which millions were educationally, digitally and financially excluded. There was also no discussion on how people and small businesses could be forced into forms of financial transaction that impose costs on them and translate into windfall profits for private companies.

When there was growing public discontent about the measure, Prime Minister Modi asked the people of the country to give him 50 days. In this time, the suffering of the people would ebb, and he would demonstrate the great public gains from this policy.

But as it became increasingly evident that demonetisation had instead unleashed mammoth suffering to millions across the country, Modi chose a different metaphor during his New Year Eve address to the nation, that marked the end of the 50-day window to exchange old currency notes.

He no longer spoke of a surgical strike instead, drawing on emotive Hindu Vedic imagery, he described demonetisation as a yagna, suggesting sacrifice, devotion and worship. In a yagna, devotees give up something of value for the gods. But demonetisation could not be legitimately compared to a yagna, as Modi did. Firstly, it was not a voluntary act of sacrifice. It is also unclear for whom which god this sacrifice was extracted. It was endlessly touted that this pain was imposed on the Indian people for the cleansing of the nation, as though the nation was somehow above and separate from the mass of its poorer citizens. And it is now clear that little of this claimed cleansing was ultimately accomplished.

The stories from everywhere of intense distress reminded me of the early stages of creeping famine conditions that I have encountered over the years in drought-stricken regions. Except this time, it is not nature that has afflicted the people but reckless, heartless and arrogant public policy. People everywhere spoke of cutting down on food consumption, especially of vegetables and pulses, and surviving on two meals or even one meal a day. They were increasingly forced to depend on sky-high interest loans from private moneylenders.

The union government has carefully avoided disclosing so far how much cash was finally deposited into bank accounts after demonetisation. It is still being counted, we are told! Even Prime Minister Modi has remained eloquently silent about this. Indeed, he has little to say about any concrete benefits from his high-shock dose.

As a result of this excercise, the way we run our economy as well as how we measure its performance has been shown up to be nearly blind to this enormous disruption and suffering of millions of Indias poorer people.

Credible reports estimate that 90% to 97% cash has returned to the banks. This means that this enormously painful economic measure has failed spectacularly in mopping up and eliminating black money from the economy.

After more than twice the 50 that the prime minister sought for the positive impacts of his measure to become visible, there is no evidence that this measure has had any demonstrable impact on the black economy or on counterfeit currency.

The optimistic official growth figures that the prime minister celebrated in an election rally in Uttar Pradesh cannot erase the evidence from around the country. This affirms Sens description of demonetisation by one of Indias most insightful economists (who also teaches at Harvard): that it is a despotic act. It is one that has unleashed untold travails on already long-suffering people and is a callous and pointless journey of sorrow with no early end in sight.


What growth? The GDP numbers don't account for the first-hand accounts of pain and suffering -

Written by grays

March 9th, 2017 at 12:47 pm

Posted in Excercise

WATCH: Jump Works trampoline park opens its doors – Accrington Observer

Posted: March 8, 2017 at 6:41 pm

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Youngsters and fitness fans are jumping for joy after a long-awaited trampoline park opened its doors this week.

The Jump Works, off Sydney Street in Accrington, is offering visitors an unforgettable experience that fuses both fun and fitness.

The 1 million facility opened on Saturday - nearly three weeks later than its original opening date of February 10.

The Observer reported last month how owners were forced to push back the opening as the final touches were put on the arena, but promised it would be worth the wait.

Carmela Davenport, manager at The Jump Works, said they have had a successful week so far and are looking forward to welcoming new and experience trampoline users.

She said: Its been really good. We didnt tell people we were opening until 8pm on Friday night so the fact we had any customers in was a bit of a bonus.

We had a few busy sessions and the word got round which is what we wanted.

This week is putting all the basics in place like specific sessions and fitness classes but we are open to the public and are all good to go.

The Jump Works Accrington opens

The former car business site has been transformed over the last nine months into a 30,000 sq ft facility which includes climbing walls, battle beams, inflatable total wipeout, foam pits, dodgeball courts and Olympic trampolines.

The space-themed venue also includes a spaceship style viewing area, party rooms, birthday and weekend party zones, toddlers classes, a princess room and a cafe.

Fifty new jobs have also been created.

Hyndburn MP Graham Jones and local councillors attended on Saturday to mark the opening day.

Coun Paddy Short said: Its great to see a major investment in the area.

Not only has it created local jobs, but it has created an amazing venue for young and old alike to have fun while participating in healthy excercise.

The Jump Works is open from 10am to 8pm on Monday to Friday and 9am to 9pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Prices cost 5 for fitness and toddler sessions and 8.95 for freestyle sessions. There is a minimum age limit of six years old and a maximum person weight limit of 120kg.

Users are also being warned to arrive at least 20 minutes before their booked jump time.

For more information call 01254 781117 or visit

Here is the original post:

WATCH: Jump Works trampoline park opens its doors - Accrington Observer

Written by grays

March 8th, 2017 at 6:41 pm

Posted in Excercise

NFL Rumors: Adrian Peterson Would Consider Less Money To Join Patriots –

Posted: March 7, 2017 at 12:42 am

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There will be several big names on the open market when the new NFL year kicks off March 9.

One of those names is Adrian Peterson. The Pro Bowl running back is set to hit free agency after the Minnesota Vikings declined to excercise the $18 million option on Petersons contract for the 2017 season.

Peterson is expected to have several suitors, as he could bolster the backfield of almost any team. The New England Patriots could be in the business of adding another running back, and Peterson reportedly would consider taking a team-friendly contract in order to head up to Foxboro.

A source close to Peterson told the Herald that since AP has already earned a ton more than $97 million is his career its certainly something hed consider, the Boston Heralds Karen Guregian writes. Peterson knows how it worked out for Darrelle Revis and Chris Long. But naturally, there will be a lot of teams in the mix, including the Vikings. And, of course, the Pats would have to want to bring in an aging back with an injury history, not to mention baggage.

If the Patriots were able to sign Peterson for short money, it would be a low risk, high reward move for the team. With LeGarrette Blounts future in New England up in the air, the Patriots could be looking to acquire a power back to complement James White and Dion Lewis.

For Peterson, joining the Patriots would be as a good a chance as any to contend for a Super Bowl. New England is a perennial playoff team, and typically is one of the powerhouses in the AFC. The only question is, would Peterson be willing to sign for less money in order to compete for a Lombardi Trophy?

While the Pats would be just one of several teams inquiring about Peterson, their illustrious history could prove to be a powerful recruiting tool.

Thumbnail photo via Matt Kartozian/USA TODAY Sports Images

View original post here:

NFL Rumors: Adrian Peterson Would Consider Less Money To Join Patriots -

Written by simmons

March 7th, 2017 at 12:42 am

Posted in Excercise

Catholics change diet, practice fasting during lenten season – KVIA El Paso

Posted: March 4, 2017 at 9:41 am

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Lenten season underway in the Borderland

LAS CRUCES, N.M - The Lenten season is underway and Catholics are preparing for 40 days of abstaining and fasting.

Deacon David McNeill with the Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces says lent is a time to reflect.

"During lent, we use the time to take stock of ourselves, how we're living our lives and do things that will help us to become more spiritual," Deacon McNeill said.

Deacon McNeill says during lent, which begins Ash Wednesday, Catholics model the way several incidents in the Bible happened. Mainly when Christ prepared for his public light when he fasted in the desert. The Bible states Jesus Christ spent 40 days and fasting in the desert before his public ministry. Catholics essentially spend the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday imitating Christ.

A large way Catholics model Christ and the Bible is by fasting and abstaining. Deacon McNeill says fasting is when Catholics eat only the equivalent of two meals. The only two days of fasting during lent are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

Abstaining from meat on Fridays is another way Catholics observe lent. Deacon McNeill says on Fridays during lent season, Catholics should not eat the meat of warm-blooded animals including lamb and cattle. They are allowed to eat fish, which is a symbol of Jesus Christ.

According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, meat was associated with celebrations and feasts and was considered a luxury in some cultures. They add, "while fish, lobster and other shellfish are not considered meat and can be consumed on days of abstinence, indulging in the lavish buffet at your favorite seafood place sort of misses the point. Abstaining from meat and other indulgences during lent is a penitential practice."

"The idea of doing that is that self-denial that's the sacrifice that helps us to improve our spiritual life," Deacon McNeill said.

Deacon says there are fine lines and exceptions to fasting and abstaining.

"Abstaining from meat means that you don't eat the meat but you can cook in things like lard or chicken soup, is the juices but not the meat, so you could eat that."

There are also times when people have special needs and are excused.

"If they have an illness and they eat meat everyday obviously that would take precedence over the abstinence rules."

Deacon McNeill also says young children and adults over 59 are excluded because children need the sustenance in order to grow and those older than 59 need to keep their health on track.

He adds giving something up for lent isn't necessarily good. He says the sacrifice should be used to do good.

"The idea of lent is internal spirituality, looking at how we live our lives and staying asking ourselves what can I do to live better the way Christ would want me to live? So for a long time it wasall about, "well I'm giving up something," which really doesn't work because most of the things are things that "make us fat" or things that we know we shouldn't be drinking so much, and that's not spiritual, that's cosmetic. So rather than worry about what I'm giving up, the question should be what am I doing to make myself better."

Deacon McNeill says one example would be giving up cigarettes.

"It's not a spiritual excercise. If you take the money that you would've used to buy cigarettes and give it to the poor, that changes that aspect. So we tend to look more at the positive side of what we do to help others to change ourselves so we're more Christian."

The Lenten season ends Easter Sunday.

Read more from the original source:

Catholics change diet, practice fasting during lenten season - KVIA El Paso

Written by grays

March 4th, 2017 at 9:41 am

Posted in Excercise

Alternatives to medication for treating depression include excercise – Iowa State Daily

Posted: March 3, 2017 at 2:42 am

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One Iowa State guest speaker believes there may be a link between exercise and improvements in mental illness, saying, Exercise is good not just for the body, but for the mind.

James Blumenthal, clinical psychologist at the Duke University Medical Center, discussed the relationship of exercise and physical activity to mental health.

Blumenthal explained that people who arent physically active arent only at risk for a variety of diseases, including diabetes and hypertension, but multiple mental health disorders as well. Those disorders could range from clinical depression to dementia.

Panteleimon Ekkekakis, professor of kinesiology, invited Blumenthal to present the third of four lectures in the 2016-17 Helen LeBaron Hilton Endowed Chair lecture series.

We wanted to cover mortality, the risk of dying is important, then some major issues related to health," Ekkekakis said. "We had somebody talk about the brain, somebody talk about the muscles and the bones, and then we needed somebody to come in and talk about mental health. Professor Blumenthal is the worlds leading expert on the subject so we were very fortunate to get him here."

Blumenthal explained that the topic is important because in the last century, the leading cause of death shifted from acute illness and infection to chronic illness.

Chronic disease accounts for 7 out of 10 deaths in the U.S.," Blumenthal said. "It accounts for 75 percent of the nations health care spending. Mental health and substance abuse are among America's most chronic illnesses."

A diagnosis of depression requires at least five of these nine symptoms, including depressed mood or irritability, decreased interest or pleasure in most activities, significant weight change, change in sleep and change in activity. The only way to officially diagnose it is by a psychiatric interview.

Blumenthalprovided evidence that prescribing exercise as a form of treatment may be a successful alternative for patients with depression. The research he has done examines the effects of lifestyle behaviors like exercise on patients with cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairments and major depression.

Exercise improves depressive symptoms of people with the diagnosis of depression, but the results are only moderate and not statistically significant. The studies showed that physical activity was beneficial, especially as an alternative for those who are opposed to medication.

An audience member asked if there is a relationship between time and intensity with exercising.

Blumenthal said there isnt a great correlation, but frequency is more important than the intensity of the physical activity. The recommended amount of time for exercising is about 150 minutes per week.

Another member of the audience asked if individuals already taking medication for depression should stop if they are going to try exercise as a treatment.

Begin an exercise program with taking the medication," Blumenthal said."If after about six to eight weeks you feel better, then talk to your doctor and see what they suggest."

The most important message Ekkekakis hoped the audience would receive was for people struggling with mild or moderate symptoms for depression to try treatments other than medication, such as physical activity. He described it as safe, inexpensive and effective.

Read the rest here:

Alternatives to medication for treating depression include excercise - Iowa State Daily

Written by grays

March 3rd, 2017 at 2:42 am

Posted in Excercise

Area Sports, Girls Soccer – Bismarck Tribune

Posted: at 2:42 am

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Century tabs Okerson as next girls soccer coach

Century's athletic department has announced that Ryan Okerson has been hired as the next head coach of the Patriots girls soccer program.

Okerson, 38, had spent the past two seasons as an assistant varsity coach at Legacy. The former Patriots soccer player graduated from Century in 1997 ahead of playing collegiality at both the University of Mary and Huron University. He graduated from U-Mary in 2012 with a Bachelor's in Excercise Science and Master's in Human Performance/Sports Administration.

He has coached in varying roles both at the middle and high school levels in the Bismarck Public Schools system since 1998. In addition, Okerson has spent seven years coaching club soccer and helped establish both the men's and women's soccer programs at Bismarck State.

Okerson replaces Nate Ulness, who resigned earlier this year in order to accept a women's soccer head coaching position at Gillette College (Gillette, Wyo.).

See the article here:

Area Sports, Girls Soccer - Bismarck Tribune

Written by grays

March 3rd, 2017 at 2:42 am

Posted in Excercise

Estonia’s civilian militia bulks up in face of Russian aggression – CBS News

Posted: March 1, 2017 at 10:44 pm

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TALLINN, Estonia -- They may look like soldiers, but theyre actually ordinary men and women with day jobs who volunteer in the Estonian Defence League, a kind of citizens militia.

There are more than 13,000 of them, a civilian resistance force ready to rise up if Estonia were attacked.

Right now, they believe their aggressive neighbor to the east -- Russia -- is enemy number one, especially after its invasion of Ukraine.

Estonia has a professional military too; It was on display in this weekends Independence Day parade.

American soldiers march in Estonias Independence Day parade

CBS News

This small country spends big on defense. Its a fully paid-up member of NATO, and that buys it powerful friends.

Estonian Defense Minister Margus Tsahkna

CBS News

This year, U.S. soldiers deployed to Estonia were part of the parade, and for the first time they brought tanks.

American tanks on the streets of Estonias capital send a powerful message to the people; that the U.S. will stand by its NATO allies. They also send a clear signal to the Kremlin.

That signal: a Russian attack on Estonia backed by NATO would be dangerous.

We are sending the message to Russia very clearly that we are able to speak the same language as Mr. Putin does, and its language that we are ready to fight, said Defense Minister Margus Tsahkna.

And staying ready means constant training.

On Saturday near the town of Voru, local women of the Defense League were learning to use GPS equipment.

Members of the Estonian Defense League prepare for an annual excercise

CBS News

For Ruth Maadla, its about learning new skills. She doesnt really expect the Russian to invade, but I think its good to have the message, she said.

That message to Russia is loud and clear: Estonia is spending record amounts on its military, and the Defence League had never had more volunteers.

2017 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

See the rest here:

Estonia's civilian militia bulks up in face of Russian aggression - CBS News

Written by admin

March 1st, 2017 at 10:44 pm

Posted in Excercise

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