Archive for the ‘Evolutionary Spirituality’ Category
Evolutionary perspective – Evolutionary Spirituality
Posted: December 6, 2013 at 12:42 pm
History of the scientific use of the term, "evolution"Edit
does his "On the Origin of Species," which was published in 1859, natural philosophers (the 'scientists' of the day) used the term "evolution" to refer to developmental unfolding of natural phenomena. In fact, Darwin resisted using the term "evolution" in his great book because his view of the role of "natural selection" in fostering change through time in the living world was far more spontaneous and decidedly not preordained.
Since then, biologists have comfortably adopted the term as their own, and its definitional use in that field has come to imply not only spontaneous but, indeed, random change through time. Since the death of Stephen Jay Gould, esteemed voices within biology have begun to alter the professional and popular understanding of "evolution" to include, once again, a kind of developmental trajectory. Richard Dawkins, Edward O. Wilson, John Maynard Smith, Simon Conway Morris, and Mark McMenamin are among the biologists who track on convergent evolution that is, the compelling evidence in the living and fossil record that an array of very distinct structural, functional, physiological, sensory, and behavioral characteristics have occurred not once but twice, or even many times. The classic example of convergent evolution are the striking similarities between marsupial "mice", carnivores, and other mammals in Australia and the look-alike placental mammals found elsewhere in the world. Among plants, the classic example of convergence are the succulent cactuses and yuccas of the New World compared with the succulent euphorbs and aloes of the Old World.
Considering not only evolutionary convergence but also the history of the rise in diversity and complexity in the living world, Edward O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, and Peter Corning have all written of "progressive" evolution as a well-grounded, indeed compelling, interpretation of the empirical evidence [may not be true for Dawkins, see discussion]. Three recent, widely respected popularizations of a progressive view of evolution are John Stewart's Evolution's Arrow: The Direction of Evolution and the Future of Humanity, Robert Wright's Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny, and Eric Chaisson's Epic of Evolution: Seven Ages of the Cosmos.
The term "evolution" on this wiki thus draws from wide-ranging and inclusive roots of mainstream science a heritage that regards evolution as proceeding very often in spontaneous and unpredictable ways, and very often in pathways that have been walked before and might indeed be expected. It also is grounded in the awareness that evolutionary change in the living, cultural, and cosmic realms is often gradual, and yet often abrupt. Finally, it is grounded in the vast evidence collected that living and non-living systems may change in "progressive" ways that is, building complexity and cohesiveness at ever greater levels, such as the role of symbiosis, or merger, in the evolution of eukaryotic cells or the role of "stellar nucleosynthesis" in the formation of complex atoms. It is also grounded in the recognition that "devolutionary" forces are also at work entropy in the physical world and organ and sensory diminution in the living world when organisms adopt a parasitic lifeway.
Nonetheless, there is no dispute that the rudiments of a trajectory through time can be discerned in cosmic, biological, and cultural evolution a trajectory of greater complexity through time and the enhanced degree of co-operativity at wider scales that undergirds the rise in complexity. Indeed, the devolutionary forces of explosive star deaths, extinctions of life, and geological break-up of massive continents provide the very conditions for novelty and emergent complexity to ensue.
Thus from the perspective of The Great Story of evolution at all levels of reality, the evolutionary narrative offers a history of change and the opportunity to read from that history basic principles worthy of study and mindful application by those whose pyschological resonance with the wider world (spirituality) honors and embraces this understanding. Those who embrace "evolutionary spirituality" may hold vast differences as to whether and how "spirit" and "soul" play out within the human, living, and cosmic realms. They hold great differences in their views about questions not yet (or perhaps never) answerable or falsifiable by science. But those who include "evolutionary spirituality" as an important part of their worldview share a regard for the gleanings of science and for how those understandings can be intentionally, collectively, and pragmatically applied to offer hope, inspiration, and gentle guidance for individuals and groups to be of service to their communities, to their cultures, to their species, and to the wider world.
Another facet of a mainstream evolutionary worldview that is subject to different interpretations pertains to divergent beliefs as to whether a spiritual force gave birth to matter and energy or vice versa. That is, some philosophical interpretations posit that "the lesser derives from the greater" (spirit first), while others that "the greater derives from the lesser" (commonly known as "evolutionary emergentism".) Both are legitimate interpretations of the same agreed-upon scientific facts.
Indeed, such musing are very old. For instance, from nearly 2000 years ago:
Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, that is a marvel of marvels." Gospel of Thomas v29, 1st or 2nd century.
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Evolutionary perspective - Evolutionary Spirituality
Evolutionary Spirituality Homepage
Posted: November 28, 2013 at 11:46 am
This website currently has only one function - a place to publish expert consensus documents on evolutionary spirituality topics. Other functions may be added in the future. -- Tom Atlee
Expert consensus documents
Expert consensus is currently a loose standard for establishing "what is known" in the field of evolutionary spirituality at a given time.
Selected experts in evolutionary science, spirituality and social vision are asked to use the evolutionary spirituality wiki to discuss a specific topic for a specific period and challenged to agree on a statement that summarizes the "state of the art" knowledge for that topic. That summary may involve not only clearly stating what is agreed on, but also agreeing on and articulating remaining areas of disagreement across the spectrum of opinion on that topic.
When the experts arrive at their consensus statement, the resulting document is posted elsewhere on the web in a more permanent non-wiki environment. For expert consensus statements coming from the Great Story perspective, that website is this one, People coming from other perspectives can use their own websites to post expert consensus statements (or other favorite wikipage versions) they wish to preserve.
It is desirable and likely that an expert consensus will evolve over time, either through small obvious edits by individual experts with access to this (or another) permanent website, or by a new convening of diverse experts in the wiki environment to establish a new consensus.
The intention of this innovation is to satisfy both those who want to have some sort of authoritative source on this subject and those who want to co-create the field in a more freewheeling fashion. The expert consensus provides a snapshot of a high-quality moment in the history of an evolving wiki page -- until (what is perceived to be) a better snapshot comes along.
Here are the current expert consensus statements posted on this site:
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Evolutionary Spirituality Homepage
Evolutionary Enlightenment – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Posted: November 27, 2013 at 12:43 pm
Evolutionary Enlightenment is a philosophy that mixes teachings about Enlightenment from Eastern traditions with a Western scientific understanding of evolution.
Evolutionary Enlightenment is inspired, on one hand, by the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and the Buddhist tradition. On the other hand, it also follows in the tradition of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Sri Aurobindo, Henri Bergson, Alfred North Whitehead, and the German Idealist philosophers. In contemporary culture, it is associated with the work of Andrew Cohen, founder of EnlightenNext, and Ken Wilber, a leading figure in the Integral movement. The ideas of Evolutionary Enlightenment have been discussed and elucidated over the past five years by Cohen and Wilber in the pages of EnlightenNext magazine,[1] as well as in Wilber's recent book Integral Spirituality.[2] An evolutionary approach to Enlightenment or self-realization is also outlined in the work of Beatrice Bruteau,[3] a Teilhardian scholar and theologian, and mentioned in the recent bestseller A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.[4] The cultural relevance of this approach to spirituality has been recognized by those studying broader cultural change, such as Spiral Dynamics author Don Beck,[5] who has called it "a map or model for personal emergence, showing the qualities that individuals must embody to become the leaders we now need."
The philosophical idea of Evolutionary Enlightenment is discussed by Ken Wilber in his 2006 book Integral Spirituality. He points out that enlightenment is often defined as being "one with everything," and raises the question, "if evolution occurs, how can enlightenment have any meaning? if everything is evolving, and I get enlightened today, then won't my enlightenment be partial with the sun's dawn?" [6] Wilber suggests redefining an evolutionary enlightenment to mean "the realization of oneness with all states and all stages that have evolved so far and that are in existence at any given time." [7]
The idea of Evolutionary Enlightenment as a spiritual practice has been put forward by Andrew Cohen. He emphasizes the need for individuals to recognize that their own spiritual transformation is essential for cultural evolution. Building on this principle, he offers a set of tenets that can be practiced by individuals to transcend egoism and express a deeper creativity and spiritual energy that Cohen calls the Authentic Self. In this approach, the problem raised by Wilber is resolved through redefining Enlightenment as being "One with the timeless Ground of all Being and with the evolutionary impulse that is driving the entire cosmos." Through identifying the evolutionary impulse as their own Authentic Self, individuals can transcend ego and find a deeper self-sense without needing to live a life of asceticism or solitude, as was often required in traditional Enlightenment teachings. Evolutionary Enlightenment as a spiritual practice also emphasizes the need for human beings to learn how to come together in a way that brings out the highest creativity in each individual and simultaneously releases their potential for collective intelligence.
Evolutionary Enlightenment shares important principles of, and is often associated with, Integral Theory, in that both combine spiritual and scientific insights to create a comprehensive understanding of humanity and the universe. These shared insights include a recognition that contemporary human beings are at the leading edge of a 13.8 billion year[8] evolutionary process originating with the Big Bang, and that humanity's emerging awareness of this process has profound philosophical and spiritual implications.
Evolutionary Enlightenment and Integral Theory share an understanding that ultimate reality consists of a non-dual union of emptiness and formwith form being subject to development over timeand that the interior realm of consciousness and the exterior realm of matter evolve together.[9] One outcome of this insight, which Integral thinkers have codified and mapped, is that there are hierarchical stages of development along a deep-time evolutionary continuum, and that the interdependence between interior and exterior development directly manifests itself in human consciousness and culture: from egocentric to ethnocentric to worldcentric to kosmocentric. Furthermore, each successive stage of development transcends and includes its predecessors, and exhibits a greater awareness, sense of belonging, and capacity for consciousness, cognition, and care.[10]
While Evolutionary Enlightenment and Integral Theory share important epistemological roots in Evolutionary Spirituality [6], the two emerged independent of one another. Cohen pioneered Evolutionary Enlightenment in the mid-1980s and encountered Integral Theory in roughly 2000. Since then, EnlightenNext magazine has become a leading forum for discourse and inquiry into Integral Theory, including a running dialogue between Cohen and Wilber entitled "The Guru and the Pandit" series.
Discussing the limitations of the contemporary post-modern stage of human development in this series, Wilber describes the relationship between Integral Theory and Evolutionary Enlightenment as follows:
They (post-modern beliefs) inhibit an integral evolution. They did wonderfully up to their stage and they were very important in overcoming some of the problems with traditional values and scientific materialism. All of those were handled beautifully by the pluralistic post-modern stage. But now we're ready for the next stage, we're fighting for an integral awareness to blossom . . . and to blossom, of course, in the form of an evolutionary enlightenment. [11]
This description positions Integral Theory as an important philosophical framework (the map) for Evolutionary Enlightenment. It also suggests that contemporary culture cannot progress without evolving individual and collective consciousness (the terrain), which is the goal of Evolutionary Enlightenment.
Evolutionary Enlightenment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Evolutionary Buddhism – Evolutionary Spirituality
Posted: November 25, 2013 at 5:50 am
A replica of an ancient statue of Gautama Buddha, found from Sarnath, near Varanasi.
Buddhism is a non-theistic religion and philosophy dating back to the fifth century B.C. From its origin in India it has spread through Asia and now has followers worldwide.
Buddhism is typically described as non-theistic, although many Buddhists see Buddha Mind as equivalent with God and the many names of God: Allah, Brahman, Tao, Spirit and so on.
As Buddhism is maturing in the west, we see more of an alignment with theistic traditions, including koans such as "see everything as God" and Christian priests and Jewish rabbis studying Buddhism and applying it to their own ministry.
Buddhism can also be said to be aligned with panentheism, seeing God (Buddha Mind) as immanent and transcendent, or rather as beyond and including all polarities of existence and nonexistence, spirit and matter, and so on. hi
Buddhism is seen as largely compatible with western science, and parallels and connections are being explored in a range of areas including psychology, medicine and physics.
Buddhism does not have a creation story as we know it from theistic traditions. Creation is happening here and now.
Similarly, Buddhism does not appear to have a notion of evolution as we know it from modern science. At the same time, Buddhism is very much compatible with stories of how the world of phenomena unfolds in time, including evolution as told by science.
And there are aspects of the Great Story which appear compatible with Buddhism.
Buddhist practices allow us to explore various facets of existence such as radical interconnectedness, impermanence, Big Mind, the Four Directions and so on.
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Evolutionary Buddhism - Evolutionary Spirituality
Epic of Evolution – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Posted: at 5:49 am
The phrase Epic of Evolution represents an attempt to create a mythic narrative aimed at reconciling religious and scientific views of cosmic evolution, biological evolution, and sociocultural evolution. According to Taylor's Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, it is
the 14 billion year narrative of cosmic, planetary, life, and cultural evolutiontold in sacred ways. Not only does it bridge mainstream science and a diversity of religious traditions; if skillfully told, it makes the science story memorable and deeply meaningful, while enriching one's religious faith or secular outlook.[1]
The term "Epic of Evolution" seems to have been first used[2] by Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson in 1978.[3] He was using 'myth' as a grand narrative that provides a people with a meaningful placement in time, not as a falsehood.[4] Wilson was not the first to use the term but his prominence prompted its usage as the morphed phrase 'epic of evolution'. In later years he also used the latter term.[5]
Naturalistic and liberal religious writers have picked up on Wilson's term and have used it in a number of texts. These authors however have at times used other terms to refer to the idea: Universe Story (Brian Swimme, John F. Haught), Great Story (Connie Barlow, Michael Dowd), Everybody's Story (Loyal Rue[6]), New Story (Thomas Berry, Al Gore, Brian Swimme) and Cosmic Evolution (Eric Chaisson[7]).[8][9][10][11]
Evolution generally refers to biological evolution, but here it means a process in which the whole universe is a progression of interrelated phenomena, a gradual process[12] in which something changes into a different and usually more complex form (emergence). It should not be 'biologized as it includes many areas of science.[13] In addition, outside of the scientific community, the term evolution is frequently used differently than scientists do. Even respected dictionaries may present questionable definitions that are not scientific or only address genetic changes. Unfortunately it is common for the general public to enter into a discussion about evolution with a wrong definition in mind. This often leads to misunderstanding since scientists are viewing evolution from a different perspective.[14] The same applies to the use of the term theory as used in the theory of evolution (see references for Evolution as theory and fact).
This epic is not a long narrative poem but a series of events that form the proper subject for a laudable kind of tale. It is mythic in that it is a story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the worldview of a people and explains a natural phenomenon.[15] It is a form of myth that has an approach to investigation that is empirical or scientific.[16] According to Joseph Campbell myths serve two purposes provide meaning for a maturing individual (an individuate) and how to be part of a community. This Epic does both.[17]
The Epic of Evolution is a systematic story that helps make sense of humanitys place and purpose in the process that is the Universe. It marries objective scientific facts with the meanings provided by philosophy and the spirituality of religious belief. It is a vast topic and much has been written and debated about it. It offers two different but combined perspectives of the same reality. It tells the tale of the Cosmos in a methodical way but with a religious acceptance of it while addressing complexity, directionality, purpose, human psychology and survival of the most cooperative and compassionate beings. This epic tale helps some people to deepen their faith and to understand and appreciate other religions and philosophies. They may move from believing in God, to knowing God.[18]
Dr. William Grassie of Temple University writes that the word "myth" in common usage is usually misunderstood. In academia it defines "a story that serves to define the fundamental world view of a culture by explaining aspects of the natural world and delineating the psychological and social practices and ideals of a society." He suggests that the Greek term mythos would be a better term to apply to the Epic as it is more all-encompassing. He concluded that there is not yet an interpretive tradition within science and society about this Epic of Evolution. If anything, there is an anti-interpretation tradition. Consequently, this is dangerous as it is a powerful revelation at this time.[19] Grassie says the Epic is complex and multifaceted, not simple or easy to understand. It takes a romantic vision, philosophical rigor, and artistic interpretations. It requires a consilience of modern disciplines and acceptance of social diversity. The ancient wisdoms of the worlds spiritual traditions must be adapted to make the framework to weave the Epic.[20]
Epic of Evolution on Earth
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Epic of Evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Evolutionary Enlightenment: A New Path to Spiritual Awakening …
Posted: November 22, 2013 at 6:43 pm
A New Spiritual Science
This book is a groundbreaking tour-de-force of spiritual transmission that will significantly change the face of contemporary dharma.
Distilled from the wisdom gleaned from Andrew Cohen's remarkable 25 year odyssey as a spiritual teacher and his transformative work with hundreds of students, Evolutionary Enlightenment offers a profoundly rational, ecstatically mystical, deeply comprehensive, and urgently relevant spiritual teaching for the 21st century.
Beware all ye who enter here for this book is not merely theoretical intellectual fodder for a philosophic mind and nor is it mystical entertainment for the spiritual dilettante. Open yourself up to the laser-like immediacy of Cohen's narrative and you may never be the same again! Evolutionary Enlightenment will illuminate untapped potentials of human consciousness as it plunges you into the depths of primordial emptiness and propels you into an awe-inspiring embrace of the evolving cosmos as the manifestation of your very own Spirit-in-action right here and now.
Comprehensive in scope and penetratingly pragmatic in its exploration of the human condition in both its personal and cultural manifestations, Evolutionary Enlightenment provides invaluable tools for transformation and elucidates the evolutionary dynamics that reveal themselves at the emerging edges of human potential.
The unwavering arrow of Andrew Cohen's inquiry articulates a New Enlightenment which transcends and includes the traditional Eastern Enlightenment and resurrects the unmistakable clarion call of that which is sacred in a world starving for unifying higher meaning and purpose. In a post-modern culture in which far too much "enlightenment spirituality" amounts to a smug nihilism or is diluted to be palatable to the narcissism of the highly individuated ego, Evolutionary Enlightenment thunders with a transmission that speaks directly to the dignity, integrity and passion of a sincere human heart.
Non-duality, if it is truly non-dual, has to embrace everything, and, if it is authentic, will always bring genuine aspirants to their knees in awe, wonder and moral obligation. Evolutionary Enlightenment is both a desperately needed gift and challenge in our tipping point times, giving us keys to unlock the sinews of our personal and cultural malaise while placing the responsibility for our individual and collective future firmly in our own hands.
8 out of 8 people found this review helpful.
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Evolution Spirituality: Definition, Principles, History | Universe …
Posted: November 7, 2013 at 1:49 pm
Evolution Spirituality
Evolution means the process of change, particularly as it relates to the processes of physical change of the physical universe throughout its history.Evolution Spirituality is not just evolutionary and cosmological science where appropriate it also integrates the most life affirming wisdom from humanity's spiritual heritage to deepen the meanings discovered by the facts of science.
Evolution Spirituality:
1.) embraces progressive evolutionary science and the newest discoveries of cosmology.
2.) embraces and integrates the most life-affirming wisdom and tools from all of humanity's spiritual heritage to deepen the meanings discovered by the facts of evolutionary and cosmological science.
3.) enhances and embraces much of what is know as today's eco-spirituality movement. It
is sometimes also called evolution eco-spirituality.
4.) embraces the evolutionary history of spirituality and religion while simultaneously being engaged in evolutionizing current spirituality and religion.
5.) is a type of omni-denominationaland trans-denominational meta-spirituality and meta-religion.
6.) is embraced and embodied in its basic in a practical sense within the new Universe Principles of Sustainability.
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Evolution Spirituality: Definition, Principles, History | Universe ...
Introduction to Evolutionary Spirituality – Evolutionary Spirituality
Posted: at 1:49 pm
Evolutionary spirituality is an integral way of thinking and being in the world grounded in a personal, meaningful experience of the epic of evolution as ones own creation myth, or cosmological sacred story.
What distinguishes evolutionary spirituality from other meaningful approaches to life is its celebration of cosmic history as sacred revelation. Such an inclusive approach provides common ground for all religious and non-religious alike. It supports appreciative ways of thinking about the past, enlightened ways of being in the present, and empowering ways of imagining the future, grounded in the most inspiring and subjectively truthful interpretations presently available of objectively true scientific facts and widely accepted theories based on those facts.
While every religious tradition will necessarily mythologize cosmic history differently, all will share a similar, if not identical, scientific understanding. Evolutionary spirituality in all its myriad of forms is rooted deeply in what the majority of the worlds scientists hold to be true, real, verifiable. Heres one articulation of the basic flow of the evolutionary epic
Everything is in a time-developmental process. Galaxies evolve. Solar systems and planets evolve. Continents, oceans, mountains, and rivers evolve. Bacteria, plants, and animals evolve. And human consciousness, culture, and technologies evolve. Everything is in a developmental process. Everything is interconnected and interrelated. And nothing is itself without everything else.
From the perspective of the whole, evolution clearly evidences directionality. The universe has become increasingly complex over time, with each stage building upon and incorporating earlier stages. The galactic era, for example, emerged out of and integrated (i.e., transcended and included) the radiation era. In the biological era, life has repeatedly discovered ways to create cooperative, interdependent wholes out of self-interested, formerly competitive parts, and then do the same thing at a higher, or wider, level of organization.
Cooperative groups of self-replicating molecular processes formed the first simple cells. Groups of these cells formed larger and more complex cells, and these in turn formed cooperative groups of cells that become multicellular organisms. Groups of multicellular organisms formed cooperative insect societies and human social systems.
In the human realm this process has continued and expanded considerably over the past 100,000 years. Initially cooperation existed only within small family groups. Since then, cooperative organizations have progressively expanded in scale to produce multi-family bands, then tribes, then agricultural communities, cities, and empires, then nation states, and now some forms of economic and social cooperation that span the globe.
This direction is progressive. Each stage transcends and includes (incorporates and builds upon) earlier stages. The vital point to remember, however, is this: This process has happened successfully in evolutionary history only when the system becomes self-organized or self-governed in such a way that it is genuinely in the interests of the parts to cooperate in the service of the whole that is, where they benefit by doing so and/or suffer in some way by not doing so.
Introduction to Evolutionary Spirituality - Evolutionary Spirituality
Evolutionary Spirituality (Seattle , WA) – Meetup
Posted: at 1:49 pm
Evolutionary Spirituality- Virtual Circle A circle of evolutionaries dedicated to the Evolution of Consciousness
There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendship between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe. PIERRE TEILHARD DE CHARDIN
Evolutionary Spirituality is dedicated to evolving our consciousness. We are virtual circle that meets on Google+ Hangout. Hangout makes it easy to meet more often face-to-face without driving to a meeting. Virtual Circles are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm PST.
Note: As our membership grows in Seattle we have a great place selected to meet monthly.
Mission Statement of Evolutionary Spirituality- Virtual Circle
1. To co-create an enduring group of loving spirits with the genuine capacity to transmit presence, compassion, authenticity, empathy, and sympathetic joy. 2. To move the Circle toward an integral evolutionary spiritual culture. 3. To nurture individuals with the urge to co-create a unified culture. 4. To foster the mutual discovery of truth without dogma. 5. To create a spiritual environment that is favorable to experiencing a collective unified state of consciousness. 6. To share, reflect, and assimilate traditional spiritual teachings that relate to evolution. 7. To meditate on the source of the spiritual teachings and bring awakening into ones lives. 8. To reach our higher creative potentials and capacities without an increased sense of self. 9. To continually evolve our integral spiritual practice and our mission. 10. To birth a Universal Humanity.
Joining together, we can guide our Earth community into its next evolutionary stage. Barbara Marx Hubbard
Requirements: Computer, internet access, web camera with microphone, free Google+ Hangout.
Join us monthly to keep your spiritual momentum going!
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Evolutionary Spirituality (Seattle , WA) - Meetup
Evolutionary Christianity Digital Audio Series for Group/Course …
Posted: at 12:47 am
Dear fellow evolutionary,
I recently interviewed 38 Christian luminaries from nearly every denominationincluding Nobel laureates and Templeton Prize-winners. My quest? To learn how they are personally and professionally inspired by what God is revealing todaythrough science. What quickly became apparent was that, regardless of theological or liturgical differences...
I am excited to make this breakthrough series available in a way that makes it easy to facilitate individual reflection and group discussionwhether you choose to use only a few of the 38 audio interviews (with transcripts) or many.
Co-evolutionary grace and blessings, ~ Rev. Michael Dowd
Templeton Prize-Winners Ian Barbour, John Polkinghorne
Roman Catholics JoanChittister, JohnF.Haught, RichardRohr, UrsulaKing, KennethR.Miller, IliaDelio, DiarmuidO'Murchu, GailWorcelo, GloriaSchaab, MarySouthard, LindaGibler
Mainline Protestants John Shelby Spong, MatthewFox, JohnCobb,PhilipClayton,JoanRoughgarden
Evangelicals Karl W. Giberson, Denis Lamoureux, OwenGingerich, EdwardB.(Ted)Davis
Emergent/PostmodernEvangelicals Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, SpencerBurke, SallyMorgenthaler
Progressive/IntegralChristians Gretta Vosper, Tom Thresher, RossHostetter, JimBurklo, PaulSmith
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Evolutionary Christianity Digital Audio Series for Group/Course ...