Archive for the ‘Eckhart Tolle’ Category
Driven Motivational Video – Video
Posted: December 18, 2014 at 12:48 am
Driven Motivational Video
Ambition, fortune, success, investment, leadership, piece of mind, business, entrepreneur, life, wealth, love, harmony, faith, self thoughts, positive, respectful, integrity, genius, desire,...
Allen NRead the original here:
Driven Motivational Video - Video
Eckhart Tolle Wikipdia
Posted: December 12, 2014 at 1:50 pm
Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre.
Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle par Kyle Hoobin
crivain, confrencier
Eckhart Tolle, de son vrai nom Ulrich Leonard Tolle, n Lnen, Allemagne en 1948, est un crivain et confrencier, rsident canadien, connu comme tant lauteur des ouvrages best seller: Le Pouvoir du moment prsent et Nouvelle Terre.
Tolle raconte quil s'est senti dprim la plus grande partie de sa vie jusqu ce quil connaisse, lge de 29 ans, une transformation intrieure la suite de laquelle il passa plusieurs annes sans-emploi vagabonder dans un tat de flicit profonde avant de devenir enseignant spirituel. Plus tard, il dmnagea en Amrique du Nord o il commena crire son premier livre, Le pouvoir du moment prsent, qui fut publi en 1997 aux tats-Unis et est devenu un best-seller international traduit en 33 langues[1]. Tolle sinstalla ensuite Vancouver au Canada o il vit depuis.
Les ventes du Pouvoir du moment prsent et de Nouvelle terre sont respectivement estimes en 2009 trois et cinq millions de copies en Amrique du Nord. En 2008, environ 35 millions de personnes ont particip une srie de 10 Webinaires en ligne en direct avec Tolle et la prsentatrice de talk show Oprah Winfrey[2]. Tolle nest rattach aucune religion en particulier, mais son travail est influenc par un grand nombre denseignements spirituels de la non-dualit et du New Age.
N Lnen en Allemagne, en 1948, lge de 13 ans, il dmnage en Espagne pour vivre avec son pre. lge de 19 ans, Tolle emmnage en Angleterre et pendant 3 ans enseigne lallemand et lespagnol dans une cole de langues londonienne. Selon ses dires, souffrant de dpression, danxit et de peur, il commence chercher des rponses. Vers lge de 22 ans, il dcide de poursuivre ses recherches en tudiant la philosophie, la psychologie, la littrature et sinscrit lUniversit de Londres. Une fois pass son diplme, il commence faire de la recherche lUniversit de Cambridge en 1977[3].
Une nuit, en 1977, lge de 29 ans, aprs avoir souffert de longues priodes de dpression tendances suicidaires, Tolle raconte quil fait lexprience dune transformation intrieure[3]. Cette nuit-l, il se rveille de son sommeil, souffrant de sensations dpressives presque insupportables, mais ressent ensuite une piphanie qui change alors sa vie. Dcrivant cette exprience, Tolle explique:
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Eckhart Tolle Wikipdia
Eckhart Tolle : “Inspirational teachings & thoughts on Life & Living on Now.. – Video
Posted: December 8, 2014 at 9:51 am
Eckhart Tolle : "Inspirational teachings thoughts on Life Living on Now..
Rakesh AsariContinued here:
Eckhart Tolle : "Inspirational teachings & thoughts on Life & Living on Now.. - Video
Eckhart Tolle: ‘The past has no power over the present moment – Video
Posted: December 7, 2014 at 7:46 am
Eckhart Tolle: #39;The past has no power over the present moment
Rakesh AsariRead the rest here:
Eckhart Tolle: 'The past has no power over the present moment - Video
Eckhart Tolle: Spiritual Awakening (basic +) – Video
Posted: at 7:46 am
Eckhart Tolle: Spiritual Awakening (basic +)
YT- post Eckhart Tolle: Spiritual Awakening (full) Visit Mindfulness Training at - Eckhart explains the process of entering the ...
Mindfulness TrainingSee the rest here:
Eckhart Tolle: Spiritual Awakening (basic +) - Video
Eckhart Tolle: a fan site (Quotes, Excerpts, Biography …
Posted: at 7:46 am
June 2008 - New Eckhart Tolle Book: Milton's Secret According to, the book will be released on October 31, 2008. The full title is Milton's Secret: An Adventure of Discovery through Then, When, and The Power of Now.
To see the book covers and read a bit more about the book, click here.
March 2008 - Eckhart Tolle & Oprah Webcast Downloads I'm pretty sure that virtually everyone who is the least bit interested in the teachings of Eckhart Tolle would like to listen to the webcast made available for download at Oprah's website: Right now there are 3 formats available of the first webcast: Ipod Video, mp3 and m4a. You may also read an excerpt from the transcript of the first webcast.
October 2006 - Eckhart Tolle MP3 Downloads As of a few weeks ago are offering a wide variety of mp3 downloads. These happen to include several audio CDs of Eckhart Tolle. You can buy the whole album, or even single tracks. I made a slideshow of the available albums. Enjoy.
October 2005 - Eckhart Tolle's New Book Finally Published
You can order the American hardcover edition of the book from
22nd of November 2004 - Eckhart Tolle Discussion Community With the kind assistance and support of Heidi of I have created an Eckhart Tolle Discussion Community. I would love it if you visit it, introduce yourself and join the discussions.
My Introduction:
I have created this website because Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now has been a great source of peace and wisdom in my life. It is my desire and intent to make an online resource that would be helpful at promoting Eckhart Tolle's teachings.
See the rest here:
Eckhart Tolle: a fan site (Quotes, Excerpts, Biography ...
Resolving De Limas dilemma on Ashley Madison
Posted: at 7:46 am
Your mantra for the week:
I am not a sinner, I am a winner.
In 1999, Pope John Paul II (now Saint John Paul) announced that we must forget the flames of fire and the devils with pitchforks, and that heaven was not up in the clouds and hell was not a physical place either.
Fifteen years later, this issue has not been clarified by the Philippine Church. It is probably waiting for somebody to explain why the then Pope would give such an edict.
However, he explained further that hell is real but not inflicted by God, but rather something sinners brought unto themselves.
Recall that sin is an old archery term which meant missing-the-mark. It implies that sinners are not bad people, but persons whose consciousness has not been able to differentiate between good and evil.
Notice that if you add the letter d to evil, it would spell the word devil. The devil has been defined as an evil spirit lurking around, constantly tempting us to commit a negative act.
But in truth, the devil is simply the spirit of evil that is a potential within each one of us. It becomes a problem when the unenlightened gives in to this potential many times. They are bedeviled.
The metaphysical flames that we have been threatened with since childhood are anger, ill-will and resentment. The pitchforks are the diseases that follow the flames; they hurt like forks embedded in our physical body.
In other words, it is Consciousness that determines whether we experience the Kingdom of Heaven that is at hand or hellfire that is of our own making Choose ye today, God or mammon.
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Resolving De Limas dilemma on Ashley Madison
Eckhart Tolle visits India – Video
Posted: December 6, 2014 at 9:43 am
Eckhart Tolle visits India
Eckhart Tolle visits India with some friends.
Conscious LivingExcerpt from:
Eckhart Tolle visits India - Video
Eckhart Tolle – Death – Video
Posted: December 5, 2014 at 7:50 am
Eckhart Tolle - Death
This video is about Eckhart - Death 720.
Conscious LivingRead the original here:
Eckhart Tolle - Death - Video
Guided Meditation on Releasing Resistance | Esther Hicks and Eckhart Tolle Inspired – Video
Posted: December 3, 2014 at 10:45 am
Guided Meditation on Releasing Resistance | Esther Hicks and Eckhart Tolle Inspired
Please enjoy this a Guided Meditation on Releasing Resistance. Please subscribe and stay connected to our positive energy! Visit our website at http://www.enjoyposi...
Positive MagazineExcerpt from:
Guided Meditation on Releasing Resistance | Esther Hicks and Eckhart Tolle Inspired - Video