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Back to the Future: LCWR nuns and Conscious Evolution …

Posted: May 1, 2016 at 2:43 pm

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Card. Mller, when addressing the LCWR nuns, spoke about problems with their Faith. He was not being political. He was not picking on them as women.

Card.Mller was effectively asking them: Do you want to be Catholic?

What the nuns are into is, basically, warmed-up gnosticism. Because we really want to be living in the 2nd century rather than the 21st. We need a new Irenaeus!

Card. Mller spoke to them about how they have gotten into conscious evolution. Lets call it CE. This is pure crap, of course, and spiritually dangerous and some of these nuns are in it up to their necks.

Do you want to do a little reading around the issue?


An evolutionary spirituality is emerging, experienced as the impulse of evolution, the process of creation, the implicate order, a patterning process coming through our own hearts. It is felt as the sacred core of the evolutionary spiral, the evolving godhead arising, or even incarnating within each of us as our own impulse to co-create. It is the creator-within expressing itself uniquely through each person as a new form of social cosmogenesis. The generating power of universal evolution is guiding us toward a more synergistic, cooperative democracy.

HERE Wow..

At the heart of Gnostic Christianity, as taught in the Sophian Tradition, is the view of Yeshua (Aramaic for Jesus) as a human being who embarked upon a spiritual or mystical journey and became Self-realized or Enlightened; hence attained Supernal or Messianic Consciousness. According to the Sophian Gospel he was not born Christ, but became Christed by the reception of teachings and initiations from his Spiritual Teachers and engaging in spiritual practice and spiritual living. It is said that Yeshua was, indeed, the incarnation of a Great Soul and that he had accomplished the divine labor of Self-realization or Enlightenment in previous lives. Nevertheless, incarnate in the world as a Light-bearer, he had to sojourn the Path to Enlightenment as any other human being. In so doing he became a living example of the Path to Self-realization or Enlightenment and was empowered to teach others how to attain Supernal or Messianic Consciousness.


This emerging human has been called by many names. Teilhard de Chardin called it the Ultra Human, orHomo progressivus, in whom the flame of expectation burns, attracted toward the future as an organism progressing toward the unknown. Sri Aurobindo, the great Indian evolutionary sage, called this the Gnostic Human, the individual in whom the Consciousness Force itself, the supramental power of universal creativity, incarnates and begins to transform the body/mind into the very cells that evolve beyond the human phase.

Others have called thisHomo noeticus, a being of gnosis or deep knowing of the Field out of which we are co-arising. OrHomo divina, as Sister Judy Cauley puts it. Or the universal human, connected through the heart to the whole of life, awakening from within by the core of the spiral of evolution. The implicate order is becoming explicate in us, turning into the essential self, animated by a passionate life-purpose to express our creativity.

See the original post:
Back to the Future: LCWR nuns and Conscious Evolution ...

Written by admin

May 1st, 2016 at 2:43 pm

Conscious Evolution – Home

Posted: January 25, 2016 at 4:45 am

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A Shamanic Astrology Readings intent is to help you understand your life from an archetypal and mythological perspective. An archetype is a model of people, behaviors or personalities that are innate, universal and hereditary. They are unlearned and act to organize how we experience certain things in our personal world or through what lens we may view the world.

We will be looking at the archetypes specific to your natal chart.We will first look at your lineage to be able to see what gifts, talents and possible addictions you brought with you into this lifetime to release and let go of.

We will then look at what the current story line is and what new archetypes or mystery school trainings you are learning and working with in this lifetime to evolve and stretch yourself.

Finally, we will look at what cycles you are currently in to help you work in a more conscious way with these cycles to get the maximum mileage possible and to flow with them as opposed to pushing against them.

When we know better, we do better


See original here:
Conscious Evolution - Home

Written by simmons

January 25th, 2016 at 4:45 am

Conscious Evolution

Posted: January 22, 2016 at 2:40 pm

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Conscious Cultural Evolution Alexis Zeigler

Humanity is facing an environmental crisis of unprecedented proportions. We are facing a crises of social justice. Ever since the rise of civilization, we have been divided into rich and poor classes. Now the rise of food and energy prices, combined with the extreme concentration of wealth among the wealthiest of citizens can only bring increasing suffering and greater conflict.

What is the root cause of these problems? It is not "human nature" to be greedy, aggressive, or to disregard the future. The anthropological record is clear. We are capable of being altruistic or selfish, aggressive or compassionate. Many humans have lived in sustainable societies for thousands of years. We must correctly diagnose our current predicament, and have a rational, coherent plan for how to address it. This web page is dedicated to that purpose.

We have a new blog about Integrated Activism and Living Energy Farm. Check it out!


Integrated Activism: Applying the Hidden Connections Between Ecology, Economy, Politics and Social Progress, Alexis Zeigler Due to be released from North Atlantic Books in August, 2013 Available at online booksellers now!

Beyond Greenhype, Real Solutions for Global Warming, a book about by Alexis Zeigler You can download a PDF copy here


Donations for this work are accepted!

Culture Change Constructive Panic Slideshow (Windows Media file, microsoft is evil, but that's how this file ended up...). Download here.

If you want a much quicker download, you can just listen to the audio portion. Culture Change Constructive Panic Slideshow. (It's a little over an hour, in MP3 format.)


An article by Alexis Zeigler entitled Dancing at the Edge of the Precipice - After Peak Oil published at The Oil Drum.

Another article by Alexis Zeigler entitled Biofuel and the Rise of Nationalistic Environmentalism was published at The Oil Drum, Reality Sandwich, and The Energy Bulletin

Biofuels and the Rise of Nationalistic Environmentalism

Will Biofuels Trigger Genocide?

BioFuels in Ecological Perspective

Concious Cultural Evolution, A Primer

Where Do We Go From Here?

Drug Wars, The Burning Times

The Past and Future of Women's Rights in America

Why Are We So Stupid?

Peak Oil, Biofuel and Culture Change


Listen to an interview of Alexis about his book Culture Change on WNRN radio from January 28, 2007. (It's a one hour interview, in MP3 format.)

And Now For Something Completely Different -- Fruit Trees!

My second obsession is growing fruit. To aid others in similar pursuits, I offer for you the following short book that tells you how to grow and propagate fruit and nuts without chemicals. Perennial Food, Easy and Reliable Methods for Growing and Propagating Fruits and Nuts.


Advanced Traffic Bicycling

Intenional Communities, Fellowship for Inentional Communities Directory of Intenional Communities An encyclopedia of information... "connecting the dots" between Peak Oil, 9/11, the War on Iraq, election fraud, media manipulation and the ecological catastrophe of climate change...

Contact: alex (email symbol) conev period org

See more here:
Conscious Evolution

Written by admin

January 22nd, 2016 at 2:40 pm

About Conscious Evolution – Linda Goodman Forums

Posted: October 20, 2015 at 1:42 pm

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What Is Conscious Evolution? by Gregory Ellison

"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission natural selection, the force that made us. ... Soon we must look deep within ourselves and decide what we wish to become." -- Edward O. Wilson Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge

Mankind is on the verge of an evolutionary leap in consciousness, to a whole new way of thinking and being that will put us as far above our present concept of "man" as modern man is above our stone age ancestors.

Until roughly the present time, the forces of evolution have been external to mankind. Whether we think of these forces as essentially physical/biological, or essentially spiritual, in either case we have not consciously directed the course of our own evolution. This is simply where the journey has brought us.

But no more. From this point forward we will consciously participate in the direction of our own evolution. We will become what we choose to become.

There are many things that point to this moment in history as a time of major transformation. Religious and spiritual prophecy from many different traditions point to this period as the "end times" where the old world falls away and the new millennium arises. Astrology recognizes this as the dawning of the "age of Aquarius," a transformation to spiritual awareness, peace and brotherhood.

But we need not rely on myth or revelation to know that we now chart our own destiny: science and technology too inform us that we will soon have the capacity to alter our own genetic code, extend our life expectancy, and expand our capabilities far beyond those nature has bestowed on us. Already we do not need wings to fly above the mountaintops, nor gills to swim the depths of the sea. We can throw our voices around the world at the speed of light, transmute matter to energy in nuclear reactors (and bombs), stroll on the surface of the moon.

We have superseded natural selection. Where once we were at the mercy of our environment, now our environment is at our mercy.

And therein lies the rub: we have become powerful enough to make ourselves extinct, and we stand shuddering at the doorway to this brave new world because we are scared silly that we might do just that!

We have grown in knowledge and power beyond the wildest dreams of our ancestors, but our wisdom has not kept pace. In fact, it might be argued that human wisdom has taken giant steps backward since the astrological, shamanistic and mystical traditions that flowered thousands of years ago!

Our politics today are still based on the model of domination-oriented city-states that characterized the ancient Sumerian empire, our economics are still based on the same model of amassing personal wealth, our interpersonal relationships are still based on possessiveness and ego gratification.

The day of reckoning has come: unparalleled power without the wisdom to balance it is a mortal danger to all life. Unless our collective wisdom makes a quantum leap to match our Godlike power, we can look forward only to global warfare, totalitarian domination, and predatory consumption and waste-production, culminating in ecological suicide. What will we become?

The good news is, we are now at a turning point. Mankind is now in the process of shifting our normal state of awareness from an individual/ego point of view to a global/spiritual point of view, and our basic choice is to cooperate with that process and help it along, or to resist it. We can usher in a world transformed by Love and spirit, or see our world mired in the dark extremes of the unbalanced direction we have been heading. We get to choose.

The system of thought that has structured our collective reality until now is hierarchical organization:

This is the familiar "top down" model of organization that we use to structure nearly everything we think about. As you can see, it looks like a corporate organization chart among other things, with the CEO at the top and the workers at the bottom.

This is how we think about everything. It is how we organize scientific knowledge, how we classify library books, and how we organize our sports tournaments! It is also how we structure society, with kings, dictators and presidents at the top, bureacrats and the wealthy "upper class" in the middle, and the "unwashed masses (peasants) at the bottom. It is a "pecking order" view of reality.

There is nothing wrong with hierarchy - it is a mental tool that has served us well in many ways, making scientific progress possible and enabling our rational mastery of many challenges of the material world. But, like the once-useful notions of a flat earth in the center of the universe, it has outlived its usefulness as a model of reality.

The Universe as we are coming to understand it now is not a competition for position in a pecking order, but a harmonious unfolding of creative potential as separate "parts" merge into greater "wholes." The new consciousness sees the world through holistic eyes, as a holarchy rather than a hierarchy. In a holarchy, every element is in direct communication with every other element, but none are "above" or "below" each other. The relationships are not among superiors and subordinates, but rather among essentially equal "parts" and the "whole" that emerges from them.

In a hierarchy, order is imposed from the top down. In a holarchy, order emerges from the bottom up. When a studio producer hires musicians, assigns them parts to play, and hands out musical scores, that's hierarchy. When several musicians get together to jam and they gradually develop a "groove" together, that's holarchy.

Every part is a whole, and every whole is a part. Anything you can think of - a toaster, a galaxy, a supermarket, or your next door neighbor - is a "whole" made up of "parts." At the same time, it is also part of a larger whole, or perhaps many larger wholes. Your next door neighbor, for example, is a part of the human race (or so we hope!) What's more, every whole is similar to every other whole in some respects.

For example, atoms are composed of many sub-atomic particles such as protons and electrons. In turn, each "whole" atom is itself a "part" of a larger whole, such as a molecule. Going up the scale, the molecule is part of a cell, the cell is part of an animal, the animal is part of the living planet, and the planet is part of the solar system. And oddly enough, the electrons circling the nucleus of the atom bear a strange resemblance to the planets circling the Sun!

Every part is a whole, and every whole is a part.

Conscious Evolution is the evolution of consciousness to the next stage of awareness - the "awakening" of the parts to their awareness as a whole. Simply put, we are now living through the birth pains of the planetary mind!

Of course, this is not a new concept - the idea that "we are all ONE" is the fundamental notion of all mystical thought. But until now it has often been seen as a threatening idea, because it implies that we will lose our individual identities while being absorbed into a mystical one-ness with all life. We are afraid to take this leap for the same reason we are afraid to die, even though we "believe" in eternal life. The ego has been all-powerful for a long time, and it likes it that way!

But the new consciousness is showing us that this is an unfounded fear ... wholes emerge from their parts, they do not replace them! A single cell of my body is a living "creature" in itself, but when it joins with other cells to create a "higher" organism (me!) it doesn't lose anything of itself. It still has its own "identity" - its own boundaries, and its own limited consciousness - but to that is added the newly emergent properties of a human being, including my greater range of conscious awareness.

When the transcendant global mind emerges from our individual consciousnesses, we will not "lose" ourselves - instead, we will gain a perspective that puts an end to all war and hatred and the thousand-and-one faces of man's inhumanity to man. Can you imagine the cells of your right hand going to war against the cells of your left hand? Of course not! Nor will I harm my brother when I know in the very core of my being that to harm him is to harm myself.

Having taken the leap of Conscious Evolution, we still look out on the world through the same eyes in the same familiar body. But we know that the "I" who looks out through these eyes is the same "I" who looks out through all eyes. We identify ourselves as something much larger than our individual bodies and egos ... and that makes all the difference!

The mission of the Conscious Evolution website is to support this transition, both intellectually and through concrete activities and spiritual practices that aid the emergence of the new consciousness.

The features, articles, and discussions you will find here support this mission in an eclectic way, through traditional approaches like astrology and other spiritual paths, as well as state-of-the art insights drawn from general systems theory, cybernetics and quantum physics. There are many paths up the mountain, but the view from the summit is all the same. Call it cosmic consciousness, enlightenment, union with God ... or call it Love.

Welcome to Conscious Evolution!

See original here:
About Conscious Evolution - Linda Goodman Forums

Written by admin

October 20th, 2015 at 1:42 pm

Evolution – Conscious Evolution – Co-Intelligence

Posted: October 16, 2015 at 12:43 am

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Conscious Evolution

Evolution is happening right now in and around us. It is influenced by all that we do and don't do, and all that we are and are not. Whether we are aware of it or not, we have a lot to do with how evolution unfolds, especially right here on Earth.

Recent offspring in life's 13.7 billion years of cosmic, planetary, biological and social evolution, we are on the leading edge of the evolutionary process. We share that emergent edge with everything else in the universe. (From an evolutionary perspective, "everything else in the universe" is actually better described by that scientifically accurate Native American phrase "all our relations.")

Evolution has given us a special kind of consciousness, one that creates -- and is thoroughly conditioned by -- our languages, cultures, stories, and built environments. This consciousness and its companion social systems and technologies have awesome power to shape the world. We are just beginning to grow into a mature way of manifesting it in the world.

Part of that maturing process is learning the dynamics through which evolution does its transformational work. Understanding those dynamics, we can apply them -- intentionally and wisely -- to transform ourselves and our social systems.

To the extent we do this, we are evolution -- or at least one significant facet of it -- becoming conscious of itself. Across many domains of society, life and spirituality, we are in the process of birthing ourselves as conscious evolution.

The unconsciousness with which we have been evolving as a civilization is taking us rapidly toward collective extinction -- following in the footsteps of the vast majority of "failed experiments" (extinct species) in Earth's history -- and taking many more with us. This century's evolutionary challenge -- to become a civilization capable of conscious evolution -- is not only what can "save" us, but also one of the most significant evolutionary leaps in human history.

All the crises of our age are manifestations of our challenge to consciously evolve. Co-intelligent conversation and democracy are fundamental to successfully transforming these crises into evolutionary breakthroughs.

Those of us who are coming to understand and welcome this challenge to become conscious evolutionary agents are discovering new sources of inspiration and meaning in it, and find ourselves working in community with truly remarkable companions.

Something is Emerging - brief notes on conscious evolution

Learning to Be Evolution - includes 8 examples of evolutionary guidance

The Evolutionary Worldview - offering a 1-page description of the Great Story of evolution, some guidances for evolutionary action, and description of how the sacred evolutionary perspective relates to other religious traditions

Becoming Evolution's Conscious Weavers

The Evolutionary Role of Conversation

The Evolutionary Role of Citizen Deliberation

Consciousness takes us beyond avoidable force, waste, and risk

What is Consciousness?

Feedback, Social Power, and the Evolution of Social Systems

Democracy and the evolution of societal intelligence

Building a Wise Democracy as Crises Emerge

Crisis and Evolutionary Leverage in Philanthropy (doc) - also applicable to other evolutionary agentry

Learning from Our Evolutionary Past Into Our Evolutionary Future

Does Compassion Need to Evolve?

The Evolution of Genes and Meaning

A Movement for the Conscious Evolution of Social Systems

Four Dimensions of Change, and One Integration

See also

Conscious Evolutionary Agentry and Evolutionary Systemic Interventions

Evolutionary Salons - especially Growing Together at the Emerging Edge of Evolution, Tom Atlee's report on the first evolutionary salon May 2005

Evolutionary Life newsletter - a wild assortment of articles, images, resources, and opportunities related to conscious evolution

Evolutionary Spirituality - The Great Story - the evolutionary work of Michael Dowd and Connie Barlow

From Chaos to Coherence - by Peggy Holman - a model of emergence

See more here:
Evolution - Conscious Evolution - Co-Intelligence

Written by admin

October 16th, 2015 at 12:43 am

Conscious Evolution – FREE Tarot Card Reading

Posted: September 25, 2015 at 6:45 am

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FREE Tarot Card Reading

To ask the ancient Tarot oracle a question, type your question in the space provided, and indicate the general "theme" of the question using the checkmarks below. Then click "Read my cards!" and your reading will appear within a few seconds.

For best results, you should ask a "yes or no" question about some situation in your life that is currently occupying a lot of your thought and attention. The more your question accurately reflects what is really on your mind, the more useful and relevant the answer will be!


What is the general "theme" of your question? Action or activity, energy, health Emotional issues, feelings, moods, relationships Thoughts, plans, ideas, communication Money, possessions, work, rewards

Card images are from the deck designed by A. E. Waite and illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith in 1910, currently published as the Rider-Waite deck by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Interpretations and programming by Gregory Ellison. Astrological attributions and minor arcana keywords based on the Golden Dawn system as first elaborated by S. L. MacGregor Mathers. Elemental dignity analysis based on method elaborated by Paul Hughes-Barlow.

Read more:
Conscious Evolution - FREE Tarot Card Reading

Written by admin

September 25th, 2015 at 6:45 am

Conscious Evolution | CONSTRUCTING A MEMOIR

Posted: September 22, 2015 at 6:43 am

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Human beings construct meaning as spiders make webs. This is how we survive, our primary evolutionary business. Catherine Bateson The stuff of which humans make meaning is experience, life.-Jack L. Seymour, Margaret Ann Crain, Joseph V. Crockett Conscious evolution is the evolution of evolution, from unconscious to conscious choice. We are poised in this critical moment, facing decisions that must be made consciously if we are to avoid destroying the world as we know it. -Barbara Marx Hubbard

This site chronicles my own journey of conscious evolution. It also presents the story of my own movementfrom the edge of despair to a hope-filled, meaningful, and purpose-filled life. Thats because I now am aware of how, as Barbara Marx Hubbard says above, I can consciously choose to contribute to the ongoing evolution of a more peaceful, thriving Earth community, one day at a time, right where I am.

I hope this site prompts you to begin to embark upon and construct your own story of conscious evolution. May it lead you, too, toward the joy I experience at being part of the great unfolding of Life, despite the many challenges we all face. To read more on how to do this, visit now the page Finding Your Own Voice. After doing so, return here to read more about the site.

I was helped by the book, Cultural Creatives to begin to name for myself the Currents of Change found on this site. Ken Wilbers Integral Vision helped me find the key to understanding my place in evolutions river of change. Barbara Marx Hubbards Conscious Evolution (now revised) further helped me see my life as part of the whole.

My growth continues as my awareness evolves. I will be adding new posts as time allows. To receive email notification of these new posts, click the Follow tab on your screen. Feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions you may have. Perhaps you, too, have encountered wisdom in the writings of others not mentioned here that you would like to share. It is my hope that our mutual efforts at conscious evolution will take us all into a new future offering restored hope for coming generations of Earths community of life.

Lastly, if you enjoy poetry, I invite you to visit and follow my companion poetry site, Pats Harvest.

Again, welcome to the site. Lets keep the conversation, the learning, and our inner growth ongoing!

Pat Bombard

Navigating the Site

The About menu tababove containsmore on how this site evolved. The dropdownmenu there contains a link to tips on site navigation. To be notified by email of future posts, click the Follow tab at the bottom right of your screen.

The Currents of Change menu tab brings you to a list of topics or social movements arranged in the order that my encounterwith them contributed to my own conscious evolution. I have provided a brief description of each item listed. You can enter the steps in order, or just leap into any step heading that looks attractive.

The My Journey menu tab brings you to posts that describe the story of my passage through the steps, along with more current reflections.

If you have particular spiritual questions, (Who isGod?, Who are We?, Why Are We Here?)you also can read my reflectionson these in light of the Universe Story using the Spiritual Questions tab. See Site Structure and Navigation for more on these questions.

The opinions expressed on this site are my own, and do not reflectthe opinions of any of my employers or any of the organizations with which I am associated personally or professionally.

I am extremely grateful to all of those who took the risk to share the story of their own life experiences and their wisdom with me, whether personally or through the written word. I know my life is much the richer for it.

The rest is here:
Conscious Evolution | CONSTRUCTING A MEMOIR

Written by admin

September 22nd, 2015 at 6:43 am

Consciousness Evolution

Posted: September 15, 2015 at 8:43 pm

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Post navigation

Light is information, Darkness is lack of information.

Go, Wherever darkness has triumphed, Shine your light.



We can imagine ourselves to become whatever we want to be, and truly become just that.

But deep down, The very foundation of that structure, Behind whatever we manifest and create, Life simply flows, Constantly, Like a river; It is, Continuous.

We can choose to jump in and insert whatever variable we wish.

Go, Become a master of imagination, But the constant, eternal essence of it all;

Life is, Its as simple as that.

Bless, Zdravko

In you is another me, Patiently awaiting to be set free, Behind us can we all our ignorance leave, To roam in true beauty and see, That which makes us be, Is the same in you as in me.

Bless, Zdravko

Fear not the traps of this world, Nor the thorns of peoples horns.

Your barrier should not be defense, Instead, Become transparent softness, Swirling and transforming any force, Your tool is that which dissarms any roughness, Being its total opposite and mirror image, It will destroy itself.

If you truly wish to be strong, Practise kindness.

Bless, Zdravko

Great time spent asleep, Confusions were deep, Ego was a knife too steep, With true joy I didnt greet.

Chained to time, My souls hyme, Didnt feel as if mine, Asleep I was to loves rhyme.

That night I saw, What I had only forgot, In pure awe, The plant helped me figure it all out.

A new state emerged, A life long practise, A battle with no fight, To remain purged, That night, I became a novice, On the path with no path, There was not the language of mind, No math, To maintain true peace I shall find.

~ Zdravko Stefanovic

Just like the seed knows, Life flows, When cracked, Smacked, Into a world packed, With challenges, Fringes, Moments, Difficulties.

Another moment, Eternally, Repetitively, For me to learn, Oh, How my soul yearns, For a place, My pace, Sometimes lost, In my egos face.

Always retreatable, Laughable, Incredible, Cureable, Reachable, Is my souls stillness, Removing all illness, Is Gods embrace.

~ Zdravko Stefanovic

Life is a fantastic and ever-evolving symbiosis of the nature of balance and non-balance in a perfect equilibrium. We must learn that we attract and to see how we attract. All the forces known to man play a role in this matrix of attractionand wisdom is a language, enabling us to realize how we can program the software that we are running on.

All that must be learned and understood is the language. To learn the different languages of nature and indeed the language of the inner universe, one should grow a compassionate, objective perspective of all events within and outside oneself. Emotions are probably the strongest accent, or should I say module, in this whirlving pool of natures languages. They strike us more real than anything else. When the heart leads, the mind follows.

If your heart is upset, the mind becomes upset, which in turn feeds the ego-mind and thus, repeating the process. This process is called the trap of ego, and should not attempt to be dwelled in. The key here is objectivity, for the ego only operates in the realms of subjectivity. It has no power when your awareness stretches to sheer objectivity. This will, when cultivated enough, give you the power of accepting life, and yourself for what you are. It gives birth to self-honesty, one of the key elements to breaking the chains of suffering, that which in Hindu terms makes us repeat the same mistakes over, and over again (Samsara).

Just be still, Inside and out. Peace is not to be forcefully attained, It is a mode of consciousness to be perceived and felt.

Bless, Zdravko

When in balance, The mind sees synchronicity, The heart sees beauty.

Together they breed (magic) love.

When confused, The mind is loud, The heart is painful.

Together they breed suffering.

Know when you are confused. Go seek balance.

Bless, Zdravko

What truly inspires me the most, emotionally and intellectually when thinking about the human enterprise, are our Artists. With every stroke of their brush, they incorporate the current and full version of the universe, and extend it with their action. If you think about creativity for a moment, the cognitive ability to engage in free association, artists are somewhat on the path of becoming the masters of their creativity. An induced state of trance where the individual is receiving information from the cosmos (The Great Spirit) through their energetic chakra system; and tunnel it through their denser, materialistic projection of their current version of themselves, the universe, and this Earth.

They renew our world. They see and create new ways of expression, definitions and beauty. Our artists are our most important projectors into new space of rejunivation and unfolders of the fact that there are higher realms of reality.

Bless, Zdravko

Follow this link:
Consciousness Evolution

Written by admin

September 15th, 2015 at 8:43 pm

Consciousness and the Universe: Quantum Physics, Evolution …

Posted: at 8:43 pm

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Is consciousness an epiphenomenal happenstance of this particular universe? Or does the very concept of a universe depend upon its presence? Does consciousness merely perceive reality, or does reality depend upon it? Did consciousness simply emerge as an effect of evolution? Or was it, in some sense, always "out there" in the world? These questions and more, are addressed in this special edition.


Cosmological Foundations of Consciousness Origins of Thought Evolution of Consciousness Neuroscience of Free Will Quantum Physics & Consciousness Out-of-Body and Near Death Experiences Dreams & Hallucinations Paleolithic Cosmology & Spirituality Self-Consciousness in Apes, Dolphins, Cephalopods, Machines Consciousness in Extra-Terrestrials Sexual Consciousness How Consciousness Becomes the Physical Universe

Over 70 Consciousness Raising Articles By: Henry P. Stapp, Deepak Chopra, Roger Penrose, Stuart Hameroff, Brandon Carter, Michael Persinger, Walter Freeman, Howard Shevrin, Arnold Trehub, Bruce MacLennan, GianCarlo Ghirardi, Don Page, Shan Gao, Gordon Globus, Fred Kuttner, Bruce Rosenblum, Etzel Cardena, Larry Dossey, Bruce Greyson, Roger Nelson, Rudolph Tanzi, Ernesto Di Mauro, Michael Nauenberg, Thomas Suddendorf, Lori Marino, Andrea E. Cavanna, Ian Tattersall, Ellert R.S. Nijenhuis, Bruce Greyson, Milford H. Wolpoff, Edgar Mitchell, Thomas H. Huxley, Rene Descartes, Williams James, and many more.

This Text Is Divided into 13 Sections with nearly 70 Chapters

Section I. Cosmology of Consciousness

Section II. Brain and Mind

Section III. What is Consciousness

Section IV. Consciousness and Thought

Section V. Remote Consciousness

Section VI. Self-Consciousness - Dissociated, Shared, Near Death Consciousness

Section VII. Dreams, Hallucinations & Altered States of Consciousness

Section VIII. Origins & Evolution of Consciousness

Section IX. Paleolithic Consciousness: Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon, Spirituality, Sexuality

Section X. Animal and Artificial Consciousness

Section XI. Quantum Physics and Consciousness

Section XII. Consciousness and ExtraTerrestrials

Section XIII. Consciousness and the Universe

See the article here:
Consciousness and the Universe: Quantum Physics, Evolution ...

Written by admin

September 15th, 2015 at 8:43 pm Conscious Evolution: Awakening Our Social …

Posted: at 3:45 am

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Historically speaking, new worldviews have been responsible for causing major social transformations, says futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard. It occurred in the Renaissance when the idea of progress through knowledge was born. It happened in the United States when the principles of democracy and freedom became institutions. "Now once again a new world view is arising," writes Hubbard. "This idea is the culmination of all human history. It holds the promise of fulfilling the great aspirations of the past and heralds the advent of the next phase of our evolution. It is the idea of conscious evolution."

Human beings have now gained the ability to shape their own evolution, explains Hubbard, and therefore the next world task is to become conscious of this power and guide the earth and all its inhabitants into survival and fulfillment of our potential. Born out of the new spirituality, which began as a path toward self- awareness, but has quickly spread into a "social potential movement," Hubbard predicts that the ideology of "conscious evolution" will be seen as a pivotal turning point in human history, leading us into an era of heightened creativity, environmental accountability, and spiritual development.

Her message is steeped in intelligent writing and persuasive research. But most enticing, she writes as an optimist as well as a visionary. Rather than buy into the "old story" of imminent self-destruction, Hubbard sees the potential for humanity to create a "new story" that melds all our advances--spiritual, scientific, and social--into a glorious vision for the future. --Gail Hudson

Conscious Evolution comes under the heading of millennium books. As Hubbard describes, "It sets forth a vision of the vast transformational enterprise of the next millennium, and it seeks to discover the design of evolution inherent in all nature with which we can consciously cooperate to guide our actions. " She continues by describing how we can make a conscious transition from high technology, polluting and overpopulation to a system that fulfills our potential. In precise detail she reports where we've been, where we are, and where we're going. It's a positive book-one about doing There's a chapter on what we can do now and how to accomplish it. The last portion of the book has names, addresses and descriptions of resources to implement that action. The writing is simple and coherent and even with all the myriad pieces from government to spiritual, she brings it together in one seamless fit. -- From Independent Publisher

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