Archive for the ‘Ann Coulter’ Category
Ann Coulter: How Trump Will Lose the Debate – Northwest Georgia News
Posted: July 1, 2024 at 2:36 am
Donald Trump's recent proposal to give a green card to every immigrant who gets a degree from any college reminded me of his performance at the 2020 debates with Joe Biden.
Here's the 15-second version:
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Read more here:
Ann Coulter: How Trump Will Lose the Debate - Northwest Georgia News
Ann Coulter tells Vivek Ramaswamy she would never vote for him ‘because you’re Indian’ – Yahoo Singapore News
Posted: at 2:36 am
Failed 2024 Republican primary candidate Vivek Ramaswamy praised Ann Coulter for having the guts to make racist remarks directly to his face on his podcast this week.
Ms Coulter, a conservative firebrand with a history of openly racist remarks, appeared on the businessmans podcast, Truth, on Wednesday for an episode titled, The N Word: Nationalism.
Mr Ramaswamy welcomed Ms Coulter by telling her that he is a fan.
She replied that he is bright and articulate and notes that she wouldnt be allowed to say that to him, if he was an American Black.
She goes on to say that, even though she agreed with him more than most other GOP primary candidates, she would not have voted for him to be president because he is Indian.
She said: I agreed with many, many things you said during your campaign, in fact probably more than most other candidates when you were running for president. But I still would not have voted for you because youre an Indian.
She then claimed that the core national identity in the United States is a WASP - a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
[That] doesnt mean we cant take anyone else ina Sri Lankan, a Japanese, or an Indianbut the core around which the nations values are formed is the WASP, she continued.
Mr Ramaswamy was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Indian immigrant parents and is an American citizen. He would not have been eligible to run for president if he was not born in America.
Additionally, the Constitution of India does not permit holding of dual nationality by Indian nationals.
Mr Ramaswamy did not balk at Ms Coulters remarks, and the pair discussed their shared disdain of dual citizenship.
He pushed back on Ms Coulters idea that Americans whose families have been in the US for centuries were more American.
He argued that the children of immigrants could be more loyal to the US than a WASP, seventh generation descendent of some rich guy on the Upper East Side in Brooklyn that pretends to hate this country because its the cool thing to do.
Following the podcast, Mr Ramaswamy posted on X that he agreed with Ms Coulter on dual citizenship but disagreed with her reasoning on why she wouldnt vote for him. However he added that he admired her guts for telling him.
Ann Coulter told me flat-out to my face that she couldnt vote for me because youre an Indian, even though she agreed with me more than most other candidates, he wrote. I disagree with her but respect she had the guts to speak her mind. It was a riveting hour.
Congressman Ted Lieu, whose family immigrated to the US from Taiwan, said that he wasnt surprised by Ms Coulters racism but expressed sympathy for Mr Ramaswamys response.
I wasnt surprised that Ann Coulter made a racist statement about Vivek, he posted on X. What surprised me is the weakness and lack of self respect of @VivekGRamaswamy. Hes actually promoting this episode and praising the person who spewed raw racism to his face. I feel sorry for Vivek.
Read the original:
Bill Maher defends inviting ‘hard right-winger’ Ann Coulter on his talk show: ‘She’s not stupid’ – Yahoo Singapore News
Posted: at 2:36 am
Bill Maher has defended his choice to invite previous controversial guests, including Ann Coulter, onto his long-running talk series.
Over the course of his twenty season self-hosted show, Real Time with Bill Maher, the 66-year-old comedian-turned-political commentator has featured a slew of provocative guests.
In 2019, Maher was booed by audience members after he announced conservative media pundit, Coulter, was going to join him the following week.
Shes a hard right-winger, Maher acknowledged in a new interview with Variety.
However, a lot of the country likes Ann Coulter and listens to her, and shes not stupid, he defended.
I dont exactly read her books. But I know from when weve covered her issues in the past, its not like she doesnt do research.
Maher continued: Sometimes people say to me, Is she just saying something to be provocative? I dont think she is. I think you need to hear from all voices.
There are certainly people I would not bring on [the show]. I wouldnt have on someone from the Ku Klux Klan or a Nazi or something like that, he said.
When further asked where he draws the line when deciding who to have on his show, he explained that its a case-by-case basis.
I dont know. Sometimes people change. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter, Maher added: And if you dont like these people, just understand sunshine is the best disinfectant.
Real Time with Bill Maher premieres on Fridays at 10pm ET on HBO Max in the US.
View original post here:
How bad was it for Biden? Best pundit comments of the night … – Must Read Alaska
Posted: at 2:36 am
The first debate of the presidential election cycle had barely started when the pundits of X/Twitter were at it on the keyboard. They had plenty of material to work with, as President Joe Biden fumbled, mumbled, and was mostly incoherent.
The debate was hosted by CNN in Atlanta and there was no studio audience. Pollsters reported that 70% or more of the audience for the debate were Trump supporters, while Biden voters generally chose not to watch.
Here were some of the best lines from the X pundits as the spectacle unfurled on CNN:
Jesse Kelly: We all thought Joe Biden was a Camp David resting but clearly he spent the last week in Vegas with Charlie Sheen.
Rick Whitbeck: Our Commander in Chief. They totally screwed up his meds tonight
Jeremy Boreing: So Its Michelle, right?
Bill Ackman: I have to say this is embarrassing not just for @POTUS Biden but also for our country.
Ann Coulter: Even CNN cant save Biden from this performance.
Charlie Kirk: Gavin Newsom is skyrocketing on PredictIt right now.
Greg Gutfeld: Holy sh*t.
Tim Murtaugh: Any media want to take a stab at calling Bidens performance a cheap fake this time?
Jesse Kelly: This might be it for Joe. Man. This is brutal.
Matt Makowiak: Senior Dem lobbyist to me just now: There are going to be multiple members of congress that come out tomorrow and say Biden needs to step aside. For the good of the country.
Scott Adams: Ive never see Biden worse. Bad time to find his bottom.
Charles C Cook: Robert Hur deserves an apology.
Russell Brand: Were 17 minutes in, and Joe Biden is discussing the problem of people being raped by their brothers and sisters, which is quite an extraordinary yet niche topic to discuss.
Sarah Isgur: Forget the election, this is heading into 25th amendment territory.
Kayleigh McEnany: How in the world did 16 people sit at Camp David with Biden for a week and think this was a good idea? Political malpractice.
Ann Coulter: CNN moderators are surprisingly great. Not wildly unfair, as I expected. Good questions. LOVE the mic cut, LOVE no audience.
Michael Steele: This is painful. Trump full of sh!t and Biden cant find his.
Tim Murtaugh: This is as bad a blowout as any debate Ive ever seen. The first 30 minutes are key for catching the most viewers and Biden has just been a muttering ghost of his former self. Its really, really bad. Trump is calm, firm, and in command. The contrast is undeniable.
BIDEN: *rambles incoherently about his failure to secure the border*
TRUMP: I really dont know what he said at the end of that sentence. I dont think he knows what he said either.
Amy Walter: Odds of a September 10 debate are close to zero about now.
Matt Walsh: That was it. The debate is over. Biden cant even finish his sentence. Trails off into nonsense. Never seen a presidential candidate freeze like that. A moment that will be remembered forever. And its only going to get worse for Biden from here.
Your comments here:
Here is the original post:
How bad was it for Biden? Best pundit comments of the night ... - Must Read Alaska
"You’re Indian": US Author On Why She Wouldn’t Vote For Vivek Ramaswamy – NDTV
Posted: May 15, 2024 at 2:46 am
Vivek Ramaswamy and Ann Coulter in his podcast
Indian-American Republican leader Vivek Ramaswamy was told by American author Ann Coulter in his podcast that she wouldn't have voted for him in the US presidential election because he is an "Indian".
Later, Mr Ramaswamy in a post on the microblogging website X said he respects Ms Coulter because "she had the guts to speak her mind."
"Ann Coulter told me flat-out to my face that she couldn't vote for me 'because you're an Indian,' even though she agreed with me more than most other candidates. I disagree with her but respect she had the guts to speak her mind. It was a riveting hour. The TRUTH podcast is back," Mr Ramaswamy said in the post.
From the beginning of the podcast, Ms Coulter went on to take swipes at the Indian-American leader who tried to run for US President, but had to eventually support Donald Trump's candidature.
"... Fantastic opening monologue. I too am a fan of yours. I am going to make a point to make it fun. You're so bright and articulate. I guess I can call you articulate since you're not an American black - can't say that about them, it's derogatory - I agree with many, many things you say probably more than most other candidates. But I still would not have voted for you because you're an Indian," Ms Coulter said.
In announcing the podcast, Mr Ramaswamy clearly mentioned the discussion between the two had some 'interesting' bits.
"Ann Coulter challenged me. I challenged her. This episode will challenge you. You're not going to want to miss it," he had posted on X.
Back when Mr Ramaswamy announced he would run for president and would be Mr Trump's replacement, Mr Trump had largely avoided criticising the Indian-American leader due to his strong praise and defence of the former US President.
However, the criticisms started mounting as voters started making their voices heard in the first-in-the-nation caucuses, and as Ramaswamy became more direct in laying out the case for why he was the Trump alternative.
"You're Indian": US Author On Why She Wouldn't Vote For Vivek Ramaswamy - NDTV
Vivek Ramaswamy declares he would accept Trump’s VP offer, claps back at Ann Coulter’s racist remark – Hindustan Times
Posted: at 2:46 am
Biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who endorsed Donald Trump after pulling out from the 2024 White House race, has declared that he would accept an offer to be ex-president's running mate.
Ramaswamy recently appeared on PDB Podcast, and Patrick Bet-David sought his response on what if Trump wins and asks him to be his VP.
"Let's just say the president calls you, former president who's running right now, Trump calls you, he wins. Vivek, I want you to be the VP. I want you to be, after he wins, DAG. I want you to be Secretary of Commerce. I want you to be, is there any job you would say no to if he called you to say, I want you to help me with XYZ job?" the podcaster asked.
The Indian-American politician highlighted that he shares a good relationship with Trump and respects him immensely.
If he knows who I am, and we've got to know each other really well, if after knowing all of that, he would ask me to be vice president, or you brought up that example, let's just answer really honestly, anybody who cares about this country who's aligned with his vision and the Republican Party today, if they're asked to be vice president is going to say yes, and has a responsibility to say yes. And so I think that that goes without saying, he continued.
Its not me first, its not Trump first its America first," Ramaswamy asserted.
Responding to his announcement, one X user wrote: Vivek is dedicated to serving the country.
He sees it as service, not personal advancement, another reacted.
The announcement coincides with Ramaswamy's latest appearance in New York, where he has arrived to attend Trump's hush money trial in show of solidarity with other Republicans.
Also Read: Vivek Ramaswamy steps up attack on Biden administration as he joins Trump supporters at sham NY trial
Going forward, Ramaswamy reacted on his recent exchange with author Ann Coulter, who told him that she's wouldn't vote for him because he is an Indian.
I did not expect she would just kick it off right there, get right into the business. And I think it actually made for a really good conversation, believe it or not, he said on being asked about his conversation with Coulter.
Of course, I disagree with hell like her on that being a criteria to be the U.S. president is her description of whether or not you're an Indian. I'm born in the United States. I'm as American as they come, he added.
Calling it an honest discussion, Ramaswamy said: But I thought it actually formed a really strong basis for an honest conversation that we otherwise don't have because her view is that in order to actually be a U.S. president, you got to be even more American, right?
So you're not fully American if your parents weren't from the United States of America. And in order to trust somebody, the more generations they've been here, let's say you've been here six or seven generations, you have more of what she would call. I think she did call during the podcast, he added.
Ramaswamy, who has a history of opposing the hush money trial, is among Trump's top VP contenders. He is New York to spend the entire day with 77-year-old Trump.
Taking to X, he called the 45th president's trial a sham and said one lesson every American can take away from watching this trial: when weak-willed losers try to enter your life, run like hell in the other direction.
You know who ultimately actually casts the vote on this case? It's not just the jurors in that jury box. It's every American who votes this November to say NO to the weaponization of justice, he said while addressing the reporters on Tuesday.
See the article here:
Ann Coulter’s Bluntly Racist Admission To Vivek Ramaswamy Is Jaw-Dropping – HuffPost
Posted: at 2:46 am
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Originally posted here:
Ann Coulter's Bluntly Racist Admission To Vivek Ramaswamy Is Jaw-Dropping - HuffPost
Conservative author Ann Coulter heaps praise on GOP rising star Vivek Ramaswamy – then tells him she wouldn’t – Daily Mail
Posted: at 2:46 am
By Rachel Bowman For Dailymail.Com 17:55 09 May 2024, updated 19:18 09 May 2024
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter praised former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamybut then said she would not vote for him because of his ethnicity.
Thehedge fund multi-millionaire had a conversation with the conservative pundit on an episode of his show, The Truth Podcast, to discuss nationalism.
Ramaswamy warmly welcomed Coulter to the show where she returned with praise, calling the Republican rising star 'bright and articulate.'
Coulter said she agrees with Ramaswamy on many subjects, but shocked listeners with her reason for admitting she will not vote for him.
'I agreed with many, many things you said, in fact probably more than most other candidates when you were running for president, but I still would not have voted for you because you're an Indian,' Coulter said.
Ramaswamy is a 38-year-old father-of-two who campaigned on wanting to fix America's national identity crisis by ending the 'secular religion' of 'woke-ism.'
He has also been floated as a potential vice president pick for Donald Trump after dropping out of the Republican presidential primary in January.
Ramaswamy and Coulter agreed they both oppose the idea of dual citizenship, with the former candidate saying the 'essence of citizenship is which nation to whom you had your undivided loyalty.'
'You and I agree on so much there, but where II wouldn't say "lose you"but I may fail to fully understand you is, on that axis of citizenship, what does ethnicity have to do with the matter,' Ramaswamy said.
Coulter explained she will only vote for presidential candidates who are WASPs White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
'There is a core national identity that is the identity of the WASP, and that doesn't mean we can't take anyone else ina Sri Lankan, a Japanese, or an Indianbut the core around which the nation's values are formed is the WASP,' she said.
'We've never had a president who didn't have at least partial English ancestry, never.'
The constitutional requirements to run for president in the United States are to be a natural-born citizen, be at least 35 years old and have resided in the country for 14 years.
Ramaswamy, the son of Indian immigrants, was born in Cincinnati. Hegraduated summa cum laude from Harvard in 2007 with a degree in biology. He went on to receive a JD from Yale Law School in 2013.
Listeners praised Ramaswamy for how he handled the conversation and slammed Coulter for her comments, calling them 'racists.'
'This interview, the way Vivek handled himself and continued the interview, shows the magnanimous man he is,' said Kim Carrico-Stephens on X.
'Ann Coulter you're an abhorrent racist! Vivek is America First, will not be bullied, strong class act of a human.'
'Vivek showed extreme class when Coulter stated flat out because of his race she would not vote for him,' said Eric Pistey.
'He kept the conversation going and never fell into an offended or victim mentality. Well done by him.'
Others commented that Coulters views are outdated and said it damages her reputation.
'She is a typical boomer-mentality-lady, you just listen to them, nod and go on with your life,' said Mayra Smith.
'Why does she continue to fly into the reputation bug zapper,' said Eric Stoner.
Excerpt from:
Ann Coulter tells Vivek Ramaswamy she wouldn’t vote for him because he’s Indian – The Independent
Posted: at 2:46 am
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Failed 2024 Republican primary candidate Vivek Ramaswamy praised Ann Coulter for having the guts to make racist remarks directly to his face on his podcast this week.
Ms Coulter, a conservative firebrand with a history of openly racist remarks, appeared on the businessmans podcast, Truth, on Wednesday for an episode titled, The N Word: Nationalism.
Mr Ramaswamy welcomed Ms Coulter by telling her that he is a fan.
She replied that he is bright and articulate and notes that she wouldnt be allowed to say that to him, if he was an American Black.
She goes on to say that, even though she agreed with him more than most other GOP primary candidates, she would not have voted for him to be president because he is Indian.
She said: I agreed with many, many things you said during your campaign, in fact probably more than most other candidates when you were running for president. But I still would not have voted for you because youre an Indian.
She then claimed that the core national identity in the United States is a WASP - a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
[That] doesnt mean we cant take anyone else ina Sri Lankan, a Japanese, or an Indianbut the core around which the nations values are formed is the WASP, she continued.
Mr Ramaswamy was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Indian immigrant parents and is an American citizen. He would not have been eligible to run for president if he was not born in America.
Additionally, the Constitution of India does not permit holding of dual nationality by Indian nationals.
Mr Ramaswamy did not balk at Ms Coulters remarks, and the pair discussed their shared disdain of dual citizenship.
He pushed back on Ms Coulters idea that Americans whose families have been in the US for centuries were more American.
He argued that the children of immigrants could be more loyal to the US than a WASP, seventh generation descendent of some rich guy on the Upper East Side in Brooklyn that pretends to hate this country because its the cool thing to do.
Following the podcast, Mr Ramaswamy posted on X that he agreed with Ms Coulter on dual citizenship but disagreed with her reasoning on why she wouldnt vote for him. However he added that he admired her guts for telling him.
Ann Coulter told me flat-out to my face that she couldnt vote for me because youre an Indian, even though she agreed with me more than most other candidates, he wrote. I disagree with her but respect she had the guts to speak her mind. It was a riveting hour.
Congressman Ted Lieu, whose family immigrated to the US from Taiwan, said that he wasnt surprised by Ms Coulters racism but expressed sympathy for Mr Ramaswamys response.
I wasnt surprised that Ann Coulter made a racist statement about Vivek, he posted on X. What surprised me is the weakness and lack of self respect of @VivekGRamaswamy. Hes actually promoting this episode and praising the person who spewed raw racism to his face. I feel sorry for Vivek.
Ann Coulter tells Vivek Ramaswamy she wouldn't vote for him because he's Indian - The Independent
‘Won’t vote for you because you’re an Indian’: US author to Vivek Ramaswamy – The Times of India
Posted: at 2:46 am
NEW DELHI: US author and commentator Ann Coulter said that she would not have voted for the Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in the Presidential elections because he was an "Indian". Speaking to the Indian-American, who was running for President, Coulter said on his podcast 'Truth', I agreed with many, many things you said.. in fact probably more than most other candidates when you were running for president.. but I still would not have voted for you because youre an Indian. Responding to this, Ramaswamy later said on X, "I disagree with her but respect she had the guts to speak her mind. It was a riveting hour." Calling Ramaswamy "bright and articulate", the US author said, "I guess I can call you articulate since you're not an American black - can't say that about them, it's derogatory". The bit attracted reactions from people with one X user calling Coulter "Indophobic", while the other a "bigot". "It would be interesting to hear her rationale for being a bigot", a user wrote. However, some users came in support of Coulter with one saying, Vivek, you made it clear that you want America to be more accessible to Indian immigrants at a time when immigration restriction is a popular issue. Ann is correct to point that you have a vested ethnic interest in facilitating the great replacement." Earlier this year, Ramaswamy quit the US presidential race backing Donald Trump after his underdog campaign in the Republican Party's initial nominating contest in Iowa failed to gain significant traction. "I called Donald Trump to tell him I congratulate him on his victory. Now, going forward, he will have my full endorsement for the presidency. And I think were going to do the right thing for this country. And so Im going to ask you, to follow me in taking our America First movement to the next level, Ramaswamy had said.
Original post:
'Won't vote for you because you're an Indian': US author to Vivek Ramaswamy - The Times of India