Archive for the ‘Aerobics’ Category
Dancehall Aerobics Bucket routine – Video
Posted: January 7, 2013 at 5:45 pm
Dancehall Aerobics Bucket routine
Adina teaching in New york working out to bucket. for more info on dancehall aerobics log on to - dvd available get your copy today.
str8framyaaddanceTraceylee’s Step Aerobics – Video
Posted: at 5:45 pm
Traceylee #39;s Step Aerobics
AussiestepperRead more here:
Traceylee's Step Aerobics - Video
Posted: at 5:45 pm
joseph potcholo paduaOriginal post:
Aerial Aerobics at Mt Buller – Video
Posted: January 6, 2013 at 10:47 am
Tobacco – Nuclear Waste Aerobics (w/ Butter Beard) – Video
Posted: at 10:47 am
Tobacco - Nuclear Waste Aerobics (w/ Butter Beard)
Check out all the oxen; ollie, ollie, oxen-free! I make no copyright claims on the music which is Tobacco #39;s Nuclear Waste Aerobics from the album Maniac Meat.
Butter BeardRead the rest here:
Tobacco - Nuclear Waste Aerobics (w/ Butter Beard) - Video
Aerobics belly – Video
Posted: January 5, 2013 at 3:50 am
Jump in music fees charged by record companies threatens village hall dance and aerobics classes
Posted: at 3:49 am
Record companies planning hike in rates charged to amateur dance classes Instructors currently pay annual fee but will change to payment per session Fears that community classes could be wiped out as obesity threat rises
By Sean Poulter
PUBLISHED: 20:55 EST, 4 January 2013 | UPDATED: 20:59 EST, 4 January 2013
Aerobics, fitness and Zumba classes held in village halls are under threat over plans for massive increases to the fees charged by record companies for the right to play music.
Currently, instructors play a flat annual fee for a licence to play music in their classes. However, from May this will change to a charge per session.
Some instructors are barely covering their costs and claim the decision will more than treble the fees they must pay to provide the pounding beats that drive their classes.
Threat: Community classes in village halls could be forced to close as record companies plan huge rises in fees charged to play music at classes
Community classes could be wiped out at a time when the threat of obesity and associated ill health, such as heart disease and diabetes, has never been greater.
The net effect of the new regime is that a busy instructor running 320 classes a year will see the annual bill rise from 178.66 plus VAT to just over 600 plus VAT by 2018.
At the same time, someone who runs fewer classes 150 a year - would see the cost rise from 89.33 plus VAT a year to 282 by 2018.
Continued here:
Jump in music fees charged by record companies threatens village hall dance and aerobics classes
Water aerobics set to start
Posted: January 3, 2013 at 9:45 pm
CORUNNA Water aerobics classes will begin from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Corunna Middle School pool.
Water aerobics is a cardiovascular exercise that tones, trims and strengthens muscles, improves flexibility and builds endurance without putting stress on the joints. Routines are all choreographed to todays music and the entire class is done in the shallow end of the pool.
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Original post:
Water aerobics set to start
Aerobics + Resistance Is Ideal
Posted: at 9:45 pm
When you don't have much time to exercise and you need to lose weight, opting for aerobics is your best bet. But if you want to get the optimal benefits of exercise and you're willing to put in some extra hours every week, then a combination of aerobics and resistance training should be your regimen. That's the conclusion of a study done at the Duke University Medical Center and published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.
The researchers enrolled 234 overweight or obese participants ranging in age from 18 to 70 in one of three eight-month supervised protocols: aerobic training, resistance training, or a combination. All of the subjects had previously led sedentary lifestyles. A total of 119 of the participants stuck with the trials.
Those assigned to aerobic training exercised vigorously for approximately 45 minutes three days a week. The people in the resistance training group exercised three days a week on machines that targeted all major muscle groups with increasing resistance as strength was gained. The participants in the combination group did all the exercises of both of the other two groups. At the end of the study, each enrollee was assessed for weight, body composition, waist circumference, cardiopulmonary fitness, and strength compared to their baseline. A release from the American Physiological Society, which publishes the journal, lists these key findings:
*The groups assigned to aerobic training and combination training lost weight. Those who only did resistance training gained weight because lean body mass increased.*Fat mass and waist circumference significantly decreased in the aerobics and combination groups but were not changed in the resistance group.
*Lean body mass increased with both resistance training and combination training, but not with aerobics alone.
Read the original post:
Aerobics + Resistance Is Ideal
fitness holiday aqua aerobics december 2012 – Video
Posted: January 1, 2013 at 1:48 am
fitness holiday aqua aerobics december 2012
BootcampasiaGo here to read the rest:
fitness holiday aqua aerobics december 2012 - Video