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Archive for the ‘Aerobics’ Category

hi5india Dance & Aerobics [3] – Video

Posted: April 8, 2014 at 8:44 pm

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hi5india Dance Aerobics [3]
hi5india Dance Aerobics [3] choreographer Rinku by dharam pal arora 2-4-2014.

By: Dharam Pal Arora

See the original post here:
hi5india Dance & Aerobics [3] - Video

Written by simmons

April 8th, 2014 at 8:44 pm

Posted in Aerobics


Posted: at 8:44 pm

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By: Chantal Jolle

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Written by simmons

April 8th, 2014 at 8:44 pm

Posted in Aerobics

Water aerobics classes begin April 16 in Corunna

Posted: at 8:43 pm

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Posted: Tuesday, April 8, 2014 12:00 pm

Water aerobics classes begin April 16 in Corunna

CORUNNA Residents are invited to shape up for summer at a five-week session of water aerobics, to begin from 7 to 8 p.m. April 16 at Corunna Middle School pool. Class meeting dates are: April 16, 23, 30, May 7 and 14.

Cost is $10 total for the five classes and payable the first night.

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Water aerobics classes begin April 16 in Corunna

Written by simmons

April 8th, 2014 at 8:43 pm

Posted in Aerobics

Retirees Keep One Foot in the Workforce

Posted: at 8:43 pm

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Seniors today may well enjoy rounds of golf and water aerobics when they retire. But chances are, they fit it in when they're off the clock.

Whether motivated by mental stimulation or money, millions of Americans age 65 and older are keeping one foot in the workforce long after they leave their full-time careers.

Among current seniors, more than 16 percent were still in the labor force in 2010, up from 12 percent in 1990, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. A poll last year by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research also found 82 percent of workers age 50 and older believe it is somewhat likely they will work during retirement.

Often, that means consulting gigs, part-time jobs close to home or entrepreneurial pursuits that convert personal passions such as carpentry, tutoring or public speaking into income.

"Lots of older Americans are taking advantage of self-employment," said Kevin Cahill, research economist for the Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College. "We're in a new era of retirement, and we're not going back."

He added that "most people assume that seniors keep working due to financial necessity, and some do, but the majority do it to keep active and stay alert."

Highest payers

Those who seek to maximize their paychecks are best served by taking their education and experience on the road, said Kerry Hannon, author of "Great Jobs for Everyone 50+: Finding Work That Keeps You Happy and Healthy and Pays the Bills."

Touch base with your ex-employer first to find out whether you can assist with a new or ongoing project on a consulting basis, said Hannon. And look to other industries that may also have a need for your skill set.

"You're not reinventing yourself," Hannon said. "You're redeploying your skills."

See the original post here:
Retirees Keep One Foot in the Workforce

Written by simmons

April 8th, 2014 at 8:43 pm

Posted in Aerobics

To be ready for short sleeves and swimsuits, you need to kick up aerobics

Posted: at 8:43 pm

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The snow has finally melted and temperatures are on the rise. That can only mean one thing. Beach season is just around the corner, and people are sweating it out and pounding the pavement to achieve a summer-ready physique.

But only 20 percent of U.S. adults are meeting both the aerobic and muscle-strengthening components of the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions physical activity recommendations, said Mekenzie L. Riley, a University of Illinois Extension nutrition and wellness educator.

According to Riley, those physical activity guidelines recommend that adults get at least 2 hours a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as walking, or 1 hours a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, such as jogging or a combination of walking and running.

The guidelines also recommend that adults do muscle-strengthening activities, such as push-ups, sit-ups, or activities using resistance bands or weights. These activities should involve all major muscle groups and should be done on two or more days per week, she said.

Only 50 percent of adults are getting the recommended amount of aerobic activity, and only 30 percent are engaging in the recommended muscle-strengthening activity, she noted.

Although only 20 percent of adults are meeting both aerobic and strength-building activity recommendations, its a positive development that half of U.S. adults are meeting the aerobic guidelines and a third are meeting the muscle-strengthening recommendations, Riley said.

If you are meeting these requirements, the benefits to your long-term health are indisputable. You are doing a really good thing. However, thats not the only piece to the physical fitness puzzle. The American College of Sports Medicine now says that a sedentary lifestyle is a health risk factor, regardless of whether youre getting the proper amount of exercise, she added.

You might be pulling double sessions in the gym, but if you spend another five-plus hours sitting in front of a computer screen, television, or driving in a car, youre still endangering your health, she said.

Research shows that sedentary behavior -- sitting for long periods of time -- is distinct from physical activity and has been shown to be a health risk in itself. Meeting the guidelines for physical activity doesnt make up for a sedentary lifestyle, she said.

This is a problem because adults are sedentary for 60 percent or more of their waking hours. The risks of sitting all day are the ones youd expect: increased chance of heart disease and diabetes, a higher body mass index, and increased waist circumference. So what can we do? Get up and move!

See the original post here:
To be ready for short sleeves and swimsuits, you need to kick up aerobics

Written by simmons

April 8th, 2014 at 8:43 pm

Posted in Aerobics

hi5india Dance & Aerobics [2] – Video

Posted: April 7, 2014 at 8:47 am

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hi5india Dance Aerobics [2]
hi5india Dance Aerobics choreographer Rinku by dharam pal arora.

By: Dharam Pal Arora

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hi5india Dance & Aerobics [2] - Video

Written by simmons

April 7th, 2014 at 8:47 am

Posted in Aerobics

hi5india Dance & Aerobics [1] – Video

Posted: at 8:47 am

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hi5india Dance Aerobics [1]
hi5india Dance Aerobics choreographer Rinku by dharam pal arora 1-4-2014.

By: Dharam Pal Arora

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hi5india Dance & Aerobics [1] - Video

Written by simmons

April 7th, 2014 at 8:47 am

Posted in Aerobics

Get aqua-fit

Posted: at 8:47 am

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Instructor knows firsthand the benefits of in-water aerobics program

Roxanne Ryland

Aquafit instructor Rose McKay performs an exercise in the pool at the Hodder Memorial Recreation Complex in Deer Lake.

Rose McKay knows something about how fitness can help with health.

She started teaching aquafit classes in Deer Lake a few years back and has personally seen the benefits, both for herself and those taking her courses. Exercising wasnt as easy to begin for McKay as it was for others. She was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, a heart muscle disease for which there is no cure, and suffers from fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and diabetes. The resulting pain, exhaustion and stiffness made exercising difficult and it was suggested to her by a rheumatologist to try aquafit, a type of aerobics done in the water.

Its a lot of fun, its low impact, you can do things in the water that you cant do out of the water,she said. Its something that no everyone seems to know about, but it can help a lot of people.

McKay saw results. Her heart function went from 30 to 50. She was able to stop taking some of her heart medications and could also discontinue her diabetes medication.

She said although they have celebrated a few 80th birthdays at her classes, McKay considers aquafit something for everyone. Some choose to do high-intensity work during a session, others socialize and slack off, but she said as long as they are doing the work, they are getting exercise.

McKay recalled a time hearing about one person losing weight which he had been unable to accomplish before. Struggling with weight issues, he managed to get down to 200 pounds from approximately 240, something he could never do.

Now that might not be all aquafit doing that, but its at least part of it, she said. Once you start taking care of yourself, if you have the will power to exercise, you might have the will power to eat less or eat healthier.

View original post here:
Get aqua-fit

Written by simmons

April 7th, 2014 at 8:47 am

Posted in Aerobics

Ksm chair aerobics – Video

Posted: April 5, 2014 at 1:49 pm

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Ksm chair aerobics
bollywood mantra ramleela song.

By: Khushbu Patel

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Ksm chair aerobics - Video

Written by simmons

April 5th, 2014 at 1:49 pm

Posted in Aerobics

Putting some ‘Boom Boom’ into the old exercise routine

Posted: April 4, 2014 at 12:51 pm

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Today's most viewed articles

Sure I had joked about going to a burlesque aerobics class before, but I never actually got up the courage to try one out. I just couldn't see myself dancing like those women in "Cabaret" or "All That Jazz" in front of people. But that all changed after I got an invitation to try a free trial class at Thrive in Exeter from local "Boom Boom Burlesque" Instructor Caroline Ruhm.

"Take a chance, empower yourself and let your inner diva come out," Caroline urged women on the class's Facebook page.

Her ad promised a super fun and sassy exercise class with elements of strip tease and burlesque. I needed to bring only myself, a water bottle and a scarf. Oh yes, and be prepared to strut my stuff. I'm not exactly the strut your stuff type, but I figured what did I have to lose? The long winter had definitely taken a toll on my energy level and desire to exercise. Perhaps I just needed something new, something that would seem like fun instead of exercise, to jumpstart my routine.

If nothing else, I could feel like I was keeping up with current trends by trying out the class which is something of a craze across the country.

A longtime dancer, Caroline had always incorporated different dance styles into her Zumba classes but never thought of doing a whole class in a burlesque style. But after attending a workshop called "Hip to Strip" and talking with that instructor about burlesque, she came up with the idea for "Boom Boom Burlesque." She has been teaching the class in Exeter for just over a year and stressed that the class is not just for dancers, that anyone who is brave enough to try it, can do it.

"What I really want women to take from this experience is a sense of empowerment. I want to show women that they can do something they thought they couldn't do," she said. "When I'm creating the movement for this class, I'm trying to find a good combination of fun, sensuality, and strength. And something that's not too complicated."

That last part was key for me. I should perhaps mention that I have absolutely no skill or rhythm when it comes to group exercise and aerobics type classes. The beginning level of step aerobics on the Wii Fit is about as ambitious as I get when it comes to fancy footwork. Nonetheless I decided to give this burlesque class a try.

When I set out on Monday, I opted for my most conservative work out pants and tee-shirt. I wasn't quite ready to don burlesque attire. As it turned out, that was okay as most of the other women in the class were dressed like me. Caroline stepped it up a notch with a festive black sequined top and announced that we could dress up for the last class of the five week session.

A few of the women were regulars in both the previous burlesque classes as well as Caroline's Zumba classes. They got prime positions up front and were ready to go. I stationed myself near the back with a few older women and looked around self-consciously.

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Putting some 'Boom Boom' into the old exercise routine

Written by simmons

April 4th, 2014 at 12:51 pm

Posted in Aerobics

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