The New York Buddhist Church

Posted: September 10, 2015 at 8:45 pm

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Special Events Aug. 3-Sept. 7, Summer Break - Church closed

Sept. 4-7, Eastern Buddhist League Conference, Cleveland, OH.

Sept. 11, Fri., 60th Anniversary Commemoration of Shinran Shonin Statue, at 6:30pm.

Sept. 12, Sat., Memorial Service for Rev. Dr. Taitetsu Unno, at 2pm.

Sept. 13, Sun., 9/11 Victims Memorial Service, at 11am followed by Shotsuki Hoyo at 11:30am. 9/11 Memorial Concert with JAQUWA at 2pm, view flyer (PDF)

Sep.18, 25, Oct. 2, Buddhism for Beginners, from 7-9pm in three sessions, view flyer (PDF)

The New York Buddhist Church (NYBC) is a temple of Jodoshinshu True Pure Land School Buddhism, whose head temple is Nishi-Hongwanji Temple in Kyoto, Japan. Shinran Shonin (1173-1262) is the founder of this school of Buddhism.

The NYBC has been serving the New York community since 1938, and was founded by Rev. Hozen Seki with the assistance of his wife, Satomi, and concerned lay people. They all wished to share the Buddha-Dharma in America's most populous city, which then had no center for Jodoshinshu Buddhism. Their wishes have flourished as today we continue to share the Buddha-Dharma here in New York.

May the Wisdom and Compassion of Amida Buddha touch your heart so that you may be awakened to the world of True Dharma with Nembutsu.

See the article here:
The New York Buddhist Church

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Written by simmons |

September 10th, 2015 at 8:45 pm

Posted in Buddhism

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